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Disclaimer: The Characters aren't mine exceot for Jonathon.
Author's note: Ok this is my first fanfic. It's kinda long and it focuses on
the X-men. Um.. Oh yea E-mail me at for feedback. ok bye!

Kitty walked outside of the institute to see Logan in his costume about
to leave on his motorcycle. "Like, where are you going Mr. Logan?" Kitty
"None of your business and stop being so nosy and leave" Logan snapped
and with that he sped off. Attitude problem she thought. Being lazy she
phased through all the walls to her bedroom. Meanwhile Evan, Jean, and Scott
where practicing in the danger room. Using telekinesis, Jean threw black
spheres towards Evan while he skated down the ramp. Scott went on firing
energy beams and Evan and he dodged them all. Evan made it all the way down
and Scott and Jean congratulated him.
"Nice job Evan your improving" Jean said
"Yea you were great" Scott said
"Hey listen I promised Kitty I would walk her to school early so I have to
go" Evan replied. He did a hand wave and left. Evan met Kitty along with
Rogue and Nightcrawler. About halfway to the school, Toad, Avalanche, The
Blob, and Quicksilver  decided to bully them.
"Look who we have here an old friend" Avalanche said to Kitty.
"I never liked you Lance" Kitty said. Kitty started walking in the opposite
way and Lance grabbed her.
"Hey let go of me!" Kitty demanded and she phased through his grip.
"I'm gonna rock you!" he exclaimed. Lance caused an earthquake that sent
Kitty flying. Kitty phased through a tree and landed on the ground. She got
up and phased through the ground. Seeing Kitty fly, Rogue headed for Lance
only to be to be hit by Toad. Rogue fell on the ground and kicked Toad's feet
from under jim causing him to fall. Rogue then took her gloves off and
touched Toad. Rogue turned into an ugly toadlike creature still with her
original characteristics. Quicksilver was planning on getting Spyke and he
did. He ran straight into him knocking the wind out of him. When Quicksilver
was just about to finish him Kitty phased from under the ground and kicked
him on the ground. Just as Kitty was enjoying this The Blob was coming her
way. Seeing Kitty in trouble Nightcrawler teleported onto The Blob and
covered his eyes causing him to lose balance and fall. After seeing that they
were defeated, Toad, Avalanche, The Blob, and Quicksilver left. A few seconds
later Scott and Jean came running.
"What happened? Wait don't tell me Brotherhood right? Anyway the professor
has detected another runaway mutant, male, 14, named Jonathan Locke" Scott
"He has a weird power, He can project psychic blasts and he can also combine
himself into any object and control it. For instance let's say he combined
with a table. He could make the table move and walk and stuff" Jean said
"Freaky" Kitty remarked.
"Now Rogue, Kitty, and Kurt come here" Cyclops said "Spyke, Ororo wants you
anyway so go see her" Spyke gave a nod and left"

Later at the institute, the Professor gave everyone their bags "Now
Jonathan is a real difficult case and we would be losing a lot if we don't
help him. Ah and also another think he can do: He can produce three clones
when doing an attack like psychic blasts so beware. Also he has telekinetic,
telepathic, and teleportation abilities but no where near as good as you
Jean. Beware of his combining abilities"
"Ugh" All five moaned.
"Now use the Blackbird to go to Wisconsin where he is located and call me on
my cellphone and I'll tell you where to go" Professor X told them. Scott said
ok and the team left.
"Like, I wonder if he is cute" Kitty said as they walked out to the
Blackbird. They looked at her funny. Kitty blushed and phased up into the
Blackbird. A few minutes later the team was ready to go. They flew all the
way to Wisconsin and called Xavier.
"Now head to the McDonald's and he is sleeping near the dumpster." He
"Kitty you go talk to him you seem to get along well with people." Scott
said. Kitty walked over to the dumpster and saw a boy about her age. His hair
was black and he had light brown eyes. He was decent size not skinny but not
fat. Kitty thought he was good looking despite the fact he was dirty.
