A Forever Love

A Forever Love
By: Ashley
Here's is Ashley's amazing Holiday
fanfic filled with love, songs and
most importantly SHUIS! Read this
classic shuis tale and you'll be
E-mail Ashley at:

Chapter 1: *Thanks For The Blessing*

"Good morning sweetie" Sheridan said coming into Luis's office at the Youth Center. "It's always a good morning when I get to see your beautiful face" he whispered, then placed a kiss on her awaiting lips. "So what do you have on the agenda today" she asked, handing him a coffee and a muffin. "Well I was thinking taking all of your clothes off and making wild, passionate love to you" he whispered in her ear, nuzzling her neck and she smiled. "Luis don't say stuff like that in public. Someone might here you" she said and playfully swatted his arm.

"Alright, seriously. Well can you just help me clean the storage room and when the kids get here which is like in 2 1/2 hours since it's a half a day, we'll play games with them or something" he said biting into his muffin. An hour later all the storage room was cleaned, "All right, now we can just do some paper work" he said as they walked to the office, that took almost an hour too. "Sher, I'm gonna go take a shower. How about you join me" he said snaking his arms around her waist. "Ok let's hurry though" she said and both her and Luis walked to the locker room, hand in hand. "Come on Sher" he said pulling her into the shower. "Are you happy now"? she asked smiling.

"I'm thrilled. I love you so much, Sheridan" he whispered in her ear. "I love you too. Are we still on tonight, at my parents house"? "Yes baby". Luis drove onto the quiet street and stopped in front of a little white house, with a white picket fence. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Sheridan looked out the window to see who it was and yelled "Come in". "Baby, you almost done" he asked walking up the stairs and saw her sitting on the bed, wearing only a bra and a pair panties. "Luis I have nothing to wear" she complained.

"Don't make me laugh. Just wear that jean skirt and the red halter top I love on you" he said sitting beside her. "Ok, that sounds good. I love you" she whispered against his lips. She slid on the skirt and the halter. Sheridan hurried to do her hair and make up, it was a little after 7:30. So, he decided to help her some more. He took out her black sandals from her closet, and he slid them on her feet. "Thank you darling" she whispered. They were about to walk downstairs and leave when he stopped. "Your missing something" he said. "oh no, what"? she asked panicking. "This" he whispered handing her a box. She took out the contents and smiled.

"Oh Luis, I love it. You are just too sweet, for you own damn good" she said looking lovingly at the locket. "Open it" he said. "Luis there's a picture of you and me, but why is the other slot empty"? she asked. "Well the blank slot is for our future children" he whispered, causing her to smile. They arrived at Sheridan's parents house at 8 and rang the bell. "Hey dad" Sheridan said giving her stepfather a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Sheridan my dear, hey Luis" John Marshall said. "Hello Mr. Marshall" Luis said shaking his hand.

"Luis what did I say? It's John, Mr. Marshall sounds way too old and it's the same with Katherine" he said. They walked in the house and were greeted by Sheridan's sister. "Hey Steph" Sheridan said and hugged her 13 year old sister. "Hi Sher, Hi Luis" her sister said. Just then Katherine came out from the kitchen. "Hi Luis, Hi Sheridan" she said hugging both of them. "Well anyways, it's time for dinner" her mother announced. "John" Luis asked. "Yes" and Sheridan looked back. "Go ahead Sher, I just wanna talk to your dad" he said and the three girls walked to the kitchen. "As I was saying I have to talk to you.

I know your Sheridan's step father only, but she thinks of you as her real one. Your daughter and I have been going out for only 4 months, but I love her, and I've known her all my life. I wanted to ask for your permission first. If I pop the question, would you give us your blessing and let me marry her"? Luis asked. "Wow Luis! Well I think of Sheridan as my own because I've known her for most of her life, and I have pretty much raised her. You’re an honest, caring, respectable, and devoted man so if she says yes, I would love nothing more, than to welcome you to the family" John said smiling. "Oh my gosh, really" Luis asked shocked and he nodded his head. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much sir" Luis said and hugged John.

The two guys went into the kitchen and enjoyed the meal. An hour later, Luis and Sheridan were getting ready to leave. 15 minutes later, Luis drove down Sheridan's street and pulled up in her driveway. he go out of the car and opened his girlfriend's door. "Thank you, sweetie" she whispered and walked up the stairs hand in hand. "Goodnight baby, I had a great time" he said and have her a kiss. "I had a great time too, but don't tell me your ready to end the night" she said unlocking the door. When they both were in he threw her against the door and crushed his body into his. His lips moved from her lips to her neck and back to her lips. He pulled away. "Sher why don't I light a fire, while you get each of us a glass of wine" he whispered to her and she nodded in agreement.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2: *Let’s Make Love*

Sheridan and Luis were laying in front of the crackling fire, sipping their wine and enjoying the music floating through the room. "I love you Sheridan" he whispered. "I love you too, but I can't wait any longer. Luis make love to me, make me yours" she whispered into his ear and he responded by quickly kissing her.

Baby I've been drifting away
Dreaming all day
Of holding you and touching you
The only thing I wanna do is
Be with you as close to you
As I can be

His hands moved to the bottom off her halter and he yanked it off, he unzipped her skirt and slid it down her long, sexy, tanned legs, followed by her thong. She undressed him slowly, taking in every piece of his sexy tanned body. He laid on top of her.

Let's make love
All night long
Until our strength is gone
Hold on tight, just let go
I wanna feel you in my soul
Until the sun comes up
Let's make love

"Are you sure, sweetheart" he asked and she nodded. He entered her slowly, it kind of hurt her because she was a virgin still. She was very nervous, but Luis made her feel comfortable. She was glad she had saved her virginity for Luis.

Do you know what you do to me
Everything inside of me, is wanting you
And needing you, I'm so in love with you
Look in my eyes, let's get lost tonight
In each other

---Faith Hill & Tim McGraw~Let's Make Love---

"I love you Sher" he said and kissed her. "Luis that was great, I'm glad you were my first and I was your first" she whispered, their bodies crushed together. Both fell asleep, dreaming of what the future would hold for them. In the middle of the night she woke up, her back was killing her. She woke up Luis and both went upstairs and slept in her bed. The next morning Sheridan awoke, she went to reach for Luis but found cold sheets. "Luis must've regretted last night and left" she thought as tears welled up in her baby blue eyes.

She looked at the clock and it was 10:30, she jumped in the shower, then on the way to work she grabbed a muffin and coffee. She arrived at the youth center at about quarter past 11, she walked into Luis's office and he smiled at her. "Good morning babe" he said walking over to her and giving her a kiss. "Luis did you regret last night" she asked. "No of course not, I love you. If your asking that because I wasn't there when you woke up, well I had to open this place up at 9 since it's Saturday" he said and pulled her close. "Oh I'm so glad Luis" she exclaimed and kissed him.

They walked over to the couch and made out like wild, hungry animals. They were interrupted by someone laughing. The couple turned their heads and Sheridan whispered "oh god" and buried her face in Luis's neck. "Hi dad, what's up "? he asked. "well I wanted to see if you wanted to play a game of basketball, but I can see your already occupied" Martin said, looking over at Sheridan. "Oh no, Mr. Lopez-Fitzgerald he isn't busy. Go and play I'll come and watch" Sheridan said. "Ok Ms. Crane" he said. "ummm... by the way call me Sheridan" she said. "ok Sheridan, well I've known you all your life so you better start calling me Martin" he said smiling, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

The guy were playing basketball, Luis was winning by three points. Just then Pilar walked in and sat beside Sheridan. "Hello Sheridan" "Hi Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald, how are you"? Sheridan asked and smiled. "I'm fine, Sheridan it's Pilar ok! She said smiling at her son's girlfriend. "Ok". "Ya I won" Martin shouted. "Ok, ok dad I get it" Luis said and both guys walked to their women. "Hi mama" Luis said. "Hi Luis, hi darling" Pilar said to her husband. "Hey sweetie" Luis said giving his girlfriend a kiss. "Are you ready to go" Martin asked. "Yes. Bye Sheridan bye Luis" she said.

"Umm Pilar, Martin I would like two invite you two to dinner at my house tonight" Sheridan said. "Ok Sheridan, thank you, what time should we be there"? "Umm..6 is fine" she said. "Ok see you two tonight" Martin said and him and his wife left. Luis placed a sweet kiss on his girlfriend's neck and she giggled. "Luis your all sweaty" she said. "Well how about you watch the kids and I'll go and take a shower" he said and she nodded. While he was gone Beth Wallace walked in. "Sheridan where the hell is Luis" she asked. "None of your damn business, ok" Sheridan answered.

"Well when you see him, give this to him" she said shoving an envelope in Sheridan's lap, and walked out. Right when she left she ripped open the letter and read it. Beth wrote that when Luis cheated on Sheridan with her, she wasn't on the pill and lied about it. Now she was pregnant with his child, and she told him he was going to take fully responsibility for it! By the time she was done reading the letter, she had tears pouring out of her eyes. Luis had cheated on her, she was going to bust Luis's ass for what he did to her.

"Jessica, Theresa watch these kids" she called over her shoulder. "Ok" they both replied. "Luis"! she yelled. "Sher what's the matter" he asked running to her. "Don't Sher me, you lying sack of shit!" she yelled, she threw the letter and walked away. He read the paper real quickly and called to her. "Sheridan don't believe Beth over me. Please, you have to believe me. I love you and I would never hurt you like that. If you want I'll even take a polygraph test to prove that I'm not lying" he whispered, and she thought about what Luis had just said. She would never choose to believe Beth over Luis. "No, that's ok" was all she said. "No Sheridan, I know you don't believe me. Let me do this for us" he explained. "No Luis. I believe you, I know you love me and would never hurt me like that" she said and he kissed her.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3: *My Everything*

6 o'clock came quickly for Sheridan. Martin and Pilar had come a little early, but that was ok. "Martin, Pilar would you two like some wine"? Sheridan asked, and both replied sure. She went to the kitchen and Luis followed. "Sher, why are you so nervous" he asked wrapping his hands around her waist. "Luis they're your parents I don't wanna make a bad impression" she said. "Baby your not making a bad impression ok" he said and kissed her softly on the lips. She picked up the two glasses and brought them to Luis's parents.

"Martin, Pilar can you two be honest? Do you two like me as a person and as your son's girlfriend"? Sheridan asked, a curious _expression plastered on her face. Pilar came and kneeled in front of her. "Sheridan, you don't have to ask that question. Martin and I both love you, your like our own. Your mother and I are best friends and I have always loved you. Now your dating my son, Martin and I can't thank you enough for making him so happy" she said and kissed Sheridan's cheek. Luis smiled, he was glad that his parents approved of his future wife.

Tonight, he was going to make one of the biggest decisions of his life, by asking Sheridan to marry him. They all ate dinner and at about 8:30 or so, Pilar and Martin went home. "Luis do you think you can help me bring theses dishes to the kitchen so I can wash them" she asked. "Sure babe" he said picking up the plates. While she was doing the dishes he came up from behind and snaked his arms around her waist. "Luis can't you just wait until I'm finished with the dishes, before you start your sweet torture on me" she said. "Sher, please just forget them. I'll do them in the morning, I promise" he answered, placing a sweet kiss on her neck.

She chose that moment to turn around, she placed a hungry kiss his on his lips. "Come on, I made us a fire" he whispered and led her to the living room. They sat down on the floor, and he poured a glass of wine for both him and Sheridan. Luis wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and she cuddled into his embrace. "Sher, I have something I need to speak to you about something"

He said and she whispered ok. "Sheridan you know I love you, you’re my everything. I couldn't have found a better girlfriend. But...what I'm not looking for isn't a girlfriend. I want someone to share my life with. Have children with, and grandchildren, and grow old with. Sher from the moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me"? "Oh my god, Luis! I dunno what to say... Oh yes I do. Yesss"! She yelled and threw her arms around Luis's neck. "Oh gosh, you said yes" he cried and slid the ring onto her finger, and kissed her. He picked her up and practically ran upstairs to the bedroom, he turned on the radio.

The loneliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope has seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Like the sun shining up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn't see
Are no so clear to me

Then laid her on the bed and came on top of her,
planting kisses all over. He unzipped her dress and
unclipped her bra. Sliding both down from her body,
then slid off her panties. "Don't you think your
overdressed, detective"? she asked smiling.

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only one I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be my everything

She shed his clothes, throwing every piece of material behind her. He whispered I love you, and took her to world's she hadn't been to before. He started off slow but she was moving faster. "oh you want faster Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald" he whispered and she nodded yes.

Now all my dreams are reality
You've opened my heart
To feel the love that’s real
A guiding light that will never fade
There's not a thing in life I would ever trade

"Well your wish is my command" he said. She wrapped her legs around his waist and brought Luis In deeper. Luis collapsed on his fiancés chest breathless. "Luis is pleasing me, that strenuous"? she joked. "Sheridan you wanted fast. So I gave you fast and I love pleasuring you even if it's strenuous. I love you" he whispered still buried deep inside her flesh. "I love you too, and I'm sorry I wore you out" she said placing a kiss on his forehead.
For the love you gave me
And won't let go
I hope you'll always know

You’re the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete
for all, for all time

---98 Degrees~My Everything---

He rolled out of her and laid on his side, she still laid on her back. He brought the covers up to their necks, and kissed her. He pulled her close and whispered "I love you" and drifted off to sleep. It was already 2:30, and she still was up. She slipped out of bed and put her robe on, then walked downstairs. She made herself a cup of tea and brought it to the bedroom. She finished the last of her tea and slid into bed. She looked at the man laying beside her and traced his sexy, Latin/Irish features. She kissed his lips and when she finally fell asleep it was close to 4.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 4: *Meet Little Adam*

The next morning Sheridan woke up and felt nothing but cold sheets beside her. She looked at the clock, and it was close to 1:30. She got out of bed and threw her robe on, and walked downstairs. "Hey sleepyhead" Luis said smiling, as she sat beside him. "Hey yourself, sweetheart. Wow, I can't believe I slept till 1:30" she said as he wrapped his arms around her. She leaned in for a kiss and sunk into his embrace. "Luis while the hell are you watching American Pie"? she asked turning to the TV.

"Hey hun, it's a funny movie" he answered, she watched the movie with him until the phone rang. "Hello" "Hey Auntie Sheridan, it's Ethan. I need a favor" he asked. "Ok sweetie, what is it"? she asked. "Well tonight I'm proposing to Theresa. I was wondering if you and Luis could watch Adam (Ethanresa's son)"? "Ok sure, we would love to watch our nephew. What time are you bringing him here"? "Well around 7:30, is that okay"? "Sure is hun, see you later.

Bye" "Bye" "Guess what Lopez-Fitzgerald" "What's up, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald"? he asked smiling. "Well we have babysitting duties tonight. Ethan is proposing to you sister" she explained. "Oh great, no sex tonight" he replied sarcastically. "Ha ha ha Luis. Adam's our nephew and I love that little cutie pie. By the way have you noticed that you have been calling me Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald"? she asked. "Yes I have noticed, and I love calling you by that. I hope you don't mind sweetheart". He said.

"No of course I don't mind". They rest of the day went by fast, and Ethan would be here any minute with their nephew. Luis was sleeping on the couch, while she sat in the arm chair. *Ding, dong* Sheridan got up and answered the door. "Hey Ethan, hey cutie" she said taking the baby carrier out of Ethan's hands. " Adam hasn't been fed, can you do that? Thanks again Sher" he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Your welcome, just go and propose. My man already proposed." she said, showing off her ring. " Congratulations. Thanks again" and he ran off. She walked to the living room and took the baby out of his carrier. "Hey sweetheart" she whispered and the baby smiled. She walked to the kitchen, Adam in her arms, and fixed him a bottle of formula. "Your just too cute, Adam. Your mommy is going to have to chase all the girls away, when your older" she whispered and he smiled thinking he knew what she was saying to him.

"Hey hunny, maybe by next year you'll have a little cousin to play with" she said. "Hey buddy" Luis said making his presence known. "Luis you scared me. How long have you been there" she asked leaning up to kiss him. "Heard something about Adam having a cousin by next year" he said. "Sheridan are you..."? she saw what he was getting at and quickly answered. "Oh no Luis! I'm not pregnant". "Oh ok" he replied disappointed.

"What's the matter Luis?" she asked sensing disappointment. "Nothing Sher, I just can't wait to start a family with you" he answered smiling and continued. "Your already good with our nephew. Your going to be the best mother in Harmony". "Oh Luis" she said tears welling up in her bright blue eyes, he always said the right things. She took the bottle out of Adam's mouth and cradled him. He fell asleep, after about a half an hour. "Come on Luis, let's tuck him in and go to bed" she whispered standing up, and walking upstairs, Luis's hand placed on her back securely.

"Goodnight, sweetie" she whispered to her nephew. They watched the little baby drift off to sleep, and walked to their bedroom. Sheridan turned on the baby monitor and slid into bed with her fiancé. "Goodnight, darling. I love you" "I love you too forever and always. Goodnight mi amor" he whispered and kissed her. Sheridan awoke the next morning, panic filled her mind. She jumped out of bed and ran to the nursery. Oh thank god, Adam was alive, he hadn't made a peep all night and she was scared that something had happened. She went back to bed and Luis draped his arm across her stomach. An hour later, Luis woke up and heard noises coming from the baby monitor. He got up and shut it off, then went to get his nephew.

He got Adam and brought him downstairs fed and changed him. Sheridan woke up and noticed that her and Luis weren't alone. She turned around and connected with the big brown eyes of Adam. "Hey cutie" she said picking him up. "Good morning Luis" she whispered leaning over to kiss him. "Good morning sweetheart. I already fed him" he said. "Thank you sweetie". They went downstairs and Luis fed the baby again while Sheridan cooked breakfast. After they all ate, Adam was placed in his bouncer while his aunt and uncle watched the Real World: Paris.

