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Generation XYZ

by Demille

DISCLAIMER: As usual, none of these characters are mine. This story is written for the enjoyment of the Internet reader. Print it out if you like, but please don't reproduce it or post it on your site without notifying me first.

Light began to creep between the slats in the shutters and fall across Phoebe Halliwell's eyes. Phoebe's natural reaction was to moan and flip over and go back to sleep. After a late night studying for her midterms, she was determined to sleep in this morning. Her frilly pillow felt so good as she pulled up the quilt and grabbed the pillow tight. She smiled to herself as she let her mind go blank and drift back to sleep. Phoebe's brow furled up and her mouth formed a little frown as she fingered the frills on the side of her pillow. Slowly deep within the recesses of her mind still clogged with the cobwebs of sleep Phoebe came to the conclusion that this was not the smooth percale pillow case she had fallen to sleep on. Ever so slowly her semi-conscious worked its way into her consciousness and Phoebe's eyes popped open in panic as she sat straight up in her bed breathing heavily. She looked around at a strange bedroom.

"Ah, hello? Does someone..anyone know where I am?" she called out. She was wearing a short nightgown instead of the sweats she wore to bed. In fact the bed and the rest of the furniture was now a white enamel colored set, the wallpaper was a colorful flowered print and the walls had Ricky Martin and N'Sync posters with other high school souvenirs scattered around the room. Phoebe gasped, threw the covers back and jumped out of bed that seemed taller than usual. In the mirror on the dresser Phoebe recognized herself, but she was smaller, less developed and YOUNGER!

"I'm back to high school? Great, another time traveling adventure!" Pheebs said in her little girl voice. Then she spied a calendar on the dresser that showed the month of April 2001, the current date.

"Now things are definitely weird. Piper! Prue!" Phoebe called out as she picked up a frilly pink robe she found discarded on the desk chair and put on her Scooby slippers!

"This isn't happening to me!" complained Phoebe looking at herself in the mirror.

Descending the steps into the living room, she found the first floor decorated differently, but one thing that reassured her was the smell of Piper's blueberry pancakes drifting across the room.

"Hmmm!" thought Pheebs as she entered the kitchen and saw Piper standing over the stove flipping another batch.

"Did you notice anything different or weird when you got up this morning?" asked Pheebs again in a little girl voice.

"Morning? Can you be a little more specific, sweetness?" asked Piper turning around. She was dressed in a frilly apron, wearing glasses and appeared to be fifteen years older than Phoebe last remembered her.

"Oh my God? Piper you've aged over night and I got younger. Look at yourself!" exclaimed Phoebe putting her hand on her mouth.

"Old? Thank you very much, young lady! I still look pretty good for my age," said Piper looking at her reflection in the stainless steel of the stove. "And when did you stop calling me, Mom? Is this something at school? NO matter how old you get, I'll still be your mother, Phoebe Marie Halliwell. Now sit down and have a big breakfast. You'll need all your strength to lead the crowd at the big game this afternoon," Piper tilted her head toward the kitchen table and brought over a huge stack of pancakes.

"Cheerleading? Something in the name of Wicca is not right here? Our mother was killed by a demon in 1978. You're my sister, Piper. Don't you remember?" asked Pheebs now looking up at Piper.

"My mother is upstairs as always. You're sounding very strange this morning, Phoebe. Is everything all right at school?" asked a worried Piper who wiped her hand and put her hand on Phoebe's forehead.

"I am fine, MOM. I smell the handiwork of a demon or warlock here. I'm going upstairs!" said Pheebs running for the steps.

"We haven't missed a demon in years, darling," called out Piper. "Though it has been a while. Yes, indeed."

Upstairs Pheebs looked in Piper's room that seemed about the same. Then checking Prue's room she saw someone sleeping in an old antique bed. Approaching it cautiously the person stirred and turned over. She had Prue's face, but what definitely much older.

"Oh, morning darling," Prue said smiling with a crinkling loving smile. "Breakfast ready yet?" she asked yawning and pulling herself to a sitting position.

"Prue? Are you all right? What's has happened to the three of us? Some demon or warlock has done a job on all three of us," said Phoebe sitting next to Prue on her bed.

"Darling, you sound very worried today. We haven't had any magical disturbances for weeks. These things aren't interested in a few aging witches. Don't you worry about your pretty little head about them, sweetie," said Prue patting Phoebe on the shoulder. "You should be thinking about school and boys and about your life that's just starting out."

