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Love Will Lead You Back

by Janelle

AUTHOR'S COMMENT: Thank you for reading this fan fiction. We hope you enjoyed it. If you like this fan fiction, check out Pregnant Witch and Teen Witch, both by the same author.


Prue Halliwell: She still works at 415 Magazine. She is a very successful and sometimes travels. She lives in Dan's old house with her husband Jason, who is a good warlock and also works at the magazine as a writer. She has the powers of telekinesis, astral projection, and blinking (not from evil).

Piper Halliwell: She owns a chain of restaurants and nightclubs in San Francisco and Sacramento, including P3 and Quake. She hasn't been on a date in years because she still loves Leo. She has the power of temporal stasis with increased range and rewind time (up to an hour).

Phoebe Halliwell: She graduated college and is a nurse. She has the power of premonitions and fly. She married Cole 6 months after Piper's wedding and, a year after Leo and Piper divorced, gave birth to a baby boy whom she named Paul. Cole was killed by a demon when Paul was only 3 months old. She lives at the manor with Paul and with Piper and Patty.

Paul Halliwell: He is a year older than Patty and Lucy. He is a little popular and into sports. His father was Cole. When he was born, his parents binded his demon power, afraid he would turn evil. He has the power of premonitions.

Patty Halliwell: She lives with her mom. Her favorite food is ruffle potato chips with her very special dip: frosting with little bits of fruit in it. She loves to cook, shop, and sing. She is a little popular. She inherited her concern for others from her dad. She has the powers of temporal stasis and healing touch.

Syrne Miller: She is Patty's best friend. She first met Patty in Kindergarten. She has the power to talk to animals.

Annie Taylor: She lived in Reno with her parents before camp. She has the power of super-strength.

Leo Wyatt: He is a part-time doctor at a nearby hospital. He still misses Piper and lives with his daughter Lucy in a big penthouse, loft apartment in New Orleans and lives with one of his "charges", who's home was destroyed from a demon, named Catrina, who is Lucy's nanny. He has the powers of healing touch, orbing, and all the other white-lighter powers.

Lucy Wyatt: She lives with her dad. Her favorite food is the same one that Patty likes. She loves to cook, shop, and dance. She's an outdoorsy kind of girl. She first met her friends at the playground. She inherited her concern for others from her dad. She loves hanging out with her friends, Catrina, and her dog Benny. She has the power of telekinesis and orbing.

Katherine Smith: She's one of Lucy's best friends. She has the power to control wind.

Isabel Cruz: She is Lucy's other best friend. She has the power of psychokinesis (Max from Secrets and Guys power).

Catrina: Just before Piper gave birth to the twins, Catrina wondered into San Francisco. She was a homeless witch. Leo and Piper agreed to take her in. When Leo and Piper split up, she went with Leo and Lucy. Leo made her a deal: if Catrina watched Lucy, she could live with him. She has the power of invisibility.

Andrew: He is almost eleven-years-old, born the year after the twins and the same year as Paul was. He has two powers since he has a mother that's a witch and a father that's a good warlock. He has the power of icy mist (from his mom) and the power of shape-shifting his voice (from his dad).

Jo: Her birthday is in June and is nine-years-old. She loves mystery stories and is very good at spying. She, like her brother, has two powers. She has the power of astral projection (from her mom) and blinking (from her dad).

Jenny Davis: She loves Leo and wants to marry him, but hates children.

"I can't believe we're here!" Patty Halliwell cried to her best friend, Syrne Miller, as she popped a small handful of trail mix in her mouth. "I can't believe we're here either!" Syrne replied excitingly. Patty and Syrne lived on Prescott Street in San Francisco. Syrne lived next door to Patty. They were on a bus heading for Camp Starlight in Miami, Florida. Patty's mother and aunts finally agreed to send Patty away to camp in another state. They never let her go until now. She was able to convince Mr. and Mrs. Miller to let Syrne come with her. Syrne was the only friend she had that knew about her secret powers. Patty was named after her grandmother, who she never met. She died when her mother was just a little girl. Her mother's name was Piper Halliwell. Patty also lived with her Aunt Phoebe, and Phoebe's son, Paul Halliwell. Her Aunt Prue lived next door with her husband, Jason, and her kids, Andrew and Jo. Patty had the powers to stop time, which she got from her mother, and heal, which she was told she got from her dad. Her mother, aunts, Paul, Jo, Andrew, and herself were good witches. Her Uncle Jason was a good warlock. Piper told Patty that her father was a good man. Her parents split up long before she could remember. Her mom told her that she was one-years-old when she last saw her dad. She never knew her father's name, but when Patty was 8-years-old, she begged her mom to give her a photo of her dad. Her mom gave her a half-photo of her dad at her parent's wedding. It was crumbled and wrinkled when she first got it and now, it was nearly straight. Patty looked over at Syrne. She was back to reading the book she had. Her long, dark hair fell over the sides of her head. Syrne was a vegetarian because of her power. She was a witch who could talk to animals. Patty decided to take out her little compact mirror she brought. She took it out of her blue backpack and opened it up. She looked into o it to see her blue eyes staring back at her. She pushed some of her strawberry blond hair out of her eyes.

"Next stop, Camp Starlight!" the bus driver announced. Patty put her little compact mirror away and the small bag of trail mix her mother had given her before she got on the plane away. It was nearly gone. Syrne put her book in her backpack. Patty's eyes widened with excitement when she saw the camp sign as the bus passed by. "Ladies of the USA, we have arrived at Camp Starlight, first established in 1966!" Cheers busted throughout the bus as it pulled to a stop. Patty looked out the window to see a bunch of girls, sorting through their stuff. The cheers on the bus died down as the girls stampeded off the bus. Syrne and Patty were able to stick together. "I'll go find my stuff," Syrne said. She left. Patty saw one of the counselors wearing a white T-shirt with multiple colored stars all around it carrying her red and gold stripped duffel bag and crimson red, roll away suitcase. Patty tried desperately to make it through the crowd of girls to get her stuff before it went into one of the piles of luggage, but it was too late. When she finally reached the pile, there were three big duffel bags on top of hers. She grabbed her rollaway suitcase and tried to pull out her other bag, but it was stuck. She dropped the handle of her other suitcase and used both hands to try and pull out the duffel bag, but had no luck. "Oh, come on. Please?" she begged. It still wouldn't budge. "Mind if I help?" a girl asked. Patty looked up to see a girl around her age with short-reddish brown hair looking at her.

"That'd be great." Patty moved aside. The girl grabbed the handle firmly with both hands and pulled. The bag came right out. "Here." "Thanks," Patty said as she took the bag in her hands. "I'm Patty Halliwell," she said, extending her hand out. The girl shook it. "Annie Taylor." They put their hands down. "Girls! Welcome to Camp Starlight!" a tall, blonde hair woman said who stood on a tree stump. Annie and Patty went to her. There were a lot of girls talking. "I'm your camp director, Cindy. Now let's sort through our luggage as quickly as we can. We got a huge first day ahead of us, staring with lunch in an hour. I'm going to hand the bullhorn over to my right-hand man, Marie. Marie, bunk assignments if you please." The girl stepped down and a thin woman stepped onto the tree stump with a bullhorn, whistle and clipboard. She looked like she was from one of the Pacific Islands. Patty looked around for Syrne, but couldn't find her. "OK. In the first bunk is Tabitha Dugan, Annie Taylor, Tiffany Ricker, Syrne Miller, Wendy Criswell, and Patty Halliwell!" Marie called. Patty turned to Annie. "Syrne's my best friend," she told her. Just after she said that, she felt some arms grab her from behind and hug her. "You know it," a familiar voice said. It was Syrne. When Syrne lifted her arms off, Patty turned around. "I found my luggage," Syrne said, holding up her bags. Patty smiled. Syrne looked questionable at Annie. "Oh, Annie, this is my friend, Syrne Miller. Syrne, this is Annie Taylor. She helped me get my bag," Patty explained. "Nice to meet you," Syrne said, shaking Annie's hand. "Same here," Annie said in a happy tone. An awkward silence stood there for a couple of seconds as cabin two was called out. "Come on, guys. Let's go to our cabin," Patty said. "OK," Annie and Syrne said in union. All three girls grabbed their stuff and headed to the cabin area, not noticing the last bus pulling to a stop behind the one Patty came on.

