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When Your Past Catches Up With You

by Biba Halliwell

DISCLAIMER: I do not own them.

Special Thanks to Adri for helping me with my first fanfic and encouraging me to right one in the first place! :) My first fanfic is dedicated to Di, for inspiring me, and for her great fanfics that she wrote in the past! :) Oh, and thanks to Larissa for making corrections at the last minute! :)

It was 9 o'clock at night; Piper and Prue were just sitting in the living room talking. They had vanquished the last demon a week ago. They were glad that they had some time off from demon hunting, but they were worried about their little sister. Phoebe had been coming home late for the last week, she would leave for school before 8 in the morning, and she would come back no earlier then ten at night. Her sisters didn't know why she was doing that, but they knew something wasn't right. Phoebe had hardly seen her sisters in the last week, they thought that it was because she had too much work to do for school before graduation, but they were wrong, her problem was beyond a school problem!

"So, anything planned for tomorrow?" asked Piper

"I don't know, why?" Prue answered

"Well, I was thinking if you could help me in the club? Cause we are one person short tomorrow, so, what do you say? Please??" Begged Piper

"I will have to think about that, what will I get if I help you out?"

"You are going to be with me the whole night, isn't that enough Prue?"

"Alright, I can't refuse this great offer! But you owe me one. You know, you should ask Phoebe to come as well, she needs to get out a bit and have some fun."

"Yeah, I know, why don't we ask her tonight when she comes home?"

"You mean, if she comes home, don't you?"

"Oh, come on Piper, it's not like she doesn't come home, it's just that we don't see her, she just comes home late"

"Yeah, but I don't like it, the last time I saw her was like 2 days ago for about 10 minutes. How normal is that?"

"Yes, I know, why don't we talk to her about it when she comes home tonight, and yes, she will come home, so don't worry about that Piper. We can talk her into going to the club with us tomorrow night, alright"

"Alright, it will be fun if she comes tomorrow!"

It was now 11:45pm, and Phoebe had not yet showed up at home, she was just leaving the library, which closes at 11:30pm every night. If she could she would of stayed longer, she didn't want to go home and see her sisters for some reason. Phoebe knew that as soon as she stepped into The Manor they would ask her tons of questions about why she had been leaving so early and coming home so late. She didn't want to talk about it, she just wanted to avoid her sisters as long as she could, but it seemed like today was not her lucky day. Prue and Piper decided to wait for Phoebe to come home, no matter how late she was coming home; they wanted to figure this out once and for all. As soon as Phoebe got home, she saw the living room light on, and she knew that her sisters were waiting for her. Before she opened the door, she just stood there for a minute, 'it's not now or never' she thought to herself. She opens the door and walked in, she wasn't ready for all the questions that her sisters were about to ask her. She tried to sneak up the stairs and go to her room, but suddenly she heard her name being called

"Phoebe!" Piper said

"Oh, Hi Piper, I didn't even see you there." Phoebe said, trying to sound like nothing was happening.

"So, Pheebs, I bet you have been studying a lot huh?" asked Prue

"You have no idea, I'm exhausted, I better go to bed, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow!" Phoebe tried to escape from this one

"Wait Phoebe, we want to talk to you, can you please come and sit down?" asked Piper

'Almost' Phoebe thought, she went to sit on the couch; not liking what was about to happen! She wasn't ready for it.

"So, what is happening?" asked Prue

"Like I said, I have been studying." Phoebe

"Come on Phoebe, you can tell us if something is wrong. We are here for you!" Piper said trying to get Phoebe to talk

"Why do you assume that something is wrong?" Phoebe asked getting annoyed already.

"Well, for one, we haven't seen you more then 20 minutes in the last week. You leave early to go to school, and you don't come back till late, like right now, its almost midnight, and you just got home, and it's Friday. You never come home this late on Fridays. You don't even eat meals with us anymore, what is happening to you???" Prue asked

"Like I said, I have been studying, what is the big deal anyway?"

"The big deal is that we don't see you anymore, and we are worried about you!" Piper said

"Worried??? How can you be worried, I really don't get you both? A year ago all you guys would do is complain about me being a lazy bum and just sitting around the house doing nothing. And when I finally decided to go to College and do something with my life, studying hard the way I do, so I can get a good GPA, so I can graduate with Honor to get the best job out there so I can help you guys pays the bills to give you both a little break from working so hard, you gang up and harass me?" Phoebe was getting mad "You know, maybe I should just quit College and go back to my old self, I'll tell you, it was much better and much easier, but no, I'm trying to help out, but I guess you guys don't see it like that, all you guys can do is complain, you are never happy with what I do. You know what? I'm very tired, and I'm not up to this, I'm going to bed, good night!" Before Prue and Piper could react to all that Phoebe said, She was in her room already.

"Well, I guess she is not coming to P3 tomorrow with us!" Piper said ironically

"Tell me about it, but still, there is something that she is not telling us, I can tell!"

"I know Prue, maybe we should let her rest and we can talk to her tomorrow about it"

"Yeah, well, I'm tired too, so I'm heading to bed, see you tomorrow?"

"Good night Prue" Piper got up from the couch and kissed Prue in her forehead and went to her room; Prue went to her room as well.

Prue lay in her bed thinking and worrying about her little sister. 'What is wrong with Phoebe?' She kept thinking that over and over trying to figure it out what was the matter with her little sister. 'I wish I knew what was wrong with her so I can help her or do something about it.' She though to herself again 'Oh, if it's Cole, I swear I will kill him, he better not hurt her, or I will vanquish his sorry ass' It took a while for Prue to fall asleep, but she did finally after about 30 minutes of worrying about Phoebe.

Meanwhile in Phoebe's room, she was thinking of what just happened in the living room. 'I don't believe it was that easy; it was way too easy. I don't know how I'm going to tell them about this, or how to tell them. What am I going to do?' Not long after that Phoebe was asleep.

Phoebe kept waking up in the middle of the night, and thinking about her problem, she didn't know what to do, she was very scared, and she was wondering why was this haunting her again?

The Next morning Prue came down to the kitchen and Piper was already up making breakfast.

"Morning Piper"

"Morning, How did you sleep?"

"Not bad, I kept thinking of Phoebe, I'm still worried about her."

"Yeah, me too, but we will talk to her today and see what is happening, don't worry! Do you want something to eat?"

"How can I refuse your breakfast" Prue said as she sat down to eat. It was almost ten in the morning, and Phoebe didn't come downstairs yet.

"You think she is asleep or just avoiding us?" asked Piper

"Probably asleep, you know how she always sleeps in late, don't you? And it's Saturday, but she probably won't come down when she wakes up, you know how she is when she doesn't want to talk to us about anything that is bothering her"

"You know what, why don't we just ask her to come to P3 tonight with us and talk with her tomorrow, maybe things will get better if she goes out tonight, you know relax a bit." Piper said.

"Good idea, we should do that, and maybe if things go well, we can talk to her there when the club is closing, how about that?" Prue asked

"That might be a way to get her to talk to us, of course, it was my idea!"

"Whatever Piper!" They both laughed!

It was 11 in the morning when Phoebe woke up, she didn't want to get up, but she had no choice. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She was ready and dressed in 20 minutes, she made her way to the kitchen where she knew it would all happen again. She walked in to the kitchen and went to get a cup of coffee.

"Morning" Phoebe said, waiting for the questions

"Morning Pheebs, how did you sleep?" Prue asked

"Not bad" She answered, but she wasn't making eye contact at all.

"So, Phoebe, would you like to come to the club tonight? Prue is going to be there helping me out, what do you say?"

"I don't know, I have to study"

"Oh, come on Pheebs, just one night, can you take the night off and come have some fun with your sisters?" Prue Insisted

Phoebe didn't want to go, but she gave in "Alright, one night won't kill me I guess"

"Great, we are going to have a great night, have you heard from Cole?" Prue asked

"Who?" Phoebe asked pretending not to know whom Prue was talking about

Piper and Prue stared at each other after that comment "Is there something wrong with you and Cole, Pheebs?" asked Piper

"Besides him disappearing more then a month ago, and not letting me know if he is alive or dead, no nothing is wrong." Phoebe said with her voice shaking a bit

"Phoebe, I'm sure he is fine, he is probably trying not to get in any kind of trouble by coming here, he knows better. He will come to let you know how he is doing when he can, you have to believe that." Prue assure Phoebe that everything would be all right.

"Right, well, sense I'm going to P3 tonight with you guys, I better go study, I don't want to waste anytime. I will see you tonight, If you need anything I will be in my room" With that Phoebe got up and went to her room.

"So, we know now that Cole is one of her worries" Prue said

"Yeah, but I don't think that is it, Cole is not the reason she doesn't want to be near us or spend time with us, there must be something there that we are missing"

"I think so too, we will find out, maybe tonight. She will open up eventually, you know how she is, she comes to us sooner or later. So, Who is playing at P3 today?" Prue asked

"It's a new band, but they are pretty good, it's called Val's Band, you will like them, the singer is awesome." Piper said

"Where did you find them?"

"I was lucky to find them actually, they will be famous someday, you will see! Anyway, I better go now, cause I will be meeting with Val in about 3 hours and I need to get the stage ready for the band to arrive. What time are you coming?" Piper asked

"I will see what time Phoebe wants to come and then I will give you a call, how about that?"

"Great, then I will see you later tonight. Bye Prue" With that Piper went to get ready and head it to P3

Meanwhile Phoebe was in her room trying to study, but she couldn't concentrate because she couldn't stop thinking about her problem, when she looked at her watch, it was almost six in the afternoon. 'Wow, I didn't get anything done, what a waste of time' She thought to herself

The next thing she knew Prue was knocking on her door "Phoebe, can I come in?"

"Yeah" she said

"So, what time do you want to go to P3, Piper is waiting for us."

"Anytime you want, just let me know so I can get ready"

"Well, how about in one hour, can you be ready by then?"

"Yeah, I will be ready in one hour then Prue!"

Prue walked out of the room and went to get ready for the night out. Phoebe did the same. Later that night they arrived at P3. Phoebe wasn't ready for what was going to happen next.

The club was packed with people; 'Val's band was a really good choice' Piper thought. The band was taking a break after playing for about 2 hours. Piper wanted to introduce Val to her sisters. Piper was taking a break as well; she was sitting with Prue and Phoebe. When Piper saw that Val was taking a break, she invited Val to sit in the table with them.

"Hey Val, come meet my sisters!" Yelled Piper across the club

Val looked at Piper and made her way across the club, sitting down in the table with the girls, "Hey, I'm Val" she introduced herself

"Val, this is Prue and Phoebe, my sisters" said Piper

"Hi, nice meeting you, Piper said a lot about your two"

"Nice meeting you too" said Prue and Phoebe

"So, what did Piper said about us?" asked Prue

"Only good things don't worry!" She said with a smile in her face

"It better be, or I would have to kick her butt when I get home" Joked Prue

Phoebe was very quiet; she was just staring at the crowd, not into the conversation. She didn't want to be there, she wanted to be home, far away from everyone.

"So, I heard that you are photographer?" Val asked Prue

"Yep, I bet Piper told you that huh?"

"That is cool, we are searching for a photographer to do a promo for our tour, but with no luck so far" Val said

"I can take the picture for you, that would be no problem, I mean if you want of course"

"Are you serious? That would be great, thank you so much! How much would you charge though?" Val asked

"We can talk about that later, we can do the photo shoot next week if that is ok with you?"

"That is awesome, thanks, I can't wait to tell the guys that we have a photographer now!"

"So, how long have you guys been together?" Prue asked

"Well, have been playing together for about 5 years, but professionally just for 3 years."

"That is cool, you guys are great together, and the drummer is a cutie!" Prue said

"The cutie is Nick, my brother, and I will introduce him to you, if you like?"

