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Kali's Return

by Andy

DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in my story are mine, they all belong to the creators of Charmed.

Kali opens her eyes and there stands Tempus, and he speaks for Satan, his dark lord.

Tempus: What makes you think you're worthy of a second chance? You failed the first time, what makes you think you can get them this time?

Kali: Because I have a plan! Give me the ability to travel in time, I will go into the past when their powers were bound right after their mother died, and I will get them, one by one!

Flames appear in her eyes as she speaks of her plan. Tempus listens to Satan's answer to her plan and finally answers.

Tempus: Very well, you may have your second chance and the ability you ask for, but it will only be temporary, you will loose it if you succeed, if you fail, you will loose all your powers. Now go, and fulfill your purpose!

And with that, Kali burst into flames and disappeared from the darkness.

Kali appeared in the glass door on one of the china cabinets in the manor's dining room. She watched the young powerless Charmed Ones and their powerful grandmother eat their lunch on this warm Saturday afternoon. They were having sandwiches. Kali smiled to herself as she picked the one she would kill first, the youngest, Phoebe. She faded from the glass and appeared in a mirror in the room of the Charmed Ones. She surveyed the way every little thing was placed, and then noticed a locket. She focused on it and it floated to her and passed through the mirror and landed in her right hand. "Phoebe" was engraved on its cover, and her plan fell into place and she smiled. Kali closed her eyes and concentrated on the locket and put a spell over it. The locket then passed through the mirror and floated back to where it hung.

Kali: Once you put that locket on, you will be under my power, little charmed one, and you will meet your end tonight!

Kali laughed wickedly as she burst into flames and disappeared from the mirror.

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe ran up the stairs and into their room and Phoebe put on the locket, and a shiver ran down her back, but she ignored it, and chased after her sisters who were fixing to go to the park to play. Grams honked the horn at her as she ran out the front door to the car. Phoebe left the front door open on accident and Grams focused on it and shut and locked it with her power. Phoebe got in the car and they drove to the park to play for a few hours.

In the future, the older Phoebe felt the shiver she had in the past and had a premonition of two unrecognizable figures in a mirror, one was a woman and the other was a girl who was being burned to death, and noticed three other figures she couldn't recognize, a woman and two other girls, standing there sobbing asking "her" to stop and to please spare Phoebe. The premonition ended.

Phoebe: Whoa! Did the woman say Phoebe?!

Piper walked in and noticed her sister looking stunned.

Piper: Hey Pheebs, what's wrong?

Phoebe: I just had a premonition. It was about two women and three children, and the weird thing about it was I couldn't make out what they looked like. There was a woman in a mirror with a little girl, and the little girl was being burned while the woman in the mirror laughed. Outside the mirror a woman and two other girls were crying and the woman was pleading the woman in the mirror to stop and to spare Phoebe. Apparently the little girl in the mirror has the same name as me.

Piper: That is weird, who do you think it was?

Phoebe: I don't know, I couldn't make out the faces, it was like they were just figures of mist and had no definite shape.

Piper noticed Prue standing in the doorway with a confused look on her face.

Prue: That is weird, the woman in the mirror sounds like Kali.

Piper and Phoebe: Who?

Prue: You remember Kali. The mirror entity that used Aviva to try to steal our powers.

Piper: Oh! Now I remember. You remember don't you Pheebs?

Phoebe: Umm… No, I don't.

Piper: That's strange, you're the one who broke the mirror and vanquished her.

Phoebe had a confused look on her face.

The young Charmed Ones finished their dinner and went to the living room to watch a movie Grams picked out for them. They watched the movie then went to bed around 9:30. Grams cleaned everything up downstairs then headed to the attic. The attic door unlocked and opened for their grandmother, she walked into the attic and the door shut and locked behind her. She walked over to the Book of Shadows and opened it and wrote something in it then closed it. She walked to the door and it again it opened for her and it closed and locked behind her. Kali appeared in the antique mirror in the attic. She focused on the Book of Shadows and it floated over to her, but it wouldn't pass through the mirror, so she read what Grams wrote in it while it hovered in mid air. It was a spell for increased patience, Kali laughed at the spell the old witch added to the book. The book floated back to the stand it was on and she disappeared from the mirror.

The grandfather clock downstairs chimed twelve times. It was midnight. In both the past and future, young and old Phoebe got out of bed and walked into the same mirror. In the manor in both the past and future, there was an evil laugh and blood-curdling scream. Both young and old Phoebe was burning in the mirror. Piper and Prue were standing in front of the mirror pleading for their sister to be spared in the future, and in the past the young Prue and Piper were crying and Grams was pleading Kali to spare Phoebe.

