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The Power Of Three Gone Forever... Or Is It?

by PiperH

Piper stared into nothingness. Her thoughts were drifting elsewhere as her husband, Leo, was reassuringly holding her. She tried hard not to remember that horrible day, but there was no stopping it. She had to remember Prue…

Three Days Earlier

Phoebe held onto Cole as Leo tried to revive Prue. Piper was crying softly and Leo finally spoke tears in his eyes. "Piper…She's…Gone…" Suddenly The Source materialized before them a white ball held in his hand. He laughed and looked towards the sisters. "Well, well what do we have here. One witch down and two more to go." He held the white ball out and an odd glow came from Prue's body. The glow filled the ball and The Source laughed once again. Cole screamed. "NO!" Phoebe and Piper looked puzzled as Cole lunged at The Source, changing to his demonic form, Belthazor. The Source merely backed up. "I have her soul, witches. And there's nothing you can do about it." With those words, The Source, disappeared. Leo gasped, wiping stray tears from Piper's face with the back of his hand. Belthazor had changed back to his human form and was holding a hysteric Phoebe. Cole looked to the sky and thought, "She never liked me…But I would never want something like this to happen to one of Phoebe's sisters…I wish I could've done something!" He pounded his free hand on the table, and cursed. Phoebe looked up at him. "W-what is it Cole?" Cole growled. "I could've done something, Phoebe!" He cursed again. Leo shook his head. "No one could do anything…" Cole looked at the whitelighter. Leo spoke again. "Don't blame it on yourself…I'm a whitelighter, I'm supposed to protect them! I cannot believe I let this happen!" Piper hadn't said a word after Leo announced Prue's death. She looked towards the innocent whom was slumped on the floor. He was gone too. She shook her head and began to cry harder. "This can't be happening." Thought Piper. "The Power of Three is broken. Now that Prue is gone we'll all die…" Leo looked at Piper then to Phoebe. "I am so sorry…I wish I could've done something…" Cole was now sitting on the couch and Phoebe was sitting on Piper's left side. She seemed to have slipped into some kind of daze. Leo was on her right side and was shaking her shoulder. "Piper? Piper, what's wrong?" Piper's body fell limp and her eyes closed. Phoebe looked at her then Leo. "Leo, w-what's wrong with her?" Leo shook his head. "She must've fainted." He lifted Piper off the floor and walked towards the couch. Cole stood and looked at Phoebe. "I'm going down." Phoebe looked up at Cole. "You can't go! They'll kill you for sure!" Cole shook his head. "Phoebe, I don't want The Source coming back for you and Piper! I am going." Cole shimmered out, leaving Phoebe standing there. Leo looked to Phoebe. "I think I should orb us "up there". It'll be safer there." Phoebe looked shocked. "What about Cole?" Leo stood and picked up Piper again. "He can take care of himself. Let's go, Phoebe." Phoebe sighed and grabbed onto Piper's hand and Leo orbed them out. They reappeared in a heaven-like place. The floor was smoky, and it looked more like clouds then spoke. Pillars were everywhere. People in white robes walked around, talking by clicking noises. All of the people had the hoods of the robes up, and their faces weren't showing. The only thing that was showing, was an odd light. Leo walked through the people, towards a large building with pillars in front of it. He stopped, and looked at Phoebe. "This is where the elders hold their meetings." Leo was fighting back tears as Phoebe pounded on the door. "She's been out for a while…Is she O.K.?" Tears were streaming down Phoebe's face as she talked and then the door swung open. A person stood in front of them, wearing the same robes as all the others. Leo looked at him and bowed his head. "I must speak to the elders, immediately." The man looked puzzled. "I cannot disturb the elders." Leo nearly broke down. "One of the Charmed Ones is dead, is that important enough?" The man gasped and stepped aside. Leo walked down the hallways, filled with people wearing light blue robes. Phoebe followed, and Leo looked around, still carrying Piper. They came to a door and Leo nodded. Phoebe knocked on the door. A man in a dark blue robe appeared, hood down. He glared at Leo. "How dare you disturb us! And bring your witch here as well!" Leo looked at him. "One of the Charmed Ones is dead." The man swiftly moved aside to reveal a room; the floor surprisingly like it was outside. There were 10 chairs surrounding a wooden table. On the table was a large, round, glass ball. One of the robed people turned and spoke to Leo in the clicking language. He nodded, and moved towards the back of the room. The room seemed bigger as he walked and he noticed rows and rows of chairs. He gave the elders a puzzled look and put Piper in a large chair. Leo called her name softly. She didn't reply. Phoebe had found a chair and dragged it next to Piper's. Finally, one of the people spoke. "We heard of your sister's passing, and we are greatly sorry. This brings a tragedy to the whitelighter world." He turned to Leo. "Could you please bring her soul back?" Leo shook his head. "The Source took it." Leo nudged Piper and she finally woke. "L-Leo? Where are we?" The elder turned to Piper but quickly looked back to the other nine men and women pacing around. He spoke to the rest of them in the clicking language and Leo gasped. Phoebe and Piper looked at him and he simply shook his head. The elder spoke once again. "You shall return to your world. The Source has been finished off." Phoebe looked at the elder. "You vanquished him?" The elder nodded. "In a sense, yes we vanquished him. Now, off with you." Leo nodded and stood. Phoebe did so as well. Leo helped Piper up and held her. Phoebe grabbed Piper's hand and they orbed out. Phoebe looked around. "I hope Cole is ok…" She looked at the couch, to see Cole fast asleep on it. Phoebe checked the calendar. "Oh my gosh! Leo, we've been gone for three days!" Phoebe looked for the innocent and Prue's body. Cole awoke to Phoebe's voice and he sat up. "Phoebe? Are you ok?" Phoebe walked over and hugged him, and Cole bent down and kissed her. Leo looked at Piper who was on the couch, staring off in nowhere. Phoebe held back tears. "Where's Prue?" Cole bowed his head. "Inspector Morris took her. They want you to make funeral arrangements. Piper looked at Cole, stood and walked up the stairs. She walked in her room, the sound of the door slamming echoing down the halls. Leo stood and orbed out. He reappeared in Piper's room. Cole stood. "I guess I should leave." Phoebe had begun to cry about a minute after he said this. He held her. "Shhh…Its ok…I'll stay." Phoebe lay down on the couch and closed her eyes. Cole sat on the recliner. Piper had her face buried in her pillow, unaware that Leo was standing behind her. She heard his footsteps waved her hands and blew a hole in the wall behind him. Leo looked at Piper. "I'm not a demon." She pulled her head from the pillow and looked at him. "Oh, Leo I'm so sorry…"

