Because I Love You

Because I Love You
By: Ashley
This is Ashley's third fabulous fanfic!
Please e-mail Ashley with your
comments on her fanfic. Enjoy this
fanfic and chapter 7, is rated pg-13
so you have been advised.
E-mail Ashley at:

Author's Note- Alistar arranged a marriage for Sheridan, she is now Mrs. Nickolas Ventura. They've been married for 8 months, with no children. Luis and Sheridan have been seeing each other secretly, for 8 months. Only Luis's family knows about them, and also Ethan too.

Chapter 1:

Sheridan just walked through the door and was putting her keys on the table, when she caught the sight of her lazy husband. He was laying on the couch, drinking a beer like he always did! "Nick is that all you know how to do"? Sheridan asked, very pissed off. "Oh Sheridan, why work when we can live off your money. When daddy arranged for us to get married, he said we wouldn't have to work! We could live of his money" Nick yelled. "Look you should start living in the goddamn fucken real world, like I do! I mean I work, I clean the house, and most of all I clean your fucken damn messes"! Sheridan screamed, he just rolled his eyes at her. "I don't need this shit, I'm out of here" she said, grabbing her stuff, and leaving.

She knew exactly where to go, ten minutes later, she was pounding on the door she knew well. The person came and opened the door, and she ran into the person arms. "Oh Luis, I can't take this anymore"! Sheridan said, sobbing into Luis's chest. "Sheridan baby, come and lay on the couch. I'll get you something to drink" He said rubbing her back. He hated to see her in pain, and the pain was all caused by that damn asshole Nick, and that fucken arranged marrige! While he went to the kitchen, Sheridan layed on the couch and cried. Oh god why the hell did I marry Nick? she asked herself, and I little voice in her head answered.

Because daddy told you to. "Damn I could've been married to Luis by now, and had a baby instead of having an affair with him" Sheridan yelled out loud. Luis heard her, and came back to the living room with her tea. He set the cup on the table and hugged her. "Oh Sher, I'm so sorry I didn't propose to you when I had the chance. Look we can get married, if you divorce Nick" he said, he'd been asking her to divorce Nick for months. "Luis do you know what will happen. If I divorce Nick, my father will disown me and I will lose everything, including my money" Sheridan said. "Sheridan, what the hell. It seems like you don't even love me anymore, or you don't even care if you lose me" Luis yelled. "Oh Luis, I'm sorry. I love you more than anything else in the world" Sheridan said calmly and kissed him.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2:

"Sheridan, I love you so much, I know I can make you happy! I love you. I mean I can't offer you, fancy cars, mansions, or lots of money. But I can offer you my heart and my love, just divorce Nick please. Oh Sher who cares if your father disowns you and you don't get your money, and leaves you with nothing. You'll still have me, we can get married, and have beautiful children. All the love you didn't get from your father as a child we'll make up for that, and we'll give our children all the love in the world.Please divorce Nick, Sher we can have all that". Luis said, Sheridan was crying at this point. She was thinking about what he said. This man in front of her, truly loved her. He actually wanted to be married to her and start a family.

"Luis I love you too, and I thought about what you just said. Well I want all those things, so I'm gonna divorce Nick" She exclaimed happily. After she stated that sentence, Luis kissed her with all the passion inside of him, she was so perfect for him! "Oh Sher, that's great hunny. I love you so much" Luis said. "Oh Luis, I love you too forever and always sweaty"! Sheridan said, happily. They stayed up and watched Titanic. Sheridan loved that movie. After it was done Luis said "Sher, come on let's go to bed. So she followed him upstairs to bed, and they layed in bed wide awake.It was around 12:30. Sheridan was laying in Luis's arms. "Luis we're not even doing anything" Sheridan stated. "Well we could do something" Luis said while kissing her neck. "Oh Luis" she moaned as he rubbed her breasts. "Luis we can't make love here.