Lucy Wyatt grabbed her red backpack and stepped off the bus into the fresh air and sunlight. She took a breath of fresh air into her lungs and smiled. She loved being outdoors. Her dad even built her a clubhouse with a see-through roof on the roof of the penthouse apartment that she lived at. Even though Lucy loved her dad, Catrina, and her dog Benny. She was glad to be able to come to camp in Florida. Lucy was almost thirteen. She lived in New Orleans with her dad named Leo Wyatt, her nanny Catrina, and her dog Benny. Her parents divorced since she could remember. She had spent her whole life, wishing to see her mother. When she was six. She begged her dad to talk about her. he told her that her mom's name was Piper and that she was a witch, one of the Charmed Ones. He also told Lucy that her mom owned a couple of nightclubs and restaurants in Northern California. Lucy had the power to orb in and out of places, which she got from her father, and the power of telekinesis (move objects with mind), which she was told she got from her mother's older sister, Prue. Her two best friends, Katherine Smith and Isabel Cruz, came to her. The three girls were all witches. Katherine had the power to control wind and Isabel had the power of super speed. "We're finally here!" Isabel cried. "I know. It seemed like forever!" Kat cried. Lucy smiled. She loved her best friends like they were sisters. They had sleep overs at Lucy's huge house almost twice every month. Lucy straightened the ponytail she wore in the back of her strawberry blonde hair. She always had her hair made in some special way. "The girls that are going to be in Cabin 5 will be Isabel Cruz, Katherine Smith, Lynn Mackenzie, Mary Banks, Lucy Wyatt, Ruth Hernandaz, and Violet Dunny!" Marie said. "Yes!" the 3 girls cried as they high fived each other. They then got their luggage and then spotted a counselor. Kat tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me? Can you tell us where bunk 5 is?" she asked. The counselor pointed to a bunch of cabins on Lucy's left side. "Thanks," Isabel said. The three girls ran off.

Patty was so incredibly hungry. She had just spent the last hour in her cabin, talking and unpacking. Syrne had put Patty's hair into a French braid. Patty ran into the mess hall, which was crowded with girls. Syrne and Annie were right behind her. They went in one of the two lines by the buffet table. They grabbed a plate each and started putting food on their plate. "Patty's mom owns a bunch of nightclubs and restaurants in Northern California," Syrne said proudly, bring back up the pervious conversation the girls had earlier. "Really?" Annie asked, intrigued. "Yeah. The one she's owned the longest is P3, named after mom and my aunts. She's owned it for 16 years." "Cool. Where in Northern California do you live?" "San Francisco," Syrne said as she put a ham and cheese sandwich on her plate. "San Francisco?" Annie asked, shocked.

"Yeah," Patty replied. "My parents are moving to San Francisco from Reno while I'm at camp. I have to fly there after camp," Annie announced. "Cool," Patty said excited. She then reached for a coke and meet a hand there. She looked up to see a girl that looked exactly like her, except with a ponytail. She and the girl grew identical shocked expressions.

Kat saw Lucy looking at a girl that was a mirror reflection of Lucy, but with a French braid. Kat knew that they would get complaints from girls in line if they didn't move. "Come on. Let's go," Kat said, nudging her friend along. Lucy looked at her friends, glanced at her double, and then trailed away.

Patty, Syrne, and Annie chose to sit at a table in front of the little stage. "Who was that? She looked just like you. Is she your sister?" Annie asked. "No. I've never seen anyone that looks like me," Patty immediately answered. Syrne decided to change the subject a little. "She lives with her mom named Piper, her Aunt Prue and Phoebe, her cousin Peter." "Boy, you're family's really big on names that began with Ps." "Yeah. I'm named after my grandmother. My great-grandmother's name was Penny, but my mom and aunts called her Grams before she died," Patty explained, forgetting about her duplicate. "Cool. What about your dad?" Annie asked. A wave of sadness washed over Patty and she looked sadly at the ground. "My parents divorced when I was two. I haven't seen him since." "Oh, I'm sorry." "It's okay. Really. I don't remember him. I just know he has blonde hair and blue eyes." Behind them, Cindy stepped up to the microphone. "Ladies! Ladies!" she cried over the noisy mess hall, which quieted down.

"Thank you. Now, as most of you may know, I'm Cindy, you're camp director here at Camp Starlight. I see some familiar faces from last summer, and I see them all smiling." Patty glanced around to see a few girls smiling uncontrollably. "They know we have one old surprise for you." Patty jerked her head back. She loved surprises. "A surprise?" Syrne asked over the mumbling girls. "What is it?" another asked. Cindy looked like she was dying to tell someone. "Every single one of you out there is a young good witch!" Cindy exclaimed. "What?" Patty, Syrne, and Annie asked in union with all the other new girls. "It's true. I'm a good witch too, and so are all the counselors here. I'll show you." Cindy held up her hands for everyone to see. In seconds, a pair of balloons appeared in one hand and a towel in the other. The girls gasped in union. Cindy made the balloons and towel disappear and lowered her hands. "So, don't be shy. And, if you don't use your powers for personal gain, you all can go to the dance that I've arranged with Camp Sunlight, the camp at the top of the hill for male good witches."

Patty was still in shock that everyone there was a witch, including Annie. "I'll let you get back to your lunch." Cindy stepped down. The girls all immediately started conversation. "You're a witch?" Syrne and Annie asked in union, looking at the other one. Patty decided to jump in for Syrne. "We're both witches. Syrne can talk to animals. I can stop time for a couple seconds and heal." "I have super strength. Wait, heal? Isn't that only a white-lighter's power? And don't witches only have one power?" Annie asked. "What's a white-lighter?" Patty asked. She and Syrne truly didn't know. "A white-lighter is a guardian angel for good witches. Everyone has one." "If what you're saying is true, perhaps my father is or was my mom and aunts' white-lighter," Patty supposed. "How many aunts do you have?" Annie asked. She took a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Two." "You're mother is a Charmed One?" "You know about the Charmed Ones?" Syrne asked. "Every witch knows," Annie replied.

Two days later, around 2PM, Lucy, Isabel, and Kat decided to go to the arts and crafts building. They walked into the building laughing. When Lucy saw Patty, Syrne, and Annie, she stopped. She hated that Patty looked like her. The day before, she made a joke that Patty looked like a Halloween witch and Annie used her foot to tip over the small rowboat Lucy and her friends were in. She then got an idea for revenge. "Come on," she told her friends. They left. Patty glanced at them before they left. So did her friends. "Ooh. I hate that girl. The only thing good about her is she looks like my best friend," Syrne said. Patty smiled slightly. She then remembered how Lucy had beaten her in her favorite sport - tennis, and then her smile disappeared. She then remembered how she won the cooking contest the counselors put on…and Lucy was the runner up. Patty's smile reappeared.

Later that evening, Lucy, Isabel, and Kat decided to go to Patty's cabin and sabotage it. Ruth, one of their bunkmates, was a natural prankster around her neighborhood, and she didn't use her powers. She let Lucy and her friends borrow some silly string, whipped cream can, honey, string, and water balloons. That's all she could take to camp. They got revenge on only Patty, Annie, and Syrne. They knew that if they did more, the counselors might think that they used their powers, and they wanted to go to the dance.

The next morning, Patty woke up with a smile on her face, unaware that Lucy, Isabel, and Kat were watching at a nearby window. Patty then felt something creamy on her legs. She sat up and saw her legs covered with whipped cream and silly string. She stepped out of bed and stepped into a huge puddle of honey. She tried to get out of it, but couldn't. "Ew. Agu," she groaned. She screamed and woke up the entire cabin. She heard Annie scream and saw her clothes covered with honey. Whipped cream covered Syrne's favorite nightshirt she wore. She screamed. Patty reached for her water bottle, not noticing a string there. She pulled it to her and, from above her, a water balloon hit a lose nail and popped. The water drenched Patty. Lucy and her friends laughed hysterically.

Even though Patty couldn't hear them, she knew they did it. "Oooh, that girl." Cindy passed by Lucy and her friends. "Morning girls," she said through her bullhorn. Lucy turned around, smiling. "Morning Cindy," she said. She turned back around. "Wait. Doesn't Cindy make her daily inspections every morning?" Kat asked. Lucy then remembered about the water balloon she put above the door. She ran to see Cindy holding a bullhorn. "Time for the daily inspections." Cindy began to head towards cabin one. Lucy ran in front of Cindy. "Cindy, you shouldn't go in there. One of the toilets over flooded and it is a huge mess." "Well I can fix that." "No. You'll slip." Patty heard this and opened the window. "Actually, there's nothing wrong in here, unless Lucy Wyatt knows something we don't. Come on." "Move aside, Lucy, please?" Lucy sighed and did as she instructed. Cindy opened the door and stepped inside, only to be drenched by a water balloon. She looked around and saw what happened to Patty, Syrne, and Annie's side of the cabin. "Who did this?" "She did," Patty said, pointing to Lucy. "I have had enough of you two." With a wavy of her hand, Cindy made the mess disappear. "Miss. Wyatt, Miss. Halliwell, you better pack your bags. You're moving to the Lone Cabin."

