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No Matter Who You Are, I Love You!

by Catherine Maya & Sukie Rose

Piper and Dan's baby brings much happiness to the Halliwell manor. But an accident that happens after she is born brings a fear of who the father really is.

Chapter 1:

26-year-old Piper Halliwell raced toward the door with her suitcase in her hand. "I'm gonna be late." She mumbled to herself.

Following close behind were her sisters Prue and Phoebe.

Prudence Halliwell is 28, strong and strict. She believes that keeping her sisters safe is her life. Especially since they became witches.

24-year-old Phoebe Halliwell is the youngest of the three and the most carefree. She enjoys being a witch, unlike her sisters who sometimes find their powers to be a burden.

"Piper, are you sure you want to go on this vacation? It's a one bedroom cabin… with a fireplace and romantic candles." Prue asked Piper.

"Prue, just because Dan invited me and we just happen to be getting really serious now, doesn't mean anything is going to happen. Not that it is any of your business if anything does happen." Piper's heart fluttered with the thought of the man she knew she had to be in love with.

Phoebe pushed in front of Prue. "I bought you a little 'going away present'." Phoebe handed Piper a box with a small handmade card attached to it.

Piper looked at the small box. "Oh… and you got me a card too." Piper ripped the card off the box and opened it.

"JUST IN CASE." It read in bold letters.

Piper looked confused.

Phoebe giggled. "Come on Piper, it's not gonna bite ya, just open it."

Piper ripped the wrapping paper off of the box. She stared at it for a minute then turned the package so the cover faced her sisters. "Funny, very funny Phoebe." Piper narrowed her eyes angrily at her younger sister.

Prue grabbed the box from her. "Let me see that." Prue giggled as she read the cover. "Birth control pills, that's a good one Pheebes."

A knock at the door startled Piper. She turned and opened the door. "Dan." Piper said with a sigh.

Dan pushed his long blond bangs out of his face. "Hey are you ready to go?"

"Ya." Piper answered. She slipped the box into her pocket. Although Piper didn't notice that Phoebe had seen her. She walked out the door as slipped his arm around Piper's waist.

Prue closed the door after the two had left.

The two sisters ran to the window and watched as Dan's truck pulled out of the driveway.

Phoebe grinned at her oldest sister. "Prue, she took them."

"Took what?" Prue asked not taking her eyes off the truck.

"The pills." Phoebe answered giggling.

Chapter 2

Dan's truck pulled up in the driveway of the small area next to the cabin.

"We're here." Dan said, looking at Piper with a smile.

"Ookay then." Piper turned and popped opened the door.

Dan grabbed her arm and pulled her back in. "Piper are you okay with this? You seem kinda… uncomfortable."

"No, don't be ridiculous." Piper replied.

They climbed out of the truck and brought all of their luggage inside.

Piper stood in the bathroom putting a first-aid kit into the medicine cabinet. She looked up in the mirror and pulled some strands of hair out of her face. She looked down at the sink, next to it was the box of pills. She stared at it for a minute. Piper snatched up the box and opened it. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' She thought to herself as she put one of the pills in her mouth. Piper walked out into the living room area.

Dan was lighting a candle on the other end of the living room. He looked up and smiled as he saw Piper. Dan walked toward her and they met at the couch. He took her hands as they sat on the couch. "I was hoping to give you this when we were truly alone." Dan pulled out a necklace from his pocket.

"Oh Dan, It's beautiful." Piper took the necklace from him and held it in her hand. "It's my birthstone." Piper noticed as she put it on.

"It has a ring that goes with it." Dan pulled a ring out of the same pocket.

"Thank you." Piper wrapped her arms around Dan's neck and gave him a very passionate kiss.

Prue walked down the hall from her room. Her watch read 8:45am and she was so tired. "Piper wake up. Time to rise and shine." Prue knocked on Piper's bedroom door.

Phoebe was in the kitchen making breakfast for herself when Prue walked in.

"Piper won't wake up?" Prue mumbled to her little sister.

"What planet are you on this morning?" Phoebe asked.

"Venus." Prue said sitting at the table. "Is there enough for me?" Prue asked, gesturing toward the breakfast.

"Oops, sorry."

"Gee thanks." Prue said sarcastically.

