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Lavinia the Destroyer

by Glamour

The clouds hovered over the house as dark bolts of lightning hit the earth's ground. They were filled with a humongous, dark power that could be felt anywhere.

"Who are you?" asked Phoebe walking out on the front yard. Suddenly when Phoebe was in a small walking distance of the black-dressed woman, a bolt of lightning hit Phoebe throwing her into a wall of the Halliwell Manor.

"You better watch out! My powers are like my pet's powers. It protects me from everyone and everything," answered the woman hovering over Phoebe and the others. "My name is Lavinia. I am known as The Destroyer." Lavinia removed a lock of her hair from her face.

"May we ask why you are here?" asked Psych. She moved towards Lavinia. When Psych was as close as Phoebe was to Lavinia, a bolt of lightning tried to strike at her. Before the bolt got near Psych, she raised a hand and the bolt of lightning stood still. Psych pushed up causing the lightning bolt to go back into the black clouds.

"You must be Psych, Ruler of Lightning. Looks like there is no way to hurt you… Oh wait a minute! There is!" spoke Lavinia while waving her hands at Psych.

Suddenly, the ground under Psych blew up throwing her far into some bushes on the side of the house. "Lavinia! We will not do this here!" Psych stood and ran after Lavinia. Before bolts of lightning could reach the ground, Psych took a hold of Lavinia and suddenly, Psych, Lavinia, and the other Charmed Ones disappeared.

Reappearing in a deserted park covered by trees, Psych threw Lavinia towards a trunk of a tree. Lavinia rammed into the tree trunk falling down on the ground.

Phoebe stood up seeing Lavinia and Psych fight while Piper and Prue ran to Phoebe's side. "What does Psych think she's doing?" Phoebe wiped off some debris off her jacket.

"I don't know, but I never seen her like this!" answered Piper grabbing Phoebe. "Did you notice Lavinia blow up the ground under Psych?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" wondered Prue.

"She can blow up things! Like me!" said Piper.

Phoebe and Prue looked at each other and then at Lavinia. "You're right," they both answered. Piper, Phoebe, and Prue ran towards Psych after Lavinia had thrown her into a metal swing set.

"Finally, we can get to the battle!" yelled Lavinia throwing her hands, but was stopped by Prue throwing Lavinia into another tree trunk.

"What do you think you're doing trying to kill us? Do you know if we die that all the goodness in the world will die?" asked Phoebe.

"Well, I guess I will have to take that chance won't I?" answered Lavinia throwing her hands towards the sisters sending a wave of destruction.

The sisters stood motionless as The Destroyer's wave came rumbling towards them. Lavinia's wave was so close, but was stopped by a blast from Piper. Piper threw another blast at Lavinia throwing her back into the same tree trunk.

"Guess we'll have to fight fire with fire!" yelled Piper jumping on top of Lavinia. "I am so sick of people trying to kill my sisters and I! I am not going to put up with this!" Piper punched Lavinia as many times as she could, but was stopped by Lavinia barely hitting Piper in the chest with both of her hands.

Suddenly, Lavinia flew back up from where Piper threw her seeing Piper land near her sisters. "What do you think you're doing, Piper?" asked Lavinia with an angry look on her face.

"I'm kicking your ass! Have a problem with that?" ordered Piper. Piper ran towards Lavinia and jumped high above Lavinia, but was thrown over Lavinia by some weird force from Lavinia's hand.

"Piper! Prue, I've never seen Piper this way!" exclaimed Phoebe. "What should we do?"

"Fight Lavinia!" answered Prue. Suddenly, Lavinia was on the ground from a blast of Prue's telekinetic powers. "What do you want with us, Lavinia?"

"I want to prove the world that I am more powerful than the Charmed Ones," replied Lavinia. "I will never give up, so you might as well give in! My mission is to kill all of you!" Lavinia jumped back up easily with a single move.

"Lavinia, we have done nothing to you, so what is the point of you fighting us?" asked Psych standing next to her sisters. "We just want peace!"

"Well, I am not a peaceful type. Don't worry though, where you're going there will be a lot of peace!" answered Lavinia throwing her hands at the three sisters seeing them fly up into the air and landing hard in some bushes.

Suddenly from behind, came Piper jumping on top of Lavinia. Piper pulled Lavinia's black hair while she pulled the black-dressed woman to the ground. Then, Piper flipped over on top of Lavinia putting her hands around Lavinia's throat.

Phoebe rose seeing Piper strangle Lavinia and helped her other sisters up saying, "What is wrong with her? She has gone insane!" Prue, Phoebe and Psych ran towards Piper pulling her off Lavinia who was choking to death.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, Piper!?!" asked Prue holding down Piper with both hands. "We have to do this together."