Chapter 5: *Forever & Always*

Minutes later Sheridan looked over at Adam, and he was fast asleep. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Luis's waist. An hour later Theresa and Ethan came. "Let me see the ring and I'll show you mine" Sheridan said sticking out her left hand and Theresa did the same. "Yours is so beautiful" Sheridan exclaimed. "Yours is too!" "Oh Luis, your ring is so beautiful." Ethan said mimicking the girls, and Luis laughed. "Shut up Ethan, and Luis if I were you I wouldn't be laughing!" Sheridan said shooting glares their way.

Theresa and Ethan left with little Adam in tow. She walked over to Luis, and planted a big kiss on his lips. "What was that for, not that I'm complaining I could use another one." and she kissed him again. "Because I love you. Forever & Always" she whispered hugging him. "I love you too, but how about we finish that kiss in the bedroom" he suggested his hands roaming her body. She grabbed his hand and they ran up the stairs to their bedroom. There they made sweet and blissful love. Now they lay in the after glow, kissing and snuggling.

They started another round of lovemaking and fell asleep afterwards. Sheridan stirred in her sleep, she was having a really bad dream~~~"Ya that's right Sheridan, I cheated on you with Beth!" Luis yelled and kissed Beth passionately. "And you thought you were Luis' first? Huh?" Beth Wallace yelled placing a hand on her very pregnant stomach. "Luis No" Sheridan whispered.

"Well Ms. Crane as you see, I love Beth and she's pregnant with our first child!"~~~"Nooo..!!!" Sheridan screamed shooting straight up in bed, tears pouring out of her eyes. "Oh god Sher, what's the matter?" "Luis I just had the worst dream ever" she whispered. "You wanna tell me about it?" he asked and she told him everything. "Sher I love you and only you. I hope you believe me when I say, you were definitely without a doubt my first lover. I would never and I'm never going to make love to any woman but you again!" he told her and kissed her on her cheek. She hugged him close, as they laid back down.

"God Luis, I'm never going to give you up. Especially not to Beth Wallace, that stupid bitch!" she whispered to herself and fell asleep. Sheridan awoke the next morning to the alarm going off. She got up and shut it off. "Luis wake up" "Come here beautiful" he said pulling her onto the bed and kissing her. She pulled away" eww Luis gross, don't kiss me when I have morning breath. Go and brush your teeth and I'll brush mine" she said walking to the bathroom and he followed her.

After brushing their teeth he kissed her again and she didn't pull away. They made it back to the bed where they made love. "Luis come on let's go take a shower" she said, while laying in his arms. They got out of bed and walked into the bathroom again. They came out half an hour later fully dressed. He looked at her and his mouth hung open. "What" she asked. "You look gorgeous" he answered gaining his composure back. "Luis it's only a pair of jeans and a shirt" she replied smiling, he always made her feel good, and she hoped he always would. They left for the Youth Center. Luis was sitting at his desk while Sheridan filed papers. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" "Hey Sherry, Hi Luis" Stephanie said coming into the office. "Hey sis, what's up?" "Well I was wondering if Luis was busy?" "Well kiddo, I'm not what can I do for ya?" he replied. "Do you wanna play a game of b-ball with me?" "Ok sure, be right out" he said and she walked into the gym. Sheridan and Luis followed her "Luis, it's going to suck when you go back to work on Friday!" she said looking at him. "Sheridan, please don't be sad. It's my job, plus we'll be together on the weekends."

he told her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Luis about the Saturdays and Sundays, that's not enough. I would like you to move in with me, I mean the house is so empty when your not there." she said. "Sheridan I would be honored to move in with you." and he picked her up and twirled her around. "Come on Luis!" Stephanie yelled. They played a game of basketball and of course, like always, Luis won. "Good game" they both said and shook hands. The day went by pretty fast and at around 7 Luis and Sheridan headed home, to their home.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 6: *Things Change*

The days seem to pass quickly for both Sheridan and Luis. It was Saturday morning, and both were in the shower. "Oh Luis, I hate that you have to go back to work today." she said. "Me too baby, but hey we'll see each other more than Saturdays and Sundays." he whispered and kissed her. "Luis, I'm going to get a job. I'm not going to live off Alistar's money anymore." she told him. "Are you sure, because I can support both of us on my paycheck" he answered. I'm sure Luis, I really don't want to sit on my ass all day." she told him. A little past 7:30 they left the house.

Luis drove Sheridan's Mercedes Convertible, bought with Alistar's money, to the police station. They got out of the car and Sheridan gave him a long passionate kiss. "Go Luis!" he heard one of the officers yell. "Bye Sher, I love you." he whispered. "I love you too, sweetheart." she turned her head and something caught her eye. She walked towards the window and read the sign. ~Wanted~ Secretary, hours 8-5, Good Typing Skills 45 WPM + And Multiple Speaking languages. "Luis who do I speak to about this position?" "Sam" he answered and they walked into the police station.

When she walked in she got words like "hot stuff" or "sexy mama" sent her way and she blushed. "ya and she's my hot stuff and my sexy mama" Luis yelled back, slipping a possessive hand around her waist. Sam walked out of his office to see what the commotion was all about, and once he saw Sheridan he knew. "Luis good, you’re here. Get right to work, please" he told Luis and he nodded. "umm.. hi Sam. I wanted to see if the secretary position has been filled yet." she said. "No Sheridan, it hasn't been filled yet would you like to apply for it" he asked and she shook her head. "ok just fill this out and return it to me.

I will call you later and tell you if you got the job or not." he said handing her a white sheet of paper. ok Sam thanks". After filling out the paper she left, and headed to the Book Café. "Hey Ms. Crane what can I get for you."? Chad asked her. "Can I have a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin please?" "Sure can" he replied. She paid and went and sat on the couch, and looked at wedding magazines. She was looking at a page when something caught her eye. She looked to the left and saw none other than her sister and Miguel making out in the corner.

Oh my gosh, they look just like Luis and me when we were that age. she thought walking over to them. She stopped in front of them. "Stephanie, Miguel!" she exclaimed sternly, trying to hide her smile. "Hi Sheridan" both said, cheeks all crimson. "Hello. What happened if our parents caught you and Miguel Steph? Or worse Pilar and Martin!" "Sheridan, we're sorry. Please don't tell anyone." Miguel said. "Miguel, I was just playing. I won't tell anyone, promise.

Luis and I have always been like that and we still are." "Sheridan, since it's Saturday can I crash at your house tonight?" Stephanie asked her older sister. "I dunno sis, Luis lives with me now and I have to make sure he has nothing up his sleeve tonight." Sheridan replied, just then her cell rang. "Excuse me, you two that's me." she told them and walked away. "Hello" "Hey Sheridan, it's Sam. I just wanted to call you and tell you that your hired. You start Monday at 8 a.m. sharp". "Ok Sam thanks, bye" "Bye". Sheridan walked thorough the streets of Harmony.

It was almost 5 and Luis would be home at 5. She walked past a little blue house, in the yard grandparents played with their grandchildren, and she smiled. That's going to be Luis and me with our grandchildren, she thought happily and walked home. Almost 3 months had past, Luis and Sheridan had gotten married a little over a month and a half ago. They honeymooned in Spain for 3 weeks and loved it. Everything was going great in their lives and in their marriage. But today one thing would change theirs and everyone's lives around them!

To Be Continued...

Chapter 7: *A Job...A New Marriage...?*

Sheridan awoke on a beautiful, sunny morning with the sun streaming through the French doors. Her sexy husband laying beside her. It was already 7 and her and Luis had to be at work at 8 o'clock sharp. "Luis wake up" she whispered kissing him on the lips and he responded quickly. He laid on top of his wife, getting ready to make love to her, but she stopped him. "Luis we can't make love right now. We have to be at work in an hour." she hissed. "But Sher, I wanna make love to my beautiful wife." he whined.

"Oh no! You better not whine. Now I'm going to get my body in the shower, if your quick enough you can join me." she told him. Almost an hour later, they were running around their bedroom hurrying to get dressed. "Hurry Luis, Sam's going to have our necks" Sheridan yelled to her husband, who was still in dreamland. 10 minutes later they were out the door. "You guys are late, again!" Sam said sternly trying not to laugh. "We're sorry Sam. We...we...woke up late."

Sheridan stammered. "Ya I bet." Sam told them winking, knowing fully that was not the reason. It was close to 11 o'clock when Sheridan's phone began to ring. "Good afternoon, Harmony P.D." "Hey Sheridan, this is Eve" "Oh hey Eve, what's up?" Sheridan asked. "Well you know how you took that blood test a week ago?" "Well...." "It came back positive. Your about 9 weeks along" Dr. Russell told the young woman excitedly. "Ok thanks so much" Sheridan told her doctor and hung up her phone. Sam walked by "Chief, may I take a 5 minute break, I'm not feeling well" She asked. "Sure. Would you like me to get Luis?"

"Oh no, it's ok" she told her boss and walked out. She sat on the bench, tears began to spring out of her eyes. Not sad tears, happy ones. "Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant" she thought smiling. She wiped her tears and went inside to tell her husband. "Luis" she called knocking lightly on his door. "Come in, sweetie" he said. "Luis can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, come here. What's wrong?" "I got a call from Eve today." "What's the matter are you ok?" he asked in a panicked voice. "I'm fine, she just called to tell me I'm pregnant" she told her husband, beaming with smiles.

"Oh my god, Sher!" he exclaimed enveloping her in a hug. "So I take it your happy" she asked. "Happy doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling, baby. I'm so overjoyed, our love created a little baby." he said smiling. He picked her up and swung her around, and kissed her. He walked out of his office in all smiles. "Sam" Luis called across the room. "What's up Luis" Sam asked running over to the couple. "Sam, Sheridan's making me a daddy!" Exclaimed Luis. "A father, Sheridan your pregnant?" Sam asked and she nodded. "Oh...know wonder why you weren't feeling good before. Well congratulations"

"Thanks Sam" She said walking back to her desk. "Hey Sher, where do you think your going?" asked Sam. "Back to do my work" she told him. "Oh no your not. Go home with Luis." he said handing her her purse and slipping her jacket on for her. "Sam, are you letting me go?" "Oh no, nothing like that. I think you should go home and celebrate with your husband. Like husbands and wives should" Chief Bennett said, winking at the happy couple. "Sam" Sheridan said laughing. "Thanks Chief" Luis said shaking his boss' hand. "no problem, just go and enjoy the rest of the day with your wife."

Sam told them, and the couple left. Sheridan and Luis walked around town hand in hand, since they didn't drive their car to work, they ended up at the Warf. Luis thought about the first time he had kissed her, she was 13 and he was 17. "I'm thinking about our first, real kiss too" she told her husband, reading his mind. "Come on, let's go home" he whispered taking her hand in his, and both walked to their house. "Would you like me to fix you some lunch" She asked her husband, walking to the kitchen."

I have my lunch right in front of me" He whispered kissing her neck. "mmm..." she moaned enjoying her husband's lips on her smooth skin. He smiled against her skin, she was putty in his hands. He picked up his wife and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. Where close were shed, words of love and commitment were exchanged, and then two souls becoming one. "I love you" she whispered as they laid in the afterglow of their lovely rounds of lovemaking. "I love you too, and I love our little baby" he said caressing her flat stomach. * Ring, Ring* "Oh hold on, that's my cell" she said and picked up her phone. "hello" "Hey Sher, it's me Steph" "oh hey sis, what's up" "Well I just won four tickets to the Justified & Stripped tour.

Miguel and I were wondering if you and Luis would join us?" "Hold on, let me ask him" Sheridan said and pulled the phone away from her ear. "Luis would you like to go and see Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake?" she asked. "Umm...Okay that would be cool" "Ok sis, we're going to go. How about you and your boyfriend come over tonight. Luis and I have something important to talk to you two about" "Ok Sheridan, it sounds serious. What time should we be there?" "5 o'clock" "Ok sis, see you then" "Bye".

Chapter 8: *Wow A Baby!*

"Alright hun, your brother and my sister are coming over tonight at 5. I would like them to be the first to know" Sheridan told her husband, while cuddling into his warm body. 20 minutes later she rolled out of bed. "Where are you going" Luis asked. "Luis I have to get up, so do you" she said. "Darling, it's only 1 chill. how about I run a bath for us?" "Ok that'd be nice" she said walking to the bathroom, naked, and swaying her hips. "You work it, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald" he yelled, she look at him and blushed. He poured some bubbles into the bathtub, and let the water run. An hour they got up, and got dressed.

"Sweetie I have to go to the market. Would you like anything?" "nope Sheridan, but I would like to come" he said wrapping his arms around her waist, from the front. They came back a half an hour later, 13 bags in tow. "Alright Luis, I need a favor, please! Do you think you can put the groceries away, while I start cooking the chicken" Sheridan asked Luis. "Sure baby. no problem. And please. do not, and I mean do not, feel bad about asking me to do stuff ok" he said and she shook her head. Stephanie and Miguel arrived at quarter of 5. "hey Miguel" Luis greeted his brother with a manly hug. "Steph" and have her a hug too.

"Hey Stephanie, Miguel. Dinner will be done soon, would you like something to drink?" Sheridan asked. "Just a glass of water, please Sheridan" Miguel said and looked at his girlfriend "Whatever you have, Sher." she answered. "ok I'll be right back." Half an hour later they sat and ate, which took about an hour and a half. It was now close to seven, and they were sitting in front of the fireplace.

Stephanie in wrapped in Miguel's arms an Sheridan wrapped in her husbands. "So what did you two do today?" Sheridan asked her sister and brother-in-law. "Well I worked 8-4" Miguel replied. "And of course I stood home bored, like usual." "Oh" Sheridan whispered. "Well anyways bro, Stephanie. Sheridan and I have something to tell you." Luis announced. "You two are the first to know. Luis and I are expecting!" "Oh Sher!!!"

Stephanie exclaimed and threw her arms around her sisters neck. "Congratulations Luis, Sheridan" Miguel said giving them both hugs. "Ok but don't tell anyone else ok. I want to tell our families on Thanksgiving" Luis told them. "Just think, you two will have something to look forward to." Sheridan told them. "What do you mean Sher?" asked Miguel. "Oh come on, even though you guys are young, please do not tell me that you haven't thought about having a future together." Sheridan said smiling.

"Well we have thought about what it would be like to get married to each other and have children. But not yet of course" Stephanie laughed. "You two sure do move fast" Miguel joked. Half an hour later Miguel announced he had to go because he had work the next day. Stephanie pulled her sister aside. "Sheridan can I crash here tonight?" She asked sadly. "Umm...sure. What's the matter though?' Sheridan asked. "Ivy Crane, that's what's the matter.

That bitch always flirts with dad, and she kissed him. Right in front of mom. Well anyways mom took off for the week and I haven't been home since that night." Steph said sadly. "Sis where have you been staying?" "Miguel's room he's the only one that makes me feel safe" "Would you like him to stay with you tonight?" Sheridan asked, and her sister shook her head. "Miguel Stephanie is going to sleep here tonight, would you like to too?" "Ok sure, can I call my mother so she doesn't worry". "Go ahead Miguel" Luis answered. Luis pulled out the couch-bed. "OK can we trust you" Sheridan asked sternly.

"Yes Sher you can. What do you think we'd actually have sex while you two are upstairs?" Stephanie replied laughing at her sister. "thanks for letting us stay" Miguel said and slid into bed with his girlfriend. Sheridan and Luis walked upstairs hand in hand up to their bedroom. "How about a bath?" she asked. "Come on" he whispered leading her into the bathroom. She undressed him and he undressed her. Just the sight of her naked, made his erection grow even bigger. Both slid into the hot water. She leaned back against his chest. "Oh Luis" she sighed.

"Could our lives be anymore perfect." "NO well yes when the baby gets here" he replied happily. They stayed in the tub for a little while, then got out. "Good night Sheridan, I love you" he whispered as she lay her head on his chest. "I love you too goodnight." and the happy couple feel into dreamland, where they only dreamed about each other.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 9: *Happy Thanksgiving*

Weeks had passed, Sheridan only had a tiny bump on her tummy, and thankfully, the morning sickness had passed. Luis and her had decided to wait and tell everyone on Thanksgiving. Sheridan awoke with a big smile spread across her face. Luis' hand was securely draped across her stomach. "Luis wake up" she whispered kissing his luscious lips. "Mmm...not up yet" he whispered, and she played along with him. She kissed him again. "Not yet baby" Luis whispered and she kiss him again and smiled. "Ok sweetheart I'm up" he replied coming on top of her.

He peeled of her little nightie and she shed his boxers. He slipped into his boxers as soon as his boxers were off. "Oh Sher, baby I could wake up to that every morning" he whispered. "me too" she replied. "Oh crap what time is it?" "10:57, why do you have somewhere else to be" he joked as she hurried out of bed. "It's thanksgiving we have to go to your parents" She ran downstairs to wake up her sister and Miguel. "Guys wake up. Go home and change." Sheridan told them, and they left. Sheridan ran upstairs and jumped in the shower with Luis. They got out of the shower, got dressed and before they left they grabbed the pumpkin pie that was sitting on the counter."

They arrived at Martin's & Pilar's almost a half an hour late. "Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry we're late dad" Luis apologized. "It's ok son, it's time to eat anyways" Martin said smiling. They walked to the kitchen. "Happy Thanksgiving everyone" Sheridan said and everyone replied the same. After feasting on turkey, ham, yams, potatoes, vegetables, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, everyone sat in the living room eating dessert and drinking coffee. "Everyone listen up. Sheridan and I have an announcement to make" Luis said, Sheridan continued "This announcement is going to change our lives forever" and Luis said "Sheridan's pregnant."