Half an hour later, Cindy opened the door to what she and the other counselors called the Lone Cabin. It was one-fourth of a mile from the others. Lucy and Patty put their bags down. Each side of the room had a single bed with a hope chest at the foot and two identical dressers with a mirror each. By one of the windows was a table with 2 chairs. "This is where you two will live for the remainder of camp. You'll spend the rest of camp together. You'll eat at a certain table in the mess hall together. If you want to hang out with your friends, you both must do it," Cindy said. She then left. Lucy sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for that prank. I was angry with you for beating me at the Cooking Contest. I love cooking." "Apology accepted, and I love to cook too. I guess I inherit it from my mom. Friends?" Patty asked. She extended her hand out. Lucy shook it. "Yeah." They both went to their side of the room and began to unpack. "So, what does your mom do for her job?" Lucy asked. "She's the owner of some nightclubs and restaurants. What about your mom?"

"Well, I haven't seen her since she was one, but my dad told me that before they divorced, she owned a few nightclubs and a restaurant in the San Francisco area." Patty dropped her diary that she took out on her bed and stood still. Lucy saw her. She walked over to her. "Are you okay?" Patty snapped out of her trance. "Yeah. It's just, I live with my mom in San Francisco." Lucy got what Patty was getting at. "No. You're mom's name can't be Piper. It's my mom's name," Lucy said. "My mom's name is Piper, but there's a lot of people with that same name." Lucy sighed again. "Do you live with your dad?" Patty turned around. "No. My dad and mom divorced when I was one. I only have one old picture of him. It's wrinkled…" "Ripped right down the middle?" Lucy finished. Patty nodded. "I have one of my mom in the same condition." Patty then dug into her bag. She pulled out the only picture of her dad she ever owned. Lucy walked over to her bed and dug out a picture of her mom. "Okay. On three, we'll show them to each other, all right?" Patty asked. "Okay," Lucy nodded. "One," Patty said, taking a huge step towards Lucy. "Two," Lucy said, doing the same. "Three." In union, the flapped out the photos of the parent they longed to meet. The 2 halves fit perfectly.

They put them together. Patty stared at Lucy's picture and Lucy stared at Patty's picture. "That's my dad," Lucy announced. "That's my mom." In the distance, the lunch bell rung. "The lunch bell." "I'm not hungry. So, if our parents are the same, then you and I are l-like sisters'," Lucy said, starting to cry. Patty did too. "Sisters? Lucy, sisters' don't look that much alike as we do. When where you born?" "August 30th, 2002." Patty gasped. "We're twins!" she exclaimed happily. They gave each other a big hug.

Later that evening, the door swung open and Lucy walked in. "No, Patty. It's very highly impossible." She turned around and Patty walked in. "No. It's not. We can pull it off. We're twins, aren't we?" Patty asked, kneeling down beside her hope chest and swung it open. She began to dig in. "Yeah, but…" "So, what's the problem? I'll teach you to be me and you can definitely teach me to be you," Patty said, not looking up. "Well, what if mom asks me to heal someone?" Lucy asked, sitting down on her bed. "I can't heal." "Aunt Pheebs told me about a time seventeen years ago when mom cast a spell to switch powers with dad to save his life. I memorized the spell." Lucy sighed as Patty continued to dig. "Okay. I'll give in. I've been dying to see mom for ten years, and we're here for 2 months, but I think I should let Kat and Isabel know." "And I'll tell Syrne and Annie," Patty said. She took out a bag of ruffles chips and a jar of white frosting with bits of strawberries, grapes, and oranges in it that she loved. "Want some?" "No need," Lucy said with a giggle. She opened her hope chest and pulled out the same chips and a similar jar of frosting, but chocolate. Patty and Lucy giggled. Lucy went over to the table and sat down in a chair. So did Patty. "So, we're gonna pull the old switch-a-roo?" Patty asked, dipping a chip in her dip. Lucy smiled. "Yeah, but we take a day off right because I really want to go to that dance," Lucy told her.

For the next two months, Lucy and Patty taught the other one everything they needed to know about being them. Patty cast the spell to switch powers and it worked. During the last week of camp, they practiced using the other one's powers. Finally, the time had come for Lucy to go to San Francisco and Patty to go to New Orleans. They were at the airport. The twins were giving each other a big hug. Kat, Syrne, Isabel, and Annie were with them. "This is it," Lucy said, breaking the hug. "So remember, you're going to find out how mom first met dad," Patty told her. "And you're going to find out why they split up," Lucy said. "Attention ladies and gentlemen. Flight 237 to San Francisco and Flight 539 to New Orleans is now boarding at gate 43 A and B." "Good luck," Patty and Lucy said at the same time. They giggled. Lucy, Syrne, and Annie went into gate 43A while Patty, Isabel, and Kat went into gate 43B.

Lucy unbuckled her seat belt. "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to San Francisco International Airport. It is a warm 90 degrees outside with clear skies." "You two are going to love San Francisco. I promise," Syrne said. Lucy grabbed Patty's bag and followed Syrne and Annie outside the gate. Annie saw her mom. "Gotta go. Bye." "Bye," Syrne and Lucy said in union. "Patty! Syrne!" Lucy turned to see her Aunt Phoebe and her cousin Paul standing there. Lucy and Syrne raced over. Phoebe hugged the two girls. "Welcome home girls. How was camp?" "Great. Believe it or not, the camp was full of female witches," Syrne said. "No way," Paul exclaimed, smoothing his short, light brown hair back. "Way," Lucy said with a smile. They stood there for an awkward moment. "Come on. Let's go home," Phoebe sighed.

"There's the Halliwell Manor. Your Aunt Prue lives in the house with the blue shutters with her family. I live on the other side," Syrne whispered to Lucy. She nodded. Phoebe pulled her mini van into the driveway of the manor. Lucy grabbed Patty's duffel bag and stepped outside. Phoebe, Syrne, and Paul did too. "Um, Aunt Pheebs, where's mom?" Lucy asked, picking up the backpack Phoebe had placed on the floor as she emptied the trunk. "Um, she's in the backyard with Prue." Lucy raced around the side of the house. Syrne followed. Lucy saw her Aunt Prue sitting at a patio table. A woman with long brown hair was talking to her and had her back towards Lucy. Prue spotted her and smiled. "Well, there's my darling niece." The woman with her turned around and Lucy saw that it was her mother. Her eyes lit up. "Mom!" "You're back!" Piper exclaimed as she stood up. The two of them ran to each other and gave a big hug. Piper picked up her daughter, swung her around, and set her down with Lucy's back towards Prue. Piper saw tears stinging Lucy's eyes. "Oh Patty honey, what's wrong?" "Nothing. It's just, I've missed you so very much," Lucy cried. Piper hugged her again. "Yeah. It feels like it's been forever." "You have no idea." They broke the hug. Syrne smiled as she put her backpack on her shoulder and went home, rolling her suitcase. "So, how about we unpack, go on a shopping trip at the mall, and then I've planned a Welcome Home dinner party at Quake for us to attend and your aunts, cousins, Jason, and the Millers' are invited," Piper said. Lucy sighed. "Can I invite the Taylors'?" "Who?" Piper asked. "I met a friend that just moved a block away from here. Her name is Annie." "Sure. Let's go inside," Piper said. She led Lucy inside. I wonder if Patty's liking New Orleans so far, Lucy thought.

"I just can't wait to see him. Uh, Lucy never told me his name," Patty told Kat and Isabel as the plane circled the airport for the last hour because of the fog. "Leo. Leo Wyatt," Isabel told Patty. About 2 minutes later, the plane was able to land and Patty walked down the terminal, rolling her suitcase, with Isabel and Kat. When she got out of the gate, she saw her dad. "Luce! Kat! Izzy!" he cried through the noisy crowd. The 3 girls raced to him. "Give me a hug, Angel," Leo said. "Dad! Finally!" Patty happily jumped into his arms and gave him the hugest hug in the world. He gave her one too. "I missed you so much." "I've missed you too, Luce," Leo said. They broke the hug. "How was camp?" "Great, dad." "All the girls there were witches," Kat said. Leo looked surprised. "Really? Well, that's great. let's get you girls home." He looked at Kat and Isabel, who were cousins that lived together. "West will pick you two up in four hours. Let's go to my place," he said. West was Isabel's dad.

