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Note: heY guYz, this fic takes place jus after the 2nd season finalethis is my 1st fic, plus English isnt my native language, so plz dont be too harsh when u review-- and I do want readers to review--hehe. If I ever continue this fic, (which would be when Ive got nothing else to do) its gonna be a remy/rogue, kitty/lance, maybe kurt/Amanda? (dat girl frm shadow dance) and.taryn/scott/jean/Duncan=)

.yeah, anywaYz, remember when rogue and the others got slimed by bigo sentinel? dats why theyre not here --rogues in ch 3 though- and I slimed storm here too (which means shes w/ rogue, etc.) cuz I want scott to be in command for the moment, not Stormy.

What Happens Now?

BY: Kojie101

Mystique cackled like a crazy witch. Everyone was definitely scared. All except Lance that is. He smiled smugly.

Surely, Mystique would fill him in later, right?

The sound of helicopters far away in the distance startled Mystique. She turned from their shocked faces to look. The look of panic came across her face.

Damn! The police--- No, wait. They have cameras..theyre reporters! Perfect.

Ah, it seems that we have more company; more media for us mutants. It hasnt even been 24 hours and already were the talk of the town. She turned around to face all of them. Im so very sorry, she announced, but Im afraid I have more important matters to attend to. Take care, Ill be watching. And with that, she morphed into a crow, and started to fly away. The X-men and the Brotherhood both stared at the three helicopters coming in their direction. They were too shocked, too confused. Everything went by so fast. Some of them still had their mouths wide open.

What would happen to them now?

Finally, Scott drew them back to reality. Everyone, right now, we dont have enough time. I dont know what happened, but Im getting the feeling that we need to get outta here. He paused to look around. Everyone was nervous, and look lost, this time, including Lance. But everyone was listening. Mystique had abandoned them.

Where are we supposed to go? Its not like there was another Xavier Institute where they could hide and be safe

Suddenly Scott got an idea. He turned to face Jean. Do you remember that summer when we went to Scotland to meet this lady, uh, the professors friend?

Y-yeah, her names Moira, I think.

Well, she knows were mutants, and shes the professors friend. You think shell help us?

Well, its our only optionwe wont know till we try, I guess, she answered, still shaking a bit.

Alright. Uh, everyone, we need to get into the helicopter. Im not sure if everyone will fit.lets just hope so. Okay, everyone lets move!

He tried to sound calm, to make the others calm. But inside, he was just as scared as everybody else. Everyone ran quickly towards the helicopter. Cyclops and Jean stood near the opening door to count everyone. Roberto, Rahne, Jubilee, Sam, Ray, Bobby, Toad, Lance, Kitty, Tabitha, Kurt, and Amara, and is there anybody else? They both looked around. Jean even scanned the area with her telepathy. There was no one else. Both exchanged glances and nodded. Jean went in first, and Scott followed. It was pretty crowded inside. There were only six seats, so eight had to sit on the floor, or stand up. Lance stood up from his seat so Kitty could sit down. She smiled at him. He grinned. Cyclops and Bobby were both at the two front seats; they were the pilots. Amara took the seat behind Scott, Ray took the one beside her, and Jubilee took the one behind her, beside Kitty. Lance sat on the floor next to Kittys seat. Most of the others didnt really care where they sat; they were just glad to be there. They scattered between the seats. Jean however, sat at the back, the farthest from everyone else. She needed to be alone. She needed to think. Her life had just turned upside-down. Nothing made sense anymore. Her plans for the future were ruined. Now that everyone knew she was a mutant, what do they think of her now? What does Taryn think of her? What about Duncan..?

Oh God, they think Im a freak.

She buried her face into her hands, and sobbed quietly.

The flight would be a quiet one.




Scott Summers--Cyclops--Slim--One-eye--O, Fearless leader



I pushed the autopilot button and stood up. I put my hand on Bobbys shoulder, and he looked up. I simply nodded, and he understood. He knew I trusted him.

I looked around; it suddenly came to me that not everyone was there. Rogue and Evan were missing. And so were Beast and Storm. Where were they? What happened during that mission? Wheres the professor? How long has he been missing? Is he safe? Whos behind all this? I had so many questions, but no answers. So much stuff has happened, and my head was getting overloaded. I started to feel dizzy.

Man, I need to get some stuff outta my head.

