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The Forgotten Evil

by Andy

DISCLAIMER: All characters but Gemina are the property of the creators of Charmed.

In the attic, hidden in a corner and unseen until now, a good-sized blue gem sparkled. It slowly started rolling from its place and into open space, and then it slowly began to rise into the air. It began spinning and wind began to spin around it and the wind became visible as it turned blue, and the gem became blurred behind the wind, and then the wind expanded as if it had a person within it. There was an evil laugh within the wind and it started to cease and then finally vanished. There, in a beautiful blue dress stood Gemina, an evil being with the power of summoning wind and the ability to become a blue gem when threatened or to hide and wait until the victim(s) is near. She had been hiding in the Halliwell manor waiting for the right time to attack the Charmed Ones. That time, she felt, was now. She noticed the Book of Shadows and walked over to it. A slight wind blew and it opened. She flipped through the pages and stopped as she came to a page with her name on it. It explained who she was, what she could do, and had a spell to vanquish her. She was irritated by this, and she knew she couldn't destroy the book, so she closed it, picked it up, and hid it within the attic. She was confident she could defeat the Charmed Ones if they didn't have their precious book to help them win this fight. She smiled at her cleverness. She had been watching them for months now. She knew their weaknesses, strengths, fears, and who had what power. She was sure this would be an easy battle to win.

Phoebe woke up to the sound of wind in the attic and went to investigate it and stopped as she noticed a stranger inside. The stranger walked to the Book of Shadows and flipped through it, stopped on a page, read it, and looked irritated. She picked up the book and hid it under a chair by a window in the attic. Phoebe watched the stranger smile weakly, and sit down in the chair she hid the book under and look out the window and watch the beautiful sunrise. Phoebe stared at her blue dress. It was beautiful. Gemina wasn't stupid, she knew Phoebe was there, she felt her presence, felt her eyes watching her every move. Gemina closed her eyes and said a spell to make Phoebe forget what she had just seen in the attic. Phoebe's eyes glowed blue, she turned, and went back to her room and got back in bed. Her eyes stopped glowing and they closed and she fell asleep. A couple hours later she awoke to a beautiful day, and didn't remember anything about the stranger in the attic, but she had a really weird feeling. She got up and went downstairs. Piper was making breakfast and Prue's face was hidden behind the day's newspaper and beside her was an empty coffee mug. "Good morning Pheebs" Piper said. "Morning Phoebe" Prue added. "Morning you guys" Phoebe replied. "How'd you sleep last night Pheebs?" Piper asked. "Like a baby" she answered, "and you?" Just then Leo walked into the room and Phoebe's eyebrow arched as Piper smiled from ear to ear at him and they kissed. "I slept… ok…" she finally answered. Behind the newspaper Prue was grinning. "Probably didn't get ANY sleep last night" Phoebe muttered under her breath playfully. Piper looked at her with a shocked expression on her face and threw a potholder at her little sister. Prue was laughing at her little sisters behind her newspaper, when she got it under control she cleared her throat and said "Well, ahem, I'm off to work, have a good day, love you two." Then she got her camera equipment and headed for the studio. "Now see what you did?" Phoebe accused Piper playfully. "Well, you shouldn't have provoked me." Piper replied quickly and playfully. Leo came back into the kitchen and Phoebe snickered a little bit. He looked at her for a minute, read her thoughts, and started laughing a little bit. "You're mean Phoebe." He said when he stopped laughing. "What?!" She asked innocently. Piper and Leo answered her innocent question at the same time. "You know what." Piper sat down to eat breakfast before she went to P3 to get it ready for tonight. In the attic, Gemina was using a mirror in the attic to watch the sisters, she laughed at what the youngest sister said and at the middle sister's reaction. "They really DO love each other," she said out loud as she watched them. It was what made and kept them strong, but it was also a weakness, and the youngest one's greatest fear was being without them. Piper was about to kiss Leo goodbye, but he was called away, she left aggravated. "Bye Piper, I love you!" Phoebe called out to her sister, but all she got back was a wave of her sister's hand, Piper kept her back to Phoebe and walked out the door.