Twenty minutes later, Leo opened the door to the penthouse loft apartment. When the girls walked in, they saw a table in the middle of the living room with a pink tablecloth over it. A chocolate cake, a pitcher of milk, some paper cups, and some confetti was on it. Above the table was a banner that said WELCOME HOME GIRLS. Behind the table stood a thin woman with brown hair, who looked to be in her late 40s, and a golden retriever, whose head could barely be seen over the table, and a man with short, dirty blonde hair, who looked to be in his early 20s. Patty recognized the woman and dog as Catrina and Benny, Lucy's nanny and dog. She guessed that the man was Isabel and Kat's Uncle West. Their mothers' were twin sisters, who both were witches and died from a demon when the girls were one. They went to live with their grandparents, until they died 2 years ago. Their son, Wesley Brown, inherited the house they lived in and got to took care of Isabel and Kat. Patty saw a woman with short, blonde hair look over at young girls in disgust. "Surprise!" Catrina and West said in union, throwing confetti on the girls. Patty smiled. "Welcome home girls!" Catrina exclaimed. Patty immediately recognized her Irish accent. Patty dropped her bag and ran over to Catrina. She gave her a big hug. Lucy told her that she would do that. "Hi Catrina," she said.

Kat and Isabel joined Patty. She looked down at Benny, who was staring at her. "Hi Benny," she said, in the same tone she used to talk to Kit, her mom's cat, at home. Benny barked at her as if she was a stranger. Catrina came over to Benny and kneeled down beside him. "What's wrong, Benny? It's just Lucy." Benny barked again. "I, uh, probably smell like camp," Patty recovered. Benny ran from the room. "Huh? Wonder what's gotten into him," Catrina said, standing up. "I don't know," Leo said. "Well, aren't you girls gonna say hi to me?" West asked. The young witches all hugged him. "Hi, Uncle West," the girls said in union. He let Lucy call him that. The woman that had been standing in the corner walked over to Leo and looked lovingly in his eyes. So did he. "Hey Luce, can you come here for a minute?" "Sure dad." Patty walked over to her. "Lucy, this is Jenny Davis. Jenny, this is my daughter, Lucy Wyatt." "Hi Lucy," Jenny said, extending her hand out. "Hi Jenny," Patty said, shaking her hand.

West, Catrina, Isabel, and Kat decided to leave the room. They took the cake. "Well, the way Leo talked about you, I expected to meet a little girl, but you look so grown up." "I'll be 13 at the end of the month." "Wow," Jenny said, smiling. "Hey guys! Are you gonna help us with the cake or what?" West called from the dinning room. "We're coming!" Leo called. They went into the dinning room.

Lucy sat with Syrne in Patty's room, talking and laughing. Piper and Phoebe were cooking breakfast and Paul was playing basketball outside. Syrne had spent the night. The phone in the room rang. Lucy picked it up. "Hello?" "Hey, it's me," Patty said from the other line. "Hi. How do you like it in New Orleans?" Lucy asked, sitting at the desk. "Fine, but we have a problem. You're going to have to tell mom the truth and bring her out here immediately." "Immediately? Are you crazy? I only had one day with her." "But this is a huge emergency. Dad's in love!" Patty exclaimed. "Oh, please. He wasn't even dating when I left." "Well, he found a girlfriend. Her name is Jenny Davis, and she's a nurse at the hospital he works at. They're always holding hands and kissing and looking lovingly in his eyes." "Really? Well, just break them up. Do whatever you have to." "How can I? I don't know how. I only met him yesterday." "Well, try to keep him from seeing her as much as possible. We can talk in 2 days, okay?" "OK. Bye, Luce." "Bye Patty." Lucy hung up. "Uh, oh. Something bad happened?" Syrne asked. Lucy sat next to her. "He's fallen in love with a nurse." Syrne sighed. "Girls! breakfast!" Piper called. The girls ran down into the kitchen.

Patty walked downstairs, following the smell of French Toast, eggs, and bacon, her favorite breakfast, into the kitchen to find Catrina cooking there. "Ah. Good morning, Luce," Catrina said in her natural Irish accent. "Morning, Catrina," Patty said, sitting on the stool by the bar. "Where's dad?" Catrina placed a plate of food in front of Patty and a glass of orange juice. "He had to go to the hospital for a while. He said he'd be back at noon." The two of them went into the dinning room with their breakfast. "Cool. That gives us some time after breakfast to goo over to the Lu Li Mall and shop," Patty said. Both Patty and Lucy loved shopping. "Yep. Let's eat," Catrina said. Patty smiled as she ate some of her bacon.

Piper, Lucy, and Paul decided to go to the Golden Gate Park for a picnic. "Mom?" Lucy asked after she finished her sandwich. "Yes, honey?" Piper asked. "I was just thinking. What was my father like? I mean, my friend Sam from camp was talking about her parents and said her dad was a teacher and a good warlock. What was dad like, and why do I have the power to heal? Neither you, Aunt Prue, or Aunt Phoebe has that power." Piper took a sip of her cola and then glanced over at Paul, who was shooting some hoops. "Um." Piper looked back at her daughter. "Everyday I look at you, I see your father. Your eyes, concern for others, and your power of healing - that's what you got from your father. He always thought of others before he thought of himself, and that was very good for his job." "Was he a witch?" Lucy asked, already knowing the truth. "No. He was a white-lighter, guardian angel for good witches. When I first met him, he was disguised as our handyman. Your Aunt Phoebe and I competed for his affection." Lucy couldn't help but giggle. "I know. I think it's silly too now. Anyway, I won. Turns out he was in love with me. He had to go, but he came back, and Pheebs found out his true identity. He left and then came back and reviled his identity to Prue and myself to help a girl named Daisy, who was going to be a future white-lighter. A dark-lighter was in love with her. We vanquished him. About one and a half years later, we tried to get married, but your dad's bosses, the Elders, didn't want us to and stopped us. Then, they let us date."

"I remember the first normal date he took me on. We went to an Italian-Hawaiian restaurant named Toscana. I plan to own it one day. About 2 months later, your Aunts and I saved all the white-lighters from a warlock who wanted to kill them to leave all the witches on Earth unprotected. We were then married 2 weeks later on February 15th, 2001. We had the wedding right at the manor. Your grandfather walked me down the aisle and your great-grandmother married us. Your Aunts, our friend Morris, and Phoebe's boyfriend at the time, Cole, who was a good demon, were there. And believe it or not, the Elders sent down my mom, your namesake, just for that day." "Wow," Lucy said.

Just then, they both realized that it was quiet, too quiet. They looked up to see Paul in the middle of a premonition, the gift he inherited from his mom. Piper and Lucy ran over to him. He came out of it. "What did you see?" Lucy asked. Paul looked up. "A warlock, killing you. You were eating another sandwich when a man with black hair blinked behind her and killed her." "We've gotta go," Piper inquired. The three of them quickly put their stuff away. As they began to walk away, a warlock blinked in behind Lucy and grabbed her. "Hold it right there, witch!" he ordered. Piper and Paul turned around. For a split second, all three of them were scared stiff. Piper then put up her hands and stopped time. Lucy immediately tried to free herself, but the warlock's grip was too tight. "I can't get free!" she complained. She then remembered something. "Wait. I remember something. Sam taught me a spell that helped her. She taught it to me. Ummm." Lucy closed her eyes.

"Orb of time
Orb of flight
Send me behind my mom
As fast as speed of light."

Lucy then turned into blue light and disappeared. She then reappeared behind Piper. She and her nephew turned around. Lucy stood there. "What do we do about him?" Lucy asked, stepping between them. "Well, we should all try to cast a spell. Usually, Paul's mom is good at this," Piper said. she taught Lucy and Paul.

"Warlock, you are not here to stay
We send you far, far away
We want to see you gone
To the underworld, and far, far beyond."

The warlock unfroze and began to scream. He then exploded into nothingness. "Wow. That was easy," Paul said. "Yeah," Lucy agreed. "Well, come on. We better get back home," Piper suggested. They left as the park unfroze.

