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The Active, Non-Active Power

by Amanda

DISCLAIMER: All of these characters belong to the 'Charmed' series except for Pernmias, Cornzi, and the other demon which were all fictional characters of my own creation. The following is copyrighted by Amanda. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed, contact me by clicking my name above for permission to use this text.

TIMELINE: This story takes place in the 3rd season. Piper and Leo are already married and Phoebe knows that Cole is a demon and is dating him. This takes place right after the episode 'Pre-witched' but before 'The Demon Who Came in from the Cold.'

Piper and Phoebe got out of Piper's Cherokee and parked it on the street. They started walking on the sidewalk.

"Is this gonna take very long because I really don't wanna miss 'Faithless?'" Piper said. She was wearing purple tank-top, blue jeans, and a black leather jacket.

"What is the deal with you and that show? You are completely obsessed." Phoebe said. She was wearing an orange t-shirt and sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a black Adidas jacket.

"I'm not obsessed... I just like it."

"Okay, you watch it all the time, talk about it everyday, and whenever it's on you shun everyone including Leo out of your room so you don't miss any dialogue! Now I hate to break it to ya but you're obsessed"

"Hey, stop it before I shun you!" Piper said linking arms with Phoebe.

Phoebe giggled.

"So what exactly are we looking for again?" Piper asked.

"I'm not exactly sure but I had a premonition of two demons killing this woman."

"Do you know where it happened?"

"I'm not sure but it looks like it could have happened around here somewhere."

"Okay but can we make it fast because..."

"You wanna watch 'Faithless' I got it."

Piper and Phoebe walked a little bit more. "Are you sure this is it?" Piper asked, annoyed.

"It looked like this in my premonition and my premonitions are always right."

Piper sighed and they continued walking. "Those premonitions of yours really come in handy now don't they."

"Yup. I'm actually beginning to like this power."

"You mean you didn't like it before?"

"Well, I mean I've always liked my power but I've also always wanted an active power like yours or Prue's."

"Well, you can levitate now that's an active power."

"Yeah but you know as crazy as this sound I like my premonitions more than I like levitating."


"Well, now that I have an active power I kind of appreciate my non-active power more."


"Well, I like my visions because I can use them in public and no one will even notice. And you and Prue can't use your powers in public and I can't levitate in public or else we would all be being burned at the stake right now."

Piper laughed.

"What I'm saying is I finally understand what this power is for. It is used only to help people and one day when I can actually control it I'm gonna save hundreds of innocent people."

Piper smiled and stroked Phoebe's hair. They walked a few more blocks and saw an alley up ahead. A young woman was walking down it when a demon appeared behind her and held a knife to her throat. Another demon appeared in front of her. "Aaaagh!" the woman screamed.

Piper and Phoebe heard the woman's scream. "There!" Phoebe said pointing to the alley. Piper grabbed her hand and they started running towards the alley. When they came to it one of the demons had just killed the woman. "No!" Phoebe yelled at the horrifying sight of the bloody woman on the floor. The demons turned around and one of them threw a knife at Piper and Phoebe.

"Whoa!" Piper exclaimed freezing the knife in mid air. Phoebe grabbed the knife and ran over to one of the demons. Piper ran over to the other one. The second demon lunged at Piper but she flung out her hands and froze him.

Phoebe kicked the first demon in the stomach but he regained his balance quickly. She gave him another hard kick in the neck and then she pulled out the knife and stabbed him. As the demon burst into flames and disappeared Phoebe felt something go into her. It was a wind-like force that seemed to be pushing her. She fell back.

"Phoebe!" Piper cried as she caught her little sister right before she hit the ground. The other demon unfroze. He looked at the scorch marks on the floor and materialized away from Piper and Phoebe. Piper looked back down to Phoebe who was still in her lap on the floor. "Phoebe," she exclaimed pulling her up more. Phoebe took a few short breaths. "What happened?" Piper asked her.

"I don't know," Phoebe said regaining her breath. "But I'd sure like to find out."

* * *

Piper walked into the manor with her arm around Phoebe who was looking very dizzy and wasn't walking straight.

"Come on, honey." Piper said guiding Phoebe to the living room. Phoebe started to fall over but Piper caught her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed as she started to help Phoebe back up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," Phoebe said wearily.

"Okay c'mon." Piper said helping Phoebe walk. Piper lead Phoebe over to the couch. "Okay, just sit." Piper said lowering Phoebe onto the couch. Phoebe sat down on the couch with her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. Piper sat down next to Phoebe, her arm was still around her. "Prue!" Piper screamed.

Prue walked into the living room. She was wearing red sweat pants, a light blue t-shirt, and sneakers. She wore her hair curly and down. "Hey, what's up?" Prue said walking into the living room. When she saw Phoebe on the couch with her head in her hands she rushed over to her. "Phoebe!" Prue cried as she knelt down next to Phoebe. "What's wrong, what happened to her?" Prue asked frantically.

"I don't know!" exclaimed Piper. "She had a premonition of two demons killing a woman so we went after them. The woman was killed but Phoebe still managed to vanquish one of the demons but when she did I don't know she just collapsed!"

"Phoebe, Phoebe!" Prue said gently shaking her. Phoebe looked up. "Are you okay?"

"Kinda," Phoebe said. She sounded out of breath.

"Okay, um, do you need anything?"

"Uh just some water.

