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25,000 Pyramid
by Juniorbrat02
Posted: July 8, 2001

$25,000 Pyramid starring:

Scott and Jean as Team ONE

Rogue and Kitty as Team TWO

AND the host: Dick Clark

AND the co-host: Professor Charles Xavior

(word)= answer on card

anything like this= telepathy

*Music in the background*

*Lights fade on to stage*

*Drum roll*

Announcer: Here he is ladies and gentlemen... Diiiiiick Clark!

*Crowd roars with clapping and cheering*

Dick: Thank you, thank you! Thank you all for coming to see this special game of $25,000 Pyramid. As you may know, we have a very special guest and his students today. Let’s all give a round of applause to Mr. Xavior!

*Crowd roars with clapping and cheering*

Prof: Please, call me Professor.

Dick: Of course, Mr. Xavior! *Coughs loudly* Ladies and gentlemen, let’s meet the teams!

*Spot light turns to first table*

Dick: On team one, we have a senior young man, who emits optic beams from his eyes. Yes, we know him only as Scott Summers! And his pretty junior partner who has the ability of telepathy and telekinesis. Jean Grey! Let’s hear it for team ONE!

*Crowd roars with clapping and cheering*

Jean: Thank you all! It’s my pleasure to be here. In fact, I want to tell you all, we mutants, have agreed to not use our powers during this show. I-

Scott: Jean!

Dick: Well, let’s bring the spotlight to the second table!

*Spot light turns to second table*

Dick: On this team, we have a sophomore student, Rogue- Well, Rogue, we don’t have a last name, so we’ll call you Rogue. Rogue can absorb one’s powers and abilities by skin-to-skin contact. And her lovely young freshman-

Rogue: Freshman! *sighs*

Dick: Yes, a lovely young freshman who can phase through a wall or a person! Kitty Pryde! Let’s hear it for team TWO!

*Crowd roars with clapping and cheering*

Dick: Now audience, the reason we have Mr. Xavior here-

Prof: Professor!

Dick: I mean Mr. Professor Xavior is because we know the teams can cheat by telepathic or any other means of to win. He’ll keep an open-mind on who’s cheating.. But for now, are we ready to play? Good! Let’s start the game!

*Spot light focus’ on table ONE and Dick Clark*

Dick: Okay, you have one minute per round. There are four rounds total then we’ll announce the winner. Everytime you get one right, you earn five points. Let’s start with team ONE.

Jean: I’m so ready.

Dick: One minute.. and GO!

Jean: Okay, (Earthquake) um, Lance-

Scott: Brotherhood!

Jean: No, Lance. Ability of Lance!

Scott: Earthquake!

Jean: Right! (Lance) What the? Okay, earthquake!

Scott: Earthquake? Tremor? Uh-

Jean: Mutant! Earthquake mover!

Scott: Now come on Jean! Lance!

Jean: Yes! (Invulnerable) Uh, Prof’s half bro!

Scott: Half bro?! Oh what’s his name! Cain!

Jean: Ability of Cain’s!

Scott: Juggernaut!

Jean: No!

Scott: Yes it is! I think I know his name!

Jean: Oooh! Scott! No! Uh, his ability!

Scott: Invulnerable?

Jean: Right!

Dick: That’s it! 15 points for team ONE. Now team TWO. One minute.. Go!

Kitty: (Sabertooth) Oh wow. Like, uh, roar?

Rogue: Meow. *rolls her eyes*

Kitty: Rogue! I’m, like being serious. Okay, Wolverine’s moral enemy!

Rogue: Sabertooth!

Kitty: Yeah! (spikes) Uh, Evan!

Rogue: Spyke!

Kitty: Is that the same as they want? *blinks in confusion* No, what comes from his arm!

Rogue: Spikes!

Kitty: Alright! (BAMF) Uh, disappear!

Rogue: What? Ah don’t know! Pass.

Kitty: Like, you can’t!

Rogue: Ah can to!

Kitty: Rogue! This is our last card! Think now. Uh, Kurt’s sound when he disappears!

Rogue: Pop!

Kitty: No!

Rogue: Bow!

Kitty: No!

Rogue: BAMF!!

Kitty: Yes!

Dick: That’s it! Boy in the nick of time too! Team TWO has 15 points. *Turns to Professor* Tell me Mr. Professor, did they cheat?

Prof: No. I’d really prefer you just calling me Professor.

Dick: On to round two! Ready Scott?

Scott: Bring it on!

Dick: One minute.. GO!

Scott: (Kitty) Mutant that phases through walls.

Jean: Ghost!

Scott: No! No, no! It’s a girl!

Jean: A female ghost?