"Oh my gosh Sheridan congratulations!" both Katherine and Pilar said smiling. Everyone congratulated the happy couple, except for one person. "Martin, Pilar thank you for a wonderful dinner. But we're going to leave, if it's okay with you two" Sheridan said. "Sheridan, Luis go home we don't mind." Pilar replied. Martin and Pilar watched as their son and his wife left. "How about I light a fire when we get home" he asked rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. "Sure" she whispered looking out the window. "Sheridan, what's the matter baby?" he asked. "nothing's wrong why" "Well you have just seemed distant since we left my parents house." he told her.

"Well nothing's wrong so just drop it ok, please" she said loudly. "Ok" he whispered it as a mood swing, and it would pass. They got to their house and she went straight to the bedroom. She pulled back the covers and slid onto the white satin sheets, and tried to take a nap. He walked upstairs five minutes later, and stood in the doorway. "Luis I know you’re here, I feel your presence" she said opening her eyes. He walked over to her and sat on the bed. "Sheridan, I love you. But why can't you tell me what's the matter?" he asked.

"Fine I'll tell you! First your parents invited Beth to dinner, even thought they know I hate her! Then when we told everyone that I was pregnant Beth whispered to herself, you don't deserve to have Luis' children. Luis, how dare she say that!" she exclaimed as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. He wiped her tears away. "Sher, she's just jealous. She's always wanted to marry me and she's always wanted to be the mother of my children. But I knew and I still know that will never happen. I love you AND only you" he said. She smiled at him.

"Oh Luis I love you, your so sweet. Come here" she said and pulled him down on top of her, and kissing him. There he made love to her, showing her how much he loved her. Now they lay on there sides spooning, watching the sun set through the French doors. "Oh Luis, look how beautiful the sunset is" she exclaimed. "Sheridan, hunny, not as beautiful as you" he told her and kissing the crown of her head. "Come and sit outside with me" she said slipping out of bed. thankfully their house was secluded, she thought. They wrapped sheets around them and stood on the terrace. He snaked his arms around her waist and she leaned her head back and smiled. "I love you" he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Luis" she whispered back. Once the sunset they walked back into their room. "Luis do you want to go to the movies" she asked. "OK sure baby, what movie would you like to go see?" he asked. "How about Scary Movie 3." she replied "Ok" he said and picked up the phone, while she went into the bathroom and took a shower. He called to see what time the movie was playing, then followed his wife and hopped in the shower with her.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 10: *From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart*

4 years have passed, Sheridan ended up having a little girl, and she couldn't have been more thrilled. "Good morning baby" Sheridan said as she entered her daughter's room. "morning mommy" little 4 year-old Chloe replied and gave her mother a kiss. Chloe was an exact replica of Theresa, when she was that age. "Hey there's my girl" Luis called standing in the doorway. "good morning daddy" she said running up to him. "Are you ready to go to the beach angel?" Luis asked picking Chloe up. She shook her head brown curls bouncing. Sheridan watched Luis' silver SUV pull out of the driveway.

"Oh Luis, what's happening to us" she said aloud. She walked upstairs to the bedroom that she used to share with Luis, and called her best friend. Gwen, who lived in LA with her husband Hank and their 4 year-old daughter, Paris. Sheridan picked up the phone and dialed the number. "hello" Gwen's voice came on. "hey Gwen it's Sher" Sheridan said into the receiver. "Sweetie how are you doing?" Gwen asked in a worried voice. "Look Gwen, Chloe and I might be coming out for a visit." She told her friend. "Oh Sheridan, you and Luis used to be so happy. What has been happening?" Gwen asked.

"Well Gwen it seems like he doesn't love me anymore." she said and started crying. "Sheridan please don't cry, I'm going to fly to Harmony. You need a friend right now" "No Gwen don't do that. If things get any worse I'll come to you." Sheridan replied. "Gwen, I love you so much your such a great friend." She said. "Sher I love you too please take care. I have to go, I'm sorry, miss Paris wants her breakfast" Gwen answered back. "Ok bye" Sheridan said and hung up her phone, Gwen did the same. "mommy" yelled coming through the door, hours later. "Did you have a nice time at the beach?" Sheridan asked.

"Yes I did, but mommy can we go shopping?" Chloe asked. Luis hated that she always took their daughter shopping and spoiled her. He didn't want his daughter to be brought up like a little spoiled brat. She smirked at Luis and answered. "Oh course sweetie." Sheridan grabbed her purse and headed out the door with her daughter following. "mommy I have to tell you something" Chloe said from the backseat. "Yes baby, what is it?" Sheridan asked looking in the mirror. "Mommy daddy says I'm not suppose to tell you, but I don't care. Some lady came to the beach with me and daddy today?" Chloe said quietly. "What was her name Chloe? Do you know her?" Sheridan asked.

"yes mommy, it was Beth. And her and daddy were kissing" she said. Sheridan pulled her Mercedes to the side of the road. "Sweetie, would you like to take a trip and go see auntie Gwen uncle Hank and Paris?" "Yes mommy, I'd love that!" exclaimed the little girl. Sheridan smiled and pulled out her cell phone. "hey Gwen, it's Sheridan, again. Chloe and I are going to visit you guys ok" Sheridan said and Gwen replied alright, so she hung up her phone. "Baby, mommy's going to drop you off at grandma Katherine's for a little while ok. Sheridan drove to her parents house. "Mom can you please watch Chloe, just for a little while. Please?" asked Sheridan.

"Sure sweetheart. But what's the matter?" Katherine asked her daughter. "I just need a little time away from here. Chloe and I are going to visit Hank, Gwen and their daughter. Mom, please, I'm begging you do not tell anyone where I'm going. Luis and I are just having problems and I need a break" she explained to her mother. Sheridan walked upstairs and turned on some music. Just to clear her head. It was a mixed music channel, so she didn't know when a slow song would come on. She walked into her room and that's when she heard the song.

Never look back we say
How was I know to know
I'd miss you so
Loneliness up, again
Emptiness behind where do I go
And you didn't hear
all the joy through my tears
All my hopes through my fears
Did you know
Still I miss you somehow

Sheridan yanked out shirts and jeans from her drawers, then pulled out some panties and bras. she threw everything into her suitcase. She walked to her daughters room, wheeling like suitcase along. Thankfully her dear husband wasn't home. He was probably with his little floozy, Beth.

From the bottom of my broken heart
There's just one thing
I'd like you to know
You were my first love
you were my true love from the first
kiss to the very last rose

Her heart broke at the thought of Luis and Beth together. Even though he treated her badly, Sheridan still loved Luis, and always would. She leaned against the wall, for support. And ended up sliding to the floor. With her head in her hands she cried. She cried for her marriage that fell apart and Luis cheating on her.

From the bottom of my broken heart
Even in time I'll fine me somebody new.
You were my real love
I never knew love, till there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart

She got up and decided Luis isn't worth any of my tears. She wiped the tear stained face and continued packing. She finished packing her daughters clothes, blanket and pillow. Then she walked downstairs to call the airlines. Their plane left in a half an hour.

Baby I said please stay
Give another chance
for one more day.
We could've worked things out
Taking time is what I’m all about
But you couldn't

That was it she couldn't take listening to the song anymore. She turned off the stereo. She locked the door, and walked outside two suitcases in tow. She loaded the suitcases in the truck and went and sat in the drivers seat. She stared at her house and cried, again. Luis and her had created so many memories there.

The night they first made love, the night he proposed, the day he moved in with her, the day they christened the whole house with their love, the day he carved their initials in the tree that stood by the patio. LLF loves SLF 4 ever, my ass she thought, and pulled out of her driveway. Sheridan drove into town, on the way to her moms. She passed by the Lobster Shack, which represented their first date. The police station, where she had gotten her first job. She had also found out she was pregnant and told Luis there.

He was so happy, she could still remember his face. It was priceless. Just like their love use to be. She drove into the youth center parking lot, parked her car, then went in. Luis was punching the punching bag, shirtless. Damn does he looks so yummy, Sheridan thought. "Oh Luis" she called and he turned around. "What do you want?" he asked annoyed. "Oh is that anyway to talk to your wife darling?" she joked. "Just cut to the damn chase!" he said folding his arms across his chest. "Chloe and I are going on a little trip.

No biggie. Just didn't want you to worry about her, cause I know you don't give a damn about me." she told him sadly, she turned around when tears starting to come out of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and turned to face him. "Sheridan that's not true" he said walking towards her.

"No! Don't touch me ok. Just leave me and my daughter alone." she said and stormed out. "She's my daughter too!" he called out. Sheridan drove to Katherine's to pick up Chloe. Their plane took off at 1:30 and arrived in LA at 5 (pacific time).

To Be Continued...

Chapter 11: *What Am I Going To Do*

"Paris!" Chloe yelled running to her friend. "Chloe I've missed you so much" little Paris exclaimed. "Hey Gwen, hey Hank" Sheridan said hugging her friends. "Sher, I'm so sorry" Gwen whispered into her friends ear. They drove to Hank and Gwen's house, Chloe and Paris chatting on the way, Sheridan just sat and listened. "Sheridan this is your room" Gwen said showing Sheridan the room with the queen-sized bed, a bureau, a mirror, TV and a stereo. "Thanks Gwen. I don't know how to repay you for letting us stay here." "Sheridan you don't have to repay me. You’re my best friend and you'll always be" Gwen told her. Chloe and Paris swooshed by their mothers.

"Chloe don't run. This isn't you house" Sheridan called. The five of them ate, then the girls went upstairs, while Hank sat on the couch watching TV. Sheridan and Gwen were brushing their daughters hair. Paris went up to Gwen and whispered into her ear "Mommy can I tell auntie Sher and Chloe our secret?" "Sure sweetheart" Gwen replied smiling. "Ok Auntie Sher, Chloe do you wanna hear mommy's secret?" Paris asked. "Yes, please tell us sweetie" Sheridan answered for herself and Chloe. "My mommy's going to have a baby.

But don't tell anyone" Paris said. "Oh Gwen" Sheridan exclaimed and hugged her friend. "Congratulations!" Sheridan also said. "OK little ladies time for bed" Gwen announced. "Goodnight mommy, I love you" Chloe said as Sheridan tucked her in and kissed her head. "I love you too Chloe" Sheridan whispered. "Mommy do we have to go home? I don't want to cause I hate daddy. He made you sad and he made you cry." "Sweetheart please don't say you hate daddy, he's still your daddy!" Sheridan told her daughter.

Sheridan kissed Chloe's cheek and walked out into the hallway, shutting the door behind. She broke down, crying, in Gwen's arms. "Shh..Sheridan don't cry. Everything will work out. If you want I can call Ethan, he's still my friend, I can have him draw up divorce papers" Gwen said sadly. "No Gwen not yet. When I go back to Harmony I'll see how everything works out. I'll see how he treats me." Sheridan said to her friend, walking downstairs, Gwen on her trails.

"Sher tell me everything that has happened lately." "Gwen we just use to be a happy couple now we're not. We couldn't get enough of each other, now he doesn't even notice me" Sheridan started to explain. "And well, I guess, we haven't been happy for a long time. In the beginning I never noticed he was pulling away. He used to work till like 12 at night. I got so pissed at him for that. He didn't want to deal with me so he moved into the guest bedroom, can you believe that? He never asks me to go out anymore, he always takes Chloe. And, now, I know why!

He's been cheating on me, and you'll never guess who I found out from" she cried. "Sher please calm down. How did you find out?" Gwen asked. "Chloe! Luis brought Beth to the beach with him and Chloe!" Sheridan exclaimed then continued. "Gwen I knew we had problems. But not this big, that'd he'd go and cheat on me. When Chloe told me that it just broke my heart" Sheridan told her friend. "Oh Sher, I'm so sorry! I know god will punish him for doing this to you." she said comforting her best friend. "Gwen I'm going to go to sleep" she said standing up. "Ok goodnight" Gwen called. "Night" and she walked to her bedroom.

Sheridan sat on the queen sized bed and picked up the phone. She called Luis and he picked up. "Hello" "Oh hey Sher" he said. "Luis I'm coming back next week. I want you out of my house" she said. "Sheridan why" he asked, obviously, playing dumb. "Don't give me that bull shit. You cheated on me and I'm suppose to let you walk all over me? Live in MY house with MY daughter. Why don't you go and move in with your little floozy, Beth!" she screamed and hung up her phone. Sheridan laid down and cried herself to sleep. Meanwhile Luis was packing to go to LA.

Thank god for caller ID, or else he wouldn't have known where his wife and daughter were. Hank and Gwen listened outside Sheridan's closed door, as she cried. "Oh Hank, I feel so bad for her. Luis never use to be like this" she said to her husband. "Yes Gwen I know. Come on let's go to bed" he said and they walked to their room. Morning came, Gwen and Sheridan were still sleeping, but Hank, Paris, and Chloe were up. "Don't tell Gwen we ate in the living room girls. She'll kick my butt"

he told them, the doorbell rang, so Hank went and answered it. "What the hell are you doing here!" exclaimed Hank as he looked at the person standing at his doorstep. "I want to see my wife" said the man. "Luis who the hell do you think you are. After hurting Sheridan you have the nerve to show up here wanting to see her. No way Luis, go back home" Hank told his friend. "Geez Hank who's at your door early this morning" Sheridan asked, yawning, coming down the stairs. "Your husband" he answered. "Luis get out!" she shrieked.

"Sheridan, I just want to talk. Please" he said. "Talk, talk, you wanna talk. Luis just go back home" She said. "Sheridan can we just talk please, let me explain" he told her. "Fine whatever" she said and walked out onto the porch. "Sheridan I'm sorry that I hurt you" he whispered sitting on the steps, beside her. "It's a little too late for that" she mumbled. "Sheridan I want to work through this" he said. "Work through what. Luis I can never get passed the fact that you cheated on me. You don't understand that!" she yelled. "Sher I never slept with her, I love you way too much. I would never do that to you! I just hung out with her, that was it" he replied. "That's why Chloe told me that you kissed her. That was the day you two went to the beach, and you brought that slut around our daughter.

How dare you!" she said. "Sheridan Beth kissed me. Chloe's is only 4 what does she know? Can we try and fix our marriage. Can I take you out tonight? To dinner, please? I love you so much I can't let you go" he asked, in a pleading voice. "Luis I love you too. What happened to us?" she asked. "Sher I really don't know. All I remember was that I use to work till 12 and you would get pissed at me!" he said.

"Luis I'm sorry. Then yes, to answer your question, I guess I will settle for dinner" she told him. "Ok I'll see you at 7 then" he said. "Ok bye, Luis" she said, and he did something that she didn't expect, he kissed her lips. Then walked to his car, Sheridan watched his car pull our of Gwen and Hank's Driveway. She walked back into the house.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 12: *Don't Wanna Lose You Now*

It was 6:30, Sheridan and Gwen were in Sheridan's room. "Gwen I don't know if I should go through with this date" she sighed. "Sher I definitely think you should go through this. This will help you two resolve some problems. I know you still love him and want him. And he still loves you or else he wouldn't be standing at my doorstep" she said to her friend, smiling, as the doorbell rang. "Thanks for the dress" Sheridan said and hugged her friend. "good luck Sher" Gwen called as her friend walked down the stairs. "These are for you" Luis said giving her a dozen roses.

"Thanks. I'm just gonna out these in water" she said smiling. "hi daddy" Chloe said walking up to her father. "hello angel" he said and picked her up. "Mommy looks pretty, doesn’t she?" she asked. "yes mommy looks very pretty" he answered as he kissed his daughters cheek. "Daddy if you make mommy cry again I'm going to be mad at you" the little girl said seriously. "Chloe" Sheridan exclaimed and took her daughter from Luis' arms. She kneeled down in front of Chloe. "Sweetheart please don't be mean to daddy. Please" she said.

"Ok mommy I'll be nice to him" the little girl whispered. "I love you baby" Sheridan whispered to her daughter. "love you too mommy" Chloe replied and kissed her mother. "Shall we my lady" Luis asked and stuck out his hand. She paused before she took it. Once she had her fingers intertwined with her husbands electric love shocks shot threw her body. Same with Luis. Sheridan and Luis sat in the restaurant, at their table, enjoying each others company. "Sheridan, when do you think you'll be coming home, to Harmony" he asked. "Luis to be honest, I don't know.

I have nothing there for me. And I don't think I'll ever have something there for me again" she said, telling him the truth. "what about me" he asked. "What about you? Huh, you don't even love me. You only want me to move back so you can see your daughter" she laughed as tears came to her baby blue eyes. He leaned over the table and wiped them away. "thanks" she whispered. "Sher, I do love you! I want to be with you forever. I don't want to throw our love away like this. I can't go on with my life without you in it." he said as he linked their fingers together, across the table.

Sheridan cried only harder this time. "Angel please don't cry" he whispered kneeling in front of her. "You...you called me angel. You haven't called me that in such a long time" she whimpered and placed a kiss on his lips. "Sheridan Lopez-Fitzgerald, please, I love you so much. Will you please move back home, to me?" he asked, almost crying himself. "Luis I dunno, I'm not moving back anytime soon. But I'll eventually move back, just give me time, please. It's going to take time to repair our marriage. And I'm willing to try" she told him smiling.

"Sheridan I'm willing to try anything to win you and your heart back" he said sweetly, and kissed her. A song started to come on. "Sher come and dance with me" he said and pulled her up, leading her to the dance floor.