"You don't have to talk to me like I'm a child! Prue, you Piper and me got hexed last night. Yesterday we were the three Charmed Ones, the Halliwell sisters, and now look at the three of us." Phoebe tried to explain. "Don't you remember I am your troublesome free-spirited sister and so his Miss Suzie Homemaker downstairs."

"Um, Phoebe. There are no Charmed Ones. Maybe you will have them or your daughters, but they are only a prophecy. But I am sure they will come SOME day. Now let's go downstairs and have some breakfast. Please help me up, deary," asked the aged Prue.

Phoebe helped Prue downstairs. Though she didn't seem to need help out of bed, Prue did seem to relish having her granddaughter help her down the steps and into the kitchen. Piper was finishing setting out the pancakes.

"Thank you, " said Prue sitting at her place.

"Yea, sure. You know it like some demon hex has hit us head on splattering us across the space-time continuum. It's like real weird," said Phoebe digging into her pancakes.

"My where are you brushing up on your vocabulary. Those are big words," said Piper wiping her hands and sitting.

"Let's see. Four years of high school and two years of college. That might account for it. I'm not thirteen years old," exclaimed Phoebe.

"Twelve dear," corrected Piper "And please call us Mom and Grams. We aren't really supposed to be on a first name basis, Phoebe. Age has its privilege," said Piper handing put the pancakes.

"And being a minor really sucks!" cried out Phoebe

"Phoebe Marie!" retorted Prue squinting at her.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what's gotten into her this morning. Now stop that. We are going to have a talk later young lady!" said Piper waving her fork at Phoebe.

"Yes, MOM!" said Phoebe rolling her eyes as she ate her pancakes. There must be some solution to their problem, thought Phoebe. For one, why was she the only one to see the difference?

"What next?" she thought, "School?"

Phoebe was right on the money with that fear. Dressed in a pair of flared jeans and a short pink frilly top she found herself walking down the halls of the same junior high she had been in a dozen years before.

"Pheebs," called out a blonde girl about her height.

Phoebe faked a smile and a half-hearted greeting, "Hi!"

"You got the science homework? That second part, I just couldn't do anything with it!" she gushed.

"Let's see. It's got to be in here somewhere," said Pheebs scrambling through her book bag.

"There it is," said Phoebe.

"Thanks Pheebs. I'll catch you on English. See ya!" she called out and waved.

"Anytime? Who was that? Hopefully, my best friend. I don't want to show up without it. Great, now I'm even talking like I'm twelve. Now what can go wrong?" Pheebs asked herself.

"Hey Pheebs. You are sooo lucky. Going to high school in France. Un par-le vouz, mon cherry. Or something like that!" said another girl with curly red hair.

"I'm being sent away to BOARDING SCHOOL! This is a nightmare!" cried Pheebs.

"Nightmare? You've been begging your Mom to sent you since you were ten. What's wrong Pheeby-Jeebie?" she asked.

"I hope she's my best friend! I wouldn't let anyone call me that!" thought Pheebs. "Yea, I guess school over seas would be fun. But if I'm not the one getting rid of me, who is?"

After a whole day of all the nightmares of her own junior high years compounded by a complete lack of knowledge of this convoluted life Pheebs returned to Halliwell Manor.

"MOM! GRAMS! I'm home!" Pheebs called out putting her books on the hall table.

"Gracious, child. Your Mom is at the bank as always. She won't be home till five, sweetness," said Prue walking in on her cane. Until her last six months, even her Grams never acted like a little old lady like this Prue was.

"Bank? OK. I can see Prue's hand in raising Piper," Phoebe said quietly to herself.

Prue spoke up, "Get your homework done and then you can talk to your friends, sweetness," said Prue giving Phoebe an unnecessary reminder.

"That would be great if I KNEW ANYBODY HERE!" Phoebe said talking herself on the way up the stairs. Stopping to think a moment, "I'm starting to sound like Piper. Will Prue raised Piper and Piper raised me, so that makes it a very good reason to get out of her fast! Jeez!" cried Phoebe as she went into the attic.

Luckily, the attic door had not been bolted. Phoebe had to find the culprit who had robbed Piper and Prue of everything. At least Phoebe could start over.

"Demons, demons, demons. Lots of wicked bad guys, but no for my peculiar problem. All these demons seem to have one talent or one method of operation. No destiny changers. So this thing must be a spell or worse, a curse," said Phoebe disgusted to herself as she slammed the book.

"Being a witch should be fun, but instead it's nothing but regulation and rules," Phoebe shouted out to the attic.

"So is life, my dear," said a familiar but older and mellower voice. "I was wondering where you were, Phoebe. You know there's a lot more to life than your witch side. Don't turn into one of these dusty things in the attic. Secluded, lost, forgotten."

