Oh, Mr. Sheffield!

Oh, Mr. Sheffield!


Mary Ann

"Oh cheer up Miss Fine. So Tony wasn't the one. You're a beautiful woman. You shouldn't go rushing into relationships. Don't chase men...find a way to make them chase you!" Maxwell Sheffield says overjoyed that he was able to pry Tony away from Fran by offering him an understudy job for his next show featuring Mandy Pantinkin.

OK, I'll give it a try." Miss Fine says positioning herself to flee if necessary. "You're new understudy...he's in the mob." She starts to back away from him...cautiously, letting him absorb what she just confessed.

He looks at her incredulously "MISS FINE!" He screams moving towards her.

Fran runs through the living room into his office. He is right behind her. As she sees he's caught up to her, she turns quickly to run back out the door, but Max is too quick. He slams the door shut. She is facing the door trying to pull it open. He is standing behind her holding the door closed with one arm straight out leaning on it. He is breathing rather heavily from the run and his anger over the fact that she got him into another incredibly ridiculous situation. He grabs her shoulder and turns her around to face him with his free hand. Now that he's finally caught her, what does he do with her?

Oy! He's really mad this time! She thinks as she looks into his eyes. She tries to put more distance between them but the closed door is to her back. Fran has never been this trapped with him when he was angry. "I'm sorry, Mr. Sheffield...but, it's really not my fault! She pleads looking imploringly into his eyes. How did I know you would offer him a job?" She is now a little scared as he moves closer to her. She manages to turn around and try the doorknob again...to no avail. He's too strong, and she is beginning to be aware of the potential danger of his powerful male body holding her there.

She's never seen this look in his eyes. How had he caught her? He turns her back around to face him and looks her up and down. She sees something in his eyes, though it doesn't look like rage. But, she is starting to get genuinely scared.

Max looks down at her and sees the fear in her eyes. She's right; it really wasn't her fault that I hired that bloke. I was so bloody jealous of that tall handsome Italian with her. He immediately softens and feels guilty for scaring her. The fact was that he had never caught her before. He had always wondered what he would actually do if he did.

His anger was subsiding as he realizes that he was feeling emotions far from anger at being this close to her. He's close enough to her now to smell her delightful perfume. He reaches behind her and locks the door. Fran's heart skips a beat at the sound of the lock. Oh, god. What's he going to do to me? She thinks starting to panic a little. Max is feeling emotions he didn't know he was capable of. He reaches slowly for her throat. His hand softly encircles her neck. Fran's eyes open wide as saucers at his touch.

Oh, my! What's he doing? Have I finally caused him to snap? Does he want to strangle me? "M-Mr. Sheffield..." She whispers trembling slightly backing into the door. "I'm very sorry..." She looks up at him and puts her hands on his chest ready to push him away if he really was going to kill her.

"Shhh... He gazes at her as he takes in her perfect body. The look of raw emotion in her eyes makes his blood race and his heart pound. He traces his finger up her neck to her cheek causing her whole body to tingle. She gasps at the feeling, licks her lips and closes her eyes. This makes Max shudder with desire. God, she's so gorgeous. How have I held her at arms length for three whole years? I just can't take it anymore! He thinks letting himself give in to his visceral needs. He pulls her to him and kisses her passionately. His heart is pounding madly now and his arousal is immediate and insistent. "Oh Fran!" He moans as he kisses her and lets his tongue parts her lips. His body is shuddering as he feels her against him.

Fran gasps with surprise as he desperately presses himself against her. A thousand jolts of electricity ignite her groin. What's going on? Have I caused him to finally lose his mind? Wow, what's that I feel against me! A stunned Fran thinks. Not that I'm complaining. As she is getting over the shock of this incredible turn of events, she starts to kiss him back with the same fervor he is experiencing. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" She whispers pushing herself into him and holding him tightly. Her hand caresses his back. She reaches down and grabs his bottom pulling him desperately into her.

Her reaction drives Max crazy. He starts applying soft kisses down her neck. His trembling hand works it's way hesitantly under her sweater and reaches her breast for the first time gently caressing it. He lets out a small groan and presses himself against her more ferverently. Both their hearts are now racing, all control is gone. Max reaches under her short pleated skits and gently grabs her bottom. He lets his hands slide beneath her lace panties and lifts her up into his arousal. Her legs wrap around his waist as he pulls her into him. He presses her fiercely against him, breathing heavily, his chest heaving with excitement. The feeling of her rubbing against him makes him gasp. He backs her up against the door, still pressing her into him. "Uhhhh. Miss Fine...Fran...I want you so badly! I don't think I can wait any longer. I have to have you...now!" He whispers starting to unzip his trousers still kissing her.