Scott: Augh! Jean! A mutant at our institute!

Jean: Scott, we have no ghosts at our institute.

Scott: Pass. (Bayville) Our high school!

Jean: Bayville!

Scott: Yes! (Speed) Pietro!

Jean: Maximoff!

Scott: No. Pietro’s known for-

Jean: Quicksilver! *smiles*

Scott: *low growl* No Jean! I can’t shoot him because he’s too-

Jean: Fast!

Scott: Another word!

Jean: Quick?

Scott: He’s got-

Jean: No brains? *laughs*

Scott: Jean! Okay, we’ll go another way around this. I’m driving 25 miles per hour because that’s the blank limit!

Jean: Oh, speed. Why didn’t you just say that?

Scott: Yes! Back to card one Jean!

Dick: 15 seconds.

Scott: Ooh! Phases through walls!

Jean: Ghosts! We went through this already! Speak it through your mind!

Scott: Kitty! She phases through walls!

Jean: Kitty!

Dick: That’s it! 15 points for team two. Mr. Xavior- I mean, Professor?

Prof: *glares at Jean*

Jean: I’m sorry Prof. It won’t happen again.

Prof: Better not. Yes, there was cheating. *glares at Jean still*

Dick: Oh, well that’s 10 points for team ONE.

Scott: Thanks Jean!

Jean: Sorry.

Dick: On to team TWO.. One minute and GO!

Rogue: (Telekinesis) Jean’s powers.

Kitty: Uh, telepathy!

Rogue: No! She lifts objects with her-

Kitty: Telekinesis!

Rogue: Right! (Snit) What the? What kind of a word is this?

Kitty: It doesn’t matter! Go!

Rogue: Okay. Uh, oh Ah know! Wolverine makes this sound when his claws come out!

Kitty: His claws come out? Like, I don’t know. Maybe swish, swoosh, snit, snip-

Rogue: Yeah! (Mutants) We are-

Kitty: Family! We are family! *sings the song*

Rogue: Kitty!

Kitty: My bad. What are we?

Rogue: Abnormal beings because of our abilities!

Kitty: Kurt got so uptight when his teacher called us, like abnormal!

Rogue: Kitty! We were sent to the institute because we are-

Kitty: Mutants!

Rogue: Finally!

Kitty: Hey! Like, I tried!

Dick: Well done! 15 points for team TWO! Professor?

Prof: No cheating Dick.

Dick: Then we’re on to the third round! Here we go. Team ONE, one minute and GO!

Jean: (Scott) You!

Scott: Cyclops!

Jean: No, your name!

Scott: My name is Scott. You know that!

Jean: That’s what on the card!

Scott: Oh.

Jean: (Wheelchair) Uh, Professor uses this all the time!

Scott: His mind!

Jean: No!

Scott: Control!

Jean: He can’t walk so he uses-

Scott: A mechanical wheelchair!

Jean: Yes! (Forge) The dude Kurt met!

Scott: That’s being specific!

Jean: He’s a mutant!

Scott: Well, let’s see. There’s me, Logan, Evan, and uh, Professor.

Jean: *growls* Sc- *turns to Professor then turns back* Okay Scott. The day we wanted to go to Duncan's party, Kurt was beamed somewhere and met this guy.

Scott: Forge!

Jean: Bingo!

Dick: Alright! 15 points for team ONE! And I trust you didn’t use your abilities?

Jean: No we didn’t.

Dick: Scott?

Scott: Yeah I used mine. I blasted her with my optic blasts!

Prof: Scott!

Scott: Sorry.

Dick: *coughing* On to team TWO. *smiles at camera while acting cool* One minute and GO!

Kitty: (Tail) Kurt has this!

Rogue: BAMF.

Kitty: No other human has this but Kurt!

Rogue: Pointy ears!

Kitty: Uh, Spock has pointy ears, Rogue.

Rogue: We ain’t playin Star Trek!

Kitty: Like, Pass. (Slime) Oh okay! Toad!

Rogue: That nasty slime ball?

Kitty: Like you said it! Slime!

Rogue: Ugh!

Kitty: (Alex Summers) Like, Scott’s younger brother!

Rogue: Havok!

Kitty: No! His name!

Rogue: Havok was his name! Magneto changed it to Havok!

Kitty: His real name!

Rogue: Alex.

Kitty: His whole name!

Rogue: Alex Summers!

Kitty: Right! We’re back to card one! (Tail) It’s long and pointy!

Rogue: Kurt’s ears!

Kitty: Like get off Kurt’s ears! He hangs upside down with this!

Rogue: His feet? But we all have-

Kitty: No! Augh! He has a long-

Rogue: *blinks*

Kitty: A long-

Dick: Times up!

