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Their Hardest Battles

by Amanda

DISCLAIMER: All of these characters belong to the 'Charmed' series except for the female warlock and the doctor. This is my 1st fan fiction story I appreciate any comments good or bad.

TIMELINE: This story takes place in the third season right after the episode 'PreWitched.' Piper and Leo are already married and Phoebe knows that Cole is a demon and is going out with him.

P3 was a buzz. Prue, Piper, Leo, Phoebe, and Cole sat in the back.

"See really I think that..." Prue said trailing off when she noticed Piper wasn't answering her. Piper was sitting on Leo's lap in the cushioned chair making out with him. She was wearing a sparkly silver top and a dark gray skirt.

"Piper? Piper are you even listening to me?" Prue asked annoyed that her sister wasn't paying any attention to her. "Piper!" Prue exclaimed raising her voice slightly. Piper continued to make out with Leo not answering her big sister.

Prue sighed and turned to Phoebe who was giggling with Cole who had his arm around her.

"Okay Phoebe I'll talk to you considering Piper looks a little busy," said Prue. Phoebe was still giggling with Cole who had started to kiss her.

"Phoebe? Phoebe?" Prue sighed. Phoebe had started making out with Cole and was not answering her either.

Prue turned back to Piper who was still kissing her husband. She knew that there was no hope of Piper to stop making out with Leo to talk to her. Phoebe was making out with Cole too.

"Piper and Phoebe!" Prue yelled. They did not look up.

Prue stood up, brushed off the light blue short-sleeve velvet dress that she was wearing, and put her hands on her hips. She turned to her sisters.

"Piper and Phoebe!" she shouted angrily. "Piper and Phoebe looked up."

"What? What is it?" Phoebe asked annoyed that Prue had interrupted her kissing.

"Can I talk to you guys for a second?"

"But..." Phoebe stammered.


"Okay, okay. C'mon Piper." Phoebe said turning to Cole. She kissed him. "I'll be right back."

"Me too," said Piper quickly kissing Leo right before she stood up.

Piper and Phoebe followed Prue away from Leo and Cole.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Piper asked.

"What's wrong?" Prue exclaimed. "Were you not just in that room? You guys were completely ignoring me."

"Prue..." Piper started to say.

"I mean don't get me wrong I mean I am thrilled for the both of you. Piper I am so happy you and Leo finally found a way to be together and Phoebe I'm glad everything is working out with Cole but... I didn't think it was very nice that you guys were ignoring me. I don't know maybe I'm jealous that you two have these great guys and you know I haven't really been in a serious relationship since...Andy." Prue said quietly.

"Oh Prue I'm so sorry." Phoebe exclaimed.

Piper walked over and gave Prue a hug.

Prue sniffles. "It's okay. I have totally dealt with Andy's death completely it's just... I don't like it when you two ignore me when you are with Cole and Leo.

"Prue I'm really sorry," says Piper.

"Me too," adds Phoebe.

"It's fine really but can you guys take away a little bit of your kissing time and just pay a little more attention to me?" asks Prue.

"Okay," replies Piper.

"Alright," says Prue.

Prue, Piper and Phoebe start to walk back to Leo and Cole.

They return to the back.

"Everything okay?" Cole asks.

"Oh everything's fine just girl talk y'know?" Phoebe says to Cole as she sat down next to him. She brushed her long black skirt and adjusted the strap on her pink tank top.

"Oh," Cole says nodding his head and smiling at Phoebe.

Piper sits back on Leo's lap.

"So Prue what are you doing tomorrow?" Phoebe asks Prue trying to give Prue attention and make her feel better.

"Oh nothing really it's my day off so I think I'll do a little spring cleaning. You?"

"Well, I have school and after that I'm gonna meet Cole for ice cream." Phoebe said smiling at Cole. "How about you Piper?"

"Uh nothing really."

"Well, if you're doing nothing then how about you have lunch with me," says Leo.

"Okay," Piper replies giving Leo a kiss.

"Uh no actually she can't she has a doctors appointment." Prue says.

"Oh yeah. Well, Prue I'm sure I can just reschedule it." Piper says.

"Uh no you can't Piper. The doctor said he is all booked up. You might not even be able to get an appointment for a week!" Prue exclaims. "And Piper you are not waiting a week to see the doctor."

"Prue it's fine I can see him another time."

"No, you can't."

"It's okay really we can have lunch after. Do you want me to go to the doctor with you?" Leo asked.

"No, it's fine you don't have to come with me," says Piper looking down at the floor.

"Are you sure? Because I don't mind."

Piper looks up. "Look I said you don't have to come with me okay?" she yells angrily. Piper stands up and starts to walk away. "God," she says annoyed.

"Piper!" Leo exclaims confused and hurt.

"Piper," says Prue walked after her.

Leo starts to stand up to go after Piper but Phoebe stops him.

"No." Phoebe says gesturing to Leo to sit back down. "It's not you," she says to him before she starts to follow Piper and Prue.

Prue and Phoebe are chasing Piper through the crowd. They finally catch up to her.

"Piper! Piper! You cannot do that! You cannot blow up at Leo he cares about you he loves you." Phoebe exclaims.

Piper sighs. "I know I just don't want him to come with me."

"Piper. Does Leo even know why you have to go to the doctor?" Prue asks Piper.

"No." Piper says quietly.

"Well, then how do you expect him to know not to bug you about it?"

"Look I'm sorry. I just... I really don't want him to know that I am going to the doctor because I had...bulimia." she finishes sadly.

"Piper you were sixteen! You're just going to make sure everything is alright so you don't have a relapse." Prue says.

"I know but if he finds out he'll be really upset and probably get mad at me."

"Well, can you really blame him?" Phoebe asks slightly annoyed.

Piper sighs. "No, I can't. What I did was stupid and I'm regret ever doing it."

"But Piper you're better now." Prue says taking Piper's hand. "You know you're beautiful."

"Whatever. I just really don't want him to know," says Piper. Piper picks up her jacket and her keys. "Look I think I'm just gonna go home I'll meet you guys there okay?"

"Okay." Prue says.

"Okay bye," she says walking out of the club.

As soon as Piper leaves Prue and Phoebe look at each other sadly and sigh.