At the sound of his zipper, Fran suddenly comes to her senses. Oh, no! We can't do this here...now! It just doesn't seem right. She thinks suddenly panicking. This just isn't how it's supposed to be. If I let him have me like this, he's going to lose respect for me! I've loved him for so long now I just can't take that risk! It takes all her will power to stop. She unwraps her legs from him and gently pushes him away.

"Mr. Sheffield, I don't think this is a good idea...do you?" She says breathing heavily holding on the doorknob to steady her shaky legs.

Max is stunned that she stopped. "Oh, Fran...please, I-I need you." He says his voice husky, his breath coming in short spurts. "D-Don't you want me? Oh, god...I don't think I can take it if I don't make love to her. I've never felt like this before. Have I misread her...I thought she was as attracted to me as I am to her. Oh, god...I want her so badly; I think I'm in love with her. No, admit it you bloody fool, you are in love with her! He thinks desperately his chest heaving with passion. He reaches over to take her in his arms and is stunned to see soft tears start to form in her eyes.

"Darling, what's the matter?" He asks worriedly. He is starting to settle down. He realizes that he has no other options, now that she's halted their liaison. Max leads her over to the leather love seat. He sits and pulls her onto his lap. He is still breathing heavily. "Please tell me what's wrong? Did I cause you any... discomfort?" He asks gently looking into her eyes terrified that he was completely out of line earlier.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, or course not. In fact, it took all my control to stop. I just can't tell you. You are the last person I can tell!" She says slightly embarrassed as she remembers almost just giving into her passion. "Y-you just wouldn't understand." She says her voice trembling. The tears were now trickling down her cheeks. She buries her head into his chest.

Oh, god! What the bloody hell does that mean! Could I have been so wrong about her feelings for me? Max thinks starting to panic. "Miss Fine...Fran. You can tell me anything." He says holding her tightly. He starts to rock her gently.

Fran feels so comfortable in his strong arms, and his gentleness is really starting to put her at ease. After quickly contemplating her options, she decides to just confess. She takes a deep breath. "Mr. Sheffield, she says looking up at him. I just couldn't do this with you here, like this. I don't want you to think badly of me. I don't want you to see me as a one-night-stand. You see...I'm in love with you. Isn't that pathetic?" She says looking down and shivering slightly. "I know a girl like me is way out of your class. I-I tried not to fall in love with you, but I just couldn't help myself!" She cries burying her head in his chest again.

Max is stunned by her confession and his heart leaps with joy. "Oh Fran, darling! Please don't cry. I'm in love with you too! And don't ever say that you are out of my class again!" He detests the thought that she could ever think so little of herself. He lifts her face up to meet his and gives her a smile that makes the fine lines around his eyes crinkle. This always takes her breath away. She looks at him in wide-eyed surprise. "I don't know why I haven't told you sooner. Seeing you go out last night with that Tony chap in that incredible black dress almost made me nauseous with jealousy! I was ecstatic when Niles told me you wanted to break up with him. I was going to ask you out on a date as soon as you were free of him!"

She looks at him astonished "You love me?" She says softly her voice trembling with emotion. "I had no idea."

Her innocent gaze makes his heart start pounding again. He holds her close to him and rubs his cheek against hers, his hands deep in her hair pressing her face to his. "That day three years ago when you walked into my life with your lipstick resume changed me forever. I had never met anyone like you...you simply took my breath away!" He whispers in her ear. He is starting to get aroused again and tries to fight the feeling, without much success. "Oh, Fran...can we start over? I don't want to do anything that you're not ready for." He says tenderly looking deep into her eyes.

Fran is now trembling with emotion. She's sitting on his lap and throws her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. She pulls back and they kiss tenderly.

"Um...darling, if you don't get off my lap, I can't be held responsible for my actions." He says his voice becoming husky with renewed passion. He is starting to breath heavily, again and his hands gently caress her thighs and start to move upward.

Fran suddenly realizes that she is sitting on his lap in her shortest skirt. She can feel what he is warning her about. It's having a drastic effect on her lower regions as his hand travels slowly up her thighs. "Mr. Sheffield." She whispers. "I think we should continue this upstairs, don't you?" She shifts her position on his lap causing him to groan.

"My pleasure!" He whispers lifting her up and carrying her out of the office and up the living room stairs. "By the way, darling...you can call me 'Max'." He says depositing her gently on his bed. She sighs as he takes off his clothes and gets into bed with her.

"Oh, I will...eventually." She says seductively. "But, it was Mr. Sheffield that I wanted to make love to for so long, and tonight my dream comes true...Mr. Sheffield!"

The End