"Okay," Prue said running to the kitchen to go get Phoebe some water.

"Alright uh here take off your jacket," Piper said as she pulled Phoebe's black, Adidas jacket off of her and put it on the couch. Piper took off her own jacket and laid it next to Phoebe's.

Prue returned with a glass of water. "Here you go," she said handing Phoebe the glass.

Phoebe took a sip of water and then handed Prue back the glass. "Thanks," she said regaining her breath. Prue sat down on the coffee table by the couch.

"Okay so Phoebe, what happened?" Prue asked.

"Uh, I'm not really sure. When I vanquished the demon...I don't know it was really weird, I, like felt something going into me like a force pushing me back.

"What like a ghost?"

"No, it didn't feel like that it felt like I was...gaining something."

"Gaining what?"

"I don't know I can't explain it I'm not really sure of it myself."

"Well, we could look in the book," Piper suggested.

"Under what? There's not really a lot to go on." Phoebe said.

"Well, we have to figure out what happened to you," Prue said.

"Okay, uh can you guys look in the book? I'm just gonna get an aspirin."

"Are you sure we can just bring the book down here," Piper said.

"No, it's fine really."

"Okay," Piper said unsure she wanted to leave Phoebe downstairs alone.

"Okay, but if you don't feel good or anything weird happens just yell for us okay?" Prue said to Phoebe.

"Okay," Phoebe said.

"Alright," Piper said as her and Prue got up and started to head to the attic.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the same time, in a dark room, a demon was pacing back and forth.

Just then the one of the same demons from earlier materialized into the room.

The demon looked up. He looked angry. "What's wrong with this picture?"

"Uh..." the other demon started to say.

"I send out two demons to kill an innocent and only one comes back. What happened?" he asked angrily.

"Well, uh, we had a little problem but we still killed the innocent,"

"What problem?"

"Witches intervened."

"Witches? That's your excuse you could take on witches!"

"Not just any witches. The Charmed Ones."

"The Charmed Ones? All three of them?"

"No, only two of them."

"Which two?"

"Well, one of them had the power to freeze and I'm guessing that the other one had the power of premonition because she wasn't using telekinesis."

"Oh, no."


"What happened to Cornzi?"

"One of the witches killed him."


"Well, the freezing witch froze me and when I unfroze Cornzi was no where to be seen and there were scorch marks on the ground so before they could do anything to me I left."

"Did you see which one of them killed Cornzi?"

"I think it was the premonition witch since she had the weapon and the other one was fighting me."

"What happened to the premonition witch when she killed Cornzi?"

"I don't know but she was on the floor."

"Oh, great! This is just great!" the demon yelled sarcastically.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? How stupid are you? Don't you know that the premonition witch has his power?"

"You mean she has active premonitions?"


"Oh, god, Pernmias, I am so sorry."

"You're sorry? The witch has Cornzi's power!"

"Well, she can't control it or anything she probably doesn't even know that she has his power."

"Well, when she has her first active premonition she will. Wait a minute...that's it! I got it!"

"Got what?"

"I controlled Cornzi's power right?"


"Well, then I can still control it even though someone else has it!"

"That's good!"

"Yeah, I can make the witch's premonitions all the times she has been hurt or close to dying so then she will die and I will get Cornzi's power back and break the Power of Three!"


"Good job!"

"Thank you!"

"Oh, don't thank me yet. You lost Cornzi's power and I really don't have the time to get around the Charmed Ones! What if they find out what I'm up to? They'll vanquish me. And I have all of these problems thanks to you! Well, let me repay the favor." Pernmias said. He picked up a knife and stabbed it into the lesser demon's heart.

"Aaaagh!" the demon cried as he was killed by Pernmias.

"Next time he'll be more careful." Pernmias said evilly.

* * *

Phoebe was in the kitchen swallowing an aspirin with a water bottle.

Prue and Piper walked downstairs.

"Did you guys find anything?" Phoebe asked putting her water down.

"Nothing, you're right there's nothing to go on we don't even know what we're looking for," Piper said standing next to Phoebe.

"Well, we have to figure out what happened to you," Prue said to Phoebe. She nodded. "Are you feeling any better?" Prue asked her.

"A little, but I still have this really bad head..." Phoebe was thrown into a vision but it wasn't like any vision she had had before this one was different.

Prue and Piper stood back knowing that Phoebe was having a premonition but they did not know that it was a different kind of premonition. All of a sudden Phoebe collapsed onto the floor. "Oh my god!" Piper cried as she lowered Phoebe to the ground.

Prue gasped and knelt beside Phoebe. "Phoebe!" she cried.

Meanwhile Phoebe was deep into to her vision, literally. Phoebe awoke somewhere else it looked familiar like somewhere she had been once before. Phoebe looked at herself. She looked different. Her hair was very short and brown. She looked exactly like she did three years ago! Phoebe looked around in the dark room. She was lying on a table. Then it hit her. She was in her premonition! Not herself literally but her mind was in the body of herself in 1998 in her vision!

All of a sudden someone came up to her. He looked familiar. It was Javana, the second demon they had ever vanquished and the first one that had come after Phoebe. His eyes shined a bright light and shot into Phoebe's eyes. "Aaaagh!" Phoebe screamed, shocked and surprised.

Then the next thing she knew she was on the kitchen floor back in 2001 with blonde hair.