"So tell me more about this camp," Leo said to Patty. The two of them had decided to spend the day at the carnival. They were on the Ferris Wheel. "Well, Kat, Isabel, and I had no idea that it was for witches until during lunch on the first day, when Cindy, our camp director, told us all. She used her power of creation to show us." "Wow. I didn't know that there was a camp for young witches," Leo said. "Neither did I," Patty honestly said. She looked out over the bay and then remembered that Lucy was supposed to find out how their parents met and she was supposed to figure out why they divorced. She turned to her father. "Um, dad?" "Yes sweetie?" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "How come you and mom broke up?" Leo hesitated for a moment, looking at the ground as their chair stopped. "Um, your mother and I…after we married, I was called away a lot. Sometimes, I only had 7 hours with her per week. I went with her to the doctor when we found out that we were having you, but after that, I was called away too much. I was even forced away when your mother gave birth to you. I was called away too many times for a year. I offered to give it up, but your mother wanted me to help people. One day, just after your first birthday, I came home and found your mother gone with you. I found her at your aunts house." The wheel started moving again. "She had filed for a divorce. She told me that we couldn't make the relationship work with our duties. We had a custody hearing and…" "…you got full custody of me," Patty finished for him.

He looked at her and nodded. "Honey, since we're on the subject of couples, mind if I ask you something?" Patty shook her head. "How do you like Jenny?" "Well, she's cute, she's got nice teeth, good hair, and pretty eyes. Now that I think about it, she's a stranger to me completely. Why do you want to hear what I have to say anyway?" Patty asked. She silently prayed that it wasn't what she thought. "Well…because Jenny and I…are getting married." Patty was in total shock. "We've been engaged for a month and we're going to have a wedding on the 25th. You'll finally be able to have a mother for your birthday this year." "What? But…she doesn't know you're a white-lighter, does she?" Patty cried silently. "No, but I hope she'll think I'm at the hospital when I orb away," Leo answered. The wheel stopped and it was time for them to get off. Patty grabbed the stuffed cartoon cat that her dad won for her and walked away with him. Just then, the Elders called Leo. Being the daughter of a white-lighter, Patty could hear what the Elders said. One of Leo's charges needed help. "Go dad. I can orb back to the house." Leo nodded. He went into the men's bathroom. Patty ran into the ladies bathroom. She checked to see if it was empty and when she was sure nobody was in, she went into one of the stalls and thought about herself standing in Lucy's room. She closed her eyes and felt a tingle throughout her body. She opened her eyes to find herself standing in Lucy's room, beside her desk. She tossed the stuffed cat on the bed and began to pace.

"This…this is too much." She insulted Jenny in Spanish. "I mean, I just wanted to spend some time with dad, well, Catrina too, but now Jenny's stepped in. I've spent a lot of time with mom and I love her, but I've missed dad and now that I'm here, I find out I'm about to have a step-mom. I just…I can't handle this. I'm only one kid," she said, leaning against a chair. "Is there something you want to tell me?" Catrina asked, stepping into the room, causing Patty to gasp and jump back. "Catrina. You scared me." "I'm sorry, but I'd say you've got a lot of explaining to do. Like, why Benny never comes near you, or why you don't like to eat the same foods you used to, or why your room's neat," Catrina said, walking over to the bed and sitting down. "Or why you know Spanish, Patty Lynn Halliwell." Patty sighed. "Yes. I know who you are. About 3 months before you were born, your Aunt Prue found me living under a bridge. My home, family, and money were destroyed by warlocks. I was homeless. She found out I was a witch and took me to live with her. Then, I watched you and Lucy a lot. When your parents divorced, your dad asked me to come with him and Lucy to take care of her. I'm also a special education teacher at Lucy's school." "Are you going to tell dad?" Catrina shook her head. "No. We only saw you a wee bit after you were born. I don't want to spoil your time with him." "Um, Lucy never told me your power. Um, what…" "Invisibility." Then, there was a knock on the front door. Catrina and Patty went to answer it. Jenny stood there, with her friend."

Aunt Prue and her family came over for dinner that night. The whole family ate dinner at the Manor. Jo was nine years old and Andrew was turning twelve in October. Phoebe came out of the kitchen and placed a pan of lasagna on the table. Just then, the fax rang. Prue went to get it. She came back, looking at the fax strangely. "Patty." She handed her the fax. It was a picture of a dog saying:

Patty! 911!
(538) 639-7892

It was from Patty, asking her to call her. "Um, it's from Sam. She wants me to call her." "Go ahead," Piper said. Lucy ran upstairs to her room. She quickly dialed her number. Someone immediately answered. "Lucy?" "What's up?" "Luce, I'm desperate. Daddy's getting married soon." "What?" "The wedding's on the 25th. So if there's any hope of getting our parents back together, we've got to do it fast. And Catrina found out." "I knew she would." "Well…earlier, I overheard Jenny tell her friend that she hates kids and plans on firing Catrina and sending you to a year round boarding school." "Oh, I hate her." "Just be glad you haven't seen her." "OK. I'll tell mom, first thing tomorrow morning." "OK. And Lucy, hurry." "I will." Lucy hung up. "You know, you're very tricky," a voice said from behind Lucy. She gasped and turned around to see her Aunt Phoebe standing there. "I'm sorry I startled you, Lucy Paige Wyatt." Lucy sighed. "How'd you know?" "Little things, like why you dance more than you used to sing." "Will you tell mom?" "No, but you will." "Yeah. I just talked to Patty. I'm going to tell her tomorrow." Phoebe smiled. She tried to bite back some tears, but failed. "Come and give your aunt a hug." Lucy did. "Oh, your so beautiful, and so big. The last time I saw you was when you were one." "Aunt Phoebe, someone's gonna get suspicious if you don't stop crying. And call me Patty around the others." "Okay," Phoebe said. She calmed down with a sigh. "Who else knows?" "Well, Syrne and Annie are the only ones, and now you. There is no Sam." "All right." Just then, Andrew appeared in the doorway. "Mom wants you two to come down." "Okay. We'll be right there," Phoebe said, smiling. The two followed Andrew down.

Around nine o'clock the next morning, Lucy paced in front of her mom's door, wearing her pajamas and carrying her little stuffed dog that she had with her since she could remember. Piper was on the phone, talking to someone in Spanish. Lucy heard her hang up and then decided to go in. "Hi sweetie. How about we go to Sacramento with your cousins, have lunch at Linn's, go to the Lily Mall, where Paul and Andrew can go to the skate park, and then come back and go to Stars, hmm?" Piper suggested as she threw the covers at her side off. Lucy climbed in. "Well, I - I can't. I have to go out of state today." Piper put the magazine she was reading at down and looked at Lucy strangely. "You have to go out of state today? Where do you think you're going?" Lucy didn't know what to say. She then hid her head under the blanket. "Patty?" She tickled her daughter a little, but Lucy didn't laugh. "Patty, honey." "That's where I have to go. I have to go meet Patty." Piper decided to play along. "I see. And where do you think Patty is?" "In New Orleans, with her father, Leo Wyatt." Piper gasped. She had never told Patty her father's name. Phoebe was standing in the doorway. Piper looked at her younger sister, who nodded back. Piper looked back at her daughter. Paul walked up behind his mother. Piper took the covers off Lucy's head.

"You're not Patty," she gasped. "Bingo." "You're Lucy?" Lucy sat up. "I am." Piper was speechless. "Patty and I met at Camp Starlight, and we decided to switch places. I'm sorry for making you think I was Patty, but I missed you so much and dreamt about meeting you for so long, and Patty felt the exact same way about dad, so we sort of switched our lives. We also taught each other everything there was to know about being the other one. And, I hoped, that you love me just as myself, and not as Patty." "Oh, sweetie." Piper and Lucy were in tears. Piper pulled Lucy into a hug. Phoebe closed the door. Paul who was only a year older than the girls, didn't remember Lucy. "Who's Lucy, mom?" "Well, when Piper and her husband, Leo, were married, they had twin girls and Lucy is Patty's twin. Leo took Lucy to live with them when you were an infant.

Meanwhile, Lucy had talked Piper into going to see Leo and Patty. Piper and Lucy spent the entire morning talking about Lucy's life. Phoebe had ordered 3 tickets to New Orleans that would leave the next morning. Phoebe knew her son liked to travel and also knew that she would be too busy at the hospital to go along. The night before, after dinner, Phoebe and Lucy took a walk to the corner store a block away to get some milk. It was then that Lucy told her everything. Lucy talked to Patty, who convinced Leo to go to the classy Bryina Hotel in Baton Rouge to meet Jenny's parents. Lucy let Piper think that Leo knew that he had Patty instead of Lucy, but the truth was, he didn't.