"Hi there" she said. The boy sprung awake and his eyes met hers.
"My name's Kitty Pryde what's yours?" Kitty asked
"Jonathon, Jonathon Locke" the boy said. "Why are you here?"
"I'm here with a group of people who are just like you" she said
"What do you mean just like me?" Jonathan asked
"We have gifts, special powers that make us different" Kitty explained.
"Watch this" Kitty phased her hand through the wall and Jonathan's eyes
"Wow" he said. Just then Scott, Rogue, Jean, and Kurt came around.
"See this is the group of people that I was talking about" Kitty said. "This
is Scott Summers, Rogue, Jean Grey, and Kurt Wagner.
"Hey" they said.
"So you want to come with us to fully realize your powers?" Kitty asked.
"Ok" Jonathan said.
A few days later, after Jonathan was bunked with Spyke, Jonathan had started
training. The training   mostly was with his psychic blasts and Xavier was
helping him develop his telekinesis and telepathy. The combining ability he
pretty much mastered. Everyone pretty much got along with him especially
Rogue. Even though Kitty liked him she was pretty much gaga over her crush.
Wolverine really didn't like him because he was "too young." Wolverine's view
on Jonathon was pretty much about to change. One day Jonathon and Rogue were
walking and they spotted Logan packing up.
"Where's he going?" Jonathan asked
"Ah I dunno" Rogue said "Wanna follow him?"
"Ok" Jonathan replied. They went for a car in the garage of the institute and
drove off. Rogue was driving.
"Why do you always where gloves?" Jonathon asked.
"Becuz of mah power" She said "When I touch some one I absorb their life
force and energy along with the memories and abilities"
"Oh" He said. "Look their he is!"
Rogue and Jonathon watch as Logan was sniffing around. He muttered something
and Sabretooth came jumping down. He smacked Logan across the face and sent
him flying. Before Wolverine could act He began smashing Logan with a log.
Jonathon and Rogue saw he was in trouble and reacted. Rogue was about to
scream when Jonathon pulled her down.
"Lemme combine with you so we can be the ultimate mutant" he said. Jonathan
combined with Rogue and screamed "Stop you stupid furball!" Sabretooth looked
at them and went charging. The mutant(Rogue and Jonathan) did a psychic blast
that made Sabretooth stop and fall to his
knees. The mutant ran and drained his energy making him unconscious.
Jonathan then uncombined with Rogue and Rogue went to assist Logan. Jonathon
needed to contact Xavier but he had no phone. He didn't think his telepathy
couldn't go that far but he tried. Miraculously it did and he contacted the
Professor. Three hours later They were all in the institute congratulating
Jonathon and Rogue.
"Whoa you did that all by yourself?" Jean asked.
"Like wow" Kitty said.
"Jonathon how would you like to join the X-men?" Professor X asked.
"I would love to" Jonathon said.
"Ok it's set your team name now is Parapsyte" He said "also I need to tell
you about Magneto" and he and Jonathon left. After that everyone went to bed.
The next day Jonathon decided to play trick on Kitty. He was the first
one up and he went to Kitty's seat at the table and combined with it. A few
hours later everyone woke up and kitty sat in her chair. Jonathon then made
the back of the chair grab Kitty and she screamed so loud Spyke's glass
broke. Jonathon combined out of the chair and apologized to Kitty. She said
its ok and it was quite funny.
After breakfast Rogue and Jonathon walked to school together. His day was
going pretty well until lunch. Jonathon was eating with the X-men when Todd
came over.
"Well well well if it isn't the new kid" He said about Jonathon.
"Go away slimeball" Kitty said.
"No" Todd replied.
"Get away now... or else" Rogue said standing up. Before she could do
anything Todd gave Jonathon and tiny prick.
"Ow!" he said. Todd left and Jonathon was holding his hand. At the Institute
Jonathon was walking up to his room when he discharged a psychic blast that
broke the wall. He didn't do it on purpose it just happened. He started to
feel weak and he went down on his knees. Jean, Rogue and Kitty came out of
their room because they heard the blast.
