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What Tomorrow Brings

by Lynx33

It has been a year since the triplets were brought back and no demons or warlocks have come after the charmed ones since then. Phoebe and Prue both got married to Jack and Peter. It was a normal day at Halliwell manor with Prue running to work every morning with Jack and, Phoebe job hunting all day, Piper was left to take care of the club and three curious little one year olds. Between Hope learning how to walk and the other two crawling all over the place Piper was being pulled in three different directions with no help from anyone.

Prue, Jack and Phoebe had left an hour ago and Leo was off on White lighter business. Peter was just getting ready to leave when he remembered that his wife had a doctor's appointment at noon.

Peter: Piper can you call Phoebe for me and tell her she has a doctor's appointment at noon?

Piper: Sure Pete, if you can grab Hope before she falls down the porch steps.

Peter: Oh, (He grabs Hope right before she falls down the steps) Sorry young lady we don't need to have you going to the doctor to. (Hope starts to giggle)

Piper: I can't bring them to daycare because of their powers and I have no one to watch them when I'm at the club. What do I do?

Peter: Piper, relax Leo will be back soon. In the mean time isn't Jenny back?

Piper: Yeah she is. I'm going to call her. Thanks for the help.

Peter: Glad to help I got to go see ya.

Peter walks out side and gets in his car and goes to work. Piper first calls Phoebe and tells her about the doctor. Then she calls Jenny, Jenny agreed to watch the girls so she could go to the club. Piper was so happy that when Jenny got there she forgot where she needed to go that afternoon. Not only did Phoebe have a doctor's appointment but so did Piper. It was eleven when Piper got out of the house and she figured that it would take and hour to get to the clinic because of traffic. She was right, and to top it off she still wasn't feeling well.

Prue and Jack had just started a new business called P.J.'s photography studio it had been doing great they were booked with work for the past three months. Prue was at her desk when all of a sudden she felt completely nauseated. Jack looked over at her because he needed a question answered when he saw how pale his wife had gotten he asked her.

Jack: Sweetie are you ok?

Prue: I don't know I just felt bad all of a sudden, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Jack: Here let me help you to the bathroom.

Jack and Prue slowly walk to the bathroom when they were about half way to the bathroom Prue put her hand to her mouth and ran the remainder of the way to the bathroom. Jack ran after her and right into the bathroom to help her. Prue vomited in the toilet while Jack held her hair back. When she finished and walked back to her desk Jack picked up the phone and called the manor. Jenny picked up.

Jenny: Hello Halliwell residence.

Jack: Is Piper there?

Jenny: She is at the club can I take a message?

Jack: No that's ok. Bye

Jack hangs up the phone and dials P3. Karen answers the phone after it rang three times. Jack asks her where Piper is but she doesn't know so finally Jack called Piper's cell phone it rang, and rang several times before he hung up. He looked back at Prue who was laying her head on her desk crying quietly. He goes over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. She stops crying and squeezes his hand, he strokes her hair and starts to talk to her.

Jack: Prue sweetie do you want to go to the doctor?

Prue: You know how much I hate the Clinic, but yeah if it'll help.

Jack: Well, lets go.

They walk out to the car and drive to the clinic. On the way to the clinic Prue was complaining how horrible she felt. Jack put up with her because he loved her and not once did he tell her to shut up. They arrive at the clinic a few minutes later and Jack goes to the reception desk to get Prue in. The nurse tells him that Dr. Johnson is with a patient but if they wait for a little bit Prue will get in. Jack goes and sits next to Prue and starts to read a magazine about how to be a parent. Piper was sitting next to Prue reading a cooking magazine. Then Prue looks over and sees Piper.

In the doctors office Phoebe and the doctor were talking about some test that he had taken the week before. He brought the results up on the desk so Phoebe could see them.

Dr. Johnson: These results just came back today and I think you should see these.

Phoebe: See what? What's wrong?

Dr. Johnson: I hope you like babies!

Phoebe: Why did you say that?

Dr. Johnson: Because you are going to have one!

Phoebe: Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Dr. Johnson: Who, You, What a baby, When December 17, Where in the clinic, Why you had a little too much fun.

Phoebe: Ok, I'm going to go now. Thanks.

Phoebe walks out of the office and Piper walks in a door to wait for the doctor. Prue is still waiting but sees Phoebe walk through the door in a daze. She yells at Phoebe to come over to her and she does. Phoebe tells Prue that she is pregnant and they both hug then Phoebe leaves to tell Peter about the happy news. In the doctors office what happened with Phoebe happens exactly the same way with Piper. Piper walks out in a daze and before Prue walks in Piper tells her she is pregnant and they hug. Then Piper leaves for the club and Prue goes in to the doctor's office.

Dr. Johnson: Prue your test results are in from last week and something interesting showed up on them. It seems you are going to have a baby.

Prue: This is not good.

Dr. Johnson: Why?

Prue: Because I just started a new job and I am going to have to leave for a while. Like I am going to do right now thank you.

Prue walks out kind of light headed and tells Jack. Jack is relieved that she is not sick but has no idea on how to react so he just tells her that it was wonderful. They decided to join Piper and Phoebe and most likely Peter at the club. Prue told her sisters and they all agreed that it was not good for all three of the charmed ones to be pregnant at the same time. They are still talking about what to do when the guys walk up to their table.

Prue: So what are we going to do?

Phoebe: I have no idea, Piper do you?

Piper: No, but maybe Leo will.

Prue: Speaking of guys here they come.

Jack: Hello ladies.

Prue: Hello yourself. (She kisses him and smiles at the rest of them)

Peter: Pheebs how do you feel?

Phoebe: Fine. Thanks for asking. (She kisses him and then they sit down)

Leo: (Walking down the stairs) Piper. (Out of breath)

Piper: (Gets up and runs to him then kisses him) Leo, I have something to tell you!

Leo: Where are the girls?

Piper: At home with Jenny.

Leo: How long has Jenny been there?

Piper: All day. Why?

Leo: We have to get home now before they use their powers on her.

They get up and run out of the club as Piper tells Karen to lock up. They hurry to their cars and drive home as fast as the law would allow them to. They get to the manor and Piper runs in to find everything fine, accept Jenny was frozen in mid air.

Piper: Hope what did I tell you about freezing the babysitter?

Hope just smiles up at her mom and Prue moves the still frozen Jenny over the couch. Then Piper unfreezes Jenny and tells her she fell asleep. Jenny looked confused so Prue slipped her some cash and sent her on her way. Piper fell onto the couch and stared up at her two sister's questioning looks.

Piper: What?

Prue: You know what.

Phoebe: Why did you leave Jenny alone all day with those three little terrors?

Piper: I wasn't thinking and I needed a break, Leo wasn't here to relieve me so I called Jenny and didn't realize what I did.

Leo: Piper I understand and all you had to do was want me to be here with you.

Piper: I did but you didn't come.

Leo: You must not have wanted me here that bad because I never herd your plea for help.

Prue: Ok before we bite each other's heads off we need to talk.

Phoebe: All of us.

Jack: Why do I sense this isn't a good thing?

Prue: Oh, I don't know maybe because it isn't.

Peter: Pheebs does this have anything to do with…

Phoebe: Yeah it does.

Peter: Well what's wrong with that?

Phoebe: If you will listen we will tell you. Piper?

Piper: Oh right, well you know how when I was pregnant we had to watch our backs because demons and warlocks love to attack then?

All the guys: Yeah.

Prue: Well it's happening again.

Phoebe: Times three.

Leo: What are you talking about?

Phoebe: I'm pregnant, Piper's Pregnant and, Prue's pregnant.

Leo: What how?

Piper: Well what do you think? (She starts to cry)

Leo: (Goes to comfort her) I'm sorry I didn't realize how you felt.

Peter: What does all this mean?

Jack: It means were in a heap of trouble.

Prue: No kidding there.

Phoebe: Are you two ready for this?

Jack and Peter: If it means a family we're more than ready.

Jack: Does it have to come with all those weird cravings?

Peter: And out of control emotions?

Prue and Phoebe: Yes!!!

Peter and Jack look at each other with fear in their eyes. Piper stops crying and Leo takes her and his three girls up to bed. Prue and Phoebe go into the kitchen to see what they can find in the refrigerator because they are very hungry. Jack and Peter follow with the "It's starting" look on their face.

Prue starts digging through the fridge and Phoebe is going through the cabinets while their two husbands get out some plates and glasses. Prue realizes they have nothing to eat in the house and turns to tell Jack but before she can Leo yells from upstairs. The four of them run up to see what is the matter. They run into Piper and Leo's bedroom and start asking questions out of breath.

Phoebe: What's wrong?

Leo: Piper saw something she didn't know what it was so I called for your help.

Prue: Well where is it?

Piper: (Crying) I don't know.

Phoebe: It's ok Piper were here. (She goes to comfort her older sister)

Jack: Well what ever it was is gone now.

Peter: I agree. Hey Jack and I are going to the market is there anything you need?

Piper: (Still crying) Baby food for the girls.

Leo: Bread and milk and some mixed fruit.

Jack: Ok we'll be back in a while. (Peter and Jack leave)

Phoebe: So what really was it?

Piper: (Sniffling) I don't know. I wish I did.

Prue: Where are the girls?

Leo: They're in Grams' old room.

Phoebe: I'm going to check on them.