Piper stood at the window with shorts and a long white T-shirt on. She turned and saw that Dan was still asleep. As she turned back to the window a gust of wind hit her face. She saw the small creek that was flowing rapidly by the forest in the back of the cabin. Piper stood there peacefully as the wind hit her face. All of a sudden she didn't hear Dan breathing as heavily. As a matter of fact the wind stopped blowing. The creek was suddenly still. 'Something isn't right.' She thought to herself. Piper gasped as she felt something go through her. She was in pain, but she tried not to scream so she wouldn't wake Dan up. The feeling was like after the numb feeling goes away when your foot falls asleep. Piper clutched her stomach and let out some air, then gasped again. "Oh… my… god." Piper wisped, this time she couldn't hold in the streak pain. Piper screamed loud enough that the next cabin could hear her.

Dan's eyes opened quickly and he sat straight up.

Piper screamed again, this time louder.

Dan got off the couch and ran to her side. "Piper? Piper are you okay?"

Piper grabbed Dan's hand tightly as she wrapped her other arm around her stomach. She squeezed her eyes closed and she screamed again. Her body stiffened as she fell to the floor.

Dan kept a hold on Piper's hand and put his other hand around the back of her neck, then gently set her on the hard wooden floor.

Phoebe stood at the stove. She flipped a piece of bacon when the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Phoebe yelled to Prue who was eating a bowl of cereal.

"No, I'll get it!" Prue yelled back.

Both of them ran to the phone. They were both almost to the phone when Phoebe reached out and grabbed it, then pushed power and said, "Hello, Halliwell residents."

"Phoebe this is Dan." Dan's voice was completely panicked.

"Dan?" Phoebe asked confused.

Prue grabbed the phone away from Phoebe and put it to her ear. "Hey Dan, what's up?"

"Prue, it's Piper." Dan was just about crying now.

"Piper, what's wrong with her?" Prue insisted. The smile on her face disappeared and fear replaced it.

"I… I don't know. She just screamed and the passed out."

Prue didn't answer. She stood there with the phone to her ear.

"Prue? Prue are you there?" Dan yelled into the phone.

"Were are you?" Was all that she could get out.

Chapter 3

Prue car pulled up in the small lot next to Dan's car. As they got out, Dan came running toward them. He filled the two sisters in on everything he had seen.

When they got inside Piper lay on the couch as if she were asleep.

Prue and Phoebe went to sit by her the moment they saw her.

Dan stood around the back of the couch, reached down, and stroked her hair. "She's breathing normal, but I've tried everything and she won't wake up." A few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Piper, Piper. Honey its Prue. I'm here."

Piper coughed and slowly opened her eyes.

"Honey are you okay?" Phoebe asked.

"Ya, I think so." Piper replied. "What happened?"

"We should be the ones asking you that." Prue commented.

Piper rolled over and looked at Dan who was still stroking her hair. "Would you get me a glass of water?"

"Ya, sure." He replied. Dan 'fast walked' toward the kitchen.

"Okay, what's going on?" Prue asked.

"I think a ghost or a demon or something went through me." Piper said pulling the blanket on the back of the couch, over her.

"Through you?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes and when it did, it stayed in my stomach." She replied.

"In your stomach, why?" Prue asked.

"Haven't got a clue."

Dan walked back into the room and handed Piper the glass of water. "There you go."

"Thanks." She sipped the water for a few minutes.

"Piper maybe we should take you home. You know, lie on the couch, eat some soup." Prue told her.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay."

"Piper, maybe Prue's right. You don't look so great." Dan told her.

Piper shook her head doubtfully.

Phoebe gave Piper a hug. "We just want you to get better." She said in a baby voice.

"All right, all right. Three against one. I'll go home." Piper turned her head to look at Dan. "And you, I promise, when I get better we will have a full vacation together."

"Okay." He said with a small smile.

Dan and Prue helped Piper off the couch, while Phoebe ran to the car. Dan held on to her right hand and Prue, her left. Half way out the door Piper glanced back at the living room couch.

There sat a man, he was dark skinned with black eyes. He wore Jean overalls with a black long-sleeve shirt. He just sat there smiling at her.

Piper looked at Dan. "Who's that?" She pointed toward the couch.

Dan looked. "No one's here." He told her.

"There was someone sitting right there and, and, and he was smiling at me and now he's gone."

"Piper honey, no one's here." Prue told her.

"But there was, he was, he was right there." Again Piper pointed to the couch.

