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Getting Over You

by Navodhi

DISCLAIMER: As usual, none of the characters that appear on the series 'Charmed' belong to me. This is my 6th fan fiction and I welcome any comments, good or bad.

"Phoebe's got some gorgeous guy friends. Wonder why she's got problems with them?" Prue wonders aloud to Piper. The sisters were at P3 on a rather busy night. The older Halliwells were sitting at the bar while Phoebe was hanging out with her college friends at a table. "I think the only problem she has is with her heart. It still belongs to Jamie," Piper responds quietly. Prue shakes her head. "It's been half a year, Piper. Phoebe's not one to drool over a guy for so long." Piper sighs. "She's never been engaged to one of them either," Piper says, reminding her older sister of the fact that Jamie and Phoebe would be man and wife if he was still alive. "I just wish I knew where mine was," she adds wishfully. Prue smiles slightly. "Ask Phoebe," she says nonchalantly, trying to hide the teasing grin that was threatening to break out on her face. Piper shakes her head indecisively. "I don't think that's what I want. Even if it were would she tell me? I don't think so. I sure wouldn't mind having a long talk with her to help me out." "But?" Prue prompts. "But I don't think it's fair to her. How can I ask her to help me out on choosing like that? I mean, she and Leo are so close. And she just lost the love of her life. How can I go up to her and tell her my problems when she's got so many of her own to deal with?" Prue raises her eyebrows. "Phoebe's not going to get mad at you for asking. She's managed to keep herself neutral before." Piper sighs and sits down heavily. "Being a witch complicates everything."

"Is this where Phoebe Halliwell lives?" asks a young man. Prue raises her eyebrows in surprise. It was Saturday afternoon and she and her sisters had just finished lunch when the doorbell had rung. Prue studied the warm handsome face in front of her. He was a tall guy, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked so much like Phoebe's deceased fiance, Jamie. "Yes," she answers cautiously, as Phoebe and Piper came to the door to see who it was. Phoebe smiles with recognition. "Hi, Kevin. What's up?" she greets him. "Hi, Phoebe. I came over hoping I could borrow your sociology notes for last week. I had to miss class," he explains politely with a dazzling smile. Phoebe nods. "Sure. Come on in." "Thanks," he tells her, stepping inside. Phoebe leads him to the living room before going up to her room to get her books. Only Prue and Piper notice the starry way in which Kevin watches Phoebe disappear upstairs.

Phoebe had intended to just give Kevin her book, but it ended up with her explaining some of the concepts to him. Prue and Piper, also in the same room, didn't fail to realize that Kevin was paying more attention to Phoebe's face than her explanation. Finally, he leaves. Phoebe closes the door behind him and returns to the living room where her sisters were. "He's cute," Prue states as she enters. "And I think he's got it really bad for you, Pheebs," Piper tells her smiling. Phoebe acknowledges her sisters' remarks with just a slight nod. Prue and Piper were surprised at her reaction. This wasn't the usual flirty and flattered Phoebe they knew. "Aren't you interested?" Prue asks pointedly. "Could you two just lay off?" Phoebe says looking away, hiding the flash of pain that flickered in her eyes. "Come on, Phoebe. He's good-looking, rich, nice and funny. What more could you want?" Prue asks. "Pheebs, it's about time you got on with your life. Besides, Kevin is so much like Jamie," Piper tells her gently. Phoebe turns to face her sisters, a pained expression in her eyes. "Piper, that's exactly what scares me. Kevin is almost Jamie's duplicate. He's got everything I love or loved in Jamie. I loved Jamie more than I did anyone else. I can't explain how it felt when he died. It killed a part of me as well and it hurt a lot. It still does. I'm afraid of even dating another guy again. I don't want to fall in love and go through all that again. I don't want to be responsible for somebody else's death." "Phoebe, that wasn't your fault," Prue protests. "Sure it isn't," Phoebe says grimacing, "Jamie wouldn't even know about warlocks and demons if it weren't for me. He wouldn't have come to P3 that day if it weren't for me. He wouldn't have gotten killed if it weren't for me. He had to save me! If he never had anything to do with me, he'd still be alive!" "Phoebe!" Piper says sharply, but unable to think of anything to say. "At least not yet. I'm not ready to get involved with anyone. Is that so difficult for you to understand? Can't you just leave me alone?" Phoebe asks, tears of hurt and anger welling up in her eyes. Then, before either of her sisters could respond, she marched out of the front door. "Phoebe, wait," Prue calls, starting after her. Piper catches her arm. "Let her go. She needs to be alone," she says quietly.