"He is your brother? Cool, and yes, I would love to meet him!" Prue said

"I have been sitting here for 15 minutes, I think my break is over, I better get back to the stage and entertain some people, it was very nice meeting you and I will introduce you to my big brother after we are done, see you later!" Val said

"She is great, don't you think?" Piper said

"Yeah, and so is her brother!" Added Prue

"You are very quiet today Pheebs? What is the matter?" Piper asked

"Nothing is the matter, just tired, you know I have been studying a lot lately, if you haven't noticed?"

"We know that something is bothering you, when you are ready to tell us, we know you will, but you have to know that we are here for you whenever you need us." Prue said

"Did we do something Pheebs?" Piper asked

"I wish, I mean, no you didn't do anything. I will be fine; you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself!"

"Oh, so there is something wrong, I just wish we could help you, whatever it is, I hate seeing you like this. It breaks my heart Pheebs." Prue said

"Look guys, I can take care of this by myself, there is nothing you can do about it, and if I need anything, I will come to you guys, but not right now, alright?" Phoebe said

"Ok then, but we are here, you have to know that." Piper said

Across the club was a guy sitting in one of the tables, he was starring at Phoebe. He has been watching Phoebe for almost a week, at the club, at school, at The Manor, and everywhere that he could. Phoebe saw him once at school, but she couldn't believe he was in San Francisco, she didn't want to see him, hear from him or anything, she just wanted to stay far away from him as possible. All of a sudden, Phoebe spotted him across the club, her face went pale, and she couldn't believe that he was here watching here for the whole night. She said above her lips "He is here!" But it was enough for her sisters to hear her.

"Who is here?" Prue asked

"No one, do you mind if I use your car Piper, I want to go home?" Phoebe asked

"Phoebe, who is here? You are scared, I can tell, what is the matter?" asked Piper

"It's nothing, can I borrow your car or not?"

"You know what, I gonna go home too, I will give you a ride, I will be out in a minute, why don't you wait for me at the car, here are my keys" Prue said

"Thanks" Phoebe said as she took the keys, and head to the car

"You know Piper, now I'm really worried, she been different this whole week, and did you noticed how pale she was just now? What about what she said 'He is here' and who is he?"

"Yeah, but I don't know Prue, but we have to figure it out soon, cause whatever it is, it's hurting her a lot, I can tell."

Well, I better go, I will try to talk to her in the way home, but we can talk to her later tonight or tomorrow, see you at home, I love you!"

"Alright Prue, I love you too"

Prue walk to the car, while Piper went back to work, she only had about 2 more hours of work. Driving home Prue tried to talk to Phoebe.

"Pheebs, why can't you tell me about who was at the club? I heard you saying he is here and you face went pale right then?"

"It's just someone from New York, and you shouldn't worry about it, ok?"

"Then why are you afraid of him, I could see it in your face, and that is why you left the club isn't it?"

"Prue, like I said I can deal with this myself, I don't want to get anyone involve with this."

"You know, you should talk to us, but I can't make you do anything,"

"Not tonight, I had a bad day, all I want to do is go to bed and relax, I'm tired and I need steep."

"Alright, but please talk to us so we can help you"

"Fine, I will tell you about him tomorrow, but not tonight, I really want to go to bed when I get home."

"Ok, whatever you want honey, I just hate seeing you like this."

Saying nothing else their way home, entering The Manor, Phoebe made her way to the stairs to go to her room when Prue grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Pheebs, if you need anything during the night, let me know, I'm here for you honey"

"Thanks Prue, but I'm fine."

"Alright, I love you"

"I love you too, good night"

"Night sweetie"

With that Phoebe went to her room, change into her pj's and went to bed. She kept thinking about him, she was so tired she just fell asleep.

Prue was downstairs waiting for Piper; she wanted to talk to her and talk to her before she went to bed. About 3 hours later, Piper came home and found Prue asleep in the couch. She put her keys and coat down and went to wake up Prue.

"Prue, sweetie, wake up"

"Huh, oh, Hi Piper, I was waiting for you"

"Well, I'm here now."

"Let me wake up first and then we will talk, I need a cup of coffee."

"At this hour Prue?"

"Yeah, why? Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, I will get you coffee, I will be right back"

"Thanks Piper"

A few minutes later, Piper came back with the coffee; Piper handed the cup of coffee to Prue and sat down on the couch.

"So, why were you waiting for me? Is something wrong with Phoebe? Did she talk to you?" Piper asked

"Well, yes and no."

"What do you mean Prue?"

"Well, all that she told me is that this guy from New York is here, she didn't say much, but she did say that she will talk to us tomorrow."

"Well, that is something, I mean, tomorrow is better then never"

"Yeah, I know, I'm worried, cause she seemed scared of him for some reason, but she didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to force her."

"We will have to wait till tomorrow, why don't you go to bed, you seen tired honey?"

"Yeah, but after this cup of coffee, not sure if I will be able to sleep, but I will see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm going to bed too, I'm very tired, but I had a great time tonight, Val's band was awesome. Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I did, the band was great. But I liked Nick better."

"Oh yeah, talking about him, Val said that she will be at P3 tomorrow if you want to meet him, he will be there too"

"I will be there too, I can't turn that down, and Nick is a babe!"

"It's time for you to find a guy, maybe he is the one Prue!"

"Yeah, tell me about it"

"Well, I'm going to bed honey, I will see you tomorrow, I love you"

"I love you too Piper, good night"

"Night Prue"

With that they went to their rooms and in to bed, hoping that the next day would be a better day, but it would only get worst.

It was early morning at the Halliwell Manor. Phoebe was in bed tossing and turning. She didn't have a good night of sleep, she keep thinking why he was back and watching her. She didn't want to tell her sisters about him, at least not yet; she wasn't ready for it. She looked at her watch and it was 9 in the morning. She knew that her sisters would be up and in the kitchen at this time, she was hungry, but she didn't want to go down and face them. She didn't have a choice, she got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, and she was ready and dressed in about 30 minutes. She made her way into the kitchen, knowing that her sisters would be there; she prepared herself.

"Morning" Phoebe said as she walked into the kitchen

"Morning Pheebs." said Prue as she looked up from her newspaper.

"Hey Phoebe, how did you sleep?" asked Piper

"Not bad, what are you guys doing today?" Phoebe asked

"We are spending the day with you today!" said Prue smiling

"Well, if you like to watch me study, then you are welcome to!"

"Phoebe, do you really have to study all day today?" asked Prue

"Unless you want me to fail my classes, I won't study, otherwise, yes will spend the day in my room studying. Remember I have finals in 2 weeks."

"Phoebe, all we want is to talk to you, and spend some time together." Piper said

"We are spending time together now, isn't that enough?"

"Pheebs, we just want to talk about last night, that is all?" Prue said

"There is nothing to talk about last night, I was tired, I wanted to come home to have a good night of sleep so I could study today. That was it"

"What about the guy at P3, Pheebs?" Piper asked

"What about him?"

"Who is he?" Prue asked

"I told you already, he is from New York. Nothing else to know about him, I gotta go study, I'm behind already for going to P3 yesterday."

"Phoebe, please, talk to us?" Piper asked

"It doesn't matter, he is gone."

"What do you mean he is gone?" Prue asked

"I cast a spell on him, he won't be bothering me again!"

"WHAT?" Prue and Piper said in reunion

"Are you serious?" Piper asked

"No, I'm not, but I'm trying to get you two off my back, but it's not working."

"Don't do that again!" Piper said

"Well, I'm going to my room, if you guys need anything you know where to find me"

With that Phoebe made her way to her room to study, she got her books and sat on her bed to study. She started reading over her materials and couldn't stop thinking about last night. Meanwhile in the kitchen Piper and Prue were talking

"You going to the club today?" asked Prue

"Yeah, the band is gonna be there for a while, and I have some inventory to do, would you like to come, Nick will be there you now!"

"Well, since you put it that way, yes, I will come with you."

"I will be leaving in about one hour, and I will be back by 3pm, if you want to come back earlier you are gonna have to take your car."

"No, it's ok. I will stay with you there, and if you need any help, I will help you with it."

"That is very nice of you, and I will take your help anytime." Piper said smiling

"I will tell Phoebe that we will be at the Club, while you get ready."

"Thanks Prue!"

With that, Prue made her way to Phoebe's room. She knocked on the door

"Phoebe, can I come in please?" Prue said

"Yeah, sure!"

"Piper and I are going to be at P3 till around 3, just wanted to let you know"


"You sure you don't want to come with us Pheebs?"

"I can't, if I could I would be there, you know that."

"Well, can we have dinner tonight or something?"

"I will think about it Prue, I just have a lot to study."

"Alright, talk to you later sweetie! I love you"

"I love you too Prue"

One hour later, Prue and Piper were at the club. Val's band were there and using the stage.

"So, what do you want me to do Piper?" asked Prue

"You can take care of the glasses, that would be great Prue!"

"So, you still worried about Phoebe?"

"Very much so, but there is nothing we can do, she will have to come to us."

"Yeah, I know, I hope she does soon, cause it's killing me knowing that something is wrong and she is not opening up."

"I know, look who is coming! Hi Val, What's up?" Piper asked

"Not much, we are done with the stage, thanks for letting us use it." Val said

"Not a problem, anytime you need, just let me know." Piper said

"So, Prue, would you like to meet my brother?"

"Of course, please introduce him to me?"

"Nick, please come over here?" Val yelled across the club, and with that Nick was at her side.

"Nick this is Prue, Piper's sister. Prue this is my brother Nick"

"Nice meeting you Nick" Prue said

"It's my pleasure!" Nick said back with a smile in his face.

"You are a great drummer!" Prue said

"Thanks, people tell me that all the time, don't they sis?" Nick said

"Yeah, they do. I gotta head back to what I was doing, why don't you talk to Prue, Nick." Val said

"And I need to head back to my work as well" said Piper

Prue and Nick talked for about 3 hours; Prue didn't even help Piper. She was having too much fun with him and totally forgot about helping Piper. Piper was happy to see her sister finally with a new guy, so she didn't care at all. Piper was done with her inventory and was ready to head home.

"Prue, I'm going home, do you want to come or what?" Piper asked

"I will come too, just give me 5 minutes alright?"

"I gotta go Nick, it's my ride home, and it was very nice talking to you all this time though!" Prue said

"It was very good to get to know you, I hope we can see each other again?" Nick said

"Yes, I would love to, here is my phone number, call me."

"Thanks, and I will give you a call!" said Nick

"Alright, I gotta go now, bye!"

Piper and Prue made their way home. When they arrived there, there were some roses on the floor in front of The Manor's door. Piper got down to pick it up and it had a note on the flowers. The flowers were addressed to Phoebe Halliwell

"I guess I will take it to her." Piper said

"I will come with you."

"Phoebe, we are home." Yelled Piper from downstairs

Prue and Piper made their way to Phoebe's room.

"Phoebe, can we come in?" Piper asked

"Yeah" Phoebe said back

"Look what you got!" Prue said

Looking up from her books, Phoebe saw the flowers, Piper handed it to her. Phoebe looked at the flowers and put it down beside her. She read the card, it said: I'M BACK PHOEBE

As soon as she read that, she put the flowers with the card in the trash. Piper and Prue just looked at each other.

"Why did you do that?" Prue asked

"The flowers are gonna die anyway!"

"Who sent that to you?" Piper asked

"I don't know it doesn't say. I have to study, do you guys mind?"

"Phoebe, why don't you tell us what is bothering you?" Prue asked

"Prue, I don't have time now, don't you see that I'm trying to study?"

"We just want to help you Pheebs" said Piper

"Well, I said before that it doesn't matter, and I'm fine!"

"Alright, we will leave you alone! But will you come down for dinner?" Prue asked

"Sure, if that will make you happy?"

"Alright, see ya later sis!" said Piper

Piper and Prue walked out of the room and made their way downstairs, Phoebe just laid in her bed and started to cry, she didn't want to deal with him now, she didn't want to have to relive her past. She was happy now, and he was the last thing that she wanted to worried about.

