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The Perfect Family

by Rachel

Phoebe Halliwell walks cautiously down the stairs overwhelmed with nausea. She rounds the corner only to see her two older sisters stare up at her. Prue the eldest of the three has a look of utter disapproval on her face. Phoebe knows she will need a good excuse for clubbing till 2 in the morning but the pounding headache distracts her as she sits down and slowly places her head on the wooden table. Piper the middle sister, lovingly brings over a cup of coffee as Prue sits coldly down beside her. "You were out late last night, especially on a Thursday night" an unhappy Prue exclaims as Piper slowly moves away in anticipation of what's coming next.

"I've been working hard and I just needed a break" Phoebe replies while sitting up to face her fuming sister. "How do you expect to keep your grades up when you are out partying all night?" Prue retorts as she tries to keep her anger controlled. "Look Prue, I can manage my own life!" Phoebe replies with exasperation.

Piper stands in the corner knowing exactly what is coming next, it is just an everyday experience for her… Phoebe and Prue fight… Phoebe is too reckless and Prue to motherly and then they bring Piper into the middle. She doesn't blame them for acting like they do. Prue only acts as the mother because their own mother died 21 years ago and Phoebe acts the way she does because everyone's always telling her what to do and protecting her. As Piper blocks out the sound of her two fighting siblings she wishes they would just once get along, just once be normal.

Finally Piper decides she's had enough of their childish bickering. "You two solve this by yourselves, I'm leaving" as she storms out the room only to be followed by a crash. Piper swiftly turns around to freeze the scene only to find that she was to late as her glass ordainment has fallen to the ground. Phoebe looks down at where the glass ordainment has smashed to pieces. She really didn't mean to break it but she tripped and fell over Prue's bag. She guiltily glances up at her sobbing sister and offers to pay for it even though she knows it won't help. The little ordainment of a horse was the last thing Victor, their father gave to Piper before he split and left the family. Piper devastated by the destruction run's upstairs to her room. She hears Phoebe begin to chase her but Prue insists they leave Piper alone stops her. Soon the two begin bickering again over who is to blame for the accident considering Phoebe tripped over Prue's bag. Piper just covered her head with a pillow and cried herself to sleep wishing for a normal family.

Meanwhile, outside listening through an open window, the Warlock Cometrius observes the Charmed Ones as they fight. Not only can he hear the words spoken but he can also hear their hidden thoughts and wishes. He alone has decided to destroy the Charmed Ones and become a famous, actually the most famous warlock. He searches the thoughts of the sisters at first Prue and Phoebe and then Piper who is upstairs. Suddenly an evil smile appears across his red-bubbled skin as he replies, "your wish is my command."

Piper woke up to sun shinning on her face and a cool breeze, which flowed, from her open window. As she turned to see her alarm clock she was surprise to see she had slept a whole day and had woken up the next morning. As she got out of bed she listened carefully for any sound as she silently hoped that her childish sisters were gone. The wonderful sound of silence filled the air as Piper made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Oh my God" Piper thought as she watched her father kiss her mother as she made pancakes. "Hi honey, how did you sleep?" asked a content Penny Halliwell as she kissed her surprised daughter on the cheek. "Mom your alive!" Piper in shock glanced at her mother who was just like she remembered and as she turned to her father a tear welled up in her eye. "Dad, you're here!" Penny looked carefully at her daughter and replied, "Well of course dear, we have been for sometime now." "But your divorced" a confused Piper muttered to herself as her mother went to get a heap of steaming pancakes for her daughter. Suddenly Piper remembered her sisters, "Where's Prue and Phoebe?" This time a confused Victor Halliwell looked at his daughter strangely. "Pippy, are you sure your okay?" suddenly filled with emotion, Piper blinked back tears as she remembered her fathers nickname for her, Pippy she said to herself, I haven't heard that in 23 years. Suddenly remembering her parents she looked up to concerned faces as she responded "Ya I'm fine, just a little confused" no insisted to herself, not a little, a lot confused but she smiled anyways as her father kissed her and her mother goodbye as he went to work. She remembered her previous question as she asked again with more caution "When will Prue be here?" As Penny cleared the plates she responded with a slight irritation in her voice, "I imagine the family dinner tonight." "And Phoebe" Piper asked feeling relieved about knowing her sisters were alive. "Well if she can get time off work, she will be here tonight as well," Penny responded again with annoyance in her voice. "What's wrong?" Piper asked this time sure of her mothers disapproval of her sisters. "Well honey, its just ever since Prue got married and Phoebe started her own business they don't even come and see me any more." Suddenly Penny saw the look of sadness on her daughters face. "Oh listen to me complaining when I still have one daughter here with me," as she hugged Piper, who only could muster an "I love you mom and I missed you," through the tears.

