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The End Of A Charmed Legacy

by Acefire09

In the Graveyard, Piper and Phoebe are stalking a man covered in a hooded robe, the man looks back, apparently it wasn't a man at all, it was a human shaped demon with eyes completely filled in black. The demon tosses a beam of magic at them, they duck, the bolt hits a tombstone and it blows a hole in it. Then Piper and Phoebe stand straight up again, the demon readies for another beam. Piper quickly raises her hands, then time freezes, the demon is left completely frozen. Phoebe grabs the knife from her inside pocket, then she thrusts it into the demon's stomach, the demon unfreezes and screams. Then he blows up into a wave of fire, the flames extinguish, they calm down and then they sit down on the ground.

Piper: Well, that was really disturbing.

Phoebe: Which part? The part where we went demon hunting, or the part where we went demon-hunting without Prue?

Piper: Both. Well, we should call Leo and see if he knows anything about who that guy was, shouldn't we?

Phoebe: Well, he's gone that's all that matters right?

Piper: Well, what if he isn't really gone like the demon of Illusion, or the Four Horsemen?

Phoebe: Well, they are both gone now so let's not look into the past shall we?

Piper: Truce.

Phoebe: (Baby voice) Truce.

They leave, back in a demon Shelter, there are two demons there, they are all hooded like the one before. They are in a semi-circle, there is a position for one other-the one that was killed in the grave-yard.

Demon #2: Well, where is our third partner?

Demon #3: I will try to track him down.

He Closes his eyes and then he frowns.

Demon #2: What is it?

Demon #3: He was killed, I can't sense him anywhere.

Demon #2: Then we must have witches hot on our trail, they are the only ones that have the power to fully destroy the Triad, they have the power.

Demon #3: Find the witch or witches that did this to him!! Then we'll kill them off, doing so will resurrect our partner. That's what happened when that Charmed witch destroyed Belthazor!

Demon #2: Don't mention that demon again, he betrayed us, and then he betrayed the Witches, then the youngest Charmed One, what ever her name is. She killed him, that's the only time they came in useful, kill the witches, then we get our partner back!

Demon #3: Ha, ha, ha...yeah,

That night at Halliwell Manor, Piper and Phoebe are walking down the stairs, they come into the parlor room.

Phoebe: Well, if we can't find Leo, then where is he?

Piper: I don't know, but if he and Prue aren't here, then where are they?! They could be in real danger Phoebe!!

Phoebe: I know, and I'm sorry about your husband but our sister can face anything, believe it or not, she is the most powerful one out of all of us!!

Piper: But what if they catch Prue off guard, what if a dark-lighter hurt Leo.

Phoebe: If Leo and Prue died, we would be unprotected and the Charmed Circle could forever be broken.

Piper: We can't let that happen.

Phoebe: Well, there is nothing in the Book of Shadows.

Piper: Well...wait, wait yeah there is, the scrying spell if we can scry for them then we can find them and save them!

Phoebe: Ok, you get the map, I'll get the crystal!

Piper nods her head and then she heads for her room upstairs, she grabs the crystal and then she turns around. There is a Triad member standing behind her.

Piper: Ahh!! Oh you scared me! And there is a really really good reason to be isn't there?

Demon #3: I would say yes, witch!!

Piper: How bout' I introduce you to my hands.

Piper freezes him.

Piper: Or introduce you to my power more like it, Phoebe!! Get in here!!!

Downstairs, Phoebe opens up a door and hears Piper scream for her to come, Phoebe shuts the door and runs out of the kitchen, out of the parlor room and up the stairs, she begins to look in several rooms on the second floor frantically looking for Piper.

Phoebe: Sis, where are you?!

Piper: In here!!

Phoebe rounds a corner and enters Piper's room, she sees the Triad member frozen.

Phoebe: Wait, didn't we kill that demon out in the grave-yard earlier tonight?

Piper: Um, no actually this is a different one, look at it's face, different hair color, this one has gray hair and the other one had...

Phoebe: Gray hair.

Piper: No for real, it was a darker shade than this ones, It's a different demon, which means there is a whole coven of demons after us.

