Insanity Book Rules

1. This is the most important rule of all. Sign your name with your entry in the book. I don't care how long the entry is or where you put your name in the entry, so long as you sign your name.

2. The books belong to Victoria Easley, and no one else may have possession of them.

3. Anyone may write in the books, so long as they have an open mind, limited inhibitions, and access to a writing utencil.

4. You may write whatever you want, and I seriously mean whatever you want. Do not feel the need to censor yourself. Swear, be politically incorrect, and bitch and moan as necessary.
*AMENDMENT* If you choose to write something in the Insanity Book, be prepared to have it teased, insulted, over-analyzed, ridiculed, and otherwise "bashed."

5. The books may not be brought into a church, because churches are the home of God, and the stuff in these books isn't very religion-friendly. I don't want God to point a finger at me and damn me to hell for being a blasphemer.
*AMENDMENT* The books may be brought into a church if there are fortune cookies in the church.

6. No ripping pages out without permission from the Vickied One.

7. Last but not least, do these in the following order: go, read, laugh, enjoy.