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Wanna Be Stalked or Haunted

by Cherie

DISCLAIMER: None of the characters belong to me.

"Hey guys, breakfast is ready!" Piper shouted from the kitchen. She set three plates on the table and placed bacon and eggs on them. Then she laid down the cutlery. "Come on! It's getting cold."

Prue walks in reading a book on English History. She yawns. "Ugh! I've been studying all night, I could sleep in class." She grabs a cup of coffee from the counter and sits down opposite her plate.

"Well too bad, Prue. Get more sleep in the future." Piper said looking at her watch. "Phoebe! You're going to be awfully late if you don't get down now."

The older sisters heard moaning and groaning, then footsteps on the stairs. Phoebe came in looking exhausted.

Piper grabbed her and sat her down. She pushed a plate of food in front of Phoebe. "Eat up. What time did you go to bed last night?"

"12:30 a.m." Piper gave her a dark look. "What? My watch broke. I didn't know the time." Phoebe said defensively. She grabbed her fork and started attacking her food. "Hey! Umm...can someone give a ride to school? I'm to beat to walk." She looked at Prue pleadingly.

Prue shook her head. "Sorry baby. I'm kinda in a rush." Prue downed her second cup of coffee, picked up her school bag and headed out the door. "See you guys later."

Piper watched Prue go then turned her attention to Phoebe who was looking crestfallen. "Alright Pheebs, I'll give you a ride. But hurry up or we're both going to be late."

Phoebe brightened up and gave her sister a swift hug. "Thanks sis. I love you."

Piper cleared the plates, grabbed her car keys and went out the door. Phoebe followed behind.

Prue parked her car in the school's parking lot. She picked up her bag and locked up the car. She looked at her watch, which read 10 to 8. She sighed.

"Hey, Prue. Are you okay?"

Prue turned round to see her boyfriend. Her lips curved up in a smile. "Yeah. I'm good. I'm just a little worked up on the History exam." She saw him raise a skeptical eyebrow. "What? Jack, you know I HATE English History. It's so...dull."

"Dull?! You've got to be kidding me! I kinda think The Middle Ages is cool." Jack took her hand and they walked to class. "Want to go see a movie tonight, Prue?"

Prue shook her head. "Sorry, I can't. I've got to study for my Math's test tomorrow. I'll call you when I'm free."

"Okay. No problem."

"Phoebe Halliwell! You're late." Phoebe's Science teacher glared at her as she took her seat.

"Sorry. I needed the bathroom." Phoebe replied. She got out her books and turned her attention to the front of the class.

"As I was saying, I am planning a school excursion to the Science museum." He took out a stack of papers and handed them round the class. "Please bring these to your parents and get them signed by Friday."

Phoebe looked at the sheet and her face twisted into a look of disgust. She tapped her friend, who was sitting next to her, on the shoulder. "This is boring. We went to this museum last year. Do you want to skip it? We could go to the mall instead."

Phoebe's friend, Alyssa shook her head. "My dad will kill me if I skip school." She picked up her bag and looked inside it. She put her hand in and rummaged around. She pulled out a small blue envelope and handed it to Phoebe. "Here. I'm having a pool party on Wednesday. Can you come?"

Phoebe eagerly grabbed the envelope. "Sure. I'll just have to tell my sisters." She placed it in her bag.

"Piper! How was gym class?"

Piper saw her boyfriend, Leo coming up to her. "Hey. Yeah, it was okay. Mr. Woods made us do 10 laps around the track." She mopped her head with a towel. "So, how was English?"

"It was cool. I like Shakespeare's plays." He gave her his lop-sided grin and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they headed to the girls' lockers. "Are you busy tonight?"

Piper smiled. "What do you have in mind?"

Leo pondered for a few minutes. "How about a movie?"

"Okay. Can you pick me up at 7?"

Leo nodded. They hugged and parted. "Hey, I'll see you at lunch. I've got to get to Science."

Piper watched him walk off. She stopped at the locker room door and went inside.

"Piper, Prue. I'm home." Phoebe announced closing the front door. She looked around and quickly observed that the house was empty. "Great. Now I'll just let my Math's grade go down the drain."

"You better not do that, young lady!"

Phoebe jumped. She turned and saw Prue walking in from the back door. "Uh...hi, Prue."

