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It Made Me Realize...

by Piper_magic2magic

NOTE: This episode comes as a replacement to "Give Me A Sign", and doesn't relate to the episodes that comes after. Prue is already working in 415 magazine. I didn't make all of "Charmed" characters, and you know that, of course. The story and the other characters are mine. The story is written as a script and because of that I also matched songs to play in the background. I'm sorry if I have typos. English isn't my language.

[Morning, Kitchen. Piper is making coffee and Prue is flipping through the newspaper. Phoebe's coming in]

"Morning!" said Phoebe with enthusiasm.

"Ooh." Added Piper. "Someone's in a good mood!"

"I have every reason to be. Could be that your lil' sis is soon to be employed."

"It's about time!" Prue shouted while Phoebe starred at her eye-widen.

"And that would be where?" asked Piper while Prue took a seep from her cup of tea,

"415 magazine. I saw an ad in Cosmo reading for a new fashion thing writers."

Prue almost spilled her tea out, "415 magazine? My 415 magazine?"

"Uh-huh." Phoebe said while opening the refrigerator.

"Nuh-uh" Prue said.

"Yuh-uh" Phoebe shouted.

"Okay, the two of you, relax-uh. I think it would be better for all of us if you'll start speaking English."

"No way!" Prue said, madly.

"Why not?" Phoebe returned.

"You remember how it turned out the last time we tried this mutual…sibling job thing?"

"Yes, I have a clear vision of a great thing who ended up with me quitting because of a clear vision." Prue rolled her eyes looking at Piper, which looks as she kinda agreeing with her younger sister.

"You're with her?" Piper started to react with an "uhh…" while Phoebe kept resting her case.

"Com'on! What have you got to lose all ready?"

"Uhh, let's see: my job, my career…"

"And you care more about this then about someone you love? Don't you think that you should stop looking for those perfect things like normal people have and start thinking on them? On what they need?" Piper looks like it made her think. "Maybe in the end you'll realize, that you need it too. Maybe it's for the best." Phoebe ended while an awkward silence spread in the Halliwell's kitchen, which ended with Piper, taking her car keys and starting to leave.

"Piper? Where…"

"I'll be in P3!" she said and slams the door. Prue and Phoebe look at each other kinda weirdly, and Prue leaves.

[Cut to P3. Piper arrives and sees Leo.]

"Hay." Piper greeted as she walked through the door.

"Hay!" Leo said, a little surprised. "What are you doing here so early?

"To tell you the truth? I don't have a clue. I was just…thinking, and…" suddenly she noticed a Darklighter orbs behind him. "Leo, look out!" Piper shouts. Leo turned around as he heard her shouting, as he noticed the Darklighter. He tries to defend himself, but the Darklighter zaps him while sends him flying. He bumps into the bar and falls, being knocked-out. Piper tries to run towards him as she shouts "Leo!" But the Darklighter zaps her to and she falls to the floor. Leo is starting to wake-up. The Darklighter holds him and orbs out with him. Piper tries to sit-up, and looks around.

Opening credits

Played song:

Why didn't I know it

(How much I loved you baby)
Why couldn't I show it

(If I had only told you)
When I had the chance
Oh I had the chance

I lay awake

I drive myself crazy

Drive myself crazy
Thinking of you
made a mistake
when I let you go baby

I drive myself crazy
wanting you the way that I do

{*Nsync's "I drive myself crazy (thinking of you)"}

[Piper's at home, in the kitchen with Phoebe. Piper is seeping water]

"Why didn't you freeze him?" Phoebe asked, concerned at her sister's situation.

"I was so…shocked," she answers, while a tears making her way on Piper's cheek. "He just sort of appeared, took Leo and disappeared. Why would a Darklighter want him? He's not a Whitelighter anymore, he's…he's a mortal!"

"I know, sweetie," Phoebe replied, trying to show some sympathy. "I know."

Suddenly Prue comes running through the door. "What's the emergency?" said, while she was making her way to the kitchen. "I've got left 15 minutes lunch-break."

"Leo was kidnapped." Piper replied, with tears choking her throat.

"What?" Prue said, obviously surprised, so much as shocked. "When?"

"In about half an hour at the club." Phoebe answered.

"I don't understand." Prue tries to figure out the meanings of what she just heard.

"A Darklighter surprised us in P3 and took him." Piper said, while whipping her eye from tears. "Why haven't I done something? I should have frozen him. I could have saved Leo."

Phoebe hugs Piper as she replied, "you had no way of knowing".

Piper pulled out of Phoebe's arms, "but I had to." she said, trying to blame herself, as she took a few steps backwards. "He sacrificed so much for me and I need to protect him, I want to protect him!" she starts to cry real hard and runs to her room.

"Piper!" Phoebe shouted while running after her.

"Pheebs!" Prue hurried to catch Phoebe's arm. "Give her some time alone, I think she needs it."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Phoebe said as she loosened Prue's grip on her hand.