"Come on you guys, it's hot here." Phoebe yelled from the car.

2 Weeks Later

Piper lay on the couch with the clicker in her hand. She pressed one of the buttons a few times then stopped on one of the channels. "The food station." She sighed. "90 channels and there's nothing on but this."

"Okay," Prue came in and put the phone back on the cradle "the doctor says he can meet with you tomorrow."

"Really Prue, your overreacting. I feel fine."

"Well your not. You get sick every morning and for some reason you won't stop eating." She picked up a bag of potato chips that was lying next to the couch.

The doorbell rang and Phoebe rushed to it. She opened the door and there stood Jenny. "Hey Jenny, what's up?"

"Uncle D told me Piper was sick so I thought I'd bring her something."

"Well she's in the living room."

Prue and Piper were arguing when Jenny came in. They stopped as soon as they saw her.

"Hi Jenny." Piper said. Turning to look at her.

"Hey Piper. Uncle Dan told me you were sick so I brought you some ginger ale." Jenny pulled out a plastic bottle from under her arm.

"Thank you." Piper took the bottle from her.

"My Mom and Dad give it to me every time I'm sick, so… it was just a thought."

"Well I appreciate it."

Jenny looked up at Prue, standing next to the television. "Oh, Prue, I got this for you." She pulled out a videotaped from her coat. "It's the new movie 'Striking Poses' with Shannen Doherty."

"Great, thanks." Prue told her taking the video from her. "Oh Jenny, how long are you here on vacation?"

"Well Mom and Dad are in Peru, which I thought was pretty funny, so I'll be here for about 6 months."

Chapter 4

"Piper let's go. We only have a half-an-hour to get to you appointment." Prue yelled from the front door. She turned to her right where her youngest sister, Phoebe, stood. "Why does it always take her so long?"

"She's stalling." Phoebe told her. "She hates doctors."

"Okay, I'm ready." Piper said, coming down the stairs, Piper's hair was pulled back in a small bun. Her bangs were perfectly curled. She had a little bit of lip-gloss on and she even had on a light color of blush.

"You do know that this doctor is happily married, right?" Phoebe asked.

"What? Is the blush a little too much?"

"Honey, it's all a little too much."

"Well, then I'll go fix it."

"No!!" Prue and Phoebe yelled. "You look fine." Prue told her.

As they entered the hospital Piper got a shiver up her spine. She hated hospitals. The fact that people died there just creeped her out. The three sat in the waiting room for a few minutes until Piper heard a voice say…

"Piper Halliwell."

Piper stood and walked with one of the nurses. About half way down the hall the nurse stopped and opened a door on the left. "Doctor Thompson will be with you shortly."

Piper sat in one of the chairs and sighed loudly.

Prue and Phoebe sat in the waiting room with a bored expression on their faces. A little boy came over and sat next to Phoebe.

"Phoebe?" He asked starring at her.

Phoebe turned to look at the boy. "Hi Nathan!" She said surprised. "Are you in here again?"

"No, my sister Amy is here for a check up." Nathan told her. "Why are you here?"

"My sister's sick again."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Nathan, come on. Time to go." Called a voice from the front desk.

"I gotta go. I hope you sister gets better."

"Thanks, bye Nathan."

"Bye." He said, walking away.

Doctor Thompson came into the room where Piper was sitting in the corner. "Ms. Halliwell, how are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Well to be completely honest I feel fine but my sisters don't think I am."

"What do they think is wrong with you?"

"They don't know, but I get sick every morning."

"Well let's see."

Piper sat herself on the bed and played with her fingers while the doctor put his clipboard next to the sink.

He checked her pulse, her heartbeat, and the back of her throat. "I don't see anything wrong with you, but the fact that you get sick every morning makes me curious. I'd like to run some more tests." He told her.

"What do you think might be wrong?"

"I don't know, that's what tests are for."

As the doctor checked other things he hadn't before, Piper sat and thought. 'What if he can't figure out what wrong? What if the demon did this? What am I supposed to tell him then? Oh, it's okay it will go away once we vanquish this demon. Don't worry.'

"I'd like to run one more test." He told her.


He went to one of the drawers that was under the table. He reached in and pulled out a small needle. As he stuck it in a little higher than her wrist, Piper flinched and closed her eyes. He took a small bit of her blood. Piper watched him walk into the next room. Leaving her alone sitting on the bed.