Phoebe: Yeah, or this is just some demonic assassin.

Piper: Wait a minute...does this ring hell's bells to you?

Phoebe: The Triad?

Piper: Yeah, I mean, Belthazor killed them but what if since you killed him, then that set free all of his victims.

Phoebe: But how is that possible?!

Piper: I don't know, what I do know is that we really need to get to Prue and Leo if we ever plan on getting rid of-

Suddenly the Triad member unfreezes and then a knife appears in his hand, he swipes quickly for Piper. Piper lunges over and falls to the ground, Phoebe drop kicks the triad member and then she attempts to punch him but the triad member catches her fist and turns her around. The Triad member tosses Phoebe at the door as hard as he can, Phoebe knocks into the door and breaks through it, she still flung through the air hits the hallway wall and it cracks. Phoebe lands on the ground in the hallway, Piper gets up to her feet.

Piper: Phoebe!

Triad #3: You're going to join her!

He grabs Piper, he begins to shimmer away with her, as they partially invisible, Piper freezes time. Piper, then gets out of the Triad member's grip and walks into the hall, she is still partially invisible.

Piper: Wow, this is real weird.

Phoebe rises up to her feet, she looks at Piper half-way invisible.

Phoebe: Wow, I really must have hit my head hard huh?

Piper: Oh-yeah, are you ok sweety? You were totally knocked out.

Phoebe: Knocked up? What's that mean?

Piper: I mean that you were hurt badly, you ok?

Phoebe: I can fight still, what did you do to yourself?

Piper: I froze time as he was teleporting me away. My theory is that as soon as time picks up again, I will still teleport away with him, but it's a good thing, maybe this is a way to find out who these guys are, and plus since they are making random attacks for us, why not Prue and Leo, so they may be the ones that took them.

Phoebe: I agree.

Piper: So you want to come with or make me have to do this all by myself?

Phoebe: Maybe I shouldn't answer that question,

Piper: (Fake laugh) ha, ha, not funny!!

Phoebe and Piper smile, then Phoebe grabs Piper's hand, time unfreezes, they shimmer off to the Triad's shelter. The Triad member smiles as he and the Triad member #2 close in on the two Charmed Ones. Piper and Phoebe back up, Phoebe levitates into the air and then she kicks Triad #2, she lands on the ground and then Triad member #3 runs over to her. Piper hurries to freeze time but Triad #2 and trips, Triad #3 has his knife in hand and stabs Phoebe in the stomach.

Piper: No!!

Phoebe: Uh... ah!!... Unh... uhh..

The Triad members look over at Piper, they begin to attack her when Piper quickly freezes time, she gets up to her feet and then she runs over to Phoebe.

Piper: Phoebe!

Phoebe: Piper... it hurts...

Piper: I know! I know!

Tears form in Piper's beautiful eyes.

Phoebe: Piper... tell Prue when you see her... that I... love..

Piper: You will see her... you will be healed, Leo! Leo!

Phoebe: Leo must be too... far... away.. unh...

Piper: No, Phoebe.... hold on! Hold on!

Phoebe: Oh... It's co... cold..

Piper: No, Hold on? Hold on, Leo! Please hear me! Leo! We have to look around for them!!

Piper grabs Phoebe's arms and begins to pull her down a tunnel/path, they round a corner, they see a man in a cage.

Man-in-cage: What's wrong with her?

Piper: She's severely hurt, have you seen a woman, black hair, blue eyes, or a man, blondish-brown hair? He's handsome, and she's pretty?

Man: No, but I can help.

Piper: Oh no, Phoebe. Phoebe listen, fight the pain, you have to...

Phoebe:I'm read... ready to die... I've lived a long... life... love you... Piper... you've.. come so far... and... and... and..

Piper: Phoebe? Phoebe!

Phoebe: I'm still.. here... you are my sis... sister... I

Piper: No, No! Phoebe! Phoebe!

Man: Pull her over to me!

Piper: I'm so sorry Phoebe, I should be the one... Why didn't I just freeze time... why didn't I just do it?

