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3 Again

By Nathaniel A Green jr

All characters, names are property of threes company creators, and copy writed and i in no way am doing this for moeny , just fun.!!!!!!lol.

Time- April 10 1986/7am santa monica California. larry dallas apartment:

Light morning rain fell against larry's window, and the cloudy early morning had snuck up on the confirmed for life bachelor. larry turned over in his bed, half expecting to find his date from last night, but she was long gone. stepping from jaguar print sheets and onto his inch thick shag carpet and into his slippers larry made his way to the kitchen, as he did he stopped and sighed. his gaze went to the form of his best friend in the world jack tripper sprawled on his living room sofa under a blanket sleeping in a twisted fashion that would make a contortionist jealous. larry smiled, even asleep jack was funny. then larry thought about why jack was crashing at his pad, two years after saying goodbye to apartment 201, and a building full of memories. it had been almost 5 months since larry had gotten the call from jack asking if him to pick him up at the santa monica police station, bailing him out on tresspass charges . jack had been arrested in what was left of his bistro at mr bradfords request, as jack refused to leave the lot which had once been "jacks bistro". he had put so much work into it, his soul really. jack had just found out that vicki, the woman he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with had called from europe after one of her trans atlantic flights to tell her father that it was over between jack and herself. vicki said she was tired of waiting for jack to become a real success in the restaurant game, and she tired of a man who could not grow up and be serious. vicki also said she thought once jack got the childish games out of his system a new relationship was going to bloom. vicki blamed jack for still thinking it was play time with his adolescent friends. jack had gotten a telephone call from mr bradford to come down as fast as he could to the bistro. as jack arrived he saw mr badford directing large machinery into ripping down the humble building and pulverizing jacks dreams." my daughter has finally come to her senses and seen you for what you are, a irresponsible failure and she has moved away to europe where she already has found a real man to be the son in law i had hoped for. you and this fleabag restaurant are gone!!" jack shoved mr. badford out of the way and tried to step in front of the machines to stop them. in the next few minutes, jack tripper was being hauled off to jail while his love life, and lifes passion crumbled. jack treid unsuccessfully to sue mr. bradford for damamges but since jack had not read a few new clauses in his lease, making the property dispensalbe at leasers discretion, he lost his case. he also tried to contact vicki several times, only to be told by a rather gruff european voice to not call anymore. after depleting his savings, and bouncing from job to job, jack got a little too drunk at the regal beagle and made his way to the new parking lot where jacks bistro used to stand. after yelling and screaming for a few minutes mr. bradford and several police arrived and removed jack from the area. while in the drunk tank, jack sobbered enough to remember larry's telephone # and beg him in a tearful voice to help him. jack:" L L LARRY? this is jack, .... tripper. your old best buddy. i need you man to help me, can ya help me?" Larry:" jack? where are you what's wrong? " Jack- " i am in jail man, a stinking santa monica jail. no nothing but trouble. can ya get me out?": Larry: yeah man, i'll be there soon!!!" Jack -" thanks lar. i always could count on you." That was 5 months ago. and jack spent most of his time moping around the apartment sleeping, walking on the beach, and cooking dinner for larry and any of his dates he would bring home. not even wanting to go out and try to rekindle any of his old wildman ways, jack looked run down, thin,. pale , and his once bright blue eyes were surrounded by bags, and tears everynow and then. jack groaned then fell sideways off the couch onto the floor with the pillow hitting him in his head. Jack- ohhhhhhhh, my head hurts. what time is it? Larry- its a little before 8 o'clock jacko. go back to sleep, you look like you need it. Jack- can i fix ya breakfast ? Larry- no thanks , i have to get to the car lot early today, got a few customers coming to look at some real creampuffs today. i will just grab a donut on the way. Jack- alright, lar. lar, i just want to thank you again for letting me crash here. Larry- no problem man. look , i said we were best buds , and i meant that from day one. you would do the same for me. you WILL stay here until things get better, and that is that." Jack- thanks pal. i will see ya later. anything lined up tonight? larry-yeah, linda koznowski. i will be home late. get some rest jacko. later. larry left and got into his 81 monte carlo he called the love machine and drove off. jack got back on the couch and pulled the covers up on him as the morning coldness crept in. he longed for vickis warm body next to him. but that had passed. vicki was not what jack had thought she was. the bistro was gone, his money was gone, even apartment 201 was rented to some loud obnoxious tenants that had given mr. furley more trouble than he and the girls ever did. jack was driftng off to sleep again when he thought about what was ,had been , and what should have been, but he had been too afraid to take certain steps. let feelings he swore to hide out. with his predicament now, he wondered if it were too late to have a happy ending. and if it was not, did he have enough left to start over one more time.

