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by Maggie White

The day started well and had no demon fighting. At the moment but they were waiting for Phoebe to come running down the stairs saying, "We have to go I saw a victim going to be killed in the park by a demon who reaches in your chest and pulls your soul out." When that didn't happen they sighed with relief until Phoebe had a premonition in the shower. What she saw had her shaking and almost in tears. There was a innocent at the drive-in who was being attacked by a women in pure white, who cut into the victim's chest, releasing their life giving soul. After she calmed down she dressed in her robe. Running down stairs yelling, "Prue, Piper show time! We have to look at the book." They came running. Prue replied, "What did you see?" Piper stood by with an amazed "Oh great" look on her face. Phoebe says, "Its a new demon, one we never fought before. It was a women who reminded you of Bloody Mary." They went to the book opened to the page of Enchantra. "The book says, she feeds off souls for power." "Does it say how we stop her?" Phoebe replied. "Through astral projection she is like a ghostly demon. Only through that she can be vanquished. We have to get Prue to throw a melting potion over her bones. As Prue drains her power that is the only way." So they got to work quickly as they prepared for their fight. They jumped in the jeep and finally got to the spot of the ghost. Prue threw the ghost away from the young girl, as Phoebe pulled out the potion. Prue got into her astral body and started punching the demon. As the demon grew weak Prue came back to her body and Phoebe threw the potion on her bones. Soon the demon began to melt. They made sure the young girl got home safe. They went home to rest after another hard day on the kill.