As 7:00 approached, Piper explored the house including the attic where she found no trace of the Book of Shadows but it didn't bother her, it could be with either of her sisters. She tried to phone Prue and Phoebe on their cell but the numbers didn't exist and when she finally found their numbers in her mother address book, Prue wasn't home and Phoebe was in meeting. This Piper thought was the strangest of all, not only did Phoebe have a job, but she was the manger of Architectural Intelligence a prominent business who designed some of San Francisco's biggest buildings. Phoebe, her baby sister Phoebe, who couldn't draw an animal if her life depended on it and who failed every art class from kindergarten on, was designing buildings.

The doorbell rang as Piper ran down the stairs to open the door expecting to see her sister to resolve this weird world she was living in. Unfortunately, her mother reached the door before Piper did and as Piper tried to stop herself, she went flying into the door and fell abruptly on the ground hitting her head on the floor. Dizzily glancing up to the spinning image of Prue and ROGER! Piper sat upright and just stared at her sister as she cradled a crying baby in her arms and then to Piper's amazement she turned around to Roger and asked him to carry the baby. This Piper thought as she sat up groggily "This couldn't get any weirder", but she was wrong as twin girls came rushing in giving Aunt Piper a hug. With this everything went black as Piper fainted.

Lying awake on what felt like the floor, Piper heard her sisters voices and she knew she was safe, back at home in her own world but as she opened her eyes, she saw her mother standing over her. Piper slowly sat up with the help of her family and she glanced around the room. "Whoa!" Piper screamed as she looked up at Jeremy. She clumsily jumped up and tried to freeze him! Nothing happened. Now in complete panic, Piper kicked Jeremy and yells to her sisters to use their powers. Instead, they walk over to him and ask him if he's okay. Piper is now hysterical. "Prue! Phoebe! Use your powers, he's a warlock remember? We killed him but now he's back!" Penny and Phoebe rush over to Piper to try to calm her down as she tries to attack him. "He's a warlock, he tried to kill me, remember! We need to vanquish him! Like Now! "Piper must of hit her head harder than we thought" Phoebe breathlessly informs her mother as she tries to hold her sister back. "Phoebe, where's the Book of Shadows?" "The Book of What?" Phoebe is now on top of Piper as she tries to hold her down but Piper finally gets up and decides its time to get help. "Leo", Leo, LEO!". "Who is she yelling to?" Prue screams across the room to anyone who can hear her over her sister's screaming.

The whole room freezes except Piper who runs into a frozen Jeremy then jerks around to face Cometrius. "Who are you?" demands Piper as she prepares to fight. "I won't fight you witch, I've already won!" Cometrius laughs with victory and Piper confusingly asks "Where am I, What have you done?" Cometrius delighted his plan worked so well retorts "I have not done anything but you, you have done everything? Piper now worried and upset inquires, "What have I done…" " You wished for a perfect family…sisters who didn't fight, 2 parents and a normal life without magic." Piper still confused asks "But why would you do this for me?" "Because my dear… the Charmed Ones aren't so charmed anymore! With the last remark lingering in the air Cometrius vanishes as the room unfreezes leaving everyone confused. Piper turns pale as she realizes "I just wiped out an entire line of witches!"

