
Fran has been trying to get to sleep for two hours. Something is nagging at her, and she can't think of what it could possibly be. She was relieved to be over her shopping addiction, though she has no clue what suddenly cured her of it. Before she went to bed, she and Mr. Sheffield had finished organizing her numerous purchases with their respective receipts and were going to return them all tomorrow. What the hell did she need with a saddle, anyway? she ponders. 

Mr. Sheffield's so sweet. What other boss would have cared enough to stay with me all night so I wouldn't buy anything off the television shopping network. She thinks remembering waking up in his arms on the couch last night. And after I stole Nile's credit card he actually found me at the outlet mall in New Jersey! I can't believe that he would care enough to actually drive all the way to New Jersey to find me! She turns over and fluffs her pillow. All I remember is him picking me up off the floor--what caused me to black out? 

After several more restless minutes, Fran finally falls to sleep.  

"Look Miss Fine, I know you want a family of your own, but in the meantime, do you think you could settle for three children who adore you and a man whose life would be very empty without you?" Max says looking at her tenderly.  

"Oh Mr. Sheffield, that's very sweet. But even Danny, who is the biggest schmuck in the world, has found someone to love. What if that doesn't happen to me? Don't you ever feel the same way"? Fran says turning to look at him. Their eyes lock. 

"Yes, I...." Max starts. He suddenly grabs her and kisses her, releasing a passion that was over two years building.  

"OY!" Fran exclaims sitting straight up in her bed, now wide-awake. "That wasn't just a dream--I remember! Oh, my god...that kiss! Her heart is pounding madly as she revisits the cause of her blackout. That incredible kiss! She lays back on her pillow slightly confused. Why did he kiss me like that, and then pretend it didn't happen? Was he embarrassed or scared? Should I confront him--no, he's so repressed that it would probably scare him to death. He is so handsome, but, I am so out of his class I could never seriously think he would ever get involved with a girl like me...yet, maybe it's my imagination, but I remember several times when he seemed jealous of my dates--nah, I'm crazy," she says to herself. Oh, well...forget about it, Fran, it ain't gonna happen. She thinks a little sadly.  

Exhaustion finally takes its toll and Fran falls into a deep, dreamless sleep. 


The next morning Fran wakes up refreshed. The memory of the kiss fading from her mind. Why dwell on something that could never happen again, She convinces herself. She walks into the Sheffield dining room with her usual cheery greeting. "Good morning, everyone!" 

"Good morning Miss Fine," Maxwell says. "You must have overslept...the children are already gone." Max looks at her a little uneasily. He didn't get much sleep last night either. That kiss had a drastic effect on him...more than he would admit to himself. He had been incredibly relieved that she had fainted and had no memory of it. He had been smitten with Miss Fine since she had handed him that resume written in lipstick two and a half years ago. Since that time his infatuation had grown into love, even though he wasn't completely aware of his feelings. He had repressed his emotions for so long over the last seven years since his wife passed, that he was no longer in touch with them. That kiss, yesterday suddenly made him aware that something was missing in his life...but what? That question was the cause of last night's lack of sleep. 

"Mr. Sheffield, I want to thank you again for yesterday," Fran says gratefully. "If you hadn't help me cure my addiction to shopping, I would be broke! I just wish I could remember why I blacked out at the mall!" She ponders looking him in the eyes to gage his reaction. 

"Um, yes...It was the strangest thing," he says uneasily, the memory of that kiss flooding back, causing a pleasant little jolt in his lower body. His cheeks turn slightly red in embarrassment.  

That was all the proof Fran needs to confirm what she remembered last night had really happened. She looks at him affectionately and knows that she can never confront him with it. He gets embarrassed just thinking about it, he would pass out if I brought it up. I can't do that to him, after all he's done for me. I'll just file that kiss away as a pleasant memory. She decides dismissing the whole incident from her mind she starts to plan her day. 

C.C. Babcock breezes in. "Hello, hello! Maxwell, you were complaining the other day that Andrew Lloyd Webber gets all the publicity and you are always overlooked. Well, I've hired Sydney Mercer as your publicist! He's wonderful--we'll get you some national exposure in no time!" she says happily as they all walk into the living room. 