Prue and Phoebe sat in the waiting room silently after Nathan left. Prue had a large grin on her face and Phoebe was twirling her thumbs around each other.

Prue looked at Phoebe. "So does this mean you have a new boyfriend?"


"Is Nathan your new boyfriend?" Prue asked still grinning.

"Shut up!" Phoebe told her, elbowing her in the arm.

Doctor Thompson walked in and stood next to Piper. "Since you obviously don't know, I will tell you and ask you something." He told her. "You will be shocked. So do you want your sisters to tell you or me?"

"Do they know about it yet?" She asked.


"Then you tell me." 'Okay, calm down. I'm ready for it.' She told herself.

"Your pregnant."

"Excuse me?" Piper couldn't believe her ears.

"2 weeks to be exact."

"How could I possibly be? Oh my god, Dan." Piper calculated two weeks in her head and came up with he vacation with Dan.

"Are you alright?"

"Would you do me a favor?" She asked, her eyes pleading with him.

"Of course."

"Tell my sisters. After, tell them I'm at the nursery."

Before he could even nod she was out the door and almost running down the hall.

He walked out toward the waiting room and stopped at the doorway entrance. "Prue and Phoebe Halliwell?"

Prue and Phoebe's heads popped up.

"Please step into my office."

'Uh oh.' They both thought. ' When a doctor asks you to come into his office, there's something wrong.'

In his office Prue and Phoebe sat in the two chairs on both ends of his desk Doctor Thompson sat in his chair and folded his hands on his desk.

"So, what? Is there something wrong with our sister?" Phoebe asked.

"Not unless you consider being pregnant as something wrong."

"She's what!" Prue burst out.

"She's 2 weeks pregnant."

"Dan." Phoebe mumbled. She turned to her sister. "Prue… Dan."

"She's at the nursery." He told them calmly.

"Thank you." Phoebe told him as they hurried out the door.

Doctor Thompson put a file away in a drawer as someone opened the door.

Phoebe stuck her head through the opening in the door. "Where's the nursery?" She asked in a frustrated tone.

"Fourth floor, eighth door on the left."

Phoebe closed the door and her and Prue ran towards the elevator door.

Piper stood in front of a huge glass window. Inside was the nursery. The room was full of hundreds of newborn babies.

The door to the elevator slowly opened and Prue and Phoebe walked toward Piper.

Piper had her arms crossed across her stomach. Tears streaming down her now pale cheeks.

When Prue and Phoebe reached her Prue stroked her hair and Phoebe rested her head on Piper's shoulder.

"Look at them." Piper told them shaking. "So small. So innocent."

"Did you and Dan really…?" Phoebe asked.

"Phoebe, what do you think?" Prue scolded.

"Well it could have been Leo." Phoebe insisted.

Piper giggled quietly.

"See, I knew I'd get her."

"No, it wasn't Leo. Leo's not in my life anymore." Piper told them, still starring through the window.

"How are you going to tell Dan?" Prue asked.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to tell myself."

"Piper, it'll be alright. You'll get through this. We all will."

"Plus," Phoebe said in her best baby voice, "we'll love you, no matter what."

Tears still streaming down her face, Piper looked at both of her sisters. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

The three held each other and cried for a half-an-hour. Piper squeezed Prue and Phoebe closer as she cried quietly.

Piper slowly walked up the steps to Dan's house the next day. She was just about to knock when the door opened and Jenny stood in front of her.

"Hi Piper."

"Hi Jenny. Is your uncle Dan here?" Piper asked pleasantly with a small smile.

"Ya, I'll go get him." Jenny turned and ran into the house. "Uncle Dan, Piper's here to see you!"

Piper smoothed down her hip length, pink shirt and twisted her jeans so they fit better. She could feel herself getting a stitch bigger. Nervously she pulled back some of her milky brown hair out of her face. She sighed and rubbed her eye. She was tired from the last night. Prue and Phoebe had stayed up all night just talking with her. She looked at her hands and twisted them around each other. When she looked up she saw, "Dan."

"Piper are you feeling better?" Dan asked, giving her a hug.

"Now that I know what's wrong with me," Piper hesitated "a little."

"I'm glad. It's not contagious or anything, right.

"Absolutely, positively not."


"Your in a good mood now right?" She asked.

"I have been since you showed up on my doorstep." He answered.

"Good, cause I gotta talk to ya."