"Phoebe!" Piper cried.

Phoebe couldn't answer she was still in shock over what had happened.

"Phoebe what happened?" Prue asked, nervously.

"I don't know." Phoebe said, shaking. "I really don't know."

Prue gave Piper a nervous look. She gave her one back.

A few minutes later Phoebe was sitting on the couch next to Prue who was stroking her hair.

Piper ran into the living room holding the Book of Shadows.

"Okay," Piper said, determined. "We have to figure out what is wrong with you." She sat down on the table, put the Book of Shadows on her lap, and began flipping through the pages. She stopped turning the pages. "I just realized that I have no idea what I'm looking for. What happened to you, Phoebe?"

"I went into my vision," Phoebe said, still shaking a little bit.

"What?" Prue asked, confused.

"I went into it. It wasn't really me but my mind was there."

"Well, what did you see?"

"The question isn't 'what did I see?' It's 'where did I go and why did I go there?'"

"Well, where did you go?"

"I went into the body of myself three years ago."

"What?" asked Piper.

"My mind went into myself in 1998! It was when I was being attacked by Javana!"

"Okay, wait a minute that's just a little too much information at once. You traveled into your premonition?" asked Prue.

"Yes!" exclaimed Phoebe. "As crazy as it sounds I was in it."

"Are you sure maybe it was just a very intense vision."

"I was there. I was lying on a table and I felt the light in Javana's eyes go into mine! I swear! I wouldn't make something up like that you guys!"

"We know you wouldn't, Pheebs but is this even possible?"

"It obviously is!" Phoebe exclaimed, annoyed. "I was in my vision. I had brown hair for crying out loud!"

"Okay, well maybe your power is growing," Piper suggested.

"No, it isn't, it felt like evil was controlling it. And anyway if this was part of my powers growing then why would it send me to a premonition in which I die in!"

"Well, you didn't die in it you woke up before he could do anything and anyway when you were attacked by Javana, Piper and I came and rescued you." Prue said.

"But still, I was weakened by it and in the vision I was alone. There is no more of an alone feeling than that."

Prue put her arm around Phoebe and she lay her head against Prue's shoulder. "Okay, but we still have to figure out how to stop this I mean what happens if you have another premonition? I mean you didn't even touch anything when you had the premonition."

"I know. Maybe a demon is controlling my visions or something."

Piper started looking in the Book of Shadows again.

"Alright but we still have to find a way to stop you from getting another premonition! What if you die in it!"

"Well, my vision was of the past and I have never died before."

"But you have been seriously hurt before. We all have."

"Well, maybe if I just stay here and don't move or touch anything I should be fine."

"Phoebe it doesn't matter if you don't move because if a demon is controlling it than it will be able to take you into visions no matter where you are."

"Leo!" Piper yelled.

"Well, than what do we do? We don't even know what demon we're dealing with." Phoebe said.

"Leo!" Piper yelled again.

Just then Leo orbed in behind them. He walked over to them.

"Hi," Piper said, greeting Leo with a kiss.

"Hi," Leo replied. He saw the Book of Shadows on Piper's lap. "The book is out now I know this wasn't a social call," Leo said sitting next to Piper on the coffee table. "Well, what seems to be the problem?"

"Phoebe's premonitions are out of control. Instead of just seeing her visions she goes into them." Prue explained to Leo.


"She doesn't go into them herself but her mind travels into the body of herself in the premonition."

"Are you sure about this?" Leo asked. He started to flip through the book.

"Leo I think I would know if I went into my premonitions or not!" Phoebe yelled, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, well where did you go?"

"Well, I went into the body of myself in 1998 when I was being attacked by Javana but before he could do anything I woke up."

"Hum..." Leo said, still looking in the Book of Shadows.

"Have you ever come across anything like this before with any of your other charges?" Piper asked.

"No, this is all new to me," Leo said closing the book.

"Well, then what are we gonna do? We can't just let me..." Phoebe had another premonition just like before. She collapsed onto Prue's lap. Piper gasped. "Phoebe!" Prue cried trying to wake her up but it didn't work.

Phoebe was in her vision again. She looked around she was in a sewer drain. She looked at her hair. It was still brown but it was a little longer than it was in her other vision. She figured that it must have been the year 1999. Phoebe heard something behind her. She turned around and one of the Grimlocks that they had vanquished two years ago began to choke her. Phoebe fell onto the floor and gasped for air and then she woke up.

Phoebe instantly jerked up her head from Prue's lap when she came out of her vision. Phoebe gasped for air choking and coughing. "Okay, okay, take a deep breath," Prue said, trying to calm down Phoebe.

"Here," Piper said handing Phoebe a glass of water. She took a sip and began to calm down.

"Are you okay now?" Prue asked her.

"Yeah I think so," Phoebe said, not so sure of herself.

"Where did you go?" Piper asked.

"I went to the year 1999 where one of the Grimlocks was choking me in the sewer."

"But when that happened I came and saved you and we vanquished them," Prue said.

"Yeah, I know but I woke up before you came and the same thing happened before. I woke up before you and Piper came and rescued me."

"Okay, Leo, you go ask the elders what they know and how Phoebe got this power and how we are going to save her," Piper said, determined and angry.

"Okay," Leo said as he orbed out.