Kali: Your granddaughters vanquished me in the future, so I'm here in the past to get my revenge!

With that, Kali burst into flames and disappeared from the mirror, and Phoebe disappeared with her. Phoebe was dead in the past and future, and was forgotten by a spell Kali cast to erase her existence once she killed her. Phoebe faded from the picture of the Charmed Ones taken before their powers were unbound by their grandmother's death.

Years later after Phoebe's death Kali appeared in the mirror in Grams' room and watched her sleep. Flames began to burn in Kali's eyes. She vanished from the mirror and appeared in Piper's room. She focused on a ring on the dresser and it floated over to the mirror and passed through it and landed in her right hand. She focused on the ring and put a spell over it, and then it passed through the mirror and returned to its place on the dresser. She watched Piper for a moment, and vanished from the mirror. Kali jumped into the future to the next night at 11:58pm. The grandfather clock downstairs chimed twelve times. It was midnight. In both the past and future, Piper left her bed and entered the mirror. An evil laugh and a blood-curdling scream filled the manor in both the past and future, and young and old Piper burned in the mirror. The ring flew off Piper's finger and Kali gained Piper's power. All of a sudden time froze in the past and Kali and the flames froze and so did Piper and Prue in the past. Grams focused on Piper in the mirror and pulled her out of the mirror and placed her outside of the mirror. Grams recited a spell and healed Piper's burns. She brought Kali out of the mirror and threw her across the room and unfroze time, and told Prue and Piper to go to Prue's room and lock the door.

In the future, Piper noticed the flames had frozen, and she stepped out of the mirror and her and Prue watched them unfreeze, then they died out. Piper looked at her hand and noticed her ring was glowing, and she quickly took it off and threw it at the mirror and it passed through it and hovered in mid air in the mirror, then began burning and vanished with a loud "poof" sound.

Grams held Kali down on the floor with her power.

Grams: Who are you, and why do you want to kill my granddaughters?

Kali: I'm Kali, they vanquished me in the future, so I am here to vanquish them in the past and get my revenge! Let me go you stupid witch!

Grams stared at her for a minute trying to decide what to do while keeping Kali pinned to the floor and unable to use her powers, even the time traveling one. Kali struggled to get loose from the old witch's power. A spell finally came to Grams' mind.

Grams: Kali, Kali, from the future, From the mirror you spread your evil, Now you are out and I vanquish you, your evil is now finally through!

Kali: Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!

Grams repeated the spell until Kali burst into flames and burned there on the floor before Grams. She cast a spell and removed the black burns from the floor. Grams heard a voice come from the mirror and turned around and there stood Phoebe in the mirror and Grams regained her memories of her. Phoebe passed through the mirror and gained all the memories she would have if she hadn't been killed, and so did her sisters Prue and Piper. Phoebe walked out of the room confused and went to her room, which was her mother's room until she died when Phoebe was still a baby.

In the future, Piper and Prue watched as Phoebe appeared in the mirror and passed through it. Phoebe took off the locket and threw it at the mirror and it passed through it, stopped in mid air, burst into flames then vanished with a "poof" sound. Phoebe walked out of the room and went to her bed and went to sleep, and then her sisters did the same. Downstairs lights began to fly around a picture of Piper and Prue, and Phoebe appeared in it and with that, her existence was returned to the world, and they were once again the Charmed Ones.

Kali stood in the darkness still screaming from the pain of being vanquished by that powerful old witch. She opened her eyes and saw flames flare up and Tempus appeared.

Tempus: You failed.

Kali hung her head.

Kali: I know. Give me another chance?

Tempus listened to his dark lord's answer.

Tempus: No, no more chances Kali.

Kali winced in pain as pale blue lights flew from her stomach and into Tempus' hand and they flew in a tiny circle in his palm. Tempus vanished and flames came up all around her and she felt a pain worse than being vanquished, and then the flames spread out from around her and covered an area as far as the eye could see, and others appeared in the flames. She was surrounded by flames, screams and fallen, sinful souls, when she realized where she was, she began to scream with them.

The next morning the Charmed Ones sat around the dining room table and ate breakfast, talking about the events of yesterday, and what their plans were for today were. They finished breakfast and a wind blew through the manor and blew up the stairs to the attic. The sisters followed it. They walked over to the open Book of Shadows and saw lights dancing on a blank page. The lights faded into the sunlight coming from a crack in the ceiling. They read what was now written on the page:

Spell to vanquish Kali

Kali, Kali, from the future
From the mirror you spread your evil,
Now you are out and I vanquish you,
Your evil is now finally through

The sisters smiled at it, then closed the book and walked out of the attic and continued on with their charmed lives.