"Come on in." He told her, stepping out of her way.

Piper sighed as she stepped into the house.

Chapter 5

Dan led Piper into his room for some privacy. She sat on his bed and folded her hands in her lap.

Dan sat next to her. "I'm so glad your feeling better because I found this great place for our vacation. I'm really looking forward to your promise." Dan spoke quickly.

"Dan I'm pregnant." Piper blurted out.

Dan stopped. "I'm sorry, did you just say that you are pregnant?"

Piper raised her hands quickly. Dan, and everything in the room that was moving, stopped. "That was real sudden Piper!" She told herself, rubbing her forehead. "Okay, I can do this, it will be okay." She wiggled her fingers and Dan unfroze. "Surprise." She said blankly.

"And it's the most shocking surprise I've ever had! When did this happen?"

"Two weeks ago. At the cabin."

"So what do we," Dan stopped "what are you going to do about this?"

"You had it right the first time. You're the father so in my book you have a say in this too." Piper told him.

"Piper," Dan started, taking her hands in his "I will tell you the gods honest truth. I am ready to start a family with you, but if your not then it's up to you to decide what's good for you. But if you are then I beg you, no I ask you, don't get rid of it."

"Dan I'll tell you right now I'm not ready to live with you and I'm definitely not ready to get married anytime soon. But I don't believe in abortions and I am not about to give it up for adoption. I watch T.V. Believe me it's all I've been doing for the past two weeks. I just wanted your opinion."

"In that case, I don't want this baby growing up like you or your sister, without a father. I want full visitation rights."

"Dan you live right across the lawn. Come over anytime. I don't care if you see the kid, I'm just not ready to be with you right now."

"Who else knows?"

"The doctor and my sisters. That's all."

"I think we should tell Jenny." He told her blankly.

"Most definitely. Look, Dan, I'm not taking away rights, I'm giving them to you! Hell, you even get a say on what to name it! What's the matter with you?"

"Excuse me for being a little surprised."

"Your surprised? I'm the one who has to give birth to this kid. I'm the one who stayed up all night just talking about this to my sisters, then I had to come talk to you!"

"What are you guys yelling about?" Jenny asked, coming in from the other room.

They both looked at Jenny for a split second. Dan kept his eyes fixed on Jenny, but Piper looked back at Dan.

"Nothing, I have to go." Piper stood and got half way out the door when Dan said…


"What?" Piper stopped.

"If it's a girl I want her name to be Jessica." Dan told her.

"I was kind of hoping it could be Rose. I've always loved to name."

"We'll talk about it later."

She nodded her head. "You tell Jenny." She walked out, down the hall and opened the door.

"Piper!" Dan called to her.

"You tell her!" Piper called back, walking outside and closing the door behind her.

"He just needs some time. Just like you did, do, whichever." Phoebe told Piper.

Prue, Piper and Phoebe were curled up on the couch next to each other. The doorbell rang suddenly and Prue stood to answer it. "I'll get it." She told them.

"If that's Dan tell him I'm not speaking to him until he decides to except the fact that things are different!" Piper yelled to her sister.

"It's Jenny and she wants to talk to you!" Prue yelled back.

Piper sighed, "I'll be right there." As she got to the door Prue turned quickly and almost ran.

"Uncle Dan wouldn't tell me what's going on. But my guess is that you're pregnant."

"Then you'd be right." Piper told her in an angry tone.

Jenny's eyes widened. "Are you serious? I'm gonna get a cousin? This is so cool."

"He really didn't tell you, did he?"

"No not at all." Jenny was still smiling.

"Figures! Jenny I gotta go."

"Okay, I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Piper almost slammed the door. Yet Jenny went skipping across the lawn.

Chapter 6

Dan and Piper didn't speak to each other for three weeks. She refused to talk to him if he was going to argue. And he hated it when she was upset.

Prue, Phoebe and Jenny seemed to constantly be running back and forth with messages.

Piper went to see Doctor once a week to see how she and the baby were doing.

Finally one day, Piper answered the door.

"I need to talk to you." Dan told her.

"Dan, it's six o'clock in the morning." She answered smoothing down her T-shirt she wore to bed.

"I know, but… I just need to talk to you."

Piper hesitated. "Come in."

Dan stepped in and looked Piper up and down. "You're already getting bigger."

"Just to let you know, that's not exactly how you compliment a girl in the morning."