Phoebe didn't even think of where she was going, but she found herself at the stables, one of her favorite places. She loved the horses, especially Chester. Phoebe could always come here for comfort. Chester, her choice horse, seemed to sense her distress and neighed slightly. Phoebe patted his back. "You know how I feel, don't you?" she asked softly. The horse just muzzled under her chin, tickling her neck. Phoebe laughed softly as she mounted his back. She pulled on the reins slightly and the horse began to trot. Phoebe loved riding. She'd come here so often as a child, and it was here that she and Jamie had first met. Riding was another passion they shared and being here brought back wonderful memories. Phoebe pulled harder and Chester broke out into a gallop. Phoebe let the wind hit her face sending her hair flying. All the while, her mind was wandering through time, to the times she and Jamie had come here, to the things they had done, and finally her feelings for him. He'd told her that she should fall in love again, but it was a lot easier said than done. Phoebe knew that even if she met another man, Jamie would always hold the key to her heart, but she also knew that sooner or later she was going to have to move on with her life, but it was so hard. She really liked Kevin but she wasn't sure if she was ready for another relationship. She needed time, but she couldn't run away from it forever.

"Phoebe, can we come in?" Prue asks as she slowly opens the door to her youngest sister's room. Phoebe was at her desk, completing her homework. She turns around to face her sisters, removing her glasses. Prue and Piper sit on the edge of Phoebe's bed. Phoebe goes over to them, a question in her eyes. "Pheebs, we're sorry for pushing you so hard. We were, well, we're just worried about you. We didn't want to hurt you," Piper says apologetically. Phoebe nods, her eyes settling on a picture standing on her bedside table behind Piper and Prue. They follow her gaze. On the table was a framed photograph of Phoebe and Jamie together at the beach. "I know you mean well, but I can't do it. I'm not ready to face that again, at least not yet," Phoebe tells them. "But Phoebe, you can't go on like this forever. Jamie wouldn't want that," Prue says. "He told you that, didn't he?" Piper adds. Phoebe looks down. "I know. It's not what I want either. But right now, I'm not ready for anything. I need time. I can't change that," Phoebe says earnestly. "We understand, Pheebs," Piper says, giving her sister's hand a squeeze.

Phoebe stepped into the house through the back door and closed it behind her. She had just got back from college for the day. Phoebe makes her way to the living room with intentions of going up for a shower, but stops in the foyer when she hears voices. "Piper, I need to know. What's going on with you and Leo?" It was Dan and his voice was low and angry. "Dan, I already told you. There's nothing between us. It's over," Piper protests, but Phoebe catches the note of uncertainty in her sister's voice. "Then why is he here practically all the time?" Dan demanded. Phoebe forces her way back into the kitchen. It was none of her business and she didn't want to intrude. She couldn't help feeling sorry for her sister, though. Piper was in a really tight situation.

Phoebe's thoughts gave way to slight surprise when she saw a swirl of orbs appear in the hallway. Presently, Leo came into view and he stepped into the living room interrupting the serious conversation. Phoebe grimaced as she followed to see why he had come. She entered just in time to catch Dan's question. "Ever heard of knocking?" Leo shrugs. Piper shakes her head in frustration. Leo turns his back to Dan and faces Phoebe. "We need to talk," he tells her urgently. Phoebe glances at Piper. Leo shakes his head. "Nothing in that sense." Phoebe nods and leads the way to the kitchen leaving Piper and Dan to finish their conversation. Phoebe flops down on a chair and looks up at him. Leo purposely avoids her gaze as he speaks. "Would..would you like to go out with me?" he asked hesitantly. Phoebe's jaw dropped in astonishment. "What?" she asks in disbelief. Leo doesn't reply. Phoebe takes a moment to collect herself. "Leo," she says quietly, waiting for him to look her in the eye. "I know how much seeing Piper with Dan hurts you, but seeing me isn't an excuse." "This has nothing to do with Piper or Dan." he trailed off. Phoebe stares out the window for a moment before speaking. "Leo, it's not going to work. You and I have been friends for so long. I love you too, but not in that way. You're more like the brother I never had. We can't make things work even if we wanted to," she says facing him again. "And I don't. We both know where your heart is. It always was and always will be with Piper. I can't and won't ever even try to change that," she continues. "I told you it has nothing to do with her," Leo insists, but Phoebe shakes her head. "Leo, I know it hurts, but you have to face it. Going out with me is just a way of getting back at Piper and I won't do it. You're a friend but she's my sister and I won't hurt her, no matter what." Leo frowns in disgust. "I don't think she'll be hurt. She's been ignoring me completely lately. What would she care." "You don't know that," Phoebe says quietly. "Do you?" he responds. Phoebe sighs. "No, I don't. But I know that she needs time to work things out. Leo, if you really love her, wait. Give her the time she needs. Please." Leo doesn't respond, but suddenly orbs out. Phoebe grimaces as Piper comes in looking visibly upset. "What's wrong?" Phoebe asked immediately. Piper dismisses her sister's question with a wave of her hand. "Nothing," she says, avoiding Phoebe's probing gaze. Phoebe doesn't argue, but her eyes remain on her sister's face. "Okay," she says quietly, deciding against telling her sister why Leo had come. She knew Piper was already upset, she didn't want to make things worse. Piper went up to the refrigerator and opened it, hoping her sister wouldn't notice the tears in her eyes. She didn't want to break down, for fear of upsetting Phoebe. Phoebe comes up behind Piper and places her hands on her sister's shoulders and gives them a gentle squeeze before resting her chin on Piper's shoulder. She doesn't say anything, just waits patiently for her sister to collect herself. Piper leans her head on Phoebe's head before speaking. "Why am I such a hopeless lover?" she whispers, her voice barely a whisper. Phoebe draws away slightly. "Not hopeless, just too good to be true," she tells her sister. "If anyone's hopeless, it's me,' she thought silently. "I wish." "You are, honey. It's just that you're thinking too much. Listen to your heart. You know where it is."