I neva knew that I would lose my mind
that I could control this
Never though that I'd be left behind
that I was stronger than you, baby
Girl if I knew what I've done you
know so why don't you tell me
And I would bring down the moon and sun
to so how much I care

~Chorus~ Don't wanna lose you now
Baby I know we can win
Don't wanna lose you now
No, no never again

I've got this feeling your not gonna stay
It's burning within me
the fear of losing, the feeling of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I've had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away

~Chorus Repeat~

I never thought that I would lose my mind
that I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
that I as stronger than you
Don't wanna lose to loneliness
Girl I know we can win
Don't wanna lose to emptiness, oh no never again

---BackstreetBoys~Don't Wanna Lose you Now---

Luis led Sheridan off the dance floor. They ate their meal, then he paid the bill. "Now you and the Mrs. have a nice night" the host said. "Thank you sir" Luis replied politely. "Would you like to get some ice cream" he asked, not wanting to end the night. "Ok sure" she answered, not wanting to end the night either. They walked hand in hand to the ice cream parlor, which was a few minutes away, and drove back to Gwen and Hank's house at around half past 9.

To Be Continued...
Chapter 13: *One More Try*

Luis drove onto the quiet street and stopped in front of their friends house. He got out and opened Sheridan's door for her. "thanks" she whispered. 'Your most certainly welcome" he said as he walked her to the door. They leaned in for a kiss and minutes later came up for air. "Would you like to come in" she asked unlocking the door. "sure" he said innocently. They walked in and sat on the couch.

she leaned into his embrace as his arms wrapped around her shoulders. "Luis I love you. I have missed you so much, you have no idea" she told him as tears well up in her eyes, she looked up at him. "Sheridan I love you too. And I also have missed you very much" he said wiping the salt water tears from her face with his thumbs. "Luis I want you to make love to me. No I need you to'.

I want our souls to become one again" she told him. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She giggled, quietly all the way to the bedroom. He turned on the stereo, and switched the station that played only love music. They undressed each other and while they made love this song filled the room.

It's been along time since you left me
I didn't mean to make you cry
I didn't mean to disappoint you
I didn't mean to tell you lies
And after all that we have been through
Let me tell you why, one more try

~Chorus~ One more try, I didn't know how much I loved you
One more try, let me put my arms around you
Living all these lonely nights without you
Oh baby can't we give it one more try

It's been a long time since I kissed you
It always use to feel so good
And if you knew how much I've missed you
you'd forgive me if you could
and now that we have found each other
Can't we give it one more try
~Chorus Repeat~

And after all that we have been through
Let me tell you why, now that
we have found each other
Can't we give it one more try

~Chorus Repeat~
Oh girl, you know I love you
Our love I'll always treasure
So please just don't let me go

---Stevie B~One More Try---

"Luis I love you" she whisper as they lay I the afterglow of their lovemaking. "I love you too Sheridan don't ever forget that baby ok" he said, and she replied with an ok. He pulled her into his arms and fell asleep. She lay awake, wondering if what they had done was a mistake. She didn't regret it or anything like that. Luis and her were having problems, but having sex wasn't going to fix any of them.

She sunk into his arms and fell asleep, getting ready to deal with the million questions Gwen was going to throw at her tomorrow morning. The next morning Sheridan woke up. Luis', naked, body was pressed up against hers. She turned her body around to face him. "Good morning angel" he whispered as he closed the distance between them. "Morning" she whispered back and smiled. "mommy" they heard the little call. It's only 7, Sheridan thought as she looked at her watch. Well it was 10 at home. Sheridan threw on Luis' shirt, and he threw on his boxers.

"Mommy can I come in" Chloe asked knocking on the door, before opening it. "Sure sweetie" Sheridan replied. "Good morning mommy, morning daddy" she said as she jumped on the bed. "good morning sweetheart" Sheridan said as she took her daughter into her arms and hugged her. "My two favorite girls" he whispered as he looked at his wife and daughter. "I'm hungry" announced Chloe rubbing her tummy.

"Well let's go downstairs I'll cook breakfast" Sheridan said sliding our of bed. She threw on her jeans, and Luis threw on his other shirt. "So what would you like Ms. Chloe?" she asked. "Umm" she thought for a minute. "An omlet with everything in it. Ham, cheese, mushrooms, and broccoli if aunt Gwen all that" Chloe answered. "morning Chloe, morning auntie Sher, morning uncle Luis" Paris said walking into the kitchen.

"Paris, would you like something to eat" Sheridan asked. "Whatever Chloe is having is fine with me" the little blonde answered. "Thank you auntie Sher" and ran off into the living room with Chloe. When breakfast was done she called the girls and they ate along with Luis. "Why aren't you eating Sher" Luis asked his wife. "I'm not hungry" she replied and walked to the living room. She laid on the couch, on her tummy, and closed her eyes.

She though of last night, and the passions that she and Luis had shared. "What are you smiling about Sheridan? Luis!" Gwen implied. "Come on let's go upstairs and I'll tell you. " Sheridan said and both woman walked upstairs. "Uncle Luis guess what." Paris said. "What?" "My mommy told my daddy last night that she was pregnant" Paris said excitedly "Oh that's wonderful!" Luis said.

"What's wonderful" asked Hank. "That your going to be a dad again" he told his friend "Gwen last night was just so perfect!" Sheridan exclaimed happily as she sat on the bed. "But do you regret it" Gwen asked. "No never! I mean I asked for him to make love to me. But the date, he was so sweet and romantic" she said then continued. "Oh Gwen, what am I going to do? He didn't sue a condom and I'm not on the pill!" cried Sheridan. "Sheridan I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you.

But here's something happy to talk about. I told Hank that I'm pregnant" Gwen said smiling. "What did he say?" Sheridan asked. "He was so happy. He told me he wanted 10 more" she said laughing. "Oh my god!" Sheridan laughed. "Gwen I'm so happy for you." "Sher, I'm happy for you!" "Don't be Gwen."

To Be Continued...

Chapter 14: *A Family Outing*

"Why Sheridan?" "Because Gwen, everything's not fixed. Having sex doesn't make everything all better." Sheridan told the woman. "Sheridan, come here. Luis and you are going to get through this." Gwen said hugging her friend. "Come on let's go downstairs" Sheridan said and they did. "Good morning sweetie" Gwen said giving her daughter a kiss. "Hey Gwen I told Paris that I'd take her and Chloe to the park and to the beach. Is it ok if I take Paris?" Luis asked. "Sure but you can take Sheridan too" she said smirking.

"Gwen, no!" Sheridan whispered. "Sheridan shut the hell up and go get dressed" Gwen whispered back. An hour later Luis and the three girls left to go to the park. "I'm glad you came" he said linking their hands together. "Me too" she whispered. "Yay we're here" Chloe exclaimed. Sheridan helped the girls put of the car while Luis got the picnic basket and blanket. Luis laid the blanket on the warm grass and he and Sheridan laid on it. They watched Chloe and Paris feed the ducks and then run over to the swings. "Mommy daddy, can you come push us?" Chloe asked, and the adults walked over to them.

Hours later, after eating and having lots of fun, they four left and headed to the beach. "uncle Luis the waters cold" Paris said shivering and teeth chattering. "daddy Paris is right, I want to get out" Chloe said shivering. "Geez I'm getting wrinkled as grandma" exclaimed little Paris. Sheridan and Luis looked at each other and laughed. They got and dried off. Sheridan rubbed lotion on Paris and Chloe. The girls laid on their backs, with their sunglasses on, and tanned. Sheridan rubbed tanning lotion on herself.

"Luis can you do my back" she asked. "Sure" he replied taking the bottle out of her hands. He rubbed lotion on her back and shoulders. He had to hold him self back from not laying her down and jumping her, right there. "All done" he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. "Would you mind doing my chest and arms" she asked, not thinking before she spoke. He placed a kiss on her lips and she deepened it. She pulled away remembering where they were, and who they were in front of. He finished her arms and chest, and watched her put her sunglasses on.

She laid down and tanned, just like the girls were doing. Later, sick of the sun, they headed back to Hank and Gwen's. When they got back it was eight and both girls were in the back, sleeping. Sheridan picked up Paris and Luis picked up Chloe. They changed the girls into their pajamas and put them to bed. They walked downstairs to join their friends. "So did you two have a nice time with the girls?" asked Gwen, definitely knowing Sheridan did. "I had a great time" Sheridan replied. "Me too" Luis said, and smiled, as Sheridan cuddled into him. "I rented a porn movie" Hank joked as he popped the movie into the DVD player.

Sheridan and Luis laughed. "you wish Hank" Sheridan exclaimed. "he's kidding. I rented Notting Hill, it's a cute movie." Gwen said. "Cool, I love that movie" said Sheridan. After watching the movie the two couples headed up to their rooms. "Luis I don't think I should sleep in here tonight" Sheridan said grabbing her t-shirt and shorts. "Why Sher" he asked sitting on the bed. "Luis I just don't want anything to happen tonight. What went on last night shouldn't have happened, but I don't regret it" she told him. "We can put up a pillow mound" he said and stacked pillows in a line, throughout the middle.

They both changed and then slept. Hours later she still lay wide awake. She took the pillow mound down and slid into Luis' arms. "I love you Luis" she whispered and fell asleep, happy and content. Luis awoke the next morning and reached out for Sheridan, but all he found were cold sheets. He rolled out of bed and threw on his shirt then walked downstairs. He walked into the kitchen to find his wife making herself a cup of tea. He snaked his arms her waist and whispered good morning in her ear. "Morning": she whispered back leaning her head back onto his chest.

"Can I ask you something Sher?" "Sure anything" "Why did you wait till you THOUGHT I was asleep to take the mound down?" he asked. "I don't know, wait you were up" asked Sheridan. "Yes and I definitely heard what you whispered. Did you mean it?" "Luis of course I meant it. I love you, I always have and I always will" she told him with a a serious _expression plastered on her face. "I love you too Sher" he whispered against her lips. Then placed a kiss on them. Their hands started to roam, Luis massaged her breasts and Sheridan moaned. That was all he needed, he picked her up and carried her to their room. They peeled each others clothes off and before he slipped into her, already, wet center he asked her.

"Sheridan are you sure? I don't want you to regret this." "I'm sure Luis. I love you" she said. "I love you too baby." Weeks Had passed. Sheridan and Luis worked on fixing their marriage. They decided that that was then and this was now. But neither would forget what had happened between them.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 15: *Another Blessing*

Hank and Luis were home with the girls while their wives were out. "So what do you pretty little girls want to do today?" asked Luis. "Can we go to the movies uncle Luis?" "Sure Paris, what would you and Chloe like to see?" "Finding Nemo" said Chloe. Luis and Hank too the girls to the movies. "Gwen what am I going to do if I'm pregnant" Sheridan sighed, sitting in her room, at the doctors office. "Sheridan don't ask me. You already know the answer" Gwen told her smiling. A knock interrupted their conversation. "Hello Ladies. My name is Dr. Elizabeth Sousa. But you can call me Elizabeth or Liz" the doctor stated.

"And you must be Sheridan" Liz said looking at the blonde wearing the gurney. 20 minutes later Liz confirmed Sheridan's, and Gwen's, suspicions. "Sheridan your about 5 weeks along. "Thank you Elizabeth" Sheridan stated shaking the woman's hand. "No problem. Just go to the front desk so I can fill out a prescription for your prenatal vitamins." "Oh my gosh! Gwen I can't believe I'm pregnant!" exclaimed Sheridan as she drove back to her friends house. "Sher how did you manage to get pregnant the time as me. Again." Gwen laughed. The two woman walked into the house and realized neither the girls or guys were home.

"They took the girls to the movies" Gwen announced reading the note, Luis had left them. "Oh ok. Well I'm just going to go and take a quick nap." "Sheridan wake up" Luis whispered, hours later, kissing her neck. "Mmm...Luis?" she asked opening her eyes. "Yup it's me. Come downstairs and eat" he said. "Ok, but first I have to tell you something" she said, seriously, sitting up. "What is it?" "Luis I'm pregnant" and looked at him. "pr pr pregnant" he stuttered and repeated over and over. "Damn! I knew you wouldn't be happy" she whispered and ran downstairs, almost in tears. Luis sat there just staring into space.

The woman he loved was giving him the greatest gift. Another child! He walked downstairs, sat beside his daughter and ate. "Sheridan will you come and take a walk with me. Please?" he asked, after dinner. "sure" Luis drove down to the beach and now they were going to walk. They slipped their shoes off and walked hand in hand across the shore. "Sher, about before" he started "I'm so happy sweetheart. I love you so much and your giving me the greatest gift of all! Another child" he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around her. “Sher I’m sorry to ruin the mood. But I need to tell you something” “What?” “Sheridan I need to head home.

Will you come home with me?” he asked. "Luis but why? I thought you liked it here" she asked. "Sheridan, please understand. I do like it here, I love it. BUT, I'm suppose to be starting my position as chief of police in like 2 weeks" he told her. "Ok sweetheart. I'm coming home too then." They watched the sun go down as they walked along the warm sand. Luis placed a kiss on his wives luscious lips and she responded like a wild, hungry animal. "Let's go home" she whispered. "No I can't wait" he said laying her down on the sand. "Luis we can't do it here. This is a PUBLIC beach" she told him emphasizing the word public.

After 3 rounds of beautiful, passionate, magical and wild lovemaking the couple headed back to the house. "Goodnight Chloe, mommy loves you" Sheridan whispered placing a kiss on her daughters cheek. "Goodnight baby, daddy loves you too" Luis said. "I love you too mommy and daddy" Chloe whispered before falling into dreamland along with Paris. "Come on Luis" Sheridan whispered to her husband and both walked to their room. "Goodnight mi amor. I love you" he whispered bringing her into his strong arms. "Goodnight Luis, I love you too" She said and they fell asleep. Days later Luis, Sheridan and Chloe headed back home.

Instead of being promoted to chief in two weeks, Luis was promoted right away, when he got back from LA. It was 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Sheridan was reading her book while her daughter took a nap. "Hi mommy" Chloe said coming into the living room, wearing her pjs. "Hey sweetie. You wanna come and sit with me?" Sheridan asked patting the seat beside her. Chloe sat on the couch beside her mother. "Did my baby have a nice nap?"

"Yup. Mommy can I go and see auntie Stephanie today?" asked Chloe. "Sure Chloe. Let me just call your auntie and see where she is" Sheridan said and picked up the cordless phone. "hello" "Hey Steph it's Sher" "Oh hey Sher, what's up" "Nothing much. your beautiful little niece would like to see you if you aren't busy" "Come on Sheridan, busy. If Chloe wants to see me I'm on my way." Stephanie said. "Ok sis bye" Bye" and both ladies hung up their phones. "Ok miss Chloe your aunt is coming. So how about I fix your hair and then I'll put you in some clothes." "Ok mommy sounds good." the little girl replied. "Auntie Stephanie" Chloe yelled running to her aunt.

"Hey how's my favorite niece" Stephanie asked picking up her niece. "auntie Stephanie I'm your only niece silly! I'm doing fine how are you?" "I'm very good. Come on let's go" "Bye Stephanie, please drive safely. Oh and PLEASE don not give her too much sugar. She gets too hyper" Sheridan said. "Yes ok mother" her sister replied and saluted Sheridan. Sheridan sat on the couch and watched her favorite soap opera Young & The Restless.

She decided to go and bring Luis some lunch. She shut off her TV, made Luis some lunch and called her sister to tell her where she'd be. "Hey Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald" Sullivan, one of the officers, called. "Hey Sullivan where's my husband?" "In his office. I'll make sure no one disturbs you" he answered and winked. She knocked on his door and opened it when she heard him say come in.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 16: *Can't Get Enough Of You*

"Hey beautiful" he said. "Hey Luis" she responded from the doorway. "Well what are you doing standing there? Get your sexy ass over here" she shut the door and walked over to him. He pulled her into his lap and smirked. "Now that's more like it" he whispered and placed a kiss on her awaiting lips. "I'm gonna take my lunch break, let's get out of here" he said and he grabbed his jacket and walked out of his office. Dragging Sheridan with him. “I’m going to lunch” Luis called. “Ok Chief” one of the officers replied. Sheridan and Luis ran to Grace’s B & B. "Grace can we have a room please" asked Luis. "Sure Luis, here's your key.

Room 13" Grace replied handing her friend a key. "Thanks, how much?" "Luis shut up it's on me" Grace said winking knowing fully why they were here. "Luis hurry I need you now" cried an undressed Sheridan. Luis shed the rest of his clothes and came on top of his wife. He entered her with one quick thrust and they found a rhythm that only lovers could experience. "Sweetie you know I can't get enough of you and I would like to make love to you again, but I have to be at work in ten minutes" he told her. "Oh alright I guess I can give you up for a few more hours" she faked a pout.

"Thanks Grace" Sheridan said as she handed the key back to her friend. "Will you to be here tomorrow?" asked Grace. "Hopefully he'll come home for lunch. Lunch in bed, sounds good. But we won't be eating. Bye" Sheridan said and winked. "Hey Steph thanks for taking Chloe" said Sheridan. "no problem. I would've had her sleep at my house but I'm working tomorrow." her sister replied. "Thanks again. Now Chloe what do you say to your auntie" "Thank you auntie Stephanie for the ice cream and the jeans and the t-shirt. Please come back soon!" Chloe said hugging her aunt.

"Oh sweetie your welcome. And I'm definitely coming over soon. Next time I'll bring uncle Miguel. Friday and Saturday you can sleep over if it's ok with mommy and daddy" she told her niece. "Ok cool!" exclaimed Chloe. Stephanie left and Sheridan and Chloe walked to the kitchen. "Mommy can I say hi to the baby. Will it hear me?" "Of course you can say hi. She or he can definitely hear you baby" Sheridan told her little girl. "Hi baby, my name's Chloe. I'm going to be your big sister." Chloe whispered and placed a kiss on Sheridan's developing tummy. "Where are my girls" Luis called out. "in the kitchen daddy!" yelled his daughter. "Hey Chloe, how are you sweetheart?" he asked picking her up.