"Listen, Pheebs," Prue said with a little change of tone "I know it's not the time, but I thought about what you said, and…"

"Prue," Phoebe lifted her hand to stop Prue. "It's fine."

"And… you're right." Prue replied without caring that her sister just stopped her "I talked to the magazine editor, and I told him everything he needs to know, and…you're in." Prue sealed with a smile.

"I'm what?" Phoebe asked, surprised, happy and nervous all at the same time.

"You got the job."

"I got the job?" she asked just before she screams and hugs Prue. "You're the best sister in the world!" She kisses her "thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's all right. But, uhh--" said while Phoebe pulled out of her, "there's only one thing…can you start now?"

"What's a problem with that? Phoebe asked as Prue glances upstairs.

"Oh". Phoebe motioned with her hand for Prue to wait and goes up the stairs.

She knocks on Piper's door and opens it, "Piper? Are you all right?"

"No" said Piper, which set on her bed, facing the window.

"You will be" said Phoebe as she set next to her older sister and ran her hand through Piper's hair. "Piper, we'll find Leo. You have to believe it."

"You think I don't want to believe it?" Piper says to Phoebe, almost whispering. "I just can't. I keep thinking…what would have happened if I hadn't left Leo in the first place. He hadn't been able to lose his wings, he could have been happy, we…" her eyes filled with tears "…we could have been happy."

"It will be all right. Hold on to that" Phoebe putted he hands on Piper shoulders. "Don't worry about those till Leo's back."

"But what if…"

"He will. Okay? Take it out of your mind". She gets up and goes to stand in front of Piper, to face her. "I came to ask if you would mind if I'd go to 415."

"What do you have to do there?" Phoebe just smiles. "You got the job?" Phoebe shook her head. "Yey! I'm so happy for you!" Piper hugged her. "Of course, go. I'll pay a visit at the attic, try to find something in the book, look for a way to save Leo."

"Now that's the attitude." Phoebe said while Piper smiled. "Happy thoughts, just happy thoughts. Birds and flowers and angels…" said as Piper looks down. "Well forget the angels." Piper giggled as a reaction. "That's it, now."

"Phoebe?" Phoebe was interrupted by Prue's voice calling from downstairs. "Coming!" shouted Phoebe, for Prue to hear. She faces Piper with "You'll be okay". Phoebe gave Piper a quick huge, then she left. "Bye!"

"Bye." Piper replied with a smile, which quickly disappeared as she left.

[Cut to the Darklighter and Leo. They orb in a dark place]

"Piper?" Leo whispers.

"Still out of it, I see." the Darklighter replied.

"Who is this? Where am I?" Leo asked, with a feeling of confusion filling his heart.

"Don't you recognize, Wyatt?"

"Let go of me!" Leo shouts out as He tries to get out but the Darklighter zaps him. "Nice to meet you, Wyatt." he turns around. "Heard a lot about you. Over 50 years in the business, in love with a witch…" he zaps Leo again, "Lost your wings, all for your babe…" zaps Leo again, "Which had dumped you for a mortal…" he catches Leo's shirt, "And now you are a mortal again. Think you'll get a second chance?" he drops Leo hard as he leaves Leo's shirt. "Well, you won't live long enough to get a second chance. Too bad, you two were pretty cute together". He walks a little away. "Oh, by the way I'm Cory. Cory Gate. Ever heard about me? I'm really new at this business…you know? There I was. All I did was robbing a bank. Killed a couple of people. And the police stake, ooh…that was a stake. They waited for me…and all I did is aimed a gun at an officer, ready to shoot…and bang! A bullet right in to my system. Fell down, immediately died. And what am I now?" he zaps Leo as Leo cries in pain. "Yeah, that's right…I'm here to kill you. It's you know, this test. It works with Whitelighters." Leo gasps. "Yeah, I know, I know. You're not a Whitelighter anymore." Cory laughs. "Better! You won't be able to fight back. This whole thing's meant to show if I really have the guts to kill and destroy. And guess what?" Cory Zaps him again as Leo is battling in pain and open his eyes. "I do."

"I don't care what you'll do to me, just…please, I'm begging you. Don't hurt Piper. Not her sisters either."

"It's fine." Cory said. "I don't have any interests in witches, just in pathetic guys like you. The 'good guys'". He zaps Leo again and disappears.

[Piper is in the attic. She's searching in the book for the right page.]

"Come on…come on…I know I've seen you before!" Suddenly the book' pages flips. "Ow!" She looks around. "Grams?"

"No." Piper looks up as she hears a familiar voice.

"Mom?" Piper asked, not sure if she's dreaming or not.

"Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing here?" Piper asks, surprised, realizing she not dreaming.

"I wanted to talk with you." Patty smiled.

"You came all this way just to talk to me?"

"I do my best when it's important."

"What do you have in mind?" Piper asks with a lot of curiosity that flows in her mind.

"Leo. And how much you love him." Patty replies, as Piper looks down.