* * *

Pernmias was sitting at a table in the dark room. He had a file in front of him. On top of it said PHOEBE HALLIWELL, CHARMED ONE. It had lots of information about Phoebe on it. Pernmias looking though different pages of the file.

"Where is it?" he asked himself. Pernmias stopped and smiled with satisfaction when he reached a certain page. It read ENCOUNTERS WITH DEATH. "Okay," he said pulling out a marker he began checking off things on the piece of paper. "Attacked by Javana, check, choked by a Grimlock, check. Now what comes next on Phoebe Halliwell's encounters with death? Ah, yes zapped by the Collectors.

* * *

Prue and Phoebe were still sitting on the couch and Piper was still sitting on the coffee table. Prue was looking in the Book of Shadows. "You know maybe we're wrong. Maybe Phoebe's premonitions are just are growing," Prue said putting her hands down on the Book of Shadows.

"No, even if they were they wouldn't send her back to times where she was nearly killed. There has to be a connection. Some demon is probably turning the times where Phoebe has almost died or been hurt into premonitions and sending her to them." Piper said.

"Yeah, you're probably right but Phoebe what happens to you after you come out of the vision what do you feel like? Do you feel what's happening to you in the vision is happening to you here?" Prue asked.

"Kinda but not really. I mean I feel what happens to me afterwards. Like, if I was being choked in my vision I am out of breath and coughing when I come out of it. It's kind of like the consequences of what happens to me when I go into it."

"Yeah, well, this isn't personal gain," Piper said. "We have to figure out what is happening to you because you are feeling the pain of your past self."

"Kind of like when you were linked to Beau," Prue said.

"No, it's not like that at all because when that happened I was feeling someone else's pain and now I'm feeling my own," said Phoebe. Prue and Piper exchanged nervous glances. Phoebe noticed this. "Okay, um, you guys just go upstairs with the book and look over some other notes we have on other demons maybe it will help us assume the identity of this one."

"No, Phoebe we're not leaving you down here alone what if you go to another premonition," Piper said.

"I'm fine, really you guys can go up to the attic,"

"Phoebe, we can't leave you alone," said Prue.

"I'm okay really now just go and find out how to stop this," Phoebe said, helplessly.

"Fine, but if you don't feel good or you feel like you might go into another vision for just a minute yell for us, okay?"


Prue nodded standing up from the couch. She started to head for the attic but she stopped when she saw Piper wasn't moving. "Piper? You coming or what?"

"No," Piper said. "Phoebe, we can't leave you here alone what if something goes wrong? We can't risk anything happening to you."

"If you really don't wanna risk it then go up to the attic and prevent it from happening," said Phoebe.

After a few minutes Piper finally agreed and stood up. "Okay, c'mon," Prue said to Piper heading for the attic.

Piper walked over to Phoebe and upstairs her hand on her little sister's cheek.

Phoebe put her hand over her's. Piper just stood there for a moment staring at Phoebe sympathetically and then she finally tore herself from her and walked upstairs.

* * *

Piper walked into the attic. Prue was already there looking in the Book of Shadows. "We better make this quick because we have to get back down to Phoebe." Piper said.

"Piper, we'll figure something out don't worry," said Prue.

Piper crossed her arms. "And where is Leo? What is taking him so long?" Piper asked, raising her voice slightly.

"Piper, just calm down we can do this."

"How can I calm down? This was basically my fault anyway." Piper said quietly looking down at the floor.

Prue stopped looking in the Book of Shadows. "How is it your fault?"

"Well, if I would have told her to stay here like I suggested then none of this would be happening to her."

"Piper you couldn't stop her. You shouldn't have you had to save an innocent."

"But she was dead before we got there so what difference does it make?"

"We were going to have to vanquish the demon sooner or later."

"Well, than us two could have vanquished him without Phoebe because something happened to only her when she killed the other demon. And if I just have forced her to stay at home none of this would have happened!" Piper said throwing her arms up in the air.

Prue walked over to Piper. "We couldn't have stopped her from going. She would have tried to save that woman no matter what. I mean you know Pheebs. Her innocents come before herself."

"Yeah, actually right before this happened she said that she finally understand what her premonitions are for, they're to help people and she said..."

"What? What did she say?"

"She said that when she finally learns to control them she is going to save hundreds of innocents. She didn't even think of herself. Not once! She didn't say she was gonna see the winning lotto numbers! She said she was gonna save people. And look what's happening to her! Look what I did to her!"

"Piper, you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault. It's the demon who did this to her's fault. And we are going to make him pay for what he is doing to our little sister." Prue said walking back over to the Book of Shadows.

"I still think we should keep an eye on her."

"Okay, I know we're not going to get anything done unless you know that Phoebe is safe so um, here's am idea, how about we call Cole to watch her?"


"Yeah, I'm sure Phoebe would want him to be here and I'm sure he wants to know about his girlfriend."

"Well, how do we even contact him?"

"Cole!" Prue and Piper yelled.

Just then Cole shimmered into the attic. Prue and Piper gasped. "Huh, it worked!" Prue exclaimed. "Alright we need you to go downstairs and keep an eye on Phoebe."

"Is something wrong with Phoebe?" Cole asked nervously.

"Okay, Cole here's the 411, Phoebe premonitions are out of control she is going into them, literally. So we need you to go down there and watch her to make sure she doesn't go into another one of them and get hurt. Got it?" Piper asked.