"I'm good daddy" he put down his daughter. "Hey hunny how are you and the baby" he asked his wife. "we're good. Dinner should be ready in a few minutes" she said and gave him a peck on the lips. He snaked his arms around her waist. "Are you ok? Did I do something to make you mad?" He asked. "No of course not" she whispered leaning into his embrace. "Ok good. Now how about a real kiss" he asked and gave her the most toe curling kiss she had ever received in her life. Later that night Sheridan and Luis tucked their daughter in, after reading her a story. "Goodnight baby I love you" Sheridan whispered. "I love you also Chloe" Luis put in.

"I love you too, mommy and daddy" Chloe said and fell asleep. Sheridan and Luis left their daughters room and walked to their room, stealing kisses on the way. She moaned as he sucked on her bottom lip. He unbuttoned her shirt, as he laid her on the bed. He flung her shirt across the room. She did the same for him. She unzipped his jeans, sliding them down his legs, and accidentally brushing up against his erection. She laughed when he groaned. They helped each other discard the rest of their clothes. Luis slipped into her silky flesh. He moved within her as they made passionate, wild love to each other.

Thankfully they hadn't awoken their daughter with their loud, pleasurable screams. "I love you angel" he whispered as they lay in the afterglow of their beautiful love making. "I love you too chief" she told him smiling. As she lay in his arms, awake, she couldn't help but think of everything that had happened within these few months. She found out Luis was cheating on her and with the person she despised most in this world, Beth. She fled off to LA taking their daughter, him following her. Then their date and the night they reconciled. That night they had conceived their second child.

She drifted off to sleep, thoughts of what the future would hold. The next morning Luis woke up and looked down at his beautiful wife, who was still sleeping, peacefully. He couldn't imagine his life without her in it. He had been such and idiot to think Beth, a little fling, replaced a lifetime of happiness with Sheridan. He placed a sweet, innocent, little kiss on her lips and she responded. She dropped the sheet as he climbed on top of her. In one swift movement he was buried deep inside his wife. He grabbed her bottom and pulled her closer than she already was.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 17: ~~~*I Pray*

"Alright girls I better get going" Luis said. "Bye daddy" Chloe said giving her father a kiss. "Bye Sweetie" he said to his daughter. "Bye chief" Sheridan said giving her husband a kiss. "Bye Sheridan. How about we meet up for lunch" he asked stealing another kiss. "That would be nice Luis. I love you" she replied and smiled. "I love you too" he answered and left. "How about we take a bath Chloe after breakfast" Sheridan suggested to her daughter. "Ok mommy, but I want lots and lots of bubbles." the little girl said. After breakfast the two girls headed up stairs.

Sheridan drew up a warm, bubble bath and they got in. They got out after their humongous fight with the bubbles and took a nap. The phone began to ring, hours later, and Sheridan answered it, groggily. "Hello" "Hey beautiful were you sleeping" the man on the other line asked. "Yes I was. What time do you want to meet up and where?" she asked. "At the Lobster Shack in an hour" Luis said into his phone. "Ok see you soon love you" "I love you too sweetheart bye" and both hung up their phones.

"Chloe, baby wake up. We're gonna go and see daddy" Sheridan whispered to her little girl. "Yay we're going top see daddy" Chloe exclaimed as she jumped out of bed. Sheridan only sat there and laughed. "Mommy!" she exclaimed. "You have to come and fix my hair please. And I need to put on nice clothes." Chloe said. "Ok baby let's go" Sheridan said as they walked to the room across the hall. "My two favorite people" Luis said and kissed Sheridan on the lips and Chloe on the cheek. "Daddy can you pick me up" Chloe asked raising her hands in the air.

"Sure can princess" he told her as he picked her up. “Ok sweetheart what would you like” Luis asked his daughter. “Mommy do they have cheeseburgers?” asked Chloe. "Yes they do Chloe, would you like fries with that?" Sheridan asked. "Yes please." Chloe replied. "Can I get you folks something to drink?" Josh, one of Miguel's friend, asked them. "Sher" Luis asked. "Can I have a water please?" she asked. "Sure Mrs. Fitzgerald, chief?" Josh asked looking at Luis. "I'll have a coke Josh, thanks. Chloe what would you like to drink?" Luis asked.

"A chocolate milkshake" Chloe said. The waiter jotted down the drinks and asked "Are you three ready to order or do you need a minute?" "We're all set. I'm going to have the seafood platter" said Luis "I'm going to have the lobster roll and she's going to get the cheeseburger and fries" Sheridan said referring to Chloe. Josh jotted down the order. "Ok I'll put in your order and I'll be right back with your drinks" Josh replied. "Thanks for lunch Luis" she said as they walked out of the restaurant. "no need to thank me, Sher" he told her linking their fingers together.

"goodnight sweetheart, sleep tight. Love you" Luis whispered as he brought the covers up to his childs neck. "Goodnight daddy. Love you too. Where's mommy" she whispered back. "mommy's right here" Sheridan said coming over to her daughter. "goodnight baby I love you" "I love you too mommy" she said and drifted off to a deep slumber. "Sher is something wrong?" "Nope everything's fine." she said walking down the stairs. "Where ya going?" "to the kitchen I'm hungry. Can you light a fire?" she answered. She came out of the kitchen with a bag of chips and two cokes, she saw him sitting on the floor. "Come here" he whispered opening his arms.

"Here's a coke for you" "Thanks. But are you going to eat all the chips?" he asked opening the can. "Of course not, have some" she said and shoved the bag, of salt n vinegar, chips in his lap. He cupped her face and kissed her. "What was that for?" "Do I need a reason to kiss my sexy wife? It was because I love you" he replied smiling. "I love you too" she said. He turned on the stereo and reached for her. "Dance with me" he requested and she reached up for him. He pulled her off of the floor and into his strong, muscular arms.

Staring at the universe
eyes upon the sky
Lost within a starry night
I stop and breathe it in
Empty is the open heart
Wishing on a star
I wonder where you are

This night I pray
There's someone out there waiting
waiting for me
And in love will fall
hopelessly romantic
when this true love comes alone

A child believes in miracles
like I believe in love
Gentle is the patient heart
That waits for only you

No words no doubts
will fill this lonely heart tonight
And in love, in love will fall
with more love than the poets
Or the nightingales song

---Seven And The Sun~I Pray---

Chapter 18: *You B*tch*

"Sher are you ready?" Luis called upstairs to his, now 8 month pregnant, wife. "Ok I'm coming" she said coming down the stairs. "You look beautiful" he whispered against her lips and placed a sweet kiss on them. "Thanks chief" she said as they walked out the door. "Sheridan are you going to ever stop calling me chief?" he asked. He opened the door for her and she slid in. He went to the drivers side and slid in. "Of course not Luis. I'm so proud of you for making Chief of Police!" she said. "Good morning Chief, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald. If you will follow me I'll show you to your room" The nurse said.

"Here's your room. Please just change into this gurney and the doctor should be in here in a few minutes" "Ok thank you" Sheridan said taking the cloth from the nurses hand. Sheridan started to undress and Luis watched her, drooling like a dog. Ok so she was pregnant but Luis thought she was still sexy and beautiful. It's not like she was fat or anything, she was just carrying a little baby. "Luis can you unclip my bra" she asked, Luis was still in a daze.

"Luis!" she said Loudly. "What?" he asked snapping out of his daze. "Luis can you unclip my bra. And lease stop staring I look like a cow" she said as he unclipped her bra for her. "Don't you dare say you look like a cow! Your very beautiful, plus your carrying a baby in there. So that’s why you have a round tummy, trust me I would never love someone who looked like a cow" he joked and she laughed. She sat on the table and waited for the doctor to come in. "Hello Sheridan, hey Chief" the doctor said coming in. "Hey Anna, how are you" Sheridan asked, being polite.

"I'm good. The question is how are you. I pray that you haven't been over doing it?" Anna said. "Chill doc, I'm fine. Even ask the over-protective daddy" Anna looked at Luis. "She's been doing great. She hasn't been over doing it, thankfully." he answered. "Ok good job Sheridan. How about we look at your son" Anna said pulling the gel out of the cabinet. "Yes!" Luis shrieked happily. The woman looked at him wide eyed. "Sorry" he mumbled as the ladies laughed. "It's ok Fitzgerald, I'm getting used to it" the doctor told him. "Oh Luis" Sheridan whispered as the black and white picture came upon the screen.

"I know angel." he said. "Luis I can't wait till this baby is out of me" she exclaimed, she couldn't wait to hold her son. "I know baby, same here. I can't believe we're having a boy" Luis said, totally overjoyed. They arrived at Stephanie and Miguel's and rang the doorbell. "Hey Sher, Luis" Miguel said opening the door. "Hi Miguel. Did Chloe have fun with her two favorite godparents?" asked Sheridan. "Of course she did" he answered. "Mommy daddy" Chloe said running up to her parents, Luis picked her up.

"Hey Luis, Sheridan. is everything alright with the baby and Sheridan?" Stephanie asked coming into the living room. "Everything's fine, thanks for asking." "Ok Chloe are you ready to go?" Luis asked his little angel. "Yes daddy. Thank you auntie Steph and uncle Miguel" "No problem sweetheart" Stephanie said hugging her little goddaughter. The three left and headed home. "Chloe what would you like for dinner sweetie?" Sheridan asked her daughter. "Macaroni and cheese" she answered. "ok baby, mommy will cook that fro you" she told Chloe. "Oh no your not Sher"

Luis interrupted. "Go and rest sweetheart. I can handle dinner" "Luis stop being overprotective I can make dinner for my husband and daughter" She protested and went to get the box of macaroni and cheese from the lazy suzy. "Oh no you don't Sheridan" he said and picked her up. "Luis put me down" she ordered and he placed her on the couch. He cooked macaroni and cheese for Chloe and pork chops with mashed potatoes for him and Sheridan. Days had passed, today was Friday, the 5th of December.

Chloe was staying with her grandparents, Katherine and Paul, while her parents went to the Christmas party that was being thrown for the Harmony PD. "Come on Luis we're going to be late. Cut it out!" she said as he placed kisses on her neck. "Fine but we're finishing tonight" he told her cupping her bottom in his hands and wiggling his eyebrows. They drove to the Seascape and walked in. "Hey chief, hello Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald. How about a picture" the photographer asked.

"Sure" Luis replied and he and his wife posed, and the picture was taken. "Hey Sam, Grace" Luis said, Sam had been invited by the governor, even though he retired. "How are you Sheridan" Grace asked. "Can you say pregnant. Other than that I'm fine and you" Sheridan told the woman and smiled. “I’m good” “Come on ladies” Sam said leading his wife, Luis and Sheridan to their table. “How about a dance chief?” Sheridan asked. “Lead the way baby” he said and she led him out to the dance floor.

It's undeniable that we should be together
It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never
The basis is need to know, if you don't know just how I feel
Then let me show you now that I'm for real
If all things in time, time will reveal ~Chorus~

One, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one

So incredible, the way things work themselves out
And all emotional once you know what it's all about
And undesirable for us to be apart
I never would have made it very far
Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart ~Chorus~

Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child
Whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out the lifeline just in the nick of time

---Brian McKnight~Back At One---

He placed a kiss on her lips and led her off the dance floor. "I love you Luis" "I love you too" he whispered and kissed her again. "Can you please get me something to drink?" she asked. "Sure what would you like?" "A shirly temple. Thanks sweetie" she said and he walked over to the bar. She went and sat down at her table. She looked to her left, at the bar, and gasped. "you f*cken bitch" she thought. Goddamn Beth had HER husband in a lip lock. Oh she was going to let that bitch have it!

To Be Continued...

Chapter 19: ~~~*Oh My Gosh*

Sheridan walked over to them. “You f*cken bitch” she yelled and slapped Beth across the face. “F*ck off Sheridan” Beth yelled and pushed her, where she fell to the floor. “Oh god Sheridan! Someone call 911” Luis screamed. Beth was about to runaway when Grace pulled her by the hair. “Where the hell do you think your going” asked Grace. The EMTs came and Sheridan was rushed to the hospital. “Sheridan, sweetheart, it’s going to be ok” Luis whispered, reassuringly, while clutching her hand. They arrived at theosophical and Sheridan was brought to the ER..

“Eve how’s Sheridan and the baby?” asked Luis. “The baby is fine but I’m concerned about Sheridan. Luis, her blood pressure is through the roof. If you want your wife and baby to live you better keep Sheridan calm. What happened anyway this evening” Eve explained. “Beth, that’s what happened. Little snake had her hands wrapped around me and had me in a lip lock. Sheridan saw the scene and slapped Beth” Luis said. “Luis can you honestly blame your wife. Beth is a little slut that wants you Luis. You have to be careful.”

Eve said. “Eve don’t I know it! Can I see Sheridan?” “Sure you can.” “Ok well I’m gonna run downstairs to the gift shop first” he said while walking towards the elevators. “Hey baby” Luis said as he entered his wives room, roses in hand. “Hey Luis” she whispered and he kissed her. “These are for you” he told her. “Thanks” she said looking out the window. “What’s the matter? Are you feeling ok?” he asked. “Yup, I’m fine. I‘m just pissed off Luis” Sheridan replied. “Why?” “Luis do you still like Beth? Do you want her still?” she asked.. “Sheridan, how can you even ask me that.

I only want you, I only want to be with you! I love you. “He said truthfully. “Ok fine. Look you can go home tonight” she told him. “no Sher I want to stay with you” “I’d feel much better if you were with our daughter” she said. “I’m staying tonight, that’s it!” he told her. “Fine whatever” she mumbled and turned onto her side, her back facing her husband. She fell asleep a half an hour later. He wondered if she was pissed because she thought he liked Beth and still wanted to be with her. Luis put his thoughts to rest and went to sleep. Sheridan awoke the next morning and looked at her husband. “Does he still have feelings for Beth, she thought. “It feels so good to be home” Sheridan said as she entered her house. “It feels good to have you home” he whispered in her ear that sent shivers up her spine.

Weeks passed Sheridan still thought Luis wanted to be with Beth, but she put those thoughts out of her mind. “Mommy can you sing to me” asked Chloe. “Sure sweetie” Sheridan answered sitting on her daughters bed. Sheridan sang a Spanish lullaby, that Pilar had taught her, to her daughter and she fell asleep. “Sher are you coming to bed” asked Luis when she walked through their bedroom door. “In a little while. I’m going to take a shower” she said walking to the bathroom that they shared. Sheridan turned on the water, undressed and hopped into the shower. Once Luis heard the shower running he slid out of bed and followed his wife.

Sheridan stood in the shower, thinking of Luis alone in their bed. Oh what Sheridan wouldn’t do to make love to her husband tonight. She thought of having his arms wrapped around her tightly in a loving embrace. She got lost in her thoughts and didn’t notice the strong muscular hands roaming her body. Sheridan snapped out of her daydream and, finally, noticed that her husbands hand were real. She turned around and leaned into kiss him, he met her half way. He ran the soapy sponge up her calves, up to her thighs and she gasped when he ran the sponge over her center.

She watched him, run the pink sponge around her tummy and up to her luscious, and now, perked nipples. He washed the watermelon body wash off of her nipples and licked them. Then sucked on them. “Ok Luis, we’re getting out” she said in a husky voice and stepped out of the shower. He shut the water off and followed her. He picked her up and walked over to their bed and gently laid her down. She untied the towel from his waist and let it drop to the floor. He started to moan when she stroked his manhood and she smirked. He laid upon his wife and slid into her wet and hot flesh. They moaned and screamed as they rode the waves of passion together.

“I love you Luis” she whispered as they lay in the afterglow. “I love you too Sheridan” he told her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. They drifted off to sleep. The next morning Luis woke up to the alarm going off beside him. He shut it off , slid out of bed, and slipped into his boxers. “Sher sweetie wake up” Luis whispered. “Luis let me just sleep a little longer. Please” she said, burying her head under the pillows. Luis laughed at his wives antics. “Oh alright. I guess I’ll go wake up Chloe” he said walking out of the room. He walked to his little girls room.

“Chloe, baby, wake up” Luis whispered. “Daddy let me sleep a little longer please” the little angel pleaded, head under her pillow. Just like her mother, Luis thought smiling. “Angel don’t you wanna get up and go get uncle Hank, aunt Gwen and Paris at the airport. “Ok daddy, I’m up” Chloe said jumping out of bed. She grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom. “Ok bath time Chloe” Luis said. “ok daddy, no offense but I can take a bath on my own. I’m a big girl.

“ Chloe said sweetly. “Ok” he said. Chloe walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She filled up the bath tub and slid in. Ok so she was only 4, going on 5 but she knew how to fill the bath tub, wash her body and hair. Chloe washed her body then her hair. She came out half an hour, all dressed and clean. “daddy I’m dressed and clean” she told her father proudly. “Ok princess, you look very pretty” he said. “Hey don’t I look pretty?” Sheridan asked, from the doorway, still in her pajamas. “Yes Sher, you look pretty”

Luis said walking over to her, He gave her a kiss. “daddy you have to kiss the baby too” Chloe said and Luis kissed Sheridan’s stomach. “Ok Luis, I have to take a shower. Can you feed Chloe?” she asked. Sheridan took a shower then walked to the bedroom. Luis walked in. “Our little girl is eating, downstairs. Your naked underneath the towel and I only have to slip my boxers off” he whispered giving her earlobe a little bite. “Luis, this time it’s gonna have to be a quickie” she said..