Prue gave her a stern look. She dropped her bag onto the table. "Want some help on your homework?" Phoebe nodded. "Let me guess, it's Algebra."

"Aw, come on, Prue. You know I suck at Algebra." She stopped. "No wait. Let me rephrase that. I suck at anything to do with Math."

Prue rolled her eyes. "Go. Get. Room. Books out okay? I'll be there in a minute."

Phoebe groaned, took her bag and dragged her feet upstairs. Prue grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge and was about to go upstairs when Piper waltzs through the door.

"Hey there, stranger. How was your day?" Prue asked. She noticed that Piper was glowing with happiness.

"Good. Leo and I are going to go watch a movie tonight so I'd better get my homework done."

"Hmm. Okay, I got to go. I have to teach Phoebe some Algebra," Prue sighed and marched up the stairs.

"Good Luck!" Piper yelled sarcastically. She knew that Math's was Phoebe's weakest subject and no amount of teaching or explaining will penetrate through her youngest sister's head. Piper retreated to her own room to work on her homework.

"Prue, Phoebe! Dinner's ready," Piper called. She set down two plates of spaghetti on the table.

"Wow, Piper! Something sure smells good," Phoebe commented, walking into the kitchen. She eyed the plate and broke into a grin. "Spaghetti! My absolute most favorite dish in the entire universe!" She grabbed a Coke from the fridge and sat down.

"Prue! Come on down before Phoebe consumes your dinner," Piper said. She heard the sound of the doorbell and hurried to open the door. Leo stood outside carrying a bouquet of roses. "Hi, Leo."

"Hey, Piper," Leo said handing her the roses. "These are for you."

"Thanks. Can you wait a minute? I need to get my purse." Leo nodded and Piper went into the kitchen to find her two sisters giggling. "May I ask, what are you laughing about?"

Prue and Phoebe exchanged glances and burst into fits of laughter. Piper rolled her eyes, grabbed her purse and went out the door with Leo.

Prue tossed and turned in her bed. She muttered and stammered in her sleep.

"Prudence! Run away. Don't let him get you too." Prue saw her grandmother urging a 15-year-old Prue out of the house.

"No! I won't let him hurt you," Prue said.

"Too late," A voice behind her grandmother said. Without warning the masked man plunged the knife into her grandmother's back.

"Noo!" Prue screamed.

Prue shot up from her bed, breathing hard. She brushed away her hair and looked at her clock. It read 10:45p.m. Prue sat on her bed shaking. She than dissolved into tears and cried herself to sleep.

"Thanks, Leo," Piper said opening the door.

"It's really not a problem. I'll see you tomorrow." He gave her a hug and walked away.

Piper closed the door. Silence greeted her. She walked into the kitchen and switched on the light. She saw a letter and picked it up. It was addressed to her. She opened it and pulled out the note. Seconds later her hands started shaking. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?" She picked up the note again with trembling hands and read it out loud.

"Your heart will clutch in fear.
You know I'll be near
I'll soon be coming
You'd better start running."

Piper scrunched up the note, threw it in the bin and ran up to her room.

Prue woke up with a groan. Her head was spinning. "This is just what I need. A headache in the morning on a school day," she said sarcastically. She got out of bed and sat down suddenly. She recalled the dream she had last night. Tears came into her eyes. "I miss you, Grams." Prue got dressed and went downstairs to find her younger sisters eating breakfast.

"Morning, Prue," Phoebe said with her mouth full. She waited for a reply but got none. She studied her sister's face and noticed that she looked exhausted. "Prue, are you okay?"

Prue nodded. Phoebe looked at her again. Something flickered in her big sister's eyes. Was it pain? Sadness? Or perhaps it was anger. Phoebe shrugged of the queasy feeling that was creeping up her spine. She looked over to Piper and saw that Piper was looking like Prue: Exhausted and frightened of something.

"Uh, Pheebs, I'll give you a ride to school. Come on," Piper said.

Phoebe looked at both of her sisters curiously. "I want to walk today Piper," She replied. "Hey, um...what's up with you guys today?"

Prue, who had been staring up in space snapped back to reality. She gave Phoebe a sharp look. "Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

Phoebe decided no to answer. She gulped down her milk and grabbed her bag. "I'll see you guys later." She bolted out the back door. Piper looked at Prue. "Are you okay? You don't look well."