Phoebe leaves to check on the triplets, and Prue goes to her room, to get a book then she heads downstairs. In the living room she sits on the couch and begins to read. Phoebe looks in Brighten's crib and sees she is all right, she proceeds to Hope's and she is also ok. Phoebe heads in the direction of Laura's when she hears her sister crying. Phoebe heads downstairs and in the living room she sees Prue reading a book and crying. She figured it was because of the book and heads back upstairs to check on Laura. She looked into the crib and found no baby Laura.

She frantically searched the room then heard the door close; she turned to the door and opened it. She saw the little troublemaker walking to her parent's room. Phoebe relieved that Laura is ok sighs with relief then goes and tries to catch her but Laura gets to the open door and walks in before Phoebe could grab her. Laura falls as she pushes the door open and starts to whimper when she sees her mom.

Laura: Mama, Mama, Owwie.

Phoebe: I found you.

Laura: Oho, I Sorry.

Phoebe: Look who I found walking around the house?

Leo: How'd Hope get out of the crib?

Piper: Leo that's Laura. (To Laura) Hey sweetie you're walking?

Laura: (Smiling) Yep.

Leo: That's no excuse young lady…

Piper: Leo stop scolding her she just learned how to walk. (To Laura) Sweetie good job but you want to know what…

Laura: What?

Piper: You scared me and your Aunt Phoebe.

Leo: Hey me to.

Piper: Leo you can't even get our daughter's names right let alone how all this is making us feel.

Phoebe: Yeah Leo, this is no fun for us. I mean you try carrying a baby and throwing up and getting the cravings not to mention those scaring doctor visits.

Jack and Peter are at the market searching for the baby food, bread, milk and mixed fruit plus some extras that they knew they might need like ice cream, chips, dip and pickles. They were in the baby isle when Dr. Johnson saw them and went over to talk to them.

Jack: Hey Peter do you see the mashed bananas anywhere? Piper says that Brighten really likes them.

Peter: Nope but look who's coming?

Both: Hey Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: Call me Ben. So the girls having any weird cravings yet?

Jack: What do you think? (He points to the cart which is full of an assortment of different foods) Can you help us find the mashed bananas?

Ben: Sure here you go. (Grabs a can off the shelf and hands it to them) Don't do the shopping do you?

Peter: No, Piper, Prue and Phoebe usually take care of the food.

Jack: Well we better get back before they kill Leo.

Ben: Leo's home?

Peter: Yeah, just got back today. And he's all alone with three pregnant women.

Jack: Yeah see ya later.

They take the cart and run to the check out counter and check out. Then they take the food out to the car and load up. When they get back to the manor about an hour later and walk in the door, they go straight to the kitchen and put the food away. They decide to find the girls and they start to search the house for them. They walk through the first floor and can't find them anywhere, so they start to go up the stairs. They went to there own rooms and saw Prue and Phoebe both sound asleep. Jack goes to check on Piper and Leo and the triplets so he opens Piper's door and sees them wrapped in each others arms sleeping. The triplets were also sleeping so he slipped back to his room and laid next to Prue and fell asleep. The next few weeks went by with the same weird cravings and other things. It was two months later and Phoebe had just woken up.

Phoebe: Wow that was strange.

Peter: What was strange?

Phoebe: A premonition I had last night.

Peter: Do you want to tell me what happened?

Phoebe: Well it was about mom.

Peter: She's in New York with dad.

Phoebe: No she isn't. She's here in San Francisco, without dad.

Peter: Are you sure?

Phoebe: Well I really don't think that was a dream.

Peter: Were in Frisco was she?

Phoebe: I don't know. It ended before I got that far.

Peter: Let's tell the others?

They quickly get out of bed and change it was Saturday so no one had to work. Phoebe put on the same thing she had on the day before because she was still planing on taking a shower after they tell the others. They looked at the clock; it was near ten so they went downstairs to the kitchen. Everyone was there but Prue, who came staggering in from the other room a few minutes later.

Peter: We need to tell you something.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: It's about mom, I saw her in a vision.

Prue: Mom? Is she in trouble?

Phoebe: No, she lied to us.

Piper: What do you mean lied to us? She would never do that.

Phoebe: She's here in San Francisco she never went to New York to see dad.

Leo: We have to find her.

The doorbell rings and Piper grabs a rag and Brighten and walks to the door, while wiping Brighten's hands and face from the mashed bananas that she had just ate. She opens the door and to her surprise she sees her mother standing in front of her.

Brighten: Gammie, Gammie.

Patty: Hey kiddo, look at you talking already.

Piper: Mom what are you doing back so soon I thought you were in New York?

Patty: My flight got cancelled so I thought I would still give you three a break and just stay in a hotel for a few weeks.

Piper: A few weeks you've been gone for a few months.

Patty: So what happened while I was gone? No demons or warlocks I hope.

Piper: Oh you know the usual, eat, sleep, get knocked up.

Patty: What?

Prue and Phoebe and the rest of the crew walk in. Phoebe sees the look on her mother's face and starts laughing. Prue just stares blankly at her mom. Leo puts his two daughters down and they wobble over to their grams and give her a big hug.

Laura: Hopi and me missy you.

Hope: Gammie o gone wong time.

Patty: I know I'm sorry, forgive me?

Both: All wight.

Phoebe: Nice look mom. What'd Piper tell you that made that look appear?

Patty: Oh you know the usual eat, sleep, get knocked up. That's what.

Prue: Piper you didn't.

Piper: Was I not suppose to? She has to find out sooner or later. (The guys are giggling)

Laura: Daddy why o gigging?

Leo: (giggling) Because sweetie daddy thinks it's funny watching mommy get mad.

Piper: I'm not mad.

Brighten: Daddy o pomised to take us to zoo day member?

Leo: Right lets get you three ready. I'll take her honey.

Piper: Ok hey why don't all of you guys go so we can talk to mom alone?

Jack: Leo right behind you.

Peter: Hey, wait for me, don't leave me here.

The guys get the girls and run out the door to the mini van. They get the girls all strapped up in their car seats and get in themselves with Jack sitting with the girls. They head off to the zoo. Back at the house things were getting ugly.

Patty: Which one of you is knocked up, and who did it? (The three sisters look at each other) Come on tell mommy.

Prue: (smiling) Well I am.

Patty: You? I thought it was Phoebe.

Phoebe: Well you weren't wrong exactly.

Patty: What do you mean?

Phoebe: I'm pregnant.

Patty: Nice try Prue trying to cover for Phoebe was really nice but it was a lie.

Prue: Mom that's where your wrong I'm not lying.

Piper: Prue you're getting worked up.

Prue: I don't care (She starts to cry uncontrollably) it's the truth and she knows it.

Phoebe: Mom Prue is pregnant too.

Patty: Two at the same time?

Piper: Three (looking at the floor) actually.

Patty: Three!!! (Screaming) How did this happen?

Prue: (crying) We didn't plan it.

Patty: Well I know that.

Phoebe: How about we got drunk. (looking hopeful)

Patty: I don't think so. When they due?

Prue: (crying) December seventeenth.

Patty: I can't believe you three were so irresponsible.

Piper: Get out. (holding back tears) If you can't accept this then get out.

Patty: Fine if that's the way you feel, if you don't want my help protecting you then fine.

Patty leaves and gets into her car and drives away. Piper couldn't hold back the tears any longer and started to cry uncontrollably. Phoebe who was about to cry from the scene goes and gives both of her crying sisters a hug. A few hours later they are watching a movie on the couch when the guys return with the girls. Piper and Prue were sleeping on either side of Phoebe with their heads on her lap. The guys walk, in each with a kid in their arms, to the living room. They see the two sleeping and whisper to Phoebe.

Leo: Where's mom?

Phoebe: Piper told her to leave because she was yelling at us because we are all pregnant at the same time.

Peter: Why would she yell she loves her grandkids wouldn't she want more?

Jack: Pete they are venerable when they are pregnant, sick or hurt.

Peter: Oh I see, well we are going to put these three to bed then we'll help you up.

Phoebe: Thanks I don't have the heart to wake them up and I really have to pee.

Jack Leo and Peter head upstairs to put the three sleeping angels to bed. They walk into the nursery and set each one very carefully into their cribs. Leo then goes over to the dresser where there is a little boom box, he turns on a CD quietly and they leave as they came. They walked back down stairs to the living room where Phoebe has been for the past two to three hours.

Leo: I told you we would be back. Now what should we do without waking them up?

Phoebe: Anything just hurry.

Jack: Leo how about you and I pick up Prue and Piper so Phoebe can get out and then we can carry them up to our rooms.

Peter: That might work just don't wake them up or they might throw a fit.

Phoebe: Aren't they too heavy?

Leo: No we can do it, at least I can I've done it before.

Jack: Ok on the count of three.

Leo: One…

Jack: Two…

Leo: Three. (They lift them up) Ok Phoebe slide out.

Phoebe: Good work boys. (She leaves to go to the bathroom)

Peter: Are you two ok?

Jack: Never better. Let's get them to bed.

Jack and Leo head up the stairs taking them one at a time sideways to make sure not to hurt or wake Piper or Prue. At the top they stop to take a few breaths and then they continue to their rooms. Leo goes into his and lays Piper on the bed, carefully, as not to wake her, takes off her clothes and puts on her Pajamas. Jack does the same thing in his room. Peter is downstairs waiting for Phoebe to come out of the bathroom. Phoebe comes out and they head up to bed.