Part II

The midday sun finally poked from behind the clouds and awoke jack tripper from his sleep. slowly jack stood up " oooohh my aching head." jack moaned. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and turned on the faucet. still sleepy, jack failed to notice that he had missed the glass entirely. he lifted the glass and tasted air. " man that water is weak"he thought as he this time got a full glass and drank." thats better" he said licking his lips as he strolled to the bathroom. jack looked in the mirror and did not like what he saw. he saw a pale faced mid 30's man staring back at him with long shaggy shoulder length hair. "definalely not the man i sed ot be." he thought as he started the hot water. after a shower, shave and a couple of snips with scissors on his unruly hair, jack looked alot better. just then a knock on the door got his attention, jack padded across the thick carpet of larry's apartment in his socks and shorts to open the door. Mr. Furley- Jack!!!! JAck- mr furley !! glad to see you.i was here all this time and i had not seen you once. MR. furley- yeah i was busy with some banking i had to do. and those tenants in your old apartment are driving me cray with repairs. Jack-that bad huh? Mr. Furley- i tell ya if i could have you and the girls back, i would take ya back in a heartbeat no questions asked. you were like church mice compared to this couple ! Jack- i will keep that in mind if i ever live with two girls again. Mr. furley- oh , yeah, i came up to tell you the good news. after you left two years ago, i got a stock tip. on some company called micro soft. well i took the little nest egg i had been saving and invested it. today i just went and picked up a check for 2 million dollars after taxes!!!! Jack- Mr. furley your rich!!!!!! MR. furley- yes!!! and the best news is i now own this building. bought it from bart on the way back from the bank just to spite him. no more of him and his mean wife, weird kids and mangey dog!!!!! ah yes life is good again!!!!! Jack -mr f, i don't know what to say. this is incredible. Mr. Furley- yes. and i was going to tell you and larry, but since he is out you can tell him for me. larry can stay here at a cost of $100 a month for the rest of his life. and as soon as a place opens, the same goes for you. and i won't take no for an answer. Jack- mr furley , that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Mr. Furley- yes, but you kids helped me out of a few spots in the past, and all those free meals you gave me at the bistro was more than generous. its the least i can do. you all made me feel young again. Jack- mr f i am truly greatful(*hugs mr. furley) Mr. furley- you know in the old days i would have told you to back off tippy toes, but i know that you were pulling the wool over my eyes all those years. Jack-wellllllll- ok am not gay. i love women. (that may be my problem.) jack thought. Mr. furley- ok then , but answer me one question. why did you let her get away? Jack- Vicki? Mr. furley- , not her, janet!!! Jack stood startled for a few seconds. then he looked with surprise and curiosity at mr furley. Jack- what do you mean? Mr. furley- i was positive you and janet would have wound up together. you were together through chrissy's move, cindy's rampages, and terri. i could see you were good friends. Jack - i guess i didn't think we would make a good couple and maybe we would have destroyed our friendship. if we, you know. Mr. fuley turned and walked to the door- i have to go down to barts office and get the deed to the property now, but jack think it over, wouldn't you rather have a freind as well as a lover in a woman? talk to ya later. Mr. furley left and jack finished dressing. all the while wondering how the man who looked like a walking goodwill poster could have so much insight into his feelings. jack opened his suitcase and rummaged through its assorted contents there were pictures of vicki stained with ears, and then he found some of he and larry standng at the car lot and then he found one of he and janet and chrissy on the couch hugging. then he looked a little further and found one of himself and janet taken on the night they had mistakenky gone on a computer date. she looked so beautiful with her short dark hair, nice tanned brown skin and that bright smile that seemd to litge up the whole picture. they were wrapped in each others arms , as friends, but ack wondered if he had missed something that night. something that perhaps could have meant a different path for them all.