"Well your not looking great yourself," Prue snapped. Seeing the hurt expression on Piper's face she lowered her voice. "I'm sorry. It's just all the stress from my exams. They can be a real pain."

Piper nodded. She knew Prue was hiding something but she wouldn't tell until she wanted to. Piper debated whether to tell her about the note and quickly concluded that now wasn't the best time.

Piper was walking to her car when she felt someone watching her. She turned around but saw no one. Piper winced to herself. Panic rose inside her and she ran to her car. She groped around in her bag and pulled out her car keys. Just as she was opening the door she caught sight of a piece of paper stuck on the wipers. She tugged at the note, pulled it out and unfolds it. Her face showed her fear. Looking down at the note again she whispers, "Are you scared, Piper?

I'm watching you like the Ripper.
I know you're terrified
You should coz your gonna get fried!"

Piper tears up the note furiously and throws it away. She looks around again and gets into the car. "If this how you want to play, I don't find it amusing." She mutters. She starts up the engine and drives away.

Phoebe, Prue and Piper are sitting down and watching a movie. Prue yawns. "Uh, finish the movie. I'm beat."

Piper shook her head. "We'll all finish the movie tomorrow. Besides, it's 11." She cast Phoebe a side ways glance. "AND it's past someone's bedtime."

Phoebe stuck out her tongue at Piper. She slides of the couch and walks upstairs. Prue switches off the TV and VCR. She motions for Piper to follow her and they head upstairs.

"Night, Prue," Piper said stifling a yawn. Prue nods in reply and waves.

That night Prue had the same dream again. This time it seemed to last longer and was much more detailed.

"Prudence! Come over here. It's not safe," Prue's grandmother called. Prue obeyed. She wrapped her arms round her granddaughter. "It's all right."

Prue looked at her grandmother. "Why are you so frightened What's going on?" Suddenly there was a crash and the lights went out.

Her grandmother grabbed her arm. "Prudence go! Get out of the house. Go to the police station! He's coming to get me not you."

Prue stubbornly shook her head. "No! Grams, what's wrong with you? Who's coming? Why would he want to hurt you?" Fire started blazing in Prue's eyes. "He is not and I repeat HE IS NOT TAKING MY GRAMS AWAY FROM ME!"

"Do you think you can stop me? Your just a small school girl," A voice behind Grams said. "Let me finish what I came here to do." Without warning he plunged the knife into Prue's grandmother's back.

Prue let out a scream. "NOOO!!!!" She saw the stranger utter a laugh and slip out of the house. Prue dropped onto her knees in front of Grams. "Grams! Don't leave me. I need you...we all need you."

Grams managed a small smile. "My time has come. Take care of your sisters for me. I love you," Grams whispered, her voice barely audible. She closed her eyes.

"DON'T LEAVE ME!" Prue screamed waking up from her dream. She saw her lights being turned on in her room and squinted. She saw both her sisters rushing towards her and pulling her into a hug.

"Prue! You nearly gave me a heart attack. What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" Piper asked firing questions at Prue.

Prue shook her head. She couldn't, wouldn't tell her sisters about that dream. She didn't want to tell them how Grams died. She told her sisters that Grams died naturally and although they were heartbroken for months the real truth would have devastated them. She looked at them. "I had an awful dream. I dreamt that Jack would leave me," Prue lied smoothly.

Piper raised an eyebrow. "Yeah right. I can tell when you're lying. You were whimpering 'Grams' in your sleep. Jack had nothing to do with your dream." She looked at Prue straight in the eye. "Now tell me the truth. What were you dreaming about?"

"I don't want to talk about it okay?" Prue replied slipping under the covers. "Good night."

Phoebe nudged Piper who sighed and turned off Prue's light. Then she went back in her room still thinking about that note she got this afternoon.

Phoebe woke up with a start. She was trying to remember something, something about Prue. "Prue!" she yelled. Everything came back to her about what happened last night.

"Hey, Pheebs!" Prue shouted from her room. "Are you okay?"

Embarrassed, Phoebe replied, "Yeah, I'm fine." She got out of bed. "I love Saturday mornings." She heard a knock on her door. "Come on in...Piper."

Piper opened the door. She gave Phoebe a look. "How did you know it was me?"