Several times during the night Phoebe woke up running to the bathroom. Piper slept through the whole night without waking up with a weird feeling. Prue on the other hand woke up not because of morning sickness, but a nightmare she hoped. Her eyes shot open and she sat up a little to catch her breath. Jack awoke with the movement of his wife.

Jack: What is it? What's wrong?

Prue: Just a nightmare nothing to worry about.

Jack: With witches we worry about everything. Tell me what it was about.

Prue: Your not going to like it.

Jack: I don't care it could be something important.

Prue: We lost our baby girl.

Jack: Patria.

Prue: Yeah this better not happen.

Jack: I know babe I know.

The next morning everybody met down in the kitchen around seven in the morning. The triplets were in the living room watching the cartoon network, laughing and singing along with the cartoons. Prue walked in with Jack with a sad look on her face, she didn't want to eat or do anything. Piper and Phoebe were extremely worried but Prue had done this many times before but never putting another life in danger.

Weeks went by and Prue was getting more and more distant from everyone even Jack. She would go into work and lock herself in her office. When she was home she would lock herself in her room and Jack wasn't even able to get in. Around July about four months in she had totally blocked out everyone and was really harming little Patria. On the eve of the fourth Piper and the rest of the gang confronted Prue and told her how they felt.

Piper: Prue stop for just a minute and sit down to talk to us. We haven't talked in a month.

Prue: Fine make it quick.

Jack: Honey I don't know why you are doing this but you are really hurting the baby.

Prue: What's to hurt she's gonna die before I get the chance to hold her.

Phoebe: What are you talking about?

Jack: That was only a dream you said it was nothing.

Prue: Well maybe it was something. (The girls walk and crawl in)

Leo: Hey guys you want something to eat?

Hope: Yeah.

Peter: I'll get it you try to help them.

Piper: Ok Prue, Jack, Unlike you we have no idea what dream you are talking about.

Phoebe walks up to Prue and pulls her in for a hug, just as she does a vision fills her mind. In the vision she sees Prue in the clinic having the baby. The doctors give each other one last look and finish the job. Out came a perfectly healthy baby girl. The vision ended and when she looked into Prue's eyes Phoebe just smiled. Prue couldn't take it anymore and broke free and ran to her room. When she got there she broke down into sobs on the bed. Downstairs everyone was curious on why Phoebe had smiled at Prue.

Phoebe: What?

Leo: What did you see?

Piper: It must be something good she smiled.

Phoebe: I saw Prue in the clinic.

Jack: I've had enough.

Phoebe: No wait, Everything was fine, you are going to have a beautiful baby girl.

Peter: I love it when you get those visions. (He kisses Phoebe)

Leo: Someone needs to tell Prue.

Jack: I would but I have been sleeping in the nursery with the triplets.

Piper: I'll do it.

Leo: That's my girl.

Piper walked out of the room with little Hope in her hands. She knew Prue would talk to her if she had Hope and she wouldn't kill her either. Piper took Hope in her arms and walked up the stairs and down the hall to Prue's room. She knocked on the door and reluctantly it opened. She slowly went and sat on the bed beside her sister; Hope crawled out of Piper's arms and into Prue's. Hope always knew when Prue wasn't happy and she always knew the right way to cheer her up.

Piper: Prue I want to tell you what Phoebe saw.

Prue: Don't bother I know what is going to happen.

Hope: No o don't. Mommy do.

Piper: Hope's right you are completely wrong you are going to have a beautiful daughter.

Prue: Really?

Piper: As long as you take care of yourself and talk to people.

Prue: Ok, hey is it time to go see the fireworks yet?

Piper: P-Prue?

Hope: Fire-orks, fire-orks.

Prue: Sorry Piper.

Piper: Let's go. Hope you did it again.

Hope: What me do?

Piper: You cheered up Auntie Prue.

Hope: I did it.

Prue: Yes you did let's go.

They walk arm in arm down the stairs and back into the kitchen. Everyone else was to busy talking about what was going on the next week that they didn't notice the three beaming people that walked in the room.

Prue: This calls for ice cream my treat.

Hope: Yeah.

Jack: Prue?

Prue: Jack (She jumps into his arms) I love you so much.

Jack: I love you too.

Prue: (Looking up at Phoebe) Thanks Pheebs I love you.

Phoebe: Glad to see you happy. Now where is that ice cream?

Peter: Prue you said the magic words she's got a craving for ice cream.

Leo: I don't blame her it's hot out there.

They head out the door to their cars and Piper puts the girls in their car seats. They all start up the cars and follow Prue and Jack to the Ice Cream Shop. They have their ice cream and watch the fabulous firework show then head back to the manor for and even better nights sleep. With Jack in the same room Prue would finally be able to gets some sleep.

The fifth month rolled along and everything was going just as planed the doctor visits were getting more frequent as the date drew nearer and the three women were really beginning to show. On this particular day the charmed ones were out shopping when they run into their mother. The guys were at home working on making the attic into a nursery for the new arrivals that would soon be here.

Prue: Hey Piper what do you think of this outfit for little Patria. (Holding up a little pink dress)

Piper: It's lovely better pick out some booties with it to.

Phoebe: Piper why don't you want to know what yours is?

Piper: I do want to know but I don't trust the doctors to be right I mean they told Prue she was having a boy and in your premonition it was a girl. Have you gotten any premonitions about my little one?

Phoebe: Nope but it looks like a boy the way you're carrying.

Piper: What does that mean?

Prue: When you carry high like Phoebe and me it's a girl and when you carry low like you it's a boy.

Piper: Really?

Phoebe: Yeah. (Patty walks up to them)

Patty: Hey of all the places to run into you three.

Piper: (ignoring her mom) Well then what about this? (She holds up a little over-all outfit)

Prue: Perfect. Oh hey Patty.

Patty: It's still mom to you three.

Phoebe: No that stopped when you walked.

Patty: I didn't have much of a choice.

Piper: Have you gone to see dad yet?

Patty: Yes I did last week.

Prue: No you didn't.

Patty: What do you mean of course I did?

Prue: I got an email from him this morning he is still waiting.

Piper: Who's lying now?

Phoebe: Patty we are fine without you go to dad. (Patty leaves)

Prue: So where were we?

Piper: About here Phoebe what about this for your little girl? (She holds up a cute little jumper)

Phoebe: Piper you have excellent taste.

They continue shopping until they have everything they needed. At the house the guys were preparing the nursery with a little help from Dan and Jenny. While Jenny watched the girls Dan and the other guys worked in the attic. Leo made sure that all the witch stuff was locked up tight in Phoebe's room.

Dan: So what's this room getting turned into?

Peter: A nursery.

Dan: I thought you already had one of those?

Jack: We need another one.

Dan: Why?

Leo: Because there are Sheridan's, Michaels' and Wyatt's on the way.

Dan: What do you mean?

Peter: More babies.

Dan: Oh ok well let's get this done or we are going to have some very angry ladies.

The guys continue to work on the room in silence. The charmed ones are still shopping and having a grand time. Jenny on the other hand is having a hard time trying to keep tabs of all three little girls because they are just running all over the place.

Hope: Me wanna pay hide seeky.

Brighten: No Pat a cake.

Laura: Tag.

Jenny: How about we play naptime?

Hope: No me pay hide seeky.

Laura: Movie.

Jenny: That works to… good thinking Laura.

Brighten: No.

Hope: No.

Jenny: Please take a nap or watch a movie then we can play some more.

Brighten/Hope: A wight… movie.

Laura: Which movie?

Jenny: Oh it will never stop.

The triplets finally agree on what movie to watch about four hours later. Half way through Jenny and the girls are fast asleep. Up in the attic things are going great all they have to do is paint but they have no idea what color to paint it because the Wyatt baby has yet to be figured out… boy… or girl. The guys hear the front door open and so they walk down the stairs to investigate. In the kitchen three tired out witches are talking.

Piper: I'm beat.

Prue: I'm hungry.

Phoebe: I could sleep 'til next June. (They all laugh)

Prue: You have to admit that was fun.

Piper: Totally and I think you two are right.

Phoebe: About what?

Piper: The baby. Should we sneak out before the guys come down and find out from the doctor?

Prue: Let's go.

The three sisters leave just as the guys walk into the kitchen and see the big mountain of shopping bags from so many different places they couldn't believe their eyes. Then a truck from Baby Universe pulls up and walks to the door.

Leo: Wow look at all this stuff.

Peter: Must have came for a down load...

Jack: And back for more. (The doorbell rings)

Dan: I got it. (He walks to the door)

Delivery Boy: Delivery for Halliwell.

Dan: Yep that's here.

Delivery Boy: Sign here please. (Leo walks in)

Leo: Here I got it. How much is here?

Delivery Boy: The whole truck. (Peter and Jack walk in)

Dan: Wow hey Leo, do you want me to help carry this stuff up?

Leo: That would be great wouldn't it guys?

Jack/Peter: Yeah it'd be great.

Leo: Thanks.

The guys take the merchandise up to the nursery and put in the center so they could still paint around it. At the clinic the girls are waiting for the doctor to be available. The nurse calls Piper's name and all three get up and head in to a hall following the nurse. They walk to the end of the hall and into a room where the doctor is waiting for them. Piper sits on the table and Prue and Phoebe grab a couple of chairs.