Piper was in the kitchen cooking dinner; Prue was just staring at the floor, thinking of Phoebe and what was wrong with her. Prue couldn't stop thinking of her, she wanted to help her, but it seemed that Phoebe didn't want to be helped.

"So, what are you thinking Prue?"

"Just Phoebe"

"You worried about her too huh?"

"Yeah, I jut want to help her Piper, but I don't know what is wrong with her so I can't"

"I know, but I think whatever it is has to do with the flowers, what do you think?"

"Yeah, I think the flowers really upset her. I think we should talk about it over dinner, or just try to get something out of her. Maybe she will feel better. What do you say?"

"Sure, we can try I guess, I just hope that trying to help her doesn't make it worse"

"So, when is dinner gonna be ready Piper?"

"Soon, I bet you can't wait to go up there and get her to eat with us"

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Well, I'm cooking dinner here, and what are you doing? Nothing! So you get to go up there and call her for dinner!"

"Great, I always get the bad part, I will be back"

"Good luck!" Piper said

With that, Prue went upstairs to Phoebe's room. Phoebe was laying in her bed, she wasn't crying anymore, just thinking of everything and him. When she heard a knock on the door.

"Pheebs, can I come in?" Prue said


As soon as Prue walked in the room, she noticed that Phoebe had been crying, but didn't want to say anything yet, she wanted to wait for dinner, where Piper would be there too.

"So, are you coming down for dinner?"

"Yeah, is it ready?"

"Yeah, Piper cooked, not sure what she cooked yet, you will have to come down and find out for yourself"

"Yeah, I will be down in 5 minutes, ok"

"Sure, we will be waiting for you"

Prue went downstairs to the kitchen; Piper noticed that Prue was alone.

"She is not coming, is she?"

"She said she will be down in about 5 minutes, but I could tell that she was crying"

"Oh, does this mean it's worse then we think or what?"

"I don't know, but we will talk to her when she comes down for dinner."

Meanwhile upstairs, Phoebe went to the bathroom to wash her face, she didn't want her sisters to know that she was crying, even though Prue already seen her, still, she was trying to hide it from her sisters. The last thing she wanted was for her sisters to worry about her, she was wrong though, they were already worrying about her. Walking in to the kitchen, Phoebe saw her sisters waiting for her to eat dinner.

"So, what is for dinner?" Phoebe asked

"Fettuccini Alfredo, it was the best I could come up with in 30 minutes" Piper said

"That smells good Piper, I bet it tastes marvelous too. Don't you think Phoebe?" Prue asked

Phoebe just looked at Prue and said nothing. Piper just sat their places on the table and they all sat down to eat. Phoebe wasn't that hungry, she just sat there playing with her food, while Prue and Piper were enjoying Piper's cooking. Piper and Prue were almost done with dinner, but Phoebe didn't even touch her food.

"Phoebe, what is bothering you so much?" Prue asked

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Why can't you talk to us? We just want to help you out!" Piper said

"But you can't, this is something that I have to deal on my own, with no help from anyone."

"What is it? What is so bad that you can't tell us? We can help you!" Prue said

"Even if I did tell you both, all you would do is judge me and lecture me about everything, so I would just save some yelling in the house and not tell you at all." Phoebe said

"What do you mean we would judge you and lecture you about everything?" Prue asked

"What I mean is, that I can deal with him by myself, I don't need your help with anything, I'm 24 years old, I think I can solve my own problems without my sisters help."

"Him? Who is he?" Piper asked

"I already told you about him, he is from New York."

"Yeah, you said that, but who is he Pheebs?" Prue asked

Phoebe had tears in her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of Piper and Prue, but talking about him wasn't an easy thing for her. She wanted to forget about him, and now that he was back into her life, things were getting worst. She didn't know why he was here in San Francisco, or what did he want with her. She didn't want to tell anything to Prue and Piper, cause she wasn't sure why he was here. She was scared, but she didn't want them to worry about her.

"His name is Kyle, and that is all you need to know about it. I'm going to bed, and I don't feel like talking anymore. Good Night!" Phoebe said as she got up from the table and made her way to her room. Piper and Prue just stare at each other with no words to say.

Five days had gone by, he was still watching her everywhere she went, at school, at The Manor, at P3. It seemed like he was planning something. Phoebe was still the same, she would spend the whole day out at the library studying, she didn't want to be near her sisters, cause she knew that they would ask millions of questions about Kyle. She was done with her mid terms, and all she wanted now was some time for time to relax. Prue had done the photo shoot for Val's band, all she had to do now was develop the pictures and print them. She went out on a date with Nick, they had a great time. But all Prue could think about it was Phoebe, she wanted to help her, but all Phoebe did was push her and Piper away. Phoebe would not even talk to them anymore, she would just go home and to her room, she would not even eat with them anymore.

Piper had just arrived at home. She was at P3 all night; Prue was in the kitchen making some tea. Piper walked into the kitchen and saw Prue there.

"Hey Prue, isn't it late to be making tea?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." Prue said

"Why, what is in your mind?"

"It's not what, but who. Phoebe is in my mind"

"Oh, I know, I'm worried about her too, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"Yeah there is, tomorrow I gonna talk to her, if you want you can join me. I will not sit around and watch her cry every night and suffer. She may hate me for a whole month, but if she feels better talking about with us, and if we can help her, then I don't mind at all."

"Alright Prue, I will come with you, but we gotta go easy on her, I don't want her to get mad at us, I know she will, but still, lets be gentle with her, she hasn't talked to us almost a week, what makes you think she will now?"

"I don't know, I just need to try, I don't like knowing that we can help her but she doesn't want our help at all. I know she is up there in her room crying her eyes out right now."

"Then why don't we go talk to her now, if she is crying, maybe she needs us now, maybe she wants us there. You know how Phoebe is, she will stay in her room waiting for us to come to her, and she will not come out. Not unless she wants to talk or something" Piper said

"Well, yeah, maybe we should do it now. I just feel so helpless when she can't talk to us"

Prue and Piper walked upstairs to Phoebe's room. They could hear Phoebe crying from the hallway. They didn't even knock on the door, they just walked in and saw Phoebe laying down on her bed, curled into a fetal position hugging her pillow and crying. It broke their hearts to see Phoebe like that. They walked in the room, sitting on Phoebe's bed; they just looked at her for a few minutes, without saying anything. After a few minutes Prue finally decided to say something.

"Pheebs, we just want to help you, would you please talk to us?"

Phoebe didn't answer her, she just kept crying, with that, Prue just pulled her into a hug and held her tight, she let her cry, Prue had tears in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry, she didn't want Phoebe to see her cry, she wanted to be strong for her.

After a few minutes Phoebe had calm down a little. Piper just watched as Prue held Phoebe.

"Phoebe, why don't you tell us what is bothering you and what is making you cry every night, and maybe that will make you feel better?" Ask Piper

"I can't, I can't, I can't" That was all Phoebe could say through her sobs.

"We are here for you Pheebs, no matter how big the problem is, and we will be here for you always. No matter what. You can trust us, we just want to help you." Prue said

"You won't understand, you will only judge me and lecture me, I know that." Phoebe said crying even more.

"We won't judge you Phoebe, we want to help you, and make you feel better. Whatever it is Phoebe; it can't be that bad, but we will be there for you. No Matter what!" Piper said

"It's Kyle" Phoebe said crying even harder

"What about him Pheebs, you gotta tell us more, I know you can do this." Prue said

"He… He… He…" Phoebe started to tell them through her sobs.

Phoebe had fallen asleep on Prue's arms. She was crying so hard that she could hardly speak. It was really hard for Prue and Piper watch Phoebe crying like that, they knew that something really bad must of happened to her in New York. But they knew that Phoebe would tell them in her own time, they need it to let her sleep and relax for a while. They left her sleeping in the room, and went downstairs into the kitchen.

"So, what do you think it is?" Ask Piper

"I have no idea, but whatever it is, I gonna kick his ass so bad." Prue said

"PRUE! You have to be calm when she tells us or she won't tell us at all. We have to be here to support her, and not to kick his ass."

"I know, it's just that seeing her cry like that just breaks my heart." Prue passed for a second "I have never seen her like that before, have you?" Prue asked

"No, I haven't. And it broke my heart too Prue, but we need to be there for her, and help her through this, whatever this may be. Oh my god, Prue, what if she was raped?" Piper asked with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Piper, I don't even want to think about that, I mean, we weren't there to help her through whatever happened to her. I think we should wait for her to tell us, we are worrying about something that we don't know what is it."

"You are right, so, what are you doing tomorrow?" Piper asked

"Not much, I have to work on Val's pictures, I promise her I would get it ready by Tuesday, after that, I'm free. What about you?"

"Actually, I don't have to be at the club tomorrow. My manager is going to open and close the club tomorrow. But if you want to go, we have go just for fun, I won't work."

"Well, lets see how Phoebe is doing, and if she wants to go, we can go, otherwise, we will stay with her, I think she will need us around for a bit and even if she says she doesn't, I don't want to leave her alone."

"Yeah, then I guess we wait till tomorrow to find out what we are going to do tomorrow night. That sounds good to me. You know, it's getting late and I'm very tired. Are you going to bed? Cause I'm." Piper said

"Yep, I'm tired too. It's bedtime for me. I hope Phoebe talks to us tomorrow."

"Yeah, me too. I'm going to go check on her one more time before I go to bed." Piper said as they walked up the stairs. Piper open Phoebe's door slowly not to wake her up, she looked inside and saw a sleeping Phoebe. She could tell that Phoebe was relaxed now; cause Phoebe was stretch out on her bed. Piper stayed there for a couple of minutes just looking at Phoebe, and she thought to herself 'Oh Phoebe, what did he do to you?' Piper closed the door slowly not to make too much noise. She walked to Prue's room to say good night.

"Prue, come I come in?"

"Sure sis"

"Phoebe is sleeping like an angel." Piper told Prue

"Good, she needs to get a good night of sleep."

"Well, so do I. So I'm going to bed now, Good night Prue" Piper walked over to Prue and gave her a kiss.

"Night Piper. Wake me up is something comes up. I love you" Prue said

"I will, wake me up too if something comes up, and I love you too!" Piper said that and went to her room and into bed.

It was morning at the Halliwell Manor. Prue and Piper were in the kitchen having breakfast. Prue was sitting at the table drinking her morning coffee and reading the Saturday newspaper. Piper was making some pancakes, she sat down next to Prue and they started eating their breakfast.

"You think she is up yet?" Prue asked

"I don't know, but it's kind of early for her to be up, it's only 9:30 in the morning."

"Well, I gonna go down to print the pictures I promised Val, but as soon as she walks in the kitchen, let me know. Ok" Prue said, getting up from her chair, and putting her dishes at the sink. "Thanks Piper for the lovely breakfast, and I will wash my dishes later."

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of that, and you are welcome." Piper said back to her sister. Piper starts cleaning the kitchen, while Prue made her way downstairs to the basement to print her pictures. Two hours passed, Prue went back upstairs, she didn't find Piper in the kitchen, and so she went to look for her. Piper was sitting in the sunroom reading the newspaper. Prue walked over and sat down next to Piper.

"Hey Piper"

"Hey Prue, you done already?"

"Yeah, I got some great pictures of the band, I hope Val will like it. What are you up to?"

"Nothing, just reading."

"She didn't come down yet?" Prue asked

"Nope, she is probably asleep, she will come down soon, it's almost noon. But Leo stopped by for a quick visit."

"Oh he did? What did he want? Any demon related? Please say no!"

"No, no demon related, he just wanted to see his wife, but he had to go, you know, the elders called him."

"I'm not surprised, at least he came to see you."

"Yeah, I know. So, now you free the rest of the day?"

"Yeah, I'm done for the day, it's just us now."