Man: She's not dead! Bring her here!

Piper: Please.

Man: Bring her here!

Piper: Why?

Man: I can help!

Piper: She's my sister, we need time to-

Man: I may not be Leo but I can help!

Piper: Leo?

Man: That's who I'm not!!

Piper: Is Leo ok?

Man: That's not the point, bring her here! Now!

Piper is confused but pulls Phoebe over to the Man, the man reaches his hand out from the cage-bars, his hand starts to light up, he begins to heal Phoebe, Piper looks in amazement.

Piper: Your a white-lighter?

Man: Yeah, but your sister doesn't have much time.

Piper: Which one?

The man looks up.

Piper: What?

Man: Look behind you,

Piper looks behind her, she sees a shadow hovering behind her, she stands up and then she touches it, her hand goes through it.

Man: It is death, and he's after one of you.

Piper looks at Phoebe, she wipes a tear from her eye, then the wound is all healed up, Phoebe gets up to her feet, Piper looks at Phoebe, Phoebe wipes a tear from her eye, they hug really hard, the Man smiles then looks up at the entrance of the cave, he sees the Triad members walking towards the Charmed Ones

Man: Guys!

Piper: What?

Piper and Phoebe stop hugging, they look over there shoulder and see the Triad Members coming for them, they look over to the man in the cage.

Man: Go save yourselves, find your sister and your white lighter and then go for protection, this can't already be the end of the Charmed Ones.

Phoebe: Thank you!

Man: Go!

Piper: I love you!

Man: Run!

Piper and Phoebe run away from the Triad members, then member #2 runs away for the Charmed ones, member #3 stops by the man's cage and looks at him.

Man: I did my duty as a white-lighter, now they will do there job to destroy you!

Triad #3: Oh I don't think so, they may have killed one of us but in the end... there just rookies!Ahh-emmmphlia, ellmushaphffa elemantoras, nashvallanna!

A dark lighter appears in the cage and then he shoots the man with a cross-bow, the Man screams out in pain. The dark lighter smiles at the Triad member, then the Triad member continues running after Piper and Phoebe. The Dark lighter suddenly smells the scent of the Charmed ones and he orbs away, the Charmed ones find the way out of the tunnel and they are led to the highway.

Piper: What the world?

Phoebe: What world is right! Is this even Earth?

Piper: I think, look it's McDonalds, very human.

Phoebe: And Babily.

Piper: We, can get a ride home, theres a cab.

Phoebe: Ok, let's hurry!

They run over to the cab, the Triad members run out in the street too, they look all around, there are a lot of people around so they can't see Piper or Phoebe. Back at the Manor the next morning, Piper and Phoebe are in the kitchen looking in the Book Of Shadows, they find a page, "Triad".

Piper: The Triad demons who were chosen by the Source itself to destroy all matters or Paragons of good, whether it be human or supernatural. Once in the 17th century there was an impending Apocalypse, they three would gather around an altar and perform a ritual to end the universe. They would gather the blood of a sheep and a witch and mix them together with a-

Phoebe: Oh, don't even say it!

Piper: Well, the point is that they need a witch, sheep, and White-lighter's blood in order to perform it. They would need all three of them but then a witch name Melinda Warren was able to thwart their attack by killing two of them, wow, she must have been very powerful!

Phoebe: Yeah, but then when her "Beloved" betrayed her and had her burnt at the stake, the two formers were once again risen. Wait that means that.

Piper: That whenever we are killed, that Triad member that we killed will be back to life, just like before.

Phoebe: Then we have to be extra careful, this is worse than anything we've ever faced. If we die, were not the only ones going down.

Piper: But we can't do it without Prue, Phoebe, were going to need the power of three.

Phoebe: I know but still we can't exactly lay low, we need to find Prue, as you said we need the power of Three.

Piper: We have got to find a way out of this!

Phoebe: I'm just saying this, so don't get mad at me Piper, but what if this is our destiny? We have been here for a reason. We've destroyed many of nasties, and you can look at it anyway you want, but I find no way to beat this,

Piper: Oh, Phoebe, don't give up!

