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Oldest And Youngest

by Di

"Ok, Piper everything is loaded up are you ready to go?" Leo asked her as he walked back into the Manor.

"Almost Leo." She replied as she walked from the kitchen with her sisters right behind her. "I just have to lay down the ground rules to Prue and Phoebe first."

"Hey what do you mean ground rules." Phoebe asked with a pouty face.

Prue saw her and decided that she wasn't going to let her baby sister get the upper hand on her. Putting on her best pouty face "Yeah mummy what do you mean ground rules. We'll behave promise."

Piper just laughed at her two sisters. Ever since they had become witches Prue and Phoebe relationship had taken a turn for the better. It seemed now the only time they ever fought was when Prue was just worried about Phoebe getting hurt. Whether it was by a demon or by love.

"Ok you two cut it out." Smacking them both playfully. "Look I left the number of the hotel where you can reach us if 'anything' should come up. No fighting and no demon hunting until I get back. Got it?"

"Yes mummy." They both answered.

"Now go and have your romantic weekend with Angel boy there." Phoebe said as she hugged Piper.

"Yeah go have fun and relax. We'll be fine."

"Ok, I'm gone." She hugged each sister and headed for the door. "I love you two."

"Love you too honey. Now get." They replied.

As Piper and Leo were leaving the manor Prue pulled Leo in for a hug. "Don't let her worry about us this weekend. She needs a relaxing time. Now get out of her and shower my little sister with love."

"I won't and I will." Leo said as he made his way down the stairs to Piper's jeep.

Prue and Phoebe watched as they drove down the road until they were out of site. Walking into the manor Prue closed the door as Phoebe headed to the couch.

"So my littlest sister, what should we do while our middle sister is having a romantic weekend with her Angel?"

Phoebe gave no answer, so Prue went and stood in front of her and waved her hand in front of her face. "Yo Pheebs."

"Oh sorry Prue I was just thinking. Did you say something?"

"Yeah I asked what you wanted to do this weekend."

"Oh. Well actually I can't do much; I have a stack of books on my desk so high I can't see half my wall. I have two papers due on Tuesday and on top of that I have two exams on Monday."

"Phoebe did you leave your papers to the last minute again?" Prue asked her a bit to harshly.

"Well it's not like I did it on purpose." She snapped back, "With all the demon stuff lately I'm surprised I've managed to keep my grades where they are." Getting off the couch she headed for the stairs.

Prue just starred after her. "Pheebs I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across like I was mad."

"It's ok Prue." She called back to her sister as she walked up the stairs, towards her room. Whispering under her breath, "I'm used to it."

Prue watched her as she walked up the stairs and down the hall. Sighing, I'll talk to her later she thought.

Going back to the kitchen she grabbed her coffee and sat in the sun room and finished it off, before she headed to the magazine. Once done she went up and changed and started for the stairs to go. Maybe I should talk to Phoebe now; I can be a bit late. Stopping at her sisters' door she knocked quietly.

"Pheebs, can I come in?"


Walking into her sister's room she found her lying on the bed with books and papers all around her.

"Wow this brings back memories."

Phoebe just looked up at Prue. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, of Piper's and my days in university at the apartment. Some of our cramming sessions looked like this, only exception was there was two of us and the place was bigger." She laughed at the memory.

Phoebe laughed a bit at the sight she was envisioning in her head. Prue and Piper trying to study with papers' everywhere. She looked at Prue and realized that she was going out.

"You heading to work?"

"Yeah. But before I left I wanted to apologize to you for earlier. I didn't mean to sound so harsh."

"It's ok Prue I shouldn't have blown up at you. I know you were just concerned."

"So truce?"


"Ok I gotta run, you gonna be here all day?"

"Probably in the same spot I am now." Phoebe laugh.

"Well make sure you take the odd break. Too much studying without a break will kill you. Trust me I tried once."

Phoebe just laughed. "I will, promise. Now go or you'll be late for work."

Bending down, she kissed Phoebe on the top of the head. "Love you."

"Love you too." Phoebe answered but was already back into her books.

Driving into work Prue thought to herself. Why is it so difficult for us at times to just get along? I just have to realize that she is not that little girl anymore, and trust her more. Augh, sometimes being the oldest really sucks.

Parking her car, she headed to the magazine.