I needed to talk to someone, but not just anyone. I needed to talk to someone whod listen and at least try to understand. There was only one person that I could think of-- Jean.

I couldnt find Jean at first; the helicopter was surprisingly quite big. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw something red. Well, actually, everything I see is red. Its a little hard to explain, but I guess I saw something a bit redder than red? it doesnt really make any sense, does it? But still, thats what I saw. I saw Jeans trademark; her long, silky, soft, fiery red hair. I couldnt really see her face because she was half-covered by the shadows.

Why would she want to sit way back over there?

Probably because she just doesnt want to be seen or disturbed or something. I hesitate, but I walk up to her anyway. I sat right next to her, leaning against the wall. I stole a quick glance at her; I didnt want to stare, really. She was crying, or had been crying. She sniffed a couple of times, wiping her tears, and turned away from me. I guess she doesnt want me to see her looking sovulnerable. But right then, she did look vulnerable. All my problems, and questions suddenly went away.

I wanted to comfort her, to say that everythings gonna be alright. I wanted to hug her, and let her know that Im here. I always have, and that I always will be. I wanted her to know that I love her. I still do, maybe now even more than ever before

She looked up, her eyes still swollen and red, her face flushed. She was beautiful.

Our eyes locked. I dont know how she does it, with my visor and all, but she always found my eyes and she always seemed to know that I was looking straight back at hers. Its just one of the many reasons why shes my best friend. Just one of the many reasons why Ill always love her. And also just one of the many reasons that I had decided, at the young age of 11, that I would someday marry Jean Grey.






Rogue slowly opened her eyes, and squinted, raising her arms to cover her eyes. The surrounding were vaguely unfamiliar. It looked like a clean, modern prison cell, or something. There was only one light; a cheap-looking old fluorescent light which hung from the ceiling, turning off and on, back and forth, as if the power was going out. There were two beds, both made with wooden frame, and nothing else. The room was probably 12 by 10 feet, with dark grayish walls. She half-expected to see a Fuck you sign, but the walls were clear of graffiti. She then noticed a narrow door to her right, which was probably a bathroom, but not before she noticed the open hallway in front of her.

Strange, shouldnt there be like a wall or somethin ?

She blinked a few times, trying to clear her vision. No, there still wasnt a wall.


Then, an idea crossed her mind. She grabbed a small stone near her right leg, and with all her might, she threw it towards the hallway. The pebble never reached it. It wasnt because Rogue wasnt strong enough, even though she was feeling a bit weak. It was because it bounced back, as if there was an invisible wall in front of the open hallway.

I knew it!, Rogue thought, Theres some kind of force field or somethin

She didnt even bother to get up. Her whole body was hurting. Instead she turned her head and looked around.

Guess ahm, wait--whats that?

Something caught her eye; it was near the bathroom door and mostly covered by the shadows

Rogue squinted for a moment. Then her eyes widened. Could it be?

Logan! she cried out.

He didnt answer, nor did he move. He seemed to be unconscious, or sleeping. He was sitting and leaned back against the wall, his head drooping on his shoulder.

Rogue wanted to go and wake him up, but she suddenly felt tired. She felt exhausted.

It seemed as if all her strength had left her. She didnt even have enough to keep her eyes open. Blackness started to surround her. She wanted to fight it, but she couldnt.

The blackness consumed her.



Jean Grey - Phoenix - Marvel Girl - Redd



Our eyes locked. Dont ask me how, they just did. Its really kind of hard to explain, but

I guess its just one of those things that dont really have any logic in them. Like, for example, you know those Apple Jacks commercials where the kids always say they like `em even if they dont taste like apples because they just do? Well, its kind of like that. It just the way things are.

Anyway, our eyes were locked. He was releasing all these strong emotions and feelings to me. They made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. They gave me a kind of tingly feeling. I loved every second of it. Our eyes were still locked. He took a deep breath.


What are you thinking Scott Summers?


Then, he sent me a thought.

*I love you, Jean.*

Plain and simple. My heart soared.

He raised his right hand, to caress my cheek. My heartbeat definitely skipped a beat.

What do I say?

*I-I know, Scott*

Tears were starting to form again. Damn it.