* * *

Meanwhile a female warlock was sitting in a dark room. In front of her she had ingredients for potions and written down spells. But along with that she had something else. She had three pictures. One of Prue, one of Piper, and one of Phoebe. She was placing her hand over each Phoebe's picture with her eyes closed as if she was trying to find out something.

The warlock sighed. "Well, Phoebe Halliwell I still don't know what you're hardest battle is," the warlock said talking to Phoebe's picture as if it was really her. She put her hand on the picture of Piper and closed her eyes for several seconds. She took her hand off of the picture. "I don't know what your hardest thing you ever had to do was either, Piper." The warlock placed her hand on Prue's picture and closed her eyes. She removed her hand frowning. "Not to worry," she said evilly. "Be prepared Charmed Ones I will know your hardest battles soon enough and then I will destroy you."

* * *

It's the next morning and Prue is in the kitchen making breakfast. Piper walks in the room fully dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt, and PUMA sneakers. Prue is also already dressed. She is wearing a light blue shirt and blue jeans.

Prue looks up and sees Piper. "Hey!" she exclaims. "I am making you breakfast."

"No, really?" Piper asks sarcastically looking at all the food on the table.

"Yes. So when you go to your doctor's appointment you have a healthy meal still inside of you."

"Prue don't." Piper says sitting down.

Prue looks up. "Don't what?" she asks.

"Don't try to look out for me by making me a huge breakfast and to make sure that I'm eating my food and not throwing it up." Piper says.

"I'm not." Prue protested.

"Yes, you are. I already told you and Phoebe I am totally recovered. I mean give me a break I was sixteen! I am very happy and I know my body is fine and I am not going to become bulimic again."

"I know Piper. I know. It's just Phoebe and I always get so worried about you when it comes to this situation. I mean I know you are recovered you even became a chef! I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know. And you guys have every right to be worried about me and mad at me. I was very stupid but I am fully recovered now I mean like you said I even became a chef! I just don't want Leo to know."

"I totally understand that, Piper."

"Do you? I mean I would like to tell him because then we wouldn't really have any secrets from each other but I know he will just be very disappointed if he finds out." Piper says looking at the floor. "So you and Phoebe are not going to tell him anything right?" she asks looking up.

"Of course not." Prue says.

"Good," Piper says. She looks at her watch. "I've got to go to the club." She starts to head for the back door.

"Wait!" Prue yells.

Piper turns around. "What?"

"You have to eat breakfast."

Piper sighs and smiles at her sister. Prue smiles back.

* * *

Back in the dark place the female warlock is still looking at the pictures of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Her hand is placed on the picture of Piper and her eyes her closed. She opens her eyes and grins with satisfaction.

"Well Piper, I know what you're hardest battle is."

* * *

Back at the manor Prue and Piper are laughing eating breakfast.

Piper looks at her watch.

"Okay now I really have to go to the club." Piper says.

"Okay I'll let you go but first answer me one question," says Prue.


"Where will you be going after the club?"

Piper sighs. "To the doctor."

"Very good okay now that we have that straightened out you can go."

"Okay," says Piper. She heads for the door. "But first I have to ask you a question."


"You're not going to tell Leo about this. Right?" Piper asks.

"Right," Prue answers.

"Okay." Piper walks out the door. "I love you!" she yells on her way out.

"I love you too!" yells Prue.

Phoebe walks in the room wearing a brown shirt and blue jeans, her short, straight blonde hair hangs loosely on her shoulders.

"Whoa! What's with all the cooking?" she asks.

"Oh, don't get used to it. I just made Piper breakfast today so when she goes to her doctor's appointment today she has a full stomach."

"Oh," Phoebe says picking up a pancake. She puts it down on her plate and looks up at Prue. "Prue I think we should tell Leo that Piper had bulimia."

"No, she really didn't want us to tell him," says Prue.

"Still I think he deserves to know. I mean did you see the way she yelled at him last night just because he asked her if he could go to the doctor with her?"

"Yeah but she really doesn't want him to know. She's afraid that he'll be mad at her."

"Well, I think he has a right to be."


"What? Piper made the mistake now she has to deal with the fall out."

"She was only sixteen."

"So that makes it okay?" Phoebe questioned angrily.

"No, it doesn't but..."

"But what? Prue are you telling me that you're not mad at her because of what she did?"

"No, I'm not. I mean I agree with you totally. I am very disappointed in Piper that she was bulimic and that she wasn't smart enough to see what it was doing to her but if we keep bringing up the situation it's just going to get worse. I mean it's in the past let's just forget about it."

"Prue how can we forget about it? How can we forget about what our own sister did to herself?"

"I know and you're right we can never forget it. No matter how much we want to we'll never be able to and neither will Piper. But I still think that we should respect her request and not tell Leo. If she wants to tell him she will."

"Fine," Phoebe said getting up. "I've got to go to school and then I have to meet Cole so I should be going anyway. Can I borrow your car?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay," said Phoebe heading for the door.

"Phoebe," Prue yelled. She turned around.


"Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you Prue I love you. Actually I love and respect you more than I do Piper right now." She picked up her book bag and then walked out the door.

Prue watched her little sister leave thinking that sadly enough she agrees with her.

* * *

The female warlock was still in the dark room. She was casting a spell and making a potion. She picked up the picture of Piper, ripped it up and dropped the pieces into the potion she put her hands over the potion and said and incantation.

"Let Piper Halliwell relive her hardest battle," she chanted evilly.

The potion glowed a bright red and turned into a powder. The warlock grinned, poured the potion into a little pouch, and then blinked out of the room.

* * *

Piper was already outside of P3. She got out of her car and walked inside. She took of her jacket and put her bag down. Piper went to the back to the office, sat down, and started looking over bills. She tried to concentrate but she couldn't. She got up and walked into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror nearly every way possible and examined her body.

Piper sighed.

"Alright Piper keep it together," she said to herself. "You know you are not fat you are beautiful and you are not bulimic anymore."

Piper took one last look in the mirror, sighed, and then walked back to the office.

The female warlock blinked into the club. She spotted Piper walking into the office and smiled. She pulled out the potion that she had put in a little packet and began to walk over to Piper.

Piper had already sat down at he desk and was looking over some files. The warlock crept up behind Piper so quietly that Piper didn't even hear her. She took some red powder in between her thumb and index finger and threw it on Piper. The powder instantly dissolved the moment it touched her. The warlock grinned and said the incantation again.