The Present

Piper awoke from her daze and looked around. She must've slept. "Prue's funeral is toady…" She heard a soft tapping at her door. "Piper? Piper, honey, are you up?" It was Phoebe. She stood. "I'm up Phoebes." Phoebe was still outside her door. "Is it ok if I come in?" Piper walked to the door and opened it. She stepped aside and Phoebe walked in. "Are you going to be ok at the funeral?" Piper looked at Phoebe. "As ok as I'll ever be without her. I have to get dressed. I'll come down when I'm done." Phoebe got the point and walked out. Piper flopped onto her bed. "Prue…."

Paige flipped aimlessly through a newspaper, feet on her desk. She put it down and sighed. Suddenly, the pages flipped to the obituaries. She read the first one on the page. "Prue Halliwell? Hey maybe we have a relation. I guess I better go. Not like I have anything better to do…" Paige checked her watch. "Oh no! The funeral starts in a half-an-hour!" She got up and left. Her boss stared at her. "Where do you think your going?" Paige finally had an excuse to leave work. "One of my distant cousin's funerals." She pointed to the obituary. Her boss nodded. "For once, Paige, you have an excuse…" Paige jogged out the door to her car.

Piper looked at her sister's grave stone. She ran her fingers along her sister's name. Leo stood behind her, head bowed. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come on Piper, let's go." Paige stood in the back, watching Piper. Paige turned her head to the side as Piper and Leo began to leave. She walked to the grave stone. "Prue Halliwell…" Paige read the gravestone. "I wonder…" Paige quickly got in her car and drove to a nearby church. She went inside. "Sister Agnes?" Paige looked around. A nun appeared from the front of church. "Paige! I'm so glad you're here!" Paige nodded. "Do I have any sisters?" Sister Agnes sighed. "Why do you ask?" Paige held up the obituary. Sister Agnes nodded and walked back to the convent. Paige followed. Sister Agnes went in her room and dug a box out of the back of her closet. She held up a blanket with a "P" on it. "Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell are your sisters."