Your parents are downstairs, below us. Theresa and Miguel's rooms are beside us" She said. "Oh Sher, we'll just be quiet ok. I want you so much" Luis said. So she agreed and they made love, as they did many nights. That night, Luis showed her how much he needed her and loved to her. But instead of being quiet Sheridan yelled out Luis's name a couple of times. Sheridan and Luis both hoped nobody heard her.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3:

The next morning Luis woke up first and watched Sheridan sleep, she looked so beautiful. Minutes later she woke up. "Good morning sweetheart"Luis said to her. "Good morning Luis, how long have you been up" she asked, and kissed him. "Well for about 5 minutes" He answered and kissed her back. "Hey Luis can I take a shower, please" Sheridan asked. "Ya, but can I take one with you" he asked, and she nodded her head yes. So they went in the shower, and came out fully dressed an hour later. "Come on Sher, let's go downstairs and eat"Luis said. So they went down to the kitchen and she got stares from Pilar, Martin, Theresa, Miguel, and even her own nephew Ethan. Then she spoke " Look I know what you all are thinking. I'm a married woman, and I shouldn't be sleeping in another man's bed". "Oh miha that's not it. Look we all know that it was an arranged marrige, and your very unhappy. So that's why we let you come over and share the same bed with Luis" Pilar said, hugging her. "Mama, you can't forget the other reason.

We heard Sheridan screaming Luis's name last night" Theresa said and her, Miguel, and Ethan started laughing their asses off! "Oh God" Luis whispered and blushed and so did Sheridan." Guys I'm very embarrassed, look I'm going to leave today" Sheridan stated and ran upstairs. "Theresa, Miguel have a, little respect for her and leave her alone. She didn't do anything to any of you! Ethan you better stop laughing, she's your aunt, and you all no the hell she's been through with Nick" Luis said calmly, that's when everyone stopped and said sorry. "No the three of you are going upstairs with me, and you all are apologizing to her"Luis said. So they all went up to Luis's room, they found her crying on the bed.

"Aunty Sher, I'm so sorry" Ethan said, kneeling in front of his aunt. "Look we're sorry too Sheridan" Theresa said apologizing for her and Miguel. "Guys it's ok. Don't worry about it"Sheridan said kindly. "Guys what did Martin and Pilar say about it" Sheridan asked. Then Martin and Pilar appeared in the doorway. "Sheridan, hunny. Don't cry" Martin said go over to her and giving her a hug. "Look miha, let's just forget abput this. It's nature to you know have you know what, and it's natural to do what you did" Pilar said. "Guys are you sure, I'll move out, if you fell uncomfortable". Sheridan said, and Martin answered "Oh Sheridan, nonsense. Stay as long as you want, as long as your happy". "Oh Martin, Pilar thank you guys so much"! Sheridan exclaimed, as she gave them hugs. "Look aunty Sher, it's non of my business, but I mean your only 22 you shouldn't be pinned down by that asshole Nick or that loveless marrige. You should divorce Nick and marry Luis" Ethan said.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 4:

Everyone else agreed with Ethan. "Guys thank you for your support. I decided with Luis last night that I was going to divorce that ass" Sheridan said. "Sher, let's go to your house and get your stuff" Luis said to her. So she agreed and they left. When they got to Sheridan's place, they found Nick passed out on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hands. "Look Luis, I come home to that every night. God if I were married to you, I'd probably come home to a clean home, and food on the table" Sheridan said tears burning in her eyes."Look Sher, go get your stuff" He said, she got her stuff and they left. In the car they were talking an and listening to the radio. "Hey Luis, I have to go see my lawyer" she said happily. "Ok, Sher" he said. 15 minutes later they were there. "Come on Luis"She said grabbing his hand and dragging him in the office with her. "Hi, I need to see Gwen please" Sheridan said to the secretary. "Sure go in" The secretary replied. "Hey Gwen" Sheridan said hugging her friend."