Kitty: Geez Rogue!

Rogue: What was it?

Kitty: Tail!

Rogue: Oh.

Dick: Sorry team TWO. You only get 10 points. The score is tied. And this is our last round! Team ONE.. Scott and Jean are at 40 points. Team TWO.. Rogue and Kitty are at also 40 points. Scott, are you ready?

Scott: Yes.

Dick: One minute on the clock and... GO!

Scott: (Blue) Why does everything have to be with Kurt?

Jean: Huh?

Scott: Nothing. Okay, Kurt’s color!

Jean: Blue!

Scott: Yes! (Wind) Storm!

Jean: Ororo Munroe!

Scott: No! Her power!

Jean: Weather Witch!

Scott: I didn’t say her nickname Jean!

Jean: Well, I’m so sorry!

Scott: What is her power?

Jean: To control the weather!

Scott: Well, yeah. Name some!

Jean: Uh, rain, snow, sunshine, thunder, lightning, and uh, heat? Can you be more specific?

Scott: No! *hesitates* Uh, *thinks silently* uh, *still thinking*

Jean: Scott!

Scott: Skip! Pass! (Abilities) Okay, I have optic blasts, you have telekinesis, Kurt has transporting, Rogue has absorption-

Jean: And what’s the point?

Scott: It’s all of our-

Jean: Powers?

Scott: Another word!

Jean: Uniqueness?

Scott: No..

Jean: Abilities?

Scott: Yes! Okay, (Wind) uh, *blows toward Jean*

Jean: Yuck!

Scott: It’s what Storm does! But more!

Dick: Times up!

Jean: Wind!

Scott: Too late.

Jean: Well, I’m sorry! As bad as your breath stinks!

Scott: Hey!

Dick: Okay, team ONE gets only 10 points! Ready team TWO?

Rogue: Ah am.

Dick: One minute.. And GO!

Rogue: (Phase) You do this.

Kitty: Phase!

Rogue: Woa! That was fast! (Mental) Uh, telepathy!

Kitty: Jean!

Rogue: No. Another word for telepathy!

Kitty: Betazoid!

Rogue: We ain’t playin Star Trek! Ah told you once!

Kitty: Betazoid’s read minds!

Rogue: If it’s not a physical problem it’s a-

Kitty: Verbal?!

Rogue: No! You idiot! *goes to slap her*

Kitty: *concentrates allowing her hand to fly through her* Like, mental!

Rogue: Yes!

Dick: Wow. That was a fast round. We’ll be back right after these commercials!

*Background music plays and curtain shuts*

*Crowd cheers on*

Juniorbrat02: Hi! My name is- well, call me Juniorbrat02. I’m 17 and the creator of this web page. I’m new at web pages especially HTML. I find it hard if you’re totally clueless like I was. I realized, I have a unique gene in me just like the X-Men. It’s a gene that I call Stubborn! That’s why I really want my web page to look good. I’m to stubborn to stop!

Dick: Can we get back to the show?

Junior: NO! We’re still on commercial! I suggest you keep your trap shut or I’ll have Alexya deteriorate you! *coughs* Oh, Alexya is my character. But where was I? Oh yes. I’m having trouble right now getting a Fan Art and Fan Fic page up. But once, I get my page where I am happy to have it published on other’s pages, I’ll eventually add a Fan Fic and Fan Art page.

Dick: Psssst.

Junior: I’m warning you bub!

Dick: Psssst!

Junior: WHAT?!

Dick: The show?

Junior: ALEXYA!

Alexya: Here today... *throws frozen acid on his feet and around his mouth*... quiet today!

Junior: Thank you. Make sure Scott removes that. If you do, you’ll kill him. *smiles at audience* You see, Alexya can’t unthaw her frozen acid. She’ll burn right through it and harm the victim. Scott, for now, is the only one who can unthaw safely. But, to get this show back on, I’ll shut up now. Thanks for listening to me! *turns away* Alex!

Alexya: Scott!

Scott: On my way!

Dick: And we’re back! *groans* My suit is wet!

*Crowd cheers on*

Dick: The scores were totaled and we have ourselves a winner! Team ONE, Scott and Jean totaled exactly 50 points! Now, if team TWO gets over 50 points, we’ll take them to... the Lightning Circle! We made that name up. But if team TWO has under 50 points, *smiles wider into the camera* then team ONE will go to the Lightning Circle. The score for team TWO is 55 points! Team TWO is the winner!

Rogue: Yeah.

Kitty: Yeah! Yahoo! Like, we win! We win! Wow! I’m so happy! *Hugs Rogue*

Rogue: Don’t touch me. *growls*

Kitty: We win! We win! *hugs Professor*

Prof: Kitty! Kitty calm down!

