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Future Trip

by Saratex

DISCLAIMER: Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, Leo Wyatt and all other characters who have appeared in the series "Charmed" are the sole copyright property of Aaron Spelling, E. Duke Vincent, and the Warner Brothers Television Network. The story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This is for entertainment.

AUTHOR NOTE: This is my first time but please tell me what you think about it.

"Pheebs, what are you doing in the attic?" Prue asked as Phoebe is looking in the book of Shadows, "Just killing my time," she answered "Also I'm bored." "Don't you have that collage assignment due?" "Nah, I finished it." "Great, I just got to go to take pictures of people in the city and I should be back by tonight. See you." Prue left the attic and Phoebe said, "Does anything exciting happen around here? Obviously not" Phoebe gasped and saw pictures going in her mind, she was having a premonition.

"Never! I will never give you my powers, or my daughter!" A young, attractive woman in her thirties spat. The man growled, "Well at least you could tell me whereabouts your sisters or your niece." "I told you I'm never telling you!" The man chuckled, "Don't worry my sweet, you will tell me." and the man pulled the woman's hair and pushed it backwards, the woman cried in pain.

Phoebe gasped as she finished the premonition, "Uh.... Prue!" Phoebe ran downstairs to catch Prue from driving away, "Wait, Prue!" Phoebe shouted, "What's matter, Pheebs?" Prue looked at her with concern, and stopping the car. "I had a premonition,-" But Phoebe was cut short as soon she touched Prue's hand, she gasped, pictures again filled her mind.

"Look, Piper we are all in grave danger, you must bind Melinda's power!" A slightly older Prue who is very pregnant. "Who said? Look, I don't care! I'm getting out here, just leave me alone and don't ever come near Melinda again! You tell that to Phoebe as well!" Piper spat, holding hands with about six or seven years old daughter. Piper quickly left. "Piper!" Prue said desperately.

The vision ended, "Oh god," Phoebe trembling everywhere "Our future somehow is very wrong." "Come on inside Pheebs, what happened starting with the first vision?" As soon they sat down, Phoebe starting telling her what she saw and when she finished, "It felt so real and it was in colour." "Colour?" Prue asked, "Maybe my powers are growing?." "Maybe, we got to call Piper at P3 and see what we can do." "Ok, I'll call, you look in the book of shadows."

Phoebe dialed the number to the P3 and was answered by Piper professionally, "Good afternoon, you are calling at the P3 club-" Phoebe has a another vision..

Piper and Melinda was walking along the alley until the man blinked himself at the front of them, Piper clenched Melinda's hand saying "You can do it, Melinda, you can do it." Melinda was trying very hard and Piper and Melinda became invisible, but the man laughed scornfully, "Do you think being invisible can stop me?" By the wave of his hand, he turned Piper and Melinda visible again. Piper asked "What do you want?" The man laughed again "What do I want? I want-"

The vision ended. Damn! I don't know what he wants she thought "Hello... Hello?" "Oh! Sorry Piper, Uh can you come home? It's Pheebs." "Family emergency?" Piper asked. "Yep." "Ok, I'll be right there." Piper hanged up. Pheebs went upstairs in the attic, "I can't find anything about that man you told me about, no description fits." Prue informed her. "I had another vision about Piper and I was close finding out what the man wanted but it was cut short." "Cut short? That never done that, has it?" Prue asked. "I have no idea, well maybe we should take our future trip again? My visions are getting out of control." They looked in book of shadows frantically for half an hour.

"This better be good," a new voice came in the attic. It was Piper. "Oh, Pheebs' visions are getting out of control and she keep seeing freaky stuff in the future," Prue explained. "So we'll have to go to the future again?" "Yep, well I think we should." Pheebs said. "I don't know, 'cause last time we went into the future we were in our future selves bodies and that would be extremely dangerous," Prue said slowly. "Why we just call Leo?" Phoebe asked. "Ok, Leo? Leo? Leo?" They all called and Leo orbed in. "Hi, I supposed you called me 'cause of your visions?" "Yeah. How did you know?" asked Phoebe in surprise. "Never mind that, but anyway a man from the future came in this present and mucked up the past to change the future and you would be next that he would be visiting so you quickly need to go to the future before he change your lives."