Phoebe laughed. "Maybe I'm psychic" She saw Piper's grin and continued. "What's for breakfast?"

"I thought we should have cereal today." Piper replied. She saw Phoebe's face tighten with worry. "What? What's wrong?"

Phoebe looked at her sister. She knew that Piper didn't cook when something was wrong or worrying her. "Nothing's wrong with me, Piper. But I know something's bugging you. Did you and Leo have a fight?"

Piper chuckled softly. "You defiantly are not psychic. Nothing's wrong. I just want to eat cereal for a change. I cook practically everyday!" Piper was trying desperately not to tell Phoebe about the threatening notes that have been scaring her. It will only freak Phoebe out, she scolded herself.

A phone rang from downstairs. "I'll get it," Phoebe announced, running out the door. She stumbled down the stairs, grabbed the phone and pressed it to her ear. "Hello? This is the Halliwell residence."

"Hey, Phoebe. This is Jack calling. Is Prue around?" Jack asked.

Phoebe smiled. Jack was so cute. If he weren't dating Prue she would have tried to grab his attention. "Prue! Your boyfriend's on the phone."

There was a pounding of footsteps on the stairs and Prue sailed through the living room. She snatched the phone away from Phoebe and pressed her ear to it. "Hello, Jack. What did you say? Yeah okay. Pick me up in 2 hours. Okay, bye." She put the phone back in its cradle and turned to Phoebe who was looking intently at her. "What?"

Phoebe shrugged. "Nothing." She saw Prue giving her a look. "Okay I must say that I think Jack is completely gorgeous and I'm dead jealous of you," Phoebe admitted.

Prue smirked. "Too bad. He's mine."

Prue and Jack were walking back from Golden Gate Park. They had just finished a nice picnic and a stroll in the park and now Jack was walking her home.

Prue saw him looking at her. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Jack grinned and wrapped his arms around Prue. "I like looking at you," he murmured. "Your beautiful."

Prue smiled. They walked up to her house. Suddenly she saw a shadow lurking in the corner. She turned round to face Jack. "Thanks for today. I'll see you on Monday."

Jack smiled. "Okay. I can take a hint. Bye!" He kissed Prue's cheek and went off.

Prue watched him go. She turned round and went to the corner where she saw the shadow. She saw a piece of paper and picked it up. She read through it and moments after she started trembling. "No! It can't be," She whimpered.

The letter read, "I knew you would come here, Prudence. You were always curious about everything, just like your grandmother. Too bad she's gone. I'll be coming after you next. I'll see you soon...Prudence!"

Prue dropped the note and ran to the manor.

Piper was walking home from her grocery shopping when she saw a flutter of movement in the shadow of the trees.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Piper asked. No one answered and Piper and she started to panic. Suddenly a rock flew out from the shadows and hit her squarely on the stomach. She doubled over in pain. When the pain slowly started to subside she looked at the rock. Fear started rising in her when she saw a note attached to it. With trembling fingers she untied the note from the rock and read.

"Has your sister told you about the past?
Doesn't matter coz your not gonna last.
Your sister will soon be dead and gone
YOU will be devastated. I'll break your sisterly bond."

This time Piper was really frighten. Someone was threatening to kill her sisters! One of them actually. A wave of determination over took her. No one was going to mess with either of her sisters. She tore up the paper and ran home dragging the grocery bags with her.

"Piper! Can you come here for a second please," Phoebe called from her room.

Piper entered her room. She saw Phoebe holding up a piece of muddy paper. She winced. "What's that?" She asked innocently

Phoebe handed her the piece of paper. "Someone's threatening Prue. And it says something about Grams too."

Piper's eyes scanned the paper. She gasped. "I never knew Prue was receiving threatening notes! I'm getting them too." She heard Phoebe's scowl. She turned and saw a look of anger and hurt in her eyes. "Oops!"

Phoebe snatched the note away from Piper. "When were you planning to tell me, Piper? Or did you want to keep me in the dark forever?"

Piper walked over to her little sister but Phoebe backed away. "Pheebs. Come here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to freak out."


Piper looked at her sister in shock. She had never heard Phoebe shout at her so madly or to be filled with this much rage. Tears formed in her eyes when she thought about the note. She just couldn't bear to lose any off her sisters. She looked at Phoebe, hurt clearly evident in her eyes.