Phoebe had no plans for the day and began to head up to the attic. Gemina saw this and went over to where their book was usually at and turned back into a blue jewel, and had planted herself on the book's podium. Phoebe opened the attic door just as the wind left the attic. Just as Phoebe entered, Leo orbed in and yelled for Phoebe from the first floor of the Manor. She heard him and left the attic. As soon as she was out of the doorway a strong wind blew and slammed the door behind her, she turned around startled and went back to the door and opened it completely, and looked around the attic nervously, then behind the door, then she noticed the Book of Shadows gone from the podium. "Phoebe?! Where are you?!" Leo called from downstairs again. He wasn't about to go to the attic where Gemina could hear him and Phoebe talking about her. Phoebe went downstairs and found Leo waiting for her in the kitchen. He had her follow him into the basement and he shut the door behind them. That made Phoebe a little edgy. "Why did you close that door, and why do you want to bring me down to the basement?" she asked. "So that Gemina can't hone in on our conversation," he replied. "Who?" she asked. "Gemina, a blue jewel demon. She has strong powers, the power to summon wind up when she needs it, and she can turn herself into a blue jewel when she's threatened or when she wants to watch her victims and not be noticed." He replied. "What does she look like, or what does she wear?" Phoebe asked. "She's very beautiful, blonde hair, and a beautiful blue dress, but she's just as deadly as she is beautiful." He described for her. The description sounded familiar, she had seen someone that fit that description, but when, and where? Her weird feeling from this morning returned, and she couldn't shrug it off. She stared at Leo for a minute, then started to leave the basement. "What? Phoebe, what's wrong?" He asked her. "I'm going to the attic, the book of shadows is missing." She answered. Leo levitated her and moved her back in front of him. "What are you doing Leo?" she asked. "Don't go to the attic, that's where Gemina is." He answered. "So what am I supposed to do? Stay here in the basement being vulnerable waiting for her to attack? I don't think so, I'll take my chances looking for the book in the attic." Leo just stood there and watched her leave the basement and head to the attic and when she was gone from sight he orbed out of the basement.

In the attic, Gemina waited impatiently for Phoebe to come back, then she noticed Phoebe walk by the mirror in the attic and she got ready for Phoebe to show up in the attic any minute now. Phoebe entered the attic and walked over the podium and stared at the beautiful blue jewel that had replaced the Book of Shadows. "Gemina" Phoebe said out loud. Phoebe reached out her hand to touch the blue jewel cautiously. As soon as her fingertips touched the cold rock she was thrown into a premonition. She saw a woman pick up the book from the podium and put it under a chair by an attic window and sat in the chair and watched the sunrise, and then the premonition ended. Phoebe looked at the chair from her premonition. She gasped, there was the Book of Shadows, she ran over to it and picked it up and held it close to her chest like she had just found her long lost lover and had not seen him for years. All of a sudden the mirror filled with blue smoke and amongst the smoke stood another Phoebe banging on the mirror wanting out. Phoebe set the book down and walked over to the mirror, and the blue mist oozed from the mirror and engulfed the real Phoebe, and pulled her into the mirror and the fake Phoebe in the mirror vanished. When the mist cleared Phoebe was back in the attic, and she witnessed her greatest fear, there lying before her were her sisters' lifeless bodies. She ran over to them and started crying when she couldn't find a pulse on them. When she turned around there stood Gemina laughing and Phoebe didn't know what she was laughing at, it wasn't at her, then she turned around and there was her own body next to her sisters' bodies. She rushed at Gemina, but she went through her and into the mirror and the blue mist returned and cleared again, she was in a cage now and in it with her was Piper and Prue's lifeless bodies, and hers was there too, she was filled with fear and didn't know what to do, where was she, she wondered.