"Yes, Mom!" said Phoebe sounding like a bored teenager.

Piper came over and hugged Phoebe. "Don't get so cynical so young, precious. Magic is indeed wondrous, but it's more for your protection. If you try to use it to improve your own lot in life, there will be unexplainable repercussions or.."

"Consequences!" said Phoebe finishing Piper's sentence.

"My goodness, you have been listening to me. You are growing up," exclaimed Piper clutching her mouth.

"More than you really know, Mom. Uh, if I get my homework done, would you help me with a little witch problem of my own?" asked Phoebe looking up at Piper.

"And what is bothering someone so young?" asked Piper lovingly stroking her hair.

"I want to know how to trace down a spell and find the person who cast it," said Phoebe.

Piper looked at her strangely. "That would require a great deal of knowledge. You best ask Grams. She's been a witch I might longer than I have."

"Actually we've all been witches the same time," said Phoebe to herself reframing the comment. Playing along was her best course of action for now.

"Thanks, Mom," said Pheebs with a little more affection. Then she kissed her and skipped down the stairs thinking that if she didn't get out soon, she would turn into a twelve year old.

After quickly plowing through homework that was easy compared to her usual college courses, Phoebe approached Prue.

"Grams?" asked the shrunken Halliwell.

"Oh hello, my little princess. What are you up to?" asked Prue who put down her sewing and smiled at her "granddaughter."

"Uh, Grams? I am trying to learn more about magic and Mom thought you could help. How would I track down a spell that someone else had cast? How could I find the witch or warlock who cast it?" asked Pheebs sitting down next to Prue.

"More big questions. Even witches in their prime want to know that and I'm way passed my prime," said Prue thoughtfully.

"So you don't know?" asked a disappointed Phoebe.

Prue shook her head. "I said that other witches would like to know, what I KNOW," she whispered. "Come on up to my room, sweetness."

Phoebe hopped off the couch and helped Prue up to her room. Creaking just a bit, Prue sat down by an old trunk. "Open it and get out the old satchel,"

Inside the trunk under an old blanket, Phoebe found a very old businessman's valise.

"It belonged to my father. All of my important papers are in here. Including some spells not in the Book of Shadows. Some things even your mother hasn't seen. I want to pass them on to you. Let's just find what you're looking for," said Prue as she searched through the papers. "Here it is! Summoning one who cast a spell. It is a very old, very dangerous spell. Can you imagine being in the lair of a wild animal you are trying to catch? That's what could happen if you used this spell, Phoebe," whispered Prue. "Why do you want it? Have you been cursed, my dear?"

"No. I just want to be ..prepared, Grams," said Phoebe smiling shyly.

"Very well. Guard it closely and use it wisely. I suggest you learn the spell now and use when you're a little older and a little wiser," smiled Grams.

Phoebe stood up and hugged her grandmother. "You're the best, Grams. Thank you and I love you!" she said running out the door. "But I am older now. To attic as fast as lightning!" she said quietly to herself.

"Fine! I have all the ingredients and the large red candle. Spread the mixture round in a circle and light the candle. This better work," said Phoebes as she recited the incantation.

"Demons and warlocks hear my plea,
A command I send out to thee.
Caster of a timeless spell,
Hearken thee and listen well.
One who has split us sisters three,
Cross through space and appear to me."

Several orange flashes occurred and inside the circle appeared a rough looking man who needed a shave and was wearing a trench coat. He looked around the attic snarling not recognizing any one even after spying Phoebe.

"Why do you summon me? What does this child want with the likes of Zandar?" he asked sounding quite conceited.

"Phoebe what was all the noise? Have you been animating those band posters again? Whoa!" cried out Piper. She waved at Zandar and he found himself encased in a shimmering electric prison.

"Nice trick," approved Phoebe standing up next to her mother.

"Mom! Get up her!" screamed Piper. "Young lady, what are you doing?"

"Hopefully saving us. This demon has bewitched the three of us, 'MOM'" said Phoebe now sarcastically.

"And just what has she done to us? I feel quite fine. It's your judgment I really question, Phoebe Marie," said Piper looking very "Piper peeved."

"No that's the sister I know," said Phoebe quite satisfied as Prue entered the attic.

"Goodness gracious, my darling. What have you gotten yourself into and who is that awful man?" said Prue shaking her head.

"Zandar. And I thought I had gotten rid of THE CHARMED ONES," he gaffed.

"Ha. See? He thinks were the Charmed Ones. Three sisters. You, Grams, and me uh Prue," said Phoebe opening her eyes wide.