Phoebe looked back. She knew that she had gone too far. She hated that hurt look that Piper was giving her. Lowering her voice she said. "I'm going over to my friend's house. I won't be back for a while." She grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs.

"Phoebe, no! don't go!" Piper yelled, running out of Phoebe's room. She caught Phoebe's arm. "Don't go to your friend's house. It's too dangerous walking on the streets alone."

Phoebe wrenched her arm away from Piper's hold. Her anger had started to build up again. "You are NOT going to stop me from having fun. Now get out of my way!" Phoebe ran down the stairs and slammed the front door.

"Phoebe! Do you have to leave so soon?" Phoebe's friend Alyssa asked. She opened the door to let Phoebe out.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's eleven o'clock. My curfew is eleven thirty. I'd better get home in time or Prue will kill me," Phoebe fibbed. The real reason she wanted to get home was because she was worried about both of her sisters. She waved to Alyssa and headed down the dark empty street.

Phoebe never saw the man that was lurking in the shadows. It all happened to quickly. He grabbed her by the throat, pulled her in a dark alley.

"Your only 13 Phoebe. Too bad your life has to end now. It's pay back time," the man growled. He uttered a laugh.

Phoebe squirmed against his strong grip. "What do you mean its pay back time? I've never done anything to you," Phoebe asked, desperately stalling for time.

The man chuckled. "Your right," he said taking out a shiny knife. He held it in front of her face. "I'm getting my revenge for what your grandmother did to me."

Phoebe stared at the knife in horror. She turned and looked at the man. "What did Grams do? She would never do anything bad. OR get involve with bad people like YOU."

The man scowled at Phoebe. "Shut up! I'll make it quick." Without any hesitation he shoved the knife in her stomach.

Phoebe uttered a muffled scream. Then all of a sudden the alley went quiet. The man cleans the blood on Phoebe's shirt and placed it back in his coat pocket. He stands up and quickly walks away.

"Nice knowing you, Phoebe Halliwell."

Prue rolled over in her bed. It was 7 a.m. There was no way she could get back to sleep now. Not that she wanted to. Every time she placed her head on her pillow and closed her eyes that dream always came back to her. She stretched and got out of bed. Suddenly the door burst open and Piper shot through the door. Prue stared at her.

"Phoebe...not come home...don't know where..." Piper gasped. She threw herself into Prue's arms and wept.

Prue just held her. "Shh! It's all right." Growing more concerned she asked, "Where did she go last night? All I heard was a loud bang from the front door."

Piper shook her head sadly. She wiggled out of Prue's arms. "You don't understand. Phoebe and I got into a huge fight last night and she went of to her friend's pool party to cool of steam."

"What did you guys fight about?" Prue queried.

"Oh, something about you getting threatening NOTES." She saw Prue gulp and narrowed her eyes. "That's what you've been hiding for the past week. Why didn't you tell me or Pheebs?"

Prue looked away. "I didn't receive any threatening notes until yesterday. The thing that has been bugging me all week is these dreams I keep having." Looking at Piper she continued. "I told you so now you tell me. What's been bugging you?"

Piper opened her mouth to speak but the sound of the doorbell interrupted her. Looking at Prue they both raced downstairs hoping it was their little sister. Prue yanked open the door to see Detective Morris standing outside. He looked on the verge of tears.

"Detective. Can we help you?" Prue asked looking at him suspiciously.

Detective Morris looked at the two sisters sadly. How was he ever going to break the news to them? He decided to give them hints first. "Did Phoebe come home last night?"

Piper shook her head. "Phoebe went to her friend's house to let of some steam after she and I had a fight."

"What did you guys fight about?" Morris asked.

That was all Prue could take. "Will stop giving us hints and asking useless bull questions?! Now cut the crap and tell us WHERE the hell Phoebe is!" Prue snapped angrily.

Morris decided to cut to the chase. Taking a deep breath he said, "Phoebe's been murdered."

"We gather here to mourn the passing of Phoebe Halliwell..." a priest preached. "...a beloved sister and friend whose life was taken too soon. She was such a young free-spirited child full of energy and life and now she will down on us from a safer and better world."

Prue and Piper barely heard what the priest was saying. Both were shedding to many tears and sobbing to even comfort each other.

Detective Morris stood behind them looking at them sadly. "Why? Why did this have to happen to her? To her family?" Morris whispered.