In the real house Prue burst in through the front door. "Phoebe! Phoebe where are you?!" she screamed through the house. She headed for the attic and there in a chair by an attic window was the book, and on the book's podium was a blue jewel. She looked past the podium to the mirror that swallowed Phoebe, and there in a cage, WAS Phoebe, with her dead body next to Piper and Prue's dead bodies and Phoebe sat in the cage crying and filled with fear and she was dying of fear and a broken heart. Then blue mist filled the mirror and the vision of Phoebe vanished. Prue stared at the blue jewel and levitated it and brought it into her hand and stared at it for a minute. "Release her… NOW!" she shouted at the jewel. All of a sudden the jewel jumped from her hand and landed in mid air and stayed there, then started to spin in mid air. Wind began to swirl around the stone and turned blue, then the jewel blurred, then the wind expanded as the jewel did and took on a human form, then there was laughter and the wind vanished, and there before Prue stood Gemina, the blue jewel demon. Gemina closed her eyes and summoned wind, and it came to her and attacked Prue forming a tornado around her and picking her up and dropping her to the floor knocking her unconscious. Downstairs Piper rushes in and hears evil laughter from the attic, hesitates, then runs for the stairs and runs to the attic in time to see Prue fall inside the wind and get knocked out. "Prue!" Piper screams. The wind clears and Piper runs to her sister and holds her and tries to revive her, but she has no luck and glares angrily at Gemina. "You! Where's Phoebe?!" Piper demanded. Gemina moved out of the way giving Piper a clear view of the mirror Phoebe's in. Piper sees Phoebe in the mirror and gasps at the sight. "Wait, we're not dead!" Piper says angrily. "She doesn't know that, she is so consumed by depression, fear, and loneliness that she doesn't realize she's in a dream world in the mirror, she thinks she's dead and so are you, but you aren't there, but it doesn't matter, as soon as I kill you and her, she'll die next." Gemina says. Piper glances at Prue who is finally moving and coming to, then she throws her hands up at Gemina and she freezes. Piper helps Prue become conscious faster, then they walk over to Phoebe, who is still crying, and they try to talk to her, but it's no use, she can't hear them in the mirror, and she can't see them watching her from the real world. Piper and Prue go back to face Gemina and she unfreezes. "Let us enter the mirror and be with Phoebe so she's not alone in there" Piper demands. "If I did that, she'd regain her strength, and I can't let that happen," she replies. "Do you know what my fear is?" Piper asks her. "Yes, of course, I've been watching you for the last couple of months, it's… ah, I see, very well, u can be inside the cage with her." Gemina answers. Gemina turns to look at the mirror and Phoebe fades from it and blue mist appears, and seeps from the mirror, and heads for Piper's feet, but Piper looks at Prue and mouths the words "Move her" to her sister and makes a gesture with her hand and Prue moves Gemina into the mist's way and it claims Gemina instead of Piper and she starts screaming for she realizes she has just been tricked and she goes into the mirror and she appears in the cage with Phoebe and the 3 fake dead bodies of the fake Charmed Ones. "Great, now how do we get Phoebe out of there?" Piper asks Prue. "Make up a spell." Prue replies. "Good idea… You do it, I'm no good at it." Piper says. "Ok…" Phoebe stops crying long enough to realize that Gemina is in the cage with her now, then she starts screaming and is afraid of her and Gemina stares at her menacingly, then looks to the mirror and glares at Prue and Piper angrily. Prue writes the spell down then her and Piper say it together, "Phoebe you are lost no more, cage we command you, open your door, and mirror we demand, let her leave your dreamland and come to our real one!" Blue mist fill the cage then surrounded only Phoebe, then it seeped from the cage and filled the mirror, and Phoebe stood there when the mist cleared, and her eyes widened as she finally saw her sisters, and she gasped, then she touched the glass, and her hand passed through, then she walked through the mirror, stared at her sisters, then ran to them and hugged them tightly and cried with happiness. "I love you." Phoebe said through tears. Prue and Piper hugged her back. Phoebe looked at the book, then broke the bear hug, and went over to it and picked it up and turned to the page on Gemina. Gemina watched them from the cage and the fake dead bodies faded away, for they were not useful any longer. She watched Phoebe's face go from a relieved look to an angry look as she glared at Gemina, and she began to say the spell with her sisters, but her teeth were clenched tightly as she said it, and you could hear the anger in her voice as she spoke.

"Demon of our time we vanquish thee, May your blue haze of evil be extinguished by we sisters three, We cast you out of this world, And end your evil life with your wind as it swirls!" Wind began to swirl around Gemina as she started screaming in pain and the cage vanished, then her and the wind swirled out of the mirror and she screamed louder and she was in great pain and balls of light entered the wind and hit her and drained her of energy, and her dress became ripped, and the wind turned red and shrank to a small ball of red wind then exploded into the attic and vanished along with Gemina. The sisters stared at the mirror for a minute. Leo orbed in and says "I knew you could beat her in the end, Pheebs, I'm really glad u didn't die in that cage before your sisters got you out, I'd really miss you and your antics." He smiled at her, and she smiled back, and she turned to face her sisters and hugged them again. "I'm so glad I didn't lose you guys, I love you so much!" she told them. "Pheebs, you won't ever lose us, if one of us die, our spirit will come back to watch over who's left, if anyone is." Prue assured her baby sister. Phoebe broke the hug and stepped back to study her sister's face, then smiled and moved to put the Book of Shadows back on its podium. They moved to the attic door together in an unbreakable hug and Leo followed them as the headed downstairs to eat lunch then get back to work.