Phoebe: What?! You heard what that white-lighter said, Death is after one of us. Prue tried already to beat death before with that agent guy, one of us isn't going to make it. Whether it be Leo, Prue, you, or me, were going to loose one of us.

Piper: Well, let's use that spell that we used to find Death and talk to it, see if it will tell us who is going to die?

Phoebe: Ok,

Time lapse, at the beach later on that morning, they recite the spell and death comes to them.

Death: What do you want?

Piper: Tell us who is going to die.

Death: What?

Phoebe: You heard us, which one of us is going to die?

Death: Well, Certainly not me.

Piper: Uh.

Death: I won't tell you that, but I will take you to your sister, and your husband, Piper.

Piper: You know my name, so I'm on the list, that's how you knew Prue's name, I'm going to die aren't I?

Death: I know your name because I met you when your sister wanted to take care of her mourning about her mother.

Piper: Have you already taken Prue?

Death: No, or that White-lighter.

Phoebe: Please help us face the Triad.

Piper: Your the only one that could stand a chance against them, and at full power, we can't all win.

Death: NO.

Piper: I knew it was a long-shot.

Death: It isn't my place to help you, you can help yourself.

Phoebe: Wait, that guy could help us, that white-lighter that saved me, that saw you after us, have you taken him?

Death: Yes, but he isn't the one I was there for, one of you four are going to die, your bond will be broken, the Charmed Circle will be destroyed.

Piper: We aren't going to let that happen, let's go Phoebe.

Death: You can't fight this girls, or one of you won't be able to.

The sisters continue to walk back towards the manor, at the manor, they walk into the parlor room, they see Prue and Leo bound and gagged with the Triad behind them, Piper and Phoebe stare at them.

Phoebe: I think this is the end Piper, the final battle.

Triad #3: It will be, that white-lighter that saved your a-

Piper: Shut up!

Triad #3: Well, he was a new-born white-lighter, he wasn't as powerful a lighter that of which your white-lighter had become.

Piper: The Best white-lighter there ever had been.

Leo smiles, though still gagged. Triad #3 walks around Prue's chair and walks over to Phoebe.

Triad #3: Oh, what a beauty you had become, We wanted you two to see your angel and sister die, then we can watch you two die of heart-attacks, of loss, ha, ha, ha,

Phoebe: You aren't going to win!

Triad #2: Oh, yes we will, we live forever, we are... forever.

He walks over to Piper and grabs her by the neck.

Triad #2: But you aren't!

He tosses Piper against the table, the table breaks and then she falls to the wooden floor. Phoebe punches Triad#3 and tosses him on Triad #2. They both fall to the floor, she runs over to Prue and Leo, she unties them and takes the gag off. Prue looks up as the Death shadow hovers inside the parlor room.

Prue: No! Guys! Death!

Phoebe: Prue, It's going to kill one of the four of us, you, me, Leo, or Piper.

Prue: I won't let that happen!

Prue leaps over the Triad members still on the floor and face the Death, she kicks at it, her leg goes through it, she looks up at the Death scared.

Prue: Is it me?

Death: ...

Phoebe runs over to Triad#3 member and kicks him, she then grabs #2 and kicks him, he falls back. He falls over to the window and it shatters, the pieces of window fall to the floor. Triad #2 falls over to the outside. Piper gets up from the smashed table and runs over to Prue. She pulls Prue away from Death. Triad #3 grabs Leo and the Dark-lighter from before appears, then he shoots at Leo, the arrow is almost hitting Leo when he orbs out. The arrow hits Triad #3, he screams, as Triad #2 teleports and reappears behind Phoebe. He grabs her, Phoebe tries to break free but can't. Triad #3 is injured, but he still has the energy to toss a fire beam at the Dark-lighter. The dark-lighter is hit and falls to the ground and then his mouth is on fire (like the seekers) before he blows up. Triad #3 is completely refreshed, he grabs Prue and Triad #2. Piper tries to freeze time, nothing happens.

Piper: Why is my powers not working?