"I didn't mean it like that."

Piper giggled. "I know, it's okay. Yeah, the baby's growing rapidly. The doctor is concerned but, and I quote, 'from all medical sides it's perfectly healthy.'"


"What did you come to talk about?" She asked, slightly annoyed.

Dan hesitated, not knowing how to answer. "You agreed to talk about the name later and it's been three weeks."

Piper smiled. "Have you had breakfast?"

3 months later

Prue and Phoebe sat on the couch as Phoebe channel surfed.

"Ah." Phoebe smiled. "Goody, goody."

"What do you see in this show?" Prue asked her.

"It's romantic."

"It's depressing."

Piper walked in from the kitchen. By now, Piper had a full belly. She sat down on the couch and crossed her arms across her chest. "Beauty and the Beast again?" She leaned over to Prue. "I dread the days she has control of the television.

"Nothing is better than reruns." Phoebe said with a smile.

All of a sudden a blue light emerged from the ceiling. Blue sparkles swirled forming a male figure.

Prue turned backward and saw "Leo!" She said in disbelief.

"Very funny Prue." Piper giggled at her.

"No…Leo!" She insisted pointing at him.

"Hey girls, what's up?"

Piper and Phoebe's eyes widened as they slowly turned to looked at him. Luckily Piper was low enough that the back of the couch covered her stomach.

"How are you doing?"

"Uhhh!" All three said together.

"You have a big demon problem, we have to go now!"


"Well come on we have to go!"

"We'll just be leaving you two alone now, won't we Prue." Phoebe nudged her eldest sister on the arm.

"Yeah, we'll just let you two talk."

Piper looked at her two sisters. Her mouth dropped open. "Thanks a lot!"

"What are you all taking about?"

Without even thinking, Piper stood up.

"You're okay, right?" He asked. Leo paused, as he looked Piper up and down. "And you're pregnant." He said in disbelief.

"Yeah and I've vanquished two demons lately." Her snide comment made him angry. "What do you think of that? Not so frail now am I?"

"Dan's the father isn't he?" Leo asked.

Piper didn't answer. She just starred at him with a straight face.

"No one wants to leave like we do right now." Phoebe told Piper. Phoebe and Prue both nodded their heads.

"No, your not leaving the room until we're done talking and Leo leaves. Which will be soon."

"Have you noticed that she's getting more and more bossy?" Prue asked Phoebe.

"It's PMS amplified." Phoebe answer.

"No, it won't be soon. You've got a demon on your hands and he's extremely powerful."

"Well she can't go." Phoebe told him, pointing at Piper.

"Why not?" Piper was starting to get annoyed.

"Piper, Doctor said that you could go into labor in like a week or so, you've got to rest. You have been exercising yourself into the ground."

"Phoebe, I feel fine, I can vanquish this demon."

"That's strange." Prue said concentrating.

"What's strange?" Leo asked.

"Two weeks before we found out Piper was pregnant, she said a demon, an invisible demon, went through her. He never came back. It's been four months now."

"Well maybe he tried to kill the baby. You know, keep another witch from coming into the world. And if he didn't exactly succeed, he just damaged it, then…" Piper was cut off.

"Then that would explain why Piper could go into labor soon and she's only four months along." Phoebe finished her sentence.

"My thoughts exactly!" Piper said hitting her hand on the back of the couch. Piper felt a serge of energy flow through her. She tightened her shoulders and squeezed her eyes shut. Her ears started ringing and she couldn't stop it. There was a white flash in front of her eyes. She saw an image of herself. She was clutching her stomach and she looked as if she were in pain. The flash came again, only this time she saw her sisters and Leo. She collapsed and all three rushed to grab her. They gently sat her on the floor and propped her up against the couch.

"Oh yeah, like that didn't put a strain on the baby." Phoebe remarked.

Piper opened her eyes slowly. She looked up at Phoebe. "I'm gonna go into labor soon."

"What? How do you know?"

"Phoebe, I think I just had a premonition."

Chapter 7

"Piper, that's impossible. You don't have premonitions, Phoebe does." Prue told her sister.

"Look I know what I saw."

"It's not impossible Prue." Phoebe told her. "Remember when we went back to the 70s?"


"Well mom had a premonition of us taking little you and little Piper when she was pregnant for me."

"Which would mean the baby will have premonitions." Leo told them.

"Oh yeah, poor kid." Phoebe sympathized.

