From London To Paris




"Miss Fine, I can't. I'm sorry. I just can't." Mr. Sheffield says, sitting on the love seat running his hands through his hair. I can't believe I almost ravaged her--you cad! Maxwell thinks, trying to control his shuddering body.

"Mr. Sheffield, is there something you haven't told me, something that might have happened in the Falklands?" Fran says getting up off the bed and approaching him.

"No! Of course not. I'm talking about this. I'm talking about what we were about to do. It just all seems wrong."

"Miss Fine, don't you see? Don't you see what we were about to do is a very serious step to take. You're not just a one-night stand." Max says, kneeling in front of her imploring her to see his side.

"Me? Oh yeah. No, of course not. Look Mr. Sheffield, ya know I always thought we were going to end up together, but if it ain't going to happen now, it ain't going to happen." Fran stands up and walks towards the dresser. She just now realizes this whole relationship has all been a horrible charade.

"I didn't say it would never happen." Max implored.

" I think that my chances will only decrease as I slowly morph into Yetta! Four years! It's enough already. I can't take it anymore. It's too difficult. I'm getting out of here; I gotta get out of here." Fran says as she grabs her empty suitcase.

Look Miss Fine I'm not giving into my urges, the stakes are far too high. I'm a bloody gentleman after all." He says, standing up to his full height.

Fran is suddenly outraged as she has just analyzed the situation. "Wait just one minute--how can you even think that I would consent to be a 'one night stand?" Fran cried throwing her clothes into her suitcase. Tears are now flowing freely. " ONE NIGHT STAND! How could you even use that term in relation to me? You fool--don't you realize, don't you know...h-how much I was in love with you?! She stops, stunned that she finally admitted it to him. There, I've finally said it! I've been in love with you for over two years, eva' since our dance at the reunion. What an idiot I have been, saving myself for you. I really thought you felt the same." She cries turning back to zip her suitcase. "Shame on you---Mr. Shef...Maxwell." she hissed.

Maxwell steps back, dumbfounded. He is so surprised at her confession that he is at a total loss for words.

She puts her hand on the doorknob then turns and with a newfound resolve she looks him straight in the eyes and calmly states. "I have no feelings for you anymore--you are not the person I thought you were. Have a safe flight home Mr. Sheffield. I will gather my belongings from your home when I return to New York next week."

"Next week? Where are you going now?" A still stunned Max asks, his mind not quite working at full capacity.

"Paris--the happiest time of my life was in Paris--I didn't come to Europe for a 'one night stand' either! She said as she walked out the door. "Goodbye, Mr. Sheffield." She slams the door shut and runs to the elevator.

Max is rooted to the spot for a second--his legs are in a state of shock, also. He finally forces them to move. "M-Miss Fine, please wait." Max cried chasing after her. He misses her elevator by seconds. Panicking, he tears down the stairs. After a nine-story descent, he arrives in the lobby his heart is racing from the descent and the fear that he has lost her forever. He frantically searches for her. But, she is gone. "Oh my god, what have I done?" He whispers, running his hand through his thick hair. How can she go to Paris alone? She said she was happiest there--was it because she was with me? We did have a lovely time last year. He thinks remembering their walk in the rain at the Eiffel Tower, the shopping trip, the beautiful garden and, even the fateful flight home when he had told her he loved her because he was afraid the plane was in trouble. He winced at the thought of how he took it back the next day when they were safely on the ground.

Max presses the button for the elevator and returns to his room. Sitting on the bed, head in his hands he thinks. You bloody fool. She's been in love with you this whole time, and you insult her like that. You idiot, you practically insinuated that she was a tramp! You are in love with her. He thinks, just now comprehending that this could be a life-changing moment in his life. And you insinuated that she could ever be a one-night-stand--you blithering idiot! What did she mean she was 'saving herself for me?' You just let the best thing that ever happened to you run off to another country! Well, you are bloody well going after her!

The phone rings and he absently picks it up. "Oh, Niles! I'm so glad you called! Is everything all right?" He asks worriedly.