Meanwhile Phoebe was getting up, she didn't want to go downstairs, but she knew she had to talk to someone about it. She made her way to the kitchen. She got her a cup of coffee and sat down at the table to eat her breakfast. She wasn't very happy, her face seemed that she was crying all night long. Prue and Piper heard noises in the kitchen and knew right away that their baby sister was up. They got up and made their way to the Kitchen. Seeing their sister sitting down on the table with her head down just staring into nothing. It seemed like she was lost in her thoughts.

"Good Morning Pheebs" Prue and Piper said together

"Morning" Phoebe said without turning around to face them

"You feeling better?" Prue asked

"I don't know, I'm not sure."

"Would you like to tell us?" Piper asked

"Yes, but not right now, can I eat my breakfast first?"

"Of course, do you want me to make some pancakes for you?" Piper asked

"No, it's ok, I will just have toast. Thanks Piper"

"Alright, take your time sweetie, we will be in the living room waiting for you" Prue said getting up and she kissed Phoebe on the forehead, Piper did the same.

After 15 minutes, Phoebe walked out to the sunroom to talk to her sisters. She sat down between them, and just stayed quiet for a few minutes. They knew that she needed her time.

"Take your time sweetie, we are here for you" Prue said

"I know, I just don't know from where to start." said Phoebe

"We have all day Pheebs, if you need it" Piper said

It took Phoebe about 10 minutes to start telling Prue and Piper

"Kyle, he used to be my boyfriend. He was the first person I met when I got to New York. After two days getting to know him, we started dating. I was so in love with him, it was like love at first sight. He was the nicest person that I ever met in my life, but I was wrong." Phoebe paused it for a few minutes. She had tears coming down her eyes. She started telling them again "After 2 weeks of being together, I moved in with him, I had no where else to go, no money, so that was the best place I choice I though of. Not long after that, I got pregnant." Phoebe said with tears in her eyes. Prue and Piper just listening to what she was telling them and in shock with what they were hearing. "After I find out that I was pregnant, I got a job as a manager at a restaurant, I was lucky to get that job, but I need it to start saving money. When I told him that I was pregnant, he was happy, and he said that he would be there for me all the way." Phoebe paused for another few minutes. Tears didn't stop coming down her face. "He was a good friend of Clay's, that is how I met Clay. He was around a lot. Anyway, Kyle started changing after a while, one night he came home drunk, another night he would be high, it started being like that almost every week. I told him that I would help him through whatever he need it to be free from drugs and alcohol, but he would never listen to me. I was so stupid to stay around him, I should of have packed my bags and moved to another place or something." Phoebe started crying a bit more; Piper hugged her for a while.

"Why didn't you call us and tell us you were pregnant Pheebs?" Ask Prue

"Back then you didn't want me in you lives, remember? And I didn't want for you to come and say how irresponsible I was; I know what you thought of me when I left. And I thought that I could do it all alone, besides I have Kyle and Clay back then." Phoebe said with tears in her eyes

"Pheebs, but we would…" Prue said, but Phoebe cut her off

"But that was then, I know things have changed now" Phoebe said and she continue with her story "Well, when I was five months pregnant, he came home one night, drunk and high, and he…" Phoebe paused it for a minute with tears coming down her face. "He just started beating me up, I don't know why he did that, I didn't do anything to him, or at least I don't think I did." She paused it again. "He just beat me up for about an hour, I couldn't do anything, I wasn't strong enough, and besides, I was pregnant. I was lucky that Clay came over that night and heard me screaming my lungs out, and he stopped Kyle. Clay called the cops and an ambulance right away, but the time the paramedics got there, I passed out from all the pain. I didn't wake up for another 3 days. The doctors had to get the babies out cause I was too weak to carry them, and they were pretty hurt as well." Phoebe said with more tears coming down her face.

"Babies Phoebe? Prue asked

"Yeah, identical twin girls" Phoebe said with even more tears coming down, it was very hard for her to remember all this, even though it had been three years ago, it was still hard for her to remember, and it was even worst telling her sisters. Phoebe continue her story

"I was in the hospital for a week, they discharged me, but I didn't leave the hospital. I wanted to stay there with the babies, who were still alive after all that beating, and being born premature. They were so small, but beautiful."

"I'm sure they were beautiful Pheebs, did you named them?" Piper asked

"Yeah, I did." Phoebe stopped for a second "I named them after you guys, I wished so bad that you guys were there with me, since I couldn't, I at least had to name them after you to have a piece of you with me. The oldest being Prudence Stacy Halliwell and the youngest being Piper Victoria Halliwell." Phoebe said with tears in her eyes, at this point, Prue and Piper had tears coming down their faces as well. They couldn't believe Phoebe had gone through all that alone.

"Everything seemed to be getting better, they were getting stronger everyday, I was there beside them every single minute, and so was Clay, helping me out with everything. But eight days after they were born, one of them died. It was all of sudden; she was too weak. I though, 'well, at least I have one of them.' But I wasn't that lucky, little Prudence got an infection and died 3 days after her sister died." Phoebe just stared to cry, Prue just held her close and comforted her. Prue and Piper still had tears coming down their faces. Phoebe got herself back together and continued. "Clay took care of me for the next 2 weeks, and then I told him that I wanted to come back here, I couldn't stay in New York anymore, knowing that my babies girls had died not long ago. He understood, he helped me out so much that I don't know if I could of made it if he wasn't there for me. Before I left he told me that Kyle would be in jail for a long time, but I told him that I didn't want to hear from or about Kyle anymore, I didn't care, I hated it him so bad. Then I came back to San Francisco. I never heard from him again, not even when Clay came to visit me two years ago. And I don't know why he is here now; I don't know what he wants from me. I guess he got out of jail, I just don't know, I just don't want him near me" Phoebe said with more tears coming down her face, this time with both sisters holding her tight. They sat there for about 20 minutes holding Phoebe, now Prue and Piper knew what had happened to Phoebe in New York.

"Oh Phoebe, I'm so sorry we weren't there with you when you had to go through this." said Piper

"But we are here now Pheebs, and we are gonna help you through this and help you find out why he is here and what he wants. I promise you that we will get him back to jail" Prue said

"I love you guys" Phoebe said with tears coming down her face again

"We love you too Pheebs" Prue and Piper said together

Phoebe had fallen asleep in the arms of her sisters. She cried for a long time, for all the times that she wished her sisters were there when her babies died three years ago. Prue and Piper just held her for a while. They wanted to be there for her now; they wanted to help her through this, even though it was three years ago. They left Phoebe sleeping on the couch and they went into the kitchen to get a drink. Piper still had tears coming down her face, Prue cried a little, but she didn't want to show her sisters that she was crying, she wanted to be strong for Phoebe.

"You know, I never thought it was be this bad Prue" said Piper

"Oh, I know Piper, I just don't understand why she didn't tell us back then?"

"Prue, it was different back then, we, especially you, would have only lecture her and would have gotten mad at her. You know that, I wish she would have told us, but we have to be there for her now" said Piper

"I know, it just makes me mad that we weren't there for her when she lost her babies" Prue said with tears in here eyes. "I think we should call Darryl and tell him that Kyle is here, ask him to check on him to see if he is out of jail for good and what can we do about it?" Prue said

"I know, but I think we should wait for Phoebe to get up, I think this is her decision, she knows what she needs to do."

"WOW" said Prue

"What?" Piper asked

"Do you realize that we were aunts?"

"You are right, I didn't even think about that. I can't imagine how hard it was on her when her babies die, I don't know if I would have survived if it was me. Oh Prue, How can this happen to her?"

"I know, she is very strong Piper. I mean, she lost mom, Grams not long before she lost her babies. It must have been so hard on her, but we are here for her now, she will be fine, you will see." Prue said

Phoebe woke up and noticed that her sisters weren't there by her side. She just sat there thinking of everything she told her sisters, she was afraid that they would be mad at her for not telling about her babies and Kyle when she came back from New York. She didn't have any more tears to cry, but still it was hurting her a lot to think about her babies, they would have been 3 years old today. She got up and went to look for her sisters. She knew that they would be in the kitchen, she walked in and saw them and she just sat down on the table.

"How are you doing Pheebs?" Prue asked

"I don't know, it's just hard, I never told anyone before. I mean, the only person that knows about everything is Clay, well, and now you guys."

"We know sweetie, but we are here for you" said Piper

"You guys are not… never mind" said Phoebe

"What, you can ask us anything Pheebs." said Prue

"I don't know, I don't want you guys to be mad at me for not telling you guys when I came back from New York."

"Oh, we would never be mad at you honey, we understand, you don't have to worry about that" said Piper

"Piper is right Pheebs, you have other things to worry about now, and we are not mad at you, never" said Prue

"Thanks, I always wanted to tell you guys, but I never knew how, and it was always the wrong time." Phoebe told her sisters

"Now Phoebe, we think we should call Darryl, to ask him to check on Kyle, but this is up to you." Prue said

Phoebe didn't say anything for a few minutes; she just stared at Prue and Piper, she wasn't sure if that was a good idea. "I don't know about that." Phoebe said

"Pheebs, you don't have to do it, but we think it's better if we called him." said Piper

"I know, I just don't want to see him again." Phoebe said just above her lips

"You don't have to see him, we will call Darryl and see what he can do for us, you don't have to worry about that, we will take care of everything for you honey" said Prue

"Alright, if you think it's a good idea, then do it, but just tell me about it when it's over, I don't want to keep hearing about it every now and then." Phoebe said

"Pheebs, we need to know his last name so we can tell Darryl?" Prue asked

"Kyle J. Madison" Phoebe said

"Ok, I will go call Darryl, I will be right back, alright" Prue said as she walked out of the kitchen and made her way to the living room to call Darryl. Meanwhile Phoebe and Piper were in the kitchen.

"So, Pheebs, We wanted to know if you wanted to go to P3 with us tonight?" Piper asked

"Not tonight Piper, I just going to stay at home, thanks for asking though"

"Alright, then we can watch a movie or something, I will cook a nice dinner too."

"Oh no Piper, you guys want to go to P3, I don't want to make you guys stay at home cause of me, you go and have fun, I will be fine." Phoebe said

"No, we are staying with you Pheebs. We want to spend time with our little sister; we haven't spent time together in a long time. We are staying with you tonight; we want to spend time with you. Alright?"

"Ok, if that is what you want, thanks Piper"

With that Prue came back into the kitchen, she had just talked to Darryl.

"You sure you don't want to know anything Pheebs?" Prue asked

"I don't care, I just don't want to think about it, or of him." Phoebe said

"Pheebs, you don't have to worry about anything, we are here with you and here for you" Prue said

"I know, it's just hard to hear about him, I mean, I haven't hear anything about him since I left New York. But go on Prue, you can say what Darryl said" Phoebe said

"Well, he said that Kyle is out of jail on probation. And he was not allowed to leave the State of New York for 5 years. He didn't know much more cause it's the weekend, but he will try to find out more when Monday comes. He also said that if we have any other problems with Kyle, just to call him, and he will come over." Prue finished telling Phoebe and Piper about him, Phoebe had her head down and staring at the floor, tears coming her face. Piper walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"It's going to be alright Pheebs." Piper said softly

"I know, I'm just scared, but I'm glad that this time you guys are here with me." Phoebe said

"Why don't we just forget about him today, and have a sister night?" Piper asked

"I think that is a great idea, what do you say Pheebs?" Prue asked

"I don't know, I'm not really in the mood for that" Phoebe said

"Oh come on Pheebs, we can even watch your favorite movie "Kill It Before It Dies' with Billy, what do you say? You can't refuse that, can you?" Prue said with a big smile on her face. Phoebe couldn't help but smile back at her sisters.

