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Phoebe's Adventure

by Amanda Reynolds

Chapter 1

(in the kitchen of the manor)

Phoebe: 1, 2, 3

Piper and Phoebe: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Prue: Thanks you guys, but can we just leave it at that I don't exactly feel like celebrating today.

Piper: You can't not celebrate your 30th birthday

Phoebe: Yeah come on Prue, your not doing anything else

Prue: I might be

Phoebe: Like what? Have you got your eyes on someone

Prue: No

Phoebe: Well then you can celebrate anyway? Piper's already thought of something to do!

Prue: What?

Piper: We're going to have a completely witch free day, which includes a picnic and then a stroll by the beach, oh and then a huge party at P3

Prue: Oh I don't know

Phoebe: Come on you have to, me and Piper have already called in and said we're sick, please Prue?

Piper: Please?

Prue: Oh ok then, but Piper can we have no Leo? (Leo orbs in) obviously not then

Phoebe: Leo speak quickly and then go!

Leo: Thanks Pheebs

Piper: She doesn't mean it, but be quick we're very busy today (kissing Leo)

Leo: Right well actually I came to ask you something?

Piper: What?

Leo: Uhh not you

Piper: Thanks

Leo: Prue, have you felt at all weird today, ill or anything?

Prue: No

Phoebe: Why?

Leo: They said that when your mum turned 30 she was really ill something to do with a war...

Piper: Shut up Leo! (interrupting him putting her hand on his mouth)

Phoebe: A war, warrior that's what you were going to say huh?

Leo: Uhh

Piper: Yes that's what he's saying it was something to do with a warrior

Prue: A warrior (laughing) you know you can say the w word you know

Leo: Good can you get off my mouth now? (mumbling as Piper took her hand off)

Leo: Thank you

Prue: Well anyway you don't need to worry I'm fine, I'm just going to get dressed and then us three can go out (walking up the stairs)

Chapter 2

(in the central park having a picnic)

Phoebe: Your glad we took you out now huh?

Prue: I suppose

Piper: Good

Prue: But I don't know about the party

Phoebe: I don't care what you think we need one for putting up with you for 30 years (laughing)

Prue: Thanks Pheebs (shoving her over)

Piper: I hate strawberries now

Prue: You just ate the whole tub that's why (laughing)

Phoebe: Yeah and you didn't even offer them to me (suddenly she gasped bright white light filled her eyes before her she saw Prue and Piper crying looking at her in a hospital)

Prue: What is it Phoebe?

Piper: Are you ok? Take a deep breath

Phoebe: No I'm fine just carry on, it wasn't important (she lied)

Prue: Are you sure?

Phoebe: Yeah

Chapter 3

(back at the manor)

Piper: what are you doing in there Pheebs?

Phoebe: Uhh nothing (in between being sick into the toilet in the bathroom)

Piper: Ok then, but hurry up we're about to leave

Phoebe: I'll catch you up (she sat breathlessly)

Prue: Are you sure?

Phoebe: Yeah you go (being sick again, but she didn't want to ruin Prue's birthday)

Piper: Ok bye (Phoebe heard the door slam shut, slowly she got up and went out to the kitchen she got a bucket and went and sat down in the parlor)

Phoebe: I'll be ok in a minute and then I can go and join Piper and Prue (to herself)

Phoebe: Uhh I feel really dizzy (passing out)

Chapter 4

(3 hours later, Phoebe hadn't joined Piper and Prue at P3 so they were on their way back to the manor)

Piper: That's really weird that she didn't turn up, she was so excited earlier

Prue: Maybe Cole popped by, or some other of her boyfriends

Piper: Don't be like that Prue

Prue: Well she's just ruined my birthday

Piper: Sorry I couldn't be Phoebe

Prue: I didn't mean that, I just would have liked to have both of my sisters there

Piper: I know she better have a good excuse (opening the door of the manor and going in)

Prue: Really good excuse Pheebs, falling asleep, come on wake up (shaking her)

Piper: Phoebe?

Prue: She's not waking up!

Piper: Leo? (she called)

Prue: Leo? (as Leo orbed in)

Leo: Yeah?

Piper: Leo, help, you've got to help

Leo: Calm down, what's the matter?

Prue: Phoebe, she won't wake up!

Leo: Ok Piper get an ambulance, she'll be ok, let me have a look (crouching down to Phoebe)

Chapter 5

(in the hospital)

Prue: How long do they have to be? (pacing)

Piper: She'll be ok

Prue: They should be quicker or something!

Leo: Prue there being as quick as they can

Prue: Can't you orb in and see if she's ok?

Leo: Prue you know I can't do that

Piper: Why not? For gods sake we're supposed to be witches we save people can't we get one single bloody thing back!

Leo: Piper, calm down, both of you, you know we can't use our powers (as the doctor came in)

Prue and Piper: How is she?

Doctor: Sit down (they did so)

Leo: She is ok right?

Doctor: She is stable at the moment

Piper: What was wrong with her?

Doctor: We're not sure, we're still doing tests but there seems to be a bite of some sort on the back of her neck, that could be the reason

Prue: Why did she pass out then?

Doctor: We she seems to have been sick a lot, she had drained all of her energy

Leo: But she'll be ok though?

Doctor: I'm not sure, lets just see how she is in 24 hours (leaving)

Chapter 6

(in Phoebe's room later)

Piper: Do you think its a warlock or something?