"Hardly. Wait you said she's going into her premonitions? How is that possible?" asked Cole.

"We'll give you all the details later but we just really need you to watch her now."

"Okay," Cole said walking downstairs.

"Okay, feeling calmer now?" Prue asked Piper.

"Tons, now let's go kick this guy's butt and make him pay for what he's done," said a new, determined Piper as she and Prue started to flip through the pages of the Book of Shadows.

* * *

Phoebe was lying on the couch downstairs. She stood up and was ready to walk upstairs to help her sisters. Just as Phoebe stood up she goes into another vision. Phoebe gasped and fell to the floor, deep in her vision.

Cole walked downstairs. When he saw Phoebe lying on the floor, unconscious, he rushed over to her. "Phoebe, Phoebe!" Cole cried shaking Phoebe trying to wake her up. "Piper, Prue!" he yelled putting Phoebe's head in his lap.

Piper and Prue came running downstairs. Prue was holding the Book of Shadows, she quickly put it down on the coffee table. "Phoebe!" Piper cried kneeling infront of her. Prue ran over and kneeled next to Phoebe too. "Phoebe!" Piper exclaimed shaking her and trying to wake her up but it was no use Phoebe was in her vision.

Phoebe awoke in Golden Gate. She was sitting on the floor. Her hair was still brown and the year was about 1999. Phoebe sat up and one of the Collectors that the sisters vanquished two years ago walked over to her. He put his long needle finger in her head and before Phoebe had time to react she had passed out in her premonition.

Phoebe awoke on the living room floor with her head in Cole's lap. She sat up panting and breathing heavily. "Phoebe!" Cole exclaimed. "Phoebe what happened?"

Before Phoebe had a chance to answer she felt the affect of the Collector's needle finger in her head. She put her hand to her head. "Ow!" she screamed in pain.

"Phoebe, what's wrong?" Piper asked frantically. "Where did you go?"

"I went to Golden Gate park when one of the Collectors that we vanquished two years ago stuck that needle finger thingy in my head," Phoebe said, rubbing her temple where the Collector had stuck the finger in her head.

"Are you okay?" Prue asked.

"Yeah, just a really bad headache, ow."

"Uh, I'll go get an ice-pack," Prue said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Sweetie, can you get up?" Piper asked Phoebe.

"Yeah, I think so," Phoebe said struggling to stand.

Cole helped Phoebe up and sat her down on the couch. He sat next to her. Piper sat down on the coffee table.

"Here," Prue said returning from the kitchen and handing Phoebe an ice-pack.

"Thanks," Phoebe said as she put the ice-pack to the side of her head. Prue sat down next to Piper on the table. Just then Leo orbed in.

"Leo, did you find out anything?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, I found out alot, actually," Leo answered.

"Okay, well what's wrong with her why is Phoebe going into her visions?"

"Because she now has the power of active premonitions."

"Active premonitions? What's that?" Cole asked.

"It's the power to travel into times in your past as premonitions."

"Well, how did I get this power?" Phoebe asked.

"Because the demon that you vanquished had the power of active premonitions and since you have the power of regular premonitions you got his power."

Piper began to flip through the Book of Shadows.

"Huh?" Phoebe asked. "But why did I get it?"

"Because you have the power of premonitions."

"But what does that have to do with it?"


"Because only a witch with the power of premonition can receive the power of active premonitions from a demon," Piper said, finishing Leo's sentence.

"What?" Prue asked.

"Leo's right about active premonitions it's right here in the book."

"Well, what does it say?"

"Active premonitions is the power to travel into premonitions of someone's past. If someone has this power than they can travel to their past whenever they get an active premonition. Unlike regular premonitions, active premonitions do not connect with what the person is touching. It is a connection between minds. This power, however is nearly impossible to control. No witch with the power of active premonitions has ever been able to control it. It says the only witch that will ever be able to control this power is the witch with the strongest premonitions in the world. The only people that have ever been known to control active premonitions are demons." Piper read. She turned to Phoebe. "Well, that's gotta be you Pheebs your the strongest witch with the power of premonitions."

"Well, what does it say about demons controlling active premonitions?" Phoebe asked.

"Demons that have the power of active premonitions cannot control it themselves but a stronger demon who takes them back to times to fix mistakes. However, when someone is spent back into an active premonition the same thing doesn't happen to them out of the vision. They just feel the affects of what happened to them in the vision."

"That's what you said before, you said that you felt the affects of what happened to you in the vision," Prue said to Phoebe.

"That still doesn't explain why Phoebe got this power though," Cole said.

"I'm getting to that," Piper said holding her hand up. She continued to read. "If a witch with the power of regular premonitions vanquishes a demon with the power of active premonitions they receive that power which is still controlled by another demon."

"Okay, well, what demon is controlling it?" Prue asked Leo.

"Pernmias, he has the power to control a demon named Cornzi's active premonitions, the demon that Phoebe vanquished, and he can still control it even if another person has it." Leo answered.

"Well, how does this demon even know to take Phoebe back to times in her life where she was hurt?" asked Piper.

"Because I just found out that he has Phoebe's file."

"Her file?"

"Yeah, every supernatural person has one and Pernmias somehow managed to convince the Source to give him Phoebe's file. The Source will only give a demon a witch's power if he is sure that they can kill them. There is only one of each person's power and if he is willing to give Pernmias one if the Charmed Ones' file, then Pernmias must have a good plan."