"Did it ever happen to you? With Sam, I mean?" Piper asked, with her head still hanged down.

"Yes it did." Patty says as Piper lifts her head. "It was before we knew how we feel about each other. The first thing I did when I realized I might never see him again was telling him how I feel. How much I love him. And it just made him stronger in the fight."

"What did he said that happened?"

"From what I remember, a young Darklighter held him somewhere, in meaning to kill him. I can't remember more, I'm sorry."

"And how was he saved?"

"He saved himself. But of course he still had his powers with him. Then was the time we started to get closer. With all the love you carry for Leo, you must try that. And when you'll save him…I can't really tell you what to do, but he deserves a second chance. You both need a second chance."


"You're more then welcome, darling. Well, I have to leave, I promised it wouldn't be long. Goodbye, sweetheart."

"I love you, mom." Piper replied, with a few tears hanging down from her eyes.

"I love you too. And don't forget what I said!" Patty closed her eyes, and then her spirit glowed and disappeared.

"I won't". She goes back to the book and notice the stuff about Darklighter. "Whoa."

[Cut to 415. Prue and Phoebe walk in a room and Prue starting to walk before Phoebe.]

"Hay, hay, hay!" shouted Phoebe, "Where are going?"

"I just wanna lead the way."

"Prue…" Phoebe catches Prue's arm.

"Listen," Prue whispers "I just don't want the staff to know we're sisters."

"And why is that?" Phoebe asked, trying to hide her anger with a fake smile.

"Coz…" she holds Phoebe's arm and stops her, "I just don't think it's such a good idea."

"Are you ashamed of me?" Phoebe asks in a sarcastic tone,

"No! Of course not, just…" Prue pulls Phoebe close to her, "I don't want people to think you got the job because I am your sister."

"But I did." Phoebe replies with a 'look'.

"Pheebs, it wasn't me, the reason you got the job. It's what you have inside, your skills, your personality. It was you who got the job, not me!"

"Actually, it was you who got me the job."

"Yeah, by telling the editor about you!"

"And you didn't lied?"


"Not even a little bit?"

"No!" Phoebe looks her in the eyes. "Okay, so I did." Phoebe gives her a 'look'. "What? A little lie never hurt anyone."

"Actually, it did, but you know what? If you don't want me to be your sister I won't be your sister."


Phoebe starts to walk away "but you know people would start to suspect when they'll see out mutual last name!" She leaves and Prue sighs.

[Manor, attic. Piper is flipping back and forward in the book. She founds something about young Darklighter and starts to read]

"'Darklighter entering test: before a Darklighter officially becomes one, he has to pass this test. A Darklighter, which fails in the mission, is back to the dead world. Whoever succeeds on killing his target officially becomes a Darklighter, and immediately starts on his job. The Darklighter on the mission has one goal- to capture a Whitelighter and bring him to his death…' Leo…" She keeps reading. "'By abandoning him in a place on a secret unreachable plane of existence'. That helps a lot." She's flipping pages in the book. "Planes, planes…" she stops on a page. "'The 10th plane of existence: the unreachable plane. A plane with no way getting in or out of it. Most of the time used by Darklighter as a hiding place for captured Whitelighters. Active Whitelighters may find the way out, with their powers only'…" she starts to have tears in her eyes. "Oh…my god."

[415. A blonde women is sitting on a chair having people all around her make-upping her and playing with her hair. Prue is coming towards her with a camera in her hand. She walks to a man standing behind the women.]

"Hay. Am I late?" Prue asked, a little stressed.

"Right on time." the man told her.

"K. " Prue goes to the woman "Ms. Brok?"

"Yes, are you the photographer?" the woman on the chair answered.

"Yes I am. Halliwell, Prue…Halliwell." Prue shakes her hand. "Are you feeling okay, Ms. Brok?"

"Call me Kerry, and yes, I feel great." Kerry, the Blonde, shouts to another man "hay! You told me to shout when I'm ready!"

"Can we start shooting already?" Prue asked, a little nervous.

"Not yet, we're waiting to the new fashion writer," said the man Prue talked with earlier, "She's 20 minutes late, umm…" he looks in a book "Phoebe Halliwell. Any relation?"

"Actually, uh…" Prue starts to say.

"Hello?" Kerry suddenly shouts, "I said I'm ready?!"

"Of course you are." says the man, "Let us just check with our new writer" he says, and then looks at Prue.

"Give me two minutes." Prue walks off to a corner, takes her cell phone out and starts dialing.

Cut to Phoebe, who is in Piper's jeep. "Hello?"



"Where the hell are you? You said you're going for an hour!"

"So another 30 minutes, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you have an article to write? Kerry Brok, super-model?"

"Oh, god! I completely forgot!" Phoebe panics, "God…I'll be there as soon as I can, I promise."

"You better." Prue hangs up. Then she looks at all the people looking at her, waiting, and she smiles and then turns her head back.

