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February 20th

by Andy

DISCLAIMER: All characters are property of the creators of Charmed.

DEDICATION: I dedicate this story to my friend, LeAnn Strait, who died 2-1-01, she will be missed very much.

February 20th. "No!" Piper screamed as the ball of fire hit Prue and threw her against the wall. She froze time and rushed to Prue's side to make sure she was okay, to check for a pulse, there wasn't one. She joined Phoebe's side and together they said the spell to vanquish the demon that killed Prue. After they vanquished the demon, Piper went back to Prue and Phoebe called an ambulance. February 20th, that was the last time the Charmed Ones would be together… February 20th, that was the last time they got to say, "I love you" to Prue. Phoebe and Piper cleaned the house, they had nothing else to do since Prue's death. Piper noticed a picture of them taken before Phoebe moved to New York, and a tear streaked down her face. Phoebe came over and rubbed Piper's back with one hand. "It'll be alright, Piper, things will get better soon." Phoebe told her sister, and Piper crumpled to the floor and started to cry uncontrollably. Phoebe sat on the floor and embraced her sister. Prue's spirit stared at them through a bowl of water, surrounded by ten water-smoothed rocks. Prue was dressed in a beautiful, big, long, flowing, and gown-like dress. A tear streaked down Prue's face as she watched her mournful sisters. A hand touched her shoulder, and she turned to see her mother and grandmother and Andy standing there. Tears began to flow as she hugged her mother tightly. "I missed you so much." Prue said. "I missed you too, darling, I love you." Her mother replied. "I love you too." Prue said. She let her mom go and walked to her grandmother and hugged her tightly too, with tears still flowing. "How you been?" Grams asked. "Okay. You?" Prue replied. "I've been doing okay, for a dead person." Grams answered. Prue weakly smiled at her grandmother's attempt to make a joke. She let go of Grams and walked to Andy and looked into his eyes. She mouthed "I love you" to him, and he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. She put her arms around his neck and they kissed for a few minutes. They finally let go of each other and she turned to her mother and Grams. "What now?" Prue asked them.

Phoebe helps Piper up from the floor when she's finished crying. They finish cleaning up the house and they stand at the stairs to the attic. "It's never going to be the same without Prue." Piper said. "No, but we'll adjust, and everything will be fine. We just need to get through her funeral ceremony and everything will be okay." Phoebe stated and put her arm around Piper for support. "Then the evil that took her from us will come back into our lives, and it won't be okay anymore, they'll take you and me next, unless we do something to stop it now." Piper added, and shrugged off Phoebe's arm and headed for the attic. "Piper?! What are you going to do?!" Phoebe called to her as she reached the BoS in the attic. Piper went straight to the page with the spell to relinquish powers and stared at it for a minute and Phoebe joined her at the book. "Piper, no, it's not going to bring her back." Phoebe told her. "No, I know it won't, but it will assure that no one else will die because of the evil that's attracted to us because of our 'gifts'." Piper said, with tears welling up in her eyes. Phoebe stared at the book and wanted it to close so Piper couldn't recite the spell, Phoebe didn't want to lose her powers, even though it attracted the evil that killed her sister. Patty and Penny Halliwell joined hands in a circle around Prue and Andy watched them. A few balls of white light left Prue and went into the bowl of water to the vision of Piper and Phoebe. They released the circle around Prue and they walked to the bowl of water and watched as the remaining Charmed Ones stared at the Relinquishment Spell page. "Now your power is not lost, but gained by Phoebe." Grams said. "When will she know when she has it?" Prue asked. "When she wants something to happen really bad." Patty answered Prue.

All of a sudden, just as Phoebe wanted, the book closed. Piper looked at Phoebe. "Prue?" Piper asked. Phoebe shrugged. "Grams maybe?" Phoebe suggested. "Grams wouldn't want this, it could be her." Phoebe said. "I don't know…" Piper said, looking around the attic. Grams' spirit appeared in the attic with them, and she told them that Phoebe had inherited Prue's power. After hearing this, Phoebe tried triggering it by anger, but it didn't work. "You have to want something to move very bad, and concentrate on it, like you did with the book." Piper looked at Grams, then at Phoebe. "Why did you want the book to close?" Piper asked Phoebe. "Because I don't want you to relinquish our powers." She answered. Piper stared at her. "Okay, I won't do that spell." Grams smiled at her granddaughters. "Well, I must go and keep Prue company, anything you would like me to tell her for you?" Grams offered. Phoebe and Piper looked at her for a long and tears streaked both of their faces. Finally Piper spoke. "Tell her we love her very much, and thank her for giving her power to Phoebe, and that we miss her very badly." Grams nodded at her message to Prue, and she left back for heaven. "Did you get that message, Prue?" Grams asked as she appeared in front of Prue. Prue nodded and turned and sobbed into Andy's shoulder. He stroked the back of her head to console her. "It's ok Prue, they'll survive." He assured her lovingly.