"Piper Halliwell, relive your hardest battle."

Piper shivered. She put the papers down and got up. She walked into the bathroom stuck her finger down her throat and threw up.

With that the warlock grinned with satisfaction and blinked out.

* * *

Back at the manor Prue was doing a little cleaning. She was dusting the bookshelves and came across a picture album in back of the books. She picked it up and sat down on the couch in the living room. Prue flipped through the pictures thinking that they really had to update the old thing with some new pictures since they were all pictures that took place before they knew that they were witches. Prue continued to flip through the pages until she came across a certain picture. it was a picture of her and Andy hugging. She used to keep it on her desk when she worked at Buckland's Auction House. Prue sadly looked at the picture. She missed Andy. She still partly blamed herself for his death but she had moved on since then. Prue continued to stare at the picture.

"I miss you so much," she said quietly.

Prue felt a single tear trickle down her cheek. She quickly closed the album and put it back on the shelf. She was surprised of how it had effected her. She had talked about Andy lots of other times since he died but she hadn't really cried over his death for a while. She had moved on with her life. Prue guessed she was upset because she hadn't really had a relationship since Andy had died and she had brought him up last night when she was talking to Piper and Phoebe.

Prue sighed and walked into another room to clean and to take her mind off of Andy.

* * *

Meanwhile the warlock was back in the dark room, happy that she had infected Piper now all she had to do was take care of Prue and Phoebe and the Power of Three would be hers.

The warlock now had her hand placed over Prue's picture. Her eyes were closed. She removed her hand and opened her eyes. She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, Prue I know what you're hardest battle is too." The warlock said as she picked up Prue's picture, ripped it up, and put it into another potion she was making. The potion looked the same as the one she had used on Piper. The warlock said the incantation as she placed her hands over the potion.

"Let Prue Halliwell relive her hardest battle," the warlock chanted. The potion glowed and turned into a red powder just like the powder she had used on Piper.

The female warlock looked at the potion and grinned evilly.

"You're next, Prue." And on that note she blinked out.

* * *

Prue was still cleaning. She was now wiping down the kitchen counter with a rag. Prue was trying hard to concentrate on her cleaning but she couldn't. She was thinking about Andy. Prue squeezed her eyes shut she didn't want to think about Andy it made her too sad and she didn't want to start crying again. Prue tried to get the image of Andy out of her mind and continued to clean.

All of a sudden the female warlock blinked into the kitchen door way. She saw Prue cleaning.

"Oh Prue," she said pretending to sound sympathetic. "You're cleaning to get your mind off of Andy, well, that will never work." The warlock picked up the bag full of red powder she took a pinch of it in her hands and walked up behind Prue. She threw it on Prue and just like with Piper the second it hit her it dissolved. The warlock said the incantation again. "Prue Halliwell, relive your hardest battle."

Prue shivered. She took a deep breath and put the rag down and walked upstairs to her room. She sat down on her bed and instantly burst into tears.

"Oh Andy I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I let you die! It's all my fault! It will always be all my fault!" Prue sobbed crying into her pillow.

The warlock who was peeking through the crack through Prue's door smiled.

"Two down one to go." She said as she blinked out of the manor and back to the dark room to once again make a Halliwell relive their hardest battle.

* * *

Phoebe waited by her car in the college parking lot for Cole to pick her up. She looked at her watch. "Cole should be here any minute now," she thought. Just then Cole walked over to Phoebe.

"Hi!" she said as he walked over to her.

"Hi!" he replied.

Cole leaned over and gave Phoebe a kiss.

"Where do you want to go for ice cream?" he asked.

"Uh anywhere. C'mon we'll decide on the way," said Phoebe. She gestured to Cole to get in the car.

"Uh I know a faster way." Cole said taking Phoebe's hand.

"No, you know the demonic way." Phoebe said pulling her hand away. Cole I know that shimmering isn't a lethal power but it is still a power that demons have and I only want to use it for fighting evil. I don't want you to use it as a faster way of transportation. Cole, I don't even want to know that you are a demon."

Cole didn't say anything.

"So get in the car," Phoebe said as she opened the door of Prue's car and started to climb in.

Cole nodded and walked to the other side, opened the door and got in the car.

Phoebe buckled her seatbelt and began to drive.

* * *

The female warlock already was ripping up Phoebe's picture and putting it the potion. Once again she put her hands over the potion and said the spell.

"Let Phoebe Halliwell relive her hardest battle."

The potion glowed and turned into red powder just like it had with the potions that were used on Piper and Prue.

The warlock smiled and evil smile.

"It's time," she said to herself. "There is only one sister left to infect and the Power of Three shall be mine."

The warlock poured the powder into the pouch and blinked out of the room.

* * *

Phoebe was sitting on a bench with Cole eating an ice cream cone.

"I know you only shimmer because you don't have a car or anything but I just don't like it when you use your powers just to make things easier." Phoebe was saying to Cole.

Just then the warlock blinked in behind them.

"I know, I'm sorry." Cole said.

"It's okay I just don't like being reminded that you're half demon."

"Well you're about to be reminded now," the warlock said. "Tsk tsk tsk. Belthazor, how could you suppress your demonic half? I could turn you in to the Source but you're much more powerful than me. Instead I'll just remind your girlfriend of who you really are," she said to no one in particular.

The warlock silently crept up behind Phoebe, careful that Cole didn't notice. She quickly threw the powder on Phoebe and it disappeared as soon as it hit her.

Phoebe shivered just like Piper and Prue did.

"Phoebe, are you okay?" Cole asked putting her hand on Phoebe's shoulder.

Phoebe pulled her arm away. She stared at him sadly.

"Phoebe what is it?" asked Cole.

"You're a demon."


"You're a demon and you always will be and you can't ever change that."


"No! Don't!" Phoebe yelled getting up. "Just leave. Please. I can't bear to see you. I was so much happier when I thought you were just an A.D.A. Why did you have to tell me? Why? I can't take it! Prue and Piper will never completely forgive me for lying to them and they shouldn't have to. Because you are evil and I should of vanquished you when I had the chance. I should have but I didn't. I couldn't.

Cole started to walk over to Phoebe who was slowly backing away from him.

"Stay back!" Phoebe yelled. Cole stopped moving towards her. "Now please leave," Phoebe said, her voice breaking. She took a deep breath. "Please leave before I decide to vanquish you."