[Time laps. Phoebe is running it the studio]

"Hay. I'm so sorry I forgot, I…"

"It's…okay," said the same man as before, "Lets just start, we're way off schedule."

Phoebe walks over to Prue "hay."

"Hi." her oldest sister replied.

"Okay, people, all set?" shouted our favorite man, "Good. Halliwell, you're with Brok, and…" he stops as he realize that the both Halliwell's are looking, and standing still. "Phoebe, you're with Brok, Prue, get your equipment, and please hurry..." he gets interrupted by Phoebe's cell phone which's ringing. Prue looks at her depressed. Phoebe takes her phone out and answers it. "Hello?"

On the other side, Piper is crying, "Phoebe?"

"Piper?" Phoebe asked in concerned. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not. Are you busy now?"

"For you, never, sweetie. What's wrong?"

"I… I can't talk about it right now…" she keeps on crying, "I just need somebody."

"Does it have to be the both of us?"


"Okay, I'll be right there." She hangs up the phone, "ooh…I'm so sooo sorry! I have an emergency at home, I gotta go." She runs off.

"Phoebe?!" Prue shouts to her little sister.

"I'll call you." Phoebe replies as she runs straight out the studio.

"Do me a favor, call Christi." our man tells another guy then turns to Prue, "Tell your sister that if she wanted to work here, too bad."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Prue asks, worried.

"It means that she's fired!" says, then walks away, while Prue stands there, obviously shocked.

[Manor, Phoebe is entering the house]

"Piper? Piper?" Phoebe goes up the stairs into Piper's bedroom. "Piper!" She sees Piper sitting on her bed, staring at the book.

"We can't save him." Piper said, still crying.

"Leo?" Phoebe asks Piper, although she already knows the answer.

"There is no way to save him".

Phoebe sits on Piper's bed. "I don't understa…"

"Where he's is, is unreachable". She looks at Phoebe. "It's a plane used by Darklighters. There is no way of getting in or out. Not without special powers-- Whitelighter's powers. He is stuck there. He will die there. And it's all because of me."

"Oh, honey…" Phoebe hugs her, "it's not your fault."

"It is. It's all my fault."

"For what?" Phoebe pulled out and held Piper hands, "For falling in love? For being so sweet and beautiful to have a guy falling in love with you?" Phoebe pets Piper's face. "Personally, I think your biggest mistake was that you listened to your head, instead of to your heart."

"Too bad you hadn't told it to me earlier. Before Dan got in the picture."

"I wish I had."

"Now…Leo is captured by a Darklighter, and he's hopeless. He's going to die there, Alone. And I'll always wonder how it could have been if…if I would just have made the right choice." She said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Now I feel guilty, for unknowing how you felt in the beginning. If I knew, I would have never push you to Dan."

"Dan…" Piper smiled for a second before her smile covered with tears, "He's a great guy. He did so much for me…but I just, can't…feel for him what I feel for Leo". Phoebe isn't saying anything. She doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry". She says while petting Piper's head, "I had to know. I wish I knew". Piper leans her head on Phoebe's shoulder. "Do you want me to keep looking?"

"Sure". Piper managed to spell through her tears, "Take the book. I want to take a nap."

"Okay". Phoebe goes out and closes the door, and Piper starts sobbing again.

[While Phoebe is walking downstairs, the doorbell rings. She puts the book on a shelf and goes answer it. She opens the door and she sees…]

"Dan!" she says, surprised.

"Hi, Phoebe." he replies. "Listen, is Piper home?"

"Uhh…Piper? She's, umm…sleeping."

"Can you tell her to call me when she wakes up?"

"I don't know, Dan, I mean I will…but she's not feeling so good."

"I figured something is wrong when she skipped on our lunch-date. Without notifying me. What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you."

"Phoebe, I want to know, I wanna help her."

"I don't think you can."

"Why? What is so forbidden that she can't tell her boyfriend?"

"All I can tell you is…it's about Leo." Dan turns his head as he hears the 'L' word. "I'm sorry but you gotta g…" she tries to say just as Prue walks towards the door.

"Phoebe?" she calls her sister as she notices Dan. "Hay Dan". She talks back To Phoebe, "Pheebs, we have to talk." She says and glances at Dan.

"That's okay, I'm leaving anyway." Dan goes back, turns, and start walking towards his house.

"What is it?"

"I got some bad news". Prue whispers while pulling Phoebe into the manor.

"What about?"

"Your job."


"You've been fired." Phoebe's eyes widen. "Pheebs, I'm so sorr…"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute, I've been what?

"Fired". Prue adds in an innocent voice that matches perfectly to her innocent look.

"Okay. I guess I need to ask what have I done wrong but I think I'll rephrase that. What have you done wrong?"

Prue giggles for a few seconds and then shouts "Me?! You're the one who messed up your job!"

"It was my first day, I was nervous!"