Kitty: Huh?! Oh, sorry Professor. *blushes*

*Dick walks Rogue and Kitty over to the Lightning Circle*

Dick: Who’s going to be the one who hints the words?

Kitty: Me!

Dick: You sit here so you can see the board behind Rogue. You have to sit on your hands, though.

Kitty: Sit on my hands? I like, just did my nails!

Rogue: Kitty!

Kitty: Fine!

Dick: Rogue, sit here. There are 10 words. Each one is worth points. You have 3 minutes.

Kitty: Only 3?

Dick: Only 3! You ready?

*Lights dim around them*

Dick: 3 minutes.. GO!

Kitty: Okay, (Mystique) uh, blue!

Rogue: Kurt!

Kitty: No, a woman! A blue woman! Kurt’s mother!

Rogue: Mystique!

Kitty: Yes! (Visor) Scott wears glasses at school but wearing this when he’s fighting!

Rogue: A visor!

Kitty: Yes! (Chameleon) Woa. A type of lizard. *scrunches up face*

Rogue: Lizard? Ah don’t know.

Kitty: Pass. (Unmovable) Blob!

Rogue: Fat!

Kitty: No! Juggernaut is invulnerable as Blob is-

Rogue: Uh, vulnerable? Unmovable-

Kitty: Yes! (Sponge) You! You’re like this when you absorb!

Rogue: What am Ah?!

Kitty: Something to absorb water!

Rogue: You callin me sponge?

Kitty: Yes! (Stalagmite) Oh my!

Rogue: You callin me a sponge?!!

Kitty: Rogue like, take it easy! We’re on a new word! A word I can’t even pronounce. But I know what it is. It’s those long things that hang from a cave’s inner.

Rogue: Spikes!

Kitty: Its a big word. Resembles spikes.

Rogue: Oh you mean stalagmite!

Kitty: Yes! Like, I’m glad that was you and not me having to say that totally long word! (Levitation) Jean does this.

Rogue: Talk.

Kitty: Telekinesis! She does this to fly! To-

Rogue: She lifts objects! Levitates herself!

Kitty: Alright Rogue! (Blades) Wolverine’s claws can be called this!

Rogue: Knives, daggers, blades, weapons! You pick it!

Kitty: Yes! Like, it was blades. (Thunder) Storm! She creates-

Rogue: Wind! *smirks*

Kitty: Okay, during a storm, there’s-

Rogue: Wind!

Kitty: And-

Rogue: Rain! Lightning! Thunder!

Kitty: Yes! (Xavior) He created the Institute and the X-Men!

Rogue: Our Professor!

Kitty: His name!

Rogue: Charles!

Kitty: Last name.

Rogue: Xavior.

Kitty: Alright! (Chameleon) Back to that one card. This is it Rogue! Think. It’s a lizard that can change color- Mystique! This is Mystique! She, like, changes her form! Blending in with the background!

Rogue: Mystique is a, uh, that word!

Kitty: Come on!

Rogue: Cham- cham-

Kitty: *glances at her watch* Ten seconds! Think! You know the word!

Rogue: Cham-

Prof: Chameleon!

Rogue: Chameleon? *blinks and turns to Professor after lights come on*

Kitty: YES! *laughing* You got it!

*Crowd cheers on*

Dick: $25,000! You win! How does it feel?

Kitty: Great!

Dick: Here it is. The check for $25,000. What will you do with it?

Kitty: Oh wow! I’ll definitely split it with Rogue then shopping! *takes the check*

Prof: *take the check from Kitty* This deserves a celebration for all of you.

Dick: Oh you shouldn’t, Mr. Xavior. *blushes*

Prof: I was referring to Jean, Scott, Rogue and Kitty. My treat kids. *holds up check*

*After the show- back stage*

Jean: Professor, wait up!

Prof: Yes Jean?

Jean: You’re very sly.

Prof: What do you mean?

Jean: I think you know! *winks*

Prof: I couldn’t resist.

Jean: Are you going to keep that check?

Prof: If Kitty doesn’t mind. There are bills to pay and maybe we can add a recreation room to the mansion.

Jean: As if it’s not big enough!

Dick: Mr. Xavior! Mr. Xavior!

Prof: *eyes narrow at Dick* You bring me to other choice! *send three mind bolts at Dick.*

Dick: Augh! Ouch! *falls unconscious*

Jean: Woa.

Prof: When he wakes, he’ll only remember he was tired. And if he ever calls me Mr. Xavior, he’ll be in the hospital getting plenty of rest!

Jean: Yes sir. *giggles*

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