Part 3

After a week of wrestling with his thoughts and looking for a job, jack finally made a connection down town at a new french restaurant that was opening. the owner there had been a friend in his cooking class, and had heard about jacks hard times. so within the next month jack would be hired as head chef when the restaurant opened. jack was walking on air and before he realized it, was walking on a familiar street. he looked around and noticed the arcade flower shop. "man, the memories this place has." he thought as he walked by. the shop had been renovated and was full of customers. jack decided to go in for old times sake. as he entered he saw a tall thin dark haired woman spraying a bunch of roses. jack walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder, as she turned around she accidentally sprayed jack in the face. " i'm so sorry!" said the woman. her name tag read lisa. "thats alright" said jack." i was a little thirsty anyways. " " i was wondering if you could help me." "sure." said lisa. Jack-"were you working here when a ms. wood was manager?" Lisa- "oh yeah, janet. i miss her." Jack- "oh, when was the last time she was here?" lisa-" she left about a year ago as manager. poor thing. that tragic divorce." Jack-"DIVORCE!? but how, why?" lisa-" it was a mess, that husband of hers, he was living two lives. he was married on the east coast and had 5 children. he was living out here at a second home for business reasons. what a jerk." Jack-"do yo know what happened to janet after that?" lisa- " yes, she got a divorce and had come back here to work full time again. she took some of her money and bought shares in arcade florists . she is actually a owner now, and she stops in , but has not been by in a little while. she seemed real sad the last time i saw, this is here office number, she works and lives out in the valley now." Jack- lisa i could just kiss you- ( lisa squirts jack again) Lisa- sorry cutie, but i am married. jack - (wiping his mouth) well thanks for the info,and the drink. jack ran all the way back to larry's apartment. no one was home, so he let himself in with the spare key. jack dialed the number and got an answering machine. he left a brief message and larry's number. he was so excited. he got to thinking about all the fun he and janet had over the years. janets danc carrer failure, and his thinking he had flunked cooking school. each time they had been ther to console each other. then larry came in. he looked happy. jack-"Larry guess what!!!" Larry- "what? that big couple i sold the coupe deville to last week didn't come by for a refund did they?" Jack- " no you scardycat, i found out that janet is still around. she is now divorced. i never liked that guy anyway. i left her a message at work, and maybe we will see her agian!" Larry- " jacko thats great!!!!! now i have a surprise for you." Jack- "yeah , what?" Larry- "come on, take a ride to the beagle, it's there." larry and jack pulled up to the beagle in larry's car. they got out and stepped in and went for the usual table. larry-"ok jack close our eyes" jack-"ok" as jack was sitting, he heard giggles and foot steps. then he heard a female voice that was purposely disguised. "buy a beer handsome?" the gruff female voice said. jack opened his eyes and his mouth opened wide to the surprise of chrissy snow standing right in front of him. she seemed to light up the room with her big smile and shiney blond hair, still done up in two little girl ponytails. JAck-CHRISSY!!!!!!!!! is that you? Chrissy-i hope so, i slept in her pajamas last night!!!!! they hugged and kissed and cried with larry beaming a big smile while he had both his arms around them both. Larry - i thought this would cheer you up. JAck- how did you get back here? Chrissy- it was larry's idea. i a friend of mine bought a used car from larry, and mentioned it to me when they had it towed home(larry starts whistleing and looking at the ceiling) and he gave me larry's work number and larry asked me to come for a visit and when i heard that you were back in the area i could not resist.!!! JAck- thanks larry, your great man(hugs larry) so chrissy what took you so long to visit? Chrissy- i thought after janet got married and you moved away, the good times were over. i was going to get married myself, but things were moving too fast and i decided a long engagement was better. so for the next year or so, i am a free woman, (larry 's ears perk up and he shakes his hair) err, you know what i mean." (laughs and snorts) jack- That is great. and wait till i tell ya, i found out janet is still around!!!!! i left her a message and i hope to talk to her. she is divorced now." chrissy's face turned kind of sour. she looked down and the bright smile turned down a couple of watts. Larry- whats wrong? Chrissy- janet didn't invite me to her wedding. she and i were great friends. i know she thinks i abandoned you guys, and never came back , but i thought things would be different. you now, i wanted to be her bridesmaid some day, and i missed out. Jack- don't worry little chrissy, i will make sure that you and janet iron things out. i am going to see to it. so where are you staying? Chrissy- at a hotel near the beach. i saw who moved into the old apartment. real nasty looking people. and i spoke tomr. furley about em. he wants them gone. JAck- yeah, definately not our type of crowd. jack larry and chrissy spent the next few hours talking, about what had transpired the past few years and also mr.furleys good fortune. jack still had worries about things not going smoothly, and with chrissy's revelation about janet might not wanting to rekindle their old friendship, jacks plans could be in jeapardy. he also worried what they all would think when he told janet what he really felt for her.