"I said go!" Phoebe screamed.

A very hurt and confused Cole shimmered away from Phoebe with tears in his eyes.

Phoebe sat down on the bench, put her head in her hands and started to cry.

The female warlock who had been watching the whole thing, grinned with satisfaction and blinked back to the dark room where the second part of her plan would develop.

* * *

Piper was still at P3. She was at the bar stacking boxes and glasses. She rubbed her head. She had felt terrible that she had made herself thrown up. It was weird she didn't even want to do it. It had just happened and she had no control over it. But another part of her felt relieved that she had done it. Piper tried to concentrate on something else and continued stacking. Just then Leo walked in to the club.

"Hi," he greeted her.

"Hi!" Piper replied.

Leo walked over to her. "So I wanted to know if we were still going to lunch later especially after..."

"Last night?"


"Yeah I'm sorry honey I was just upset. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh course," Leo replied leaning over and giving her a kiss."

"Actually..." Piper said walked out from behind the bar. "I decided just to blow off my doctor's appointment so we can go to lunch right now."

"Are you sure? I mean your sisters sounded like it was important? Maybe you should go."

"Well, my sisters aren't me and trust me it's not important. Everything is fine. Okay?"


"Okay so lets go," Piper said grabbing Leo's hand. She felt her stomach convulse. "Uh you meet me outside I just have to go to the bathroom. Okay?"

"Alright," Leo said walking out the door.

Piper walked into the bathroom and vomited. She noticed that there were scratches all over her hands from sticking her fingers down her throat. She massaged her temples. She had a terrible headache, she was nauseous, and her stomach killed but she knew that she couldn't let Leo find out. So Piper faked a smile and headed out the door.

* * *

Phoebe walked back into the Manor. She put her head in her hands. She had felt terrible about what she had said to Cole she didn't even know where it came from. It was just all the feelings that she had about him being a demon came out. It felt like she had been reminded about it. Phoebe sniffled. She knew that she couldn't let Prue find out about this. Prue had been against Phoebe dating Cole and if she found out that her little sister listened to her she would rub it right in her face. Phoebe wiped her tears from her eyes and put on her best impression for Prue. Phoebe walked up the stairs. She passed Prue's room. She heard crying.

"Prue?" Phoebe asked opening the door. Phoebe opened the door to find her big sister crying hysterically. "Prue what's wrong?" Phoebe asked sitting on the edge of Prue's bed.

"I let Andy die!" Prue sobbed.

"Oh Prue no you didn't!" Phoebe exclaimed rubbing Prue's back.

"Yes, I did it's all my fault! It will always be my fault!"

"Prue what made you even think of Andy? I thought you were over his death!"

I'm not! I will never be because it's my fault he died! If it hadn't been for me maybe he would still be alive!"


Prue sat up. "It doesn't matter Phoebe! It doesn't matter what you say because it will always be my fault!" she screamed before breaking into sobs again.

Phoebe leaned over and hugged her sister tight. She wondered what had made Prue think of Andy's death. She had moved on since then. Phoebe looked down at Prue who was crying into her shoulder. She couldn't believe that this was the same person that she thought would be saying "I told you so" right now.

* * *

Meanwhile Piper and Leo were at the restaurant. They were almost finished eating. Leo looked at Piper who was rubbing her temples. She had seemed distracted during lunch. Something was off but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Piper also did not look so good. Her face was pale and had a sickly green shade to it. Leo looked back at his wife.

"Piper are you alright?"

Piper looked up. "Huh?" she exclaimed coming out of her train of thought. "Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm great!"

"Are you sure? You don't look so good."

"Don't worry I'm fine. Really," she said putting her hand on Leo's.

Leo noticed the scrapes on her hand. "What happened to your hand?"

"Oh nothing I just scratched it."

"Are you sure? I mean I looks kind of like teeth marks."

"Yeah? Well, it's not!" Piper said with a tone of ignorance in her voice. Her stomach convulsed again.

Leo noticed the change in her face. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," Piper said getting up. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back in a minute." Piper got up and walked away from the table.

She walked into the bathroom. "Oh no." she thought. "Leo suspects that something is wrong with me. Well, I can't let him find out no matter what."

Piper walked into a stall and threw up. When she came out of the stall she felt ten times worse than she had before. Her head still throbbed, she was more nauseous than ever, her stomach ached, the cuts on her hands were bleeding, and to top it all off she was dizzy. Piper looked in the mirror. She saw what she didn't want to see. She saw a fat person looking back at her. Piper also noticed that her pretty brown hair hung limply on her back. She also saw that her skin was pale. She looked terrible and she felt terrible. Piper walked out of the bathroom. All she wanted to do was go home and lie in bed. Piper walked back to the table where Leo was sitting.

"Can we go now?" she asked.

Leo looked at Piper. She looked worse than ever. Leo stood up. He put his hand on Piper's shoulder. "Piper, honey, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, really." Piper answered. "Let's just go come on." She pulled Leo by his shirt sleeve. Leo saw that the scratches on her hands were bleeding.

"Piper what is wrong with you?" he asked himself.

They reached the car. Leo saw that Piper was in no condition to be driving. She looked like she would pass out any minute.

"Piper do you want me to drive?" Leo asked.

"Would you? Thanks." Piper exclaimed throwing him the keys.

Leo caught the keys, helped Piper in to the car, and drove off.

* * *

Back at the manor Prue was still in Phoebe's arms, sobbing.

"Shh. Prue it's okay. It's okay. It's not your fault." Phoebe said soothingly to Prue.

"Yes, it is! It's all my fault!" Prue cried.

The phone rang.

"I have to get that. Come on." Phoebe said pulling Prue up.

They walked down the stairs. Phoebe picked up the phone. She listened to the person who was calling her.

When Phoebe hung up the phone was mad. It was the doctor saying that Piper never showed up for her appointment and she never called to reschedule it. She tried to calm herself down. She knew she had to be strong for her sisters now. Prue was devastated over Andy's death and Piper most likely was going to have a bulimia relapse. Phoebe knew she had to be there for them but she wasn't that great herself. She was upset all over again that Cole was a demon and she wasn't that functional herself. Phoebe felt a tear roll down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. She turned around to Prue.