"But that still doesn't explain how he knows where to send Phoebe back to in her visions," Prue said.

"Because, on everyone's file there is a page that shows all the times that person has encountered death or been injured. That's how he knows where to send Phoebe back to. You see, active premonitions can only take place in the past so Pernmias in going to send Phoebe back to a time where she died and the affect she is going to feel is death."

"Well, Phoebe has never died before," Prue said.

"Yes, I have," Phoebe said.

"What? When? You've never died. I've died, Piper's died but you never did."

"Yes, I did! Remember when Tempus trapped us in the time loop? Well, I died in then!"

"Oh, no," Piper said quietly.

"Okay, well how do we even know that he is going to send Phoebe back to when that happened?" Prue asked.

"Because, he is going in order of how badly you've been hurt. In each vision you have been injured more seriously so each vision is going to get worse."

"Yeah, every vision is more intense than the next one," Phoebe said.

"Well, how do we fix this we can't just let Phoebe die!" Cole cried.

"I know but the only way you vanquish Pernmias is in an active premonition."

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"Pernmias cannot be vanquished on the physical plane he can only be vanquished on the mind plane."

"The mind plane?" Prue asked.

"The plane where active premonitions take place. You see, Pernmias is a psychic demon that's how he can control other people's active premonitions."

"Well, how do we vanquish him in an active premonition if they only take place in the past."

"I might have an idea," Piper said standing up, holding the Book of Shadows.

Prue looked up at Piper, surprised. "You do?" she asked.


"Well, great what is it?" Leo asked.

"Uh, how about I tell you upstairs, Cole you just stay down here with Phoebe, okay?"


"Alright then, let's go," Piper said walking up the attic stairs with Prue and Leo close behind.

Piper walked into the attic. Prue and Leo walked in after her. "Okay, you wanna fill me in on the plan?" Prue asked sarcastically.

"Okay. Leo, you know how you said Pernmias can only be vanquished in an active premonition, right?" Piper said.

"Right," Leo replied.

"So maybe Phoebe can vanquish him on our plane first,"

"But Piper that won't work," Prue said.

"But if Phoebe has an active premonition of that it will."


"Okay, active premonitions take place in the past so if Phoebe vanquishes Pernmias on the physical plane then she can get an active premonition of vanquishing him and the affect of it will be his death!"

"But Pernmias control's Phoebe's active premonitions and he is not going to send her into a vision where she vanquishes him!" Prue exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter because Phoebe can will herself to travel into that vision of when she vanquishes him."

"But there's no way that she could control it."

"Yes, she could."

"No, no witch has ever been able to."

"Except for the strongest witch with the power of premonitions!"


"Okay in the Book of Shadows it said that only the strongest premonition witch can control active premonitions so that's gotta be Phoebe! If she vanquishes Pernmias and then has an active premonition of it he will die!"

"But she couldn't do that. She still can't will herself to get a regular premonition! And you think she could get an active one?"

"Prue what other choice do we have? Look if Pernmias sends Phoebe to an active premonition where she is killed she is gonna die!"

"Okay, but still if active premonitions are connected by thoughts and not by what the person is touching then how is Phoebe going to be able to do it?"

"She has to do it in the next active premonition she has." Leo said.

Prue turned around. "Huh?"

"When Pernmias makes Phoebe have a vision the mind connecting point between the two of them is the closest so if Phoebe turns the vision that Pernmias is sending her to into the one where he is killed it just might work!" Leo exclaimed.

Prue sighed. "Do you really think it will work?" Prue asked Piper.

"It will. It has to," Piper answered.

Downstairs Cole was in the kitchen looking for something in the refrigerator. Phoebe walked in the kitchen. "Cole?" she asked weakly.

Cole turned around. "Phoebe! What are you doing up? Honey, go back on the couch I'll be there in a minute I'm just getting you something to drink."

"It's okay I'll just wait for you here."

"No, Phoebe," Cole said walking over to her. "Go back in the living room I'll be there in a minute."

"Cole, it's fine, I'm fine I can't just lay on the couch all day."

"Pheebs, you have to your hurt and you could be thrown into a vision any minute maybe the one you die in."

"Cole it's okay..." Phoebe gasped. She was going into another premonition. She began to fall over but Cole caught her in midair. "Phoebe!" he cried.

Phoebe awoke in her premonition. She was standing in the hallway. Her hair was blonde. Phoebe looked around figuring it must of been about a few months ago. All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. Then Phoebe realized that she had been shot and she fell to the floor in her premonition.

Phoebe came out of her vision. She found herself in Cole's arms. All of a sudden a spasm of pain hit her in her lower back. "Ugh!" Phoebe cried as she collapsed to the ground in pain.

"Phoebe!" Cole cried as he lowered her to the floor. Cole looked at his hand and found blood all over it. She looked at Phoebe's back and saw that there was a bullet sticking out of it with blood all over the place. "Oh, no," Cole said when he saw this. "Prue! Piper! Leo!" Cole yelled at the top of his lungs. He looked back at Phoebe who was drifting in and out of consciousness and having trouble breathing.

Prue, Piper, and Leo entered the kitchen. "Phoebe!" Prue cried when she saw her little sister on the floor, bleeding profusely.

"Oh god," Piper said as she knelt down next to Phoebe. Prue and Leo did the same.

