The Apology

First came Max and Marla so, it's only fair that you get The Donald.  



"Donald Trump...Maxwell Sheffield...Oh, what am I saying! All you handsome zillionaires know each other!" Fran says smiling. 

Max has never met 'The Donald' personal, but moves closer to him like they were old chums. "Hello Donald, Maxwell Sheffield, how do you do?" he whispers shaking Donald's hand. 

"Nice to meet you," Donald whispers. "I'll meet you in the limo, Fran." The Donald says leaving the Sheffield Mansion. 

"You know, Mr. Sheffield. I just wanted to thank you for being so supportive of my career on the Rosie O'Donnell Show!" She says, as she's starts to walk out the front door. "A lot of men in your position would be threatened by me running with the movers and the shakers. Rubbing elbows, and god knows what else with the rich and famous. But not're really happy for me. I guess that's what you meant when you said you just wanted to be friends after our trip from Paris, huh?" she says looking at him a little sadly. 

"Yes, Miss Fine. I'm very happy for you." He says giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. Max smiles at her and watches her to go Donald Trumps waiting limo. His heart skips a beat as he witnesses Donald kiss her before she gets in. Max closes the front door slowly. He turns to face Niles. 

"Niles, get me a bottle of champagne," Max says. 

"Oh, to toast Miss Fine's success?" Niles says smugly. He knows his boss too well. 

"No, to shoot my eye out with the bloody cork!" Max yells, infuriated with himself for his damned repression regarding his feelings for Miss Fine. 


The last few weeks he had been so supportive of Fran's guest appearances on the Rosie Show, but her success has caused her to be popular with some of the biggest names in New York. She was rarely home anymore, and he missed her dreadfully, though he wouldn't admit it, even to himself. Seeing her leave with handsome billionaire Donald Trump was the last straw. He had to get her his nanny, of course. 

"Niles, Um, Hypothetically, if you cared very deeply for someone but feared losing them, what would you say to get them to stay?" He sits dejectedly on the couch.


"Oh sir, I'm not going anywhere!" Niles says, knowing full well to whom Max is referring. He is tired of this game that his boss is playing with Miss Fine. Niles is terrified that now that Miss Fine was semi-famous, some other millionaire was going to turn her head and she would leave them forever.


Max gives him a withering look. "Not you, you blithering idiot. Miss Fine!"

The doorbells rings. Niles just stands there.  

"Well, aren't you going to answer the doorbell?" An annoyed Max asks. 

"Oh, is that what that was, I didn't know, being such a blithering idiot!" he mutters under his breath as he walks over to let Fran's mother and grandmother in. 

Sylvia and Yetta rush over to check on Mr. Sheffield. Apparently Bubbie Sophie had come to Yetta in a dream and warned her that something horrible would happen to him. They were genuinely terrified that he was dead. 

"Oh, good, you're alive!" Yetta says hugging him close. "Make yourself scarce," she whispers to Sylvia who just rolls her eyes. 

"Does everyone in your family buy into this Bubbie Sophie thing?" Max asks Sylvia, an idea beginning to form. This could be just what I need to get Miss Fine back home with me, where she belongs.  

"If they know what's good for them they do," Sylvia says giving him a knowing look nodding her head 



Fran gets home at ten o'clock and goes up to her room. Max has been pacing his bedroom floor for hours nervously waiting for Miss Fine to come home. He hears her come in and jumps into his bed. She changes into her white silk pajamas and starts to head to the kitchen for a snack. She stops at Mr. Sheffield's door as she hears moaning coming from his room. "Mr. Sheffield?" she says tiptoeing in.  

Max is now thrashing about in his sheets. "NO, NO!" he cries. 

"Mr. Sheffield, wake up, you're having a bad dream." Fran says shaking him. 

"WHAT! Oh, Miss Fine! What are you doing here?" He looks at her quite confused and scared. 

"Well, I heard moaning and screaming coming from your room and figured I should be a part of it." she says, really meaning it. 

"I was having a dream...about you!" He looks at her with a terrified _expression. 

"There, there," she says sitting on the bed and taking him in her arms. "Calm down, tell me what you dreamnt, and I'll tell you what it meant." She soothingly strokes his face. 

He says trying to remember. "We were having a big a cemetery! Everyone was there. That's when your Bubbie Sophie came to me. Ugh, she was ghastly!" Max recalls with horror looking up at Fran. 

"Everyone said she looked just like me," Fran says looking at him skeptically. She was beginning to feeel a little insulted. 

"With a fantastic body!" Max quickly says. Fran hugs him closer.  

What a load of crap. She thinks. What's he up to? Ma told me the whole story of how she and Yetta came here earlier. Oh, well, any excuse to be in his bed. She thinks stroking him reassuringly. She was starting to get a little turned on at being this close to him in bed and without his noticing, she slips under the covers with him. 

Max proceeds to tell her how Bubbie Sophie warned him that the kids would grow up wrong and Fran would never marry if she stayed on Rosie's show. "What do you think it means?"  

