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Work Cited

Susan Gibson and Roberta McKay, "How Research On the Use of Computer Technologies Can Inform the Work of Social Studies Educators" Department of Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Found as an online article at

Elise Mennie and Joel Yan, “Stats Can Internet Resources for Canadian Social Studies” in Canadian Social Studies, Volume 35, number 4, Summer 2001. Found as an online article at

Alan Sears and Jim Parsons, “Principles of an ethic of critical thinking” in The Canadian Anthology of Social Studies. Editors Roland Case and Penney Clark. Vancouver: Pacific Educational Press, 1999, pp. 171-177.

Bill Tally, "Teaching when the Web is in the Classroom" EDC/Center for Children and Technology, New York. D-Lib Magazine, September 1996. Found as an online article at

The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, Canadian and World Studies, 2000. Understanding Canadian Law, Grade 11, University/ College Preparation (CLU 3M) Found at grade1112 /canadian /canadian.html

"Developments in Information Technologies in Education" Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC). Document prepared for the 13th Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministers Botswana July 28 - August 1, 1997. Found as an online article at http://WWW.CMEC.CA/reports/edtech-en.stm