The next day, around 3PM Central Time, Catrina and Patty waited outside the Bryina Hotel. Leo was inside, at the bar, with Jenny and her parents. Benny had finally gotten used to Patty. He sat beside Patty, waiting for Lucy. A taxi pulled up and Piper, Lucy, and Paul stepped out. Benny immediately ran through the crowd towards Lucy. "Benny!" She cried as she kneeled down. Benny began to lick her face. Piper giggled. Patty and Catrina approached them. "Mom!" Piper's eye's widened. "Patty!" she cried. The two embraced. After they broke the hug, Patty saw Paul. "Hi Paul." He was speechless. He looked from Patty to Lucy, whom stood up. "Wow." Patty and Lucy looked at each other and giggled. Lucy then saw Catrina. Her eyes widened. "Catrina!" she cried. The two hugged. Finally, after what seemed like minutes, the two broke the hug. "Well, where's Aunt Phoebe and the others?" Patty asked. "Oh, they had to stay home," Lucy said. "Well, where's your father?" Piper asked, looking around. "Uh, he's taking a wee nap," Catrina said. "Right, so let's check you into a room," Patty suggested, taking her mom's hand.

An hour later, Piper stormed into her hotel room. She had just seen Leo with Jenny in an elevator, hugging. When Leo saw Piper, he looked like she was the last person on Earth he would see. Lucy and Patty were sitting on the couch, talking and laughing. Catrina was sitting in a chair, talking to Paul and telling him how she used to watch him. "Patty! Lucy!" she cried. The twins looked up at their mother. "You're going to tell me why you lied to me and brought me here without telling Leo." Lucy and Patty looked at each other, then at their mother. "You saw dad already?" Patty asked. "Yes I did." Piper plopped down on the single bed that Paul would be sleeping in. "His face - it looked like I was the very absolutely last person on Earth that he would see." She looked over at her daughters. "Ever since we've divorced, I've dreamt of what it was like to meet him again. Well, having his arms wrapped around another woman's body is not what I thought I'd see." The twins looked at Catrina and Paul worried. Piper saw this. "Wait, does everyone here know something I don't know?" Catrina nodded her head. The twins looked at Piper. "Mom, dad's getting married," Lucy said. Piper's eye widened. "To a nurse." "Her name is Jennifer Davis. She's all wrong for him. We've got to stop him from making a huge mistake," Patty said.

About 20 minutes later, Leo decided to go look for Piper. He had checked all of the floors and found who he thought was Lucy, twice. Little did he know that Patty was there too. He checked the pool and saw her. Piper was walking towards the pool, wearing a black bathing suit, sunglasses, and a dark blue towel wrapped around her like a skirt. Leo began to walk towards her. He bumped into a waiter. "I'm sorry," he apologized. He then bumped into a table, near where Patty, Paul, and Catrina were sitting. "Leo? Are you all right?" Catrina asked. "Yeah. Just…" Leo began to say, still looking at Piper, who had stopped by a soda machine to get a drink. "Dad! Watch out!" Patty yelled, but it was too late. Leo bumped into a caravan boy, carrying towels, and fell into the pool, getting everyone's attention. He got out of the pool, entirely soaking wet. Piper giggled a little. She then stopped and put her Pepsi down on the nearby table. Leo approached her. "Hello, Piper," he said. Piper took off her sunglasses and put them on the top of her head comfortably. "Hi, Leo." "Wow. I have a question. Why are you here? I mean, I'm shocked to see you, but uh, you don't seem so shocked to see me. I mean, what? I haven't seen you in, what, 10 - 11 years, and now, all of a sudden, on the very month that…" "Uh, daddy?" Patty asked, stepping into view of both of her parents. Piper smiled. "I can tell you why she's here." "Lucy, you know who this lady is?" "Actually, yeah. And to tell you the truth, I'm not Lucy," she said, taking her hair out of the ponytail she had it in. Lucy, who had been walking Benny nearby, stepped up beside her twin sister. "Honestly, I am." Leo grew a shock look on his face. "Both of them? Patty? Lucy?" he asked as Patty gave Lucy her scrunchy and Lucy gave her the silver sparkly headband she had worn. "Well, I guess you guys think alike, cause you both sent us to Camp Starlight and we met there and, the whole thing just…came together."

"They pulled one of the oldest tricks in the book. They swapped powers and switched places on us," Piper said. Leo looked at her shocked. "You mean I've had Patty with me since camp ended?" "Well, I wanted you were like and, and Lucy wanted to meet mom and…are you upset?" "Oh, honey, of course not. I'm just so glad to see you," Leo said, pulling Patty into a hug. "The last time I saw you, you were wearing diapers. Now, look at you." "Well, I'm almost 13 now a-and without a dad," she said. They broke the hug and Patty went back to standing next to Lucy. "And I'm heading into my crazy, mixed-up teenage years and I won't have a mom to fight with," Lucy said, looking at Piper. She blushed. "Angel, you've been in San Francisco?" Lucy nodded. "Aww. Come and give your old man a hug," Leo said. She did. "Mom's incredible. I don't know how you ever let her leave." "All right, girls. Why don't you go talk to your cousin while your dad and I talk?" "Sure. Okay," Patty said. "Take your time," Lucy murmured. They walked away. "Wow. It's amazing. Seeing them…together. Seeing you," Leo said, sitting down on an empty lawn chair. So did Piper. "Yeah. I didn't know about the swap till yesterday when Lucy told me. We've been here less than 3 hours." "We?" Leo asked. "Lucy, Paul, who's Phoebe's son, and myself," Piper said, unsure of what to say next. "So, uh, how have you been?" Leo asked. "Good. I own a total of ten restaurants and three night clubs." "Good." "And what about you? Lucy tells me you've become a doctor." "Well, I'm sorta a substitute doctor, actually. I still have my white-lighter duties," Leo said with a smile. Just then, Jenny came up to them, wearing a yellow-orange bikini. Both Leo and Piper looked up at her. Jenny's smile disappeared. Leo looked from Jenny to Piper and back. "Oh, no Jen. This isn't what it looks like," Leo said, standing up. "It looks like your courting another woman," she said. "Leo's right. This isn't what it looks," she said, standing up. Leo put his hand on his forehead, trying to think. "You know what, Jen? This is a very small world," Leo said. Jenny giggled a little. "How small?"

Just then, Patty stepped up next to Jenny. "Hi, Jenny." "Hello," Jenny said, glancing down at her. Lucy then stepped up beside Jenny's other side. "How are you?" Jenny's eyes widened when she saw Lucy. She gasped. "What? What in the world…?" "Jen, did I ever tell you that Lucy was a twin?" Leo asked, already knowing the answer. "Um, no. You never did." "Oh, don't feel bad, Jenny. He never told me either. Oh, and I'm the real Lucy Wyatt. This is Patty." She pointed at her sister. "She was here, pretending to be me, while I was at her home, pretending to be her. And this is our mother, Piper Halliwell." Jenny eyed Piper. She smiled sheeply. Jenny guessed that they were there to talk about the girls.

Leo and Lucy walked out of the hotel later that night, all dressed up. Leo was wearing a nice pair of black jeans, a white dressy shirt, black coat, and black dressy shoes. Lucy wore a bright yellow sleeveless shirt, a golden, knee-length skirt, white dressy socks, and a nice pair of white flats. She had her hair in a neat yellow scruncy. "Luce, I've had it with the surprises today. Can you please tell me where we're going?" Leo pleaded. "You're going to love it. Trust me." At that moment, Piper, Patty, and Paul joined them. Paul wore a red shirt, black jeans, and the tennis shoes to match. Piper wore a turquoise sleeveless shirt connected to a dark blue skirt, white tights, and blue short heels. Patty wore dark red pants, white shirt, white socks, and the same kind of shoes her mother wore, but black. She carried a small blue jean purse. "Hello," Piper said. Leo looked at her, thinking she was so beautiful. "Hi," he said, breathlessly. As Lucy went over to her sister and cousin, Piper walked over to her ex-husband. "Do you have any clue where they're taking to us?" she whispered. Leo just shook his head.