"Oh mah gawd" Rogue said "What happened?"
"I dunno' he said weakly "I'm becoming weak"
"Get the professor!" Jean said to Kitty. She phased through the wall towards
his room. Before she came back he fainted.
When he woke up he was in his bed and everyone was around him. "What
happened to me?" he asked the professor.
"You had a chemical that made your powers go crazy. Luckily we found you
before you combined into something." He explained. He turned to Jean " I
think Mystique wants him, you need to protect him during lunch I'll have
Kitty do it during his classes." he said. He turned back to Jonathon "Did
anyone put anything in your food or something?" he asked
"Todd pricked me during lunch" he said
"Yeah I remember he like pricked him and it like hurt him" Kitty said
"Ok than that must have been it Jon, stay away from the brotherhood and only
use your powers against them if they start doing it to you ok?" the professor
"Ok" he said. After that he fell asleep.
Kitty, Jean, Scott, Rogue, Evan, and Jonathon walked to school. On the
way there the brotherhood, yet again, bullied them.
"Man they are getting annoying" Spyke said. "What do you want?"
"Shut up Daniels we want Locke" Quicksilver snapped.
"Never in a million years" Spyke said.
"Fine" Quicksilver said "Get him!"
Toad ran for Jonathan but Cyclops blasted him. Jean and Kitty were facing the
"Kitty go for the wall and when he comes near phase through him to make him
hit the wall and I'll lift him"Jean said. Kitty went for the wall and The
blob went running. Kitty phased through him and he hit the wall and Jean
lifted him up high and made him fall. Lance created a huge quake knocking
everyone unconscious except for Kitty, Spyke, and Jonathon.
"C'mon Lets get them!" Spyke yelled. Before they could do anything Lance sent
another quake and made Kitty and Spyke fall. Quicksilver went with amazing
speed and grabbed Jonathan.
"No!" he screamed. Jonathon combined with Quicksilver causing Quicksilver to
stop. He ran all the way back to where Spyke, Kitty and the rest of the team
were and uncombined. He gave Pietro a quick psychic blast and ran for the
institute. On the way there Jonathon stopped. He started grunting and moaning
"What's wrong?" Rogue said.
"Uhh! The Images Ugh!  My head hurts!" He said. There was so much pain he
fainted. Back at the Institute Jonathon was still unconscious. Rogue finished
explaining the incident to the Professor.
"Maybe I should read his mind" he said. Professor Xavier went up to Jonathon
and read his mind.
"Oh my" the Professor said.
"What?" they asked
"Well it seems Jonathon never knew his real mom. The images he was having
were of his real mom. A woman named Anya. Anya is Quicksilver's sister and
Quicksilver is Magneto's son which makes Jonathon Magneto's grandson."
Everyone was in shock.
When Jonathon woke up Rogue was sitting next to the bed reading a book.
She looked over and she smiled when she saw he was awake.
"Hey" she said softly
"Hey" he said back "What happened?"
"I'll let the Professor explain that. I'll be right back" Rogue said with a
smile. Whoa she must really like me Jonathon thought. A few moments later
Professor Xavier came in the room.
"Jonathon I must tell you something. Magneto is your grandfather."
"What!?" Jonathon said shocked "How?" Professor Xavier explained it to him.
"Oh" Jonathon said.
Later that day Jonathon, Rogue, Jean, and Scott went out for a shake. "So
Jonathon how old are you?" Scott asked
"Fourteen" he replied. Before he could say anything else his head started to
pound. He had an image of two purple orbs flying down towards their table and
hitting them.
"Get down now!" Jonathon yelled. They all obeyed and went down. As predicted
two purple orbs went into the table and demolished it.
"RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Scott screamed. When they were running there was a large
boom that shook the ground causing them to fall. When they looked up and
shady figure was floating to the ground. "It's your father" Rogue whispered.
Jonathon got up and looked Magneto in the eye.
"Ah son I've been meaning to talk to you" Magneto said with an evil smile.
"What do you want?" Jonathon said.