He took his boxers off and ripped her towel from her, throwing it across the room. He filled her completely. “Oh god Luiiiiisssssss” she yelled as he moved within her. “Oh Sherridannnnn” he yelled. She raked her nails across his back as he pushed her over the edge faster and harder. :mommy, daddy are you ok” Chloe asked walking into the room. “Chloe get out” Luis yelled and his daughter ran out.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 20: ~~~*Two More Blessings*

They sat in the car driving to the airport. Chloe hadn’t said a thing about what she had seen go on between her parents. “Mommy were you and daddy doing something bad this morning?” asked Chloe, from the backseat. Sheridan turned around in her seat to face her daughter. “no sweetie daddy and I weren’t doing anything bad. When mommies and daddies love each other, like daddy and I do, they kiss a lot. That’s what daddy and I were doing” Sheridan said. “but why were you two naked” the little girl asked. “I just had gotten out of the shower and was changing” she told her little angel. Ok, so her and her husband were really making love.

But, she wasn’t going to tell her little 4 year old child that. “Ok mommy” Chloe said, satisfied with the answer that her mother gave. “Ok ladies we’re here” Luis announced, pulling the key out of the ignition and stepping out of the car. He helped Chloe get out. “Chloe I’m sorry for yelling at you before. I didn’t mean to, I hope you know I love you” he said. “I know you didn’t daddy, it’s ok. I love you too” she told him, while giving him a big hug. “Paris” “Chloe” both girls yelled and hugged each other. “Hey Sheridan” Gwen said hugging her friend. “Hey little one” she also said rubbing her tummy.

“Hey Gwen” Sheridan said hugging her friend back. “Hey buddy” Luis and Hank said, giving each other manly hugs, at the same time. "So Sher, how's it going between you and Luis" asked Gwen. "Ok Gwen everything's going great" Sheridan replied happily. “Here’s your room” Luis told Gwen and Hank. Showing them the guest room. “Thanks so much guys” Gwen said. “No need to thank us, You did the same for us.” Sheridan said.. “Ok Paris, what would you like to eat” Hank asked his daughter. “Whatever Chloe’s having is fine with me” she answered.

“Paris, I’m having the Portuguese soup” Chloe told her friend. “Ok I’ll have that. It must be good since Chloe’s eating it” said Paris. They all ordered and then waited for their food to be served. ‘Would you like to dance Sher?’ Luis asked his wife. ‘”Sure’ Luis led his wife out to the dance floor. During the middle of the song she announced “Luis, umm…something’s happened.” “What?” he asked. “my water just broke” “Oh shit!

Come on let‘s get you to the hospital” He panicked. “Hank Sheridan’s water just broke” Luis told his friend. “Geez my wives just broke to. Are these woman connected or something?” They 6 of them headed to the hospital. “Oh my g*d Luis I’m going to kill you” Sheridan yelled, squeezing her husbands hand, as another contraction hit. After 19 hours of very hard labor, Sean Lopez-Fitzgerald decided to make his way into the world.

7 more hours later, Gwen and Hank’s little baby girl Alexis made her way into the world. “Come on Sher, you need your rest. You too Gwen” Luis told them. “Luis I’m fine” Sheridan said rocking Sean. “me too Luis, chill out” Gwen replied, feeding little Alex. "Mommy can I hold Sean" asked Chloe. "sure baby" Sheridan answered. "Ok sweetheart, don't forget to hold his head" Luis instructed, placing Sean into his sisters arms. "So what do you think about your little brother" Sheridan asked her daughter. "He's cute mommy. He looks jus like daddy" she replied, smiling as Sean latched onto his big sisters pinky. "Honey I'm home" Hank joked waking through the door, groceries in both hands.

"come on Hank, I'll go help you put those away" Luis said walking to the kitchen with his friend. "So princess Chloe how do you like being a big sister, so far?" "Oh auntie Gwen, it's so much fun!" she exclaimed. "Paris, sweetie, would you like to hold Alexis" her mother asked. "No mom I'm fine" Paris replied. No way would she wanna hold that little brat. Alexis was now going to be the "favorite". She was going to take Paris' place as daddy's little girl. "Come on Gwen let's go put our little angels to bed" Sheridan suggested, and both women walked upstairs.

"Chloe I'm going to bed" Paris told her friend. "I'll go with you." Both little girls went upstairs, to Chloe's room, and tucked themselves in. "Paris, Chloe are you girls in bed already? It's only 8 o'clock." Sheridan asked them, while walking into the room. "We're just tired mommy. Goodnight" "Goodnight girls" Sheridan whispered and kissed both their heads. "Night auntie Sheridan" Later, both girls lay awake in their beds. "Chloe are you up" Paris asked in a whisper, while sitting up. "

Yup. Paris are you ok?" "Chloe to be honest, I don't think I like my new sister. Maybe I'm jealous I don't know. I just don't want her to take my place as daddy's little girl" Paris explained. "Paris she's only a baby. She's 5 weeks old, uncle Hank could never replace you with Alexis. You’re his first born." "Whatever you say Chloe. Little siblings bring nothing but trouble" Paris said and laid her head against her pillow. "Night Paris" "Goodnight Chloe" Both little girls fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 21: ~~~*A Beautiful Wedding*

"Oh Stephanie I can't believe you' re getting married" exclaimed Katherine, tears welling up in her eyes. "Mom don't cry. It's not like I'm moving away. Where's Sheridan? " asked Stephanie, wiping her mothers tears. "She's with Chloe and Sean" "Oh Steph, you look beautiful" Sheridan said, coming into the room, with her two children and her mother in law. "Aunty Stephanie you look pretty" little, seven year old, Sean said. "Thanks sweetheart, you look very handsome" Sean blushed. "So Stephanie are you nervous about marrying my son" Pilar asked. "No Pilar, never. Sher, do you know where Gwen, Alexis and Paris are?" asked the Stephanie. "Right here" Gwen said from the doorway, with her kids. She shut the door after both daughters were in.

Then walked over to the bride. "Hey Stephanie, you look so beautiful. I'm so happy for you sweetie" Gwen told the younger woman, while hugging her. "Alexis, Paris you two look very pretty" Stephanie told them. "Thank you" they mumbled. ~Knock Knock~ "come in" "Sweetheart are you ready" John asked his little girl. "Yes daddy, I'm ready" she told her father. Alexis, Paris, Chloe and Sean lined up. They walked down the aisle. Then came Gwen and Sheridan. Finally Stephanie and John stood at the beginning of the aisle, watching everyone stand up. "Are you ready?" asked her father. "yes dad" she whispered as the music began to play.

Your there by my side in everyway
I know you would not forsake me
I give you my life would not think twice
Your love is all I need, believe me ~Chorus~

I may not say it as much as I should
But when I say I love you, darling that means for good
So open up your heart and let me in
And I will love you till forever
Until death do us part we'll be together
So take my hand and hold on tight
And we'll get there, This I swear

I'm wondering how I'd ever got by
Without you in my life to guide me
Wherever I go, the one thing that's true
Is everything I do, I do for you ~Chorus~

So whenever you get there, just reach our for me
I'll never let you down, my love
And I will love you until death do us apart
We'll be together, so take my hand
and hold on tight, we'll get there and
I will love you till forever until death do us part
We' be together, so take my hand and hold on tight
Oh we'll get there this I swear ---Nick Lachey~This I Swear---

Tears slipped down Stephanie's cheeks as her father kissed her and placed her hands in Miguel's. "We are gathered here to witness the marriage of Stephanie Ann Marshall and Miguel Patrick Lopez-Fitzgerald." Father Lonigan spoke. Both Stephanie and Miguel were oblivious to what the priest was saying. They were too focused on each other. "I love you" mouthed Miguel. "I love you too" she smiled. Vows were exchanged and at the end, when the priest announced "You may kiss your bride," Miguel didn't wait a second.

He grabbed his beautiful wife into a passionate kiss. They happy, newlywed couple walked out of the church and were off to enjoy their reception. "So sis how does it feel to be married?' asked Sheridan. "It feels great Sheridan" the woman said as she snuggled into her husbands arms. "I'm going to be right back, I'm gonna change" can you help me Sher?" "sure" and the ladies walked off. Stephanie walked out wearing a black skirt, a purple halter top and black sandals. Sheridan came out in a jean skirt with a red halter and black sandals.

"It's too hot to be in those dresses." Stephanie explained to their husbands. "Oh" both Miguel and Luis said at the same time. "Well you look beautiful" Miguel told his wife sweetly. "thank you" and she kissed him. Luis tapped on his champagne glass. "Can I have everyone's attention please?" he asked and everyone looked over to him. "Well as the best man I get to make a toast and make a little speech. I just want to say congrats to both of you. I love you both so much.

I've known both of them since they were born. I knew that they would eventually start dating, just like my wife and I did, and get married They started to date when they were only teenagers. But now here they are today, standing before us 10 years later, married. Here's to Stephanie and Miguel" Luis toasted. Sheridan stood up as her husband sat down. "I also thought that they would date and get married. The night Stephanie came home from their first date, she called me up. She woke me up because it was 12. She was suppose to be home two hours before that." Sheridan laughed. "Anyways she told me that she would, not that she thought, marry Miguel one day and start a family with him.

I could tell she was smiling. Stephanie you were right, you did marry Miguel. I'm so happy that you've found your prince charming just like I have found mine. To the Stephanie and Miguel" Sheridan said, the loud clinking of the glasses were heard throughout the restaurant. The bride and groom left to board their plane to Miami.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 22: ~~~*Chloe & Ryan*

Chloe rushed to English class as the bell rang for her last period class. "Chloe" she heard her friend Megan call. "what?" Megan handed her a note and she read it. ~Chloe meet me in front of room 230 after school. Love Ryan. Ryan was one of Chloe's best friend and she had a crush on him. He just didn't know, or maybe he did. She was curious to see what he wanted. "Megan did he say what he wanted" Megan shook her head no. "Chloe can you please listen" The teacher told her. When the bell rang Chloe rushed downstairs to room 230. "Hey Chloe, glad you could make it" Ryan said and flashed her a smile. "no problem what's up?" she asked. "I was wondering if your not busy tomorrow night if you'd want to go out to dinner and a movie?" he asked shyly. "I'd love too Ryan" she told him smiling.

"Ok cool, how about I walk you home" he suggested. "Ok sure. But I have to go to my locker" They walked to her locker where she shoved all her books in. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She didn't mind one bit, she just leaned into his arms. As they got to her house, he kissed her, fully on the lips. Ok so they weren't going out, yet, but kissing her felt so right. That's what Ryan thought, and she wasn't complaining. "Thanks for walking me home" she said. "no problem, I'll see you tomorrow I guess" he told her as he watched her walk into the house. As she walked into her house, it as very quiet. Sean was at aunt Gwen's and would be there for the whole weekend.

The kid never left Alexis alone, if you looked at him when he was with her you'd see love. Ok so they were only 10, but it looked and seemed like love. Chloe went up to her room and changed into her pajamas and slipped on her slippers. She picked up the phone and dialed her best friends number. "Hey Paris it's Chloe" "Hey Chloe, didn't get to see you today. What's up?" "Guess what!" Chloe exclaimed. "What?' "Ryan asked me out" "you'd better had said yes" Paris told her. "Of course I did! Anyways is my brother being good" "Yes he's being good, like usual. I have to go I was in the middle of cleaning"

"Bye Paris" "Bye Chloe" She walked down to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. Then walked upstairs to take a nap. A few hours later "Chloe where are you?" called Sheridan walked through the front door. When she received no answer she walked upstairs to her daughters room. She saw her little baby sleeping. "Sweetie wake up" "Mom?" "Yes it's mom" "Come downstairs." she told her daughter. "Hey Sher, how was your day?" Luis asked wrapping his arms around his waist. "Good and yours?" she asked before placing a kiss on his lips. "Boring but not anymore" he whispered and they kissed again. They were interrupted by Chloe.

"What are we eating?" she asked. "I brought home Chinese" Luis said. Chloe rushed to the brown bag that was seating at the table. Her parents just stared. "What I'm hungry" was all she said as she dug into her food. Luis went out to rent a movie while his wife and daughter stayed at home. "Hey mom I need to tell you something" "Chloe what is it? Are you ok?" Sheridan asked her worried. "mom I'm fine. Ryan asked me out" she told her mother. "Really, what did you say?" "Mom the kid's hot as hell and he has a heart of gold. I said yes of course" Chloe exclaimed. "Is that ok mom?" "Yes its ok with me" "What's ok with you?" asked Luis from the doorway. "Dad Ryan kind of asked me out on a date. I told him yes"

Chloe said, waiting for her fathers outburst. "Chloe don't worry, I'm going to let you go out with him. He's a nice young man" Luis said and Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you dad!" exclaimed a thrilled Chloe as she hugged her dad. "I'm gonna up upstairs" "Luis I'm shocked!" Exclaimed Sheridan. "Why?" he asked. "You've always said that when Chloe was a teenager you weren't going to let her date. Now look at you, letting her go out with Ryan" Sheridan explained. "What can I say our little girl has me wrapped around her little finger' he smiled. 'Can we just drop this?" he asked and brushed his lips across hers. "Luis I love you and all but I'm starving" "Well I can't let my beautiful wife starve. You need a lot of energy for tonight' he winked.

"Chloe dad and I are going to go to our room and watch the movie. Goodnight" Sheridan said to her daughter. "night mom, love you" "I love you too. Tell Paris I said goodnight" Sheridan walked into her room and was amazed at what she saw. Her husband was such a romantic guy. There were candles lit all around the room and rose petals on the floor and bed. Luis snaked his arms around Sheridan waist and whispered. "you like?" "I do. Your so romantic, I love that side of you" she told him. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He let his tongue slip out of his mouth, and let it glide across her lips, begging for entrance.

She opened her mouth and their tongues wrestled. During that time he had taken her shirt and bra off. Sheridan had tried unbuttoning his shirt, but it was too complicated. So she just ripped it off instead. "Sorry" she mumbled. He laid her on the bed, gently, and unbuttoned her jeans. He slipped them and her white lacy thong off. She used all her strength and flipped them over. now he was laying flat on his back. He unsnapped his jeans and slid them off, and his boxers too. Luis flipped them over and kissed her. "I love you Sher" "I love..." was all she got out because he thrusted deep inside of her. It didn't take long for her find her husbands rhythm. Waves of passion hit them as they climaxed, over and over.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 23: ~~~*The Date*

Sheridan awoke the next morning and untangled herself from her husbands arms. She walked downstairs and turned the coffee pot on. "Hey why did you get up?" he asked snaking his arms around her. "I didn't feel like staring up at the ceiling, and plus it's 11:30" she replied and turned around to face him. They were were in the middle of a very passionate kiss when they were interrupted. "This is a kitchen not a bedroom" Chloe said from the doorway. "Chloe!" her mother exclaimed, shocked. "what?" she asked, innocently. "Chloe, sweetheart, would you rather see me hitting your mother" Luis asked. "No dad! go ahead guys kiss all you want" she told her parents. "What would you two beautiful ladies like for breakfast?" asked Luis. "French toast" they replied, at the same time, and laughed.

"Well go ahead to the living room while I cook" he said shooing them away. "Mom can we go to the mall today? I have nothing to wear on my date" Chloe told her mother. "Yes Chloe" Sheridan said as she turned on the TV. "Thanks mom" as she snuggled into her mothers embrace. "Awesome Legally Blonde 2" she exclaimed. "Ok breakfast is ready" Luis called, from the kitchen, 20 minutes later. The phone began to ring. "Hello" Chloe said into the phone. "Hey Chloe, it's Paris." "Hey hun sup?" "Well I know tonight's your date with lover boy so I know you need something to wear. Do you want to go to the mall together?" asked Chloe. "I was going to go with my mom but you can come with us" Chloe offered. "what time are you two going?" "Hold up. Hey mom what time are we going to shopping?"

"1:30, why" asked Sheridan. "Because Paris wants to come" "Well tell her I'll pick her up at 1:30" Sheridan told her daughter. "Ok Paris, my mom will pick you up at 1:30" Chloe said. "Ok bye" "bye Paris" both girls hung up their phones. Chloe sat down and finished her French toast. "thanks for the French toast dad" she said and kiss his cheek. Chloe turned on her computer and sat in her chair. She signed in and IMed Ryan. Hey Ryan she typed and clicked send. Hey beautiful how are you, he wrote back. I'm good and you? she asked. Same. I wanna see you, can you come ova? Ryan asked. Yup I can come ova. I'll be there if a few minutes, she told him. Chloe signed off and shut her computer down. She threw on a pair of sweat pants, a t-shirt and just threw up her hair.

She walked downstairs. "Mom I'm going to Ryan's is that ok?" she asked, knowing the answer was yes. "Yes sweetheart just don't be too long" she told her. "Ok mom, bye" Chloe ran down the street and rang the doorbell on the house that read 53. "hey Chloe' Ryan said opening the door. "hey Ryan" she said and he pulled her into a light kiss. "Ryan, who is it" a man called. "It's Chloe dad" "Well don't leave her standing on the porch. Bring her in." "Hey Mr. Sullivan" Chloe said shyly. "Hey Ms. Chloe, don't be shy, have a seat" Sullivan said. "Dad we're gonna go and hang out in the den" Ryan announced. "Ok, but please be good! I don't need Luis yelling at me" Ryan's father told them.

Ryan entwined his and Chloe's fingers as they walked down the hall, to the den. They walked in and sat on the couch, he kissed her again. "I needed another one" he whispered against her light pink lips. Chloe stayed at Ryan's house for a little longer, then headed home. Her mother, Paris and she went shopping. She had found the perfect dress! "Oh mom I'm so nervous!" Chloe exclaimed. "Well I shouldn’t, it's only Ryan." she told her mother. "Chloe, it's natural to have these feelings. Your dad and I were friends before we started to date, and I was the same way when I was getting ready for our date. Chloe applied the last touches to her makeup as the doorbell rang.

