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Not So Good Intentions

by Ivy

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Charmed characters or places. I only own the plot and some original characters. This takes place after Blind Sided in season 1, but before Deja Vu All Over Again. It contains some adult content, so I'd rate it PG-13 to a mild R. I also crave feedback, so the more feedback I get, the faster my stories come out. Or, get finished in the case of most of them. Feedback can be sent by clicking my name above. Now, on with the story!

Phoebe nervously walked down the dark, deserted street.

"No, I don't need a ride Piper. I can walk home by myself! It'll be good for me!" Phoebe muttered to herself. "Why did I say no again? Oh yeah, I wanted to prove I could do things without Prue's or Piper's help. Lot of good it'll do me if I'm dead. Maybe they're still at Quake." Phoebe turned around to go back to the restaurant and came face to face with a man in his late 20's. She stumbled back, startled.

"Oh, sorry!" she grinned sheepishly.

"That's ok. I would have walked into you anyway. I was in my own little world over here." the guy smiled.

'He's kinda cute.' Phoebe thought.

"I'm Travis." the guy said. "Do you have a name that goes with that beautiful face?"

"Phoebe." Pheebs replied, smiling even though she had a weird feeling about this guy.

"Do you usually give your name to strangers on dark, empty streets?"

"No, not usually. In fact I better get going..."

"It's not really a safe thing to do. Never know who they could be." Travis went on, all the humor leaving his voice. He started to back Phoebe into an alley. Alarm bells went off in Phoebe's head.

"I really have to go." she said trying to move past him. "I need to go see my sisters."

"Your not going anywhere." Travis said. Phoebe tried to make a run for it, but Travis grabbed her and pulled her back, ripping her shirt a little and slamming her against the brick wall of the building. Her head hit with a sickening crack. Phoebe already felt blood on her neck and unconsciousness was threatening to take over. Phoebe was dazed. Her mind clouded, not realizing what had just happened. Travis ran a hand through her hair, his intentions clear.

'No! This won't happen to me! I won't let it!' Phoebe thought, snapping back to attention. With a rush of energy, Phoebe pushed Travis back and kicked him in the stomach sending him into a group of trash cans. Then Phoebe ran as fast as she could.

'I have to get to Quake. Please still be there Piper!'

"I'll get you, you little bitch!!!" Trevor vowed yelling after her.

* * *

"Piper? Hello? Earth to Piper."

"Oh, sorry Prue. I have this weird feeling we should stay here for a few more minutes."

"Just a second ago you were rushing me to get to the car so we could make sure Phoebe got home alright. Now that we are at the car, you want to stay a few minutes. What happened?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling. Let's just stay five more minutes."

"Ok, ok."

Then Phoebe half ran, half limped across the parking lot, to where her sisters were sitting on the curb.

"Phoebe! Oh my god, what happened?" Piper asked running the few feet to her sister.

"He...he tried to..." Phoebe started sobbing.

"It's ok. It's ok. Your safe now." Piper held her little sister. She looked over Phoebe's shoulder at Prue.

Prue's face was set with determination, her eyes filled with anger. How dare anyone hurt her little sister?! She went over to Piper and Phoebe.

"It'll be ok. I'll never let anything happen to either one of you again." she said. "Never."

* * *

Two months later:

Piper waited at the mall for Prue and Phoebe. She was worried about Phoebe. Pheebs hated to go anywhere alone and wouldn't go out after dark unless both Piper and Prue were with her. At least she seemed to be getting better. A month ago she would rarely leave the house. Piper was so deep in thought, she ran right into a man who seemed to be in his 20's.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Piper apologized.

The guy smiled. "That's alright. I actually wasn't paying much attention either." the guy said. "Name's Trevor. Trevor Sandolne."

"I'm Piper Halliwell."

The two talked for over forty five minutes. Piper spotted her sisters approaching from behind Trevor.

"Here come my sisters." she told him.

"Well, I gotta go. It's been great talking to you." he quickly wrote something. "Call me sometime." he handed her what he wrote. His phone number. Trevor hurried away.