They took a cab over to an abandoned building by the bay. Leo and Piper looked puzzled. The cab drove away. The building looked like it had been through a fire, but was still standing. There was a sign on the top of the tan building, but it was burnt out and nobody could make out a single letter. "This is where we're having dinner?" Leo asked. Before anyone could answer, they heard a woman scream. It was Catrina. "Uh, Patty, Paul, and I should go take care of that." "No. What if it's a demon or a warlock?" Piper asked. "If anyone is hurt, Patty or dad can heal," Lucy assured her. They ran inside before Leo or Piper could answer. In the big dinning room, there was a warlock. some invisible force was kicking and hitting him. "All right, Catrina!" Lucy cried. A couple of seconds later, Catrina appeared beside them. "Well, it looks like I'll add 4 powers to my collection," the warlock sneered, standing up from his position. Patty froze him. "Why don't the three of you say a spell?" Catrina asked. "What spell?" Lucy asked. "I've got one," Patty said. She quickly taught it to her cousin and sister. They held hands and the warlock unfroze.

"Warlock that's here to ruin Piper and Leo's surprise
I command you to vanquish before my eyes
We send you to the world below
To hell is where you should go."

"No. No!" the warlock cried. He began to squirm around, like something inside of him desperately tried to get out (like in the episode Pre-Witch). He then exploded. Lucy turned to Catrina. "Is everything ready?" she asked, carelessly, as if nothing happened. "Yes," Catrina said. She turned on the lights. The room lit up. It had been painted with a sunset yellow. There was a big stage and on it sat a huge paper pineapple. On either side of the stage was what looked like a small, thin well, shooting out a sprinkler like water that didn't go anywhere but up. Lights from inside each well were seen, changing from blue to yellow to red. "There is a large Hawaiian Pizza in the oven and two cokes are on the counter." "Great. I'll go get mom and dad," Lucy announced. She went outside to get her parents. Patty took out a CD titled LOVE SONGS. She put it in the boom box on the table behind her. Catrina went back to the kitchen. Lucy entered with their parents a moment later. Patty hit the play button. The song Love will bring you back came blasting trough the speakers. Patty turned up the volume. The sign above the stage read TOSCANNA in bright letters. "Girls," Piper cried, breath taken. Leo was too. There was only one table set in front of the stage for two people. "The table's only set for two," Leo observed. "It's supposed to be. We're not joining you," Patty said. "You're not?" Piper asked. Catrina entered, still wearing her cook's outfit and carrying a tray with 2 cokes on it. "No, but I'll be your waitress tonight," she announced. She put the cokes on the table. Piper shrugged and sat down. Patty, Paul, and Lucy scampered off into the kitchen. Leo looked at the sign. He then realized what was going on. "Piper, they're recreating our first real date," he told her, sitting down at the table. Piper gasped. "The building, the sign," Leo said. Catrina came back in, carrying a large Hawaiian pizza on her tray. "The meal?" she asked, putting the pizza down in front of them. Piper looked at Catrina, still breath taken. "It's absolutely sweet," Piper said. Catrina went back into the kitchen.

Patty sat on the counter of the kitchen. Paul was standing by the other side of the counter, leaning his arms against it. Lucy was sitting right across from Patty. "Do you guys think it'll work?" Paul asked, taking a bite of his slice of pepperoni pizza that Catrina made for them. The place they were at used to be a pizza parlor called Sannia's, but there was a huge fire and they closed the business. One of Catrina's friends used to work there. Patty took a sip of her root beer. "Yeah. Mom told me all about her first real date with dad," Lucy explained. She had already told Paul that Leo used to be his mother's and aunts white-lighter. "I think it will work. It has to," Patty said. Paul sighed. "I hope so."

Unfortunately, the "date" hadn't lit fireworks in Piper and Leo's eyes, but the 2 agreed to have Lucy fly to San Francisco for Christmas and that Patty would fly to New Orleans for Easter. The two were in the lobby with Paul. Just then, both Patty and Lucy came down, each wearing the same outfit: yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. Both parents looked at them. "Patty, what are you doing? We've got to get back home," Piper said. "Well, here's the deal. We thought this whole thing over last night, and we decided we were being totally gypped," Lucy said. "Dad, we both want to go on that camping trip," Patty said. "What camping trip?" Paul asked. "The one we go on every year before the beginning of school," Patty said. The two parents looked at each other. Leo looked at each of the girls, examining them closely. He then looked at Patty. "This one's Lucy. I'm positive." "You know, I hope you're correct dad, because you wouldn't want to have the wrong kid." "Would you?" Lucy finished. Leo stood up and looked at Piper. She couldn't decide either and didn't want to use a spell against them. The two looked behind them at Paul. "Don't look at me," he scoffed. The parents looked back at the twins. "Here's our deal. We pack our things, go back to dad's, and the 5 of us leave on the camping trip. And when you bring us back on Wednesday, we'll tell you who's Patty and who's Lucy."

When Jenny found out, she was mad. She confronted Leo while he was loading the truck. "And what am I supposed to do for 3 days?" she asked. "You'll figure it out. Besides that, I'm in a sticky problem." "What does that mean?" she asked as he put a sleeping bag in the back. "Well…" Leo began. Piper came down the stairs, smiling and ready for the trip. "Excuse me? What is she doing here?" Jenny asked. "Well, that's part of the deal. Piper, the girls, and I go on the camping trip with Paul, Piper's sister's kid," Leo told her. Before Jenny could protest, Piper reached them. "Hello, Jenny. Are you okay?" "Um, well no. Because I didn't realize that you were going on this little camping trip and to be honest, I'm not pleased." "I agree totally. I think the ex-wife in the next bed is a little creepy." "Thanks," Jenny said, unhappy. "I absolutely insist you join us," Piper said. Jenny looked at her shocked. "Piper…" Leo began. "No, Leo. I've screwed up your day yesterday by coming here. Please, please let me do this for you."

Patty, Paul, Lucy, and Leo were loading the jeep a couple minutes later while Piper got Jenny ready. The two of them came down. Lucy noticed this. "Dad, what's Jenny doing?" "Your mother invited her," Leo informed, unhappily as he put the cooler in the back. "You're joking," Patty insisted. "Behave, you guys," Leo told all 3 kids. They all looked at each other. Paul had agreed to help the twins drive Jenny away from Leo. Finally, a couple minutes later, they were ready. Paul sat in back of the truck with his cousins and Jenny sat in the front with her fiance. Piper stood outside the truck by Leo. "Okay. Have fun, everyone," Piper said, smiling. "Mom, what are you doing?" "Well girls, I decided that the 5 of you would have much more fun without me." "Aunt Piper, that's not part of the deal," Paul said. "Wait. If you're not going, I don't have to. Believe me, I'm more of an indoors girl." "Oh, but this is your big chance to get to know the twins. After all, starting in 10 days, they'll be your stepdaughters." Jenny smiled annoyingly at her. "All right." Leo started the truck and then drove away.

Leo drove to the nearest woods in Southern Louisiana. They began unloading the jeep. Paul pulled a sleeping bag out. Suddenly, he was pulled into a premonition, 3 in fact. He first saw Jenny and Leo kissing at their wedding, then Lucy in boarding school, then Catrina carrying suitcases out of Leo's home. Leo looked at him as he opened his eyes. "You all right?" "Yeah." Paul looked over at Jenny, who was struggling to take out a tent. "Just a vision," he told Leo quietly. "I should have known you would inherit that power from your mother. What'd ya see?" Leo asked, concerned. "Nothing important. No accidents, attacks, or killings. No demons or warlocks." "Well, all right, but if you have any more, tell me or one of the girls," Leo instructed. Paul nodded. Leo went back to unpacking. The twins came over to him. "What'd ya see?" "Well, I saw Jenny and Leo getting married, Lucy in boarding school, and Catrina getting fired." "Not if we can help it," Lucy said quietly. They all looked at Jenny suspiciously.

During the way to the camp site, the twins and Paul played all kinds of tricks on Jenny, like putting a tree lizard on her soda bottle (which she freaked out when she saw it), put a couple of rocks and a bottle of sugar and water in her backpack. That night, they sat around the campfire, finishing their fish dinner and smiling. They were all having a good time, except Jenny. She sat next to Leo, wrapped in a blanket. "You sure you don't want any fish, Jenny?" Paul asked. "No. I don't want any meals that have sea creatures with bones in them. I'll wait until morning." "Well, we're gonna make some s'mores later if you want some." "No thank you, honey. I'm trying to cut back on the sweets." She looked lovingly into his eyes. He smiled. Jenny slapped a mosquito on her leg. "God. What are these mosquitoes thinking? That I'm running a free blood bank?" "What are you using?" Leo asked. Jenny handed him her insect repellent. He examined it. "Well, it's sugar and water, what attracts insects. Where'd you get it?" Jenny looked slightly at the twins and Paul annoyed. "Um, you know what? I'm just going to hit the stack," Jenny told Leo, smiling sweetly and lovingly at him. She gave him a long, passionate kiss. The kids sighed and rolled their eyes. Jenny left.