Hey Sher, Hi Luis" Gwen said. " Gwen, I need to get divorce papers and fast" Sheridan said. "Wow Sher, about time. I have to draw them up and send them to Nick for him to sign them. Then I'll send them to you"Gwen replied. "Ok cool" Sheridan said. "Hey Luis, Sheridan would you guys care to join Hank and I for lunch" Gwen asked. "We'd love to" Luis said. So they joined Hank and Gwen for lunch at the Lobster Shack. When they were done they went back home, and since no one was home they went upstairs. There they made love, thank god no one was home because Sheridan couldn't control herself, she moaned and screamed Luis's name through all three rounds.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 5:

~~~3 days later~~~

Ring, Ring, Ring. "Hello" Sheridan said half asleep. "Sheridan ,it's Gwen. I have the papers. I just have to send them to Nick then you ok" Gwen said, she was very happy for her friend. Nick didn't deserve Sheridan, only Luis did. "Oh thank you so much, hun bye" Sheridan said. "Bye Sher" Gwen answered back and they both hung up their phones. " Who was that sweety" Luis asked. "Oh, it was Gwen. she has the papers and she's going to have them delivered to Nick today"! Sheridan said, as she smiled. "Oh Sher, that's great! But he better sign them." Luis exclaimed. "I hope so, Luis" she said. "How about we celebrate" Luis asked, rubbing up against her. "Luis, I don't feel like making love right now. I'm tired, but tonight I will my love. I'm gonna go back to sleep." she said and kissed him. So they both went back to sleep. Sheridan woke up 2 hours later and went downstairs to the living room. "Hi miha" Pilar said. "Good morning Pilar" Sheridan said, nicely and looked at the clock, it showed 10:48.

"I'm going to the market, would you like to come"? Pilar asked."sure, just let me get dressed" Sher said. 15 minutes later she came back downstairs, and she and Pilar left. They came back an hour later and were taking the groceries out of the car. That's when sheridan looked in the window and saw her boyfriend dancing in the kitchen, with only his boxers on. "Pilar, look in the window" She said. So Pilar looked and laughed. "Oh Sheridan my son is crazy sometimes". Pilar said. "I know, Pilar" Sheridan said and also laughed. "Well my son is crazy like that sometimes, but all the time he's crazy in love. With a tall, blue-eyed, blonde, she looks a lot like you, sweety"Pilar said and smiled, so did Sheridan. They walked in the kitchen with the groceries. They heard the radio playing "Dude Looks Like A Lady" by Aerosmith. " Hey Luis" Sheridan yelled, the he turned around, and blushed. The two women laughed. He shut off the radio and helped his mother and girlfriend put away the groceries. Pilar went to her room, and both Sheridan and luis stayed in the kitchen.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 6:

"It's a good thing my mom left, Sher" Luis said, kissing her. She turned on the radio and Luis said to her "Dance with me". So she agreed and they danced.

~I got your letter from the postman just the other day
so I decided to write you this song
Just to let you know, exactly the way I feel
to let you know my love's for real
Because I love you

and I'll do anything, I'll give you my heart, my everything
Because I love you, I'll be right by your side, to be a light, to be your guy
If you should feel, that I don't really care
and that your starting to lose ground
Just let me reassure you, that you can count on me
And that I'll always be around
Because I love you

My heart's an open door, girl won't you please come in
Because I love you
I'll be right by your to be a light, to be your guy
if you should feel, that I don't really care, and that your starting to lose ground
Girl just let me reassure you, that you can count on me
I will always be around
Because I love you
My heart's an open door, girl won't you please come on in

~~~Stevie b-"Because I Love You"~~~

Chapter 7:
This Chapter is rated maybe pg-13
"Oh Luis, I love that song" Sheridan cried. "Me too Sher" Luis said lowering his lips to hers, and meeting them in a wonderful, heartwarming kiss. "Luis, I have to go out". Yelled Pilar from the living room. "Ok mama,bye"Luis yelled back. Then went back to kissing Sheridan, then he stopped "Hey Sher, we have the whole house to ourselves" Luis said, wiggling his eyebrows."Oh luis, you’re a very bad boy" Sheridan said as she laughed. They continued kissing, and then Luis put her on the counter. "Oh Luis" She moaned as he rubbed her breasts, then he ripped off her shirt and through what was left of it on the floor. He began massaging both breasts. He took her bra off and added it to the little pile. Then he flicked his tongue on her nipple and she moaned again. He gave the same treatment to her other nipple.