"It's obvious," Fran says. "I should quit the show." 

"You think?" he says looking at her innocently. 

She looks at him. "You think I'm going to make a life altering decision based on some woman I never even met that comes to you in a dream? What am I, nuts?" 

"Mr. Sheffield, if you want me to quit the Rosie Show, just say so. You know I could never refuse you anything." She nuzzles his neck; her cheek rubs softly against his. He is starting to become aware of her body and being in bed with her. He had been so wrapped up in his phony story that he hadn't noticed that she was in her silk pajamas and he in his. He was surprised that Fran had managed to get under the covers without him noticing. Max was getting quite aroused as she was caressing his chest with her left hand as her cheek was still pressed up against his. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She is breathing a little heavily. Suddenly she kisses him softly on the lips. This causes him to experience some wonderful sensations in his groin. He can't resist and kisses her back. Max groans as her tongue parts his lips. Oh, god, we can't do this! He thinks suddenly desperately. But, he can't stop. He lets his tongue slide into her mouth and lays back on the pillow. He groans and pulls her on top of him. His hands start roaming her back until they reach her bottom. Max's heart is now pounding madly as he presses her into him. 

Fran moves her body on top of his. Now kissing more passionately. She rubs herself against his now obvious arousal. Max moans as she presses herself against him. He almost let's himself give in to his passion, but suddenly the cool hand of caution takes over. 

Oh my god...what are we doing? NO, no, we can't do this! he thinks suddenly panicking. Oh, god...what's she doing to me?! "Miss Fine stop. Please stop!" he cries rolling her off of him. "We can't do this! Do you know how you're torturing me!" Max's chest is heaving. He rolls her over on her back. He kneels over her holding her shoulders against the pillow. "We can't do this, Miss Fine," he says again, a little angry that she started it. 

Fran is stunned and very hurt by his reaction and his anger. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield..." she whispers her brown eyes blinking rapidly. Max is horrified as the tears well up in those eyes and suddenly stream down the side of her face. 

Fran struggles to get up but he holds her down. "Oh, Miss Fine! Don't cry! I can't stand it, please don't cry!" he says panicking.  

Oh, I have to get out of! I'll never be able to face him again! Why is he so angry? She is so embarrassed and disappointed at his reaction to her spontaneous seduction. After all, it was he who tricked her into his room on false pretenses! 

"Oh, god why is he being like this? I mean, what did I do that is so wrong? "Oh, Mr. Sheffield..please let me go back to my room! I'm so humiliated!" she sobs turning her head sideways into the pillow so as not to look at him. She can't break his grip and just gives up. Suddenly, without knowing why, she blurts it out. "I'm in love with you, Mr. Sheffield. I'm so sorry...I tried not to fall in love with you...but I just couldn't help it!" she whispers not able to look at him. "Now you know!" she cries, thoroughly defeated. 

Fran starts crying even harder at the realization that she has just completely opened herself to up to him. She manages to break away from his grasp enough to turn her back to him and bury her face into the pillow. Sobs rack her body as she clutches the pillow tightly to her. She is not only humiliated, but quite disappointed that he didn't want her as much as she wanted him. "Oh, I just give up. I have to leave here! I can't take it anymore!" she cries trying to get up again. 

Max's heart is beating through his chest at her tears and confession. He suddenly comes to realize that this is the first time she has ever really indicated that she was in love with him. He had said it to her on that fateful plane ride from Paris...but she had never said it back. How come he had never thought of that before? All the times she made him feel guilty for the thing, she had never really confirmed that she loved him." 

Max's body is trembling with emotion. He puts his arm around Fran's shivering body. "Please, please don't cry Miss Fine." He pleads. He turns her over to face him. She is stunned to see tears in his eyes as he look imploring into her eyes. Reaching down he kisses her frantically...desperately. "Please stop crying. I'm so sorry. I am such a bloody beast. I don't know what I was so afraid of!" He cuddles her close to him. She is still sniffling against his chest. He protectively tightens his hug.  

"Please don't cry. Oh Miss Fine you're breaking my heart that I hurt you this much!" He pleads his body trembling wildly with emotion. He is appalled and ashamed that he has caused her so much pain. 

"Mr. Sheffield, I just wanted to be with you!" She says tucking her head into his chest playing absent-mindedly with his chest hairs. "I'm so embarrassed. It's been so long since I've been with a man because I have loved you. I just couldn't bring myself to have relations with anyone. You have ruined me for other men." She confesses. "I was just so...turned on at being in bed with you, I'm a normal woman--I have needs too. I just lost control. I'm so sorry I molested you." She says starting to cry again at the thought of just how humiliated she is. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield I'm so humiliated." 

Suddenly Fran makes a life-altering decision. She looks at him sadly. "Mr. Sheffield, I don't think I can stay here anymore. It's just becoming to hard for me day after day. She says trying to break away from his embrace again. "I think it is best that I find another job." 