"Who was it?" Prue asked, her voice still teary.

"Uh it was the doctor he said that Piper never showed up for her appointment and she never called to reschedule it."

"Oh no she's going to become bulimic again and die! Just like Andy died!" Prue said just before she broke into sobs again.

Phoebe walked over to Prue and gave her hug. "No, she won't. Don't worry," she said rubbing Prue's back. "Now why don't you go upstairs and rest. Okay?"

"Okay." Prue said quietly as headed for the stairs.

Phoebe walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock. "Piper should be home soon," she thought. "God, I am so mad at her!" Phoebe sat down at the table, put her head in her hands and cried.

Piper walked into the house. She took her jacket off and put her bag down. She felt very dizzy. All of a sudden the room started spinning. Piper felt very dizzy. Then she fainted on the floor.

Leo walked into the house. He saw Piper lying on the floor. He rushed over to her.

"Piper! Piper!" he cried. He felt her pulse it was strong she was just unconscious. Leo didn't know why but he just had a feeling that this didn't have to do with anything supernatural so he picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

* * *

Piper awoke in a hospital bed. She saw lots of IV tubes hooked up to her. She looked up and saw Prue standing there. Prue looked mad, sad, and afraid all at the same time. Piper looked at her big sister's expression and sighed.

Phoebe and Leo were outside in the waiting room sitting on a bench.

Phoebe looks at Leo who is looking down at the floor. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm fine," Leo says not looking up.

"No, you're not," Phoebe says gently. She knew it must be hard for Leo to find out that Piper was bulimic. She knew that he never would have expected it from her.

"Alright I'm not," Leo said quietly. He looked up at Phoebe. "I just never would have guessed that this is what Piper had to go to the doctor for."

"I know."

"I never expected this from her y'know?"

"Yeah, I never expected it from her either,"

"Yeah," Leo said quietly looking back down at the floor sadly.

Phoebe looked at Leo. He looked so sad and disappointed. Phoebe didn't blame him. She had felt the same way when Piper had first had bulimia. She knew that it must be very hard for him. Phoebe looked at Leo again and sighed.

Piper was still laying in the hospital bed looking up at a very angry and sad Prue.

"Are ya happy now Piper? Are ya happy?" Prue asked angrily through tears as she broke the awkward silence.

"Prue..." Piper started to stay.

"No! Don't!" Prue yelled putting up a hand for Piper to stop talking. "You told me you were fine. You told me you were better," she said raising her voice.

"Prue I..." Piper said her voice trailing off.

"You lied to me Piper. You lied to me!" Prue screamed brushing away the tears that were starting to form in her eyes. It was so hard for her to try to be angry when all she really wanted to cry.

"Prue I didn't lie to you!" Piper yelled, annoyed.

"Yes, you did Piper admit it. You said you were better but you weren't. You weren't really better."

Piper didn't say anything.

Prue felt a tear slip from her eye. She brushed it away. Prue felt more tears roll down her cheeks.

Prue sniffled. "Piper why are you doing this to yourself?" Prue asked, her voice cracked. "You can die from this." Prue bit her lip. "And I don't want you to die. Everybody dies. Grams, Mom..." Prue took a deep breath. "Andy." That was it. Prue couldn't take it anymore. She began to cry hysterically. Tears flowed down her cheeks. She put her head in her hands. "Andy! Oh Andy! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Prue yelled between sobs.

Piper looked at her sister sympathetically. She was surprised that Prue had been affected by Andy's death all of a sudden like that. Piper hadn't seen her cry over Andy's death for such a long time.

"And I don't want to lose you too." Prue said before she broke into sobs again. She dropped down to the floor, crying uncontrollably.

Just then Phoebe and Leo walked in. Phoebe saw Prue crying on the floor.

"Prue," she said sadly helping her to her feet. "C'mon," Phoebe put her arm around Prue and walked her out of the room.

Leo was still in the room. He looked at Piper sadly.

Piper rolled her eyes and sat up straighter. "Alright I know you don't have to say it. You're disappointed in me you're mad at me just like everyone else," she said in an annoyed tone.

Leo walked over to Piper. "Piper. Why are you doing this?" he asked her sadly.

Piper turned to Leo. "I am not doing anything. Okay? And I can't exactly help what is happening to me." Piper exclaimed angrily.

"Yes, you can. Piper you can help this. Don't you see what you're doing to yourself?" Leo asked quietly.

Piper didn't say anything for a minute. The she turned away from Leo. "Please go away," she said quietly. "Just go!" Piper yelled turning her head to Leo.

Leo felt as if his heart would break. It made him so sad to see Piper this unhappy and upset. He sighed, turned around, and walked out of the room.

Outside in the waiting room Phoebe was sitting with Prue on a bench trying to comfort her. It was so hard for Phoebe to comfort Prue when she needed comforting herself. Phoebe sighed and continued to rub Prue's back who was calming down a bit.

Just then Cole walked in the waiting room. Phoebe instantly got up and started to back away from Cole.

"Go away!" Phoebe yelled, her voice cracking.

Cole started to walk over to Phoebe. "Phoebe I'm not gonna hurt you." He said gently.

Phoebe backed up against a wall. "Go away! Please leave now!" she screamed, now sobbing.

Leo then walked out of Piper's hospital room and saw Phoebe backing away from Cole.

"Phoebe..." Cole started to say.

"Go away! Go away! You're a demon!" Phoebe cried.

Leo looked confusingly at Phoebe. He wondered why she had reacted to Cole being a demon all over again. Prue just sat on the bench and watched.

Cole continued to walk over to Phoebe.

Phoebe pressed her back against the wall. "I loved you!" she cried. "But then I found out that you're a demon! Why? Why did you do that to me?" Phoebe fell to the floor, sobbing with her head in her hands.

Prue, who wasn't crying anymore but still had a tear stricken face walked over to Phoebe and helped her up and then walked her into Piper's room.

Leo and Cole just looked at each other, very, very confused.

* * *

About 30 minutes later Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole were still at the hospital. Phoebe was sitting in a chair curled up in a ball in Piper's hospital room as far away from Cole as possible, Prue was sitting on a bench also in Piper's room, she wasn't crying anymore but she still had a sad expression on her face. Piper was sitting up in bed with her arms crossed angrily and she kept glaring at Leo. Leo stood by the door looking sadly at his wife who was clearly in pain, angry, and upset. Cole stood outside in the waiting room near the door frame since Phoebe wouldn't let him come anywhere near her.