"Yeah, and you were late for your assignment, the same one you left after 3 whole minutes!"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry for being so selfish for rushing to help my sister which is in a middle of an emotional breakdown!"

"Oh my, Piper". Prue rushes on up the stairs. Phoebe keeps looking forward for a couple of seconds, where Prue used to stand, then takes a sharp turn with her head to look at the stairs. She gasps.

Prue opens the door of Piper's bedroom, "Piper, are…. " She sees Piper sobbing on her bed. "Piper?"

"Leave me alone." Prue looks at her, worried. "Please. Go away." Prue goes out of Piper's bedroom and sees Phoebe. "Pheebs…."

"Don't talk to me." Phoebe goes in her room and slams the door.

[Piper's room. Her eyes are red from crying and tears running down her eyes. She slowly opens a drawer and pulls out Leo's silver army panels (the ones she found in "Love hurts"). She holds it close to her chest and cries again]

[The front door is knocked on.]

"Hello?" Dan is calling from behind the door. He opens the door and walk in. "anybody home?" He closes the door behind him and walks over to the stairs.

[Back in Piper's room. She's starting to cry real hard.]

"Where are you?"

[Dan walks up the stairs. He hears a voice, but can't understand the words. He follows the voice]

"God…oh god…" he hears her saying.

[Shot back to Piper]

"Leo? Can you hear me? Please?"

[Shot back to Dan. He keeps walking follow Piper's voice. Shot back to Piper]

"I… I love you. I love you Leo. Try to listen. Try to listen, please!"

[Dan stops and leans his head against Piper's door, and listens to what she says. Shot back to Piper]

"Please come back, Leo. I love you. I love you so much, and I know I should have proved it before, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't."

[Shot back to Dan. Tears running down from his eyes]

He hears her voice again, "Damn it, Leo! Please try to hear what I'm saying, I do mean it."

[Shot to Piper's room]

"And I want you to come back, come back to me. We need you…I need you." Piper keeps on sobbing.

Dan is crying silently from the other side of the door. He's walking down the stairs and the shot stays on Piper's door till you hear the front door slams.

[The dark place Leo's in. he seats there, looks like he's sleeping, when his body starts to glow in a golden light.]

[Manor, night. Phoebe goes out of her room, and knocks on Piper's door.]

"Piper? Are you okay? I heard were crying and yelling and then you were really, really quiet."

"Come in." Piper says silently.

"Hay". Phoebe sits next to Piper on her bed and puts her arm around her. "How are you feeling?"

"Bad." She looks at Phoebe, "you don't look so good yourself. Is something wrong?"

"A lot, actually. Prue gave me a message from my new bosses. I'm fired, on my first day."

"Pheebs, oh my. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. But my thing doesn't compare to yours."

"Thanks. You're doing a great cheering job."

"Oh god, oh my… I didn't meant to…"

"Give it up, Pheebs. I know what you meant". Piper lays her head on Phoebe's shoulder and closes her eyes.


"Don't mind me, I'm just tired from all that crying. I better rest before I'll start to remember again. Well, actually, I can't forget". More tears running down Piper's cheeks. "Every place here reminds me of Leo. In the Conservatory we had our first kiss, I was on the stairs when I first asked him out, the attic was the place we first admitted that we love each other, every bathroom reminds me of his work on the plumbing, and my room…" she tries to suck her tears back when a little smile appear on her face, "There was the place we first…"

"I get the idea."

"The point is, I never realized how much I love him, how strong are my feelings…till now. But…why? Why are my feelings doing this to me?

"Piper, we all knew that you still loved Leo. It's in your look, in your eyes. But, I never knew that your love for him is so deep, so strong."

"All I ever thought since I met Dan is that I can't listen to my feeling and go with my needs. I didn't even care for Leo, even when I loved him. All I wanted was a peace whole life with a mortal. I couldn't deny my love for Leo, I just thought that it would be easier with a mortal. I thought that a glimpse of normality in my life would have made me happier. But I still know I would be happier with Leo, mortal or immortal, normal or supernatural. I mean, he knows me, he understands me, he respects me... He knows what I need and tries to give it to me. He loves me like I need to be loved. And I didn't fully understand it before." She starts to cry again. Phoebe puts her am around Piper and holds her tight. "It's going to be alright", Phoebe whispered to her sister, "I…I promise". She turns to Piper. "I'm sooooo tired. I'm going to bed. Can you make it through the night?"

"Maybe." Piper replied while wiping some of her tears.

"Well, don't be afraid to come to me, okay?" Phoebe told Piper, to make her a little confident that she has someone to turn to 24-7.

"Okay. Night."

"Night to you too!" Phoebe leaves. Piper catches her pillow and cuddles in it. Then she seems to be thinking about Leo and holds the pillow tighter.

[Next morning. Prue is coming to the kitchen and Phoebe looks at her angrily]

"Hay. Going to work?"

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No…why should I? Just because you helped me get fired from a job I always wanted?"


"No, it's okay, it's fine. As long as you're happy!"