"You know that is not fair, you know how I love that movie, and you know that I won't say no to that offer. Yes, I would love to watch that movie, but I know you guys don't like it!" Phoebe said

"It's your night honey, we watch what you want to watch, if 'Kill It Before It Dies' is your choice, then that is what we will be watching tonight." Piper said

"Alright, but I haven't seen this movie for a long time"

"What do you want for dinner Pheebs?" asked Piper

"How about your Pizza, I know it's simple, but I love it" Phoebe said

"Pizza and a movie, I like that." said Prue

"I guess I can come with the best Pizza ever Pheebs" Piper said smiling at her baby sister

"But first there is something I want to show you guys, I will be right back" Phoebe said and got up from her chair and went upstairs to her room. Piper and Prue didn't say anything, they just wanted for Phoebe to come back down into the kitchen. She walked in the kitchen holding a little photo album, and she sat down at the table. Prue and Piper sat down beside Phoebe.

"I want you guys to see pictures of my babies. All this picture were taken at the hospital, they are not the best, but that is the only pictures I have of my babies." Phoebe said with tears in her eyes, opening the photo album, she let Piper and Prue look at the pictures of her babies. The babies were very tiny, little Piper Victoria was smaller then little Prue Stacy, they had tubes and all the medical needs on them. Prue and Piper had tears coming down their faces.

"They were beautiful Pheebs" said Piper

"Which one is which?" asked Prue

"This one is little Piper Victoria" Phoebe said pointing to the picture "And this one is Prue Stacy"

"They were adorable Pheebs, I'm so sorry honey" said Prue

"It's ok, I gotten used to it now, and besides, I know they are safe with mom now, she is taking good care of them." Phoebe said with a single tears coming down her face. She looked at Prue and Piper and then back at the pictures of her babies. "Do you think she is with them, I mean Mom, do you think she taking care of them for me?" Phoebe asked

"I'm sure she is Pheebs, they are lucky to have her." Prue said

"Yeah, she will take good care of them honey, I'm sure of that" Piper said

"I think so too. If they can't be with me, then Mom is the best choice!" Phoebe said with a smile on her face.

"So, I will put the pictures away and get the movie, what time do you guys want to eat?" asked Phoebe

"I will put the pizza in the oven while we sit down and start watching the movie? How is that?" asked Piper

"Great, I will be right back with the movie then" Phoebe said as she got up and went upstairs to get the movie. With a few minutes Phoebe came down with the movie in hand and ready to sit down and have a good time with her sisters. Within 30 minutes the pizza was ready and they were sitting down and watching Phoebe's favorite movie in the living room. Phoebe knew that this fun would only last for tonight, cause as soon as Monday came she would have to face Kyle and everything again. She was having a blast with her sisters now; she didn't want this to end.

"Thanks" Phoebe said

"For what" Prue asked

"For this, trying to cheer me up, it's working you know!" Phoebe said with a huge smile on her face

"You are welcome sweetie, that is why we are here for" Piper said

"Yeah, you are very welcome honey" said Prue

"WOW" Phoebe said

"What?" Prue and Piper asked together

"Did I ever tell you that Billy is the perfect men?" Phoebe said with a smile on her face

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Piper said

"You told us that like a million time if you forgot Pheebs." Prue said, as they started giggling and laughing. They were having a great night, especially Phoebe.

It was a great weekend for Phoebe; she had a blast with her sister. She almost forgot about Kyle, but he was still on her mind, even though she didn't want to think of him, he would be there forever. Someone she once dearly loved with all her heart, and now, someone she didn't want to see again, someone that took the lives of her babies, and a part of her as well. When her babies died, a piece of Phoebe's heart died too. She never thought she would feel this way, until her babies were taken from her. But things were better now, her sisters knew about it and they were helping her through it, something that she wanted it a long time ago, her sister's comfort. The weekend was almost over, she didn't want it to end, she didn't want to hear about him, and she knew that she would have to hear about him once Darryl finds out anything about Kyle.

It was Sunday night; Phoebe was laying on the cough, just thinking about everything. Prue and Piper were in the kitchen; Piper was cleaning all the dishes left from dinner.

"I had a great time this weekend, it was a long time since we spend the whole weekend just us, and no demons or any other interruptions." said Piper

"I know, I had a great time as well. Do you think Phoebe did?" Prue asked

"I think she did, she was laughing and giggling all the time. Even if she was a bit upset and all, she had fun."

"Good, I think so too, cause that was the whole point, to cheer her up" Just as Prue finished saying that, the phone rang, "I will get that" Prue said, she walked to the hallway to answer the phone

"Hello" Prue said

"May I speak with Phoebe, Please?" The person calling asked

"Yeah, hold on a second Please." Prue said as she walked over to the living room and handle the phone to Phoebe.

"Pheebs, phone." Prue said as she walked back to the kitchen. Piper was almost done with the dishes, when Prue walked in.

"Who was that?" Piper asked

"I don't know, I didn't asked, it was for Pheebs thought" Prue said

"I'm almost done here, can you dry the dishes please?" Piper asked

"Sure, anything for you" Prue said

Back in the living room Phoebe just started talking to the person that called her.

"Hello, this is Phoebe"

"Hi my darling, I though you would never answer my call." The person said

"What do you want? Why are you calling me?" Phoebe asked, she had tears in her eyes, and she was pale from hearing his voice.

"Wait, don't hung up, I just want to talk to you, Please, talk to me Phoebe?" He said

"Kyle, what do you want from me?" Phoebe asked with fear in her voice, and tears coming down her face

"I just want to talk to you, that is why I came to San Francisco. And I would like to know if you would see me?" Kyle said

"Are you nuts? After what you have done to me, ruined my life, what makes you think that I want to see you?" Phoebe asked, she was getting mad at this point

"Phoebe, relax, I just want to talk to you, and tell you how sorry I'm for everything, I need to do this face to face, so I can go on, move on with my life." Kyle explained himself

"I don't know, I'm not sure about that. I don't want to see you again after what you have done to me." Phoebe said as tears come down her face.

"Please, I beg you, I need to see you, I need to explain what happen, I want to make things right with you, I'm still in love with you, I need to see you." Kyle pleaded with Phoebe, Phoebe didn't say anything for a minute, she was just thinking, she didn't want to go, but he knew that she would give in and go see him.

"I'm not sure I should, I'm not sure if I'm ready to see you."

"Phoebe, Please, we can go to a public place for dinner or something, I need to see you."

"Alright, fine, at 6 pm at Quake. Don't be late, or I will leave." Phoebe said, she didn't want to go, but in a way she wanted to see him, just to see what he would say to her, and maybe this would help her move on with her babies deaths.

"Alright, Thanks a lot, I will be there, bye." Kyle said

"See you then, bye" said Phoebe. She was surprised that she was going to see him; after all, he killed her babies. She was glad that her sisters weren't in the room. She stopped crying, and clean her face, she didn't want her sisters to know she had been crying. She decided that she wasn't going to tell them that she was going to see him, if they knew she was going to see him, they would never let her go. Prue would just go nuts over this, she answered the phone and didn't even asked who it was, if she knew it was Kyle, she would have never let him talk her sister. Phoebe after spending the whole weekend with her sisters, she wanted sometime alone, so she decided she was gonna go to bed earlier tonight. She got up from the couch and head it to the kitchen to say good night to her sisters. As she walked in she saw her sisters at the sink doing the rest of the dishes. She just stopped at the door and watched them for a while, it was cute how one was watching and the other one was drying. 'Long time since we haven't done that' Phoebe thought to herself. She was just staring at them; they were talking and giggling together. Prue noticed Phoebe standing at the door; she put the dishes down and turned around.

"Nice for you to join us. Who was on the phone?" Prue asked

"No one, just a friend." Phoebe said, hoping her sisters wouldn't ask whom; she didn't want them to find out who it was.

"Future boyfriend, maybe?" Prue asked

"No, remember, I still have Cole, even though he is not really around, he is still my boyfriend." Phoebe said hoping her sisters wouldn't figure it out who it really was.

"I'm tired, I gonna go to bed. I just came to say good night" Phoebe said before her sisters started asking more questions.

"So early, it's only 8:30pm Pheebs?" Piper asked

"I know, I'm just tired from having such a good time with my two favorites sisters" Phoebe said trying to seen like she was really tired and not upset from the phone call, it was working so far, at least that is what she thought.

"We had a great time too Pheebs, anytime you want, just let us know!" said Piper

"Thanks, good night" Phoebe

"Night Pheebs" Prue and Piper said together

Phoebe went upstairs to her room; she got ready for bed and got under the covers. She wasn't really tired, but just needed to be alone and think about tomorrow. Tears started to come down her face, she was scared, but it was something she needs to do. She just laid in bed holding her pillow and wondering if it was the right decision to go see him. She knew that if her sisters found out about it, they would kill her just for agreeing in going to see him. She didn't know what she was gonna tell them about tomorrow, but that was something she would think about later. She kept thinking to herself, 'was he really here trying to make things right, or not?' She wasn't sure, but she needed it to see it for herself. It was so many thoughts going through her mind, she didn't know what to do, and she just let the tears fall down her face. When suddenly Cole shimmered into her room. He saw her crying, he got worried about her right then.

"Pheebs, What is it?" Cole asked

"Just hold me Please?" Phoebe asked

Cole did as Phoebe asked, he laid besides her on the bed, and held her, comforted her, he just let her cry in his arms. Now it was one more worry for Phoebe, how to tell all this to Cole. About Kyle, her babies, what had happened to her in New York. She didn't want to tell him, or at least not yet. She would have to figure that out later on. She just wanted it him to hold her. Cole came in the right time; she needed someone else to be there for her, besides her sisters. Cole was worried about Phoebe, he never seen her like this before, maybe she had a fight with her sisters again, he thought. Phoebe cried in his arms for about an hour, Cole didn't say anything, he just let her cry, and he knew that she would tell him what was wrong when time was right. Phoebe ended up falling asleep on Cole's arms. Cole was glad that he was back for a while, so now he could take care of Phoebe, and be there for her. Not soon after Phoebe had fallen asleep, Cole did as well. They were both asleep together, which they haven't done in such a long time.

Prue and Piper were sitting in the Living room now, just talking. It was the first time they had been alone since Phoebe had told them about what had happened in New York, with the babies, and Kyle. They were both very shocked to know what had happened to Phoebe, they wished they had been there to help her through it. But the least they could do now, is be there for her now, help her through it now.

"So, now that we are alone Prue, what do you think of all that happened to her, from getting pregnant to losing her babies?" asked Piper

"I have to admit to you that I think it was a bit irresponsible of her, but I know she would of taken good care of her babies if she had the opportunity. She would have been a good mom." Prue said

"No doubt about it, she would of made a great mom. Her babies were so cute, I feel so sorry for her that she had to go through this all alone, and we should have been there with her." said Piper

"Piper, there was nothing we could have done, we didn't know anything about it. I wish I was there too, but all we can do now is help her through it now. She will be fine with time, you will see." Prue said

"I know, I just get so worried about her sometimes, you know, she is our baby sister." Piper said

"I know, I worry too, she will be fine. All we have to do now is call Darryl tomorrow and find out anything about Kyle and get rid of him; send him back to jail, or to New York. Far away from Phoebe. The fastest we get rid of him, the fastest Phoebe will get better and happier." Prue said

"I know, I hope Darryl can find out more about him, I mean why he is here?" Piper said

"Yeah, I want to know that too, but if I see him around Phoebe, or around here, or P3, I will kill him, I swear I will." Prue said getting mad.

"Prue, you can't, this won't help Phoebe, and you won't be able to be here for Phoebe if you go to jail for killing him, let the cops take care of that, and worry about her now." Piper said trying to calm Prue down.