"To see you suffer..." He said. Magneto let out a purple orb. It hit Jonathon
and sent him flying.
"NO!" Rogue screamed. She rushed over to Jonathon. "C'mon Wake up!" She
pleaded. He didn't answer.
"C'mon!" she said again. After she saw he didn't answer she gave him a kiss.
The kiss absorbed Jonathon's powers.
"Hey magnet butt!" Rogue said rising to her feet. "Come and get it"
He unleashed more power but Rogue teleported out of the way. She teleported
to behind Magneto and gave him a psychic blast. It was a medium size one. The
blast looked like it hurt. Magneto turned around and smacked Rogue into Jean.
Scott blasted him and Magneto fell over. Rogue gave him a huge Psychic blast
that made him step back. Rogue threatened to give an even bigger one if he
didn't leave. Magneto left. Rogue went over to Jonathon and told Jean and
Scott to get the car.
"C'mon Jonathon please don't die" Rogue said and for the first time she shed
a tear. Scott and Jean came and saw Rogue had been crying. Whoa she must
really like him Jean told Scott telepathically.
Back at the institute everyone was crowding around Jonathon. "He's gonna
be fine Rogue really" Professor Xavier.
"Can I have some privacy?" Rogue asked.
"Oh sure" everyone said and they left. Rogue put her gloved hand on Jonathon.
She thought about what it would be like to touch him. A few minutes later
Jonathon woke up.
"Oh my what happened?" He said. Rogue was startled.
"Hey whoa didn't se you were awake" Rogue said.
"It's ok. How do you feel?"
"Ok my stomach hurts. Did you really beat Magneto?"
"I kissed you and your powers were absorbed and I defeated him"
"Wow. You really know your power"
"Yea" Rogue chuckled. Jonathon was surprised she kissed him. Truth is, He
started to have feelings for her.
"Well I'm gonna take a nap" Rogue said "Call me if you need me" Jonathon
nodded and went to sleep.
The next day Kitty was late so she had to walk to school by herself. She
wasn't expecting to run into anyone but she did. It was Lance
"Ugh Leave me alone" She said
"No" He said. He grabbed her.
"My god when are you, like, gonna get this through your brain? I can phase"
She said. She phased through him but her grabbed her again this time head
butting her. She was knocked unconscious. Jonathon was late also and he was 5
minutes behind Kitty. He saw Lance with Kitty.
"Let go of her!" he yelled
"Or what" Lance said. Lance sent a quake towards Jonathon and knocked him
down. The quake woke Kitty up. She phased through him and did a roundhouse
kick making Lance fall. Jonathon teleported to Kitty and they ran to school.
Later during lunch Jonathon and the X-men were eating together. Lance came
over to the table.
"YOU ATTACKED ME!" Kitty screamed.
"So?" He said "I gave your stupid retard here and good fall" Lance flicked
Jonathon on the nose.
"Ow!" he said. He grabbed his nose.
"Look buddy get your ugly butt out of here or else" Rogue said taking her
glove off.  Lance left.
"Dang Rogue you have your way" Jonathon said.  Rogue smiled. After school
Kitty was walking with Rogue and Jonathon when Lance appeared yet again.
"I am seriously getting annoyed with you" Rogue said "So what are you gonna
do quake me?"
"Ha! At least I can touch people" He laughed. This made Rogue very upset.
"Rogue it's ok ignore him" Kitty said "He's always been a jerk" Rogue's eyes
watered and she ran away. Jonathon chased after her.
"You filthy rat!" Kitty said and kicked Lance square in the nuts.
"OOOAARRG!" Lance yelped. "That's it!" Before he could react Kitty punched
him in the nose.
Rogue was crying in her room when Jonathon knocked. "Go away" Rogue said. He
opened the door and walked in.
"It's not fair! I want to touch someone but I can't" Rogue cried.
"Rogue look me in the eye" Jonathon said. She did. "We are gonna find a way
to let you control your powers. But I need some sleep."
"I need to tell you something"
"Sure what is it?"