Dr. Johnson: I see you want to find out what you are going to have Piper?

Piper: Yep and would you mind checking Prue again she doesn't think it's a boy.

Dr. Johnson: Sure Let's take a look.

Piper: Ok I'm ready. (She looks up at the monitor)

Dr. Johnson: It's a big strong healthy boy.

Phoebe: Told you.

Piper: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Johnson: Prue your turn. You ready?

Prue: Yep. (She looks at the monitor)

Dr. Johnson: Wow looks like I made a mistake earlier, your going to have a girl.

Phoebe: That's ok we knew it was a girl.

Piper: Phoebe?

Phoebe: What we did by the way she was carrying.

Piper: Oh yeah right.

Prue: Well thanks for your help Ben we had better get back before our husbands start to worry about us. Let's go girls.

Phoebe: Can I drive this time?

Prue/Piper: Nope!

They get to the car and start driving back to the manor before they get their Phoebe disappears from the back seat where she was sitting. She appears next to Peter in the attic and just looks in awe at the beautiful room.

Phoebe: I think we need a wall in the middle. The boy should have his own room.

Peter: Hello Phoebe.

Jack: Phoebe how'd you get here so fast?

Phoebe: I don't know one minute I am in the car with Prue and Piper and the next I'm here. I think little Paige got her power.

Leo: What boy, are you talking about you and Prue are having girls and Piper doesn't know what she is having.

Phoebe: Hey we have feelings, and Piper has a gut feeling it's a boy so we need a wall in the middle to split the room.

Dan: You heard the woman let's get moving.

Phoebe: I'm going to go and lay down I'm beat.

Phoebe heads down to her room and lays down on the bed. The guys just finish putting the wall up when Piper and Prue walk in to see how everything is coming. Piper also wanted to tell Leo the happy news. He was finally going to get his little boy; little Dominic Jason Wyatt was on his way.

Piper: Leo I have to tell you something.

Leo: Ok let's go to the bedroom and talk.

Piper: (In the bedroom) For one I love the nursery and for another I think we should have the baby in here for the first few months. Oh you know that little Dominic you always wanted well here he comes.

Leo: Really Dominic is in there? (He rubs Piper's belly)

Piper: Yep and he is going to be a handful.

Leo: Oh like those three aren't all ready.

Prue: Knock, knock, can we come in.

Piper: Sure.

Phoebe: Did you tell him.

Piper: Yep I told him Dominic is coming.

Prue: Dominic you naming him Dominic?

Leo: Yeah after my father Dominic Jay Wyatt.

Piper: Only our little ones middle name is Jason.

Dan and the other two guys walk to Piper and Leo's bedroom door. Dan is stunned to see all three of the sister's five months pregnant but regains himself quickly. Peter and Jack go in and sit next to their beautiful wife's.

Dan: Where's Jenny I got to get her back to the airport her plane leaves in a few hours?

Piper: I think she is downstairs watching a movie with the triplets.

Dan: Thanks.

They all walk down the stairs to the living room and see all four of them sleeping like babies. Piper sighs at the sight of them lying there so quietly and peaceful. Leo and Peter slowly and carefully pick up Hope and Brighten. Laura and Jenny would have to be woken up because they were rapped up in a blanket together. Leo and Peter took the other two up to bed and Piper gently shook Jenny. Jenny woke up and Laura stirred a bit but didn't wake.

Jenny: What happened? Where are the girls?

Piper: Relax Leo and Pete took them to bed now can I have my daughter.

Jenny: Sure here you go. (She handed Laura over to Piper)

Prue: Your check is on the counter.

Jenny: Thanks. Uncle Dan we gotta go.

Dan and Jenny left and a few hours later were at the airport saying their good-byes and then Jenny left to be with her parents in Saudi Arabia. The guys finished painting one side of the attic a light blue and the other a light pink then they made name plates for the doors and cribs. The pink room's door had two plates saying Patria Lynn Sheridan and Paige Caris Michaels. On the blue room's door there was one plate that read Dominic Jason Wyatt.

It was getting closer to the due date only about two more months to go and the girls were told not to drive anymore because they were getting to big to sit in the drivers seat comfortably. They were all healthy, as were the little babies inside of them. Sense they found out what they were having two months ago the guys have been talking and reading to the unborn babies at night. They each set aside an hour each night and read to them.

The triplets were just as interested in mommy's big tummy. They would lie on their parent's bed with their head on Piper's belly for hours listening and feeling the baby move. They were beginning to get very exited because they wanted a baby brother to play with and they began to say the baby's name repeatedly until Piper was sick of it. Leo just laughed because he loved knowing that little Dominic was all ready loved and accepted by his older sister's.

On this particular day Prue and Jack decided to go to work to see what they could do about the photo album they were making for a newly wed couple. Phoebe and Peter decided that they wanted Paige to have more things to play with so they went shopping. Leo wanted Piper to rest for the day so he took care of the girls. The girls didn't want to be away from mommy because they wanted to hear Dominic move around inside her.

Laura: Daddy me wanna stay whiff mommy.

Leo: Laura if I let you stay I have to let your sisters stay.

Brighten: Daddy me and Hopi wanna pay outside whiff o.

Leo: Ok do you mind if Laura stays with mommy?

Brighten/Hope: No let's go.

Leo: Ok Laura go in mommy's room.

Laura quietly pushed the door open and walked in the room and crawled up on the bed next to Piper. Leo got the other two ready to go outside by putting on their coats and shoes and their special colored hats.

Laura: Hi Mommy how o feel?

Piper: Oh Laura hi mommy feels great do you want to listen to Dominic?

Laura: Yes and can o read me story.

Piper: Sure. Which one do you want to hear?

Laura: Finger Paints and Crayons.

Piper: Ok lay down and listen. (Laura lied her head on Piper's belly) With chalk in hand she wrote her name across a board once bare. And then she sat behind her desk without a single care. And for fifteen minutes, she didn't make a sound…

Piper continued reading the story while Laura lie on her belly and listened. Outside Leo and his two girls were playing "Airplane" and Hope was flying in the air with Leo's help of course. Brighten was in the swing being pushed forwards and backwards. In the bedroom Piper was still reading.

Piper: The painting once so beautiful… now a total loss. It didn't make a bit of sense, they didn't understand. As they sat and watched their teacher, wipe the paints from off her hands. And then she took the crayons, and went up and down the rows. And handed to each student, the colors that she chose…

Prue was hard at work and Jack was watching her with a smile on his face. Jack had never taken the time to look at his wife this way. He thought to himself about that special glow that she had. Sure she could be a little moody but that didn't matter she had a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face. She started singing the song that had been played at their wedding.

Prue: (Singing) When you start falling - Who's gonna catch ya - I'm willing to betcha - It will be me.

Jack: (Singing) Whose gonna love ya - Like there's no other - Search and discover - It will be me.

They continued switching off for each new verse and both singing the chorus until "It Will Be Me" sung by Faith Hill was over. That was the first song that the two ever danced to together and they loved it. Back at the manor Piper was still reading while Laura listened.

Piper: Sadness filled her face, as a tear trailed upon her cheek. And in slow and heartfelt words, she began to speak, "To show you each that colors can be beautiful, but they also can destroy. Everything we love and work for, everything we each enjoy. And the destruction of something that I loved was to make a point to you. That racism destroys the beauty in us all, and that fighting over colors, is a destructive thing to do." The End.

Laura: I wuv dat story. Dominic wuv it to.

Piper: I bet he does we read every night.

Laura: (By the window) Look mommy daddy paying airplane.

Piper: (By the window) Yeah he is. Do you think he's tired?

Laura: Yeah, let's go see them.

Piper: Ok let's go get you ready then will go.

They walk downstairs and get their coats, shoes and color coated hats. They head outside and surprise Leo and the girls. Just then Phoebe and Peter pull up and Peter goes to help Phoebe out. Peter goes to the trunk and starts pulling bags out. Prue and Jack also pull up and walk up to the others.

Prue: Hey Phoebe had to buy more stuff.

Piper: Oh yeah.

Jack: Piper you don't look so good, are you ok?

Piper: I'm fine.

Prue: Yeah the same thing happened with the triplets.

Jack: Well she looks paler than usual.

Piper: I just went to the doctor this morning, he said I was as healthy as a horse and so was the baby.

Phoebe: A little help here please.

Leo: Come on girls let's help Aunt Phoebe.

Hope/Brighten/Laura: Yeah.

They go and grab the bags and carry them inside the manor and up to the new nursery. They get it all set up and the girls go downstairs to cook dinner because the guys need a break. The guys go to the living room, after putting the girls down for a nap, to watch football.

They go and get the girls when dinner was done and went into the kitchen and sat at the table. They ate in silence and then the guys volunteered to clean up so their tired wife's could go and get some sleep. While they were cleaning up they started talking about how Piper did look paler than she usually did.

Jack: Leo aren't you worried about Piper?

Leo: Why should I be she's fine.

Peter: She doesn't look good.

Leo: I know that but I trust the doctor and he says everything is fine.

Jack: Fine I'm not going to argue over it but you should get a second opinion.

Peter: Yeah, never assume everything is all right without a second opinion.

Leo: I'm going to bed. I'll think about it. Night.