"I can't believe this is so simple! All we have to do is recite this spell and the Charmed Ones lose their powers!!" exclaimed Queznic. His accomplice Scarabula nodded with pleasure. "Then while they are helpless, we can gladly do the honors of slitting their throats." "Stop talking, you fool, and begin."

"Oh, man! That was the most boring class I've ever attended!" exclaimed Ethan, one of Phoebe's college mates. It was break and they'd just come out of a Sociology lecture, which had been rather boring. Phoebe yawned. The group sauntered into the cafeteria and found their usual table. Kevin intentionally acquired a seat right across from Phoebe. He so badly wanted to ask her out, but he had heard about what had happened and didn't want to drive her away. Phoebe didn't miss Kevin's hints but she didn't know if she was ready for another relationship at the moment. Then again, she didn't want to lead him on either. They settled down to their lunches chatting occasionally between mouthfuls. All of a sudden, Phoebe felt a wave of nausea hit her. The world began to spin and for a moment she thought she would black out. A minute later she felt better. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that none of her friends had noticed. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she certainly wanted to find out. Just then, her cell phone began to ring. Phoebe picked it up and excused herself. "Hello," she answered. "Pheebs, its me Piper. Something funny is going on.." "Did you just feel dizzy or something?" Phoebe interrupted excitedly. "Yes. So you felt it too?" Prue confirmed. Phoebe realized that they were all on a three-way connection. Suddenly, a heart stopping thought occurred to her. "Prue, use your power, now," she ordered. There was silence for a moment and then Prue let out a gasp. "I can't. It's not working." Phoebe sighed, her fears confirmed. "Guys, we have to consult the BoS now. I think we just lost our powers." "Are you sure about this?" Piper asked, sounding doubtful. "Positive. I'm on my way home now," Phoebe assured, before hanging up.

Phoebe arrived home at the same time as Prue. Without a word, the sisters headed straight for the attic. Phoebe grabbed the BoS and hurried back downstairs so they could do their research in a more comfortable environment. Phoebe had barely opened the Book when they heard the soft chiming of bells announcing Leo's arrival. She stopped and they all gazed expectantly at him. Leo cleared his throat. "There are two demons, Queznic and..." Leo hesitated. "And?" Prue prompted. "Scarabula." Phoebe winced. Just the thought of him sent shivers up her spine. "So, he wasn't vanquished?" she stated quietly. Leo looked directly at her, his eyes filled with concern. "No." Phoebe nodded, seemingly unsurprised. "I thought so." It's Prue and Piper's turn to raise their eyebrows. Phoebe says nothing but with practiced ease she flips the BoS open to a page; the same page they had pondered over a long time ago. At the very bottom of the page was a note written by Patty, their mother. Phoebe hands the Book to her sisters and Leo before turning away towards the window. Kit came over and rubbed against Phoebe's leg. Phoebe bent down and picked her up, burying her face into the animal's soft fur. Kit purred contentedly at her favorite mistress's touch. Prue, Piper and Leo read the page before turning back to Phoebe. "Are you okay?" Leo asks softly. Phoebe forces herself to turn back. "Don't I have to be? We can't vanquish him without the Power of Three. He's bound to come after me since I'm the only victim he couldn't get yet. Besides," she added, her voice growing hard and determined, "I swear he's gonna pay for what he did to Jamie and I'm not going to let him have the satisfaction taking anyone else." There was a hint of frustration in her voice. At the sound of Phoebe's sudden change of tone, Kit looked up and purred in fright. Phoebe tickled the cat's ears and said, "Sorry, little guy. I wasn't yelling at you." A silence follows as her sisters and Leo absorbs her words. "What do we do, now that we don't have powers?" Prue asks. "Once you vanquish Queznic, your powers will return, but you don't need them to vanquish either of them," Leo tells them confidently. Suddenly, Leo looks skyward and sighs. "I gotta go," he says, getting ready to orb out. Letting out a weary sigh, Phoebe flops down on the couch, burying her face into Kit's fur, Kit who had immediately taken the opportunity to lounge on her mistress's lap. Phoebe feels a gentle hand on her shoulder. She looks up to meet her sisters' concerned expressions. "I'm fine. Just not too keen on reliving that nightmare," she says quietly. "You don't have to face him again, at least not just yet," Prue says. Phoebe shakes her head firmly. "No. He took Jamie away. He's not going to get you as well. If it's me he wants, he'll get me or he won't get anyone."

