Rowan Atkinson Tuna Sandwich Fetish Page

(Now you might be wondering about the title of this page. It's not about a fetish Mr. Atkinson may have about tuna sandwiches. No, no, no! This page is about the monologue he does at the beginning of his video. I don't know if he ad-libbed the tuna sandwich bit, or if he wrote it beforehand and was following a script, but I'm sure Mr. Atkinson had no idea what a profound effect it would have on some of his female viewers. Read on, and please do take part in the poll. -- The Jeanster, July 7, 2002 -- NEW: Added a link at the bottom of this page to a page titled Tuna Sandwich Day. Didn't know there was such a day, did you? Updated July 8, 2002)

Ever watch the introductory monologue Rowan Atkinson does at the very beginning in the video 'Rowan Atkinson LIVE!'? When he talks about eating the tuna sandwich, does that have an effect on you? That's what did it for me. "Oh, my GOD! I had no idea he was SO adorable!" was my thought. There is something so very endearing about the way he talks about that tuna sandwich. Think about it. Here he is, this major international entertainment star who modestly introduces himself in a soft-spoken voice (as if no one would know who he is!) and tells the audience what he'll be doing. Then, in a distracted way, he's so down-to-earth and real when he talks about this marvelous tuna sandwich he'd been eating. You see, back where he comes from, when you order a tuna sandwich, that's all you get: tuna and bread. But here (here being the U.S.A.), you also get salt, pepper, mayonnaise, and he thinks there might also be celery in it.

I know I'm not alone in saying that since watching that video, I think of Rowan whenever I eat a tuna sandwich.

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Tuna Sandwich Day
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