"Oh, C.C., I don't want a publicist--I think it is so tacky to promote yourself!" he says immediately forgetting his embarrassment from the kissing incident. 

Niles answers the doorbell; opening the door to the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Sydney has a skirt shorter than Fran's; her gorgeous blond hair is almost as long as her incredible legs. 

C.C. immediately looks at Maxwell. Her heart sinks as she sees his jaw drop.  

"Hello, I'm Sydney Mercer!" She says breezing into the living room. C.C.'s heart skips a beat as she rushes over to her. 

"You aren't Sydney Mercer. I know him, he's a short, fat old womanizing geezer!" Oh, no, just what I need! Another beautiful woman in Maxwell's life! She thinks starting to panic. C.C. has been after Maxwell for years, but he has always seen her a just a business associate. 

"That's my father, and business partner," Sydney says coldly, looking C.C. up and down. 

Max rushes over to them and says. "Welcome, Miss Mercer. I'm Maxwell Sheffield. Please come into my office." His heart is beating faster as he guides her past a seething C.C. and a surprisingly confused Miss Fine. Oh, she's just lovely! That long blonde hair, and those legs! She takes my breath away! He thinks excitedly. 

Sydney looks at Max appreciatively. "Oh, Max, you are devastatingly handsome, that hair, your are a publicists dream! This is going to be a piece of cake!" she gushes. 

Max blushes and his heart beats even faster. He is sitting at his desk looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. Fran, for some reason is not at all happy seeing that look in his eyes. She takes the cup of coffee that Niles hands her and is even more confused by her current feeling. 

"Maxwell and I are partners. We don't hire anyone without discussing it with each other." C.C. says standing behind Max. 

"You're hired." Maxwell says ignoring C.C. "And to think, I was so recalcitrant earlier!" he marvels. 

"Eggs always do that to him," Fran says. 

"Miss Fine, why are you here?" Max says annoyed. 

"I don't know...everyone was walking this way." She sets her coffee down and leaves the office slightly hurt. 




Over the next week, Sydney has completely transformed Max's style. Gone are the Brooks Brothers suits. He is now dressing in leather and fashionably ripped blue jeans. Max is completely smitten with Sydney and would do anything she asked of him. As he walks into the front door dressed like this, Fran and C.C. gasp. They have never seen him so grungy...or sexy. Fran in particular is having thoughts that she has always subconsciously suppressed. 

Oh, look at the way he looks at Sydney. Why is that bothering me? I'm the one who told him to take off his wedding ring and go out there and find someone. She is surprised at her own thoughts. When Max asks Sydney to join him at the Rainbow Room for dinner, right in front of her, the small jolt of jealousy she suddenly feels shocks her. She doesn't want to witness anymore and walks dejectedly to the kitchen. 

"Oh, Niles! What's wrong with me? Why am I so incredibly depressed?" Fran asks explaining what had just happened in the living room to her friend. "I mean I know I'm only the nanny. He's my boss. But, can I confide in you what happened last week? Remember when I had my shopping addiction? Well, the reason I blacked out in the store was because Mr. Sheffield laid the most incredible kiss on me! I didn't even remember it when I came to. It took a dream last night to jog my memory!" 

Niles was pleased to hear about the kiss, he had been hoping that his boss would make a move on Miss Fine. He hasn't been all too happy with Mr. Sheffield's actions towards Sydney this week, himself. He knew that it was Miss Fine that Max really loved and couldn't understand his sudden interest in Miss Mercer. After all, Mr. Sheffield is surrounded by beautiful women daily at the theatre, what is so different about Miss Mercer?  

Suddenly he realizes something. Was it because she was so unattainable, which made her safe? Did he let himself be smitten with her because he subconsciously knew that she wasn't interested? Niles had observed that Sydney didn't seem to be romantically interested in Max, even though nobody else seemed to notice. There was just something about her that wasn't quite right. Niles is an excellent judge of people...he will figure it out. 