*I- *

Scott! I think I see Muir Island!, Bobbys voice boomed, startling Scott and making me jump a little bit, and breaking our intimate link. Scott looked at me for a second, waiting for me to continue. But I couldnt. The moment was lostand I just couldnt do it. I turned away. He sighed, standing up, and walked towards Bobby. I didnt hear what they were saying though, because I was lost in my thoughtsagain. Scott was hurt, I knew that. I mean seriously, who wouldnt be if you had just admitted to someone that you loved them and they didnt return it? I was going to tell him I loved him too, but after Bobby yelled, it just didnt feel right anymore. It felt a bitawkward? I do love him, I really do and I think he knows that, too. Isnt that.enough? Ive waited for so long already, and I almost lost him. I have tell him when the right time comes. I just have to.




Scott landed the helicopter with ease.

The training sessions do pay off, Scott thought.

Moira MacTaggert and her fiancé, Sean Cassidy a.k.a. Banshee, were both waiting for them on the ground, still with surprised looks on their faces. As soon as the two stepped down from the helicopter, Moira immediately half-ran towards them.

Scott! Jean! What are you doing here?, she cried out in a light Scottish accent, hugging them both. Why didnt you tell us you were coming? Is something wrong? Who are your friends? And wheres Charles?, the scientist asked, never pausing. Jean opened her mouth to answer her first question, but Moira cut her off.

And Scott, why are your clothes torn? Oh, and theirs are too!, she said, as she noticed the New X-Men slowly stepping out of the aircraft.

Tell me what happened!! she said, almost yelling in a somewhat panicky voice.

Sean put his right hand on his soon-to-be wifes shoulder, and in his softest, and gentlest voice, he said, Moira, I think we should help them get settled in first. Then we can ask questions, trying to calm her down. He had a very thick Scottish accent, the students noticed. He turned to face the group of teens.

You all must be starving. Come with me to the manor, while Moira goes and looks for some clothes that will fit you. Then I will show you to your quarters where you can rest, he said, in a warm voice.

They all nodded their heads, relaxing a little bit.

We hope were not causing any trouble or anything, Jean said uncertainly, exchanging glances with Scott.

No, of course not lass. Its our pleasure. Youre always welcome here. Now come, follow me, he replied, smiling, beckoning them to follow him. They did.




Im afraid most of you will have to share rooms. We never did get to finish building this. Procrastination is such a hard thing to overcome. Is that alright?, Sean asked, after showing them the quarters. They were underground, just below the manor. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, were made of some kind of metal.

Its made of adamantium, Sean had explained. Charles helped us build it. It was supposed to be for runaway or lost mutants, just like some of you...

Just like another branch of the Xavier Institute!, Scott thought enthusiastically.

Youve done more than enough for us already, Kitty said, shyly.

Yeah, Mr. Cassidy. And dont worry, well work it out, Jean added, flashing a warm smile.

Fortunately for Scott, no one noticed him tense a little bit.

Well, alright. But if you ever need anything, just let us know, he said, with just a hint of uncertainty in his voice, and walked away towards the only elevator that went up and down from the manor to the underground quarters. Scott turned to face all of them as soon as the doors in the elevator closed.

Alright, first things first. Uh, we need to pick roommates

He turned to Kurt.

Kurt, go check how many rooms there are.

Sure thing, Mr. Cyclops, he said as he teleported away. Scott frowned. Mr. Cyclops?


I think zhere are eight rooms in all. Four rooms on each side, and a kind of storage closet at zhe end of zhe hall, Kurt reported.

Okay. Well, there are 1,2,3,4...there are 15 of us. Grab a partner to room with, and--

He didnt even get to finish his sentence because everybody moved so fast. Hands were grabbing arms so quickly, the entire grabbing lasted a little more than 2 seconds. Everybody except Lance, Scott, and Todd were quick to choose. Kitty had grabbed Jeans arm, Amara grabbed Tabithas, Bobby grabbed Kurts, Jamie grabbed Robertos arm, Sam grabbed Ray, and Jubilee grabbed Rahnes. Scott blinked. Then he and Lance exchanged glances. Then they looked at Todd, who smirked, showing bits of food and slime stuck in between his teeth. They glanced back at each other again.

Uh, Ill be your roommateif thats ok?, Scott asked, grudgingly.

Umsure. Okayfine, Lance answered, reluctantly, taking a glance at Kitty, and scratched his head.

I cant believe Id rather share with Summers, than TolenskyWell..who wouldnt?

