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Love Will Find Thy Way

by SuzAnton

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Prue wonders if she is going to spent it alone again. She found out that she is unsure of love itself. She is still feeling down about the argument she had with Bane a few days ago, to make thing worse he had not called since. They were so much in love, it all began when Bane unsuspectedly came back 3 months ago. Sparks just flew..and Prue felt loved again. At that time, she was not sure if he is the one..but after being with him all these time, she felt that he might be the one. The argument began when Prue got hurt really bad and was in a coma ..and Bane whom had always understood Prue's role as the protector of innocence suddenly asked Prue to give up being a witch. Prue still remember those words "I don't want to see you get hurt anymore, I loved you and I will not risk losing you to any demon or anything anymore..Prue!!". Prue replied that it is her destiny and it would not be fair to her sister and pleaded for him to understand. Bane said that Prue never allowed to do something to protect her. Prue said with tears in her eyes that she does not want anything to happened to him..and it is not as if he doesn't know what he is up to! Prue remembers the pain when she lost Andy and she knows how much she does not want it to happened to Bane. Bane replied that if that is the case, let's run away and leave this supernatural life. Prue said that she could never leave her sisters. Somehow, Bane was adamant on telling Prue to choose between him or being the charmed ones. That moment, Prue could almost see her world crashing down.

Phoebe and Piper knew that Prue was not herself these few days. She had been keeping a lot to herself. Phoebe and Piper are especially scared that Prue would go back to her old self of keeping all her problems to herself. Prue did try or make things seem as normal but being her sisters Piper and Phoebe knows that something is troubling her. That night on Valentine's Day Eve..Prue felt so helpless. She was awoken by a nightmare in where Andy was killed. Suddenly a gush of wind, blows..and she felt the cold wind penetrating through her felt cold but it felt familiar too. She felt weird. She just sat there in silence with tears dwelling in her eyes. Suddenly, she heard a voice so familiar..calling out her name. "Prue.." repeatedly. She realizes that it sound like Andy's voice. She knew that was the voice she once loved listening to. She called out..her voice trembling."Andy" Andy touches her and suddenly appeared beside her. At that moment she knew she missed him so much. Andy said "Don't cry will find your true love one day..." Prue crying, said.."You were my true love but I" Andy said. "You know I will be there with you always..." Prue with tears gushing out of her already swollen eyes.."Andy...and he holds her delicately. His skin felt so cold but yet she felt her heart warmed up again. She felt asleep in his arms.

The next morning, she woke up but she was alone. Somehow, she knew last night was real. Suddenly, she saw a photo of Bane and her on her table..and relinquishes all the time she had. She thought that he was the man next to Andy who had made her love him so much. She cleans herself up and get dress. She went down to hear a laughter of Piper and Leo in the kitchen talking about their plans for tonight. And Phoebe saying sweet nothings to her A.D.A boyfriend on the phone..well her now reformed boyfriend..Cole. Prue knows that Phoebe had somehow found the one cause her love manages to change Cole. Prue interrupts Piper and Leo, and went straight to the get some coffee. She said "Good morning people". Piper and Leo replied "Morning Prue!". Just when Piper saw Prue's swollen eyes..she is quick to ask what happened. Leo excused himself. Prue said "Nothing..I had a bad night." Just when she said that.. Phoebe came in and cheerfully said.."Cole and I..." She stops and asked Prue the same thing. "Prue what happened?" Prue just ignores and went to the living room, saying that she had a bad night that's all. Piper said that it was more than that. Prue sinks into the couch and said, "Andy.....was here yesterday..." "No," Phoebe said. Prue explains what happened with Bane and what really happened last night. Phoebe knew that Prue had found a new meaning of love in Bane after she had lost Andy. Phoebe holds Prue as she just closes her eyes while in Phoebe's arm, while Piper holds her hand so tightly. They just sat there without saying anything.

While Piper and Phoebe are going out for their respective dates Prue tries to help them dress up. At the same time, trying to forget the fact that she will be spending Valentine's Day alone. Phoebe realizes that and asks her to come along but Prue said that she will feel as if she is intruding. Phoebe and Piper gave up in persuading her. They went out for the romantic Valentine's date. Prue went up the attic and opens up the Book of Shadows just reading some stuff. Then Andy appears and wished her a Happy Valentine's Day with a delicate kiss. However she can't seem to get Bane out of her mine. Andy knows that. He asked her if she thinks he is the one. She looks down. Andy explains that she can be truthful cause he and her just simply can't be together, he does not belong to the same world Prue is in. He explains he came back with a purpose that is to help Prue realize that love is never lost. She really need to be sure and really opened her heart. Tears dwell in her eyes as she knows this will be the last time she will ever see Andy again. She does realize that Andy and her can't be together but it is just too painful to accept to lost Andy the second time round. Just as Andy kisses Prue their last ever goodbye kiss, he disappears into thin air.