"Miss Fine. Could it be that you might just be in love with Mr. Sheffield?" he asks sympathetically. Niles had seen the awestruck looks she had given Max over the last two and a half years. He remembers how she gushed to him the night he rescued her at her camp reunion a year ago. Val had told Niles that Fran wouldn't let herself think of Mr. Sheffield in that way because she thought she wasn't good enough for him, considering their backgrounds.  

"Oh, don't be silly, Niles! How could I been in love with him? Like he could ever care for someone like me!" She says, but suddenly realizes that Niles is right, she had fallen for him. Oh, no! He's right. Oh, you idiot! Why did you let yourself fall for him? You always let yourself fall for the wrong guy! But, how could I not have fallen for him? He is handsome, wealthy, British, and, most important, so kind. That's really what I love most about him...he's so genuinely kind. With all he has going for him, you wouldn't think that he would be such tremendous person. She is startled and dismayed by her thoughts. 

"Oh, no....Niles! You're right! I do love him! I've been trying to fight my feelings for over a year now! I am just now admitting it to myself." She says tears forming. "Now what do I do? He's obviously in love with Sydney...I can't fight that! She's from the same world he is. I'm a nobody!" She walks over to him and he takes her into his arms. 

"Miss Fine...don't say that! You are a marvelous person! Look what you've done for this house; you turned it into a home again when you came to us three years ago. I see how Mr. Sheffield looks at you. I'm sure he feels the same way. He is just so repressed since his wife died," Niles says holding her. 

"Well, he doesn't seem very repressed around Sydney!" she cries. "He's positively giddy! No, Niles, face it. I have no shot." She sadly walks into the living room just in time to witness Max take Sydney in his arms and kiss her softly on the lips. 

Fran can't control herself and gasps in shock. Max turns to her slightly embarrassed and is puzzled by the look of betrayal in her eyes. Fran turns and walks quickly out of the room back to the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.  

Max tries to sort out his feelings. Somehow that kiss just didn't feel right. He thinks very confused. I mean, I've wanted to do that for a week, but it just didn't do anything to me. I just didn't feel anything. More importantly, why did Miss Fine look so shocked and hurt when she witnessed it?  

Sydney interrupts his thoughts. "Um, Maxwell...just so you don't get the wrong idea about our relationship, I have to tell you something...I'm gay," she says shrugging, backing away from him. 

"What?" he whispers. "Oh, forgive me. I don't know what came over me!" Max says running his hand through his hair. He is now completely humiliated.  

"No problem! It happens all the time!" she says smiling as she walks out the front door. "I'll see you later! We still have a lot of business to discuss. I'll call you." 

Max sits on his couch. Now that his embarrassment has subsided, he is more puzzled and worried by the feelings of extreme guilt that are racking him. The look on Miss Fine's face rattled him to his core. "Could she have been hurt that I had been kissing another woman? She's never given me any indication that she has feelings for me," he says softly to himself. "No, that's ridiculous! She has so many dates with all those blokes she's always going out with." He suddenly realizes how jealous he always is when she is out with other men. He also knows that the guilt that is currently surging through his body is due to his feelings for her. 

Max walks up the front stairs and knocks gently on her bedroom door. 


Meanwhile, Fran is lying on her bed clutching her pillow in front of her. Soft tears are flowing as she realizes the hopelessness of her situation. She suddenly realizes the truth. "I can't stay here, anymore! How can I witness him and her in love day after day! Oh, why did I have to fall for him? I have to get out of here, now!" she says as she gets up and starts pulling suitcases out of her closet. She starts packing her clothes, still crying softly. 

"Come in," she says quickly wiping her face as she hears a soft knocking on her door. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, what do you want?" She tries to hide her face, but he sees that she has been crying. 

He also sees what she is doing and his heart starts racing. "Oh, Miss Fine! What are you doing? Why are you packing?" He cries moving quickly over to her. 

"Uh, Mr. Sheffield. I have to leave here. I'm sorry not to give you two weeks notice, it's sort of an emergency." She says avoiding eye contact. She continues packing. 

Max gently grabs her wrist and turns her towards him. "Miss Fine, you're terrifying me! Please tell me why you want to leave! What's happened? I thought you were happy here!" He cries. He realizes that his whole body is trembling at the thought of her leaving. "Is somebody in your family sick? Why would you possibly have to leave this quickly?" 