For once in her life, Piper actually came up with a good lie thanks to her practice with Phoebe and managed to get everyone to believe she didn't remember what happened and she must of hit her head hard.. To the absolute relief of Piper, everyone believed it, which surprised Piper considering she wouldn't of believed it herself. Over the course of the evening she managed to learn that Prue was married to Roger and had 3 children, 6-month-old Alyssa and 6-year-old twins, Hannah and Hayley. Phoebe was a successful businesswoman who owns a deluxe loft in the wealthy part of San Francisco and who has not dated in 6 years because of business demands and last but not least Piper herself, who lives at home with her parents and who is moving in with Jeremy next month, she is also still a bank teller. Piper could not stop herself from thinking; I am the loser in my own perfect family. Although the dinner was nice, Piper stomach was rock solid with guilt and remorse for destroying the Charmed Ones and the Halliwell's Wicca past. She realized as she watched Prue feed Alyssa, which she missed being mothered by her and as she watched Phoebe care for herself she could not help but miss the troublesome sister who always needed Piper's help. The inner sorrow increased as she watched Phoebe and Prue get along (for a change) but not as loving sisters but as forced friendship as they small talked so that their mother would be happy. Then the thought of Leo crossed her mind as she looked over at Jeremy who smiled at her with not love but empathy. She excused herself as she ran to her room crying for all she had lost, for her sisters and for her love.

After an hour of intense sobbing, Piper decided crying wasn't going to help and for once she would have to save herself and her sister all alone. This is the very thought that scared her more than anything in her life but she had to prove that she was a charmed one for a reason.

Piper looked down at the blank sheet of paper and for the thousandth time wishes Phoebe, the real Phoebe was here. How does she think of spells so easily she asked herself? She begins to write… "I wish for Leo's kisses, so I vanquish you and your power of wishes". That is so lame Piper exclaims with exasperation as she throws the spell away. Suddenly the idea hits her… she begins to write furiously as she creates the perfect plan to vanquish Cometrius and get her life back. After 3 hours of writing and planning she is ready or as ready as she will ever be.

Prue Halliwell comes running in the door only to be greeted by Phoebe holding a knife to her throat. "Phoebe, stop! What are you doing?" Prue screams as she runs towards her sister. But instead of stabbing herself, Phoebe suddenly grabs Prue and puts the knife to her throat. "This is for ruining my life!" Phoebe sobs as the knife shakes in her hand…

Cometrius listens in absolute amazement as Phoebe holds the knife to her fellow Charmed Ones throat. "I have to see this!" Cometrius retorts as he marvels in his own genius, not old did he destroy the Charmed Ones but he turned them against each other. He blinks into the hall where Phoebe and Prue standing. What's happening? He exclaims in his coolest, hippest voice. Phoebe then stabs Prue in the back with the knife with screaming "You are not Prue!" While Prue goes down Phoebe looks up at Cometrius who is practically shaking with excitement. All of a sudden, Cometrius falls to the ground as Piper stabs him with a knife. "Now!" she commands her sisters as Phoebe, Prue and Piper confusingly recite "The power of three will set us free, the power of three will set us free, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE!" Cometrius bursts into flames as the fiery hell swallows his body into nothingness. Piper collapses onto the floor as the world around her spins into black.

"Piper… Piper….Piper!" Phoebe whispers into her sister's ear as she gently shakes her awake. "Phoebe! Do you have a job?" Piper quickly remarks trying to find out where she is. "A job,ummm me? Are you okay?" Phoebe questions her sister. "I'm back!" Piper exclaims with joy.

Later that evening, the girls were at P3 listening to the band play. Piper explained to her sisters about the bizarre world. She explained how she got back. Basically she called Phoebe and Prue and told them to fake Prue's death. Phoebe and Prue didn't know why but did it because Piper begged them to. Phoebe faked the stabbing with an old plastic Halloween knife that retracts when it comes in contact with a person and squirts out ketchup as blood. They managed to distract Cometrius long enough for Piper to creep up behind him and then stab him. Piper assumed that even if they didn't have magic, the still had the sisterly love and hopefully the power of three.

"That was lucky but what if it hadn't worked, then you could have been killed! Exclaims a protective Prue as Phoebe replies, "it was the right thing to do, and it got her back right! In defense Prue, "Well it was to dangerous, she could of died! "How are we ever going to get anything done if we don't take chances?" Phoebe argues with aggression. Piper just sits there and smiles.. its good to be back!