"All right, Phoebe, you think I wanted to do this? You think I'm doing this just to amuse myself? I had no choice, okay? It was an order, I never wanted you to get fired". Phoebe turns away. "Can we just…put it a side for now? We have bigger problems to deal with."


"So…how's Piper? I didn't get to speak to her last night."

"She's…she's devastated. Broken hearted. Poor girl. She loves Leo so much, and no when he's gone…I guess her old feelings is pounding strong on her heart."

"I feel sorry for her, really. If I was in this situation I don't know how I would've deal with that. What is she up to? The last time I saw her she was in her room crying."

"Well, that hasn't changed much. She's still in her room, still crying. She can't go over napping, I mean, she's a wreck!"

"Well, I don't blame her. I mean, Leo- the one she really loves is kidnapped, and Dan, who's her boyfriend, is out there waiting for her to come, looking for explanations."

"And it really doesn't help that we can't save him". An awkward silence spreads. Suddenly they notice Piper coming down the stairs.


"Wait, am I seeing things or did Piper just came out of her room?" Phoebe says and finds herself being nudged by Prue.


"Hay, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Like a triple pile of crap."

"Oh, mama" Prue gives her a look. "Sorry…"

"Do you want coffee?" Prue asked,

"Sure". Piper replied, and went to seat next to the table. "I'm so tired. Maybe some caffeine could awake me."

"Couldn't sleep?" Phoebe asked, worried.

"No". Piper says while moving some hair out of her face. "I was up all night thinking…but I decided I should come down to earth and deal with the fact that…that he's…gone." as she starts crying.

"Piper…" Phoebe tries to relax her sister,

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. I'm okay? Okay, so don't mind me, okay? Okay". Piper adds as she goes up to her room. Phoebe and Prue look at each other concerned.

"You think she'll be okay?" Prue asked her worried sister,

"No. I don't really think she could get over this, I mean, if we won't do something about Leo, she will remain broken hearted for who knows how long". Phoebe comments, trying to hide a few tears of concern,

"Somehow we'll handle it all." Prue comments to the passive reaction she heard from Phoebe, "For now, she just need to be a little distracted". They both look at each other for few seconds and the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it". Phoebe walks to the door, opens it and sees… "Dan!"

"Hay, Phoebe. Umm…tell me, is Piper around?"

"Yeah, but it's really not the time…"

"Please, Phoebe," Dan stops her, "It's important."

"Fine. Come on in." Phoebe lets Dan in, closes the door and going up to Piper's bedroom. "Piper!" She knocks on the door, "are you in there?"

"No!" Piper shouts.

"Piper, come on! You have to go out a little, you said it yourself." Phoebe says while Piper opens the door.

"Okay, what is it?"

"You got company."



"I'm not coming" Piper says as she rushes to get into her room, but Phoebe stops her.

"Why not? You really need to…"

"Forget about it, okay? He doesn't need to see me like this."

"Sweetie, maybe he can help you."

"Yeah, right, my current boyfriend needs to help me get over the loss of my ex-boyfriend who's probably the love of my life" she tries to wipe a few tears off her eyes.

"Well, it was just a suggestion. But what do you know? Maybe he has good news."

"Long shot."

"Just go, Piper."

"Only if you'll promise you would stop nagging."

"I will."

"Fine" She goes down the stairs. "Dan."

"Hay, Piper. Listen I think we need to talk."

"What is it? You sound so serious" she asks concerned. If there is a thing that she really doesn't need now it's more bad news.

"Well, I'm not here to joke-around."

"What's wrong?"

"Listen, you know how much I love you and care about you, and I know I don't wanna do this, but I can't deny this anymore."

"Dan, what are you talking about?"

"I came here last night, Phoebe told me what something was going on, something with Leo, and I thought…maybe you need me to be there, to help you through, but what I heard didn't helped me at all…" he starts to have tears in his eyes,

"Dan…" Piper tries to avoid the bad news which about to be heard,

"I heard all your declaimers about how you love him, and need him and all the others 'statements' that…that made me feel like you just took my heart out and smashed it to a million little pieces. Do you know what it's like to go on with this feeling, pretending I don't know?"

"Yes I do," She starts to cry.

"I always knew you loved Leo, that he is an old friend and that you used to have a 'thing' together. But never imagined it would be so strong. I tried to avoid it for so long, I believed that somehow I would manage to get you to love me at least that much as you love him…I need you to answer. Do you love Leo? Do you love him more then you love me?"

Piper starts to sob, "yes I do, I'm…god…" she cries even harder.

Dan adds with even more tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Piper". He walks out the door and closes it behind him. Piper collapse on the couch. Phoebe runs down the stairs as soon as she hears it.

"Piper? Are you all right?" she goes and seats next to Piper.

"No I'm not. He was here last night when I…" Piper says while Phoebe strokes her hair, "He broke up with me". Phoebe hugs Piper and Piper keeps crying.