"I know, I just get so mad when someone her Phoebe or you. I just wish I could do something about it" Prue said

"But you can, you can help Phoebe through this, that is all you need to do. Worry about her not him." Piper said

"Yeah, I will do that, but I think it's bed time for me. Tomorrow I gonna meet with Val and Nick to decide on the pictures, I need to get some sleep" Prue said

"Cool, I hope they like your work, or better yet, I know they will. Are you gonna be at P3 tomorrow with them?" Piper asked

"Yeah, there is where we are meeting, are you gonna be there?" Prue asked

"Yeah, just in the morning though, till lunch time, I'm going out for lunch with Leo if you would like to come, let me know, maybe we can have a double date, if you take Nick with you" Piper said smiling at Prue

"If he wants, I say yes. I would like that. He is so cute; I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Anyway, see you tomorrow sis. Good night." Prue said as she got up from the couch

"Well, I'm going to bed too, I'm tired as well." Piper said as they both walked up to their rooms and went to bed. They have no idea what is gonna happen tomorrow, they think it's just gonna be a normal date with Leo and Nick, but they don't know what is coming and what is going to happen to their baby sister. Time will tell.

It was almost noon at The Halliwell Manor, Prue and Piper had been up since 9 in the morning. They had breakfast and read the paper, and talked. Phoebe was still in bed, not asleep though, she had been up since around 8 in the morning thinking about her phone call the night before, and she was getting ready to see the men that killed her babies. She stayed in her room till later thinking about everything. She decided to get up and change and head downstairs, she hoped that her sisters wouldn't be there. She walked in to the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice, her sisters weren't there, she thought to herself she lucked out. But they were in the living room; she heard her name being called out, she went into the living room to see what her sisters wanted. She wasn't in a very good mood today; she didn't even go to class.

"Hey Pheebs." said Prue and Piper

"Hi" that was all that Phoebe said as she sat down on the couch

"How are you sweetie?" Piper asked

"Not bad, you?" Phoebe said

"We are going out for lunch with Leo and Nick, would you like to come?" asked Prue

"No, it's ok, I have some stuff to do. Where are you going?"

"We are going to Quake" Prue said

'Good thing that they are going there for lunch and not dinner' Phoebe though to herself

"What time is your class? Do you need a ride?" Piper asked

"My class was this morning and no I don't need a ride cause I'm not going anywhere, but thanks for the offer" Phoebe said

"Why didn't you go to class Pheebs?" Prue asked

"I just didn't feel like it, it was my first time in the whole semester that I missed a class, so don't make a big deal!" Phoebe had not missed a class even with all the demon hunting they had in the whole semester. Which was pretty good for her.

"You sure you are ok Pheebs?" Piper asked with concern

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just have some stuff to do today, that is all. What time are you leaving?" Phoebe asked

"Soon, you know where to find us if you need anything?" Prue said

"Alright, I gonna go to my room. Have a good time guys. Phoebe said as she got up from the couch and made her way to upstairs to her room. Prue and Piper had that concern look at their faces.

"Piper, something is wrong with her, but I can't quite figure it out what it is?" Prue said

"I know, but I think it has something to do with everything that is going on Prue. It's a good thing that you didn't tell her about Kyle, I think she can wait till tonight." Piper said

Prue had called Darryl earlier in the morning and Darryl told her that Kyle had been out of jail but he was on probation for 5 years, he was not allowed to leave the State Of New York, but he did anyway. And that he had a meeting with her probation officer every week, and he hasn't been there for the last 3 weeks, which they assume he was in San Francisco for the whole time watching Phoebe. Darryl told them to be careful and not have any contact with him, and as soon as they find him they would arrest him and send him back to New York, but little did they know that their sister was going to have dinner with him that same night.

Prue and Piper went to lunch with Leo and Nick, they had a great time, and now Prue was starting to like Nick even more, she was glad that she was finally had someone now. Right after lunch they went to P3 to meet with Val to decide on the pictures for the tour. Val was pleased to see that Prue had done a great job with the pictures; it was excellent. She didn't think twice and she choose the best picture for the promo of their tour, Prue was happy that she liked the pictures. It was around 5 in the afternoon when they left the club to go home, Nick glad he had a great time with Prue, Leo and Piper. Arriving at home, they knew Phoebe would be home.

"Phoebe, we are home" Prue yelled from Downstairs, but there was no answer

"Are you sure she is home?" Leo asked

"Yeah, the jeep is here, and she told us she wasn't going anywhere today, she must be in her room." Piper said

"I had a great time with you honey." Leo said looking at Piper

"I know I did too" Piper said kissing Leo

"Uh-oh" Leo said looking up

"Please don't tell me you have to go, you just got here today." Piper said winning

"Piper Please don't do this, you know I have to when they call me." Leo said pleading her

"Alright, but promise you will be back as soon as you can?" Piper begged him

"Of course, I will be here as soon as I'm done! I promise" Leo said as he give her a kiss, and he orbed out. Piper turned to Prue and looked at her

"What are you gonna do now?" Piper asked

"I'm going to see if Phoebe is home, wanna come?" Prue asked

"Sure" Piper said as they walked upstairs to Phoebe's room, knocking on the door Prue and Piper made their way in the room, as they seen Phoebe getting ready to go out with her

"Pheebs, where are you going?" Piper asked. Now was the time where she didn't want to talk to her sisters. She didn't want to tell them that she was going to see Kyle, Prue would never let her go, but she needed to see him, at least just to move on.

"Just going out for dinner." Phoebe said

"With who?" Prue asked

"Just a friend" Phoebe said trying not to look her sisters

"Can I use your car Piper?" Phoebe asked

"Sure, where are you going?" Piper asked

"Out" Phoebe said, "So, how was lunch? Phoebe asked trying to change the subject

"It was good, we had a great time" Prue said. Phoebe started thinking that while they were out having fun, she was here, she was here having an awful time alone, even though she wanted her sisters with her, she knew it was better if they were not here.

"Wow, I gonna be late, I better get going" Phoebe said as she got up from her bed and they all walked downstairs

"Bye Pheebs" Prue and Piper said as Phoebe walk to the jeep

Phoebe drove to Quake, arriving there, she just sat in the car for a few minutes before walking in to Quake. She needed it to prepare herself to see him as tears came down her face. She cleaned her tears away, and she went in to Quake. As soon as she saw him, she just stood there looking at him; she froze as her face turned pale. After a few seconds she walked up to him and just look at him for a while.

"Wow, you look even better then I though" Kyle said

"Hi to you too" Phoebe said trying not to cry

"I'm glad you came" Kyle said

"I'm here now, can we get this over with so I can go?" Phoebe asked as she sat down at the table

"I know, I know you hate me Phoebe, but I need it to see you" Kyle said

"You damn right I hate you, what do you think I would do after you killed my babies?"

"Our babies Phoebe, it was mine too, and don't think that I don't regret it cause I do." Kyle said looking into her eyes

"Well, you were not the one beaten up? Were you? Or the one that sat besides the babies and watch them die right in front of me?" Phoebe said angrily

"You have the right to be mad at me, and I don't blame you. But I never stopped loving you Phoebe, I thought of you everyday that I sat in jail." Kyle said as he looked deeply into her eyes. Back then it was this look that got Phoebe to fall in love with him. Phoebe didn't know what to say, they just look at each other for a while until he broke the silence

"I'm here to tell you how sorry I'm for everything, I know it will take you a while and years to forgive me, but I need to tell you how I feel, I'm still in love with you Phoebe" Kyle said as he started to cry

"Kyle…" Phoebe said as he cut her off

"Phoebe let me finish, I have always loved you, and I always will, even if you don't want to be with me, I will understand, but I need for you to know that I'm sorry, and I will never forgive myself for what I have done. The drugs and the drinking was just an excuse for me, but now I have to face that I was the one that did that to you, and took our babies away." Kyle said with tears coming down his face

"Kyle, I don't know if I will ever forgive you, but I was in love with you then, but not anymore. I'm with someone now, someone who cares deeply about me, someone that will never hurt me the way you did. But I understand how you feel, cause the pain I have been through was so big, but I have to admit that you probably had pain as well. I just don't know what else to say" Phoebe said, she as well had tears in her eyes.

"You don't have to say anything, all I want is for you to spend the evening with me, that is all I ask of you" Kyle said with tears still coming down his face.

"I'm here already, so you are getting that so far." Phoebe said

They had dinner and Kyle said how sorry he was a million times, they cried and they talked about everything that had happened in New York. Phoebe was starting to loosen up a little, and she was giving in to him. They stopped crying after a while, and Phoebe was getting more comfortable with him. But that wasn't such a good idea, she but didn't know what was coming to her.

They were done with dinner; they were getting ready to leave when Kyle asked Phoebe for a favor.

"Phoebe, I would like to do one more thing tonight?" Kyle asked her

"What is it?" Phoebe asked

"I want to take you down to the beach before you go home?" Kyle asked her looking deeply into her eyes

"I don't know Kyle, it's getting late, it's almost 9" Phoebe said

"Please Phoebe, that is the last thing I ask for you to do?" Kyle pleaded with her

"Alright, but not for long. I need to get home soon, or my sisters will worry about me" Phoebe said

"Thanks, follow me, since you came in your car" Kyle said and Phoebe just followed him to the beach, when they go there, Phoebe said that the beach was empty, and it was very dark. As they walked into the beach, Kyle turned to her and just looked at her.

"Oh, Phoebe I have been waiting for this for so long" Kyle said with a bit of anger in his voice

"What are you talking about" Phoebe asked a little scared of the tone he was talking to her

"I have planned this for 3 years, and finally this day has come" Kyle said as he grabbed her arm

"Kyle, what are you doing?" Phoebe asked

"Have you ever heard of a saying, Pay back is a bitch?" Kyle asked Phoebe

"Pay back, what are you talking about?" Phoebe asked as tears came down her face, she was scared, scared for her life.

"You sent me to jail for 3 years, I have been sitting there doing nothing because of you, now you will pay for that" Kyle said very angrily

"ME? I didn't do anything, you were the one that came home drunk and high and started to beat me up, and you were the one that killed my babies" Phoebe said through her sobs

"Well, it was because of you that I was in jail, but now you will pay for that, no matter what you say or do, there is no one here to help you, and no one will help you." Kyle said as he started beating her up just like he did in New York 3 years ago, but this time Clay was not there to stop it. She begged him to stop between every kick and every punch. But he didn't care that she was crying and scared that she would never see her sisters again. She beaten her so bad that she was unconsciousness, he left her there, thinking that she would never wake up again, after a 20 minute of kicking her and punching her, no one would ever survive. He left her there, right in the middle of the beach. He was long gone, his planned has worked, make her believe him that he was still in love with her, so she agree to the beach with him, he never though she would fall it so easily. Phoebe was laying on the beach; bleeding and she had bruises all over her body. Lucky 2 hours later a couple found her there on the beach; they called for an ambulance and the cops. Phoebe was taken to the emergency room.

Piper and Prue didn't even know what had happen to their baby sister. They were talking about how fun they had earlier that day, when they heard a knock on the door. They both got up to answer the door, when they opened they saw Darryl standing there.

"Hi Darryl, what brings you here?" asked Prue

"Kyle does" Darryl said with a serious face, Prue and Piper knew that this was not gonna be gonna news, but they didn't know how bad it was.

"What is it Darryl" Piper asked

"It's Phoebe" Darryl said

"What about her" Prue asked starting to get worried about her baby sister

"She is in the hospital, he got her pretty bad this time" Darryl said as Prue and Piper both turned pale with the news.

Piper and Prue were socked when Darryl told them that Phoebe was at the Hospital. You could see the fear in each of their faces. They were so scared to hear what Darryl had yet to say.

"What do you mean she is at the Hospital? What happened to her Darryl?" asked Prue with tears of fear coming down her face

"Someone found her unconsciousness laying on the beach, this couple called the police and the ambulance as soon as they found her. She was taken to the San Francisco Memorial Hospital. I don't know her condition; all I know is that she was beaten very badly. I wanted to tell you about he myself, so I came here, I though it was better then a phone call from the Hospital." Darryl said with sympathy in his voice

"Thanks Darryl, we will go to the hospital right now." Piper said as she grabbed the car keys and they looked the door behind them. Not long after they left The Manor, they arrived at the Hospital. Running in to the Emergency room, they stopped at the front desk to ask about Phoebe.