"Hey Prue, running a bit late this morning are we?"

"Morning Monica." She greeted the receptionist. "I had a little sister thing this morning."

"Oh, oh. Nothing serious I hope."

"No we worked it out. Hey you have a younger sister don't you?"

"Yeah. And believe me I totally understand what you're going through. Mind you at least you have Piper as your buffer. We never had that. A five-year age gap and no buffer for the fights. Oh what joy that was."

"Yeah well our buffer just went away for the weekend with her boyfriend. And she wasn't gone three minutes and we had our first fight."

"Wow. That has to be a record in any family."

"Actually in ours it's not even close."

"So you made up before you left and that's why you're late."

"Yeah. I think so. I just find it hard to talk to her sometimes you know."

"Yeah Prue I do. Hey if you ever need to talk about it call me."

"I will. Thanks."

Heading to the back to the lay out room Prue was trying to look like she had been there all morning.


Oh busted, she thought.


"Here a second I want you to meet someone."

Phew. Ok maybe not so busted. She walked towards her boss's office. "Hi"

"Hey Prue I would like you to meet, Colin Edwards. Colin, Prue Halliwell. One of our best photographers."

"Pleased to meet you Miss? Halliwell." Sticking his hand out to shake hers.

Oh that was subtle she thought, as she gave him her hand. "And you Mr. Edwards. And please call me Prue."

"Only if you call me Colin."

"Prue, I want you and Colin to work on that new article you did the pictures for the other day. That should give him an idea of the layouts and where everything can be found."

"Sure. Right this way Colin."

"Oh and Prue."

She stopped and turned towards him.

"I'm assuming you're staying till 6pm tonight as your were almost an hour late this morning?"

Busted. "Yeah no problem."

Turning back she led Colin to the layout room.

"An hour hey." Colin asked.

"Yeah, I had a small family crisis. I'll just call my sister and tell her I'll be a little late coming home tonight."

"Wow I just can't believe how calm he was about it. I mean at the other magazine I worked at. If you were 5 minutes late the boss would make this huge thing in front of the whole office."

"Yeah well he's a very understanding person."

Prue called Phoebe and told her that she would be about an hour late home so she could make up for the time she was late.

"How does a late pizza dinner sound. I can pick up some on the way home."

"Yeah that would be great. So I'll see you around 6:30-7 then?"

"Yeah probably. Love you."

"Love you too."

As the day went by Prue was getting tired. She was sitting at her desk with her head down when Colin came in.

"Hey Prue I need your advice." Over the course of the day he had learned a lot from Prue and they had become fast friends.

Not lifting her head. "What?"

"Hey Prue you ok?" He asked concerned for his new friend.

"I'll live Colin. What do you need?"

"Well I was wondering about Monica, the receptionist."

Prue lifted her head and raised an eyebrow at Colin. She had been talking to Monica during lunch and she had mentioned Colin. Oh please let me play matchmaker. "What about her?"

"Well." He fidgeted nervously. "Do you know if she is seeing anyone?"

Prue chuckled a bit. "No she's not why?"

"I was just wondering that's all. Now if you don't mind me saying so you don't look that hot."

"Why thank you Colin. I wasn't sure at first but now I know." She laughed at him.

"Sorry. Look why don't you go home and get some rest. We can finish this on Monday."

"I can't I have to work late."

"Prue I don't think the boss s going to mind if you're sick and you have to go home early. Look go I'll cover for you."

"Are you sure? I don't want you getting in trouble on your first day."

"Yeah now get out of here."

"OK, I'm gone. Thanks Colin." She stood up from her chair and headed for the door. Before going out she turned back to Colin. "Ask her, you won't be disappointed." She turned and headed to her car leaving him stunned and then beaming.

By the time Prue got home it was 3:30, and she just wanted to go to bed. Her whole body ached and she had absolutely no energy. Oh god I hate flu season, she thought to herself. I kinda hope that Phoebe isn't home. I'm not sure what she'll do. Pulling in the driveway she sat in her car a few minutes before heading into the Manor.

"Phoebe?" She called out. No answer. Probably buried in her books and didn't hear me. She headed to the kitchen to fix herself a Neo-Citron (Hot lemon medicine). Taking the drink upstairs she ran herself a hot bath. Taking the drink with her to the bath she was soon relaxing in the bubbles. After about a half-hour she decided to get out. Having to refresh the hot water twice when she was there. Getting out she headed to her room wondering where Phoebe was.