* * *

"Bye Trevor." Piper said into the phone, hanging up a second later. It was a few weeks after Piper had met Trevor in the mall. They had been on a few dates and had talked many times over the phone. Piper walked into the living room. Prue was reading the newspaper and Phoebe was watching TV.

"Kimberly is in the house. You have to find her." Phoebe said to the TV which was playing a rerun of Picket Fences.

Prue looked up at Piper. "You have a date with Trevor tonight, right?"


"When are we going to meet this guy anyway?"

"Probably not tonight. I'm meeting him at Quake. Oh, I better get going."

"Bye Piper. Have fun." Phoebe said.

"And be careful." Prue added.

"Bye guys." Piper left for her date.

* * *

The man waited at a table for his date. He pulled a packet of some sort of powder out of his pocket and put it in her water. Wouldn't be long now. His date walked in and looked around.

"Piper over here!" the man, Trevor, called.

* * *

Phoebe sat in the kitchen about three hours after Piper had left. She flipped through a magazine. Something began ringing. She looked towards the sound. Piper's cell phone. She picked up the phone and had a premonition.

Piper was chained to a stone table like thing in a warehouse. A man was reading from a spell book. Red tendrils of magic wove around Piper. She screamed in pain.

"Oh no!" Phoebe ran to get Prue.

"Prue!!!!" she yelled. Prue ran into the room, worried.

"What is it Pheebs? What's wrong?"

"Piper is in trouble. Travis, the guy that attacked me, has her!"

* * *

Piper woke up chained to some sort of table.

'What? Last thing I remember is leaving Quake, because I felt sick. And Trevor was helping me to...his car?'

"So your awake." a voice said.

Piper looked up to see Trevor staring down at her.

"Trevor? What happened?"

"I gave you something to make you pass out."

"What? Why?"

"Well, I meant to have Phoebe. But since that did work out very well, I decided to go after someone else. Someone close to her."

A look of realization crossed Piper's face. "It was you! You attacked her!"

"Now why would you think that?" Trevor/Travis said with a smirk.

'I gotta get out of here!' Piper thought. She struggled against the chains.

"I'd like to do this the old fashioned way, but as there may not be enough time for that, this way will have to do." Trevor walked over to an old book. "This won't hurt...actually it'll probably hurt like hell."

Piper pulled even harder against the chains. "Help! Someone help me!!!"

As Trevor began reading the spell, tendrils of red began to float in the air towards Piper. Piper watched in horror as they neared her. She frantically pulled at the chains. The tendrils where so close. They began to wind around her. Hundreds of them. A sharp pain went through Piper. She screamed.

* * *

"Piper's car was still at Quake, so Travis or Trevor or whoever he is must have taken her before she could get to the car." Prue said while driving, looking for a car that looked like the one Piper had told them Trevor drove.

"And that waiter told me that she looked a little sick." Phoebe added from the passenger side. She suddenly saw the car parked outside an old abandoned house that was in the middle of a business neighborhood.

"Is that it?" Phoebe asked.

"I'm not sure. Let's check it out."

The sisters got out of the car and started looking around. Then they heard a scream.

"Piper!" exclaimed Phoebe. Prue and Phoebe burst into the house. They followed the screams into the basement. There they saw Piper tied to a table made of stone. Strange red lights were coming at her, moving around her and hitting her. Trevor was still reading the incantation. Prue sent him flying. Trevor crashed into the wall. Then Prue threw him again, this time, he bounced of the wall and landed on a spike that went through his heart. Trevor exploded in a blast of green light, the chains holding Piper going with him. The last of the red magic vanished, leaving Piper unconscious and breathing raggedly, sweat pouring down her face.

"Piper!" Prue and Phoebe ran to Piper.

"Piper, Piper, sweetie, wake up." Prue said gently.

Piper slowly began to come around.

"Ph....Phoebe? P...Prue?" Piper stuttered softly, opening her eyes a little. She tried to get up, but cried out in pain and fell back on the table. Pure terror in her eyes and shaking like a leaf, Piper asked where Trevor was.

"You don't have to worry about him, Piper. He's gone. Prue destroyed him." Phoebe said soothingly.