"Well, what do we do now?" Piper asks. The Charmed Ones had finished their preparations and was now wondering when and how they were to encounter the demons. "I can't summon a premonition," Phoebe says. "No. But I can tell you where to find them." It was Leo. "Where?" the sisters ask simultaneously. "The storage area downtown. One of the abandoned warehouses." "There so many," Prue protests. "I'm sorry I can't tell you more." With that, Leo orbs out. 'Typical of white lighters,' Piper thinks dryly.

"I'm not sure how long my spell will be effective, but it should last long enough for us to get our powers back," Phoebe says as the sisters step out of the jeep outside the warehouses. Phoebe had written a spell that would protect them temporarily from Scarabula's or Queznic's powers. "Ready," Prue asks as they begin to recite the Seek Spell, which would take them to those whom, they sought.

The two demons look up in surprise when blue smoke swirls in front of them and the almighty Charmed Ones appear before them. "What!" Queznic bellows in shock. Scarabula recovers quickly and smiles delightfully when he sees Phoebe. "You're a fool to come here now," he says, extending his arm and unleashing a bolt at her. Phoebe grimaces, remembering the last time she faced him. The bolt came within her reach and then just shriveled and died out. "What happened?" Scarabula asks, looking taken aback. Again, he looks up and sends another one her way. Again, it had the same effect. Queznic on the other hand, vanished inconspicuously into the darkness. However, no one seemed to notice. Scarabula regained his composure and transformed into a much-coveted human form: Jamie. Phoebe gasped. Scarabula advanced towards Phoebe slowly and menacingly. "Phoebe!" Piper cries out. "Phoebe! Get out of there!" Prue yells, but Phoebe doesn't budge. On reaching her, 'Jamie' stops. "Now, what do you think of me?" he asks in a voice that was anything but Jamie's. "Am I good enough now?" he asks, reaching out to stroke her cheek. Phoebe glares straight at him, her eyes filled with rage. "You'll never be a fraction of what Jamie was! Not in a million years!" she spat, brushing of his hand and bringing her other hand up to slap him right across the face. "Screw you, bitch!" Scarabula mutters angrily, his hand delivering a painful blow to Phoebe's face. Phoebe, now seething with rage and hate doesn't hesitate to grab his arm and throw him easily over her shoulder. Spinning round, Phoebe hands him several roundhouse kicks to his jaw, which is enough to knock him out. "Let's see how tough you are without your fancy beetle," she says through gritted teeth. Turning to her sisters she says, "the potion." The sisters link hands as Phoebe contemptuously pours the potion over his still figure. Again, he melts out like molten gold and vanishes. "That was for Jamie!"

Unseen to the sisters, Queznic had been watching the sight with amazement at the youngest, Charmed One's performance. She was supposed to be the weakest, and yet even without her powers, she had put up quite a battle. Now, he quietly materialized in the shadows a knife appearing his hand. It was up to him now.

Suddenly without warning, Phoebe saw a hideous figure dart out from the shadows, a knife held high in his hand, ready to lunge at Prue. "No!" she yelled, launching herself in a flying tackle at the attacker behind her older sister. Phoebe and the assailant hit the floor together and rolled right across the room. It was a battle of strength to see who came out on top, and it was obvious who would win. With some difficulty, Queznic rolled on top of Phoebe and raised the knife in the air, ready to strike. Phoebe struggled against his vise-like grip attempting to break free, but as skilled as she was, his strength was too much for her. Suddenly, with a defiant kick, Prue knocked the knife out of Queznic's hand. This momentary distraction gave Phoebe the opening she needed. Summoning up all her strength, she pulled her legs up under her and kicked his chest. He let out a painful gasp and Phoebe kicked again, this time knocking him off her. With a back flip, Phoebe bounded to her feet, with every intention of finishing him off. Queznic began to rise to his knees, but Phoebe stopped him with a twisting roundhouse double kick. He went sliding into the wall. Again, he began to sit up groggily. Phoebe went up to him. She hauled him to his feet and made him look into her cold, icy stare. "Look at me properly coz you ain't never going to forget my face," she told him repulsively. "Good night and sweet dreams," she muttered, tossing him back onto the ground in disgust. Turning back to her stunned sisters who were transfixed at the sight of seeing their normally free-spirited, kind and compassionate younger sister displaying such brutality. Seeing her glare, Prue and Piper snapped to attention and begun to recite the spell.

"Thee who caused so much pain,
Shall do so never again,
Instead you shall suffer eternal torment
From this very moment,
In the Domains of Hell,
The Power of Three
Heed thy call,
Let this being be no more."