"Everything's fine here, sir. But, you sound terrible. Is something wrong?" Niles says. "Where's Miss Fine?"

"Oh, Niles! I've really done it this time" He confides the whole story to his lifelong friend and butler. " she left me, and now, she's run off to Paris! I mean, why in the world would she want to go there alone! She doesn't know anybody there, well, except my brother!" Max cries.

"Oh, dear god, Mr. Sheffield! You must go after her---immediately!" Niles cries.

"Well, of course I was, old boy. But, you sound scared...what do you know that I don't?" He says surprised at the urgent tone in Niles voice.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I have been sworn to the utmost secrecy, but, because of the circumstances, I am forced to tell you this." He says sadly, knowing how what he has to say will hurt his boss beyond words. He begins slowly, wanting to make sure that Max understands the severity of the situation. "About a year ago, when your brother Nigel was visiting, you had Miss Fine escort him all over New York." He paused to let that sink in." You were very busy with that new play." And Marla Maples, he thinks disdainfully.

Maxwell was confused and said, "Go on, Niles."

"Well, sir, they really hit it off. After all, you threw them together at a time that Miss Fine was very vulnerable. You were really the only one who couldn't see how she was still hurting over the whole 'thing' business. Nigel was fun and charming, and Miss Fine couldn't resist--he made her laugh again. After their first evening together, I personally witnessed Nigel present Miss Fine with a diamond necklace!"

"WHAT?!" Max cried.

"That's nothing, sir" Niles continued. "After she sent me out of the kitchen I heard Nigel propose to her. He presented her with a ticket for passage on the Queen Elizabeth II for that very evening. He wanted her to meet him at midnight and sail back to London to get married. I heard her tell him that it was just too quick, she was quite overwhelmed. He took her in his arms and kissed her. It must have been some kiss, because as he was leaving, she left it as a 'maybe. Then, you came in and she asked you if there was any reason for her to stay. You said something like 'none at all.' You practically pushed her into Nigel's arms!"

Max in a state of shock at this totally unexpected revelation searches his memory. "Yes, I vaguely remember that" He says. "But, she didn't go. I wonder why?" Miss Fine and Nigel? It can't be! He thinks trying to keep his composure.

"Mr. Sheffield, and this is the secret part--Val told me in strictest confidence. She did go. She finally realized that you were never going to love her as she loved you, so, she figured that at least she could be a part of your family. Val said it was the hardest thing Miss Fine ever did, and still cries about it to this day." Niles sighed, thinking of the pain that Max had caused her over the last year. Niles felt almost as bad as Fran did at how she had been treated by his insensitive boss.

"But, Niles. She obviously didn't get on the ship, so, that means she changed her mind! She didn't love Nigel and stayed with me--I mean, us!" Max said, suddenly very worried about Miss Fine's current destination.

"Mr. Sheffield, get your tuckas to Paris--immediately! Don't you get it--SHE MISSED THE BLOODY SHIP!"

Max's blood turns to ice as the full realization of what Niles just said hit him. "Oh, dear god!" He cried hanging the phone up and running for his suitcase. Finally registering the enormity of the situation he says to himself. "I just threw her into my brothers arms! She must be heading straight for him!" I can't believe she actually was going to run off with my brother, how could she do that to me? After all our years together, all we've been through! After I said I loved her...AND THEN TOOK IT BACK--YOU FOOL! Well, I bloody well deserved it. He is shamed thinking about all the times he hurt her with his stupid fears about their relationship. He was only thinking of himself, and his fear of losing someone he loved...never thinking about her feelings. So, she really does love me. He thinks, seeing her in a whole new light. It wasn't just a physical attraction, or his money as C.C. had always accused. No, he never believed that anyway. Oh, god, I wish I would have known this an hour ago!

Max finishes packing and takes the elevator down to the lobby to check out.