"No, nobody's sick, it nothing like that." Fran is starting to panic. Oh, I'm a terrible liar! If I stay any longer he'll get the truth out of me! I just can't tell him the truth, it would be too humiliating. I have no right to love him! I have to get out of here now! She thinks. I'll come back for the rest of my stuff when he's not here.  

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Sheffield. I have to leave immediately," she cries breaking away from his grip she grabs one suitcase that was already packed. Before he can stop her, she runs down the stairs and out the front door, leaving Max standing there in a state of shock. 

"What the bloody hell just happened now?!" he cries. He can't believe how this evening has unfurled. First he was mad about Sydney now he's horrified that Miss Fine has run out on him. Getting his senses back he races down the stairs after her. He runs out the front door just in time to witness her riding away in a taxi. He shakes his head in disbelief and slowly walks back into the mansion. He sits on the couch and replays what had just transpired in his mind. Suddenly he remembers that kiss a week ago in that mall. How it had deeply affected him. He had been trying to put it out of his mind for a week, but now it was all he could think about. He didn't get the feeling he felt when he kissed Miss Fine as when he kissed Sydney. He is now completely confused. 

Niles walks into the living room and sees the look of despair on Max's face. "Sir, is something wrong?" he asks worriedly. 

"Oh, Niles...I'm so confused. I don't quite know what's happening." He proceeds to tell a horrified Niles the whole story. ", she just ran out the door with her suitcase. I have no idea where she went! Why did she go? I thought she was happy here. I just don't understand!" he cries running his hands through his hair. 

"Oh, sir...she witnessed you kissing Miss Mercer? That has to be it! I shouldn't tell you this, but I think it is imperative that you know the whole truth. Miss Fine just confessed to me that she is in love with you. She herself wasn't even aware of it until today. I guess it was the sight of you falling for Miss Mercer that brought her feelings out. I'm positive that the sight of you kissing Miss Mercer must have hurt her very deeply," Niles tells a stunned Max. 

"S-She's in love with me? Oh, Niles, I had no idea! She never gave any indication that she had feelings like that for me." As he analyzes the situation, Max is not at all displeased by this revelation. In fact, a sudden calm takes over him. "Niles, I have to get her back...she's part of the family now! She belongs here with!" Damn, why do I keep saying that? He ponders not realizing that his subconscious is prodding his feelings. 

"Sir, if I may ask, how do you feel about her?" Niles says gazing deeply into his boss's eyes, trying to gage his reaction. 

Max is surprised by the question. He looks at his butler slightly confused. "Well, Niles, of course I'm fond of her. And very grateful for what she's done for my family." He says a little uncomfortably. How do I feel about her? Of course I am attracted to her, after all I'm a normal healthy male. ? Who wouldn't be. He thinks, but that incredible kiss a week ago keeps creeping back into his mind. 

Niles looks at him skeptically. "Well, Mr. Sheffield...if she really is in love with you and you don't feel the same, I don't think it would be fair to try to get her back. It would be too difficult for her to live here with you with feelings of unrequited love." He says sadly. Maybe he doesn't love her. Were my instincts so wrong about him? Niles wonders starting to worry that they may have lost Miss Fine forever. 

"I-I suppose you're right, Niles. I'm sure it's just a crush on her part. Perhaps if we give her some space, she'll realize that and come back on her own," he says trying to convince himself. "Yes, that's it! It's probably just a crush. I'll give her some time to think about it." 




It's been four days and no word from Miss Fine. Niles and the children are depressed and Max is beside himself. The only one in the house that is happy is C.C., which makes things insufferable for Niles. Her glee makes it impossible for him to throw insults at her. 

Maxwell walks dejectedly into the kitchen. "Oh, Niles...I can't believe she hasn't come back by now! Could I have made the biggest mistake in my life when I didn't go after her? This house is just horrible without her! It's so terribly dull and quiet. I can't believe how much I miss her, well we all do!" he says quickly rubbing his hands together nervously. 