Leo walks up the stairs to his room and lays next to Piper who has already fallen asleep. He gently kissed her forehead and stroked her long brown hair. Jack and Peter finished the dishes and went up to bed. Leo tried not to think about how his wife looked but he couldn't help to think something was wrong with little Dominic. He orbed out to check with his bosses. Leo appears in this white room, with a long table and twelve people in white robs sitting around it. The one at the head of the table spoke first.

Elder1: Leo why have you come?

Leo: I was wondering if anything is wrong with my unborn son Dominic.

Elder1: No nothing is wrong with him.

Leo: Good (He signs with relief) thank you.

Elder2: Wait, could you bring Piper to us?

Leo: Why? There is something wrong isn't there?

Elder3: Yes but if you bring her here we can fix it.

Leo: What's wrong with her?

Elder2: The baby's twin brother is dead and is slowly killing Dominic.

Leo: Are you going to bring the other baby back?

Elder3: No because then neither of them would make it, we have to take the other baby out so Dominic has more space and is not suffering from his brother.

Leo: I'll be back with her but don't wake her. Will it wake her?

Elder1: It shouldn't.

Leo: Good I don't want her to know about the other baby.

Leo orbs back into his bedroom at the manor and touches his wife's forehead and kisses her gently. He holds her hand and orbs out back to the white room. The Elders leader takes his hands and places them on Piper's belly and says something in Latin. The dead baby boy is taken out and put in a special place so that all the white lighters could see the twin of the white lighter and charmed one. Leo holds Piper's hand and orbs them back to the bedroom. He can now sleep without worrying anymore.

The next morning Piper woke up feeling great she went and took a shower and then went downstairs to get some breakfast. Phoebe, Prue, Jack and Peter are down stairs and Leo was still sleeping. Piper walked in all jumpy and happy.

Piper: Hi guys.

Jack: Piper you got your color back.

Piper: Yeah I told you I was healthy as a horse and the baby is fine. He started moving around while I was in the shower.

Peter: Glad to hear it.

Prue: What some food?

Phoebe: And no coffee.

Piper: Yeah I want food but I don't need coffee I am wide-awake.

Jack: (Whispering to Peter) Something's up. (Peter nodded)

Piper: Hey Phoebe, Prue you guys wanna go shopping with me and the girls? They need some new outfits.

Phoebe: Sure. (Taking a bite of her waffle)

Prue: Count me in. (The phone rings)

Piper: I got it… Hello… yeah-sure come on over… ok see you then… yep you to bye. That was dad, he want's to see us. He's in town just got here. He'll be by around five.

Phoebe: Great.

Prue: I can't wait.

Just as the girls are finishing their breakfast Leo staggers down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jack and Peter give him a strange look and continue cleaning up the kitchen. After Leo has eaten and the girls are getting set to leave for the mall Jack and Peter start to ask Leo questions.

Jack: Hey Leo this has been bugging me, but what did you do last night?

Leo: Why do you want to know?

Peter: Because Piper was literally bouncing all over the place this morning and we were just wondering what you did to her last night to make her HYPER PIPER.

Leo: I really don't want to talk about it.

Piper: What happened?

Leo: Nothing that you need to be concerned about.

Prue: Leo I find this kind of strange to. Why would Piper be pale one day and perfectly fine the next with the triplets she was pale the whole time.

Leo: Like I said you don't have to worry about it.

Phoebe: Leo yes we do. If it has something to do with the baby tell us.

Leo: (His voice gets higher) No I don't want to talk about it.

Piper: (Trying to stay calm) Leo tell me NOW!

Leo: You're not going to like it that's why I don't want you to know.

Prue: Does it have to do with the elders?

Phoebe: Leo, are you going to answer Prue? (Leo doesn't say anything)

Piper: What did they do? I want to know NOW!

Leo: They helped you with the paleness ok that's all.

Jack: Then why did you say that we wouldn't like it?

Peter: Yeah it seems to me that you are still not telling us something.

Leo: Ok it was hard enough for me to go through with it now you want me to explain what I had the elders do. (He is on the verge of tears)

Piper: Yes or do I have to ask them myself?

Leo: No I tell you. They saved Dominic's life.

Phoebe: What wouldn't we like about that?

Leo: Let me finish (Holding back tears) there was another baby boy in there that had died early on and I asked if they were going to bring him back.

Prue: That's great so you guys have to think of another boy name.

Leo: No.

Jack: Why not if there is another baby he needs a name.

Leo: They wouldn't bring him back. (Piper starts crying)

Piper: Nooo, nooo. (She crumples into Leo's chest)

Leo: Piper, if they would of Dominic wouldn't make it and neither would the other baby. They took the other baby boy out and he is up there (Pointing upwards) with the elders, to remind all the white lighters of the special baby born of a charmed one and white lighter.

Peter: No wonder you didn't want to tell them.

Prue: But you kept it from us.

Phoebe: What did you think we would never figure it out?

Leo: I… I didn't…

Phoebe: I can't believe you of all people would do this and to your own wife…

Leo: I didn't mean…

Phoebe: How dare you. What will Dominic think about you?

Leo: I… I don't know…

Phoebe: You hurt Piper's feelings Leo you can never fix that. (There's a knock at the door) You hurt your son even if he was dead. (Prue answers the door) You could have brought him back.

Piper: (Crying and yelling) Phoebe stop. Stop it now. You heard what he said… we can't change destiny that's what grams said… this was meant to happen… God knows how much I would have liked it the other way but it happened this way for a reason.

Victor: Am I interrupting something?

Prue: No dad, Piper just lost one of her boys.

Victor: Sorry baby (Piper closes her eyes like it hurt to hear the word baby) I mean sweetie. I thought maybe I would show up early and we could talk.

Prue: That was a nice thought dad but Piper really needs us right now could you come back at five thirty for dinner please.

Victor: Sure. I hope you feel better sweetie.

Piper: Thanks dad.

Victor leaves and goes back to his hotel and the others try to comfort Piper in whatever way they can. Leo can't bare to look at her because of all the hurt he sees in her eyes; maybe he should have woken her up last night. Let her make the decision about what to do. He felt guilty for killing his son but what else was he suppose to do. Jack brought the girls to their grams so he could help Piper and Leo without letting the girls see all the pain without understanding it.

It was around five thirty and Victor came up to the door and rang the bell. Piper answered it in a very nice dress that she had bought the week before. The triplets were back and they each had on a matching sparkly black dress. They all went into the dinning room and sat down for what they hoped was going to be a great dinner. Little did they know that an argument was about to break out!

Victor: What started that fight that you guys had earlier?

Piper: Oh Leo did something to me last night and…

Victor: What you did something to my baby? Where's my shotgun?

Piper: Daddy no.

Prue: Dad it's nothing like that.

Victor: I don't care where's my shotgun? (He goes and gets a gun)

Phoebe: Daddy no don't it's nothing bad.

Victor: (Pointing the gun at the guys) You hurt my darling daughters and you pay the price, good-bye. (The guys run behind the girls)

Piper: Daddy (She freezes them and takes the gun and gets rid of it)

Victor: (Time unfreezes) Where's my gun?

Piper: I took it.

Victor: (Goes into the kitchen) Then I'll just use this. (He grabs a knife)

Leo holds on to both Jack and Peter's hands and orbs them out. Prue takes the triplets upstairs and Phoebe and Piper try to calm their father down. After a while the guys come down the stairs each with one of the triplets in their arms.

Leo: You wouldn't hurt your granddaughters would you?

Victor: No I'm sorry about what I tried to do, the girls told me everything.

Peter: Good I wouldn't want to stay on your bad side. (They all laugh)

Phoebe: Speaking of which dad you have got to talk to mom she is at the San Francisco hotel right off of fourth.

Victor: Oh thanks I will do that right now.

Prue: Bye dad.

Piper: See ya daddy.

Phoebe: I love you come back soon daddy.

Victor: I will (He leaves)

Jack: Good ridden's.

Prue: Jack! (She smacks him)

They finish cleaning up then Piper and Phoebe give the triplets their baths and put them to bed. After a little bit of talking and a movie they also turn in. The rest of the month went by with no more things like that happening to them.

It was just after the seventh of the eighth month, November, and Phoebe had a doctor's appointment to go to. On this particular day it was raining and Phoebe decided that a cab would be the best means of transportation. She leaves the manor at about two fifteen and gets to the clinic about thirty minutes later. She calls home to tell them that she made it safely.

Piper: Hello Halliwell's.

Phoebe: Piper it's me.

Piper: Hey Pheebs.

Phoebe: I made it to the clinic.

Piper: That's great. Did you have your appointment yet?

Phoebe: Nope not yet.

Piper: You scared?

Phoebe: No not really I mean everything has been going great why should I be?

Piper: I don't know, I just have a gut feeling something bad is gonna happen.

Phoebe: Like what?

Piper: I don't know. I just wish this rain would stop.

Phoebe: I know you do honey and it will.

Piper: But when? It's been raining all night.

Phoebe: I know but at least you're at home and not at the scary clinic with a bunch of freaky doctor's.

Piper: Pheebs are you still scared from the movie we watched from in 1992?

Phoebe: No… ok maybe a little.

Piper: Look you don't need heart surgery. Don't worry you'll be home before you know it.

Phoebe: Promise.

Piper: Yeah I promise. I'll see ya when you get back.

Phoebe: Bye.