Fran hails a cab in front of the hotel. Her tears have turned to sniffles as she gets in and instructs the driver to take her to Victoria Station. After a week in Paris, I won't care about Mr. Sheffield--I'll purge him out of my heart and mind. She thinks. But, what am I going to do In Paris all alone? Oh, maybe this isn't such a good idea! She starts to worry about this whole plan. Wait! That's right...Nigel lives there! I'll go see him...I need some fun out of life--not that damned stuffed shirt Brit ex-boss of mine! She thinks, now more angry than sad. How dare he! How could he even consider that I could ever be a one-night-stand to him!

The taxi pulls up to the train station and Fran pays the driver. "Thank you." She says as she hands him the pounds. She runs to the ticket booth and says. "One first class on the next 'Chunnel' train to Paris, please."

"Yes, Madam." The pretty young girl says, handing her the ticket. "Please hurry, the train leaves in five minutes!"

"Thanks!" Fran says as she turns and trots to the platform. She reaches it seconds before the train pulls away. She hands the conductor her ticket and settles into her first class seat. She reclines it all the way back and quickly falls into a deep sleep, brought on by a mixture of jet lag, depression, and exhaustion. She sleeps the whole two and a half hour trip to Paris.



Max, in the meantime has the hotel limo take him to Heathrow Airport. He runs to the first class agent at the Air France ticket counter. "When is your next flight to Paris--one-way?" He asks nervously.

"Oh, sir, you just missed the flight by ten minutes." She checks her computer screen. "The next flight leaves in two hours. In fact, she says checking her screen--that's the next flight for all the airlines. The price for a one-way first class ticket is 575 pounds, would you like one?"

"Two hours! Well, what choice do I have...yes, please." He says handing her his platinum card. I wonder if Miss Fine was on that flight that just left? If so, I will be only be two hours behind her. I must get to her soon--I have so much to say, to apologize for. The thought of her in Nigel's arms is driving me bloody mad! Dear, god, what if she hadn't missed that ship. He suddenly thinks, shuddering at the realization that he almost had lost her forever. Oh, this two-hour wait is sheer torture! What if all those years of pushing her away has driven a permanent wedge between us? I've never seen her so furious. What if I finally drove her love for him out of her heart? Oh, dear god, I think I am truly going insane--I have to get to her and tell her the truth! He thinks as he sits at the bar in the Air France VIP lounge. He takes a sip of his scotch and ponders his next move.



Fran steps off the platform and into the Paris Train Station. She immediately goes to the phones and looks up Nigel's address. She then hails a taxi and gives the driver the address. Thirty minutes later, the taxi pulls up in front of Nigel's beautiful mansion. Fran gasps at the lovely French Colonial architecture as she walks up the steps and knocks on the door, a little nervous and embarrassed. The last time she saw Nigel, he had proposed. He didn't even know that she had missed the ship. He probably thought that I was just not interested in him. Well, I'll sure tell him now. I just hope he's not living with someone. She thinks.

The door opens and, surprisingly, Nigel is standing there. "FRAN! LUV! What a wonderful surprise! He says as he grabs her and lifts her off the ground twirling her around the entry, his heart pounding wildly at the sight of her. "What are you doing here? Where's Max--not that I care, you are a sight for sore eyes! You are still gorgeous!" He says holding her at arms length admiring her Union Jack outfit and what was inside.

"Oh, don't know how good that makes me feel!" She cries and suddenly bursts into tears.

"Darling...what's wrong?" Nigel says as he gathers her in his arms. "Please tell me--you can tell me anything."

They sit on the sofa and Fran pours her heart to him. She tells him everything that had happened over the last two years. How she was hopelessly in love with Max and how he always held her at arms length. How he had told her he loved her and then took it back. How he would kiss her then apologize and push her away. Nigel had her in his arms and was gently rocking her. He still had strong feelings for her and had been genuinely disappointed when she hadn't shown up at the ship that night. He knew now that the love she has for his bloody stupid brother was too deep for him to ever penetrate.