Part 4

Jack was cooking in larry's kitchen while larry and chrissy played a atari game. larry was losing. the telephone rang and larry answered it. larry-"hello?" janet-" larry?" larry-" yes who is this?" janet-" larry it's me, janet wood" LArry- "janet, oh my god!!!! how are you i cannot believe i am hearing your voice again!!!!! Janet-" oh larry, you act like i was gone for 20 years." how are you? larry-" fine still hangin in there." Janet-" is jack there?" Larry-"yes!!!! hold on" larry ran across the room and grabbed jack by the collar and drug him over to the phone. "its janet!!! talk to her."larry said as he shoved the receiver in jacks hand. Jack-"Hello janet??" Janet-JAck !!! oh my god how are you? i have not heard your voice in years!!!! Jack-" i am fine , how are you, you sound good." Janet- i feel good ." now that i am free of that slime husband . " i'm sure my friend at the flower shop old you the whole story." Jack- yeah it is a bad thing to not be able to trust the one you love.we had some situations like that. remember your sister coming to visit? you were going to throw me out in my pajamas." Janet- oh jack , you still remember that? it was so long ago. listen i will be coming down there tomorrow. you guys can meet me at the regal beagle. then we can go to your bistro for lunch." Jack- janet, alot has happened since we split up. i am single again, and the bistro is gone." Janet- "oh my god!!" are you serious, that cannot be!!! i am so sorry jack. looks like we both fell on hard times. and vicki... i thought she was a nice person. its her loss. Jack- "janet there is someone here you may want to talk to also." Janet-"who?" jack hands the phone to chrissy, who reluctantly takes the receiver Chrissy-"janet, its me Chrissy snow." Janet pauses for a few seconds then breaks out in tears and sobs. janet-" chrissy, christmas snow!!!!!! i can't believe it!!!! baby how have you been ? where have you been? oh to hear your voice again!!!!" Chrissy-" your happy to hear from me?" Janet- "yes!!!! i never thought we would here each other again,or see each other again. what are you doing here?" Chrissy- it's a long story. i can tell you tomorrow when i see you. janet i thought you wold hang up when you heard it was me." Janet-"why?" i love you, your like a sister to me." Chrissy- i cannot wait to see you, we will me t tomorrow at the regal beagle. Janet- "yes!!! and i won't sleep a wink knowing we can all be together again. bye!!! Chrissy-"bye janet." Chrissy hung up the phone with tears streaming down her eyes, and larry and jack came over to comfort her. "chrissy,i told you janet would not be angry at you. we had too much time together to hold grudges."jack said. Chrissy- yeah, i was wrong, i cannot wait to see her again. " Larry- i will drive us all over there tomorrow. till the mean time, i will finish beating you at atari football chrissy!!!!" Jack - cheater larry!!!!! Chrissy- yeah!!!1 jack went back to his cooking. he was closer than ever to realizing his dreams. but is till nagged him that he was worried that a woman who he had lived with for almost 8 years was making him feel like a total stranger about to go on a blind date. with all the roommates jack had had, terri, who had been the most vivacious and sexy, chrissy, the child like innocent girl next door, and cindy, who was kind of the tomboy, none of them had the complete package like janet had. smart beautiful, headstrong, yet humble. jack never let it be known that he used to fantasize about janet, being with her. it was a no no at the time, and he always tried to respect the rules, even though he regularly pushed the limits just to see how far he could go before one of the girls karate chopped him or they ganged up on him. but tomorrow there would be no boundaries except his own fear of damaging the friendship they used to have. still jack wondered if janet was still as beautiful as she was the day she got married. larry-"jack?" Jack-"yeah?" Larry-" are we having that steak well, done or cremated?" jack was so caught up in his thoughts he had let his porter house steak catch on fire. Chrissy-" that one is his. i like mine a little less done." chrissy snorted and giggled as only she can. Jack and larry fanned the smoke and they all three shared a hearty laugh.