Phoebe hangs up the phone and goes in for her doctor's appointment. She goes to the waiting room until she is called. She follows a nurse down a long hallway and they turn left into another hall then they go down to the end. Phoebe is starting to get really scared and doesn't know what to do. Then right before they get to the last door the nurse turns to her and points to the right. Phoebe goes into the room and sits down. Dr. Johnson comes in a few minutes later and sees Phoebe, sitting in a chair in the corner behind a the desk, clenching her arms around the chair she was sitting in.

Dr. Johnson: Who you hiding from?

Phoebe: Dr. Giggles (She turns around and sees him and nearly jumps out of her skin) Oh my god you scared me. (Another doctor walks by the room)

Doctor1: You rang…

Phoebe: (Screams) HELP ME.

Dr. Johnson: Hey it's ok its just Dr. Rendell.

Dr. Rendell: Sorry if I scared you I was just heading down to surgery and you said Dr. Giggles so I just had to do that. (The two doctors are laughing)

Phoebe: It's ok I shouldn't of watch Dr. Giggles right before I went to sleep, especially if I new I had a doctor's appointment today. (She starts nodding her head very fast)

Dr. Rendell: It's my fault I'm so sorry.

Dr. Johnson: Evan was just on his way down to give someone a heart transplant.

Phoebe: Heart transplant. Evan Rendell. (To herself) I can't run they're blocking the door. And I can't call Piper because my phone is in the waiting room.

Dr. Rendell: Ben should we tell her?

Dr. Johnson: Nope.

Phoebe: What are you going to do with me?

Dr. Rendell: Oh we just have to run some tests…

Phoebe: Tests? What kind of tests?

Dr. Johnson: Oh you know the usual. (Ben and Evan give a crazy laugh)

Phoebe gets up enough courage to stand and then the two doctors move out away from the door giving her a clean break. She doesn't hesitate and charges for the door. Once she is out of the room she runs down the hall and turns left and runs down another hall and out into the waiting room. Man was she glad she memorized the way the nurse took her. She found her purse and phone and dialed home.

Leo: Halliwells

Phoebe: Leo help me there's a crazy doctor after me and… (Leo is laughing) wait why are you laughing? This isn't funny help me. (She tries the door) Damn stuck.

Leo: You really did get into that movie didn't you?

Phoebe: No there really is a crazy doctor after me.

Leo: What's his name?

Phoebe: Dr. Rendell. (Leo laughs even harder) ok never mind good bye.

Phoebe hangs up the phone and tries the doors again. They are still stuck because while Phoebe was in the room the cold winter weather froze the doors shut. She was stuck with no way of getting out of the clinic. She starts roaming the clinic trying to find a place to hide from the two crazy doctors. She walks past a room that catches her eye, it is colorful and there are children in it. Phoebe found out that she had found the Pediatric ward and these children were sick. Being the great person she is she thought hey maybe I can cheer up some of these kids.

A few days go by and neither one of the doctors had figured out that Phoebe was still in the clinic or that she was actually having a good time there. Meanwhile back at the manor her two sisters were completely worried about her. They couldn't get a hold of nor could they get out of the house because the doors were still frozen shut.

Phoebe continued to stay with the children making them laugh and playing with them in whatever way she could without hurting them. The only thing that was wrong was that it was making her miss her nieces and her sisters not to mention her husband. She didn't let that bug her though considering that one of the kids she was helping got to go home as soon as the doors unfroze.

On this particular day one of the kids she normally visited wasn't feeling very well at all and it was Phoebe's job to make her well. This girl's name was Molly and she had cancer. She was lying in her bed when Phoebe walked into her room and as soon as they saw each other Molly's face lit up.

Molly: Phoebe I thought you'd never come.

Phoebe: You didn't think I'd let my best bud be lonely did you?

Molly: No (She starts coughing)

Phoebe: Molly, are you ok?

Molly: Yeah they say I'm dying and the medications are not working.

Phoebe: Oh sweetie you're not dying I won't let you.

Molly: I only have a few days. Don't be sad Phoebe, I'm going to be with the angels.

Phoebe: You're taking this really well for a six-year-old.

Molly: Thanks but I am scared. About dying, I don't know what its like.

Phoebe: Well its like being born but only you feel much lighter and you can fly.

Molly: (Smiling) What do you think heaven's like?

Phoebe: Well I think you get ride horses all day through the clouds and instead of eating veggies you get cotton candy. I think that there is a huge playground that everyone plays on and you never have to take turns because there is enough time for everyone to have a turn. In heaven there is no night it's always daylight so time never runs out. There is a million toys because girl you can never have enough toys. That's what I think what about you? (Molly laughs)

Molly: You're funny Phoebe. Well I think that people like you are there to help new a rival's like me. They hang out with us until we are ready to go on our own and I think that kids get be the grown ups. They are never treated poorly but always like they are important. Hey Phoebe, do think my parents care that I'm here dying?

Phoebe: Of course they do, they just can't get here because the doors are frozen shut.

Molly: Why are you here Phoebe?

Phoebe: Because Molly, I came here because this little girl inside me needed a check up.

Molly: Did she ever get it?

Phoebe: Well yeah she did.

Molly: What's her name?

Phoebe: It's Paige Caris Michaels.

Molly: That's pretty. Can I feel her kick?

Phoebe: Sure (She goes and lies on the bed so Molly can put her head on Phoebe's belly and listen) do you feel her?

Molly: Yeah I can also hear her heart beat. (Singing) The stars are all my friends, tell the night I wed, so I know I'm not alone, when I'm here, on my own, isn't that a wonder, when your alone, your not alone, not really alone.

Phoebe: Now that was pretty.

Molly: My mom use to sing that to me before I would go to sleep. She doesn't sing it anymore it makes her sad, so sad she cries.

Phoebe: Well I'll make sure to sing it to Paige every night just for you.

Molly: Thanks you're the best. (She dies while hugging Phoebe)

Phoebe: Molly, Molly, Molly wake up please. Molly, oh my god Molly. Why you why now? I love you Molly have fun in heaven and wait for me. (Singing) The stars are all my friends, tell the day I wed, so I know I'm not alone, when I'm here on my own, isn't that a wonder, when your alone, your not alone, not really alone. Good bye Molly.

Phoebe gently kisses Molly on the forehead and blinks out of her room and into the manor. She finds herself in her room with no one else and so she starts crying but not for herself but for Molly. Peter walks in to get the dirty clothes basket so he could wash them when he sees Phoebe.

Peter: Sweetie your back. Why are you crying?

Phoebe: Because a little girl who's six-years-old just died in my arms. Her name was Molly and she was so sweet.

Peter: I bet she was.

Phoebe: We talked about what heaven was like and she sang Paige a song. I promised her I would sing it to Paige every night before she fell asleep.

Peter: Well that was nice of you. Hey I bet you are starving how about we get something to eat?

Phoebe: Great I can't wait to see the rest of the family.

They walk down stairs after Phoebe puts on some of her clothes. As they walk into the kitchen Leo comes up to them laughing and just having a grand old time. Phoebe started to wonder what is up with him and why is he acting so strange.

Leo: You should have seen your face.

Phoebe: What are you talking about?

Leo: (Mocking Phoebe's voice) Heart transplant, Evan Rendell. That's what, that was a great joke huh Pheebs (Laughing as he takes the shape of Dr. Rendell.)

Phoebe: Leo you scared the living daylights out of me how in the world is that funny?

Leo: Sorry (He goes back to himself) I had to you just watched it and I know how those movies stick in your head.

Phoebe: I hate you.

Leo: No you don't you love me.

Phoebe: Leo I'm totally not lying this time.

Phoebe grabs Peter and walks into the kitchen to find her two sisters cooking up something that smelt simply wonderful. She went up to them and gave them the biggest hug she could.

Phoebe: I missed you two.

Piper: Gland your home things were just too quiet around here.

Prue: Yeah and Peter was absolutely miserable without you weren't you Pete?

Peter: You have no idea.

Phoebe: Well let's eat I'm starved and this looks wonderful.

The rest of that month goes by without Phoebe saying a word to Leo and giving him dirty looks every time he walked by her. It was December seventeenth and the babies were due. Prue woke up this particular morning feeling wired and more awake than ever. All she wanted to do was have fun and do everything she could. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen for breakfast. Phoebe and Piper were already down there and the guys were watching TV with the triplets. Phoebe and Piper looked as if they hadn't gotten any sleep.

Prue: Morning sleepy. (She kissed Phoebe on the head and grabbed the paper)

Piper: And here we have the energizer bunny. Care to share some of that juice.

Prue: That's ok I think I'll keep it to myself.

Phoebe: Ok whatever you say Prue. Hey Piper can I please have some coffee?

Piper: No, one more day you can last one more day Pheebs.

Phoebe: (Whining) But I'm so tired. I need caffeine.

Prue: No you don't you just, need a hug. (She gives her a hug) Feel better?

Phoebe: No I don't, give me coffee. (She reaches for the coffee when Piper zaps her had with a bolt of electricity) Owwie what was that for?

Piper: (Smiling) For trying to get something you are not aloud to have.

Phoebe: She's enjoying this new power.

Prue: Yes she is but she won't have it come tomorrow.

Piper: Shut up.

Prue and Phoebe instantly shut up because they don't want to be zapped by one of Piper's bolts of electricity. The guys walk in with the triplets because it was breakfast time for them. Leo goes to the pantry to get some baby cereal and mashed bananas. The guys realize that none of the girls are talking and they wonder why.