After a moment everything was quite and the sisters felt a tingle run through them. Prue gestures with her hand and some crates at the other end of the room moved. "WE have our powers back," Piper states. Phoebe says nothing. Her gaze is still on the same place Queznic had been. "Pheebs," Piper says. Phoebe nods, but says nothing. Prue and Piper walk over and stand on either side of Phoebe. "How do you feel now that you've punished Jamie's killer?" Prue asks gently. "It wasn't enough, Prue. It never will be," Phoebe says quietly, her gaze still elsewhere. Slowly, she turns to meet her sisters' eyes. "We can destroy hundreds of demons, but it's not going to bring Jamie back," she says softly, biting her quivering lower lip. Prue and Piper envelop their sibling in a group hug. "Is anyone in there?" the sisters separate immediately as they hear footsteps approaching. "Oh no," Piper says. "Not a problem," Phoebe says smiling as she grabs her sisters' hands and teleports outside to their car. Prue and Piper smile appreciatively as they get in and drive off before anyone notices their presence.

On reaching the manor, Phoebe wordlessly went up to her room. Prue and Piper watched her go. "It's not fair, Prue. Phoebe doesn't deserve this," Piper says angrily. "I know, sis. After all she's been through. She just put herself together and she has to face him again," Prue says looking equally outraged. Kit comes up to them purring in a manner that the sisters had learned to interpret as being hungry. "Come on, Kit," Piper says starting for the kitchen. "Let's get you some food." Kit happily followed Piper, waiting expectantly for his milk. Piper poured some out and then went to start on some baking. Prue helped her.

About an hour later, Phoebe came downstairs and went into the kitchen. "Is either of you going out now?" she asked quietly. Piper looked up from her work and shook her head. "Nope. Why?" "Could I borrow the jeep? I won't be long," Phoebe asks. Piper nods as Phoebe turns to leave. "Where're you going?" she asks with some concern, studying her sister's solemn expression. Phoebe shrugs dismissively. "Fresh air," she says on her way out, before her sisters began to pump her with more questions. Prue and Piper exchange worried glances.

Phoebe drove up to Ocean Cliff and left Piper's jeep on the beach front to stand alone up on the cliff. She made her way to the edge. The sun was casting its dying rays on the ocean creating a captivating orangish glow enhanced by the clear blue water. All in all it was a magnificent sight, the kind of thing that was usually caught on a painting. Phoebe gazed out to sea with the wind ruffling her hair and softly caressing her cheeks. She remembered the last time she'd been here. It was with Jamie, on the night he'd proposed. It was at this very place that he'd slipped a ring onto her finger. It was one of the best moments of her life and the memory of it she would always cherish. Jamie had told her that this was one of his favorite spots and Phoebe knew that it was becoming her own too. From her pocket Phoebe retrieved a small ring. It was her engagement ring, the one she'd received at this very place from the man she loved. Phoebe traced her fingers over the beautifully crafted item. She brought it to her lips and kissed it softly. Then, taking a deep breath she stepped backwards and tossed the ring out to sea. She watched it sail gracefully through the air, glinting in the fading sunlight, and finally disappearing under the waves. It was gone, just like the man who'd given it to her. For a moment, Phoebe just stared at the waves below her. Then, looking skyward she whispered, "I hope you'll understand." As if in response, she felt a warm feeling rush through her. She sighed, closing her eyes. Hearing footsteps behind her, she opened them and turned. Prue and Piper had been watching their younger sister from a distance. Now, they made their way up to her and stood on either side. Phoebe acknowledged their presence with a slight smile. "If I'm going to move on with my life, I'm going to have to let go," she says softly, her words getting lost in the wind, but not before her sisters heard. Prue squeezes her youngest sister's hand. For a long moment, all three just stood staring out to see. Slowly turning around, Phoebe's eyes fell on the center of the cliff. She shut her eyes tight as emotion threatened to overwhelm her. Opening them again, she looked at her sisters and then back at the ground. "This was where he proposed," she told them quietly. Prue and Piper exchanged glances. Jamie had certainly known how to be romantic. With that said, Phoebe quietly made her way towards their cars.

The sisters drove home in silence. To ease the silence, Prue turned the radio on. A slow song came on.

'Everybody's got something they had to leave behind,
One regret from yesterday,
That seems to grow with time,
There's no use looking back or wondering,
How it could've been now or might've been,
All this I know,
But I still can't find ways to let you go.'

With a slight sigh, Prue reached out to change the station, but Phoebe caught her arm. She couldn't help smiling sadly as she thought about the words of the song and how closely she could relate to it.

"I've never had a dream come true,
Till the day that I found you,
And even though I pretend that I've moved on,
You'll always be my baby,
I never found the words to say,
You're the one I think about each day,
And no matter where life takes me to,
A part of me will always be with you."