"What happened?" Prue asked frantically.

"I don't know she went into an active premonition where she was probably shot when Beau was," replied and an equally frantic Cole.

"Okay uh, Leo just heal her," Prue said.

Leo placed his hands over where Phoebe had been shot to heal her. His hands glowed but nothing happened.

"What why isn't it working?" asked Cole.

"Because when this happened Leo couldn't heal her and this is the consequence," Piper said.

"Well, how do we save her?"

"We have to vanquish Pernmias," Leo said.

"Before it's too late," Piper said looking back at Phoebe who had passed out.

* * *

Pernmias was sitting at the table still looking at Phoebe's file. He checked off a box that read "SHOT WHEN BEAU WAS" and circled one that read "KILLED IN TIMELOOP." Pernmias smiled and laughed evilly.

* * *

Phoebe was still unconscious. She was lying on the couch with her head in Cole's lap. Piper and Leo were standing in the living room too.

Leo looked at Phoebe. He felt so bad that he couldn't heal her. Phoebe had always been like a real sister to him. Besides Piper he had always been closest to Phoebe. Even though he cared about Prue too Phoebe had always been more like a sister to him than her. Phoebe had always given him advice about Piper especially when she found out that Leo was a White Lighter when they first got their powers. He had told her first even before he had told Piper. Leo was the first person even before Piper and Prue that knew that Cole was alive and Phoebe had decided to tell him before her sisters.

Leo also felt bad for Cole who seemed very helpless and sad knowing that Phoebe might die. He knew that if this had been happening to Piper he would feel the same way.

Prue walked downstairs into the living room. "Okay, I found Pernmias, scrying, now all we have to do is follow Piper's plan and it should work."

"What plan?" asked Cole.

"If Phoebe vanquishes him on the physical plane and then has an active premonition of it after then Pernmias will be vanquished on the mind plane and Phoebe should be fine," Prue explained.

"But how can she get an active premonition by herself?"

"She has to will herself to do it."

"But Prue she couldn't possibly do it! She's dying!"

"Well, she is going to die anyway if we can't vanquish Pernmias so it'll work."

"How do you know?"

"Because it has to."

"Okay, if this is ever gonna work we are going to have to fill Phoebe in on the plan," Leo said.

"Oh yeah that would help wouldn't it?" Prue joked.

Piper leaned over next to Phoebe. She put two fingers on Phoebe's neck to see if she still had a pulse. When she found one she let out a sigh of relief. "Phoebe, Phoebe," Piper called gently, shaking her little sister. "Phoebe."

Phoebe jerked awake. "Huh?" she asked confused about what happened. Then also of a sudden she let out a yell of pain. "Ow!" Phoebe screamed putting her hand to her back. She pulled her hand away and found blood all over it. "Oh!" she exclaimed, panting. "What...?"

"Okay, Phoebe you have to vanquish Pernmias," Cole explained trying to calm her down.

"But I can't," Phoebe stammered, gasping for air.

"Yes, you can," Piper said kneeling next to her. "Phoebe if you vanquish Pernmias now and have an active premonition of it than he will die in your vision."

"But I can't make myself have one."

"You have to or you're dead. Pheebs, only the most powerful premonition witch can control this power and that is you. If you will yourself to have an active premonition of vanquishing Pernmias against the premonition he is sending you into then it just might work."

"I can't," Phoebe said, she sounded out of breath. Piper sighed. "I'm sorry I can't."

"Yes, you can Phoebe if anyone can do it you can. "Please, Piper put her hand on Phoebe's hand. You have to try."

Phoebe didn't say anything for a minute but then she started to get up. Cole stood behind her and helped her to her feet. Piper smiled. "Okay, let's go," she said helping Phoebe up. She picked up Phoebe's jacket and helped her get it on. Piper picked up her own jacket and put it on. She started heading for the door. Prue and Leo did the same. "Oh!" Piper exclaimed turning around. "Do you have the vanquishing spell?" she asked Prue.

Prue pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. "Right here," she said waving it in the air to show Piper.

"Alright, good, c'mon," she said opening the door and walking outside. Prue grabbed a navy blue sweatshirt, walked outside and shut the door behind her.

* * *

Pernmias was in the dark room still sitting at the table looking at Phoebe's file. He was marking things down on the paper when Phoebe, Piper, Prue, Cole, and Leo came.

Prue moved her hand and blew open the door with her power. Pernmias instantly got up. He picked up a knife and prepared to throw it at Phoebe, who could barley stand and was having Cole hold her up, but Prue used her telekinesis to move the knife out of his hand as soon as he pulled it back. Pernmias looked at his hand and saw that no knife was there and he smiled evilly. "It doesn't matter what you do witches! You can't vanquish me here. Your little sister is mine."

"I don't think so," Piper said. She flung out her hands and froze Pernmias.

Prue pulled the spell out of her pocket and handed it to Cole. "Phoebe read the spell, okay?" Prue asked Phoebe. She was drifting into unconsciousness and Cole was holding her up.

"Okay," Phoebe said wearily. Cole held up the spell for Phoebe to see. Phoebe began chanting the spell. Her voice was no louder than a whisper.

"The visions that you take me to,
Are a place where my end dwells,
On the mind plane I vanquish you,
Death takes you with this spell."

Pernmias unfroze. He laughed. "Stupid witches!" He walked over to where Prue had moved the knife and picked it up.