Leo: So what are you girls doing today?

Peter: Yeah I bet your hyped about having the babies right?

Jack: Well I know I am I want to see my little angel.

Prue: Soon enough Jack soon enough.

Piper: I just want to go back to bed and sleep today.

Phoebe: Ditto, but to answer your other question, I like this new power.

Prue: That's only because it's an active one.

Jack: There is nothing wrong with that. Peter's the one that has to worry.

Peter: No (To Phoebe's belly) you better come out of there Paige please.

Phoebe: Peter, don't worry I like the power but I want my old figure back.

Piper: Yeah it'd be nice to be able to fit in my old jeans again.

Leo: Well I think it will be nice to have another guy in the house being surrounded by girls has been tough.

Jack/Peter: No kidding.

Laura: Mommy food.

Hope: Hungie.

Brighten: Yum, yum's.

Piper: Ok girls' mommy's coming.

Prue: I just thought of what I want to do.

Phoebe: (Tired) What?

Prue: Shopping!

Everyone looks at her with this look on their face that says, "You have got to be kidding me." Prue gets her way because if she didn't the rest new that she would have another mood swing and might throw one of them into the wall with her power, which had almost doubled in the past few months.

After breakfast they set out for the mall, and around three they headed back to the manor. For one they had no where to put anymore stuff and the second reason was that the triplets were crabby and everyone but Prue was tuckered out. Phoebe's feet hurt and Piper's back was sending pains up and down her spine. The guys were all dragging because they had to carry all the goods.

At the manor everyone helped unload then put things away and the triplets went and took a nap. Piper and Phoebe plopped down on the couch and the guys all fell into the chair landing on top of one another. Prue just stood there looking down at her tired family.

Prue: I'm going to make dinner for everyone.

Jack: Ok sweetie we'll be in here.

Leo: No complaints here.

Piper: Go ahead.

Phoebe: Have fun.

Peter was already sleeping on the floor and Piper was next. She flipped the TV on and was out like a light. Phoebe looked into the kitchen and saw Prue grabbing all sorts of different things. She also looked at everyone else, who had all fell asleep. Phoebe decided top go into the kitchen and help Prue sense she wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon. As soon at Phoebe walked into the room she saw Prue bend over in pain.

Phoebe: Prue are you ok?

Prue: (Pain in her voice) Yeah I'm fine. (Voice back to normal) Just a little pain I've been having them off and on for a while. Nothing to worry about.

Phoebe: You sure? You didn't look too happy.

Prue: (Smiling) I'm fine Pheebs.

Phoebe: Ok, hey do you need any help?

Prue: No I think I'm good.

Prue bent down again as another pain overcame her. Phoebe quickly went over to Prue and made her sit down. Then she sat down in a chair herself; Prue was down for a few minutes. When she put her head back up she had a worried look on her face.

Prue: Ok that's the seventh time in the past hour that's happened.

Phoebe: I think that you should start timing those pains. It seems to me that they are contractions. Do you want me to go and wake up the others?

Prue: No not yet wait until they're about five minutes apart then we can.

Phoebe: Ok do you want me to call the doctor?

Prue: Yeah, tell him it won't be long until he sees me.

Phoebe: Ok I'll be right back.

Phoebe walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer where the phone had been set the last time it was used. She dialed the hospital and tried to stay calm. The truth was she was terrified inside but she didn't want Prue to know so she put on a brave face. She had no idea what she was doing all she new was that her sister was having a baby.

At the end of town the power station that held the power for the Halliwell house was having some problems and just shut down. The lights at the house flickered then went out completely, as did the rest of the power and the phones. Phoebe hung up the phone and slowly made her way back into the kitchen.

Phoebe: Prue where are you?

Prue: At the table over here. (Phoebe followed the voice until she found her sister)

Phoebe: Phones are dead and the power is out.

Prue: I can see that. The contractions are fifteen minutes apart so far.

Phoebe: Keep timing I'm going to get a flashlight.

Prue: None work and the candles are in the basement.

Just then Laura wakes up screaming because of a bad dream she had. Piper and Leo wake up and stumble of the furniture. Leo tries the lights but they aren't working so he carefully finds the stairs and crawls up them with Piper not far behind. Hope and Brighten also wake up and start to cry. Jack wakes up but Peter doesn't until Jack steps on him.

Peter: Owe Jack was that you?

Jack: Sorry I can't see a thing.

Phoebe: (Yelling from the kitchen) POWER'S OUT PRUE'S IN LABOR.

Jack: Oh no.

Jack gets up and starts walking forgetting were everything is including the walls. He misses the door by about three feet and smashes into the wall. Jack hits the floor with a thud and is knocked out cold. Peter makes his way over to the thud and tries to wake him but with no avail. He goes into the kitchen and Piper and Leo come down the stairs and into the kitchen with three frightened twenty-two month olds.

Peter: Phoebe, Prue you in here?

Phoebe: Pete we're over here at the table. (They all meet at the table)

Prue: OWWIE, make that twelve minutes.

Piper: Prue, are you ok?

Prue: (Sarcastically) Yeah fine just having a baby.

Phoebe: And the power's out.

Leo: Did you call the clinic?

Phoebe: Phone's are dead.

Peter: All of them?

Prue: Yep. Where's Jack?

Peter: Um on the floor about three feet left of the door.

Piper: He missed the door? (She starts giggling)

Peter: Yep and I tried waking him up but nothing happened.

Prue: Oh great I'm having a baby and he's out cold typical.

Leo: I'm going to get the car.

Prue: No, I'm not leaving without Jack, He's going to be awake.

Piper: Prue you have to get to the clinic because you can't have the baby here.

Prue: Why not?

Piper: Because who would deliver it. (Prue looks at her) Ooh no, not me I'm not, getting the messy job this time.

Phoebe: Piper please she's not going to give in to us.

Piper: (Angry) Fine Pete go get some candles from the basement. Leo put the girls down and get some blankets and towels. Phoebe get me a large bowl of warm water, not to warm. (They nod and leave) Prue just relax.

Prue: Easy for you to say your not having your baby delivered by your sister.

Piper: You want my help or not?

Hope: Mommy what's happening?

Piper: It's ok babe I'm here.

Laura: I scared.

Brighten: Me too.

Piper: It's ok just don't move.

The triplets listen to Piper and don't move and Peter comes up the basement stairs with a box full of candles and a lighter. Phoebe brings the bowl of warm water over and sets it on the table. Leo staggers down the stairs with some blankets and towels, and one of Patria's baby blankets for when she is all dry and clean.

Piper: Ok we're going to do this some where more comfortable for Prue.

Phoebe: How about the living room?

Piper: Great ok let's go. (Prue crumples over in pain) Prue you ready?

Prue: Owe now I know how Charlotte felt Owwie. (She takes a deep breath) Ok I'm ready now.

Peter: I got her you three go ahead and set up.

Leo: I'll get Jack over there.

They all head for the living room with everything they will need. The triplets follow their family and are given a very special task. They get to hold the baby blanket for Patria when she comes. The candles are lit and placed in various places of the room and before long the place is bright enough to do anything in. Leo puts Jack in a sit up position on the couch and the other four take their positions. Peter playing the part of the pillows and Phoebe playing the part of Jack as the coach. Piper got ready to play the part of the doctor and Leo her assistant.

Piper: Ok Phoebe how far apart are the contractions?

Phoebe: About three minutes.

Piper: Ok here we go I can do this.

Prue: Come on sis don't bail on me now I trust you.

Piper: Thanks, that really helps.

Leo: You can do it I know you can.

Piper is beginning to feel better with each compliment and reassurance from her family. Piper gives Prue the signal and she starts to push. About ten minutes later little Patria enters the world and is cleaned up and dried off. Then the triplets hand the blanket over to Leo who raps Patria in it and passes her to Prue. Prue just stares down at her little daughter and thanks god that the dream she had didn't come true.

A few minutes later Jack wakes up and the power starts working along with the phones. Phoebe gets up from her spot next to Prue so Jack could sit there and she goes to call the clinic. Jack looks down at his little girl and his wife and smiles the biggest smile anyone could ever smile.

Jack: She's beautiful honey. (To Patria) Hi Patria I'm your daddy.

Leo: You did good Piper.

Piper: Thanks. (To the triplets) And to you three, I couldn't have done it without you.

Peter: Well that was sure exiting. (Phoebe comes back)

Phoebe: It sure was. The clinic's sending an ambulance over right now to take you in.

Prue: Thanks guys. (Patria starts to cry) Oh it's ok, it's ok yeah your ok.

The ambulance came and took Prue, Patria and Jack to the clinic. Piper, Peter, Leo, Phoebe and the triplets followed in the mini van. A few days later Prue was released along with Patria and they went home. When they got there they were welcomed with open arms and everyone wanted to hold Patria. They all got their chance and then they all went to sleep.

A week after Prue was released everyone was in a buzz. Christmas was just a day away and neither one of Prue's younger sister's had had their little ones yet. Piper was the moodiest one of all, because she wanted Dominic to be there for Christmas. On this particular day Piper had woken up feeling pretty good not totally energized but not drained either. The guys went out early that morning to get last minute Christmas presents for the late a rival's.