"Oh, Nigel. I have a confession to make. I did go to meet you but missed the ship! I was so tired of being ignored by Mr. Sheffield and you and I had so much fun! Of course, it was probably a good thing I did because I was so in love with Mr. Sheffield at the time that it would have not been fair to you. Well, I don't love him now--how could he treat me like that? As much as he's hurt me, there's no way he could love me--that he could be that unaware of my feelings!" She cries looking up into his eyes. "Nigel, would you mind if I stayed in your guest room for a week or so? I just can't bring myself to go back to New York. I just want to stay in Paris and try to rid my heart of him."

Nigel is stunned at her confession about missing the ship and says joyfully. "Of course, luv! I wouldn't have it any other way! Hey! I'm going to take you to my club tonight--you deserve to have a good time. I want you to know that not all us Brits are like my brother!" She is so lovely. I am truly beginning to wonder about my brother's sexuality. How could he live in the same house with this breathtaking creature, and not love her!

"That sounds wonderful, Nigel." She says, but her eyes betray her. That Fran sparkle is gone. "I'm suddenly very tired. Do you mind if I go to my room to nap? I want to be fresh for this evening."

Nigel stands up and lifts her into his arms. "Fran let me carry you!" He carries her up the stairs to the guest room and deposits her on the bed. "I'll bring your bag right up. There is your private bath--with a sunken marble Jacuzzi. If you need anything there is the butler call button next to the phone--he's off today, but will be back tomorrow. You need to relax and forget about my brother. You have too much fire, too much spirit for him, he doesn't deserve or appreciate you." He declares as he exits her room.

Wow! I'm so glad to be here. She thinks. After the way Mr. Sheffield has treated me, Nigel is a real ego-boo!

Nigel returns with her suitcase and deposits it on the dresser. "Pleasant dreams, luv!" He says as he shuts the door behind him.

Fran unpacks her suitcase and changes into her white camisole. She climbs into bed, shuts off the light and cries into her pillow. I can get over him--he's just a man who I know now doesn't really love me. If he couldn't sort out his feelings a year after 'the thing' than he just couldn't love me. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, Mr. Sheffield!" She sobs, her voice racked with pain. "I-I know I'll always love you..." her voice trailing off as she falls into a deep sleep brought on by intense depression.

Nigel is standing outside the door with tears in his eyes, his heart aches for her. That poor little thing. My brother is a bloody moron. How could he hurt that sweet lovely woman like that? After all she did for him and his family. She practically brought them back from the dead when she entered their lives. I just wish she loved me half as much as Max. He thinks shaking his head and walking downstairs. At the sound of the doorbell he heads for the front door. Opening it his eyes go wide as saucers as he sees who's standing there. I can't believe he actually has the passion to have followed her!

"Max!" He exclaims. "I don't believe it!"

Maxwell pushes him aside and enters the room. Looking around he says angrily. "Ok, where is she Nigel? I know she's here, and I know what happened between the two of you last year. How could you do that to ME--your only brother!?" He says pointing his finger in his brother's chest.

"What are you talking about? When I asked you if there was anything between you, you said NO--emphatically!" He shot back at him. "You don't bloody well deserve her, anyway! Do you know how much you have hurt her? Do you know she just cried herself to sleep with your name on her lips? You bastard--how could you do that to that lovely woman? Fran gave you your children back!" Niles cried. "She just poured out how much she loved you, and you always push her away--what the hell's the matter with you? I was willing to marry her after only being on a couple dates with her--it took you four years to make love to her, and then you BACK OUT??? Have you lost your mind? Either you marry her, or I will--and I won't take it back!"

Maxwell's face went ashen at the thought of his insensitivity towards her and her crying upstairs over him. "You're right, Nigel. I've been a bloody cad!" Where is she, I must go to her immediately he says running up the stairs. He opens the guest room door and sees Fran sleeping clutching her pillow like a child. Her beautiful face is tear-stained, as is her pillow. His knees start to give way at the realization of what he had done--had said to her hours before.

OH, she just breaks my heart! Max thinks looking down at her. I've loved her for so long now and am just realizing it myself. No, admit it Maxwell, you've know it for four years! You fell in love with her the second you met her. What if I've lost her--what if this was the final straw? He suddenly panics. No, you will make her love you again you fool. You can't go along anymore without her. He sits on the bed and takes her into his arms. He suddenly starts sobbing--now terrified that he may have lost her forever.