"Sisters? No, no, no, no, no!" said Piper. "I'm and only child from a long line of them. I am not listening to some demon. This here is my life," said Piper madly.

"And just what do you play in this little charade, young man?" asked Prue.

"I'm the demon of jealously. The Charmed Ones did in a comrade of mine. Drazi and I were going to make sure that the three of you never did anything again.

"So if I am their sister who is our real mother?"

"Patty Halliwell. She was killed by the likes of him over twenty years ago. We really miss her." said Phoebe quietly.

"Phoebe. WE have a nice family here. I don't see why..."

"Piper! This is not our life. I had a whole another one. You were married and Prue was a photographer and I was in school. We were all just starting out on our lives. Despite the demon messes, it was a good life. I don't even know where I am in this one," whined Phoebe.

"We're supposed to be that magical trio? What the hell?" asked Prue.

"No. Lies, lies. It's all lies. You are what you are. Three average run of the mill witches," sneered Zandar.

"Good," exclaimed Piper quietly.

"You're taking the word of a demon, Piper?" asked Phoebe looking up at Piper.

"It all makes the most sense to me. This is a good life. A quiet life. Not too many demons. The Charmed Ones sound like a demon or warlock will be coming after them at least once a week. Let's just vanquish this terror and be on with our lives, Phoebe," said Piper fidgeting a bit.

"And you say I got to fulfill by dreams about being a photographer? That's sounds so lovely," mused Prue.

"Well, you weren't world famous or anything. You'd been working at it for about a year," said the littlest Halliwell.

"And was I still married, and did I have any children yet?" asked Prue as her old eyes opened wide.

"No guy yet, but your prospects were good. Piper had just gotten married. Piper, believe when I say it was a match made in heaven. You were so much in love. Both of us really envied you," explain Phoebe.

"I loved your father too young lady. Until he ran off with that bookkeeper. He never could take all the magical problems around here," sighed Piper.

Prue shook her head. "You never should have waited until your honeymoon to tell him, Piper. I warned you about that."

"YES, MOTHER! But if we were the Charmed Ones, we would have hand ten times the problems and my husband there probably couldn't take it either," said Piper sarcastically.

Phoebe shook her head. "No Mom. Leo could have taken it. Mom? Jeez. I have got to get out of here!"

"Leo? As in white lighter, Leo?" asked Piper curiously.

"Yep." Smiled Phoebe.

"Lands sake. He is a good man," said Prue.

"But he's so much younger that me," smiled Piper.

"And so are you! And Prue! I'm then one who's living the middle school freak-out right now!" said Phoebe loudly.

"Leo? Me and Leo? No! Never!" Piper mumbled to herself.

"So can we please vanquish this creep so we can get back to our regular lives. PLEASE, MOM!" pleaded Phoebe.

"If that is hat was meant to be, Piper," said Prue. "Then we should do it, dear."

"NOOO. Leave things the way we are release me and I will cause no more trouble. I BESEECH THEE!" yelled Zandar.

"All right. Let's do it! Phoebe remember OUR spell?" asked dipper.

"I think so," she said weakly.

Together they recited.

"Goodness please ring they bell,
Send this evil straight to hell.
Vanished from this mortal plain,
Never to cause sorrow again."

In a great puff of smoke and fire, the demon vanished from the attic along with the cage made of light. As the smoke cleared, Phoebe, Piper and Prue were standing in their same positions having returned to being the Charmed Ones.

"What is all hell was that?" screamed Prue.

"I don't seem to remember what I was doing just a minute ago. Or how I EVEN got into the ATTIC? PHOEBE?" cried out Piper.

"Hey, don't look at me. I'm as much in the dark as you two are. I don't think all of this is my fault. In fact I'm sure of it," she said looking just a bit bewildered.

"As long as everything seems alright. I feel OK. Piper?" asked Prue.

Piper thought for a moment and replied. "Yea. I feel OK. Everything looks right. Phoebe?" asked Piper.

"Great except for that display of smoke. Must have been an abortive warlock attack," said Phoebe.

"So go look up screwed-up demons that leave behind that funny orange colored smoke. Do I smell camphor oil?" asked Piper.

"Who cares? I'm going back to ..ah ..ah whatever I was doing," said Prue. Leaving the room.

"Phoebe why are you looking at me funny?" asked Piper.

"I don't know. I just have this funny feeling like I just grew up all the sudden," sighed Phoebe.

"That can't be all that bad. Come on witch, you can help me go do something." Smiled Piper as the headed from the attic.

Phoebe looked back and smiled. It was good to be home, she thought. It was good to be home.