Phoebe was running up the sidewalk when she noticed Prue's car in the driveway. That's weird she thought. I thought she said she was working late. Phoebe had gone out for jog to help clear her head of the studying cobwebs. As she came up the driveway she did her warm down exercises on her way to the back door. Still wondering why Prue was home. Maybe she didn't have to work late after all. Maybe she just said that so I would think she was coming home late. Maybe she said was so she could check up on me. Still doesn't trust her baby sister she thought. For in her eyes I will always be a baby that needs to be taken care of. Augh, sometimes being the youngest sucks.

She walked in the back door and called for her sister.

"Prue? I'm home."

No answer. That's weird, I wonder where she's at? Phoebe started to wander through the house looking for Prue, calling out her name every now and again. Making her way upstairs she knocked softly on Prue's door. Not getting an answer Phoebe slowly opened it.

"Prue?" she got no answer but Phoebe could just make out the lump of a body in Prue's bed, even with the blinds drawn.

"Prue honey you ok?" she asked as she made her way closer to her big sisters bed. She always treaded carefully whenever she entered Prue's room. It had always been off limits to her as a kid and she still had that hidden fear that Prue would yell at her for being in her room. Sitting on the bed she pushed the hair from Prue's face. Phoebe couldn't believe how hot she was. Her hair along her forehead was soaking wet.

"Oh sweetie you're sick."

"Hi Pheebs." Prue said weakly. "Where were you?"

Always worried about her sister Phoebe thought, even when she herself was sick. "I went for a jog to clear the study webs from my head. How are you feeling?"

"I'll be ok. Go study."

"Prue you're not ok. You have a fever."

With as much energy as she could muster Prue yelled at Phoebe. "I said I was Ok now get of my room and go study."

Phoebe was a bit taken back. All she wanted to do was be there and help her sister, like she had done many times before for her. Phoebe stood up and headed for her sisters' bedroom door. Turning before she went out it. "If you need anything Prue just holler. I'll leave my door open." She turned and walked out of her sisters' room.

Phoebe headed to her room grabbed her robe and headed for the shower. She closed the bathroom door ran the shower, and got in. Once she was there she let the hot water relax through her body, and she started to cry. Crouching down to the tub she let it all out. Why can't she ever let her guard down with me? She always has to be the strong one, never letting me help her. If I were Piper, it wouldn't be like this. She always goes to Piper with everything. Well Piper isn't here now she's going to have to rely on me.

Finishing her shower Phoebe headed to her room. Putting on her favorite sweats and shirt, she got back to her studying. However she didn't get much done, as she was worried about Prue. After a few hours she was getting hungry so she headed down stairs to get something to eat. She hadn't heard anything from Prue so she figured she must be sleeping. Making a can of soup and a sandwich she sat down to eat it when she heard Prue up stairs in the bathroom. That doesn't sound good she thought as she made her way upstairs to the bathroom. Knocking softly she called out to her sister.

"Prue you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine Phoebe." She answered.

Phoebe could tell by the tone in her voice that she wasn't. So she placed her hand on the doorknob, sighed and opened it. Preparing herself for the explosion that was sure to come.

"Phoebe what do you want?" Prue snapped at her.

"Oh god Prue, can't you just once admit to me when you need help? You're sick and I'm the only one here to take care of you. Just deal."

"I told you I was fine. Now get out of here before I throw you out."

Phoebe just looked at Prue with shock on her face. She knew what Prue meant, she had ever intention of using her power on Phoebe if she didn't leave her alone.

"Fine Prue. If you want to suffer then so be it." She turned and left the bathroom and went back to her dinner. Once again crying over her sister attitude towards her.

Augh why was she so difficult Phoebe thought. Does she think I don't care or is that she thinks I don't know how to care for her? Why can't she just trust me for once? Putting her dishes in the sink. Phoebe headed back upstairs to her books. I have got to get these papers done by the weekend of my goose is cooked, if Prue wants my help she knows where my room is.

By midnight Phoebe had had about enough. She had been studying all night and she could hear Prue coughing in her room. I'm never going to be able to study as long as she is over there coughing and it will just play on my good nature. Ok Prue like it or not I'm coming over there.