"Why don't you go after her? I mean, if you care for her," Niles says wondering what his true feelings really were. He was positive that his boss loves Miss Fine, but Niles realizes that Mr. Sheffield was just going to have to figure it out on his own. 

"I've already tried to find her at her parents and at Miss Toriello's" He confesses a little sheepishly. "They don't know, or won't tell me where she is! I'm at a loss! Where can she possibly be?" Why do I feel so bloody awful...and lonely? It's almost as if I've lost my wife all over again! I miss her dreadfully! Max thinks. Thoroughly confused by his feelings, he walks out of the kitchen to his office. He tries to get some work done, but concentrating is impossible. It suddenly hits him. "I'm in love with her! I only went after Sydney because I was denying my true feelings for her! That's why that kiss with Sydney didn't affect me at all," he whispers his head drops into his hand. He runs them through his thick hair. Suddenly his blood runs cold. Have I lost her...I must find her, but how? Where the bloody hell is she!? 


As Niles is cleaning up the dinner dishes he heads to the door as he hears soft knocking. "MISS FINE!" he cries, elated. "You've come home!" 

"Shhhh" Niles, is Mr. Sheffield around. I won't stay if he is. I just wanted to pick up the rest of my stuff! I figured he'd be at the theatre by now." 

"No, Miss Fine, he won't be home for hours," Niles lies. "You can go right up to your room. I'll be up soon to help you." 

"Thanks, Niles! I'll explain everything when you come up," Fran says relieved as she heads into the living room and up the stairs. 

Niles runs into Max's office. "Sir, Miss Fine is here! She just went upstairs to get the rest of her belongings! I told her you were out!" Niles says breathlessly. 

"SHE'S HERE?" Max cries overjoyed. He races out of his office and bounds up the stairs two at a time. He stops in front of her door. His stomach is suddenly in knots and he pauses to compose himself. He opens the door and silently steps in. The sight of her makes his heart soar. He hadn't realized just how much of a void his life had these last four days until he saw her. He knows for sure that he must keep her all costs. 

Fran looks up and is startled to see him standing there. Their eyes lock as if they are seeing each other for the first time. Max walks slowly over to her, never letting his eyes break contact. He pulls her tightly into him and kisses her with a passion that leaves them both trembling. 

Oh, my god...what's happened? Fran thinks. I feel like I'm about to faint again! She holds tightly around his neck, partly from passion and partly to keep from collapsing. Max's heart is pounding wildly. His whole body is suddenly shivering with emotions...the depths of which are surprising him. "Oh, Miss Fi...Fran," he whispers. "Please don't leave me again." He is now holding on to her and rubbing his cheek against hers. 

"M-Mr. Sheffield?" What's he doing? He's acting like he's in love with me or something! What about Sydney? "Um, Mr. Sheffield, what's going on?" She is near tears now and completely confused. Then she remembers. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, the only reason I left was because...I fell in love with you. I tried not to...I really did. I just couldn't help myself." The tears are now falling. "I'm so sorry! I know that I have no right to love you," she sobs buying her head in his chest. 

Max composes himself and takes her over to sit on the bed. He looks at her. "Fran, I have been a bloody fool. You've been living here for two and a half years, and I think I've loved you every single day of that time. I've missed you dreadfully these last four days. You can't leave me again...I won't let you!" he says hugging her tightly to him, his body still quivering. 

Fran looks up in wide-eyed, open-mouth disbelief. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she whispers. Max reaches down and kisses her. A small moan escapes as his tongue parts her lips for the first time. They lay on the bed engaging in some good old-fashioned 'necking'. Max is starting to get more than a little aroused and forces himself to stop before he gets past the point of no return. 

"Um, Miss...Fran." he says his voice slightly husky with passion. "Would you do me the honor of letting me escort you on a date?" He smiles down at her. 

Fran's a little disappointed that he stopped their necking session, but knows it's for the best. She really couldn't make love to him before their first date! Or could she? She smiles seductively up at him and pulls him down on the bed. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she whispers kissing him passionately. 

Max smiles down at her, his heart pounding madly. He lays her down and gets lightly on top of her, gently kicking her half-packed suitcase off the bed. 



The End