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Title:  Family Part 6


Author:  Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:  Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers: Umm…total non canon.

Summary:  A night at the Bronze.



Giles kindly agreed to watch Ellie, leaving the rest of the scoobies with an evening to themselves. Xander relented and agreed to let Lys and Nate come to the Bronze with them when Buffy told Dawn she could go. He was actually glad she had. He’d been concerned with the kids’ frames of mind since the bonding.


Nate seemed okay, but Lys seemed to be having a hard time dealing with the emotions that flooded her so often. He was sort of afraid to leave her alone, but didn’t want to tell her that. So, here they were, at the Bronze. They’d managed to get a table big enough for all eight of them, whether by force of numbers or the fact that Spike ‘had a word’ with the group of drunken teenaged boys sitting there.


It was a good band tonight. Xander could feel the bass and drums reverberating through his bones. Even Spike seemed to like the music. Currently, though, he was sitting at the table…alone…while the rest of them hit the dance floor. Willow and Tara were trying to dance as close together as the music would allow. Nate danced with Dawn. Both Buffy and Xander kept an eye on them while they danced with Lys.


Eventually, dehydration drove them back to the table and as they flopped down gasping for air, a new round of drinks was brought to them. Buffy gulped hers and smiled a thanks at Spike for ordering them.


“So, why aren’t you out there shaking your thang, Spike?” She asked after she became able to breath again.


Spike shook his head. “Sorry, pet. I can only dance three ways: ballroom-thank you to me dear departed mum, wrapped around someone and barely swaying, or having sex with my clothes on.”


Xander pictured rubbing all over Spike on the dance floor and blushed bright red. Buffy grinned slyly. “I bet you can’t dance at all, can you?”


Spike returned her grin. “What do I get if I prove I can?”


Buffy looked thoughtful for a moment. “Umm…a kiss?”


Spike looked startled. The girls giggled. Xander began a slow burn. He went from wanting to see Spike getting groiny on the dance floor to hoping he really was lying about knowing how to dance. After a moment, Spike grinned and stood, holding a hand out to Buffy. She took his hand and they went onto the dance floor.


Buffy began to move, but Spike jerked her up against her body. Her eyes went wide but then she grinned and let him continue. In another minute, she looked like she was wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into. Spike had her pressed up against his body, so that every move he made, she echoed. Their feet were tangled together and Buffy had her head thrown back.


He was right. It really did look like he was having sex on the dance floor with her. Xander grit his teeth and increased his grip on his glass. Lys glanced in surprise at him and gently laid her hand over his. At her touch, a cooling balm swept over him, and the anger fled. In it’s place, a sharp pain took up residence. Lys visibly flinched.


On the dance floor, Spike and Buffy had drawn attention. At the introduction of three more female bodies into the press, Buffy wryly shrugged and pulled away from Spike. He laughed and one of the other girls replaced her. She made her way back to the table and waved the others onto the floor.  No one wanted to take her up on it, so she grabbed Xander’s hand and drug him with her.


She pulled him out to dance next to Spike and his ‘women’. He half-heartedly began moving to the beat. Spike grinned when he saw Xander next to him. He danced over to Xander’s side.


“Hey, mate.”


Xander half smiled, no matter how irritated he was, he could never resist Spike with a real smile on his face. “Hey, Spike. Looks like something else you’re better than me at.”


Spike grinned. “Hell, it’s easy. Here, lemme show you.”


Much to the chagrin of Buffy, who was left partnerless for the second time during the same song, and Spike’s women, who looked irritated, Spike slid into place next to Xander. With a sigh, Buffy left the dance floor again and sat back down. She and the others watched Spike teaching Xander and laughed at the infuriated looks the women kept giving them.


Spike began by showing Xander an easy hip roll. Xander felt like a complete moron, but tried it because Spike looked so honestly sincere and because he loved him enough to look like a total ass if it made the vamp happy. He mastered it quickly and then Spike moved on to a combination of forward and backwards hip rolls. Xander frowned as he tried to imitate the sexy blonde. He couldn’t seem to get the crossover.


Spike stepped in front of him and reached behind for Xander’s hands. He placed them on his own hips and thrust his ass backwards into Xander’s. “Like this, mate.” He demonstrated, letting Xander feel the slid of the blonde’s hips under his hands and the movement of hip against hip.


Xander’s breath caught, but he followed the vamp’s moves. He closed his eyes against the rest of the room. He had no idea if he would ever get to be this close to the other man again, and he wasn’t going to waste it by watching the other dancers eye them. In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t a good idea. His sense of sight supressed, the rest of his body became more in tune.


He could smell the vampire’s spicy sweat, the faint hint of leather and cigarette smoke and beneath it all…the scent of Spike. He felt the burn of Spike’s hands holding his own onto Spike’s slender hips. His fingers dug uncontrollably into Spike’s flesh, seeking a way to drag the vampire inside of him. The feeling of Spike’s ass rubbing up against his crotch was almost more than he could take.


Spike had no idea what the hell he was thinking when he stepped in front of the boy. He only knew that, in that second, he needed to feel Xander against him. He placed Xander’s hands on his hips and nearly shuddered at the picture that brought to mind: a naked Xander grasping his own bare flanks as Xander shoved his cock deep inside of him.


He began moving, his body coaxing Xander’s into the moves. Spike closed his eyes. Oh bloody hell, what was he thinking? He was on fire. Each of Xander’s fingertips burned a brand into his flesh. He was drowning in the boy.


Buffy and Willow stared openmouthed at the dance floor. Tara saw her girlfriend gawking and turned to look herself. “Oh…goodness.” She whispered. The picture that Xander and Spike painted was…erotic to say the least. Both had their eyes closed and were pressed closely enough that no light would have shown between them. Spike had his hands holding Xander’s to Spike’s hips but as they watched, Xander’s hands began a journey all of their own.