"Phoebe Halliwell Please, she was brought here about 2 hours ago" Prue said

"Please wait in the family room while I will get the doctor for you." The nurse said as she showed them the family room

"Thank you" said Piper as the nursed walked out to get the doctor

"I'm scared Prue" said Piper with tears coming down her face. Prue Hugged Piper as she started to cry.

"I'm too Piper, but she will be alright, we need to have faith" Prue said as she cried as well.

The doctor walked in to the family room where Piper and Prue were waiting for news of their sister.

"Hi, is this Phoebe Halliwell's family?" The doctor asked

Prue and Piper got up from their chair and face the doctor

"Yes, we are her sisters, how is she?" Prue asked

"I'm Dr Callaway, please have a sit and I will explain this to you." Dr. Callaway said as he said down, so did Prue and Piper

"I gonna be honest with you and I just gonna tell you how your sister is doing. She was severely beaten, she was lucky she didn't get killed." Dr Callaway said as Prue and Piper's face turned pale as soon as he said that she was lucky she wasn't killed

"How is she Doctor? Is she gonna be alright?" Piper asked as tears were rolling down her face

"She had 6 broken ribs, she had bruises all over her body, including her face. She woke up about an hour ago; all she said was how sorry she was, over and over again. She will be in a lot pain for a while, but her emotional pain will be the one that will hurt more. She will be in the hospital for about two days, it depends on how she does from now on." Doctor Callaway said, "If you have any other questions, please let me know."

"Yes, we would like to see her Doctor?" Prue said

"Of course, she is in room 111, she might not be awake when you get there, and when she does wake up, she will be in a lot of pain, I'm sure she will be glad to have you both beside her. And if you need anything, please let me know." Doctor Callaway said

"Thanks Doctor." Piper said as Prue and Piper made their way to room 111. Walking in the room, Prue and Piper were not prepared to see the state Phoebe was in, they were shocked to see how they baby sister were laying on the bed, and beaten up and had bruises all over her body. Her face swollen, she had cuts on her face, and some dry blood on her forehead. It broke their heart to see her like this, but they had to be there for her now, especially now. They made their way beside Phoebe's bed; they each had a hold of her hands. They were there in silence; just looking at her while tears came rolling down their faces.

"Oh Prue, she looks so bad" Piper said

"I know, how could he do this to her?" Prue said with an angry voice

"Prue, please, don't do this here, the last thing she needs is to see you angry." Piper whispered so Phoebe would not hear her.

"Phoebe, can you hear us?" Prue asked, but Phoebe didn't move, she was still asleep, out of it.

"Prue, what are we gonna do?" asked Piper

"We are gonna wait for her to awake up, and we are gonna help her through this Piper" Prue said looking into Piper's eyes, they both have tears rolling down their face.

They waited for the whole night to Phoebe to wake up, but she didn't come around. Morning came and Phoebe was still asleep, Prue and Piper just watched her close. They were sitting at the couch just waiting for Phoebe to come around, when they Phoebe whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Phoebe would keep saying that over and over again

Prue and Piper got up and rushed to her side. She wasn't up though; she was just talking in her sleep.

"Phoebe, honey, can you hear us?" Piper asked, but Phoebe was just tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Pheebs, we are here for you sweetie, wake up so we can talk to you? Please?" asked Prue as the Doctor walked in to check on Phoebe

"Hi, how is the patient doing?" Dr. Callaway asked

"I don't know Doctor, she hasn't woken up since we got here, what does it mean?" Prue asked

"It's just from the medication and from the pain she must be in, don't worry about it, she will wake up soon. She is doing better otherwise, and if she keeps getting better like this, and if she wakes up today, I might let her go home tomorrow." Dr. Callaway said

"Thanks Doctor, what if she doesn't wake up today?" Prue asked

"Then we will wait till she wakes up and go from there, but she will wake up, it's a matter of time, now it's a waiting game." Dr. Callaway said

"Thanks doctor" said Piper

"You know that when she does go home, it's gonna be a lot of work, she will be in a lot of pain, you must be prepare for that" Dr. Callaway said

"We know, and we are gonna be there for her, and she knows that" Prue said as the doctor made her way out of the room.

As the Doctor walk through the hallway, Kyle was walking to Phoebe's room. He walked into her room, and said Phoebe laying on the bed all beaten up. 'This is even better then I though' Kyle though as he saw her sisters beside her

As soon as Prue saw who was standing at the door, she rose up from her chair and her face was with so much anger. She was really to kill him right there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Prue asked yelling at him as Piper walked over to Prue to make sure she wouldn't do anything.

"I just came to make sure she is getting what she deserves" Kyle said with a smile in his face

"You are gonna pay for what you did to her, and you are gonna regret every moment of it. Piper call security" Prue told Piper as Piper walked to the phone and called security

"You can do whatever you want, I did I wanted to do, which was make her pay for what she did. The police can take me away, I will pay for what I did for her, but she will paid for what she did to me, and that will be with her for the rest of her life" Kyle said

That was it for Prue; she was ready to use her power when security came in. Piper was glad that they came in at the right time, or Prue would of use her powers on him. The security took him away, Prue was not happy to see him, she almost did what she wasn't suppose to do.

Darryl came in that same night, he told them that he would be sent back to New York, and he would go back to jail. And that he would be far away from Phoebe for a long, long time. Prue and Piper were glad to hear that, but they were still worried about Phoebe, she hasn't woken up yet. It been a whole day, and she was still out from the medicine for her pain. Darryl left the girls with Phoebe, Prue and Piper thanked him for helping out with Kyle. Now he was out of their lives for good, out of Phoebe's live forever.

Prue and Piper were staring to get worried about Phoebe; she hasn't woken up yet. It was almost morning at the hospital when Phoebe opened her eyes, she didn't say anything, she just look around. She couldn't see Piper and Prue sitting on the couch, they didn't notice that she was awake, until Prue said Phoebe moving her hand. Prue and Piper got up from the couch and move to see Phoebe.

"Pheebs, you are awaked, finally? How are you feeling?" Piper asked, but Phoebe didn't say anything, she just stared at the air, she didn't want to look at them, she was too embarrassed of what had happened to her.

"Pheebs, honey, tell us how you are felling?" Prue asked a bit worried

Phoebe just closed her eyes, she was ashamed of what happened to her, and she knew that they would be mad at her, because she didn't tell them to where she was going, or who she was going with, and if they knew she was going to Kyle, she knew that Prue would not let her go. She knew now it was a mistake not to tell them, cause if she did, she would not be laying in the hospital bed, and she would be at home with her sisters.

"It's ok Phoebe, you don't have to say anything now, we are gonna be here with you if you need anything" Piper said that with tears coming down her face. She knew that Phoebe was going through a lot of pain, not just physical, but emotional pain as well, from him beaten her up.

"I'm fine" Phoebe whispered, not looking at Prue and Piper

"Are you in any pain, do you want me to get the nurse for you?" Prue asked

"No, I'm fine" Phoebe whispered again, trying not to look at them

"Do you need anything, do you want anything?" Piper asked

"No, thanks, I'm fine" Phoebe whispered again, Prue and Piper knew that she was different, but didn't know why; maybe it was because of him.

Phoebe was in the hospital for 2 extra days after she woke up, she was released from the hospital and went home with her sisters. She didn't talk much at hospital; she just had short answers to all the questions were being asked at her. She didn't even ask her pain medicine when she was in major pain.

Arriving at The Manor, Phoebe had the helped of her sisters, and she sat down at the couch. Phoebe was in a lot of pain, but she didn't want to ask for medicine cause she didn't want to bother her sisters.

"Phoebe, please talk to us, this is killing us?" Piper said looking into Phoebe's eyes

"Why, so you guys can come to me and say how stupid I was to go meet him and just walk into a trap like that?" Phoebe under her lips

"Phoebe, I think we should talk about this now, or it will get worst." Prue said as she look at Phoebe, Prue was mad at her for not telling them, but she knew that getting mad at her now not gonna help her.

"Alright, we can talk then." Phoebe said as tears rolled down her face, for the first time that she cried since she woke up at hospital.

"Pheebs, you need to tells what happened?" Prue asked

Phoebe didn't answer, she just let her tears roll down her face, she wasn't ready to face what had happened to her again. She knew as soon as she told her sisters, they would get mad at her, for not telling them that she was going to see Kyle that night.

"I… I went to see him" Phoebe said looking at her hands; she didn't want to face Prue and Piper.

"You WHAT?" Prue and Piper asked

"I went to see him, he called me Sunday night and said that he needed to see me, I told him no, but then he begged me and said that he was still in love with me and that he wanted to make things right." Phoebe said through her sobs

"He called you? Oh my god, that was him, wasn't it?" Prue asked with worried on her face

"Yes, it was him." Phoebe said with shame in her voice

"Phoebe how could you…" Piper were cut off by Phoebe

"What? Be so stupid? I know, you don't have to tell me Piper" Phoebe said being a bit harsh to Piper

"No, that was not what I was gonna say honey. I was gonna how, how could you not have told us?" Piper asked

"If I told you, you would have not let me go see him" Phoebe said with more tears coming down her face

"Well, maybe that would be a good idea, don't you think? If you told us, maybe you would not be in this condition." Prue said

"I know, I just need it to see him, I need to move on, even…" Phoebe stopped for a second before continuing what she was gonna say "Even if this is the result of seeing him" Phoebe said, she was getting upset with all this conversation

"What happened after you went to see him?" Piper asked

"I met him at Quake, we had dinner there" Phoebe said

"You took him to Quake? No wonder why you didn't want to go have lunch with us? People would probably think it was weird you going there for lunch and dinner." Piper said

"I though Quake was gonna be the best place to meet him, since it was public and I know people there incase he did something" Phoebe told Piper

"Incase something happened? It did happen Pheebs, just look at yourself!" Prue said as she was getting a bit angry

"But it didn't happen at Quake, he was a gentlemen at Quake, he was nice, he said how sorry he was for everything, he even said that he still loved me. It was all so real, he was even crying. I guess I was stupid enough to fall to his trap" Phoebe said as she started to cry even more, Piper who was sitting beside Phoebe put her hand on her shoulder gently so she would not her hurt.

"Pheebs, where did he…? Piper asked but Phoebe cut her off before she could finish

"He asked me one last favor, he wanted me to go to the beach with him, I told him I couldn't that I had to go home, but he begged me, he said it would be the last time I ever seen him, so I said yes. I know I should have gone home, but I just needed to do this one last time before moving on, I don't know how to explain, but it was just something that I had to do." Phoebe said as tears came down her face

Phoebe cried for about 10 minutes, she didn't want either sister to hold her; she just wanted to cry. No one said a word, Prue and Piper just let her cry, and they knew that was what she needed it right now.

"What else happened Phoebe?" Prue asked

"When we go there, we walk to the beach, it was very dark, and there was absolutely no one around. From nothing he started to say awful things to me…" Phoebe paused for a second, and more tears were coming down her face

"What did he say to you Honey?" Piper asked

"He said that everything that happened in New York was my fault, and it was because of me that he was in jail." Phoebe said between her sobs

"Pheebs, you know it was not your fault, right?" Prue asked

"I know, it's hard. How would you feel if someone came to you and said it was your fault your babies died?" Phoebe asked as she put her face into her hands and started to cry even more

"It was not your fault honey, we know that, and you have to know that too" Piper said as she looked deeply into Phoebe's eyes.