They heard the downstairs door being opened, Leo said "Quickly!, Do the spell!" Phoebe is frantically looking through the book using the same spell that they used last time. "Uh here is it. Ok, Prue get a piece of paper and write the date which is Leo?" Phoebe asked. "Twenty six of September two thousand and fifteen." "Piper, light the paper" Piper lit the paper which has the date on it. "Now, we say it..

'Hear these words, Hear the rhyme.
We send you this burning sign.
Then, our future selves will find.
In, another place in time.'"

26th September, 2015:

Phoebe's spirit came into Phoebe's future body and Phoebe woke up and tried to get up but she was tied up in a chair with her two hands tied back of the chair. She was also gagged. She was trapped and she looked at her stomach, she was pregnant.

Prue's spirit came whooshing past Prue's future body, she stopped and felt herself going in. "What the-?." Lots of fans are begging her for a picture, she was mobbed and one said "Prue! I love you!!" Then Prue cell phone rang. She answered quickly saying "Yes?" "Prue? It's Piper and I'm watching you on the news." "I'm on news?" "Yeah, how about we meet at the mayor?" "Ok, see you. Oh, have you heard from Phoebe?" "No." "She'll be fine." She ended the conservation.

"I'm sorry my... uh people I have to go now please kindly let me through." Amazedly they parted letting Prue go through and going through the sports car. Prue looked at her stomach, she was pregnant, no very pregnant. Wow, I am married and about to have a family as she looked at her left hand. She thought. "Uh... driver.. somebody?" she called. "Yes, Mrs?" The driver in the front asked. "Uh can you take me to my childhood home?" Prue asked. "Your old home?"

"Hello, my sweet. At least I can take off the gag on your mouth." A man took it off and began kissing Phoebe. When he finished, Phoebe spat at him. "First of all, I am so not your sweet and why the hell you have tied me up? I don't know what you want!" "My sweet, you know what I want." "Well, I want to hear it from you," Phoebe thought quickly. "If you want that way, fine. Your sister, Prue is expecting a baby and Piper has a child already so I tied her up somewhere. But, that is not the point-" "Well, what's the point!?" "I was getting to that point before you rudely interrupted me. I believe the legend, when the charmed ones have a child - each of the sisters - mainly daughters, they would be even more powerful than the charmed ones." "So what you plan to do with us? or my nieces?" "Well, for your nieces, I plan to kill them and steal their powers but the price is greater for your sisters, including you would never have any children again and walk free but 'uncharmed'." "How.... How dare you treat my sisters like that!" Phoebe sputtered. The man chuckled. "Hush now, you talk too much but before I gag you would you like to tell me where is your sisters are?" Phoebe gave a short laugh, "What do you think? I would never betray my sisters!" The man became menacing, his eyes glowed with black burning coals, "I gave you lots of chances but this time you will be greater pain but not enough pain to kill your baby." He put his hand through Phoebe's heart, twisting around, Pheebs gave a cry of pain and rage.

"Prue! You're here now! I've waiting for ages!" Piper exclaimed "Yeah, the driver kept going wrong way," Prue said sourly. "Never mind that, but we have a problem. I don't know where's Phoebe is."

"Well, Leo told us we should to the future so the next step is to call him." "Ok" "Leo... Leo... Leo?" They called. At the instant, Leo orbed in, "Yes? You called me?" He asked roughly. "Uh yes, well we need your help." "Look, Piper, you don't understand, I'm no longer your whitelighter. I shouldn't even be here." "Well, I don't understand that but, we from the past, remember? You told us to do the future spell?" Prue explained. "I don't recall that." "Uh, it was the year of 2000 and oh yeah, Phoebe visions were out of control?" "Uh, yes now I recall that time." "So?" Prue asked. "So?" Leo asked. "So, what we do?" Prue asked. Leo sighed, "So, you don't know the full story?" "Isn't that bit obvious?" Piper asked. "Ok, Piper, you have a child - Melinda and Prue and Pheebs are excepting daughters-" "What this trip got to do with our children?" Prue asked. "I'm getting to that point, anyway there is a legend about the charmed ones that if each one person has a daughter it would be believed that those children would be even more powerful than the charmed ones." "Oh right a guy is going to kill these three children for powers right?" Piper asked. "Right, but Prue and Phoebe haven't gave birth to their babies so I would say all of you are in grave danger." "Speaking of Phoebe, where's Pheebs?" "It would be most likely that she got caught so she would able to give birth and the demon would likely to kill the newborn for powers. Where's Melinda?" "All you can think of Melinda not Phoebe?" Prue asked angrily. "Careful Prue, your powers is very powerful. Melinda is my daughter incase you don't know. But the demon wouldn't harm Phoebe badly since she got the baby." "So, we have to look for Pheebs and the demon and figure out how to vanquish him." "There's no spell are specially for that demon so you have to make one up."