In the attic, smoke began pouring from their cauldron, and balls of light danced out with it. It began to take human shape and the lights got blinding bright, and there was a flash of light, and there stood Melinda Warren, and Phoebe and Piper stared at her in confusion. "I did it! I sent myself to the time of the charmed ones! I escaped the witch hunters!" Melinda exclaimed with joyfulness. "Not again!" Piper said unhappily. Phoebe looked at her sister, annoyed. "Melinda, how and why are you here?" Phoebe asked. "I cast a spell at the edge of a cliff to enter the Charmed Ones' time if you ever existed, and I was there because I was chased by witch hunters, and after casting it, I jumped from the cliff, and all I remember is falling into fog, and balls of white light, and next thing I know, I'm here! Safe!" Melinda explained. "But little Prue, my daughter, I fear for her life, how can I be sure they won't go after her next?" "Melinda, I'll do a spell to merge my thoughts with Prue's in the past to know what is going on. Okay?" Phoebe suggested. "Yes, oh yes, would you please?" She asked. "Of course, Melinda." Phoebe replied. Phoebe went to the cauldron Melinda came from, and cast the spell.

"My mind is yours, your mind is mine, merge our thoughts across time, to be sure if harm is or isn't there, merge our thoughts across time and air." Phoebe said. Smoke flowed from the cauldron and lights danced from it and moved towards Phoebe's head, and danced around it, and entered her eyes, and she could see what Prue saw, feel what Prue felt, know what Prue knew. "Did it work?" Melinda asked with worry in her voice. "Yes, it did, I can see, hear, feel, and know what she sees, hears, feels, and knows." Phoebe replied. "Is she okay? Phoebe, can you tell if she's okay?" Piper asked. "Hold on, I'm trying to read her thoughts and make sure." Phoebe replied. They all stood in silence while Phoebe tried to be sure of Prue's safety. "She's okay, Melinda, for now, she's hiding in your home in the past from the witch hunters, she knows your not dead, but misses you and wants you home." Phoebe finally said. Melinda let a sigh of relief. "Now, how do I turn off this new ability?" Phoebe asked. "Allow me." Melinda answered her. "It's the least I can do to repay you for your help, but answer me this, aren't there supposed to be three charmed ones? Where is your third sister?" Phoebe and Piper stared at her for a minute, then Phoebe finally answered her, "Our third sister, Prue, Melinda, is dead." A tear fell down Piper's cheek and turned her back to Melinda and Phoebe. "Oh, I am truly sorry for your loss." Melinda apologized. She walked over to Phoebe and closed her eyelids. Melinda concentrated on Phoebe's new ability, and hummed, and drew the lights that entered her eyes out, and sent them back into the cauldron. Phoebe opened her eyes and saw Melinda. "Thank you Melinda." Phoebe said. "I am ready to go back to my own time and protect Prue now, will you send me back?" Melinda asked. "We can try, but you're the one who cast the spell to bring you here, not us." Phoebe answered her. "Melinda, Melinda, from the past, you have now completed your task, from our time back to your own, it is time for you to go home!" Phoebe recited. Smoke slithered from the cauldron and surrounded Melinda, and lights danced out of it and danced over to Melinda and danced around her. "Goodbye, dear charmed ones!" Melinda said through the smoke. "Goodbye Melinda, farewell!" Phoebe said. The light came together in one big ball of bright light, then exploded as a wave of light, and temporarily blinded them because it was so bright, and Melinda had returned to her time.

A slight wind blew in the attic and lights flew in and then exploded and there stood Prue's spirit. "Prue!" Phoebe screamed and ran to her to hug her, but passed through her. Prue turned to her. "I'm dead, remember Pheebs?" Prue said jokingly, overjoyed to see her sisters and for them to see her. "I don't have long, I just wanted to 'drop' in and tell you I miss you and love you, and tell you that you handled Melinda's problem exceptionally well. You set aside your pain to help an innocent. You just made mom and Grams really happy, you turned out to be the witches they'd hoped you would be, and then some. Even without me. I don't think my power is all you inherited from me, Phoebe, I think you also received my way of keeping things under control. My time is up, bye guys, I love you very much." Prue said. Lights danced around her and flashed brightly and Prue was gone when the light cleared. "Goodbye Prue, I love you too." Piper said to her. "Bye Prue." Phoebe said to Prue. "We'll never forget you, ever." Phoebe said. February 20th, the day of Prue's death. The day will never be forgotten, and neither will Prue.