Just then the doctor walked in.

"Mrs. Halliwell?" he asked walking over to Piper.

Piper sat up straighter. "What?"

"Apparently you have been diagnosed as bulimic."

"What else is new?" Piper asked sarcastically.

"You will have to be moved into the eating disorder clinic and schedule to meet with a therapist every week. We can take out your IV tubes now you will be connected to different ones once we get you in your new room but you must be connected to one at all times since your blood sugar is extremely low. You also have scars on your esophagus and are dehydrated," the doctor said.

"I know!" Piper yelled angrily. "I would not be here for no reason so just unhook me and show me where my new room is!"

"Very well then the nurse will be in to unhook you soon so maybe you should have someone gather your things since we don't know how long you'll be staying here."

"Fine," Piper said, annoyed.

The doctor walked out of the room.

Prue, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole didn't say anything. Finally Piper broke the silence. "Uh can one of you just get some of my stuff and bring it here?"

"Fine," Prue said quietly walking out of the room.

Phoebe got up and ran over to Prue and grabbed her hand. She stood behind her trying to stay away from Cole who was still standing by the door frame. Cole backed away from her and help up is hands to show that he wasn't going to do anything. Phoebe stayed behind Prue and hung on to her as they walked down the hall.

Leo began to walk down the hall but Cole ran after him.

"Hey did you notice something weird going on with them, all three of them?"

"Yeah sort of, maybe I guess."

"I mean Prue is mourning her dead boyfriend that died two years ago and Phoebe is afraid to get with in five feet of me and Piper..."

"And Piper had a relapse of a disease she had when she was sixteen!" Leo finished. "Something isn't right here."

"It's like they are reliving things all over again."

"I'll go check with the elders you go look is the Book of Shadows."

"How am I supposed to get in the house? Phoebe will never let me in."

"Shimmer into the attic." Leo suggested.


"Okay." Leo said. He looked around to see if anyone was around and then he orbed out.

Cole did the same and then he shimmered away.

* * *

Phoebe and Prue were just getting back to the Halliwell Manor as soon as they opened the door Prue said: "Phoebe, why are you afraid of Cole all of a sudden?"

"I don't know..." Phoebe started to say. She rubbed her eyes and began to cry.

Prue leaned over and gave her little sister a hug. She put her arm around Phoebe's shoulder and lead her into the living room. They sat down on the couch.

"I don't know I just feel the same way that I did when I found out that he was a demon and I don't know why!" Phoebe sobbed.

Prue rubbed Phoebe's back for a few minutes until she calmed down.

"Are you okay now?" Prue asked.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me. The question is are you okay?"

Prue looked down at the floor. "I'm alright."

"No, you're not. Prue why are you reacting to Andy's death all over again? I mean it was two whole years ago you've moved on since then."

"No, I haven't Phoebe. I can never move on." Prue felt a few tears slip from her cheek. "You know why? Because it was my fault it should have been me instead of him."

"No, it shouldn't have." Phoebe said as she put her hand on Prue's shoulder.

"Yes, it is. I lose everybody. I lost him, I lost Mom, I lost Grams, and now I'm gonna lose Piper!" Prue said, crying.

"No, we won't!" Phoebe insisted. "Yes, I know she is being very, very stupid but Piper is going to get better. I promise." Phoebe leaned over and gave Prue a hug.

Cole shimmered into the attic. He looked through the lock in the door to make sure Prue or Phoebe wasn't coming up the stairs. When he saw the coast was clear he started to look through the Book of Shadows.

Just then Leo orbed into the attic. Cole looked up. "Hey did you find out anything?" Cole asked.

"Yeah. The elders said that it is probably a warlock of demon after them who has the power of depression or the power to relive a hard moment or something like that," said Leo. "Did you find anything in the book?"

"No nothing I just got here." Cole said.

Leo walked over to the book. Cole was still flipping through pages. He was about to flip another page when Leo stopped him. "Wait a minute what's this?" he asked. The book was turned to a page with a picture a woman on it. The woman was the female warlock.

"It says that there is a warlock who can make people relive their hardest battles or the hardest thing that they have to overcome." Cole explained.

"What else does it say?" Leo asked.

"Uh it also says that she makes a potion, sprinkles it on her victim, says an incantation, and then uses her power to make them relive their hardest battle. Then she attacks them when they're vulnerable and depressed."

Leo looked at Cole. "So Prue's hardest battle was getting over her boyfriend's death, Phoebe's was finding out that you were a demon and Piper's was getting bulimia," said Leo.

"Yup," said Cole.

"Is there a spell to vanquish the warlock?" Leo asked.

"Uh...yeah it's right here."

"But how to we get them to vanquish her when they're like this?"

"Maybe we can write a spell to make them think normally again." Cole suggested.

Leo looked at the page in the book. "We can't. The only way to get things back to normal is to vanquish the warlock."

"Fine then we can help them using our powers."

"No, we can't."

"Why not?"

"Because the only people that can fight her are the ones that have been infected and even if we do help them fight her nothing will happen."

"You mean our powers won't work on her?" Cole asked.

"That's right she is immune to every power except for the powers of the ones she has infected," says Leo.

"But how do we get the girls to fight her when they're like this?"

"We have to help them recover the human way."

"But how? I mean Phoebe is if afraid of me if I try to get near her she'll try to vanquish me!" Cole exclaimed.

"Does she look like she is in any condition to vanquish?"


"Trust me she's not gonna do anything."

"I'll be back soon Pheebs I just have to drop off Piper's stuff!" Leo and Cole heard Prue yell from downstairs.

"Alright you go to Phoebe." Leo said to Cole. "And then I'll go to Piper."

"What about Prue?"

"I have an idea." Leo said beginning to flip through more pages in the book.

"What are you looking for?" Cole asked.

"Well, no matter how much anybody comforts Prue she still believes that it was her fault that Andy died."


"So she'll only believe one person."


"Right. If we summon him and tell him to go talk to Prue then maybe she'll realize that it wasn't her fault."

"What if he doesn't come when we summon him?" Cole asked.

"You're right. Uh...then instead I will go get the elders to summon him and then he will go to Prue."