Getting off her bed she headed across the hall to Prue's room stopping first in the bathroom for some cough syrup. Pausing long enough to get up here courage she knocked on Prue's door.

"Go away Phoebe." She said before she started to cough again.

Taking a deep breath Phoebe opened the door. "I don't think so Prue. I'm over there trying to study and I can't concentrate for all the coughing you're making over here. So here, I've brought you the cough medicine. What you do with it is up to you." She bent down and felt Prue's forehead, still feverish. She bent down and kneeled on the floor in front of her and looked her oldest sister in the eyes. Ice blue meeting warm brown.

"Prue I don't mean to be so angry with you. I just wish that you would trust me." Stroking her big sisters hair, and trying to get it away from her face. "I worry about you when your sick as you do me. Please take the medicine, and call me if you need anything. Ok?"

Prue didn't say anything. She just glared at her baby sister. It's not suppose to be this way, she thought. It's supposed to be me looking out for her, not the other way around. So instead of thanking Phoebe she just rolled over so her back was to her sister.

"Fine Prue, be like that. Don't ever accuse me of not caring. I tried and you're just being stubborn. Good night Prue." Getting up from the floor. Phoebe left Prue's room and back to hers, slamming her own door after she was in it.

Phoebe was up most of the night studying and working on her papers. But she was surprised she hadn't heard anything else from Prue's room. She had checked on her twice during the night and she was sleeping soundly. Well that's a good thing she thought. She had finally gone to sleep herself by about 5am, only to be woken again at 6 by Prue in the bathroom.

"I have got to get more sleep." She said to nobody. She debated with herself whether to go and see if Prue was Ok. Ugh, she's my sister. I have to go, no matter how badly she turns me away.

She got off her bed and headed for the bathroom. Once again taking a deep breath before she knocked on the door. "Prue you ok?"

This time she got no answer. Getting worried she slowly opened the door. "Prue?"

"Yeah Pheebs I'm ok" She answered calmly.

Phoebe opened the door the rest of the way to find Prue sitting on the edge of the tub. "You sure, you didn't sound so great a minute ago."

"I'm sure." She said not looking at her sister. She felt a bit guilty about the way she had treated Phoebe the night before. She was just trying to help, and here she was again. "Look Phoebe just go back to sleep I'll be fine."

Sighing Phoebe left the bathroom. Trying to get Prue to let her help was harder then studying. She thought. At this rate I should just lock myself in my room and let her deal with it on her own. She plopped back on her bed and started to study again. She heard Prue go back to her room. And she saw her stop for a moment outside her bedroom door. When will she ever let her guard down, she thought.

Phoebe finally got up from her bed and headed down for some breakfast at around 10am. Again she stopped by Prue's room to see how she was doing, and again she was sleeping. She noticed that the cough medicine had that much less in the bottle then when she had brought it in there the night before. So she finally took my advice, she thought with a smile. She continued down stairs for some breakfast. At least Leo isn't here to eat all my cereal, she said to herself. Finishing her breakfast she started to head upstairs for a shower and back to the books. As she passed by the living room she noticed Prue lying on the couch. Coming behind her sister she reached over and placed her hand on her forehead. Prue instantly pulled away.

"Still feverish big sister." Phoebe said with out emotion.

"Back off Phoebe, I'm not in the mood." Prue said.

"Shoot me for caring." Phoebe answered back as she headed upstairs.

The rest of the day was filled with tension. Phoebe would try and spend as much time as she could in her room, studying and working on her paper. She went out once for another jog, and let Prue know but didn't get much of a response.

Later that night Piper called to make sure that ever thing was ok and they hadn't killed each other. Luckily Phoebe answered the call.

"Piper, you're suppose to be enjoying your weekend not calling your sisters." She said trying to be happy for her sister.

Piper however could read right through her. "Pheebs, what's wrong. And don't even try lying to me."

"What are you talking about Pipe?"

"Phoebe I can always tell when something is up with you so spill sista."

"It's nothing really. Prue has the flu and she is being her crabby big sister self."

"Oh my god, is she ok?"

"I don't know. She practically growls at me every time I get near her. Its so frustrating Piper. I want to help her but she keeps pushing me away."