A month later:

"I cannot believe I'm still here for a month. We still can't find Pheebs and my stomach really hurts." Prue complained. "It's ok, Prue. We'll find her." "Oh god, my contractions started! Call Bane!"

What Piper and Prue discovered that Piper has a daughter and was married to Leo, but Leo wouldn't tell her why the marriage didn't work out and Melinda was still missing along with Phoebe. Prue discovered that she was married to Bane as soon he got out of prison free. Piper acted quickly and called to Bane and took Prue into the Jeep and drove off to the hospital.

Phoebe was screaming, "Oh god it really hurts." As another contraction passed by. She was giving birth. The man/demon was looking at Phoebe greedily, "Don't despair my sweet. It would be all over soon." He spoke an another language to other warlock helpers, "Prepare the rituals!"

Ten minutes later, Phoebe gave birth who a girl. "Go to the hospital and Prue's baby should be born by now. I cannot start without the third one." said the man to one of his warlock helper. Melinda was tried up and the baby laid crying on the table. Phoebe was crying, "Please! Don't hurt them!"

"Oh my gosh!" Prue was screaming and finally gave birth to a baby girl which was named Penny after her grandma. The male nurse picked us the baby and blinked. "My baby!! Where did they go?" Prue cried. "I got their location!" Piper switched powers with Prue to help ease the anger for Prue and not destroying anything. Piper astral projection and followed the nurse and Penny. "We got the spell so, would you be ok to come with me." Prue nodded wearily. Piper held hands with Prue and astral projected.

Prue and Piper arrived and saw they were at the warehouse, "Ok, we got half an hour for this astral projected to last so we better act quickly. Remember to freeze."

Prue and Piper walked inside the warehouse and found the man/demon preparing the ritual. Prue froze everything in the room. Phoebe, Penny and Melinda was still moving, Phoebe looked up in shock, "Prue, Piper, you came." she said weakly "We don't have much time but help me to untie the children." The charmed ones untied the children and they sat on the circle, "Fibs, hold hands with your baby and Prue, yours and I with Melinda. Repeat after me..

'Power of three calls this demon
In the circle that banish its home
And let the evils roam
But let it be gone and don't come back
Unless we command this demon to be back
Into this world again.'

The charmed ones repeated after Piper and into the circle the demon was swallowed by its vortex. He gave a long scream and disappeared. Time unfroze and the warlock realized what happened and all of them blinked away. They picked up each child and went back to the mayor.

Two weeks later:

"Now I am so better and Patty is beautiful but I am not ready to have a baby." Phoebe sighed. She named her baby Patty with the memory of her mother. "Yeah, same but I think we better go home since we should let our future selves take care of them." Prue said with a sad smile. "Yeah." said Piper. "Ready?" Phoebe asked. They nodded as they handed their babies to Bane and Melinda to Leo.

"A time for everything
And to everything it's place.
Return what has be moved,
Through time and space."

They chanted, using the spell that they used from the 70's to return to the present. A brilliant light came spinning around the charmed ones and they gave a sad wave to the future kids.

13th April, 2000:

They found themselves in the attic and Leo was standing there, "What you doing here? I told you go!!" But downstairs, the man/demon gave a cry of rage and pain and disappeared.

Prue heard, "I think everything is taken care of."

The charmed ones smiled.