Phoebe closed her eyes, to suppress her tears. She recognized the song as the new S Club 7 single. It was the first time she'd heard it and it was voicing her own inner feelings. Prue and Piper exchanged sympathetic glances. Prue tuned out the song so she could concentrate on the road. It was bringing back memories of Andy. Looking at her younger sister, Prue realized that she and Phoebe had found the one thing that they could both understand and agree with, but definitely wasn't one either would want.

Another night at P3.

Prue was sitting at the bar a little distance away from Piper who was with Dan. Phoebe on the other hand was laughing away with her friends. Suddenly, it seemed that the DJ had a mood swing and on came a ballad. Kevin cast an uncertain glance in Phoebe's direction, wondering if that song was his cue. Taking a deep breath and trying to scrounge up all his wit, he stood up and asked her, "Wanna dance?" Phoebe smiled, sensing his discomfort. "Sure," she said taking his hand. As they made their way onto the dance floor, Kevin received a few encouraging winks from his friends. Phoebe was delighted to realize that Kevin was an excellent dancer despite his quiet and calm nature. He totally swept her off her feet. Just like Jamie. Phoebe forced the last thought out of her mind.

Prue casually turned around to take in the scene. She couldn't help thinking what a success the club had become in such a short time. Her eyes fell on to the dance floor and she couldn't help smiling when she saw her youngest sister finally enjoying herself. Catching Piper's eye, Prue motioned towards the direction of their younger sister. Piper turned and her face broke out into a pleased smile. Prue knew that her sister was on the same train of thought. They were both thinking about the last time they had seen their sister dancing so happily. It had been with Jamie, on the night they'd announced their engagement.

After several songs, Phoebe and Kevin stopped dancing. "Want some fresh air?" he yelled over the music. Phoebe just nodded and let him lead her outside. They stepped out of the stuffy club and onto the street. Once outside, Kevin turned to face her. "I don't know when I'm ever going to get the guts to do this, but I'm doing it now. Would you like to go out with me?" he asked, pausing slightly as his last phrase came out. "Its okay of you don't want to. It's okay really. I understand," he continued hastily. Phoebe grinned slightly. "Relax, I won't bite." Kevin stopped, giving her a sheepish grin. Phoebe grew serious then, and Kevin felt his heart go crashing underground. Phoebe looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes, which mirrored the very kind of soul he possessed: warm, loving and kind. In every way he was so much like Jamie. Phoebe found it both enthralling and painful at the same time. Taking a deep breath to collect herself. "Kevin, I really like you and I would love to go out with you. I just don't want to use you as a rebound. I'm also kind of well not ready to rush things," she told him. Kevin nodded, holding his breath. "I can wait, and we don't have to rush a relationship," he said softly. In that instant, Phoebe made her decision. Her she was, being given the chance to get her life back together and she was trying to throw it away. Smiling, Phoebe looked into his eyes. "I'd love to have a relationship with you." Those words were music to Kevin's ears. He could barely believe what he'd just been told. He blushed a bright red shade but as it was too dark Phoebe never noticed. Finding his voice, Kevin finally spoke. "If you're hungry, its not too late to have dinner," he said smiling. "I'm starved," Phoebe said, matching his smile. Kevin took her hand and they made their way to his car, a fancy black Porsche. He opened the door for her, and then went round to the driver's side and got in.

Nearly, a half hour later, Phoebe and Kevin were sitting in a small restaurant Fisherman's Wharf, which served some of the best seafood in town. However, as neither of them was dressed to suit an elegant and classy restaurant, it had to do. Phoebe had to admit that she was having a good time. Finally, after completing their meal she turned to Kevin. "Before we get too far, there are some things you should know," she told him. Kevin leaned forward. "Fire away," he said, a playful grin on his handsome face. "Kevin, I really don't want to rush a relationship so if we're going to be together its something you have to be ready for." Kevin nodded. "I know, Phoebe. I wouldn't have asked otherwise." Phoebe smiled. "I don't want to sound like I'm playing hard to get, but I've got to tell you coz I don't want to hurt you or get hurt." Kevin just watched her, a notion for her to continue. "I've got well let's say I've got a demanding family which is kind of special and it might mean me canceling out a lot. And, me and my sisters are kind of different.." "You got that right. You're all so gorgeous," Kevin complimented. Phoebe blushed slightly. "And one last thing. There's something I can't tell you, just yet. It's something you've got to trust me on. It includes all me canceling, the weird people around the guys and us. I hope you can accept it. I don't think you'd understand it now." Kevin bit his lip. "Okay, doc. I still wish you'd tell me but I can take your word for it," he said quietly. Phoebe smiled gratefully. "Thank you."

As the crowd began filing out, Phoebe's friends also stood up to leave. On their way out, they stopped at the bar when Prue realized that her sister was missing. "Where's Phoebe?" she asked. Stacy, one of her sister's friends giggled. Piper also noticed that Kevin was absent. "I guess she and Kevin went out for a little privacy," Stacy said grinning. Prue and Pipe couldn't help grins from forming on their faces. They exchanged knowing glances wondering what their sister was up to.