"Oh Pheebs you know what she is like. She is the oldest and she probably feels that it should be her looking out for you or us, not the other way around."

"I know that's what it is Pipe but it doesn't make it any easier. I'm trying to study here, but I keep worrying about her."

"She'll come around Pheebs, you'll see. Look we'll be home tomorrow and which time you can lock yourself in your room and study while I look after Prue."

"Ok, look I gotta run. I'll see you tomorrow. Say hi to Leo for me. Love you."

"Love you too Pheebs, and pass on my Love to Prue."

Heading downstairs she notice Prue on the couch still. ""Want anything to eat Prue."

"No I'm fine." She said with no emotion.

"OK." Phoebe made herself something light and took it upstairs with her. Before heading up she paused. "Piper called. She sends her love."

No return comment. That was it.

"You know Prue I've tried. In fact I've more then tried. I don't understand this pigheadedness that you have. You're sick and there are just some things that you are going to have to deal with. And if one of those things happens to be your baby sister taking care of you. I love you and there is nothing you can do to change that, and that includes pushing me away every time I try to help you or get near you. So no matter how bitchy you are to me, I will keep trying to help you through this. So if you need me I'm in my room." She turned to the stairs, and started up them.

Prue just sat there. She couldn't believe that Phoebe had let her have it like that. She knew that every thing she said was true. She was purposely pushing her away. With Piper it was different, they weren't that far apart in age. It was different with Phoebe though; she was her baby girl. She was the one that was supposed to help her not the other way around. She just sat there as the tears rolled down her face. After a few minutes she regained her composure and headed up to Phoebe to apologize.

She knocked softly on Phoebe door. "Pheebs?"


"Can I come in?"

Prue didn't usually ask if she could come in to her room, she usually knocked and then just came as soon as Phoebe answered. The fact that she asked meant to Phoebe that she was a bit apprehensive about some thing.


Opening the door she looked over at her baby sister still with papers all over her room and bed. She had to chuckle at the sight. "So how do you sleep with this stuff all over your bed?"

Phoebe then noticed the state that her bed and room were in. Laughing she answered. "You know now that I look at it. I really don't know. But then again I haven't slept much in the past 24hrs."

"Oh." Prue said. "Look Phoebe, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I just hate being sick and…"

Phoebe figured she would save her big sister from some suffering. "And relying on your baby sister to look after you?" she finished.

Looking at Phoebe, "Yeah."

Phoebe cleared a spot off on her bed and patted it so Prue could sit down. "Prue I'm not going to judge you here. You're sick and as your sister I want to help you. Its not like it's a big chore or anything, but it is when you fight me on it."

"I know Pheebs, and I'm sorry. I'm just used to seeing you as my baby sister, the one I'm supposed to take care of not the other way around."

Wrapping an arm around Prue's shoulder, "I know its tough for you Prue, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. OK?"

Resting her head on Phoebe's shoulder. "Ok." She said. "So off topic here. How goes the studying?"

"Not bad actually, mind you I haven't slept much. I have to get these done so I can focus on studying for my exams. Oh there is just not enough ours in the day." She said rubbing her temple.

"Can I help?"

"No it's ok Prue thanks for asking though."

"Anytime. I'm going to bed. Are we ok then?"

"There was never anything wrong Prue." She said as she hugged her sister. "Now go to bed and I'll be in in a bit to see how you are doing."

"Ok. Don't stay up to late studying though."

"I won't." she lied. She knew that she would be pulling another all-nighter to get the work done.

At about 9pm she went to check on Prue. She was sitting up reading a book.

"Hey you, you're supposed to be sleeping."

"Hi. I wasn't sleepy."

"Oh well then that ok then." Phoebe said with a smile. "You must be feeling better."

"I am thank to you."

Phoebe looked at her confused. "What did I do?"

"Well let me see there was the cough medicine last night and the Neo-Citron that appeared on the end table in the living room. Then there was also the bottle of extra strength Tylenol and glass of water that were here when I woke up this morning, and again downstairs after my nap."

Phoebe laughed. "Ok I'm busted. But that just goes to show you. No matter how hard you push me away the more I'm going to dig in my heels to help you."

"Yeah I know that now. I'm sorry again for being so bitchy to you."

Jumping up on her sisters' bed she put her arms around her. "That's ok. I'll just remember this the next time I'm sick." She said with an evil grin. "So do you want me to sing you to sleep?"