But stillSummers?

I get to keep a room all to myself? Thats so cool, yo!, Todd said happily, as he hopped towards the nearest room.


Oh yeah?


Okay, Sumners, give me one good reason why you should get the top bed.

Well, okayuh, because I dont want to get um, wet.

Wha-?, Lance asked, sounding confused and frustrated. Then realization sunk in.

Ohh no-- Now youve pushed it too far!



Jean and Kitty then heard sounds of things clattering and breaking. Their room was just next to Lance and Scotts, which was also one of the rooms at the end of the hall.

I so cannot believe this!!, Jean cried out in exasperation, When are they ever gonna quit?, she asked Kitty, who was laying on her stomach on the top bunk bed.

Yeah, like I hope sometime soon cuz I really need to get some sleep, Kitty replied, I mean, so much stuff has happened in just one day, and Im starting to get migraines!

Jean looked at Kitty, with a weird look on her face.

What? Kitty asked, starting to feel uncomfortable.

Well, uh, I was just kind of wondering


Can I ask you something?

Umsure. What is it?, Kitty asked, sitting up.

Jean took a deep breath, and finally asked, Do you trust Lance?

Kitty hesitated. Whats this all about?

Uhyeah, I guess I kinda do.

GoodThats good

Why? Kitty asked, who was now full of curiosity, if not confusion.

Well, answered Jean, I was kind of wondering if you would mind sleeping with him.

What?!! Kitty exploded, her eyes widening, Im only fifteen for Gods sake!

Wha--no, no, what I meant was, would you mind sleeping in the same room with him? Jean corrected herself, trying to calm Kitty down, So that uh, maybe you and Scott could trade, and both of us can finally get some sleep?

Gotta be more careful, Jean. Sheesh, Jean thought to herself.

Oh. Kitty fell silent for a moment. Um, well, I guess if I had to, then Id do it. I mean, I really doubt hed try anything stupid.

You sure?

YeahI trust him. Kitty smiled to herself. Weird, I really do trust him.

Okay, cool, lets go make the trade then, Jean said as she stood up, while Kitty floated down, phasing through the top bed.






Jean telekinetically opened the boys door wide open. Kitty heard grunting, so she peered behind Jean, and saw Lance and Scottwrestling?

Neither noticed that the door was now open, with two pretty girls staring at them with disbelief.

At least theyre not using their powers, Jean thought to Kitty.

Yeah. Like, now what do we do?, Kitty sent back.

Um, Wait, I think Ive got a plan

Jean used her TK to freeze the two boys.

Hey! I cant move! Lance cried out.

Neither can I! Scott said. Then they heard a voice behind them.

Okay Kitty, go Jean ordered. Kitty obeyed. She walked over to Lance and grabbed his arm. She used her power, making them both phaseable or untouchable. Jean released her TK grip on Lance completely, but not entirely on Scotts. Lance tried to kick Scott, who was being slowly dragged away by Jean, but his leg just phased through him.

Scott stuck out his tongue.

I really cannot believe this, said Jean.

Yeah, you guys are like, so immature. Kitty added.

Both girls then turned their backs from them, and started dragging them. Jean dragged Scott towards what used to be Kittys and her room, while Kitty dragged Lance to their room, in the opposite direction.

Neither noticed the quick exchange of a tiny wink, and what appeared to be a small thumbs-up sign.




What do u think? The wink and the thumbs-up sign was cool, eh? j/k ;)

And if u have a hard time imagining the underground place n stuf, jus remember the place in the X-Men movie, where Logan was running around half-nakeY=P

and.I made up a word --phaseable-- cool, eh?

j/k =) I aint Canadian btw

Umany kitty/lance writers out there? Jus email me if u wanna write a k/l fic cuz Ive kinda set the scene for ya already-hehe. Or other writers who jus wanna take part w/ the story, like maybe w/ rogue, duncan, taryn, or maybe even jean & scott, jus email me, and if I like ur plot then Ill post it. Gimme ur penname too so I can give u full credit for ur fic.

YeaHanYwaYz, am already thinking of how theyre gonna rescue rogue and the others, like maybe in the next couple of chapters? And wat about prof X? I havent written it yet though.plz review=) or jus review here:

and be plz NICE-- if u know da meaning of the word!!!!!! hehe