"Never mind."
"Ok be if you want to tell me I'm here." He winked and left the room. Rogue
sighed and laid on her bed. She really liked Jonathon. She did a mental head
slap. Why didn't I tell him that I liked him? She thought. Just then a Hawk
flew in her room. The hawk morphed into Mystique.
"Ommigod" Rogue said "Get your blue ass outta here!"
"Now that's not a nice way to greet your mother" She said
"Your just my foster mother" Rogue said
"So?" Mystique said
"HELP!!!!!!!!" Rogue screamed. Mystique grabbed Rogue but Rogue took her
glove off and grabbed Mystique's face. Rogue absorbed Mystique power and
backed up. Logan, Storm, and Professor Xavier opened Rogue's door.
"What happened here?" Logan asked.
"Mystique attacked me" Rogue said. "I absorbed her powers."
"Then you have some of her memories don't you?" Professor Xavier asked
"Yeah." Rogue said. Rogue knew what he was gonna ask next. "She attacked me
because she wants to trade me for Jonathon"
"She will not give up." Storm said. The professor told Rogue to go down into
the main Living Room for a meeting.
"Mystique just attacked Rogue" Professor Xavier said to all of them.
"Is she ok?" Kitty asked.
"Yes she's fine. She absorbed Mystiques power and memories and found out that
she tried to kidnap Rogue to hold ransom for Jonathon."
"Me? Why me?" Jonathon asked.
"Because you have the potential to defeat all of her brotherhood mutants" The
Professor said. "Besides you are Magneto's grandchild"
"But Magneto hates me. He tried to kill me!" Jonathon said.
"I know Magneto has issues" The Professor said. The meeting was over.
The next day something terrible happened. The professor had told everyone
to keep close attention to Rogue and Jonathon so they won't be kidnaped.  
They were doing a good job until lunch when Rogue had to go to the bathroom.
Cyclops followed and waited outside the bathroom. When Rogue got out the
brotherhood stopped them.
"Get away" Cyclops said.
"No" Lance replied. Lance sent a quake and knocked Cyclops down. Rogue began
to run when Quicksilver ran up to her and gave her a shot in the neck which
knocked her out cold. While Cyclops was getting up they left with Rogue
"NO!" Cyclops yelled. "Damn!"
He ran back to the team and told them the bad news. Jean Telepathically
told Xavier and he sent out Storm and Logan. They brought Jonathon also. They
got in their cars and Xavier accessed Rogues mind to find Mystique's
memories. Xavier(over the phone) Told them where to go. It was an abandoned
factory in the outskirts of  Bayville. Cyclops burst open the door.
"Here's your prize" Cyclops said. He shoved Jonathon forward. "You know the
plan" Cyclops whispered in his ear.
"Ah there you are darling" Mystique said. Jonathon glared at her. Jonathon
moved near Avalanche.
"Give us Rogue!" Cyclops said. Rogue was fully awake and ready to do her part
of the plan. Mystique untied her and gave her to Cyclops. When Mystique
turned her back Rogue grabbed Mystique's hand with her bare hand and absorbed
her powers again. Jonathon combined with Avalanche and sent a quake towards
the other brotherhood members. It knocked them down but they got right back
up. Kitty phased up through the ground behind Quicksilver and sprayed him. He
went out cold. Jonathon sent another quake a large one that slammed Toad into
the wall knocking him out. Jonathon fell to his knees because of a huge
headache that quake gave him. The blob went running for Kitty. He picked her
up and threw her into the wall. He went charging again but Kitty got up and
ran through him and kicked him in the back sending him into the wall. He
picked up and table near him and threw it into Kitty. It hit her knocking her
unconscious. He went to finish her when Jean(using TK) threw the table at the
blob and he turned after Jean Grey. Rogue stopped him and absorbed his
powers. She picked him up and sent him into a wall. Jonathon uncombined with
Lance and gave him a psychic blast.
"YEA!" Everyone cheered. They went home to the institute.
                                  THE END
                                             (Or Will it?)