[Kitchen. Prue and Phoebe are there]

"Hay," Phoebe tries to get Prue's attention, "Can I borrow 50 bucks? I'll pay you back."

"What do you need that for?"

"I have some errands to do. I have to go to the market, get some mail, and take things out of dry cleaning. Do you need something?"

"We ran out of toilet paper."

Phoebe takes out a pen and paper and writes "to-i-let pa-per. Alright. Would you take care of Piper? She's very…you know, sensitive right now."

"Okay. Bye!"

"Bye." She goes out of the back door and shuts it behind her.

[Super-market. Phoebe is standing with a basket of groceries in her hand. She picks up white bread and it immediately triggers a premonition. She sees Leo in their attic with the Darklighter. The Darklighter makes the ropes (which ties Leo) fade into him and Leo collapses. Then she sees Piper finding the body and checking his pulse. Then she bends and cries over him. The premonition ends and Phoebe looks terrified]

"Leo…" She drops the basket and runs straight into her car.

[Manor. Phoebe comes running through the front door and leaves it open. She runs up to the attic and sees Leo]

"Leo!" she shouts, happy, surprised and worried.

"Phoebe! Thank god. You have to get those ropes off me somehow, they're poisoned!" Leo rushes to say.

"You just...Prue!" she goes out the attic to the stairs, "Prue!" she goes in the attic again. Piper is going through the stairs into the attic.

"Pheebs, Prue had an..." as she notice Leo. "Leo! Oh my. Are you okay?"

"For now." Leo answers, stressed out.

"Where did Prue go?"

"She had an urgent assignment she had to take care of...just call her, tell her to come right away. I'll stay here."

"Okay, but in the meanwhile, just freeze him."

"Freeze me!?" Leo asks, confused.

"Yeah, well you said the ropes are poisoned". She looks at Piper, "You have to stop it from getting in him, before the poisoned starts to work". Then she turns to Leo, "We can't risk you getting hurt. Agreed?"

"Fine, I'm game", Leo responds, with full trust in Piper and her sister.

"Okay, what, like this?" Piper freezes Leo.

"Just keep him like this till Prue shows up, okay?"

"Sure". Phoebe goes out, while Piper walking towards Leo and seats on a chair behind him. "Well, now what?" Leo unfreezes and Piper freezes him again. "Ooh, I just looove having that power."

Phoebe goes into the attic while saying "Prue drove off with a cab, so I'm gonna pick her up. Will you do fine?"

"Yeah, don't worry."

"Okay". Phoebe goes to Piper and hugs her, "Be careful" she pulls out and going towards the stairs. "Oh, and if the son of a..." Piper then gives her a 'look', "Darklighter shows up, just freeze his butt too, make sure that he doesn't make it through your freezes. Okay? All right? Bbye. I love you!"

"Love ya too, Pheebs". She hears the door slams. Leo unfreezes again and Piper freezes him again. She heavily sighs.

[15-minuted later. the front door is knocked on, then opened and Dan's head is peeking through it]


Piper hears noise and goes down the stairs, while she notice Dan. "Oohh!" she freezes Dan. Leo unfreezes and she freezes him again. "God, its so too exhausting". She goes and sits on the upper stair. Dan unfreezes and she freezes him again. She goes into the attic where Leo is unfrozen and she freezes him as well.

"This is getting re-dic-u-less!"

The Darklighter appears in black orbs, "Yes, it is!" she freezes him too. "Ooohhhhhh!"

Phoebe's going through the front door with Prue, "Piper?" she notice the frozen Dan. "Heh?"

"Oh Pheebs. Thank god you're here. I'm going all around between freezing Dan here, to Leo, to the son of a Darklighter."

"Oh no, he's here?" Prue panics.

"Yeah, just arrived."

"Okay listen," Phoebe takes control, "Prue- go with Piper to the attic. Try and stall everything. If the son of a lighter tries anything, freeze him, and wait for me. I'll try to get Dan out of here."

"Sure" Prue says while going with Piper into the attic. "What do we do now?"

[Phoebe with Dan]

"Dan, please, you have to go!" Phoebe says, nervous.

"No, I won't, till you tell me what's going on!"

"I can't tell you, Dan. Just leave". Dan goes out and slams the door.

[Cut to the attic]

"Okay, so this is the plan?" Prue asks Piper

"Yeah, I'll just freeze him while we look in the book."

"Sounds neat to me."

"Good" Piper comments just before the room unfreezes.

"Oh, oh, Piper!" Prue yells to Piper. Piper tries to freeze them both, but only Leo freezes.

"Why didn't he freeze? Haven't I frozen his type before, haven't I?" she then unfreezes Leo.

"You know." Darklighter says while passing his hand through his hair, "I'm getting really good with those things" he laughs, then the tries to push the poisoned ropes into Leo's body, but Prue manages to throw him over the wall, while he lands close to the door.