"I think I'll pass thanks." Prue laughed at her sister.

"Ok then I'm going back to study, and you get some rest."

Prue saluted her sister, "Yes ma'am."

"Oh you. You are incorrigible you know."

"I know but you still love me." she said with a cheeky smile.

Kissing Prue on forehead, "Yes I do. Now sleep."

Phoebe shut off the light as her sister slide under the covers for a night of hopefully a restful sleep.

Phoebe had ended up staying up until 5am again, when she finally fell asleep reading over her final report. She had managed to finish the two, so now she could spend all day Sunday studying for her exams for the next day.

When Prue got up in the morning she noticed Phoebe sleeping on her papers. Chuckling to herself she went down the hall and grabbed a blanket from the cupboard. She went into Phoebe's room and draped it carefully over her baby sister. Kissing her softly on the top of her head, "Pay back my sweet girl. I love you."

She quietly slipped out of Phoebe's room, closing her door, and headed downstairs.

Phoebe finally awoke and came downstairs at 10am. "Hey there sleepy." Prue said.

"Hi. How long have you been up?"

"A couple of hours."

"Oh." Heading to the coffee machine Phoebe grabbed her cup and filled it up. Turning towards Prue and pulling herself up on the counter. "Thanks for the blanket."

"Welcome. You looked so cute sleeping there."

"Yeah I wish I could've stayed. But I can't. I have to study."

"Phoebe, I don't want to get all big sister on you here, but you can't keep doing this. You're going to make yourself sick."

"I know Prue but I have to pass these exams. They count for a big portion of my grade."

"That's not the only reason you're pushing yourself like this is it?" Prue asked.

Phoebe looked at her sister. She didn't know if she was ready for this conversation yet. "What other reason would I have?" Trying to side step the real reason.

"Oh I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" Prue had her suspicions, but wanted Phoebe to tell her.

Phoebe couldn't look at Prue, she knows she thought. Looking down to the floor she answered her sister very quietly. "To make you proud of me."

Getting up from her chair Prue approached Phoebe. "Oh Pheebs, I am proud of you. This was your decision to go back to school. I know that it's tough at times with our demon encounters. In that ways it's tougher for you then it was for Piper and I. I mean we didn't have to worry about demons and warlocks showing up at campus."

Phoebe laughed at this.

"But you can't push yourself like this. I'll be proud of you no matter what grades you get. Now come on, get some food in you and I'll help you study. It's easier with someone to help you, it's what Piper and I used to do all the time."

"Ok, go get some more rest and I'll meet you in your room in lets say 45 minutes."


As Prue was leaving the kitchen Phoebe called after her. "Prue."

Turning around she looked into her sisters' eyes. "Thank you."


Phoebe quickly showered and got dressed and headed into Prue's room.

"So you ready to help me study the finer points of physiology?"

"Sure. Give me your book. I'll show you what Piper and I used to do."

They spent the better part of the day studying. Prue was really helping Phoebe out. She got a lot more studying done with Prue's help then she would have by herself. And to top it off it was all clicking into place.

By 2pm Phoebe was over due for a break and she could tell that Prue was getting tired.

"Prue what do you say we break for a bit. You look a bit wiped. And I need to get some fresh air."

"That's not a bad idea Pheebs. I am getting a bit tired. What do you say we pick this up after dinner?"

"Ok, look I'm gonna go for a jog. You get some rest and I'll be back in just over on hour. And thanks Prue."

"Any time Pheebs."

Phoebe returned from her jog after about two hours. She couldn't believe how things were turning out with her and Prue. It's like Friday night and Saturday never happened. As she walked upstairs and past Prue's room she could see that her sister was sleeping. She went into her room and plopped and the bed. She was fast asleep within minutes. Having only gotten about six hours sleep in the past three days it was starting to take it's toll on her body.

Piper came back from her little romantic getaway to find Prue on the couch, wrapped in one of Grams' quilts with a book.

"Hey I thought you were sick?" she asked her big sister.

"I am. But not as bad as I was Friday and yesterday, thanks to our baby sister."

"Oh. I heard you were giving her a hard time."

"I was. But she let me have it last night. And I saw the light so to speak. But enough on that, how was your weekend?"