The next day Phoebe was up early. She didn't have any classes that day, but she couldn't sleep either. Her mind was still replaying the previous night in her head and she had to admit that she liked it, a lot. Deciding to get some work done, Phoebe retrieved her laptop from her room and made her way to the kitchen. She put the coffeepot on and settled down to finish on her thesis for her psychology class. Phoebe worked continuously for over an hour when Piper came down. "Morning sis," Phoebe greeted her without looking up from her computer as Piper poured herself some coffee. "Hey Pheebs," Piper returned, studying her sister's serious face. "Whatcha doing?" Phoebe looked up and pulled off her glasses. "My thesis for my psych class." Piper turned away to start on breakfast and Phoebe went back to her work. Soon, Prue came downstairs. She returned her sisters' greetings before grabbing a cup of coffee and settling down to the morning paper. A minute later, she looked up and across the table at her youngest sister, a smile spreading across her face. "So, Pheebs how was your night?" she asked. Phoebe knew that her sister meant more than just how well she'd slept. Piper also turned to see her response. "Okay, how was yours?" she said shortly, stifling a grin. "You know, the usual," Prue said, still not satisfied with her sister's answer. Phoebe nodded and turned back to her computer. Prue exchanged glances with Piper. "So, how did things go with Kevin?" Piper asked. "I said okay," Phoebe replied sounding irritated. "What happened?" Prue asked. Phoebe looked up frowning. She leveled an annoyed gaze at both her sisters. "Nothing! Jeez, I was hoping I could get something done on the day I don't have classes, but I guess I was wrong," she said, obviously annoyed. With that, Phoebe grabbed up her computer and headed upstairs to her room. "Boy, someone's got up on the wrong side of bed!" Prue commented to Piper. Piper said nothing, but she didn't blame her sister for not wanting to talk about it, even if she had wanted to know.

Phoebe closed her bedroom door and settled on her bed with the computer. She wasn't really as mad as she sounded, but she just didn't want to talk about it. She wasn't even sure about how she felt and didn't want to confuse herself even more, but she would tell her sisters when she was ready and when she finally knew exactly how she felt. Sighing, Phoebe leaned over he bed and pushed on the play button of her hi-fi system's CD player. Funnily enough, the song that began to play was 'I Could Fall In Love Again' by Selena. Phoebe couldn't help but laugh at herself. Ironically, it was the same thought that was making itself clearer in her head. Piper, on her way to the bathroom passed by Phoebe's room and her sister laughing. Slowly opening the door, she peeked in to see why. "What's so funny?" she asked. Phoebe looked up, a stupid grin on her face. "The song." Piper listened to the words and frowned. She wasn't getting the connection. "What?" she asked again. Suddenly, it hit her and she smiled. "That good, huh?" she teased. Phoebe shrugged. "I don't know yet. What about you?" she asked, changing the subject. Piper frowned. "I wish I knew." Phoebe just shook her head. She didn't want to upset her sister, but she knew that both men were getting frustrated, especially Leo.

The next night at P3..

Piper and Dan were sitting together at the bar talking. "So, have you made up your mind?" he asked seriously. Piper sighed in resignation. As if on cue, Leo chose that moment to approach the bar. Instead of coming up to Piper and Dan, Leo went over to Prue, who unfortunately wasn't very far away. She was chatting up with the bar tender. "Oh, hi Leo," she greeted him surprised. "Hi, Prue," Leo said, forcing a smile. Leo opened his mouth to say something when Piper noticed him and asked, "Leo, what are you doing here?" Leo frowned and his mouth tightened into a line as he turned to face Piper and Dan. Dan gave him a distasteful look. "Don't worry, I paid before I entered," he said meaningfully. Piper's face fell. Dan looked at him with clear disregard. "Sorry for interrupting, but I'm not even here to see you," Leo told them bluntly. Turning to Prue, he asked, "Where's Phoebe?" "Behind ya, fella," Phoebe quipped, trying to lighten the growing tension as she approached them. Leo spun round to face her. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards the dance floor. Phoebe nodded, guessing that his real intention was not just a good time. If Leo wanted to have a good time, he'd have picked anywhere but P3. They made their way onto the floor and Phoebe threw Prue a 'yikes' look.

A couple of minutes later, Piper felt her eyes trail onto the dance floor. Though their bodies were swaying gently to the music, the expressions on Phoebe's and Leo's faces showed that their conversation was anything but happy. Leo's face had anger and hurt written all over it. Phoebe's face showed her frustration and concern. Piper had the uneasy feeling that she was the center of discussion between her old boyfriend and her younger sister. Prue cast a glance at Piper and saw that her sister's attention was on the dance floor. She let her own eyes follow.