She jumped down off the counter and began kissing him again. She took off his shirt slowly and threw it on the floor and began to kiss his sexy chest. " Luis, come on let's go in the living room, no one's home anyway" Sheridan said, so he agreed and they went on the couch. They made out for a couple of minutes, and Luis unbuttoned Sheridan's jeans ready to begin making love to her. But then Martin walked in and Luis yelled "Oh fuck"! "Oh my god Luis, oh fuck is right. What the hell are you guys doing" Martin asked and yelled at the same time. "Oh god papa, I'm sorry" Luis said apologizing. "I'm sorry embarrased" Sheridan said. "Look both of you go put your shirts on, and I'm gonna tell you something" Martin said, calmly this time. So Sheridan and Luis did as they were told.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 8:

So Sheridan and Luis both came back, fully dressed this time. "Look Luis, Sheridan I don't want this day repeated. I'm gonna tell you something, but not all the details. Well Pilar was 16, and I was 18, Pilar's father caught Pilar and I on the counter" Martin said. That's when Luis glanced at Sheridanand they both blushed. "You guys were on the counter too"? Martin asked. They both shook their heads, in embarrasement. "Well anyway her father told us that If we had any respect for eachother that we wouldn't do anything like that til we were married. Pilar and I both listened to him, Luis, Sheridan you both should do the same and wait to do that til your in your own house" Martin explained. "Are you gonna tell mama"Luis asked, Martin shook his head no. Just then Pilar walked in. Hello Sheridan, Luis Hi hunny" She said and gave her husband a kiss.

Then the phone rang. "Hello" Martin said, picking up the phone. "Hi Mr.Lopez-Fitzgerald, this is Gwen is Sheridan there" "Ya, hold on" Marrtin answered. "Hey sweety, what's up" Sheridan asked her friend. Hi,come down to the office, he signed the papers"Gwen said, very happy for her friend. "Ok hun, thanks. I'll be there in 15 ok. Bye"Sheridan said. "Oh Luis, Nick saigned the papers"She said overjoyed. "Oh sweety, that's great" Luis said while picking her up and swinging her around, and kissing her up. 10 minutes later they were in Gwen's office. "Hey Sher, just sign where it says wife's signature ok" Gwen said, so Sheridan said on the line. After she signed the papers she told Gwen thank you and her and Luis left.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 9:

"Oh Luis, yes I'm finally single" Sheridan exclaimed, giving Luis a big hug. "Congratulations baby" Luis said, then giving her a big kiss. "Come on Luis, let's go home" Sheridan said, so they got in the car and began driving. Luis stopped in Lighthouse Park. "Come on Sher, I have a surprise for you"Luis said, happily. They walked for a little while and stopped in the middle of the park. Pink,Red, White, and Purple roses surrounding them. "Then that's when Luis got down on one knee "Sheridan Crane I love you so much,and when you married Nick it broke my heart. My heart was broken because you were the only girl I wanted to spend my life with, and now you came back to me and divorced him. I want to marry you, and have tons of babies with you. I love you so much Sher, and I always have. So will you please marry me"?

Luis asked, hopingthe answer was going to be yes. "Oh mu god Luis, yes yes"!!!!She yelled, he slipped the ringer on her finger and kissed her. Everyone that heard what was going on, clapped for them. Both Sheridan and Luis blushed, and left the park very happy. In te car they were talking about their wedding and stuff. "Hey Sher, let's get married on Valentine's Day, sweety" Luis said. "Oh Luis, I would love to get married on Valentines Day" Sheridan exclaimed, very happy. "Sheridan, since we're getting married, we should have our own place. So we can start building memories" Luis told Sheridan. "Ya Luis, we should start looking" Sheridan said. So they looked at maybe five houses, then they looked at the 6th one.

They both knew it was the one for them, and the one for their future family. The house had 3 bedrooms, one master and two regular sized rooms. A big, open, spacious living room and also a big, open kitchen. The house was on Gwen and Hank' street, they loved the house so they bought it.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 10:

They decided that they weren't going to move in for another week, so the went back to the Lopez-Fitzgerald house. "Mama, papa" Luis yelled, walking in the couch. "In thekitchen miho" Pilar said. So Sheridan and Luis walked in the kitchen. "Hi son, hi Sheridan" Martin said. "Listen, mama, papa Sheridan and me bought a house together"Luis said. "Oh miho, miha that's great"Pilar said giving Sheridan and luis hugs and kisses. "Pilar, Martin, that's not the only new we have. Luis asked me to marry him" Sheridan said, happily, while showing off her ring. "Oh Sheridan, my mother's ring" Pilar cried. "Oh Pilar if you don't want me to have it, I'll give it back" Sheridan said. "Oh Sheridan I wouldn't here of it! I gave that ring to Luis, to give to the woman he's going to love forever.