Xander slid his hands up and around Spike’s waist without realizing he’d even moved. He found Spike’s shirt untucked, probably from one of those women, but he wasn’t going to think about that now. Not when Spike’s naked flesh was so close to his fingers. He slipped his fingers under the cotton shirt and felt an electric shock zing through his fingers. He felt Spike jerk in his embrace and smiled.


His right hand continued up Spike’s chest, pushing his shirt with it, until he reached the blonde’s nipples. He gently placed a single finger possessively over one of them and pulled Spike into his chest. His left hand explored Spike’s belly. It found the light dusting of hair leading downwards and followed it to Spike’s waistband. With a wicked grin, he slid the tips of his fingers into the waistband, feeling Spike lurch, and forcefully pulled his hips backwards. He ground the blonde’s ass into his hardening cock.


Lowering his head, he breathed in Spike’s scent again and buried his face into the crook of Spike’s neck. A devilish thought occurred to him as he continued to dance, one with Spike’s every move. He opened his mouth, feeling Spike shudder at his breath ghosting over cool skin. With a chuckle, he sank his teeth into Spike’s neck.


The vamp keened a sub-vocal wail. Bloody fucking hell, what was the whelp trying to do to him? He knew that if he’d had breath, he would have lost it when Xander’s innocent questing hand found his belly. His eyes rolled back in his head when Xander’s finger took possession of his nipple. He lost all thought processes when his hand burned past his waistband. But this? Fuck, the boy was an inch away from being taken on the dance floor.


Lys wasn’t watching. That didn’t mean she wasn’t paying attention. When Xander bit Spike, she wailed as well. All eyes at the table turned to her questioningly. “Lys?” Buffy asked. “What’s wrong.”


Lys couldn’t speak. “It’s too much for her, I think.” Nate answered for her. “I can feel them too, and I know if I can, she’s probably drowning in it.”


The girls looked confused. Nate sighed. “Uncle Xan and Uncle Wil. They’re horny as hell.” The girls blushed and snuck glances back at the two men.


“I-it’s not j-just that.” Lys gasped. “Uncle Xan is…he’s so close to losing himself right now. I-he wants Spike so much right now. Watching those girls and even Buffy touching him made me-Uncle Xan so very frustrated and angry. Now that I-he has Spike in my-his arms, pressed up against me-him, I just want him so fucking bad.” She slammed her fist down onto the table not noticing the looks the girls gave each other.


“And Uncle Wil. Oh god, I never thought I-he had that much willpower. I’m-he’s on fire. He’s never touched me-him like this before. He’s been so determined not to drive me-Spike away. Fuck, the whelp is intoxicating. I could happily drown in him, his scent, the feel of his body pressed against me. Fuck, 126 years old and I have a fucking teenager burning me into a fucking puddle of want and need. Oh, yes, Xan. Jesus, don’t let me go, don’t stop touching me.”


“What the fuck am I doing? I promised not to push! I’ve got to stop. I’ve got to let go.” Lys moaned. “Nonononononono, can’t let him go. I’ll never get him back. Tomorrow I’ll just be stupid fucking Xander. He’ll try to pretend this didn’t happen and I’ll spend the rest of my fucking life aching for him. Okay, letting go now.”


“Noooooo! Fuck, Xander, don’t stop! Stay with me, staystaystay…bloody hell, thank you! I know I told you I didn’t want that, I know I’m a lying bastard, but with you holding me like this, I can forget that tomorrow I have to go back to hiding. Fuck I want to kiss you, taste you, fuck you into a wall. Nonono. Too fast. Stopstopstop. You’ll lead him on. He’ll think you just want him for sex. Fuck Xander, if only that were it.”


Lys’s voice broke. “Forever, Xan. I want forever. I want to feel you just like this, forever. Pressed against me, warm…hot…alive. Fuck, my perfect reason to leave you alone. What happens when you get old, whelp? When you die? I can’t turn you. I’ll lose you. You’ll leave me. You’ll leave me. Fuck this. Sound like my poncy sire. Oh, Angel, I’m so sorry I ever made fun of you if this is what you felt for Buffy. Fucking ache…Stopstopstop! Just be with him now. Just feel him. Try to pretend this will last forever. Fuck, I love you, Xan.”


“I wonder if they can put this song on continual play? I wonder if continuous play could last forever? Or at least til I die. I wonder if I could get him to turn me? He wanted to turn Willow. Maybe…or I could get Angel to turn me. Yeah, and I could spend the rest of eternity looking for a way to make him want me like I want him. What a fucking joke I am. All that shit I gave Buffy and here I am…in love with my own vampire. Fuck.”


Lys began to cry and Nate grasped her hand. A strange look passed between them and she seemed to snap out of whatever thing she’d been in. She blinked slowly and looked around the table at the astonished faces. “What?”


“Lys, do you know what just happened?” Willow asked, a concerned note in her voice.


Lys furrowed her brow. “What are you talking about?”


The girls exchanged looks. “Lys, I think you just channeled Xander and Spike’s thoughts.” Willow continued. Lys looked amused.


“That must have been pretty hot, then.” She laughed, and then stopped when no one joined her. “What?”


“Lys, if that was really what they were thinking…” Tara began.


“We totally have to do something.” Buffy finished.


Dawn grinned. “So, no more Spike is the bad guy?”


Buffy sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe he is still a bad guy. But look at him with the kids. Look at him with Xander. And if half of what he was saying is true…” she winced. “I haven’t heard so much pain since…” her voice died away.  “We have to do something.”