Max is horrified at her words. She wants to leave me? Oh, dear something you blasted idiot! He thinks hugging her even tighter. Don't say that Miss Fine!" He looks at her frantically. "Do you want to give me a bloody heart attack?" he says laying her on her back and getting gently on top of her. He looks down at her tear streaked face. He is now realizing his true feelings. Between her confession of love and fidelity, and the thought of her leaving he knows that it is now or never...this is his last chance. 

"You're not going anywhere Fran! Your mine!" he whispers kissing her deeply. "I love you too. I've been a bloody fool. I'm so sorry I hurt you! What can I do to make it up to you?" he says in a trembling voice, looking desperately into her eyes. Oh, God...please let her forgive me! I couldn't stand it if she were to leave! 

Fran is stunned at the raw emotion that is emanating from his body. He is shivering as he holds her as if for dear life. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She cries rubbing her cheek to his. She only knows that she wants to be with him here tonight. "Could...could I sleep here with you tonight? I promise I won't try anything. I just love being here with you." She looks at him like a child, still sniffling slightly. "We don't have to do anything." She says wiping her eyes as she looks sincerely into his. 

Max's heart soars at her naive _expression. He has never been more positive of his feelings for her. His heart pounds wildly in his chest as he takes her back in his arms and kisses her fiercely. "Fran, darling...There was no way you were going to leave my room tonight." He says, his voice now husky with renewed passion. He is completely aroused now that he realizes their true mutual feelings for each other. He has to have "And, yes we do." He says softly kissing her. 

Max's hand finds the buttons on her pajama tops. He slowly unbuttons them and his hand finds her breast. A small sigh escapes Fran as he gently caresses her. He is kissing her passionately. "Oh, Miss Fine...Fran!" I just want to make it up to you for being such a cad earlier! I want to make you feel good. What do you want me to do?" He whispers his voice slightly hoarse as his body presses desperately against hers. He tries to slow his body down as he is becoming too excited. Slowly. He admonishes himself. I have to satisfy her, to make up for all those times I hurt her! He thinks suddenly realizing how he had hurt her with his inane fears about their relationship the last few months. 

" Mr. Sheffield you're doing it." Was all she could manage. Her body is on fire. Just feeling his arousal pressed against her was having a drastic effect on her. She presses herself into him hugging him tightly to her. Her heart is racing. 

Max quickly takes off his pajamas and begins slowly undressing her as his lips wander her body. His tongue flicks it's way down from her breasts to her stomach. He groans as his hand finds her ultimate forbidden spot; first tentively, then with more confidence, he touches her deep...inside, causing her to cry out in ecstasy.  

"Mr. Sheffield!" she cries as the orgasm begins to envelop her. She presses her body up into his hand as the waves of sheer pleasure rack her entire body. His caressing fingers were so erotic and skillful. When those waves finally receded, she lay like a victim of a shipwreck...spent, damp, eyes closed and breathing heavily.  

When Fran finally opens her eyes, she was surprised that Max was over her gazing into them. He was beyond thrilled at her response...her passion. And, by the knowledge that he had undoubtly pleased her. "Mr. Sheffield" She whispers her voice shaking with emotion and excitement. She looks helplessly into his green eyes. "I've never felt like that before." She gasps hugging him tightly her body still trembling with passion. She looks at him rather shyly. "How can I return the favor?" She says seductively. 

Max realizes how successful he has been. His mind is now going to a more primitive place. He has to have her...soon. He reaches down and kisses her fiercely. Fran let's her hand wonder his incredible body, tentatively her hand explores his hard length. He moans as she caresses him. "Oh, Fran...I need you, now! Can I have you...please? I don't think I can wait any longer!" He pleads. He slowly spreads her legs apart and hovers over her. Maxwell lowers his manhood to her, gently at first. At his first introduction to her he loses all control and thrusts himself in...deep. Her initial cry of surprise dissolves into a moan of pure animal pleasure.  

"Oh, god!" He groans his head snapping back at the feeling of being in her for the first time. He drives himself more urgently into her. Fran instinctively grinds herself into him and wraps her legs around him tightly as the second waves of ecstasy rush through her. "Mr. Sheffield!" She cries. At her cry of passion, Max completely lost it. He ferociously thrusts himself several more times until he released explosively. He collapses on top of her his face buried in her neck. His body shuddering uncontrollably. 

Fran was still in the troughs of her climax and her body arched into him for a second before she finally relaxes under him. Their breath was coming in short spurts, their bodies heaving against each other. Their hearts are pounding madly against each other. 

Finally Max regains his strength and some of his senses. He rolls off of her and props his body up looking gently down at her. She has never experienced anything close to the pleasure she just had in her life. She relives it briefly, causing her body to tremble. As her breathing was coming a little more slowly. Now she has come back to reality, and she was a little afraid to face him. Suddenly she was worried that now that it was over, he might just take it back. 

Fran slowly opens her eyes and is startled to see him gazing down at her again. The look of pure love in his eyes vanquishes all her trepidations. He reaches down and kisses her softly on the lips. 

"So, Miss Fine." Max says with a twinkle in his eyes. "Do you forgive me?" 



The End