"Well at least we know what to expect." Prue said.

"Ah!" Piper shrieked quietly as she inhaled deeply and let the air out of her nose.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Phoebe panicked.

"Yes Phoebe, it's just little twinge. Ah!" Again she let the intake of air out through her nose.

"Hey, you in there." Phoebe pointed to Piper's stomach. "Calm down. According to you, you come out soon, so be patient.

"I think we just need some sleep." Piper looked at her watch. "It's already eleven o'clock. I am so dead tired." Piper walked out of the room and slowly up the stairs.

"Wait what about the demon?" Leo asked.

"What about him?" Prue asked.

"Aren't you going to vanquish him?"

"Leo," Phoebe put her arm around his shoulders "Our sister is going to have our niece or nephew soon. The world will have to wait."

"What if this demon is the same as before?"

"All the more reason to wait till the baby's born."

"Good night Leo." Prue said walking up the stairs.

"Good night Leo." Phoebe did the same.

"I don't believe this." He said orbing off.

Piper lay asleep in bed on her back. Her head tilted to one side as her hair fell off her pillow. Another pain went through her and she woke up instantly. She let air slowly out of her mouth. "Go to sleep down there." She told her belly.

At eleven twenty-nine Piper was asleep again. Slowly the minute hand on the clock clicked and it was eleven thirty.

Piper's eyes opened that second and another streak of pain went through her. "PRUE!!" She screamed.

Prue came running down the hall with Phoebe not far behind. When they got to her she was covering her mouth, clutching her stomach and rocking back and fourth.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Phoebe panicked.

"My water just broke."

Chapter 8

Dan paced outside the door of the delivery room. He could hear Piper scream and it just made him more excited and nervous. He stopped for a second and looked at one of the chairs where Jenny sat.

She had begged him to come so she could see her new baby cousin.

He started pacing again. He could barely hear Prue and Phoebe over the noise. They were in there 'helping her through this'. He heard someone say…

"It's almost out. One more push Piper."

Piper screamed again, but instead of hearing Prue and Phoebe's voice again, he heard a baby cry. His heart jumped into his throat and he got butterflies in his stomach. He could hardly wait. Something inside of him wanted to bust through the door right then and see Piper and the baby.

The door opened and Prue stepped out. She had a huge grin on her face. "Dan," she could hardly get the words out "you're a daddy. You can both come in now."

Both Dan and Jenny rushed in.

Piper propped herself up against the bed. She was cradling a wad of blankets in her arms.

Dan stood beside her. "Hey." He said gently.

"Hey." She shifted the baby so he could see it. "Dan, I'd like to introduce you to your daughter."

Dan lifted the baby from Piper's arms and cradled her in his. "This is my daughter?" He asked almost in disbelief.

"All eighteen and a half inches, four pounds and four ounces of her."

"What's her name?" Jenny asked.

"Danielle." She replied. "Danielle Roasicca Gordon."

"Mr. Gordon." Doctor Thompson called from the doorway.

"Yes?" Dan looked up from the baby.

"Since your girlfriend delivered only four months into her pregnancy we would like to keep your daughter for a while. You know, observation and everything."

"That's fine with me. How about you Piper?"

"I don't care as long as she's healthy."

"Good. I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, and then I'd like to take Ms. Danielle to the nursery." He smiled and left.

When the Doctor left Phoebe turned to her older sister. "How did you guys come up with Roasicca?"

Piper didn't reply.

"Piper? Piper?"

Dan looked at Piper. "Shhh." He told them.

Piper was asleep. Exhausted, she had just instantly dropped off.

"Roasicca is a combination of Rose and Jessica. We couldn't agree on either one." Dan answered Phoebe.

"Uncle D," Jenny looked up at her uncle "can I hold Danni?"

"Danni? Who says we're going to call her Danni?"

"Well I am."

"Yeah sure you can hold her."

"Hello, I'm your cousin Jenny. You can just call me Jenny." She told Danielle taking her from Dan. "I will be one of the people spoiling you."

"Me too, me too!" Phoebe said shuffling her way over to Jenny and Danni. Jenny passed Danni to Phoebe. She pushed some of the blanket away from Danni's face. "Look at all that dark red hair. And bright blue eyes, she's so beautiful. Hello, I am your Aunt Pheebs." Phoebe handed Danni over to Prue.