"Alright it's worth a shot you go to the elders to summon Andy and I will go to Phoebe."

"Okay." Leo said right before he orbed up to the elders.

Cole closed the book and headed downstairs to Phoebe.

He saw Phoebe sitting on the couch with her arms crossed looking very sad. He walked over to her. "Phoebe?"

Phoebe jumped up startled by the sound of Cole's voice.

Cole started to walk over to Phoebe but she was backing away from him.

"Why are you here? Go away!" Phoebe yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Phoebe I'm not gonna hurt you!" Cole exclaimed.

Phoebe was backing into the kitchen. "Yes, you are! You're a demon! You're a demon!" she sobbed.

Cole continued to follow Phoebe. "Phoebe I love you I would never do anything to hurt you."

Phoebe backed out of the kitchen. "How do I know that? Huh? How do I know that you're not gonna try and kill me?"

"Phoebe if I were going to kill you I would have done it by now. I mean I took a huge risk coming out in the open just to be with you. I saved your life! When I went back in time with Prue to save you when you were linked to Beau, I risked the source finding me. But I did it to save your life. Because you are more important to me than myself. And remember when the Seekers were after Davidson, I went after them by myself to protect you. I risked my life then for you too and you say that I don't love you?"

Phoebe backed up to the stair railing. "Then why do I feel like this all of a sudden?"

"A female warlock with the power to make people relive their hardest has targeted you and your sisters and made you relive the hardest thing you ever had to do so she can attack you when your vulnerable and upset." Cole explained.


"It's true Phoebe. I swear."

"I believe you." Phoebe walked over to Cole and gave him a passionate kiss. "And I love you too."

* * *

At the hospital Piper was already in her new room. She was sitting up in her bed, with her legs crossed. Prue walked in carrying a bag.

"Hey," Piper exclaimed.

"Hi," Prue said quietly handing Piper the bag.


"Your welcome."

Piper pulled a gray sweatshirt of the bag and put it on over her head. Then she pulled out a pair of red and black plaid, flannel pajama bottoms and put them on.

Neither one of them said anything for a while. "So..." Piper said.

"So? That's all you have to say? So?" Prue asked angrily.


"No don't 'Prue' me. Piper what the hell is the matter with you?"

"You know Prue it's not my fault. I don't really have a choice."

"Oh you don't have a choice? Yes, you do Piper you have a choice! No one is forcing you to do this!"

"Well, I have to."

"No, you don't Piper. Piper you are killing yourself. You are."

"Well, Prue I would expect a little sympathy from you."

"Sympathy? How can I give you sympathy when you are making bad choices? Piper I am really mad at you right now and so is Phoebe."

"What about Leo?"

"Leo? Leo? Oddly enough no. And you know why he's not mad at you? Because he loves you and this is the way you treat him? Do you know how hard it was for Phoebe and I to tell him that his wife, that the one person he loves so much is killing herself."

"Prue I'm not killing myself!"

"Yes, you are Piper. Very slowly and painfully you are. And if you continue this you're gonna die. Just like...Andy died." Prue began to cry. "Excuse me," she said as she walked out of the room.

* * *

Prue was in her car. She was crying hysterically. Her tears blurred her vision but she wiped them away so she would not get into a car accident and anyway the place where she was driving to was not that far. When she finally reached the place where she was driving to she got out of her car. She was at the forest where she went when Andy died. Prue began to walk in the forest. She looked around at all the trees hoping she could find her way out. Prue finally reached the place in the forest where she wanted to go to. It was where she had cried over Andy's death. Prue sat down by the tree and sobbed uncontrollably. The same exact way that she did when two years ago.

Just then Andy appeared in front of her. He was a spirit. Prue backed up against the tree in shock. "Andy?"

"Yes, Prue it's me," he replied.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! It's my fault that you're like this. You should be alive and it's my fault that you're not!" Prue cried.

"Prue I don't blame you at all. It's not you're fault. I chose this myself."

"But if I hadn't of told you about us you never would of came to the house that day and you never would have died."

"It didn't matter. It was my time I had to go. Isn't that what the Angel of Death taught you?"

"How do you know I met him?"

"I've been watching over you Prue and I have not liked what I have seen today. I love you Prue and I don't blame you. I will only blame you if you blame yourself."


"Alright then Prue I love you."

Andy was just about to leave when Prue yelled out: "Andy wait! I love you too."

Andy smiled and then left knowing that his work was done.

Prue got up and walked out of the forest hoping that she would never have to return there again.

* * *

Back at the hospital Piper was still in her bed. She kept thinking about what Prue had said. Her words stung. Piper felt terrible about the way she had treated Leo but she couldn't stop she felt as if she had to do this. She felt the same way she did when she was sixteen.

Piper climbed out of bed she began to walk into the bathroom (to throw up) but then she stopped. She sat down on the edge of her bed and cried. She cried for many reasons. She cried because she was in pain, she cried because she had hurt Leo and her sisters, but most of all she cried because she didn't want to do this to herself.

Just then Leo orbed in the door frame he saw Piper crying. "Piper," he said starting to walk over to her.

Piper looked up and saw Leo. "Oh god Leo I'm so sorry for the way I treated you I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

Leo walked over and sat down to Piper. "Piper listen to me this isn't you."

"I know! I know and I'm sorry!"

"No listen a warlock cast a spell on you and your sisters to make you relive your hardest battle. Phoebe's was finding out Cole was a demon, Prue's was Andy's death, and yours was this." Leo explained.

"You don't have to make that up to make me feel better. You shouldn't make me feel better after the way I treated you."

"Piper it's true. Why else would you come down with this all of a sudden?" You have to believe me and then you have to pull yourself together to help Prue and Phoebe defeat this warlock. Cole has gone to talk to Phoebe and the elders have sent Andy down to talk to Prue. Now all that's left is you. Only you three can defeat her, Cole and I can't! If you vanquish her all of this will go away! Now Piper you have to believe me."

Piper looked up at Leo. "I do."

"Good now come on lets go." Leo said.

"But wait I'm in the hospital I can't just up and leave!"

"Uh..." Leo said he picked up the two pillows that were on Piper's bed and stuffed them under the blanket to make it look like she was sleeping under the covers. He looked at Piper. "Ready? " he asked.

Piper stood up. "Ready."

Leo gave Piper a hug and orbed her out along with him.