"Girls, Paul, I'm telling you guys, knock it off. Jenny isn't a big outdoorsy type. This isn't her thing, all right? So just cool it," Leo said. "What did we do, Dad?" Patty asked, innocently. He gave her a look. She smiled at him. "We love you dad," Lucy said. "I love you girls too," Leo said. He gave each of his daughters a kiss on the forehead and a hug.

Around midnight, Lucy woke up with an idea to drive Jenny away. She woke Patty up and told her. The two of them got dressed, walked over to Jenny's tent, and dragged Jenny, who was lying on the air mattress she brought, out. She was snoring. The two girls put the mattress on the lake and pushed it away. "Pleasant dreams, step mother," Patty said while Lucy laughed her head off.

In the morning, Paul woke up to the sound of Jenny screaming Leo's name. He poked his head out of his tent to see Jenny freaking out on her mattress, which was in the middle of the lake. Paul looked over at the twins. They winked an eye at him. Paul smiled and looked back at Jenny. She fell into the lake. He bit back some laughter and looked over at Leo. He had seen the whole thing. He walked over to where the campfire used to be as Jenny came up to him. "What's going on? Are you all right?" Jenny took a deep sigh to calm herself down. "Leo, honey, I love you so much, but I can't live with children. I hate children. So, either you send your girls to live with their mother, perminitely, boarding school, or something. I have to say this, Leo. You have to choose between the girls or me." She folded her arms across her chest, smiling, as if she knew what Leo would choose. He looked at his girls, smiled, then looked back at Jenny. "I choose my girls." Patty sighed. "What?" Jenny asked in disbelief. "It's Patty and Lucy I choose." "Then this relationship is over and so is the wedding," Jenny vowed.

About three hours later, they arrived back at Leo's place. Piper was in the kitchen with Catrina, cooking grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch when Patty and Paul came in. "We're home!" Paul exclaimed. "Hi. You're back so soon. Now, which one are you?" Piper asked, walking over to her daughter. "Patty." Piper put her arm around her daughter's shoulder. Just then, Lucy and Leo came in, both carrying some of the equipment. "Hi mom." Lucy came over to her mom and made a three way hug. They then broke the hug. Piper looked around. "Where's Jenny?" Leo put the sleeping bag he was holding in a chair. "You would not believe what happened this morning." He sat down on a stool by the counter as Piper went back to cooking. "This morning. I woke up to the sound of Jenny screaming my name. I look out of my tent to see her in the lake on her mattress. She then falls in the lake, came to me, and made me choose between the girls and herself," Leo explained. The girls had gone back to get more of the camping stuff out and putting it in their places. "Obviously you choose the girls," Catrina said with a slight smile. Leo smiled back. "Of course."

For dinner, Patty, Lucy, and Paul made themselves their own dinner and ate in Lucy's room. Catrina joined them too, convincing Piper and Leo that they needed some time alone. Leo decided to wash his face and change his clothes. Little did he know that he was wearing the exact same outfit he was wearing when he first met Leo. He passed by Lucy's room. The door was wide open. "My turn," Lucy said. Leo looked in. The four of them playing Mario Party 2 on Nintendo 64. They were eating frozen pizza and drinking soda. They all looked at Leo. "Hey dad," Patty said. "Wow. You look so handsome. Why are you dressed up?" Lucy asked. Leo blushed a little. "Good night, guys," he said, closing the door. The twins looked at Paul and Catrina. They all crossed their fingers, hoping for the best.

Piper was wearing a yellow tank top and some blue jeans. She was taking her pot roast out of the oven when Leo came down the stairs. "Ow," Piper said, quickly and quietly. "You all right?" Leo asked concerned as he came up behind her. "Yeah. It's just a little consequence of cooking hot food." Leo smiled. He thought back to when they were married. Piper always cooked most of their dinners, even when she was pregnant with the girls. She loved to cook. So did Lucy, Leo told himself. Piper turned around and for a second, Leo saw her wearing her wedding dress. "Leo?" Piper asked, snapping Leo out of his daze. "What?" "I asked you why you were staring at me?" "Oh, it's nothing." Piper looked down at Leo's outfit and giggled. "What?" "Nothing. It's just… that was the outfit you wore when I first met you." Leo looked down and realized it was true. "Oh. I forgot," he said with a chuckle. Piper and Leo smiled and looked into each others eyes. "Uh, that reminds me," Leo said, reaching into his pack pocket and pulling out a small, thin, purple box. "I wanted to give you this." He handed it to Piper. She took it and opened it. She gasped.

It was a white chained bracelet with little golden stars and red heart charms. "Oh," Piper gasped. "Um, that was the bracelet you left at the house, the day you…" "I know. I know." Leo and Piper's eyes wondered and ran into each other's. For what felt like hours, they stared at each other, remembering all the reasons they loved each other. Then, the love between them burst and they went into a long, passionate kiss.

Upstairs, Patty and Lucy were spying on them. They saw their parents kiss. They snuck back to the room. Paul and Catrina looked at them. The twins gave them thumbs up.

Unfortunately, the little romance hadn't turned up the heat. The next morning was stormy. The Halliwells were preparing to leave. Everyone exchanged their good-byes. The Halliwells took a cab to the airport. Everyone was extremely sad and depressed.

About 5 minutes , Lucy, Leo, and Catrina stood around the kitchen, depressed. Lucy looked at her dad. She could tell he was depressed. "Dad?" Leo looked at his daughter. "Do you love mom?" That made Leo think.

A couple of hours later, the plane landed in San Francisco, where it was stormy too. Prue picked them up. On the drive home, Prue noticed how sad her sister and niece were. They missed Lucy and Leo. Prue did too. Phoebe told her about the switch the morning that Piper found out. The whole group back to the Manor in silence.

Piper, Paul, and Patty walked into the manor and found it utterly quiet. "Mom?" Paul called throughout the house. Then, a sound came from the kitchen. "She must be in the kitchen," Piper said. They all walked into the kitchen and to all their shocks, they saw Lucy there, chopping some cheese for a plate of crackers that sat next to her. She looked up. "Hey guys," she said, casually. "What are you doing here?" Patty asked in disbelief. Lucy put down the knife and looked at them seriously. "Well, it took a couple of minutes after you guys left for us to realize that, we never want to loss you guys again." "We?" Piper asked. Suddenly, Leo orbed in front of Piper. Patty and Paul walked over to Lucy so Leo and Piper could have some room. "We." She gasped. "I'm sorry for not making our relationship work, but if I had a second chance, I'd try my best." He bent down on one knee. Piper gasped again.

"I'm sorry I don't have a ring, but I do have one thing to say. Piper Halliwell, I'd be honored…if you would renter my life…as my wife." Patty, Lucy, and Paul held their breaths, hoping Piper would say yes. Piper grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him up. She then pulled him into a passionate kiss. About a minute later, Leo pulled away. "Does that mean yes?" Piper scoffed. "And I thought you said we were soul mates." He smiled and so did everyone else. Lucy took Patty and Paul's hands and let them into the conservatory. "We did it! We did it! We actually did it!" Lucy exclaimed excitingly. "With some help from Paul," Patty reminded her twin. She looked at her cousin. "If you hadn't gotten those visions, we might not have succeeded." "And I might be dead." Patty gave her a questionable look. "Later." "Hey, no problem…cuz," Paul said. They all smiled.

Leo and Piper told the whole family that they were engaged again. They moved into a house right across the street from the manor with the twins and Catrina. Three weeks later, after Patty and Lucy's huge 13th birthday part, Piper and Leo had a traditional wedding at a local church. Patty, Jo, and Lucy were the flower girls. Prue, Phoebe, and Catrina were the bride maids. Paul was the ring boy. Jason and Andrew were the best men. They had a great wedding.

A week later, after Piper and Leo came back from their Hawaiian Honeymoon, Piper found out that she was having another kid. And 9 months later, gave birth to a baby boy. She and Leo named him Angel H. Wyatt. The twins also changed their last names to H. Wyatt.