Prue looked at her sister with a big smile. "I bet." She laughed. "Where is Angel boy?"

"He got called this afternoon, some big emergency. Where's Pheebs?"

"Upstairs sleeping."


"She's been pushing herself a bit to hard these past few days to finish two papers and get ready for two exams she has tomorrow."

"Oh, I've told her that she can't keep doing that."

"Yeah well I guess she didn't listen. She's had probably 6 hrs sleep since Friday."


"Piper relax. She's sleeping now. Which is good because she will probably be up all night cramming."

"Augh, What am I going to do with that girl?"

Prue laughed at her.

"Well I'm glad you find this amusing Prue."

"Actually I do."

"Oh you're just as bad as her."

"No Piper we are. We did the same thing she's doing now. Don't you remember all our all-nighters?"

Piper thought for a bit. "Yeah we did pull some doozies didn't we?"

"Anyway, change subject. Are you home to cook dinner or are you still on your mini vacation?"

Hitting Prue with the pillow, "All you love me for is my cooking isn't it?"

"Not true." As Prue moved a pillow to hit Piper in the back with her power.


Piper walked upstairs and placed her stuff in her room. Stopping by Phoebe's room on her way back down. Peeking in on her baby sister, she could see her still sleeping in her jogging gear. Walking up to her bed she pulled her quilt over her. Bending down she kissed her lightly on the forehead. Quietly exiting her room, she made her way back downstairs, finding Prue also asleep on the couch. What a pair I have here, she thought. Heading to the kitchen she started to prepare dinner.

Once it was ready she headed up to wake Phoebe first, for she knew that she would want a shower before. "Phoebe. Phoebe!"

"Oh, Piper! You're back"

"Yes sweetie I'm back. I see you didn't kill Prue while I was gone."

"It was touch and go there for a bit Pipe. But we managed ok."

"So I heard."

Phoebe looked confused.

"I talked to Prue when I got home."


"Hey dinner is almost ready and I was thinking you probably want to shower first. It looks like you crashed after your jog."

"Yeah I did, thanks. And welcome home Piper."

Leaving her sisters' room Piper turned back. "Thanks."

Dinner was 20 questions to Piper about her weekend with Leo. Prue and Phoebe wanted all the details. After dinner Prue was exhausted. She had over done it during the day and it was now catching up with her.

"Guys if you don't mind, I'm gonna call it a day."

"You ok Prue?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah I'm just tired. Good night." Getting up she gave both her sisters' kiss. "Good luck tomorrow Phoebe."

"Thanks Prue. And thanks for your help earlier today."

"You're are welcome my sweet girl." And with that she headed up to bed.

"So I guess it's you and me on dish patrol Pheebs."

"AH Piper, can I call you on that and make it up to you tomorrow?"

"Yes you may. But only because I know you have to study."

Kissing Piper, Phoebe ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "I love you Piper."

"Yeah, yeah I know." She laughed at her little sisters' actions.

Piper headed to bed around 11pm and noticed Phoebe's light still on. Knocking softly she entered her sisters room.


"Yeah Piper?"

"Please tell me you don't plan on staying up all night."

"No I'm almost done."

"Good cause I don't wanna be looking after a sick sister after my nice relaxing weekend."

"I'm fine Piper now scoot, I have to finish this."

"Good night Pheebs."

"Night Piper."

Well as the hours ticked by Phoebe had still not gone to bed. She told Piper she wasn't going to stay up all night, but that was just to put her sisters' mind at ease. She looked up at her clock, 6am. Oh god Piper is going to kill me, not to mention Prue if she finds out. Well I'll have to see that they don't. Packing her books in her backpack she headed to the shower. She headed to her room changed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"You're up early Phoebe," Piper asked suspiciously.

"I wanted to get to school to finish up my last bit of studying."

"You want some breakfast before you go."

"No I'll just grab something there. Do me a favour though."


"Don't let Prue go to work today. She may think she's ok but I know she isn't."

"I can try and get away with that."

"Thanks, I gotta run. See you later at P3."

"Ok Pheebs, good luck."

Piper called the magazine for Prue who was still sleeping. "Hi. Monica it Piper Halliwell, Prue's sister."

"Oh hi Piper. How's Prue feeling?"

"Not good I'm afraid. What ever that bug is hit her pretty bad. She won't be in today."