Prue: Most probably looking at our bloody good luck

Leo: Prue calm down, if Phoebe wakes up she'll want to see you happy not stressed!

Prue: Yeah sorry

Piper: Where was the bite again?

Prue: Her neck why?

Leo: Isn't that where that warlock grabbed her, yesterday?

Piper: It could be, but we didn't find out what he was, he's still out there somewhere

Prue: Maybe the Book of Shadows would help, it might say something about weird bites, and how to cure them

Leo: I think the only way to cure them would be to vanquish the warlock

Piper: How are we going to do that? We need the power of three?

Prue: Maybe not

Chapter 7

(in the manor the next morning, Phoebe still hadn't woken up, the other two girls and Leo sat in the attic with lots of candles surrounding them)

Leo: I'm not sure, you guys

Prue: Well we are, aren't we Piper?

Piper: Yeah, we can't just sit back while Phoebe's in that hospital

Leo: Ok

Prue: Right so the plan is, use this spell to summon any warlocks we haven't vanquished in the last week, and hopefully we'll be able to then vanquish them all and then Pheebs will be fine.

Leo: But there are going to be loads of warlocks, you need to make the spell smaller, just asking for the warlocks you haven't vanquished but have been here to see you

Piper: What?

Leo: If you summon all of them then even ones that have never attacked you will come, you only want the ones which have attacked you, get it?

Prue: Right ok then (scribbling it all down) what about this? (holding up the new spell)

Leo: Yeah it might work.

Piper: Come on then

Leo: Wait a minute, we don't have a spell to vanquish it

Piper: I'll freeze it and then we'll find a spell to vanquish it

Leo: What if it is stronger than just being able to freeze?

Prue: Then we'll have to, we'll sort it out when we have to, now come on, Pheebs needs us.

(chanting) From the sun to the sea; air to fire; bring us the warlocks; who have passed through these doors; in the past seven days

Leo: It didn't work

Prue: YES IT DID! (looking behind them there were about 4 warlocks)

Leo: Piper freeze them!

Piper: I'm trying (holding her hands up 3 of the warlocks froze)

Prue: Woah, ok bye bye mister (holding up her hands and sending him flying out of the door)

Leo: Good one (helping the sisters to lock the door and push loads of furniture in front of it)

Piper: Now for the vanquishes

Chapter 8

(in the hospital)

Doctor: She's getting worse!

Nurse: What should we do, we're doing everything we can!

Doctor: Call her sisters, she may not have long left

Nurse: Right away

Nurse 2: We'll give her more oxygen

Doctor: And I'll give her a shot of antibiotics

Nurse 3: Don't you worry Phoebe, you'll be fine, your sisters are on their way (talking into Phoebe's ear)

Chapter 9

(in the attic)

'ring ring'

Leo: The phone

Piper: I know, right 3 down 1 to go (they had vanquished all of the warlocks that had been frozen)

Prue: Ok let him in (Leo and Piper moved back, Prue raised her hands and the warlock cam with a force through the door)

Piper: What have you done to our sister? (shouting while Prue held him pinned up the wall)

Warlock: Witch!

Piper: Yeah clever, now what do we need to do to you to get you tell us how to help out sister?

Warlock: Phoebe?

Prue: How did you know?

Warlock: The hospital is on the phone, looks like little Phoebes only got a few hours left

Prue: Your lying!

Warlock: Am I? (the phone carries on ringing Leo goes to answer it, he comes back in a few minutes)

Prue: Well?

Leo: He's right

Piper: No, how do we help her?! (shouting)

Prue: Tell us (tightening her grip of him)

Warlock: Only the power of three can vanquish me (and he disappeared)

Piper: What?

Leo: You've got to get Phoebe, he'll go straight there, to finish her off so you can't vanquish him

Prue: But Phoebe's unconscious she can't do the spell

Leo: Bring her back here, I'll see what I can do

Piper: Isn't that against the rules?

Leo: Yeah but never mind, Prue astral project there and grab Phoebe

Prue: Ok

Chapter 10

(in the attic)

Piper: This is a stupid idea, what if Pheebs dies on the way or something?

Leo: She won't (as Prue astral projected back with Phoebe, she laid Phoebe down gently)

Piper: She's so pale (crying)

Leo: From the dead inside, and the dead outside wake up to relive the past 5 minutes (Phoebe suddenly sat up coughing, Piper and Prue both hugged her crying)

Leo: Quick summon the demon!

Piper and Prue: (standing up and leaving Phoebe) From the sun to the sea; air to fire; bring us the warlocks; who have passed through these doors; in the past seven days

(the demon that was left appeared)

Prue: You don't mess with the charmed girls!

All three girls: The power of three will save us; the power of three will save us; the power of three will save us

(Phoebe and the demon both fell to the ground)

Prue: Oh my god, Pheebs, can you hear me?

Piper: Phoebe? (suddenly Phoebe opened her eyes and gasped for air)

Prue: Oh its ok, you ok now (hugging her tightly)

Phoebe: Did, did we just vanquish something?

Piper: Yeah, but don't worry he's gone now

Phoebe: Prue

Prue: Yeah?

Phoebe: I'm sorry about spoiling your birthday

Prue: That's ok, don't be silly (all three girls hugging)