She walked downstairs and heard the little talk that her father was giving Ryan. "Ryan you’re a good, decent man, that's the only reason I'm letting you go out with my daughter" Luis told the young man sternly "Dad, leave Ryan alone" she exclaimed smiling. Ryan looked to his left, where Chloe stood flashing her beautiful smile. He felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Chloe looks like an angel she's so beautiful, he thought. "Are you ready to go Chloe" he asked intertwining their fingers. "Yup. Bye mom bye dad" she said as they walked out the door. Ryan drove to the fancy Portuguese restaurant downtown.

Pain in the ass to make a reservation, he thought, but Chloe's well worth it! The car was parked and he got out and opened Chloe's door. "thanks Ryan" "your welcome" he said placing his left hand on her back. "Here are your menus. My name is John and I will be your waiter tonight" the waiter said, placing the menus in front of them. "Thank you" both said. "Can I start you two off with something to drink" John asked in a Portuguese accent. "A coke please" he said and she said "An ice water. Please." "OK I'll be back with your drinks" and the waiter walked away. "What are you going to have?" asked Ryan looking at her. "The Portuguese, with egg and rice. And you?" she replied. " what your having sounds delicious. I'm going to have the Buccaya" he answered. "What's that?" "It's codfish, sliced up boiled egg, onion and I forgot what else. But I know it's good" he laughed. "Sounds good" she said. "It is good. I'll share some with you" he replied. The waiter came back with their drinks and some Portuguese rolls. "Thank you" said Ryan. "Your welcome sir. Would you like to order now or do you need a couple of minutes" asked John. "We're all set. Chloe you can order first" Ryan said. "Ok thanks. I'm going to have the Portuguese Steak dish" Chloe said. "Would you like fries or rice?" "Rice please" "Ok, sir?" "I'm going to have the Buccaya" Ryan answered. The waiter jotted down the order and took their menus. "Ok I'll put in your orders. By the way there is a dance floor right over there. We have are own DJ" John told them and walked back to the kitchen. The music started to play. But it was Portuguese. "Chloe would you like to dance" he asked. "I don't know how to dance to this" she said, embarrassed. "It's ok I can teach you, it's not that hard to learn." "Ok come on" they walked out onto the floor. "Baby with this song your just going to go 1, 2 then 1,2,3. Follow my lead" he told her. Ryan was right, Chloe had learned within minutes. The song switched to a slow, English one. Chloe wrapped her arms around Ryan's neck as he pulled her close.

You've been the first in my life
Who has ever made me feel this way
And I will not deny
I'm gonna need you right here
By my side

Baby, I can wait
(come and hold my hand and let me lead the way)
Let me take your breathe away
(by holdin' and kissin' and lovin' and touchin' you)
Never will be too late
(see myself through your eyes)
Baby, I can wait
(until the day I hear you say)

You are mine
There's no other one for me
Keep in mind
You make my life complete
And tonight
We'll make love endlessly
Cuz you're mine
You're the one that I'll keep
For all time

Now that you're here, boy
I'm never gonna let you go
Can I touch you there, oh
Do you mind if we kiss real slow
You're my everything
You're my hopes and dreams
Baby, you know it ain't no lie
I'm gonna be with you till the day I die

Baby, I can wait
(come and hold my hand and let me lead the way)
Let me take your breathe away
(holdin' and kissin' and lovin' and touchin' you)
Never will be too late
(see myself through your eyes)
Baby, I can wait
(no no, til the day I hear you say)


You're the one that lights my fire
You're the one that keeps me strong
You're the one that I depend on
When my world is goin' wrong
You're the one that I hold closer
You're the man I'm dreaming of
And I really really love you
I just want you to know that


I can't wait till the day
I hear you say
You're the one that I need
You're the one that I'll keep
For all time

---Soluna~For All Time---

To Be Continued...

Chapter 24: ~~~*A New Love*

After dancing to the song, Chloe and Ryan headed back to their table, hand in hand. Ryan, the gentleman that he was, pulled out Chloe's chair for her. "Thank you" she said as she sat down. "So am I yours" he asked, referring to the song. "If you want to be" she told him honestly. "Of course I wanna be yours" he replied smiling. The waiter came and brought their food. "Thank you" both Ryan and Chloe said. The waiter asked if they needed anything else, but they were fine. Ryan took a bite of his dinner. "Is it good?" she asked.

"Yes but my mom makes it better" he said. He had her take a bite of it and she liked it. "Is yours good" Ryan asked, she fed him a piece of steak, a spoonful of rice and a piece of the egg. They shared their food, danced a little more, than left at around eight. "Chloe do you really want top go to the movies in a dress?" he asked while driving out of the parking lot. "Not really but I wasn't go to say anything" "How about we go to our houses and change into comfortable clothes and we'll go to the 9 o'clock show" he said.

"OK sounds good" Ryan dropped Chloe off, he told her she had 20 minutes to get dressed. She walked up to her room, then took out a pair of jeans and a purple sweater from her closet from her closet. She slid the dress off and threw on her jeans, then slid on the purple sweater. Chloe slid her feet into the boots that were sitting by her bed. Since she thought her parents were sleeping she just left. "You look beautiful" he told her as she slid into the passenger side of the Nissan Maxima. Ryan drove to the movie theatres.

"We're going to see the new Texas Chainsaw, with Jessica Biel right?" she asked, as they stood in line to but their tickets. "Only if you want to" he said. "Yes I do" Ryan bought two large sodas, a large popcorn, a bag of sour patch kids and twizzlers. Chloe asked if he wanted help to pay for everything. But he refused to take her money. As they watched the movie, Chloe sunk into Ryan's embrace.

After the movie ended Ryan drove Chloe home, he walked her up to the door. "Chloe, I had a fantastic time" he exclaimed. "Me too Ryan" she leaned in and kissed him. Their lips met in a wonderful, beautiful, magical, long, passionate kiss. "Can I call you tomorrow" he asked. "Sure. But if I'm not home call my cell" she told him. "ok goodnight" "Night" she walked into her quiet home. Chloe alarmed the house and walked upstairs to her room. She threw on a pair of pants and a t-shirt to sleep in.

Then slipped on her fuzzy pink slippers. She turned on her computer, typed in her name and password then signed on. She checked her emails and saw that Ryan had sent her one 5 minutes ago. Hey Chloe, I had a fantastic time tonight. I hope you did too! So what are we? Boyfriend & girlfriend, or just friends? I hope bf & gf. Well I'll call you tomorrow, hopefully I'll get to see you. Love Always Ryan. Awww he's so cute, Chloe thought as she saved the email in her folder.

Chloe signed off and shut down the computer. Before she went to sleep she put her cell phone charging. Luis awoke the next morning, a smile spread across his handsome face. "Sheridan, baby wake up" he whispered caressing his wife body. "Mmm, Luis" she moaned, smiling. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes did you sweetheart?" "With you in my arms, always"

Luis said and leaned down to kiss her. "How about we start the day off right" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. She smiled and nodded as he laid on top of her. Both were naked, so nothing was discarded. They made love, then got up, ready to start their day. "Luis can you wash my back?" she asked as she watched him run the soapy purple sponge over her breasts then down to her tummy. He did what was asked of him, then decided to have a little fun. He rubbed her breasts and her nipples reacted to his touch.

Sheridan felt her husbands erection against her back. He went around and stood in front of her. He let his fingers run down her body. From her plump breasts, down to her rib cage, tummy, down to her abdomen. Luis caressed his wife's center and she gasped when he slid his long fingers in her. She cried out his name as she felt the passion build up inside of her, as she stroked her. He wasn't going to let her explore another world without him. Luis picked Sheridan up, she wrapped her long tan legs around him, and she took him in.

They made love, again and again, her back pounding against the shower wall each and every time. They got out of the shower. "Luis I'm going to kick your ass" she told him walking into the bedroom. "Why baby? What's wrong?" he asked, having no clue why his ass was going to get kicked. "Sweetheart look at my back" she told him. "Oh my gosh Sher, I'm so sorry hunny!" he exclaimed, looking at her red back. "It's ok Luis. Don't worry about it" "Sheridan, of course I'm going top worry about it! I'll make it up to you. How about I draw you up a nice hot bubble bath to soothe your back?"

He suggested. "Sure, but later tonight" she said as she got dressed. "Chloe are you almost ready to go?" Sheridan called to her daughter. "Almost mom. I'm just finishing straightening my hair" the young woman told her mother. The doorbell rang. "Chloe, Ryan's here" Luis called upstairs. "Send him up dad" "Good morning beautiful" Ryan said from the doorway of Chloe's bedroom. "morning handsome" she gave him a quick kiss. "I have to finish my hair. You can have a seat on my bed." "You have a nice room ms Chloe. Your very neat" he said as he sat on the bed.

"When you grow up in a house with my dad you have no choice but to be neat. Anyways to answer your question that you wrote in my email last night, I would like to be boyfriend and girlfriend." She told him as she shut off her flat iron. Ryan, Chloe, her brother and her parents went to 10 am mass. After mass ended Ryan and Chloe went to hang with Paris and her boyfriend, Eric, while Sheridan and Luis chatted with Gwen and Hank. "Long time no see guys" Sheridan said to her two friends.

"Well Hank and I have been so busy. We promise we'll try and stop by soon" Gwen replied. She pulled Sheridan aside so they could talk. "So how's life? How's your marriage?" Gwen asked. "Gwen it's fabulous. I don't think I could imagine my life without him in it. Or put two children" "So anymore babies coming?" "No more babies Gwen." Sheridan answered. "ohh I see." Luis and Sheridan left, along with their children and their daughters boyfriend. "bye Ryan" Chloe said and kissed her boyfriend. Then he went into his house. "Chloe and Ryan sitting in the tree.

Kissing, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Ryan with a baby carriage" 10 year-old Sean sung, he spelled our the word kissing. "Sean please shut up!" Chloe exclaimed. "Chloe don't tell your brother to shut up. Sean stop teasing your sister" Luis told his kids. "Chloe do you want to go with me for a ride to grandmas?" asked Sheridan. "sure. bye dad, bye Sean" Chloe called as she hopped in the front seat. "Ok so what happened last night" Sheridan asked. "Oh mom, Ryan's the sweetest guy that I have ever met in my life! Since he's Portuguese, he took me out to a nice, fancy Portuguese restaurant.

He taught me how to dance to Portuguese music. We took turns feeding each other. We went home and changed our clothes. Then we went to the movies. We saw Texas Chainsaw, he held me because I was kind of scared." Chloe explained. "Wow he sounds wonderful." Sheridan said. "Mom he is wonderful! I think I'm in love"

To Be Continued...

Chapter 25: ~~~*The First Fight*

Throughout the weeks Ryan and Chloe grew closer. Wherever Chloe was, Ryan wasn't far behind. Ryan was on the Varsity football team and his girl never missed any of his games. "Hey Chloe are you going to Homecoming?" asked Ryan as they walked to algebra. "I'm not going. I have three more years to go" she told him. "Oh, then would you mind if I went? With Kim?" he asked. "Ryan!" she said loudly. "Chloe I really..." he tried. "Ryan I'm suppose to be your girlfriend. I thought you would've went with the other football players, not that bitch. Ryan I can trust you but I can't trust her, you don't understand. Look if you want to go with her, go ahead. But don't talk to me" she walked off. Kim, true, was Ryan's friend. But Chloe also knew, for a fact, that the little tramp wanted Ryan.

Oh she'll never have him, Chloe thought as she opened up her book. Everyone noticed the tension in the room, between Ryan and Chloe. It, the tension, was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. After class was done Chloe hurried out of the classroom with her two friends. “Chloe wait” Ryan yelled. “Leave me the hell alone” she screamed. Everyone stopped and watched the couples fight. "Chloe I'm not leaving you alone! I love you" he yelled. Chloe had heard what he had said, she turned around and looked him straight in the face. She passed him the most disgusted face and ran to the nearest bathroom.

Paris had heard what was said, she ran after Chloe. "Paris, he's such an asshole!" exclaimed and upset Chloe. "Chloe I know he's and asshole but he said he loved you" "Paris he yelled I love you during a fight. He could've said those three words under better circumstances. He probably thinks I'm going to be nice to him because he said those words to me" Chloe said to her friend. "I agree with you Chloe. Maybe you two need a break" Paris suggested. "That we could use. I'm going home, I feel sick" Chloe walked downstairs to the nurses office. "Hello miss Fitzgerald. What's the matter?" asked the nurse.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up" " I bet you do. I see what happened between you and Mr. Sullivan and I'm sorry. I'm going to make an exception today, I'll let you go" the nurse said picking up the phone. "Thanks so much. Can you call my dad instead of my mom today?" "sure Chloe, just have a seat." Nurse Kelly told her. Chloe waited outside for her dad. "Chloe what's the matter" asked Luis, as his daughter climbed into the truck. "Ryan and I had a fight" she told him, sadly. "Well I took the rest of the day of, because I thought you were really sick" he told her. "So now you can tell me everything that happened." "Ok dad. But can we rent a movie tonight?" she asked. "Sure, we'll go to Blockbuster before we head home"

He turned the car left. Chloe got 2 Fast 2 Furious for her and her brother and Bruce Almighty for Sean, her parents and herself. Luis picked out the movie Unfaithful for him and Sheridan. "Well come on, tell daddy what happened" Luis said as he sat on the couch. "Well dad Ryan asked me if I was going to Homecoming, I said no. So he asked if it was ok if he went with this girl Kim. Daddy this girl Kim is a total bitch, ok so she's one of Ryan's friends. But dad Ryan doesn't see what I see. He doesn't see that little tramp trying to take him from me" Chloe explained, obviously still very pissed. "Well maybe you should try talking to Ryan tomorrow" Luis suggested.

"That sounds good dad" Chloe popped 2 Fast 2 furious in the DVD player and sat on the couch. "Hey Sean" Luis said to his son as he entered the house. "Hey dad, hey Chloe" Sean said, then placed his bag on the floor. Where it didn't belong. "Hey dad can I sleep over at aunt Theresa's tonight? I wanna hang with Adam." "Only if she lets you. But first you have to put your backpack upstairs, where it belongs" Luis told his son. "Then can I sleep over at Paris'?" "Yes if Gwen let's you" "Ok cool" Chloe exclaimed. Sheridan and he would have tonight and tomorrow morning all to themselves, maybe even the whole weekend. Half and hour before his wife came home Luis ordered pizza. Sheridan arrived home, she was greeted by her wonderful family, mouths full of pizza.

"hey mom" Chloe and Ryan said, mouths were full. "Hey Sheridan" Luis said wrapping his arms around. "Hey Luis" she whispered as she gave him a kiss. "You guys can eat in front of the TV. I'm just going to go and put my things upstairs" said Sheridan, hoping Luis would follow her. "Ok mom" Chloe said as she follow her brother into the living room. She walked upstairs and he followed her. Sheridan opened their bedroom door and shut it behind him. She threw her things to the side and grabbed Luis. They walked over to the bed, kissing passionately, when the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed she pushed him. Sheridan came on top of her husband, she kissed his neck, and gave it a little love bite.

"I love this side of you" Luis whispered hotly, growing more every time his wife rubbed up against him. He unbuttoned the blouse that she wore, slid it down her tan, silky shoulders and flung it across the room. "You better" she told him. Luis couldn't wait till their children were out of the house. He was going to make her scream until her voice shook the house. Luis, then, was going to make her shake in pleasure as he pushed her and pushed her to the edge! Clothes were shed and the couple united, as one, which included Luis on his back.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 26: ~~~*Maybe Love Just Isn't Enough*

"Chloe are you ok sweetie?" Gwen asked her goddaughter, as she said goodnight to the girls. "Yes aunt Gwen, I'm fine" Chloe answered. "Chloe are you really ok? what's going to happen to you and Ryan?" asked Paris, who slid into bed. "Paris, I don't know what's going to happen. I mean even though we never said those three words, I still knew that we loved each other." explained Chloe, who also slid into bed. "Chloe I hope, for yours and Ryan's sakes, that you two don't break up. Especially over this Kim issue!" said Paris. "Kim, huh, she's probably comforting Ryan right now! Maybe even brainwashing him into loving her" Chloe laughed.

"Paris, I was just really hurt when he said he was going to go with Kim just because I wasn't going" Chloe explained. "Chloe you should get some rest. My mom can you bring you home tomorrow if you want to talk with Ryan" Paris offered. "Ok I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow" Both girls fell asleep minutes later. ~Luis and Sheridan lay limbs enter twined after multiple rounds of lovemaking. Sheridan raked, lightly, her nails over her husbands chest. She pulled away and sat up. "Luis do you think I'm fat?' she asked, as she tried to grip some skin from her tummy.

He looked at her, starred into her baby blue eyes. "Sheridan! You are not fat, baby" he told her, honestly. "Why would you ever ask me that?" "I don't know..." He shut her up with a kiss. "Sher, you talk way too much sweetheart" he mumbled against her sweet, juicy lips. Sheridan rolled on top of him. He positioned himself against her center, then took her in. There they made love and fell asleep.

The bright, yellow sun shone through the French doors, waking a peaceful sleeping Sheridan from her slumber. She slid out of bed, quietly, careful not to wake Luis. She slid on Luis's Harmony PD shirt, then walked downstairs. Sheridan walked over to the coffee pot and turned on the coffee pot. She sat down at the table, she heard the water running upstairs so she knew Luis was up. "Hey beautiful, good morning" he said, coming into the kitchen. "Good morning handsome" she said and leaned up to kiss him.

"What is it with you leaving me sleeping alone?" he asked, grinning. She walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two coffee cups. She poured the black, steaming liquid into the two mugs. "Luis come fix your coffee" she called. "And here I thought you were going to be nice and fix it for me" he said. "Luis shut up, I'm always nice" "Did the lady just tell me to shut up?" Luis walked over to her.