"Ok, no problem Piper. Just tell her to take it easy and not to rush it. I've heard that whatever is making the rounds is pretty nasty."

"I'll let her know. Talk to you later Monica. Bye,"


Prue finally came downstairs to the kitchen about 9am. "Oh damn I'm going to be late again."

"Late for what?" Piper asked.

"Work silly."

"Well seen as I called you in sick at 830, I don't see how you can be late."

"You didn't! Piper I have to go in."

"Why? So you can stay sick a little while longer? You are not going anywhere sister dear except the couch. You may have gotten away with stuff when it was just you and Phoebe. But no more. So get your butt on that couch and don't move until supper tonight. Got it."

Prue was a bit taken back from Piper's attitude, but she also knew that she couldn't do anything about it. She knew Piper was right. If it were just Phoebe and her home, she would have gone. But it was different with Piper. She turned and headed to the couch.

Phoebe came home later that afternoon to find Prue asleep on the couch and Piper cooking something in the kitchen. "Smells good Pipe."

"Phoebe, how did you do?"

"I think I did ok. I'll have to thank Prue when she wakes up. She helped me out big time."

"Well I'm glad all went well. Prue told me about your confession Pheebs."

Phoebe didn't look at her sister.

"Pheebs the same applies to me as Prue. You don't have to push yourself to get the grades. We're both proud of you for just going back to school. Let alone having to contend with demons at the same time."

"I know Pipe. But thanks anyway."

She headed up to her room exhausted. She had written both her exams and turned in her two papers, but the lack of sleep from the weekend were now catching up with her. She crashed on her bed and was asleep almost immediately. That was were Prue found here several hours later when she came to get her for dinner.

"Phoebe." She whispered softly. No answer. "Pheebs wake up, dinner is ready."

"UHH, Prue I'm not hungry."

Prue put her hand on Phoebe forehead. "Oh Pheebs looks like you got what I had."

She went to the bathroom to get the thermometer. Coming back into Phoebe's room, she pulled it out of it' casing. "Her Pheebs take this."

Phoebe opened her mouth enough to get the thermometer in. Waiting a few minutes Prue pulled it out. "102, you my dear sister aren't going anywhere. I'll have Piper make you some soup and I'll bring it up."

Prue headed down to the kitchen. "Well guess who didn't listen to her sisters', over did it in the study department and is now up in her room shaking like she is a Popsicle yet is running a temperature of 102?" Prue asked Piper.

"Oh no not Pheebs. She promised me that she would not pull an all-nighter last night."

"Well you know Phoebe. Can you make her some soup, and I'll take it up to her?"

"Yeah. Are you sure you wanna do that though? She may retaliate after what you did."

"No it's ok Piper I got her. Besides if you go then you risk the chance of getting it too. At least I've had it."

"True. So what do you figure chicken with those little noodles that she likes?"

"I think that would be perfect."

Prue came into Phoebe's room carrying the tray with soup on it. "Pheebs, Piper made your favorite."

"UH, thanks Prue." She said weakly from under her covers.

"Pheebs you have to sit up so you can eat this."

"Oh do I have too?"

"Yes Pheebs you do. Come on now it's my turn to help you."

Phoebe didn't move. Prue pulled back the covers a bit and pulled at Phoebe to sit up.

"Oh. Cold." Phoebe said.

"Ok hang on honey." Prue went over to her closet and pulled out one of her sweatshirts. "Her lets get this on you." Pulling it over her sisters' head. "That better?"

"A little." She said chattering.

"Ok, here eat this." She told Phoebe as she spooned some of the soup to her.

After the bowl was almost done Phoebe couldn't eat anymore. Sliding back down under her covers.

"Oh my sweet girl." Prue said as she stroked Phoebe's head. "Get some sleep Pheebs, I'm not going anywhere."


"Yeah Pheebs."

"I guess this is how it's supposed to be. The oldest looking after the youngest."

"Yeah Pheebs this is the way it's meant to be, but you know the other way is ok too."


"Yeah. I know you are so full of love and caring Phoebe. It makes me glad you're my sister."

"I love you Prue."

"And I love you too Phoebe." She said as she pulled Phoebe close to her as she leaned against the headboard.

Both were soon asleep. As it should be. The oldest caring after the youngest.