Fran slowly wakes up and is stunned to be in the arms of a weeping Mr. Sheffield. "Uh, Mr. I dreaming?" She asks a stunned look in her own red-rimmed eyes.

"Oh, Miss Fi...Fran! Can you ever forgive me! I'm such a fool. I didn't know that you were really in love with me! I am so thrilled--I was always a little afraid that I was just another one of your blokes that you brought home! How could I have treated you like that? I love you. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. I just took me four years to admit it. Can you ever forgive me?" He cried holding and rocking her back and forth gently.

Is this really happening? It sure seems real for a dream! A stunned Fran thinks, as she looks at him in wide-eyed wonder. Should I let him suffer a little more? Nah! I forgive him! Oy, he's so gorgeous and emotional! The only emotion I've ever seen from his is when he's yelling at me...I could get used to this! She pulls away from his embrace and looks him in the eyes. She slowly brings her hand up to his face and wipes away a tear.

"Mr. Sheffield...I have been doing some serious thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that you are absolutely right. We should take it slow and get to know each other as man and woman, not boss and nanny. This whole episode confirms you were right. We don't know each other well enough--I mean, in the way we should, to go to that most intimate of places." She said shyly looking deep into this hazel eyes. "I think we should start dating and getting to learnin about each other like normal couples do.

"The hell with that!" He cries kissing her passionately. After all the emotion he's been through the last few hours he knows one thing, that he must have her--body and soul. His arousal is overwhelming all his thoughts and he gently pushes her back on the bed softly kissing her lips. His kisses start to travel down her throat. When he reaches her breasts, she gently pulls his face up to meet hers. He looks at her with surprise wondering why she stopped him. Actually, he's terrified why she stopped him.

"Mr. Sheffield, I was completely serious. It's too soon--it doesn't feel right anymore. The connection that I felt to you is somehow different, now."

"Oh, Fran...please don't say that. I love you, I-I want you so much." He says, his body shaking with passion and lust. He's never felt like this, how can she refuse him--he is in agony. "Please, please make love to me now, I don't think I could stand it if you didn't." He pleaded, his heart pounding madly, his body being tortured at having to stop.

"I'm sorry...I just can't. Please understand," She says, looking at him sympathetically with innocent brown eyes. She sits up and gets out of bed. Wow, I can't believe his reaction to that! Well, now he knows how I've felt these last few years. She thinks with some guilty satisfaction.

Oh, god! This is just what I was afraid of--she has lost that connection that we once had. I hurt her one time too many. Well, you are going to make things right with her before you leave Paris. With the utmost act of control, through years of practice living celibately with her, he composed himself. Slowly he sits up, his chest still heaving slightly, and says. "Darling, whatever you want I don't want to rush you into anything you're not comfortable with. Would you do me the honor of dining with me this evening? I am going to move into another guest room now." He takes her hands in his and gives her is most charming smile.

"That would be wonderful, Max. I could probably handle a small lobster!" She smiles for the first time since London.

There it is--that smile--that sparkle in her eyes! I haven't completely lost her! His heart leaps and is pounding so hard that he's afraid she can hear it. He hugs her tightly; soft tears of hope threatening to fall. "I'll see you in a couple hours!" He says giving her a quick peck on the lips. He quickly leaves before that insistent feeling in his groin returns

Fran walks over to the Jacuzzi and turns on the hot water. I really like this 'hard to get position' I am in now. It's a lot more fun than being the one who is being held at arms length. Why didn't I think of this before? She thinks, a satisfied smile on her face. Well, I probably won't torture him too much longer! He is incredibly sensual when he's aroused. A pleasant jolt runs through her as she remembers his arousal pressed against her body. How on earth did I ever have the control to stop him--I guess I have come a long way these last four years! She steps into the tub and lies back letting the jets do wonderful things to her body. Her mind has never been so relaxed and clear--for the first time in their relationship, she is in the drivers seat.


