A Christmas To Remember

A Christmas To Remember
By: Tina
Here's a nice Christmas fanfic by
Tina! She's done it again and wrote
a nice shuis story. Its worth reading
and it will brighten your day. So go
ahead & read it now!!
E-mail Tina at:

Luis sat on Sheridan's couch, watching as she fiddled with the decorations she was hanging on the Christmas tree. Earlier in the day they had traipsed through the snow to the woods behind the cottage and cut down the bushy pine tree. Now they were here in the living room, a fire burning in the fireplace and Christmas music playing softly in the background as they decorated. Heart-warming scents filled the air making Luis feel content and cozy. The sharp scent of the pine tree, bayberry from the candles burning on the coffee table and Sheridan's perfume all mingled together, making a unique combination.

"What do you think, Luis? Does it look alright?" Sheridan asked, as she stepped back, hand on her hips and cocked her head to one side as she surveyed the tree. Tiny white lights twinkled among the many ornaments and it was beautiful. "It's perfect." Luis proclaimed, talking about the night and Sheridan as well as the tree. She did look perfect too, in her worn, shape hugging jeans and a soft fuzzy pink sweater. The tree lights in the dim room made her face glow and her blue eyes shine. She beamed a thousand watt smile at him and agreed. "Yes, it is perfect." She, too, was talking about much more than the decorations.

Luis came and stood behind her facing the tree and wrapped his arms around her. They stood that way looking at the pine, the tangible symbol of their first Christmas spent together. Luis silently thanked God that he'd been able to save her from that coffin. He would never truly forgive Hank for putting her in that kind of danger. "Oh," Sheridan said suddenly, pulling away and moving to the large box beside the tree. "I almost forgot, the angel for the top." She produced a gorgeous treetopper and held it out to Luis. "Here, you hold her while I get the step stool."

Instead of taking the angel he surprised her by scooping her into his arms. "We don't need the stool." He grinned as he held her up to the tree and she carefully placed the angel on the top. "She belonged to my mother..." Sheridan whispered softly after she was once again on the ground. "It's one of the few things I have left of hers. All my happy memories of the holidays ended when she died... Father never cared..." Her voice cracked and Luis held her close again, standing behind her with his head pressed beside hers. "Starting this year there will be a lot more good memories... we'll make them together," he whispered.

Sheridan turned in his arms, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She gazed at him and their eyes locked together. "I love you so much Luis." "I love you too, Sheridan. More than anything in the world. I don't know what I would've done if I'd really lost you." He hugged her fiercely, his face buried in her neck. Sheridan rubbed his back soothingly. "You didn't lose me Luis. Thanks to you I'm fine. But I still don't understand how you knew that I needed you..." Luis pulled back, stroking her face. "I'm not sure either. I just knew in my heart that I had to have the coffin dug up... we're just connected I guess."

Sheridan nodded, understanding what he meant. They were connected in so many ways... the past, heart, soul, mind... every way but in body. As close as they had come to making love before the 'shooting' it had yet to happen. Since, they had been so busy and really hadn't been able to be alone together. Now, here, on Christmas eve, they were alone. Alone and unlikely to be interrupted. As Sheridan looked into his eyes she knew he wanted it to happen as badly as she did. They both leaned into a kiss at the same time, coming together softly. They slid their arms around each other, pressing close and deepening the kiss.

They were so close together their bodies were like one, and their arms roamed slowly over the other's body. Sheridan could feel him pressed against her... the proof that he did indeed want this as much as she did. She let out a little moan and then Luis pulled painfully away, to look at her intently. "Are you sure this is what you want Sheridan?" It killed him to ask, the smallest part of him afraid she would say no. Her voice was husky with desire as she replied, "I've wanted this forever... make love with me Luis. I want to make love with you tonight... I don't want to wait anymore..."

"I want you tonight too Sheridan. You are all I will ever want..." He picked her up in his arms, cradling her gently and carried her toward the bedroom. He lay her on the bed, following her down so that they were side by side in each others arms, looking deeply at each other. "I love you." "I love you too..." Sheridan kissed him, quickly deepening the kiss and rolling over on top of him as he pulled her tightly to him and returned the kiss just as fervently. Slowly they peeled off the layers of clothes separating them until they were both free and although they had both seen each other naked in a variety of innocent settings this was different.

Luis feasted his eyes on her, unable to believe any woman could be so beautiful. And not only was she beautiful on the outside, but her beauty went clear through to her soul. Luis' hard, muscular body made Sheridan's mouth go dry. She'd never seen such a perfect specimen of the male body and she could hardly believe he was here with her. She'd spent so long trying to convince herself that this night would never happen, yet here she was with Luis like she'd dreamed so many times.

Suddenly neither one could take it anymore and they met passionately. Arms, legs, hands and mouths were everywhere as they cherished each others bodies as no one else had ever done before. Finally they became one, and both stilled as their eyes met and love glowed in them. Then they were moving together, moving closer to the heaven they knew was mere moments away and suddenly they were there. Tumbling over the edge of sanity and into a brilliant world of color and the most exquisite feelings either had ever experienced.

Afterward they lay snuggled together, whispering sweet words and stroking each other lovingly as their heart rates slowed and reality seeped back into the room. As they lay there the grandfather clock in the other room began to chime. They counted the twelve rings silently in their heads and as the last chime faded away they looked at each other, both knowing this was the best Christmas of their lives, and also knowing they would spend the next fifty Christmas' together trying to top it. "Merry Christmas Sweetheart." Luis said, kissing her temple softly. "Merry Christmas My Love." She replied with a smile. They cuddled even closer together and drifted off to dream of the Christmas' still to come.