"I know, it just hurts so much, that I wish I could have done something to save them, even though I know that was nothing that could have been done." Phoebe told her sisters

"Tell us the rest of what happened Pheebs?" Prue asked

"After saying all this horrible things to he, he grabbed my arm, and just started beating me up. I was so shocked of what he was doing that me that I froze; I couldn't even fight back. Who would of though, Phoebe Halliwell, the martial arts expert couldn't defend herself?" Phoebe said with a sarcastic voice "He kept kicking and punching me, that I fell to the floor, and that was the last thing I remember. Until I woke up at the Hospital." Phoebe said with tears of shame coming down her face

"Pheebs, I know you are not like to hear this, but I gonna say it anyway. It was very irresponsible of you to go to see him like that without telling us. If you really need it to see him, maybe we could of gone with you to make sure this would not happen. What if something worst had happened to you, what if he killed you? The doctor said you were very lucky to be alive, she said you were lucky someone found you on time, or who knows of what would of happened to you?" Prue said trying not to yell at her baby sister, but she needed to tell her how she felt

"I know Prue, you don't need to tell me how stupid I was. You think I didn't think about this, I though about it a lot at the hospital, while I was there. I was the biggest mistake I ever done in my life, not only for my sake, but also for the sake of others. I wasn't thinking straight, I was reliving everything that happened 3 years ago, I had to see him or I would go insane. I will never forgive myself for not telling you guy, and for going there to see him. I could have ruined everything, but lucky my ass was saved. I don't know why and I don't know how, but somehow I was lucky enough not to die that night." Phoebe said with hot tears coming down her face

"Pheebs, we don't understand how you feel, so we don't know what we would have done in your place…" Piper started it to say when Phoebe cut her off

"Piper don't! Don't try to make excuses and trying to make me feel better, cause what I did was wrong, and nothing will change that. I don't expect you guys to forgive me, cause I'm not sure I will forgive myself. I could of put lives of innocent people in danger if I would of died, The Power Of Three would have been broken if he killed me that night, and it was over such a stupid thing. People would die because of me if he would have killed me." Phoebe said between her sobs

"But he didn't Phoebe, and now you have the change to save lives and do good. And next time something like this happens; you have to come to us for help. We will be there for you no matter what. You need to know that!" Prue said from her heart with tears coming down her face as well

"I know, and I will, I learned my lesson, and it will not happen again, not if I can helped it." Phoebe said, she still had tears coming down her face, but she was a bit calmer now

"I think it will take time for you to heal, not just physically, but also emotionally. But we are gonna be here with you Phoebe, helping you through it, whatever you need we are gonna be with you." Piper said with tears in her eyes

"Thank you guys, I really appreciate it. But I don't expect for you guys to forgive me anytime soon." Phoebe said with a bit of shame in her voice

"I already forgave you Pheebs, you scared us big time, but now you are gonna be ok, and that is all that matters to me. And you didn't do it on purpose Pheebs, you had so many emotions running on your head that you didn't know what you were doing, and that is understandable." Piper said looking deeply into Phoebe's eye, and she meant every word she said.

"I second that, I forgave you too honey, but you will need time to heal and we are gonna be here with you?" Prue said giving her a hand squeeze

"Thanks you guys, you are the best. I couldn't have asked for better sisters." Phoebe said with a little smile on her face, as Prue and Piper pulled her into a group hug.

"OUCH" Phoebe screamed "You know sisters, I'm still hurt here, careful when you hug me" Phoebe said with a sarcastic voice

"Sorry Pheebs, do you want any medication for you pain?" Piper asked

"Not now, maybe in a bit but thanks for asking" Phoebe said

"Hmm, We saw you with Cole the night before, he was here with you in your room, did you tell him about New York Pheebs?" Prue asked

"No, I didn't tell him, all he did that night was hold me and comfort me, that is all I need it that night. But I'm going to tell him eventually, I mean, he deserves to know. I just don't know how to tell him?" Phoebe said

"You will find a way Pheebs, and I'm sure he will be supportive, and he will understand, he loves you." Prue said as she looks into Phoebe's eyes

"I hope he understands, or it would break my heart." Phoebe said

"He will honey, you don't have to worry about that" Piper said

"Yeah, I guess you are right" Phoebe said with a smile on her face. Phoebe started to yawn, she was getting tired, and after all she had broken ribs and bruises everywhere from her beating and she just came out of the hospital

"I think it's time you go up to your room and rest, and don't try to get out of it, cause it was doctor's orders. She said that you need to rest till your ribs heal, and stay in bed for 2 weeks at least, and if you don't follow her orders, it will take longer for you to heal honey." Prue said

"Alright, I'm tired anyway, being home is so good, I miss my bed so much" Phoebe said

"We will help you up to your room, but I think first you need to take your medicine for your pain before you go rest sweetie" Piper said

"Ok, I will take my medicine now, I need it" Phoebe said

"I will get if for you" Piper said as she got up to get a glass of water and came back with the medicine for Phoebe

"Thanks Piper" Phoebe said with a smile on her face even with all the pain she was in at the moment

Prue and Piper helped Phoebe up the stair and into her room; she changed into her pajamas and they got her in bed. Phoebe was exhausted, she need it to rest but she didn't want to be alone after all she been through.

"Prue, Piper?" Phoebe said

"Yes Honey?" They asked together

"Will you stay here tonight with me?" Phoebe asked

"Of course Pheebs. Anything for you" Prue said

"Thanks" Phoebe said

Prue and Piper got under the covers with Phoebe. They were all cuddle up together, with Phoebe in the middle, Prue and Piper tried to be careful with Phoebe's ribs and bruises.

"I love you guys" Phoebe said

"We love you too Pheebs" Prue and Piper said

It didn't take long for Phoebe to fall asleep, Prue and Piper fell asleep not long after their baby sister.

It has been a week since Phoebe came back from the Hospital, she was getting better, her ribs were healing and her bruises were starting to go away. She would cry herself to sleep every night, because it was too pain for her to handle; but it wasn't physical pain, it was emotional pain. She would cry for her babies, and for what Kyle had done to her; she would think how close he came to killing her, and everything he had done for her in the past and now. The good thing was that her sisters have been beside her all the time, comforting her and helping her heal. They made sure at least one of them were home with her, if Prue was working, Piper was home, and if Piper was at the Club, Prue would be at home with Phoebe. They were worried about her, but knew that she would get better; it was only a matter of time.

Cole came to see Phoebe the two days ago; Phoebe had finally got the courage to tell him about Kyle and her babies. Cole was surprised at first, but he understood everything, and he was there for Phoebe whenever she needed it him. It wasn't like Cole didn't have secrets of his own. Phoebe felt better that he didn't over react when she told him about Kyle, sure Cole did want to kill Kyle for what he did to Phoebe, but he knew better that he should not interfere, he just knew that he needed to be there for Phoebe now. Cole stayed for a whole day with Phoebe; he even spent the night with her, she felt so good to know that he was still there with her and there for her. Cole left because he felt other demon's presence around, so he had to shimmer out. But not to worry, Prue and Piper were still there for Phoebe.

Phoebe was sitting alone in the living room reading a magazine, but her thoughts were about everything that happened. It was the first time in a week that Phoebe felt better to stay downstairs. Prue had just came back from work, and Piper was in the kitchen getting them some tea. Prue walked straight to the kitchen, she didn't even see Phoebe in the living room. Walking in the kitchen she noticed Piper was there.

"Hey Piper" Prue said

"Oh hey Prue. How are you?" Piper asked

"I'm good, so what are you doing today?" Prue asked

"I was thinking about us going to the club, I think it's time for Phoebe to get out of the house and do something, maybe this will help her. What do you think?" Piper asked

"I think it's a great idea, how is she doing anyway?" Prue asked

"She is much better, she is even in the living room now" Piper said with a smile on her face knowing that Phoebe was getting better.

"Really, that is great, I think we should ask her if she wants to come, we shouldn't force her." Prue said knowing that forcing Phoebe would just make things worst.

"Yeah, want some tea? I'm making some." Piper asked

"Sure, I would love some." Prue said taking the cup of tea from Piper. And they made their way to the living room.

"Hey Pheebs" Prue said looking down at her baby sister

"Hi Prue, I didn't see you come in." Phoebe said as she looked up from her magazine

"Pheebs, would you like to go out tonight? We can go to P3 and just hang out there." Piper asked hoping Phoebe would say yes.

"Sure, I will go, but I don't want to stay long, is that ok?" Phoebe asked her sisters

"Of course is ok, it will be fun, you will see. Val's band will be there, and Prue's new boyfriend will be there too." Piper said

"Great, this will be great. How long do you need to get ready Pheebs?" Prue asked

"Give me 30 minutes and we can go. I will go upstairs now to get ready" Phoebe said as she got up and went to her room to get ready to go to P3

One hour later, the three Halliwell sisters were sitting in the Alcove at P3. Val's band was playing at P3, they were blowing up the place, P3 was so packed, and it was only a Wednesday night. This week was the last week that Val's band was playing at P3, they were going out for the tour for 3 months. After they started playing at P3, they started to get a bit more famous. The band decided to take a break for 20 minutes; Val and Nick joined the girls in the Alcove. Prue was finally happy she had someone now, and he was a great guy too. Too bad he had to be gone for 3 months for the tour, but she was okay with it, she was gonna wait for him to come back.

Leo had just orbed in and joined them at the alcove as well. Piper had a huge smile on her face when she saw that her husband was there for to be with her.

"Hey Honey" Piper said smiling at her husband

"Hi sweetie" Leo said giving her a kiss " Hi everyone" Leo said

"Hey Leo" Prue and Phoebe said together

"You got here just in time" Prue said

"Leo, this is Val and Nick. They are playing here tonight. Nick is Prue's boyfriend as well." Piper said giving a smile a Prue

"Nice meeting you both" Leo said

"Nice meeting you as well" Nick and Val said

They were all having a blast, not long after that, Val and Nick went back up on the stage to play again, that they the sisters and Leo alone in the alcove.

"So, Pheebs, have you told Cole about what happened to you?" Prue asked

"Yeah, I told me when he came to see me a few days ago." Phoebe said, she was still a bit upset with everything, but she was getting better.

"How did he react?" Piper asked

"He was shocked and angry at the same time, but he understood everything, and he was really sweet to me when I told him. I wish he was here right now." Phoebe said, she didn't realize that Cole was walking to the alcove just as she finished saying that.

"Looks like you wish just came truth Phoebe." Prue said as she smiled at her baby sister.

Phoebe turned around to see Cole walked in and kissed her without saying anything. It was just what Phoebe needed. Cole let Phoebe out of his embrace and just looked deeply into her eyes

"Missed me?" He asked

"You have no idea" Phoebe answered him

"How have you been Pheebs?" Cole asked as he gave her one soft kiss to her lips

"I'm much better now that you are here" Phoebe said returning his kiss

"Sorry guys didn't notice that you were here too, How are you doing?" Cole asked Prue, Piper and Leo

"We are doing fine, How about yourself?" Prue asked

"I'm better now that I'm with Phoebe." Cole answered looking deeply into Phoebe's eyes.

Prue and Piper could see a bit of sparkle on Phoebe's eyes again, Cole was there now, and he would make sure Phoebe would get better. It would take a long time for Phoebe to heal, and she would never heal completely, she would always have a bit of sadness in her heart because of her babies, but she had her sisters and Cole to help her through it all. Phoebe was a very strong woman, she would be fine, with time. She knew that Prue and Piper would always be there for her, for anything at anytime. She glanced from Cole to Piper and Prue, she just stared at them for a couple of second, she has this smile on her face as she mouthed to her sisters 'I love you both,' Prue and Piper just mouthed back the same words.

They had a good time that night a P3, Phoebe was tired, and she was still healing from her bruises and ribs. They went home and put Phoebe to bed, and Cole was gonna spend the night with Phoebe. He knew that she needed him right now, and he was gonna be there for her. Phoebe fell asleep in the arms of the men she loved. She was saved now, and she was with the people she loved the most.