"Maxwell finds Nigel in the kitchen. Hello, old man--I want to apologize for my previous actions." Max says solemnly. "I was way out of line."

"Forget it. You're a lucky man, Max. I wish she loved me, you couldn't find a better woman than Fran." Nigel says shaking his hand. "You look like bloody hell though. Go up to one of the guest rooms for a nap and a shower. I assume you'll be staying for a while. You better find a way to make it up to her, and there's no more romantic city than Paris. Besides, you'll have the run of the house--I have to go up to London tomorrow for a few days. Make yourself at home."

"Thank you Nigel...for everything." He said, hugging a very surprised Nigel.

Are those tears in his eyes--my brother! Well, thank god for Fran, she really has brought him back to life. Nigel thinks. He will always be eternally grateful to Fran for all she's done for Max and his children.


Max had ordered a limo for their 'first date.' He was determined to make this the greatest night of her life. He walked into the living room just as she arrived. As he watched her descend the staircase in the lowest cut sapphire blue gown he had ever seen, he let out a gasp. "Oh, darling, you look ravishing!" He exclaimed. "Where did you get that incredible gown?"

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Nigel surprised me with it this evening! He's so wonderful!" She gushed.

Max felt a pang of jealousy--I should have been the one surprising her with gifts. Well, tonight I'm going to make up for everything. He took her in his arms and couldn't resist kissing her tenderly.

"What was that for?" she smiled.

"Just for being you." He said sincerely. "Are you hungry, oh, pardon me--stupid question." He smiled, taking her by the hand and leading her out the door to the limo. They drove through the Arche de Triumph and straight to the Eiffel Tower. They took the elevator and the matre 'de led them to the best table in the restaurant--overlooking all of Paris. The city lights were fantastic, and Fran was almost ready to just give in to the romance of it all. The waiter poured her a glass and Dom while Max looked deep into her eyes and said, "To you, Fran Fine, the woman who came into my life and changed it forever. I will be forever grateful for what you have done for me and my family--I am truly sorry that I haven't shown you my appreciation--and love sooner."

Fran is touched, and more than a little surprised at this man she had always thought had few emotions declaring himself to her. She looks at him, smiling, soft tears forming in her beautiful brown eyes, though she tried to stop them. Max is ecstatic to see that look. She does still love me--I know it!

After dinner, Max and Fran head for Nigel's club. Max shyly puts his arm around Fran in the backseat, and is relieved that she doesn't shrug him off, indeed, she put her head on his shoulder. At the club they walk hand-in-hand to the VIP entrance and sit at the table Nigel had reserved for them. Tonight was Big Band Night, and the Benny Goodman Orchestra was playing 'Just the Way You Look Tonight.' Max took Fran in his arms and danced to the most romantic song of all time. "Oh, Fran," he sighed, pulling her close to him. "This feels so good, I was such a fool not to do this years ago."

"Well, I can't argue with that" she whispered, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eyes. Oy, I want him so much--I never knew he could be so charming! And his body, I love the way it moves with me.

"Fran?" he asks, shyly gazing down. "D-did you really not have relations with any other chap all these years? I mean, you were engaged to that Frenchman, Phillip. He practically spits out his name, recoiling at the memory of that handsome 'frog' and his Fran. He had never been more jealous in his life when she was with him, but he couldn't admit it, even to himself at the time.

Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she says smiling up at him seductively. "Don't you know that I was just torturing you to get you back for 'the thing?' Think about it--I was with Danny since high school--and we were engaged! That should give you a pretty good idea of how many men I have been intimate with. Contrary to what Miss Babcock always insinuates, I am a one-man woman!" She smiles shyly at him, gazing up under her long lashes.

His heart skips a beat. "Oh, Fran, you are so sweet" He whispers, hugger her closer. "You and I are more similar than I could ever have imagined!" He led her off the dance floor and back to their table. "So, are you having a good time?" He asks, looking deep into her eyes, trying to read her thoughts.

"Wonderful! I am getting to know a whole new you. I think I like him." She said, smiling seductively.