* * *

Prue walked into the house.

"Phoebe!" Prue yelled.

Phoebe was still kissing Cole.

Prue found her by the steps making out with Cole.

"Phoebe. Wait why are you kissing him? I thought you were afraid of him."

"Oh Prue good you're here." Phoebe said walking over to her. "Uh..." Phoebe started not wanting to upset her sister, "Prue. Have you been visited by anybody today? Anybody special?"

"Yeah Andy! Wait how did you know about him?"

"Prue listen. A female warlock cast a spell on me, you, and Piper to make us relive our hardest battles."


"That's why you reacted to Andy's death all over again, and that's why I reacted to Cole being a demon all over again and that's why Piper had a bulimia relapse."

"Are you saying that I was upset about Andy all over again because I was under some sort of a spell?" Prue asked.


"But how did you know that I talked to Andy?"

Phoebe turned to Cole. "Well, Leo and I found out about the warlock and we thought that the only way that you would start thinking normally again is if Andy told you that it wasn't your fault." Cole explained.

"You mean that the only reason I got to see Andy was because of you and Leo?" Prue asked.


"Thank you. Thanks so much."

"Your welcome."

"Okay uh so where's Piper?"

"I think she's still at the hospital but Leo said he was gonna go there to get her."

Just then Leo and Piper orbed in.

"Good you're all here." Leo said.

"Yeah. "Prue said.

"Are you guys both recovered?" Leo asked.

"Yup." Phoebe said.

Prue nodded. "What about you Piper?" Prue asked.

"Never better."

"Alright so how do we defeat her?" Phoebe asked.

"The same way you defeat all warlocks just use your powers against her and then say the vanquishing spell." Cole explained.

"But whatever you do you can't let her remind you of your hardest battles. When she sees that you are recovered she will try to remind you of them again to make you vulnerable and then you won't be able to defeat her," said Leo.

"Right," said Piper.

"So I guess we're as ready as we're ever gonna be." Phoebe said.

Just then the female warlock blinked into the Halliwell Manor.

She smiled evilly. "Well, this should be easy."

"Don't bet on it." Prue said right before she threw the warlock across the room using her power.

"What the hell?" she asked. "How did you get better? I cast a spell on you!"

"Yeah that's right you cast a spell on us to make us relive our hardest battles. The battles that we have overcome. Well, we overcame them again." Phoebe said.

"Well, the Charmed Ones think they can defeat me? Well, we'll see." The warlock over to Prue. "Oh Prue." she said pretending to sound sympathetic. "It's your fault Andy died. If it weren't for you he would still be alive. Maybe you two would even get married! But you can't because he's dead now and it's all your fault!"

"Prue don't listen to her!" Piper yelled.

The warlock walked over to Piper. "Piper, you have to keep throwing up and being bulimic. If you don't you won't be perfect. You won't be the way you want to be."

Then the warlock walked over to Phoebe. "Ah yes Phoebe, the youngest Charmed One, the one who always makes mistakes, the one who breaks the rules. You fell for a demon you thought you finally found true love but it turned out that the man you loved was evil! He's gonna try to kill you. That's what demons do. That's what Belthazor does. Now that you're weak again I can get five more powers."

"I don't think so." Piper said. She flung out her hands and froze the warlock. Prue lifted up her arm and tossed her against the wall. The warlock got up and walked back over to them. She lifted up her hand and shot a lightning bolt out of it but Piper froze it in midair. Then Phoebe kicked the warlock to the ground. She shot another lightning bolt at Piper but Prue used her telekinesis to move it back to hit the warlock but she moved out of the way. Phoebe gave her another hard kick in the stomach knocking her to the ground. She pulled out the spell from her pocket and walked over to Prue and Piper. They chanted the spell.

"You have made people relive their hardest thing ever to do.
Now for this you must pay and a fiery death will become of you."

"Noooooo!" the warlock screamed as she melted into fire and exploded.

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe shivered the same way they had when the warlock had infected them.

"Are guys alright?" Leo asked as he walked over to them.

Prue nodded. "Never better."

Phoebe walked over to Cole and kissed him passionately.

Piper went up to Leo and gave him a hug.

Prue just stood there looking at her two siblings who were hugging and kissing the men that they loved and she looked up and said "thank you," to the man that she loved.

* * *

The next night Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole were all at P3. They were sitting in the back. Cole was sitting in the chair and Phoebe was sitting on his lap. Piper and Leo were sitting on the couch next to each other. Leo had his arm around Piper.

Phoebe looked out at the dance floor she was wearing a black leather skirt, black leather boots, and a black and white shirt. "Have you guys seen Prue?" she asked.

"Uh I think she's back at the house." Piper answered. Piper was wearing a pink and purple flowered shirt, a white t-shirt, and her hair was pulled back into a half ponytail.

"It's too bad she didn't feel like coming out with us tonight." Leo said.

"Yeah well I think she's still a little upset about Andy," said Piper.

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, I think it's just that you know she saw him and she hasn't seen him in two years and she just needs some time to sort it all out."

"Yeah. But it's so weird a warlock could make us relive something all over again. Ya know?"

"Yeah and it's also weird that we reacted to it and felt the same exact way we did when it happened."

"Well, it wasn't really your fault." Cole said.

"I know but I am so sorry." Phoebe said turning to Cole.

"It wasn't your fault."

Phoebe nodded.

Cole looked out to the dance floor. "Wanna dance?" he asked Phoebe.

Phoebe smiled. She grabbed Cole's hand. "Okay." They walked away from Piper and Leo and began to dance.

Piper turned to Leo. "I'm sorry too," she said.

"Hey I don't blame you. Alright? It wasn't your fault." Leo said.

"But the way I treated you..."

"That wasn't your fault either."

Piper didn't say anything for a minute. Then she looked up at Leo. "Leo?" she asked.


"I love you."

Leo smiled. "I love you too."

Then they kissed.

* * *

Prue was back at the manor in the attic talking to somebody. She was sitting in the middle of the attic floor. She was wearing black and light blue sweat pants and a light blue v-neck shirt, her hair was in a ponytail. Prue was talking but nobody was there. She was looking up to the sky and talking.

She was talking to Andy. She was talking to Andy as if he was right there with her. Prue knew that he could hear her since he was looking after her and he would be forever.