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Traffic Jam

by P Cleaner H2000

TIMELINE: The end of the Charmed series

Piper Halliwell was strucken with happiness. She decided to become more interacted with her magic. She tried to do another undiscovered spell. Part of this spell was to put a finger in her throat, to cure her laryngitis. Piper was sitting in the middle of the living room dressed in orange for some strange particular reason. The lights were out and there were candles surrounding her. Prue and Phoebe were out at the club but Piper had decided to stay home and work on her spell since she was sick with laryngitis. She was in the middle of her incantation. She was up to the part where she stuck her fingers down her throat. Her eyes were closed. Leo, her husband walked into the room and saw Piper with the candles and her fingers in her mouth. He though "Piper has been acting strange lately." So he snuck up behind her.  Jokingly he put his hands on her shoulders and shouted "Boo!" He leaned over to kiss her but Piper who was surprised by the sight of Leo accidentally jerked her fingers farther back into her mouth. Instead of what Leo had expected, a kiss from Piper, his response from her was vomit. Leo, stunned by the barf on his face and in his mouth, he suddenly hurled out his dinner onto her lap. This went on continuously until Leo held back his throw up.  All of the sudden Piper started to cry. As Leo listen to her sobs he heard a familiar door unlock. Prue and Phoebe began to laugh. Piper ran outside still with vomit covering her orange ensemble. After Piper left, Leo yelled at Prue and Phoebe "Look at what you've done! Now Piper is out there all alone with barf on her favorite outfit!!" After seeing the vomit in Leo mouth they began to vomit too. Since Piper was embarrassed and wasn't thinking straight, being mad at her sisters, she walk right into moving traffic. Not remembering her hatred for her sisters she tried to freeze the truck that was about to hit her but her powers hadn't worked. About a year later on Piper's birthday Prue, Phoebe and Leo sobbed singing happy birthday to the ghost standing in front of them, the only one of the innocent people they couldn't save.