The limo pulls up to Nigel's home and Max helps her out. He leads her up the front stoop and casually throws the keys on the table as they enter.

They walk arm and arm up the winding staircase and stop in front of Fran's bedroom. Max takes her in his arms and whispers. "Fran, would you do me the honor...the great favor of letting me sleep with you tonight. I promise, I'll be a perfect gentleman; I just want the joy of you waking up in my arms. I would be so grateful." He finished his voice husky with passion.

Oy, how can I refuse that? I think he's almost suffered enough. "Well, I think I can agree to those terms--if you promise." She says seriously. This just keeps getting better and better!

"I'll be right back!" Max says happily retreating down the hall to his bedroom.

Fran turns the dimmer lights down in the room and turns on soft music. She fills the Jacuzzi and lays out her negligee. She makes sure her door is slightly ajar so she can hear Max return. She then steps into the Jacuzzi and lies back, closing her eyes. You really are bad, she thinks, a slight smile on her face.

In his room, Max changes into his pajamas and robe. He takes the bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne that he had been chilling and two flute glasses out of the ice bucket. As he approaches Fran's room, he peeks in. He lets out a gasp at the sight of her stretched out in the large Jacuzzi. The ripples hide most of her body, but what he can see is having a drastic effect on his lower regions.

Fran turns to him and says "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, "don't mind me, I'm going to soak here awhile--it's so relaxing. You must be exhausted! Why don't you go ahead to bed--I'll try not to wake you."

"Oh, that's quite all right Fran. Um, do you mind if I join you? I've brought champagne." He says, offering her a glass. Oh, my, she's just lovely!

"Well, I guess it will be ok, but, I have to tell you that I'm not wearing any clothes." This is going to be a piece of cake. She thinks, accepting the wine.

Oh, god, why did she have to say that! He thinks starting to feel aroused. "Well, the ripples from the jets really hide that. Now, close your eyes while I get in. He teases, as he disrobes and gets in the huge tub, careful not to touch her.

WOW! She thinks, happily. I really should have shut my eyes tighter, but, what the hell! Better than I remember in that shower a couple years ago. Her heart starts to beat faster. I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to resist!

"Uh, Miss Fine, " Max says slowly. " I must say, I had a wonderful time this evening---um, do you mind if I come over to your side and sit next to you?" He says, already sliding over, wine in hand. If I can't have her soon, I'm going to explode. Easy Maxwell, take it slowly, don't scare her!

"Uh, Mr. Sheffield, do you think that's a good idea, what with us being naked and all." I should win an Oscar for this performance.

"Oh, Fran, we're both adults, we can certainly control ourselves. I just want to feel closer to you." He says as he puts his arm around her. They sit side by side her head resting on his arm, sipping wine.

Kiss her! Go ahead, do it! He sets his glass on the side of the marble tub and gently turns her face into his, giving her the most sensual kiss she has ever experienced.

OY! Can he kiss! Ok, lets get this on track. She kisses him back, turning her body into his; She can definitely feel how much he wants her now.

Oh, Miss Fine, Fran. He groans, his hands starting to roam her body.

"Mr. Sheffield!" Fran says, grabbing a towel and covering herself as she rises out of tub. She steps out and says. "I thought you were going to be a perfect gentleman!" She raps the towel around her and takes another to dry herself off.

"Well," he says, looking up at her half naked body--lust in his eyes. "Well, frankly...I lied." He gave her his most charming smile, grabbed a towel and stepped out of the Jacuzzi. He walked wickedly towards her

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she exclaims, shaking her head. "I must say, I am shocked..." she can't get the rest out because his lips are pressing against hers, as is his body. A million jolts of electricity shoot straight to her lower area and she new the game was over--she won.

He lifts her up tenderly in his arms and deposits her gently on the bed. He gazes down at her, a small smile on his face--a smile that makes those adorable fine lines around his eyes crinkle. "I love you, Fran...may I, please?" He asks, slowly pulling her towel off.

She looks innocently into his eyes and gives a small nod. Yes, she definitely won!

The End