"You can't possibly stop me!" the Darklighter says while laughing. Phoebe appears behind him and kicks him in the head. He falls on the floor, knocked out. "Wanna bet?"

"Okay, now what are we going to do?" Piper's pacing.

"Listen to me", Leo whispers, "you have to try and untie those ropes off me and throw it on him."

"Will it work?" Prue asks, concerned for everyone's destiny.

"Hope so" Leo answers

The Darklighter is starting to get up, just as Prue unties Leo with her power and throws the ropes over the Darklighter.

"Oh, no" our Darklighter he glows in red, and starts to melt. "Noooooo!!!!" he puffs in black orbs.

"Are you alright?" Phoebe asks her sisters

"Yeah" Prue answers between gasps.

"Leo!" Piper goes and helps him stand, "Are you okay?"

"I am now." Leo says while they look at each other.

"Prue?" Phoebe whispers while Prue gives her a 'what' look, "Mhmm!" Phoebe grabs Prue's arm and pulls her out.


"So..." Piper replies while Leo smile at her, "How did you appeared in here?"

"You remember, when I...died, and you saved me? Saved me by..." Piper then looks down. "Well, it worked. Again. I think I've gained some of my abilities back, that way I could watch you. Hear your every word. I guess the power of love won again". He smiles, then turns around. He takes a few steps away from Piper, who's standing in silence, without moving a muscle. Just tears falling from her eyes.

"Leo..." "Piper..." they both call at the same time.

"You go first." Leo whispers to Piper. Piper is taking a few slow steps, as she is standing almost too close to Leo. She looks down, then up to his beautiful eyes. She holds his hands, and looks down at them. She slowly looks back at Leo's tearing eyes, while she softly places her shaking pear of lips next to his for a soft, gentle kiss. Leo pulls out, then whips her tears. He holds her head and kisses her passionately. Piper responds with as much passion while she places her hands on his back and pressing her body on to his. Leo orbs the both of them out to Piper's bedroom. they keep kissing as Piper finds herself unbuttoning Leo's shirt. He then pulls out, looks deep in her eyes, then orbs away. Piper falls onto her bed.

[Night. Phoebe's sitting on the sofa watching TV. Prue comes down the stairs]


"Hi!" Phoebe replied. "Wanna join me? There is a really good movie here."

"No, I just wanted to say goodnight. I want to get a good night sleep. I must wake up early tomorrow. I have an assignment.


"You better get some sleep too. I mean, you don't wanna be late to you first day on your new job, do you?" Prue asks, not looking directly into Phoebe's eyes, just smiling.

"New job? What new job?"

"As my assistant. I mean, assuming that you want to."

"And what will I get to do? Make you coffee and, Brush


"When do I start?" she asks with a little smile,


"Oh, thank you!" she hugs Prue, "you're one of the best two sisters in the world!"

"I don't think so" Phoebe pulls out then. "I thought about all you said to me in the last couple of days, and you were right, I was being too hard on you."

"No, Prue, it's okay. You were doing your job, and I respect it. I was pretty mean to you myself. I'm sorry," She hugs Prue again.

"I'm sorry too."

Piper is going down the stairs while they hug, "hay" she says while both Prue and Phoebe pulls out,

"Piper!" Prue asks in a curious tone, "Where were you? We hadn't saw you since that whole...son of a-- something thing."

"Yeah. I was in my room".

"In your room as in your room with Leo?" Phoebe asks while Prue looks at her angrily,

"No". Piper sits on the couch. "I don't understand it. I mean, he told me he got his abilities back and he watched me all this time. And I just went over and kissed him, and then he kissed me, and he orbed us into my room, and it was all so passionate and full of lust," and Phoebe looks like she's gonna be sick, "and I was so sure that we were going know, and suddenly he just pulled out. Orbed out."

"But why?" Prue asks, surprised, "I thought he wanted..."

"Well, I guess he didn't" Piper replies, almost whispering.

[Later that night. Piper is in a nightie, turning the house lights off. Suddenly the doorbell rings. She goes and answers it.]

"Yes?" she asks the delivery guy which stands in front of her,

"Flowers to, umm…" he looks over his list "...Ms. Piper Halliwell."

"For me?" Piper looks surprised while he hands her the flowers, "From whom?"

The guy looks over his list again, "Not listed. Sorry."

Piper smiles, "They're beautiful".

The guy replies "Must be somebody you mean a lot to."

"I guess. Thank you"

"You welcome" she closes the door, then puts the flowers on the coffee table. She seats on the sofa, pulls out a card and starts to read.

Leo's voice is heard saying:


I'm so sorry I just...orbed out like i did.

It's just when I heard and saw all things that had happened when I was gone...I didn't wanted to take advantage of your situation.

Anyway, I had to leave. You know, check things out with the elders, think, clear my mind a little. So do you.

I hope you could sleep better knowing that I'm all right. And don't think that I don't want this. You. Us.

Love you forever, Leo."

"Leo". She leans over the table and smells the flowers, looking way over confused.