"Luis no!" she shrieked, knowing fully what he was up to. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She slapped his back and kicked her legs. "keep doing that Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald and I'll make sure I never stop slapping your booty!" he warned as he threw her on the couch. He tickled her till she cried. "Luis stop" she screamed as tears, of laughter, came down her cheeks. "Nope," he answered, smiling as he watched her squirm beneath him, "You asked for it" He finally gave up and fixed his own coffee, he ended of fixing hers too.~

Chloe awoke and noticed she was alone. She rolled out of the full size bed, she slipped her purple, fuzzy slippers on. She was surprised to find out that it was already 12. "Afternoon Chloe" she heard Gwen say. "Good afternoon aunt Gwen, uncle Hank" she replied smiling.

"Are you hungry kiddo?" asked Hank. "No uncle Hank I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Where's Paris?" Chloe asked. "She's in the kitchen" "Hey Paris" Chloe said walking into the kitchen. "Hey Chloe. Did you want to go and see Ryan?" asked Paris. "I don't want to see that asshole Paris. If he talks to me in school, then I'll talk to him, I guess" she told her friend. "Chloe, this is just an idea, but how about we go to the movies?" Paris suggested. "Paris I have no money" "It's ok, my mom will give us some. I wanna see that movie Honey" Paris said. "Me too! Mekhi Phifer is sooo hot!!!" Chloe exclaimed. The two girls went to the movies, they ended up taking Alexis, Paris' little sister.

As the weeks went by and the holidays drew closer Chloe couldn't help but feel sad. On the outside Chloe put a bright happy face, but deep down inside she was hurting.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 27: ~~~*My Only Wish*

Chloe walked into Macys with her mother. This was the last store and then, finally, they could go home. Chloe looked at the shoes and though a little. The closer Christmas got the lonelier she felt. She had blown things with Ryan, well at least she thought she did. "Chloe do you like these" Sheridan asked, interrupting her daughters thoughts. She help up the black, Steve Madden shoes with the high, skinny heel. "Mom, those are so cute. Get a pair for yourself. You can wear them on New Years Eve.

"How about I buy both of us a pair." suggested her mother. They shopped for a little longer then paid. As they left the store they passed a sign, it read 6 Days Til Christmas. When they got home Chloe went up to her room where she turned on her stereo.

Last night I took a walk in the snow
Couples holding hands, places to go
It seems like everyone but me is in love

Chloe sat in her chair, she pulled out a pen and a paper. She jotted things down, like what she wanted for Christmas. Jeans, boots, Tommy Girl Perfume

Santa can you here me
I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I sent it off until seven days
I know exactly what I want this year
Santa can you hear me, I want my baba baba
I want someone to love me someone to hold
All my own and a big red bow

Chloe continued. new Louie Devito CD, bath salts, body lotion, Vice City, DVD Gigli, someone to love me

Santa can you here me, I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

Someone to love me, hopefully Ryan, 2 Fast 2 Furious DVD, Nick Lachey's new CD, Soulo,

It's Christmas Eve I just can't sleep
Would I be wrong for taken a peek
Cuz I heard that your comin to town
Santa can you here me I want my baba baba
I really hope that your on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Oh please make my wish come true
Santa can you here me I want my baba baba
I want someone to love me someone to hold
We'll be all alone under the mistletoe
Santa can you here me I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing tell me my true love is here

Chloe wrote down more stuff. Rasberry scented candle, necklace, Strawberry Shortcake pajamas, someone to love me. Geez, I can't believe how many times I wrote someone to love me. This songs really getting to my head, she thought.

He's all I want just for me underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here Santa that's my only wish this year
I hope my letter reaches you in time
Bring me a love I can call all mine
Cuz I have been so good this year
All alone under the mistletoe
he's all I want and a big red bow
Santa can you hear me I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here Santa that's my only wish this year
Oh Santa can you hear me he's all I want
just for me underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here Santa that's my only wish this year

---Britney Spears~ My Only Wish This Year

Chloe looked down at the piece of paper in front of her. Oh how she had wished so many times that Ryan was sent back to love her. She laid down the pen beside the paper, then laid on her stomach on the bed. Her mother looked from the doorway. Luis came up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh Luis," she exclaimed, "Look how much pain our daughter is in." Sheridan sighed sadly. "Sher I don't want to sound like a bastard but she's going to have plenty of boyfriends in the future. Some will break her heart and some won't, we can't fix this. She has to get over this herself" he told his wife.

Luis led Sheridan down to the living room, and they sat on the couch. "Luis are you sure she's going to be ok?" asked Sheridan as she sank into her husbands arms. "Sheridan she'll be fine. I promise" he vowed as he listened to his daughters muffled cries.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 28~~~*You Don't Have to Be Alone*

Chloe and Paris exited church at 8 o'clock, it was Christmas Eve. "Chloe your gonna go ice skating with me right?" asked Paris. "Yes of course. I'm going to go and sat bye to my parents" Chloe said. "Bye mom, bye dad I'm going to the skating rink with Paris" she told her parents. "Ok but not for long" Sheridan said. The two girls headed to the car to get their ice skates then headed to the rink. Christmas music played throughout the rink, as people skated.

I don't know when we fell apart
The love that we had was like a work of art
I used to see Heaven in your eyes
The angels have fallen from your skies
Things we said were so wrong
And I haven't held you for so long

"Oh I love this song" exclaimed Paris, as she slipped on an ice skate. "Ya me too" Chloe said. The truth was, the more she listened to the song, the more she thought about her and Ryan.

My foolish pride turns me inside
Why did we tell all those lies?
You can reach for the phone
You don't have to be alone

Outside the winter seems so cold
Your heart is frozen like the snow
And there's no one home to keep you safe and warm
Your eyes are red because you've cried
You fell asleep by the fireside
But there's one thing you should know
On this Christmas baby
You don't have to be alone…

She had cried a lot, no matter how many times she kept telling herself that she would find someone better. She, sometimes, cried herself to sleep, wishing her and Ryan were still together.

And I had only one wish on my list, oh
For me you would be the perfect gift, oh yeah
There's nothing colder than an empty home, oh no
(empty home)
And holidays were never meant to be alone, oh (to be alone)
The smiles we gave when our hearts were safe
By each other's love and warmth
That's subsided now with happiness around
If I can only find the way to your heart…

Their eyes connected and he smiled her way. Chloe yanked her eyes from him. She was going to skate away until someone pulled at her arm. "Talk to him" she heard Paris tell her, gently, then she skated off with Eric.

Outside the winter seems so cold (so cold, so cold)
Your heart is frozen like the snow (frozen like the snow, oh so cold)
And there's no one home to keep you safe and warm (no one home, keep you safe and warm yeah)
Your eyes are red because you've cried (you've cried)
You fell asleep by the fireside (by the fireside)
But there's one thing you should know (one thing you should know)
On this Christmas baby
You don't have to be alone…yeah, uh
You don't (no, no) have to be alone
You don't have to be (no, no) all alone at home Ohhhh… on Christmas…
You don't (you don't) have to be alone…
You don't have to be…(alone) alone
You don't have to be alone

Ryan skated over to Chloe. "Hi Chloe" he said. "Hi Ryan" she said, calmly. "Look Chloe, I know your mad and I'm sorry" he told her. "I'm sorry for not calling you and apologizing" "Ryan stop! I take full responsibility for what happened between us" she said honestly.

Outside the winter seems so cold (so cold, sing it baby)
Your heart is frozen like a storm (frozen like a storm yeah… like a storm)
And there's no one home (no one home) to keep you safe and warm (to keep you safe and warm) You don't have to be alone
Your eyes are red because you've cried (you've cried)
You fell asleep by the fireside (by the fireside)
But there's one thing you should know (one thing you should know)
On this Christmas baby, you don't have to be…. Alone…. Yeah…
---Nsync~ You Don't Have To Be Alone---

"Chloe the day of the fight, when I yelled I love you, I truly meant it, from the bottom of my heart. I know it shouldn't have come out during a fight but I'm glad it came out. That's how I honestly feel about you Chloe" he explained. "Oh Ryan, I've waited my whole life to hear those three words. Ryan I love you too" she told him, then grabbed him and kissed him, hard on the mouth. "Eric I think they're going to be ok" Paris told her boyfriend. "Yes they are sweetheart" Eric pulled Paris into his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss.

"Are we back together?" Ryan asked. "Only if you want to be" she told him. "OK good, I want to be" "Ryan I have to head home" she said. "Ok well would you like me to walk you home?" Ryan asked and flashed her a killer smile. "If you want to" she said. Ryan walked Chloe up to the door. "Goodnight Chloe, I love you" he said "night Ryan, I love you too" he captured her lips in a beautiful, magical, passionate kiss. Chloe walked into her house and saw her parents laying in front of the fire. "So?" her mother asked from her fathers arms. "So what?" asked Chloe. "Are you and Ryan back together?"

Luis asked. "Yes, dad, we are" she said, beaming with joy. "come here sweetie" Sheridan said patting the space in front of her. "I'm so happy fro you" Sheridan whispered and hugged her daughter close. "Thanks mom. I'm going to head up to bed" Chloe said standing up. "Well goodnight sweetheart" she said goodnight to both parents and went upstairs and went to bed. "We should go to bed too" Luis suggested wiggling his eyebrows.

He kissed his wife "Mmm...I guess we should" she whispered. They placed the presents for Chloe and Sean underneath the tree. "Come on let's go to the bedroom for a little TLC" he whispered hotly, while nibbling on her ear.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 29: ~~~*Merry Christmas*

Chloe awoke to the aroma of fresh hazelnut coffee flowing throughout the house. She rolled out of bed, slipped on her slippers then walked downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and saw that her parents were making out! She laughed to herself and thought, geez they can never keep their hands and lips off each other. Sheridan and Luis broke away, both breathless, that's when Sheridan saw their daughter. "Hey Chloe, good morning, merry Christmas" she said. "merry Christmas, mom dad" Chloe said as she walked over to the coffee pot. She poured herself some coffee and reached for the sugar.

"Chloe not to much!" Luis told her, fully knowing that she'd put 5 or 6 spoonfuls. "Ok who's ready to open presents" Luis asked. "Me and Sean of course" Chloe said as she sat beside her brother. Luis gave Sean a square shaped present, wrapped in snowman wrapping paper. Sean got a GameBoy Adavance, YuGiOh cards, jeans, Air Forces Ones. Chloe and his big present was they were going to Florida in a few months. Chloe got bath salts, 2 Fast 2 Furious DVD, Rasberry lotion, two pairs of jeans and some CDs. Chloe handed her mother an envelope. "Mom dad this is for you two.

It's from Sean and me" she said. Sheridan opened the envelope and found a $50 gift certificate to the Seascape. "Thanks guys" Luis said hugging both of his children. While Chloe and Sean cleaned up the mess in the living room, Sheridan and Luis went upstairs and exchanged presents.

Luis gave Sheridan a negligee from Victoria's Secret, a CD full of tango music, Strawberry scented bubble bath, and some lacy thongs. Luis opened his presents and found the Chingy CD-Jackpot, Bad Boys II DVD, Adidas cologne, a pair of jeans and a sweater from the Gap. "I love my gifts and I love you" Luis said to his wife. "I love you too and I love my gifts. Thanks" she gave him a kiss. The phone began to ring, and Sean rushed over to it. "hello" "hey pal, it's Ryan. Is your sister there?"

"Chloe lover boy's on the phone" Sean yelled. "Hey Ryan, merry Christmas. Are you going to come over?" Chloe asked. "sure when?" "How about when your done with your family" she said. "Well I'll be there in 5 minutes. We've been done for a while" Ryan told her. "OK bye see ya soon" "bye." "Mom Ryan's gonna come over." Chloe said to her mother, as she walked down the stairs, her father behind her. "Ok. Did you get him a gift?" asked Sheridan. "No, but now I feel bad. I didn't think we'd be together for Christmas" Chloe explained.

"I knew you two would be back together so I got a gift for him. It's going to be from you thought" Sheridan walked upstairs. "Chloe I bought him a watch. It's not cheap, hope he likes it" Sheridan said. "Mom this is a nice watch. Would you like me to pay you for it?" she asked. "Sweetheart of course not" "Hey Ryan, merry Christmas sweetheart" "Merry Christmas beautiful" he kissed her and handed her a present.

"this is for you" he said. "this is for you" Chloe said and handed him the present. "Hey Ryan, merry Christmas buddy" Luis said. "Merry Christmas" Chloe and Ryan went upstairs to Chloe's bedroom. There they listened to Christmas room and opened their presents. "Chloe I love it" Ryan said, looking down at his watch. "I'm glad. I love my present too" Chloe looked down at the diamond bracelet, diamonds shimmering in the sunlight. Chloe crawled into his arms then placed a kissed on his lips.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
We've been waiting all year for this night
And the snow is glistening on the trees outside
And all the stockings are hung by the fireside
Waiting for Santa to arrive
And all the love will show
'Cause everybody knows
It's Christmastime and
All the kids will see
The gifts under the tree

It's the best time of the year for the family
It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room
From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmastime is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you his love
And everybody's okay
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

Bells are ringing
It's time to scream and shout (scream and shout)
And everybody's playing cause school's out
Celebrating this special time we share
Happiness cause love is in the air

And all the love will show
'Cause everybody knows
It's Christmastime and
All the kids will see
The gifts under the tree
It's the best time of the year for the family
It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room

From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmastime is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you his love
And everything's okay
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

No matter what your holiday
It's a time to celebrate
And put your worries aside (worries aside)
And open up your mind (open up your mind)
See the world right by your side
It's Christmastime
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room
From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmastime is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you his love
And everything's okay

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

---Nsync~ Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays---

To Be Continued...

Chapter 30: ~~~*Happy New Year*

Sheridan sat in the hot, steaming bubble bath. Luis awoke and when he reached over to Sheridan's side he found it empty. He slid out of bed and slipped on his Sponge Bob boxers, then walked into the bathroom that he shared with his wife. Luis walked over to the toilet, never noticing his wife, he slid down his boxers and did his duty. "Nice ass chief" Sheridan called from the tub. He pulled up his boxers and turned around to face her. "Hey baby I didn't know you were in here" He kneeled beside the bath tub.

"Obviously" she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him. "Is there room for me in there?" he asked. "Yes, always" She watched as he removed his boxers. He wrapped his arms around her, from behind, as she laid her head back. "Sleep well?" she asked. "Yes and you sweetheart?" "Great!" They got out of the tub, when the water turned cold, and walked to their room. Luis watched as a naked Sheridan sat on the bed. He became quickly aroused at the look of her round, plump, luscious breasts. Luis pushed her onto her back and laid on top of her. He kissed her lips with all the passions within him, then worked his way down.

Thankfully I'm on birth control, she thought, or I'd have 15 children already. After only one round of love making Sheridan order her husband to get dressed. Or no loving tonight tonight when they returned from the Seascape. As they walked downstairs they heard Chloe and Sean talking to someone. Most likely Ryan, the kid never went home, not that Sheridan and Luis minded. They just wanted their daughter to be happy. "Oh ya I beat you!" exclaimed Sean. "Yes I see. Great job buddy" Ryan said giving Sean a high five.

"Hey mom, dad good afternoon" Chloe said as her parents walked into the room. "Afternoon? What time is it" asked Luis. "It's 1 o'clock dad" Ryan answered, joking when he used the word dad. But hopefully I'll marry Chloe someday, Ryan thought, and then Luis will be my dad. "Wow baby we slept so late" Luis whispered in his wife's ear as he led her to the kitchen, in search of food. They stole kisses here and there on the way. Chloe looked at her parents, and there was only one word that could describe her at that moment.

Envious! Chloe was envious of her parents and the true, everlasting love that they shared and they always would share. "Ryan I hope we have that one day" Chloe said to her boyfriend. "And what's that" he asked. "What my parents have" she replied. "A forever love." "I would like too" He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a long kiss. The day passed, now it was nighttime. Sheridan, Luis Chloe and Ryan were all at the Seascape, since it was New Years Eve. Sean was at Katherine's and John's for the night.

'We Like To Party' by Venga Boys was playing, everyone made a train and danced around the restaurant. Half of the people were already drunk, and it was only 10. Luis wrapped his arms around Sheridan and they began to sway to Lonestars' song "Amazed". "I love you she whispered. "I love you too" he said and kissed her. She tickled his neck with her nails and he shivered. His hands caressed her back, then all of a sudden he dipped her.

"Thanks for giving me a heads up" she scolded, trying to look mad. "Come on you know you loved it" he whispered nibbling on her ear lobe. "Ok I guess I did" she told him. Everyone gathered on the dance floor, champagne flutes in hands, they counted the seconds till midnight.

Sheridan was wrapped in her husbands arms as was Chloe in Ryan's. "5...4...3...2...1 Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted. "Happy New Year mi amor" Luis whispered and kissed his wife's beautiful lips. "Happy New Year sweetheart" she said and kissed him back, and took a sip of some bubbly as did Luis. After a few fats songs, the DJ, which was Chad, slowed it down a little bit. Sheridan snaked her arms around her husbands neck, he slid his arms around her tiny waist. They swayed to the music.

The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew.
We'd spend this life side by side.
I still feel the same though you're so far away.
I swear that you'll always be my.

Forever love.
I promise you.
Someday we'll be together.
Forever love.
I won't give up. No matter what. I'll be waiting for you. Forever love.

Minutes and hours and years may go by. But my heart knows nothing of time. So don't cry, just keep me right there. In your dreams. And hold on to these words of mine.

Forever love. I promise you. Someday we'll be together. Forever love. I won't give up. No matter what. I'll be waiting for you. Forever love.

Love is the road to our destiny. Nothing can change what is meant to be.

Forever love.
I promise you.
Someday we'll be together.

Forever love.
I won't give up.
No matter what.
I'll be waiting for you.
Forever love.

---Reba McEntire~ Forever Love---