Lavinia stopped coughing and got back up. "C'mon Phoebe! Why don't you take a shot at me?" Lavinia swung a punch at Phoebe, but Phoebe blocked it and spin kicked Lavinia back onto the ground.

"If we have to fight her together, then lets do it now!" ordered Piper getting out of Prue's grip.

Psych followed Piper and joined Phoebe who was blocking all of Lavinia's punches. Prue ran after Psych and Piper meeting them at the "battlefield."

Lavinia smiled and said, "This is going to be interesting!"

Phoebe threw the first punch, but Lavinia blocked it. Prue tried kicking Lavinia, but Lavinia also blocked it. Lavinia had a hold of Phoebe's arm and Prue's leg. She picked them up by their limbs and hurled them away from the other sisters.

Piper used a blast of her power and it threw Lavinia back into the trees. Piper ran up towards Lavinia when she rose and took a punch at her, but like the other two sisters, Lavinia stopped the punch and grabbed onto Piper's arm.

After throwing Piper into a tree trunk, Psych started to run after Lavinia. Before she got into Lavinia's space, Psych threw a bolt of lightning at the gothic-looking demon. Lavinia was weakened for a moment, but not for long.

"Lavinia, what are you exactly? Not The Destroyer, but WHAT are you?" asked Psych seeing Lavinia barely hurt from all her sisters' attacks.

"Do you really want to know?" Lavinia saw Psych shaking her head yes. Lavinia smile grew even wider than ever. "I am a… Demonic God!"

Psych stood shocked. "What? You have to be joking!"

Lavinia gave a confused look at Psych. "What? You don't believe me? Now, why would I lie to you? After all, you're one of the Charmed Ones. I wouldn't lie to you." Lavinia started to laugh a little. "Just think about it, Psych! I don't have a scratch on me from all your sisters' attacks. You have to agree with me about this!"

"Lets say you are a Demonic God, we could still destroy you! We have powers to destroy any evil. We destroyed The Source!" Psych still looked determined to destroy Lavinia.

"What is it with you? You are as determined as Prue, as natured as Piper, and as cautious as Phoebe. Are you even original or just a copy of your sisters?" Lavinia looked at Psych from the top of her head down to her feet.

Psych started to think about it. She did have the determination of Prue, the natured easiness of Piper, and she was very cautious like Phoebe. 'Lavinia's right! I am just a copy of my sis-ters!' thought Psych.

While Psych was occupied, she went for the kill and threw her hands at Psych. Suddenly, Psych was in the air flying towards the concrete road that was not deserted.

A car was zooming past the park, when suddenly… BOOM!!! It had hit Psych who was knocked unconscious and was just lying there.

"No!!!" screamed the sisters getting up from there slight departure. Lavinia started to laugh out loud. "I knew she would fall for that! Now it is time for the rest of you to die!"

"Leo!" yelled Piper who was holding Psych in her arms. Piper looked for the car, but it had driven on away.

Leo suddenly appeared seeing Piper hold Psych. "What happened, Piper?" He bent down next to Piper seeing tears fall down her face.

"Lavinia! She threw Psych out her in the street and a car ran into her, but the car just drove on! Can you save her?" cried Piper.

Leo felt Psych and answered, "Sort of, but she's to weak in her soul and I can only do so much."

"Well, do what you can. I am going to get that…" stopped Piper running next to her sisters.

Lavinia threw another blast her sisters, but Lavinia was suddenly frozen in place.

"What happened?" asked Phoebe looking at Piper who had her hands up pointing towards Lavinia.

"I wanted to stop her and I threw my hands at her, but instead of an explosion, she froze," answered Piper looking confused.

"Maybe you have you freezing powers back?" wondered Prue.

Suddenly, Lavinia was back to life. "You…" stopped Lavinia.

"Little conniving brats!" finished Prue.

Lavinia was puzzled. "How did you know what I was about to say?"

"I wanted to know what you were thinking and suddenly I heard what you were saying in your mind," answered Prue also puzzled.

"That's it!" yelled Lavinia about to throw another blast, but was stopped by an orb of fire from Phoebe. "Okay! This is weird!"

"Tell us about it! What the heck it happening guys?" asked Piper looking at her sisters.

Suddenly, Leo was next to Piper saying, "It's your new powers. Now that the fourth Charmed One has come back, you get new Powers. Maybe one. Maybe two. I'm taking Psych home." Leo was gone as well as Psych.

"Good! Now we can beat you Lavinia!" yelled Phoebe getting in a fighting stance.

"This is how it's going to work. I am going to use my Telepathy, since that is what I have, to see what she is going to do and my Telekinesis. Phoebe, you are going to use your Pyrokinesis. Piper you are going to use both your freezing powers and your destroying powers," ordered Prue. "Let's go!"

While Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were Lavinia, Leo was tending to Psych. Psych was lying on the couch of the living. She was alive, but was stuck. Stuck in a nightmare that could kill her.