AFTERMATH OF MINDBENDER - a UFO slash fan fiction story by the Jeanster

Pairing: Ed Straker/Paul Foster
Rating: FRM — Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons
Author's Note: I'd like to imagine this is what happened right after "Mindbender."

DISCLAIMER: I do not own UFO.

"You don't have to do this, Paul," said Ed.

"It's no trouble. After that hallucination you had, I just want to make sure you get home all right. Let's get you inside now."

Paul escorted his commander inside the house and into the bedroom.

"Now get some rest. Is there anything I can get for you? Some tea? A little snack?"

"No, thanks. I'll be fine."

Ed looked at Paul and saw the mark on his forehead. He remembered slapping Mike/Paul Foster very hard on the face during his hallucination.

"Did I do that?" he asked peering at Paul's forehead.

"Yes, but it's nothing," said Paul mildly.

"Nothing? I left a mark on you! That's not nothing."

"I've had worse injuries, believe me. And I've healed just fine."

That was true, thought Ed. Images of the many times Paul suffered bodily harm since he joined S.H.A.D.O. flashed through his mind.

Then Ed realized the day might come when Paul could die in the line of duty. That was true of anyone in the military service, but today Ed knew how hard it would be for him to accept such a fate for Paul.

Beautiful Paul. Beautiful?

Ed felt confused about these new feelings he was having about Paul. Could it be a side effect from the hallucinatory alien rock he touched?

He stared at Paul and studied those boyishly handsome features of his face and his magnificent physique.

I want to memorize all I can about this lad, thought Ed.

"Something wrong?" asked Paul.

"Wrong? No."

"You were staring at me with an odd look. Or perhaps I was just imagining it."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to stare."

Paul smiled. "Well, I'll let you get your rest. See you in the morning?"

Ed reached out and grabbed Paul's arm as the younger man got up to leave.

Paul looked surprised.

"What is it? Do you need anything before I go?" he asked.

"Yes," Ed said softly. He gently pulled Paul back on to the bed.

Ed braced himself for the possible rejection that might come, but he had to know. He had to do this. He could not let Paul leave, not just yet.

"Paul," Ed whispered as he continued to gently pull him closer until their faces were almost touching.

Then it happened. Their lips touched as Ed embraced Paul and held him closely. It was a soft and gentle kiss at first. Then it grew passionate. It lasted for about two minutes, but Ed wanted it to last forever. He closed his eyes, and then he opened them to see Paul's reaction.

Paul smiled.

"I've been waiting a long time for you to do that," said Paul.

Ed breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stay the night," said Ed.

"As you command," said Paul softly.

"It's a request, not a command."

"Not if we make a game of it. You be the strict no-nonsense commander, and I'll be the out-of-line insubordinate colonel who is always making trouble. You'll have to make an example of me."

Ed stared at Paul.

"Why, Paul. I had no idea you had such kinky fantasies."

"Well, we now have the rest of our lives to learn so much more about each other, don't we?"

In answer to that, Ed pounced on Paul and eagerly kissed him.

A few hours later they fell asleep smiling and wrapped in each other's arms.


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The Actors who Played Straker and Foster in the UFO Series