She sat down on the chair and hugs Andy photo close to her heart. She felt asleep. Someone walked in kneels down beside her and looked at her lovingly. Bane takes away the photo and realizes that it was Andy .That moment Bane does not know why, he felt a tinge of jealousy. Could it be Prue still can't get over her feeling for Andy that is why he always felt that there was something holding her back. Somehow he felt that he does not have Prue all to himself. He did not wake Prue up and simply walks out.

In the club, Phoebe and Piper were having lot of fun but at the same time they were worried about Prue. Piper said that Prue will figure something out. Then Phoebe decided to write a spell something like a "push' spell to help Prue push herself to try to find that true love inside of here. She read the spell and she wonders whether it will work. After all, she felt better now and went back to her lover boy, Cole who is gleefully smiling at her.

Prue was awake already, and she received a call from Bane. Bane asked her to meet him at the same placed she and Andy used to go. She went there surprisingly feeling much more alive - due to the spell. She was somehow sure that he is her true love and she felt funny. He was waiting for her in a black jacket standing there looking at nothing he was staring in space as if he is kinda of unsure what to say or do next. Prue called him. He turns, he looked at her with sad eye but full of love. He started of saying that he was there in the attic when Prue felt asleep and he saw that Prue was holding Andy's photo so tightly. Prue sensed that Bane might be jealous. He said that "It's not that I am jealous of a dead man and not that I don't understand that you are the Charmed Ones, Prue I loved you will all my heart. I just don't want you to get hurt by any demon or when you were in the coma. I was so scared.. so scared. I know you feel the same but somehow I felt that I am never able to get the whole of you it is almost like there is something holding you back. Maybe you still can't get over Andy." Prue replied "Andy is my past you are my present Bane." Bane said "Prue.. I think that you and me have to take sometime apart." Prue can't believe what she is hearing.. "Let's give ourselves time if we are meant to be no matter how far apart we are we would still end up together." He kisses Prue and wipes away her tears. Before long she could no longer see his shadows. She wonders why does this happened when she was sure that Bane was the one for her. There is something in her telling her he is the one.

She went home. Piper and Phoebe were busy trying to call her. She walks in and walked straight to her room Phoebe wonders why her spell did not work. Piper said "Your spell might have worked she finding her true love but finding her true love does not mean they are going to be together. And there might be other factors too. Well you meant well but matters of the heart is so complicated." Phoebe just nod her head in agreement. It was raining outside. Back at Bane's apartment he was sitting beside the window thinking if what he did was the right thing.

Suddenly Andy appears in front of him. He was shocked and only relaxes when Andy explains. Andy told him that Prue loves him and he's sure Bane knows about it. Andy said "If only I have another chance with her.. I would never let her go but Bane she and me are from different worlds. You should make her want to give everything, her whole self to you, you have to work on it. All I have to say is don't lose her cause if you do you'll regret it. Search yourself Bane", Andy disappears and Bane is left pondering.

Prue wanted to take a walk but Piper insisted that it was raining so heavily. Just when she opens the door to go out Bane was there. Prue and Bane stand at the doorsteps. Bane said "Prue, I know I have said things that have hurt you. Will you ever forgive me and give me a chance?" Prue was surprised and she manage to smile and said "Unless you are willing to take me back and I am willing to try again.." Bane looks into her eyes which is now glistering with tears. Bane shakes his head "These tears are so precious, don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."

Bane said "I love you so much." Prue in turn replied "I love you too you are my only love." Phoebe and Piper are looking at them from inside, they were smiling. Bane pulled Prue close to him and kisses her passionately. They were oblivious of everything that is happening around them, the rain, the cold wind. Prue felt tears tricked down her cheeks. Then Bane stopped he heard a voice "Take Care of her Bane". Prue asked. "What?" Bane just smiled and hold her close to his heart. While Prue cries of the thought Andy was gone and now Bane is the one for her. Tears were flowing as Bane held her tight. Phoebe and Piper was moved by the scene and Phoebe said "She have indeed found her true love." Piper said "All thanks to you." Phoebe said "Well.. partly but they did most of the hard work! hehe." Phoebe and Piper walked away to leave Bane and Prue alone with themselves. Piper said "It is so much like in the movies. I wished Leo would be more romantic.. hmm" Phoebe "HAHA..fat hope." Piper said "Hey..." As they ran off teasing each other. Bane and Prue were now sitting down at the doorsteps just talking. The rain, the wind were so cold but for Bane he had never felt so good as somehow he knows Prue heart had now totally belong to him. Andy spirits looks on then disappears.