Sheridan that's you miha". Pilar said, both her and martin said smiling. Martin and Pilar congratulated the new engaged couple. "Now this calls for a celebration" Martin said, while going to get the wine from the fridge. They drank the full bottle of Sangria. Then went to bed. At quarter past 11 Luis and Sheridan were lying in bed, just talking, Sheridan was lying in Luis's arms. "Oh Luis, thank you so much for asking me to marry you. I love you so much" Sheridan said, then kissed him. "Oh Sher I love you too baby, so very much. Thank you for accepting my proposal". Luis said sincerely. They talked for a little while, then both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 11:

4 months had passed, and it was finally the big day! Gwen and Sheridan were in the bridal room. "Oh Sheridan, you look so beautiful" Gwen exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. "oh thank you, sweety"Sheridan said to her friend and hugged her. Then she also said "Oh Gwen,one day you wedding day will come, and you and Hank will get married"! Then there was a knock at the door "Come in" Sheridan said."Oh miha, you look so beautiful. I wish your mother was here"Pilar said, crying. "Oh Pilar, I wish she was here too" Sheridan cried also, as she gived Pilar a hug. Another knock, came from the door "Ladies, you guys got 5 minutes, ok" Sam's voice was heard through the door. "Ok, Sam" Gwen answered back. "Oh Sheridan, we forgot to give you the old, new, and something borrowed" Gwen exclaimed. " Sheridan, these were your mother's, heres something old" Pilar said, putting diamond earrings on Sheridan's ears. "Sheridan, here's something borrowed" Gwen said, putting a gold bracelet around Sheridan's wrist.

"Oh Sheridan, here is something new" Pilar said, giving Sheridan a white garter. "Thank you both, for everything. I love you both, so much guys" Sheridan said, hugging the two women. "come on ladies, I have to get married" Sheridan announced and laughed. So Gwen walked down the aisle first, since she was the maid of honor. Then finally it was Sheridan's turn. She walked down the aisle on Sam Bennet's arms, she looks like an angel floating down to me, Luis thought, and she all mine. Luis thought and smiled brightly. " Who gives this woman" Father Lonigan asked. Then Sam answered " I Do", then kissed Sheridan's cheek and shook Luis's hand.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 12:

Now Sheridan and Luis both stood in front of Father Lonigan. Then the priest spoke, "Dear we beloved, we are gathered here to witness the marrige of Luis Joseph Lopez-Fitzgerald and Sheridan Marie Crane. Now Sheridan please turn to Luis, Sheridan do you take Luis to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have to hold, for richer or for poorer. in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live? "I do" "Now slip the ring on Luis's finger" the priest said and she did. While she did it, tears were welling up in her eyes. "Now, Luis turn to Sheridan" Father Lonigan said, so Luis turned to her and smiled. "Luis, do you take Sheridan to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live" the priest asked Luis.

"Oh I do, forever" Luis said. "Now slip the ring on Sheridan's finger" So Luis did as he was told." By the powered invested in me and the state of Maine, I pronounce you husband and wife. Luis you may kiss your bride" Father Lonigan announced. Luis didn’t wait one second, he grabbed Sheridan and kissed her with all the passion inside of him. The kiss lasted a couple of minutes, everyone laughed at them when Luis looked around, and blushed. "May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald" the priest said. Both Sheridan and Luis kissed one more time, and headed for their reception at the Seascape.

~In the Limo~

"oh Luis, I can't believe I'm Mrs. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald" Sheridan said while looking at her ring. "Oh Baby, you better believe it, and your mine's forever. I Love you" He said, then kissed her. 10 minutes later they were at the Seascape.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 13:

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs.Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald" The Dj said over the speakers. Luis and Sheridan came in walking and danced to their wedding song.