The priest continued talking about Phoebe and her life. Finally he finished it off with a prayer and a blessing. "Phoebe Halliwell. May your spirit soar gracefully through the heavens and may your new life be a pleasant one. May your journey in the afterlife be safe and full of adventure. Amen"

In unison Prue and Piper said, "Amen."

They walked over to Phoebe's casket and they each placed a white rose on top of it. Each took a minute or so to say they're personal good-byes.

"Phoebe I know we've never really gotten along but I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and deep inside you know that too. I'm just afraid to show my feelings to everyone. I want you to be happy where you are now Pheebs. I know this is hard and I will try to move on even though it's hard." Wiping a tear away from her eyes she placed her hands on Phoebe's casket. "I miss you and I will always love you...forever. Good bye Phoebe," Prue whispered to the casket before moving away. She was unable to hide her grieve and tears so she ran to her car to break down.

Piper knelt down beside Phoebe's grave. She still couldn't believe that Phoebe was truly gone. Guilt builds up inside Piper. The last time they'd talk they were yelling at each other and saying things that Piper was now regretting. She looked at Phoebe's casket and a fresh wave of tears poured out of Piper's eyes.

"P-Phoebe? I-I know your somewhere u-up there lis-listen to our prayers. I'm sorry about what happened when we had our fight and now I'm feeling so guilty because I'm the one who didn't stop you from going out that door," Piper said. Sadly she continued, "I love you Phoebe. I could always go to you when I had problems or I wanted to break down and cry. You would always cry with me then you'd cheer me up once I've calmed down. I could never go to Prue because she would just hug me without any emotion and she never comes to me anyway. She would never express any of her pain to us or break down in front of us. I hope you're in peace up there. I love you Pheebs. Always have, always will. Good bye my little sister. I'll see you someday."

Piper choked on the last words and gently kissed Phoebe's casket. Straightening up she searched for Prue but could not find her. She guessed where Prue was and went to the car.

Back at the manor things were tense and the atmosphere was disturbing. Police cars were parked outside their house and gawking neighbors were trying to peek in through the windows to see what was all the commotion. Detective Morris was interviewing them about things that have been happening during this week.

"So you're saying that your Grandmother didn't die accidentally. She was actually stabbed in the back?" Detective Morris questioned. He saw Prue nod her head and was shocked that she'd actually lied to the police. "Why didn't you tell the police..."

Piper interrupted him. "Grams was murdered?! Why didn't you tell Phoebe and me that?" Piper asked looking vexed. "I CANNOT believe that you lied to us about how Grams died, let alone keeping us in the dark about this."

Prue looked away with guilt. She had tried so hard to maintain her secret and now it was all out. Tears trickled down her face as she turned round to face Piper who had fire in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I tried to spare you and Phoebe more pain," Prue confessed, her voice trembling.

"You STILL lied to us. Now Pheebs won't even know the truth about Grams death. I think that she deserved to know Prue," Piper declared.

Prue shook her head. "You don't understand. I saw the man barge into the house. I SAW him plunged the knife into Grams' back. I heard the sickening sound of a knife being pulled out of the flesh. I HEARD Grams cry of pain. AND I saw the pain reflect in her eyes. I saw the man wipe the blood on Grams' shirt and heard him utter a laugh of contentment. Then he ran." Prue had tears flowing freely now. She had never wanted to relive or talk about that day and now she had just let the whole thing out.

Detective Morris cleared his throat to get their attention. "We will watch over the house. I'll send a few policemen to watch over corners off the house. Don't tell anybody because they want to be totally unnoticeable. If the guy shows up, the cops will be at his tail within 5 seconds."

Piper nodded and Detective Morris went away to talk to his men.

"Prue! Will you stop bawling your eyes out?" Piper exclaimed.

She saw Prue look at her with a mixture of pain and hurt and quickly regretted what she just said. She held out her arms hoping Prue would crawl into them. Instead she saw Prue run up the stairs and slam the door to her room. Piper ran after her and quietly opened the door. She saw her sister rocking back and forth mumbling to herself.

Piper walked tentatively to her sister and sat down beside her. She pushed a lock of rebellious hair from her sister's face. "I'm sorry, Prue. It just came out of my mouth."