"Oh, oh she's so cute. Hello I am your Aunt Prue and may I say you have to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen."

"Alright, enough sucking up." Dan took his daughter back and rocked her back and forth.

"Is Ms. Gordon ready to get her tour of the nursery?" Doctor asked coming in.

"I think she's more concerned about getting some sleep." Phoebe told him quietly.

"Is she going to be okay Doctor?" asked Prue.

"Prue, I have known you and your sisters since you were 5. Everything will be fine I promise." He assured her. "You've got a pretty rare child here Mr. Gordon."

"Because she's five months early?"

"That and she was born at midnight on a full moon. That's pretty rare."

"Cool!" Jenny exclaimed. "Isn't that cool you guys?"

"Yeah, cool." Both Phoebe and Prue mumbled, deep in thought. "Oh great."

Chapter 9

The hospital kept Danielle for five months. After that they let Piper and Dan take her home. They had found absolutely nothing wrong with her. Her heart beat was normal. She had perfect reflexes. The doctors tested everything they could think of. Danielle was a perfectly healthy child.

Piper had Dan and Jenny stay over at the house for a few days so Danielle could get used to everyone. After those days Danni stayed at the manor, most of the time.

Piper set Danielle down in the bassinet. She picked up the baby bottle and looked through it. "I'll go get you some more formula."

Danni waved her hands in the air excitedly.

"Prue!" Piper called. "Prue!"

"What?" Prue ran in with a camera in her hand.

"Would you watch Danni for a couple minutes?"


"Thanks. Dan has all the formula over at his house."

"No problem. I've been wanting to get some shots of her awake."

"Okay, I promise I'll only be a couple minutes." She said hurrying out.

As the door shut Prue raised her camera and clicked a button. She clicked it a couple more times at different angles. "You know what Danni?" Prue started turning to the desk behind her to reload the camera. "Your pretty little face is going to make me famous." She then turned back around.

Piper stood by the bassinet with a straight face.

"Piper. Did you get the formula?"

Piper stood quiet and still.

"Are you okay?"

Piper smiled and looked in the bassinet.

Prue followed her eyes. Danielle was gone! "Oh my god! Danni!" Prue called out. She looked back at Piper. "Who are you? Where's Danni?" Prue panicked.

Piper rubbed the back of her hand across both eyes. Piper's body warped, twisted and shrank. Her figure shrank into the bassinet until it cleared, revealing the small child.

Prue stood staring at Danielle. Scared and confused all at the same time. She tried to move, but she couldn't. She tried to speak but her mouth wouldn't move.

"What, what, what? What's wrong?" Phoebe ran into the room. She looked from Danielle to Prue.

Still Prue could neither speak nor move.

"Prue? Prue what's wrong?"

Prue felt her body relax. As it also numbed she collapsed on the floor.

Phoebe knelt to the floor quickly. "Oh my god. Prue come on, come on. Wake up." Phoebe shook her sister. When that didn't work, she lifted Prue's head onto her lap.

Piper walked in that moment. "I got the formula but Dan and I can't find the…" Piper stopped as she turned the corner and saw Prue and Phoebe. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I heard her scream, I ran in, then she just fainted." The two sisters paused for a minute not knowing what to do. "Help me out." Phoebe said. She lifted Prue by the shoulders and Piper quickly recognized what her sister was doing and grabbed Prue's ankles. The two women walked Prue to the couch and set her down.

All of a sudden Danni started to scream and cry.

Piper let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Speaking of screaming."

"I'll take care of Prue, you take care of Danielle."

"Deal." Piper agreed.

Piper walked over to the bassinet and pick Danni up. "Oh, hey, what's wrong, huh?" She rocked the baby in her arms.

Blue sparkled light formed next to Piper.

"Leo." She said as the lights turned into a man.

"You know I should be the father of that child."

"I would rather have had her with Dan, than a jealous whiney child." Piper heard someone clear their throat loudly. She turned and saw Phoebe standing in the doorway with a wet washcloth in her hand.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, Leo was just leaving."

"Leaving? Why? When you could have a perfectly good fight right here."

"Phoebe quit teasing."

"No. I am soooo serious. I think you two should get it all out in the open. I will watch Prue and Danni. You two talk."

"Phoebe I really don't think this is a…" Leo was interrupted.

"A good idea? Well you obviously feel you can do it in the living room with Danni around. Why not without?"