~Whispers in the morning

of lovers sleeping tight
I'm rolling back like thunder now
As I look into your eyes
I hold on to your body
and feel true, if you may
your voice is warm and tender
love that could not for say

Cause I'm your lady and you are my man
Wheneva I reach for you, I'm gonna do all that I can
lust is how one feels
Lying in your arms
When the world is too much too take
It ends when I'm with you
Even though there may be times
It seems, that I'm far away never around where I am
Because I am always by yourside

Cause I'm your lady, and you are my man
Wheneva you reach for me, I'm gonna do all that I can
We're waiting for something, somewhere I've never been
Sometimes, I am ready to love for the power of love

The sound of your heart beating
The feeling that I can't go on, is lying somewhere
Cause I'm your lady and you are my man
Wheneva I reach for you, I'm gonna do all that I can
We're waiting for something, somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am ready to love, for the power of love
power of love, the power of love

~~~Celine Dion-The Power Of Love

To Be Continued...

Chapter 14:

They left their reception at 11:30, tomorrow morning they would be on a flight to Spain for their honeymoon. Luis carried her over the threshold, both of them couldn't be more happier. Months had passed and now it was June. Sheridan woke up, hoping to get Luuis to stay in bed all day. But when she reached for him, he wasn't there. That's when she saw the bathroom door open, and her husband come out, fully dressed. He didn't say anything to her, not give her a kiss. " good morning, Luis" She said, to him. "Hi" was all he answered back. When he left the room, she bursted into tears. She cried for herself, and most of all her marrige that was literally falling apart.

When she was done crying, she went downstairs, and walked over to Luis. "Luis, do you hate me"? she asked, he just shook his head no. "Do you think I'm unattractive" she also asked, then he finally spoke. "Sheridan, I think you are still very attractive like you were when we got married. I don't hate you eiether ok"."Then why do you keep avoiding me? It's breaking my heart" She said, crying."I'm sorry you think I'm avoiding you, but I'm not" he said, he didn't even bother to wipe away the tears from her eyes, like he use to do. "Luis, yes you are. I mean I say good morning and you say hi. You never ever kiss me anymore, or wake me up so we can make love in the morning, and most of all you haven't even told me you loved me lately. When you don't tell me you love me, it breaks my heart!" she said, tears pouring from her eyes.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 15:

"Look Luis, I don't need this right now, especially from you! I'm going out" Sheridan yeled, running upstairs to go get changed. He ran upstairs after her. "Sheridan, I'm going to tell you something" he said. "Go ahead Luis, explain to me why you've been hurting me" She screamed. "Sheridan remember the conversation, we had at the Seascape about you wanting to start a family"he asked, and she smiled. "I guess you do. Well at that time I liked things they way they were, without a baby. I mean I loved waking up every morning next to my beautiful wife, getting ready to make love with her. I didn't want to hurt your feelings by telling you that and I'm so sorry, Sher. I hope you can forgiveme, for being selfish!" He said. She thought about what he said, and he actually called her Sher, something that he hasn't called her in a long time."Luis why didn't you tell me, I would've understood"she said, placing the palm of her hand on his cheek.

"Sher, I didn't want to lose you. Please forgive me. I can't live without you because I love you way too much, to be happy with another woman". he said. "Oh Luis, I'm gonna forgive you because I love you, and I could never live without you either" she said, then closed the space between them and kissied him. "Can I make love to you"? Luis asked her. "Yes Luis" she said and kissed him. He took offall her clothes and began to make slow, passionate love to her. Making up for all lost time, and past hurts.

Now Sheridan was laying in Luis's arm's tears welling up I her eyes, and Luis took notice. "What's the matter, baby" he asked her, then she answered. "Oh Luis, I'm so happy we worked things out! I was thinking that we would end up getting divorce,and you would give up on us", then she starting crying. Luis held her in his arms "Oh Sheridan, I love you and when I married you I vowed for beter or worse, and I guess we had are worse. I would never and I mean never give up on us, Ilove you way too much to do that" he said, very sincere. "Oh Luis, I love youn too" She said and kissed him.

~~~During the end of July, Seridan found out that she was 6 weeks pregnant! She figured out their little baby, was conceived on the day her and Luis reconciled. The following year in February they welcomed baby boy Kevin Nicholas Lopez-Fitzgerald. Luis and Sheridan we're both still the same happy couple. Gwen and Hank got married the Christmas Eve before little Kevin was born and had baby daughter Haley Marie Bennet, the following year in August.