"Save it, Piper! You meant what you said. Can you just get out of my room and leave me alone?" Prue snapped. She saw Piper shake her head and she slapped Piper across the cheeks. "WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?! I'VE TOLD YOU EVERYTHING, SPILLED OUT MY INNER MOST SECRET AND LET A COP STEP ON MY VULNERABLE SPOT! NOW GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT!!" Prue screamed with maliciousness.

Piper stood up quickly. She was shocked that Prue screamed at her with such fury but what hurt Piper most was that Prue didn't want her help, her comfort and Prue had hit her face with such force that her whole left cheek was stinging with pain. She yanked open Prue's door and ran to her room.

Later that night two policemen were camping outside behind the Halliwell manor. One of them was eating a small sandwich while the other was looking out any signs of danger.

"Hey, Andrew! See any guys in black?" The guy eating the sandwich asked jokingly.

Andrew shook his head. He scowled at his partner. "Will you quit cranking jokes? These poor kids are suffering and one of them is already dead! Try putting yourself into their shoes and you'll experience what they're feeling right now."

The cop finished his sandwich and threw away his rubbish. He stood up and peeked through the window. All he saw was blackness.

"Look, Andrew. They're asleep and there not a creak or snap of a twig. Give it a rest."

Andrew shook his head. He was going to protect the girls even if it meant putting his life on the line. He simply refused to let any harm come upon these girls. They've been through enough horror to make them have nightmares for the rest of their lives.

Inside the manor someone was moving silently through the house. His attire of clothes made it impossible for anyone to see him in the dark. The stranger in black made his way up the stairs. He passed the attic and headed towards Piper's room. He quietly opened the door and approached the sleeping figure. Little did he know, Prue was following him upstairs.

Prue couldn't sleep. She kept on thinking about her fight with Piper and how she had hit her younger sister. She had felt so guilty that she had given herself a restless sleep. That's when she heard a ruffle of movement in the living room. She saw an outline of someone creeping up the stairs and followed him.

"Whoever you are, you are so not taking another sister away from my already screwed up life. You've done enough damage and I'll make sure you don't do anymore," Prue mumbled to the stranger's back.

The man was getting out something from his trench coat when Prue flipped on the lights. He gave a yelp of surprise and turned to see Prue standing at the door looking at him with such spitefulness that she made him squirm.

"Who the hell are you? What were you planning to do, huh? Were you going to rip of my sister's head with a swipe of a knife or were you just popping up for a visit?" Prue snarled sarcastically.

The chilling edge in Prue's voice made the stranger think quick. He did not remove the hood of his coat but spook to Prue through the hood.

"Prudence. Listen to me. Someone is trying to murder you and your sisters. I want you to come with me. You'll be safe with me," the stranger said desperately.

Prue noted the tone of urgency in his voice but stood still as a statue. "Why should we go with you? So that you could possibly torture us? You've put us in a lot of emotional pain already. And you put us through physical pain too. So why don't you just get your butt out of here before I call the police?" Prue growled with bitterness in her voice.

Suddenly Piper woke up with a scream. She opened her eyes and quickly closed them again because the light was blinding her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around disoriented. She saw Prue standing in her doorway and a man standing two inches away from her bed.

Piper panicked and jumped out of bed. She lingered for a moment and saw that the man didn't move. She ran over to her sister and threw herself into Prue's arms.

'Who is that guy, Prue? Why are you looking at him like you want to kill him?" Piper asked. She was confused but her questioned wasn't answered.

"Stop right there and put your hands in the air!" Prue whirled round to see two policemen standing at the door pointing their guns to the stranger. She grabbed Piper's hand and ran out of the room.

"You are under arrest for suspicion of murder," a policeman said to the stranger.

Prue and Piper were in the police station watching the stranger being taken away. Piper sit in Prue's arms sobbing quietly.

"I don't believe Dad would do such a thing like killing Phoebe. Her own daughter!" Piper exclaimed miserably.

Prue hugged her sister tighter. Her anger for her Dad now increased rapidly. He had done something so terrible that she couldn't even bare to called him Dad let alone look into his face.

"Prue? Take me home okay?" Piper sniffed. Prue nodded and they walked out of the police station.

Outside a man was hiding behind the trees watching everything happening inside. He chuckled softly to himself.

"They've caught the wrong person. Now I can continue my revenge and kill the other two girls!"