"Okay, let's go!" Piper cried as they all ran out of the room.

* * *

Piper, Prue, Cole, Leo, and Phoebe walked into the house. Piper and Prue took off their jackets and helped Phoebe take off her's. Phoebe did not look so good. Her face was turning pale and she was having trouble breathing. Cole helped Phoebe walk to the couch. She fell backwards but Cole caught her. "Phoebe!" he cried.

Phoebe looked up. "What?" she asked. She sounded sleepy. "Oh, thanks."

Cole dragged Phoebe over to the couch. She couldn't walk anymore and was depending on Cole to help her. Cole laid Phoebe on the couch and sat next to her. She was still clutching her lower back where she had been shot.

Piper and Prue sat down on the coffee table. "So, what do we do now?" Piper asked Leo.

"We have to wait until Pernmias sends Phoebe into her next vision where she dies in so she can will herself to go into a different vision, the one where Pernmias dies." Leo answered.

"But when is he going to send her into it?" Prue asked.

"I don't know we'll have to wait."

"But what if he doesn't send Phoebe into an active premonition until like next year it doesn't necessarily me that..."

Prue's sentence was interrupted by Phoebe who gasped loudly. She sat up.

"Phoebe," Piper said kneeling down next to her. Prue leaned over near Phoebe and Leo walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know I think Pernmias is trying to send me into another premonition," Phoebe cried, gasping for air.

"Okay, uh, Leo what do we do? How does she go into a different one?" Piper asked frantically.

"She has to concentrate on going back to that place, she has to remember what just happened," Leo answered.

"Okay, Phoebe just try and remember vanquishing Pernmias imagine it, visualize it, concentrate on it, go to it." Piper said to Phoebe.

"I can't he's too strong," Phoebe exclaimed.

"No, you can do it Pheebs you have to, please!"

Phoebe didn't have a chance to say anything. She passed out, unconscious, onto Cole's lap, deep in her vision.

Phoebe looked around. She had brown hair. "Oh, no!" Phoebe thought. She was in 1999 and about to be killed by Rodriguez. Surely enough Rodriguez was standing right there. He fired a lightning bolt at her but before it hit her Phoebe was transported to another time and place.

Phoebe looked at her surroundings. She was in the dark room that they had just fought Pernmias in. She felt the extricating pain in her back again but she ignored it. She had completed her task. Phoebe had taken herself to another vision!

Pernmias was sitting at the table in the premonition. He turned around and stood up. "What? What the hell is going on?" Pernmias asked when he saw Phoebe standing there. "What are you doing?"

"Taking what's mine," Phoebe said, coldly.

"The visions that you take me to,
Are a place where my end dwells,
On the mind plane I vanquish you,
Death takes you with this spell!"

Phoebe finished chanting the spell.

Pernmias began to spin and then explode. "Noooooo!" he screamed as he burst into flames.

The next thing Phoebe knew she was back on the couch with concerned faces all around her. She sat up and looked at where she had been shot in her back. There was nothing there, not even a scar. Phoebe looked at Piper. "I guess this power can be active after all."

Piper didn't say anything she just looked back at Phoebe and smiled.

* * *

Later that night at P3, Phoebe, Prue, Cole, and Leo were sitting at the bar. Piper was there too serving drinks. Phoebe was wearing a black and white checkered t-shirt and a black skirt. Piper was wearing a black shirt and a navy blue skirt. Prue was wearing a black t-shirt and leopard capris and she was sipping a drink. Piper pulled out three more drinks. "One for you," she said handing a drink to Leo. "One, for you," she said handing a drink to Cole. "And one for you," Piper said handing a drink to Phoebe.

"Thanks," Phoebe said smiling.

Piper put her elbows on the bar table. "Glad to see you're still with us Pheebs," she said.

"So am I," Phoebe said putting her drink down. "So I guess there are more important things than 'Faithless' after all."

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyway you guys won't have to worry about my obsession..." Piper said looking at Phoebe.

"Um hum," Phoebe said taking a sip of her drink.

"...with 'Faithless' anymore. I've decided to stop watching it."

Phoebe looked up at Piper. "Oh don't stop watching it because of me," she said.

"No, it's not that. It's getting canceled!"

Prue giggled.

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, I guess alot of people didn't enjoy it as much as I did."

"Oh good no more shunning," Leo said.

"Ha!" Phoebe said pointing at Piper.

Piper hit Phoebe in the arm, playfully. She turned to Leo. "Very funny," she said. Leo laughed. "No, I mean it, this whole experience just proved that there are much more important things out there than a stupid TV show.

"Are you saying I'm more important than 'Faithless'?" Phoebe asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Okay, I'm serious. It's just worrying about something as stupid as missing a TV show is not half as important of missing someone you love."

"Like a sister?" Phoebe asked.

Piper put her hand on Phoebe's. "Yes, like a sister." Phoebe smiled.

Cole put is arms around Phoebe who was sitting next to her and kissed the top of her head. "Or a girlfriend," Cole said.

Phoebe smiled. She looked at the dance floor and then looked up at Cole. "Wanna dance?"

Cole smiled. "Always."

Phoebe took Cole's hand and dragged him out to the dance floor. She looked over at Piper and mouthed to her the words "thank you," to her.

Piper just smiled and mouthed to her, "you're welcome," as she watched her little sister twist the night away.