Leo: Piper, we need to do something, the Triad has Prue and Phoebe hostage, what do you do?

Piper: I don't know, you guide me, what do I do?!

Leo: Piper...

Piper looks at the portal to end the world, then she looks back at Leo.

Piper: What?! I thought they had to have all three of them!

Leo: They must have all grown stronger and they must have enough power without their partner to end the world.

Piper: Well, how do I stop it?

Leo: You have to save your sisters to do it.

The Triad both have knifes appear in their hands, they stab Prue and the other stabs Phoebe. They let go of the bodies and dump them on the ground, Leo runs over to them, Triad #3 grabs Leo and snaps his neck, Piper looks at all of this.

Piper: No!

Piper runs over to Leo, she slaps his face a few times, Leo wakes up.

Leo: Snapping my neck won't kill me, I'm already dead.

Piper: But, Phoebe and Prue!

Leo crawls over to Phoebe, and he sees Prue.

Piper: Who cares who you do first, just heal them!

Leo: Prue was stabbed in the heart, she would die quicker.

He heals Prue, he goes over for Phoebe, Triad #3 grabs Piper, she screams. Leo turns around, then he stabs Piper directly in the heart.


Leo runs to save Piper, Piper falls to the ground, the Triad teleports away, Prue wakes up from being saved, she quickly sees Piper and runs over to her body, she also see Phoebe.

Prue: Leo! Get Phoebe first, she's worst than Piper!

Leo runs over to Phoebe, Prue goes over to Piper. Leo begins to heal Phoebe as Triad #2 appears behind Prue. Prue uses her senses to know the member is behind her. She turns around and punches him, then Member #2 flies across the room, Prue gets a piece of glass, she walks over to Member #2 and stabs him. He screams as he bursts into a wave of flames, then Triad #3 appears in front of Prue. He punches her, she flies across the room into the kitchen. Triad #3 walks into the kitchen and punches her again, she flies again over the counter into the door to the basement. The door breaks open and Prue rolls down the stairs, she hits the ground and blood is coming out of her nose. She is unconscious. Inside the parlor room again, Leo finishes healing Phoebe, they get up and they turn to face Piper, they bend down towards Piper, Phoebe feels her neck pulse, nothing.

Phoebe: Leo, she's already dead, you can't heal the dead!

Leo: No...this can't be...why did she have to... this isn't fair!

Phoebe has a tear roll off her cheek, she and Leo hug, they hear Triad #3 walking on the tile towards them. They get up, they walk over to the kitchen, they face Triad #3, Phoebe levitates into the air and then she grabs, the demon, she levitates over to the portal. She drops him off the cliff, he falls screaming into the portal and the portal closes. Then Leo walks down the stairs into the basement, he goes over to heal Prue, he does so, they all know who Death would take Piper. They walk over to the parlor room, they see Piper's body, they see Piper's spirit escape form the body then Piper spirit looks over to her Sisters and her husband, she smiles, a tear comes from her cheek, Death takes Piper's spirit.

Death: I will be coming back.

He disappears off with Piper, Prue and Piper and Leo are all in tears, in the clouds, Piper's spirit is released, in Heaven. That night in the kitchen, Leo orbs in, he smiles at them.

Leo: Hey, I just wanted you to know, that I was.. I resigned from my contract.

Phoebe: What?!

Leo: We both know that I am a terrible white-lighter, I was in the same room as my charge, my wife...and she still know, so I can't take loss anymore, I just am not fit for it...I wish you the luck in life...I love you guys.

Prue: Bye Leo, tell Piper that I said that I love her, and we will miss her.

Phoebe: Ditto, bye Leo, (They hug, then Leo orbs off to Heaven)

That night after Phoebe is asleep, Prue wakes up in the middle of the night, she walks over to the bathroom and opens the cabinet, she takes a box of pills. She then gets a drink of water, she takes five pills from the can, she takes them with the water. She takes about seven more this time and then she takes them. She takes five more and then she takes them, she feels hazy, she falls over to the floor, then Death arrives for yet another delivery.