part 5

3 again-together again. jack was buzzing around larry's apartment with a boyish glee and energy. he was light on his feet, and could not hav ebeen happier.. it had been a long time since he felt this good, and putting the pain of the bistro getting wrecked and vicki's walkout behind him was good medicine for is soul. a knock at the door snapped him out of his trance." i got it "said larry . he opened the door and mr furley was there. larry-"hi R.F" mr.Furley- " hi larry , i just got back from landlord tennant court. i finally evicted those loud nubskulls form the kids old apartment." Larry-" thats great, nowwhen the walls shake, it will be regular earthquakes" larry quipped. jack and chrissy walked over and could not believe there ears." you mean we can move back in our old apartment?" chrissy said. "yes as soon as you want. but won't the two of you be lonely without janet ?or even terri or cindy?" mr furley said. " nonsense, we can write terri, and cindy is just a quick drive away at school." jack said. " and as for janet, well today we are going ot see her at the beagle!!!!" "wow!!!!" that is great!!!1 i would love to see janet again. how is her husband ?"mr. furley said. well, she got divorced. and it;'s all the better for us."jack said. hey, come along with us, i know she wil be glad to see you." "sure thing, i cannot wait. boy this is a great day." mr furley said. larry pulled into the beagle parking lot and all of them exited his car. they entered and sat down at the regular table. the beagle was busy with activity. jack glanced around with anticipation, hoping to be the firs to see janet. they waited for 15 minutes when larry glanced out the window and saw a brand new red mustang convertable pull nex to his car. "jacko", larry whispered in his friends ear, looks who's here!" jackstood up slowly as he watched the dark skinnedjet black haired woman walk slowly from her car to the front of the pub, then step slowly into view. it was janet wood. her big brown eyes glassy with tears welling up waiting to burst free. she wore a white blouse and black slacks with high heels. her hari was shoulder length and shiny. jack janet and chrissy stood less than a foot apart for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. "oh my god, you two!!!!!!" janet sobbed as the tears finally broke free and they fel freely fom her eyes as she through her self inot jack and chrissy's arms , and with no hint of hesitation, jack and chrissy embraced their old friend as if they were seeing her for the first time in 100 years."janet you look beautifiul!!!!" said chrissy, a mouth full of tears keeping her voice choppy. "so do you, so do you!!" janet siad as she hugged and kissed chrissy. i have missed you so much , i love you old friend!!! " "and you!!!!" she said to jack taking her hand and guiding jacks face to hers i love you too!!!!" janet kised jack on the mouth. to jack it was liek kissing an angel with sweet breath of roses." janet i cannot believe you are here!!!" jack sobbed." i never thought i would see you again." "well how about us?" larry said as he pulled mr furley over who had his eyes on a tall shapely brunet with his back to him. janet hugged and kissed them both. they sat in teh beagle for hours alking and hugging.and kissing and being happy for the first time in a long time. "janet, mr furley is going ot let us have our old apartment back ,you know he is rich now. it can be like old times. agian" chrissy said. " i was thinking of moving back to the beach again, and we can all hang out again,i have enough money so we can live the good life for a change, instead of struggling, dn when jack starts working again things wil really be a blast. right rf?" "huh? oh yeah right, no problemo." mr. furley aid still staring at the shapely woman. " you know i think i know her." he said . i am going ot talk to her. mr furley sauntered over and tapped the brunette on her shoulder."what's cookin, good lookin?" he said. the woman turned around and said " ralph!!!" "la-la-la-la-lana!!!!!?????" oh my dear, i thought you would show upo sooner or later." lana said. i came back becaue i wanted to see if any of my friends were around. i guess you'll do." "lana, mr. F is rolling in dough!!" larry said as he and the others joined lana at the bar." he is loaded." teathim with a little respect." " you are rich?"lana said. that is great." she said taking mr. furleys arm. you just got a lot more attractive!!!" she purred . "but---" larry started." neve mind larry, i will take her anyway i can get her." mr furley seemed to smile a 100 watt smile as he and lana nuzzled. " alright, how can i interfere? i still have a date tonight with greedy gretchen" l arry said as he fluffed his hair. jack and janet moved off to the side for a second and with her hands inhis jack told janet how he had felt about her. how he had hid his feeling for so long. he loved janet, and wante dto be with her foreever. he also wanted to be with his other loved ones forever. janet started crying again. she told jack how she also had dreamed of him , but kept it quiet for the same reasons. janet said she knew one day she would be blessed with the people she truly loved again. "you know it is funny, i always knew you two were going to be together." chrissy interjected as she put her arms around both of them. well i will be living with you guys again. we are all adults. it wil be better this time around i am sure." she they were all about to walk out to the parkinglot, jack with janet on his arm, for the first time as a freind and soon to be his lover, chrissy happy and sooner or later marreid, larry still doing his thing with any woman he could, and mr. furley and lana together in a funny kind of love hate relationship, a man bumped into jack and said in a thick spanish accent" sorry, chame , chame chame on me..." "felipe?" jack said " hefe?" "oh hefe, i am glad to see you. i need a job." "sorry felipe, i don't have the bistro anymore" jack said."what about angelino's? "that stupid gringo.. no offense hefe.." he sold the restaurant to some stupid guy who turned it into a parking lot. seems he met this girl in europe and they got married and he lef this wife. angelino is broke. he got divorced after a year. he is stuck out in europe."well felipe, i hear there is a great palce down town looking for a salad man."jack said. "gracias hefe!!!" felipe turned and stopped short, oh yeah hefe, i see you finally got smart and have that preetty lady as your own." jack lloked in janets eyes, tehn put his arms around her and one arm around chrissy. things were good again. as in 3 again.