Piper, who was still lying down, started breathing quickly. "Phoebe, he was going to hurt you. What if he comes back somehow? What if he tries to hurt you? Or Prue? These red things came at me, attacking me. It hurt so much! I never want to see anything like that happen to you guys." By now Piper was blacking out again.

Prue looked at her unconscious sister, the pain and concern for Piper evident on her face.

"What did that monster do to her?!" Phoebe asked angrily, tears in her eyes.

* * *

A month later:

Things were beginning to calm down at the manor. Piper didn't remember much from the time she had left Quake to the time she had woken up in the hospital. But there were still lasting effects from the spell Trevor had cast. For the last few weeks, Piper had felt very sick from the time she woke up to about 10:00 in the morning. That's why she was now sitting in a doctor's office, waiting for the doctor to come back in.

'I hope it's nothing serious.' Piper thought.

Dr. Alfred Franklin, the doctor that had delivered all three sisters and had been their doctor ever since, came into the room.

He cleared his throat. Piper stood up quickly.

"Piper, I think you'd better sit down."

Sitting again Piper spoke up "I'm guessing it isn't just a three week flu."

"More like a nine month one." Dr.Franklin said.

"What?" Piper questioned, afraid of the answer.

"It seems that you are pregnant."

* * *

A few hours later:

"What?!" Prue shouted, shocked.

Piper cleared her throat. "Well....that's what the doctor said."

"And he's completely sure about this?"


"I can't believe this! I can't believe your pregnant!"

"Pregnant?!" cried Phoebe, entering the room just as Prue had said that last statement. "Piper! You didn't tell me! Uh...who's the father?"

"Actually...that's the thing. I don't know." Piper fidgeted nervously with the bottom of her shirt.

Her sisters gave her startled looks.

"How can you not know? I mean you of all people should know." Phoebe commented pointedly.

Piper shrugged helplessly.

"But I haven't... you know!"

"Well then how did it happen? I mean, things like that don't just happen." said Phoebe.

Prue suddenly looked worried.

"Piper, when did you start feeling like this?" she questioned her sister.

"Umm, I guess after my 'date' with Trevor..." Piper said. "Oh, no. No...."

Phoebe suddenly looked angry. "Trevor...that scum! He's not allowed to do that to my big sister!" Then she saw the terrified look on Piper's face.

"Piper? What is it?" asked Prue, looking concerned.

"I just remembered something about Trevor. When I was in there... he cast a spell or something on me. It was just as you walked in, I think."

"Yeah... do you think that's how he... you know?" Phoebe suggested. She reached out and touched Piper's arm, to comfort her, and she had a premonition.

Piper was sitting in a rocking chair, holding a baby in her arms. Suddenly she screamed and dropped the child, her face twisted in horror.

"Oh god!" Phoebe said.

After Phoebe had told her sisters about her vision, they were discussing what to do.

"Maybe we can change it." Piper said hopefully.

"Or stop it from happening." Prue added.

"Whatever we do, we just have to keep Piper safe." Phoebe said firmly.

* * *

About 8 months later:

Piper sat back in her chair, try to calm down. She was due any day now. She was also absolutely terrified. And she had found out she was having twins! She heard Leo walking down the steps. He had found out what happen and stuck around to help out. Her eyes widened. Something was happening.

'No, I'm not ready yet!' Piper panicked. She managed to get up and tried to get over to the bottom of the steps.

"Leo? Phoebe?" she called. Phoebe came over from the kitchen.

"Piper, what is it? What's wrong?"

"I..I think it's time."

* * *

Two hours later, Phoebe paced around the waiting room. Leo was with Piper. Prue ran through the doors into the waiting room.

"I got here as fast as I could. How's she doing?" Prue was out breath.

"I haven't heard anything. Leo is in there with her." Phoebe bit her lip, still pacing. Prue sat down in one of the chairs set up in the room and looked around, nervously drumming her fingers on the small table beside her.

"What do we do now?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, Pheebs. I guess we just wait." Prue said with a sigh.

* * *

They were still waiting three hours later. By now, Prue and Phoebe had switched places. Prue being the one pacing the room and Phoebe sitting in the chair. Leo entered the room. Both sisters looked up and Phoebe jumped to her feet.


"The four of them are doing fine."


"Piper had triplets!" Leo explained.