Piper made her way down stairs, still in her pajamas, to the kitchen for some much-needed breakfast. Phoebe was already in the kitchen eating some toast and mixed fruit. Prue was in the bathroom giving little Patria her bath. The triplets were doing their normal routine of watching cartoons until Piper woke up to take care of them.

Phoebe: Morning Piper, sleep well.

Piper: A little better than usual, you.

Phoebe: Ok I guess Paige had me up most of the night.

Piper: Why?

Phoebe: Must have been something I ate last night.

Piper: Do you think Prue is enjoying her new role as "Mom?"

Phoebe: Oh definitely as anyone told mom or dad about Patria yet?

Piper: I don't think so, otherwise they would have already been here.

They finished eating and went to join the triplets in watching some cartoons. Phoebe loved cartoons and Piper was beginning to like them to. They sat down and started watching Scooby Doo. Prue came in a little while later with a dry daughter and a shirt that was soaked with water and other things.

Prue: Hey you two.

Piper: Hey she get you again?

Prue: Yeah hey Pipe can you take her for a while so I can change?

Piper: Yeah sure anything to help.

Prue handed Patria over to Piper and left for her room in search of some clean dry clothes. It had been a challenge for her to try and keep a pair of clean clothes for herself because Patria loved messing them up with all form of throw up, pee and other things.

The day went by like almost any other day accept for Piper who was having a few pains off and on all day but never told her sisters or any of the guys. Dinnertime rolled around and they all sat down for a lovely dinner that Piper had made with the help of her sisters. When Piper got this weird look on her face the passing of the food stopped and all eyes turned on her.

She tried to stay calm and keep the pain off of her face throughout the day but it finally became too unbearable. She started to cry because it hurt so badly and then she felt something-warm trickle down her leg and she knew what was happening. She spoke calmly and stopped crying almost instantaneously.

Piper: Leo, how would you like your Christmas present early?

Leo: I would love it. What is it?

Piper: Well try and guess.

Leo: A puppy…

Piper: No but close.

Leo: Um a kitten…

Piper: Well it does breathe.

Leo: Is it a pet?

Piper: No.

Leo: I give up what is it?

Piper: Your son.

Leo: Really right know? (Piper nods) yes. (Starts panicking) What do I do?

Jack: Leo, drive her to the clinic.

Leo: Right I knew that.

Piper: Wait, Prue take the keys from Leo (Breathes as another contraction hits) and could you drive me because he is going insane.

Prue: Of course let's go.

Phoebe: We'll follow you. Leo you might want to grab the bag.

Leo: Oh yeah, we're having a baby.

Peter: Yeah now go before she has it without you.

Leo: Right I'm going.

Leo runs out the door forgetting the bag because he was so happy he was forgetting everything. Phoebe grabbed the triplets and Prue's daughter and the guys grabbed the bag that Leo forgot. Then they all piled in the mini van and Peter drove it to the clinic. Prue stayed in the waiting room so that she could tell the others where Piper was. The others got there about ten minutes after Piper, Leo and Prue did. Prue told them where Piper was and they headed down to her room.

Phoebe: Hey how ya doing?

Leo: Fine just a little scared.

Phoebe: Not you Piper.

Leo: Oh sorry.

Piper: I'm fine just in pain Owwie.

Prue: Now you know how I felt.

Piper: Yeah well you had no choice you couldn't have any drugs, they won't give me any, Leo, won't them.

Peter: It's better for the baby if you don't have drugs.

Piper: Yeah well you're not the one in pain.

Phoebe: Just remember the triplets.

Jack: By the way where are those three?

Piper: You lost my girls?

Jack: No, they were here two seconds ago.

Prue: Well, what would you do if it were Patria that was missing?

Jack: Panic.

Peter: We'll find them. (He grabs Jack and leaves the room)

Phoebe: Don't worry Pipe they'll find them.

Piper: Of course I'm worried Pheebs they're my kids.

The hunt for the triplets took about two hours and in that time Piper had been moved into delivery. Peter found Laura in the pediatric ward and Hope was staring at the candy machine, Brighten was sitting in the waiting room playing with a toy she had brought. Jack stopped and got coffee while the rest waited for the doctor to come out and tell them that they had a nephew.

It seemed like they had been waiting forever but at midnight they finally heard a cry come from the door that Piper had been moved into. A few minutes later Leo emerged with a little blue bundle. Inside the blanket was a little baby boy, Leo was so happy that he couldn't even speak he just cried and smiled. Leo went back into the room with Dominic and then Piper was brought back to her room so her family could see her. She was really tired but she tried to stay awake as her family talked to her.

Piper: Did you find the girls?

Jack: Yes Peter did.

Peter: In the strangest places too.

Piper: Where?

Prue: Hope was in front of the candy machine…

Phoebe: Laura was in the pediatric ward…

Peter: And Brighten was playing with a toy in the waiting room.

Jack: He is so tiny…

Prue: And handsome…

Phoebe: I think he's cute. (Everyone laughs)

Laura: Beebe?

Piper: That's right sweetie, baby Dominic.

Laura: Beebe Doninic?

Leo: Close enough.

Hope: Me hold beebe buder.

Prue: Hope I think your a little small.

Brighten: Hopi big!

Piper got to go home Christmas morning so she could spend time with her family in her home on Christmas. She finally got what she wanted Dominic was there for Christmas. They all opened their gifts and like always they didn't have to return anything. The only presents that were left under the tree were Paige's and they weren't going to take the tree down until she was born however long it would take.

It was Super Bowl Sunday and there was food set out for the party that the Halliwell's throw every year, but this year it wouldn't happen because just as everyone was arriving so was Paige. Everyone was invited over to P3 to watch it on the big screen and Piper called and told Karen that they would be having a lot more people show up.

Peter: Pheebs are you ok?

Phoebe: Owwie, Owwie, Owwie… I don't think so… and you two said I was going to have six… get a… Owwie.

Piper: Just breathe ok breathe.

Phoebe: Easy for you to say.

Jack: Hurry Pete we're going to miss the kick off.

Prue: Jack shut up your not helping.

They get to the clinic a few minutes later and Phoebe is wheeled down the hall straight to the delivery room, Paige was coming and coming fast. In the room that Phoebe was in there was also a TV on so Dr. Johnson could listen to the Super Bowl while delivering the baby.

Peter: Go, go, go, go… yes touchdown Niners.

Phoebe: Pete?

Peter: Sorry babe.

Outside the room Phoebe and Peter were in Jack and Leo were watching the Super Bowl while Prue and Piper paced the hallway with their babies in hand. The triplets were just as intrigued in the game and were shouting out everything that Leo and Jack said.

Jack/Leo: Go, go, go, go… yes touchdown Niners.

Laura/Hope/Brighten: Doe, doe, doe, doe… yeah toushdown Niners.

Piper: I wonder if Pete is doing this to?

Prue: I bet he is he's a guy.

At the end of the Super Bowl Prue and Piper hear a cry coming from Phoebe's room and the guys shouting and singing. Piper waits for Peter to come out but he doesn't the doctor does instead and shows off little Paige but not without going over to the guys and singing the song to.

Jack/Leo/Ben: We are the champions - We are the champions - No time for losers - Cause we are the champions - Of the world.

Piper: Is Phoebe ok?

Prue: Can we see her?

Dr. Johnson (Ben): Sure go ahead she is tired but she'll see you. (They walk in)

Piper: Hey honey.

Phoebe: Hey.

Prue: Feeding time?

Phoebe: Yeah she's hungry.

Peter: Can I go out with the guys and give you three some time?

Prue: Sure go celebrate. (Peter leaves)

Phoebe: I'm glad that's over.

Piper: What Pete being in here or the labor.

Phoebe: Both, he did nothing but watch TV.

Prue: We were so worried about you.

Phoebe: Thanks but I was fine.

Piper: I don't know all we heard was, you screaming "Get it out."

Phoebe: It hurt but I like what came from all that pain. (Paige makes a noise)

Prue/Piper: Good things come to those who wait.

Phoebe: My new favorite saying.

A few days later Phoebe comes home and the whole family was together again. The presents from under the tree were finally opened and there was a new family photograph, done by Prue that graced the end of the hall.

One night about a week after little Paige was brought home Phoebe was in the new nursery with her Piper was in Dominic's room right next door and Prue had Patria in her room with her. Prue was already sleeping all-that "mom" stuff had made her drag the last few weeks. Piper was getting some of Dominic's baby blankets from his room when she heard Phoebe.

Phoebe: The stars are all my friends, tell the night I wed, so I know I'm not alone, when I'm here, on my own, isn't that a wonder, when your alone, your not alone, not really alone.

Piper: That was beautiful Pheebs.

Phoebe: Thanks, I promised Molly and I plan on keeping it.

Piper: Who's Molly?

Phoebe: A girl I met at the clinic, she died in my arms right after I promised I would sing it to Paige every night before she went to sleep.

Piper: Well that was nice of you. Do you mind if I join in with you?

Phoebe: No not at all.

Phoebe/Piper: The stars are all my friends, tell the night I wed, so I know I'm not alone, when I'm here, on my own, isn't that a wonder, when your alone, your not alone, not really alone.

Well with the Halliwell's new crew all tucked in bed Piper and Phoebe go down stairs to their bedrooms. What will tomorrow bring you ask. Well you'll just have to wait and see. We fade away from this happy scene knowing that for now the Charmed Ones and their families are save but for how long no one knows.