Phoebe jabbed a finger into Leo's chest in frustration. She was getting sick of being stuck in the middle and frankly, she was mad at everyone. Piper, for taking so long. Leo, for being so demanding, but she couldn't say she blamed him. "Leo, you have got to understand. I can't do anything about it. It is Piper's choice," she told him for what seemed the millionth time. Leo threw his hands up. His own patience was wearing thin and it tore him apart to do what he was about to do and clearly, Phoebe was against it too. "Okay Phoebe, what do you want me to do? Grovel at her feet and wait for her to dump me like garbage? Is that what you want just coz she's your sister?" he demanded. Phoebe glared at him. "Leo, this has nothing to do with Piper being my sister. It's between you and Piper, two people I care about. Leo, don't you realize how I feel. She's my sister and you're my friend! The two of you are so bloody engrossed in yourselves than you don't know what its doing to the people around you! Sometimes, no matter how much it hurts you have to let go. At least you and Piper can still be friends if you can't have a relationship. I couldn't do that with Jamie. I just lost him, no choice in the matter at all. Can't you see that? If you have something to say, say it to Piper! Don't use me as conduit. I can see the future, not read people's minds and even that is for a reason. If you two want to kill each other, go ahead! I don't give a damn!" Phoebe threw out her pent up frustration at Leo in one burst and whirled on her heal and marched out. Prue and Piper both saw their younger sister storm off angrily. Leo stood there looking helplessly annoyed with himself and then disappeared. Prue shook her head sympathetically. She felt more sorry for Phoebe than for Piper. Her youngest sister was caught in crossfire between Leo and Piper and it was really getting to her. With all the complications in their lives at the moment, Jamie's death, their powers, the last thing Phoebe needed was to play peacemaker between her older sister and her best friend.

When Phoebe came downstairs for breakfast the next day, both her sisters were there. She knew that she was about to be interrogated and she wasn't in the mood for it right then. 'Morning," she greeted them both quietly. Phoebe poured herself some coffee and checked her voice mail. Prue and Piper exchanged glances before Prue popped the question. She knew Phoebe wasn't going to like it that was provided she actually bothered to answer. "Pheebs, what happened between you and Leo last night? You both seemed pretty steamed up." Phoebe looked up. She'd been expecting the question but it didn't please her. She shook her head. "Just a heart to heart. Nothing much. He's not going to give us false demon alarms, if that's what you're worried about," she said aloud. 'That is, if he hasn't asked for a reassignment already,' she added silently to herself. Phoebe wondered if she'd gone overboard last night, but she had to let it out. The way she felt right now, Phoebe had a bad feeling she'd probably explode at Piper too. She snapped out of her inner musings to catch Piper's suspicious question. "What's going on between you and him? Are you conspiring against us?" she asked, only half jokingly. That was it. Phoebe had been trying to keep her temper in check but Piper was pushing it. She slammed her coffee onto the table in rage. "Nothing's going on between us. All I'm trying to do is knock some sense into him, but he doesn't get it. For that matter, neither do you!" Piper looked stunned. Even Prue was surprised. She'd expected Phoebe to be upset, but this mad? "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Piper demanded suddenly on the defensive. "Exactly what it should. Neither of you seems to realize what this is doing to the people around you. How about me, huh? You think I enjoy being stuck in the middle. You think I enjoy being wire that the two of you use to get at each other. Don't you think it affects me? Don't you think it hurts me to stand by and watch my best friend and my sister try to out do each other at my expense?" For once, Prue found herself in what was usually Piper's position. "Phoebe, what happened?" she asked, trying to cut in. "the usual. Leo telling me how he felt. Him taking out his frustration on me. How come I have to take it all in?" Phoebe burst out, her frustration clearly showing. "No one asked you to do it!" Piper pointed out. "And I wouldn't have to. Not if you'd make up your mind. If only you'd decide and make up your mind, you'll end everyone else's suffering too. Leo's, Dan's, mine and yours," Phoebe responded, her voice quieting down a bit. "It's not as easy as you think," Piper retorted, her voice growing upset by the minute. Prue sat there watching and feeling very uncomfortable. She now knew how Piper felt when she and Phoebe fought. "That's it, Piper. All you have to do is let what you feel come first, not what you think. What's even harder is losing them both, especially the right one. And that's not something that will blow over. Believe me I know." Phoebe's last words had a reverberating effect as both her sisters realized whom she was talking about. Knowing that she had her sisters' attention, Phoebe continued, "You can hate me for this, but if you consider it its worth it. You can't hold on to them both forever, Piper. They're both getting sick of it, especially Leo. I don't know about Dan but he's probably feeling the same way and I don't blame them both. Leo doesn't deserve this. He's such a wonderful guy and he deserves to be happy, whether it's with you, or with someone else. Same for Dan. They're both great people and they deserve more than sitting around waiting for you to come to a decision. Piper, it's not fair on them. It's not fair on you. You can't go on thinking. Leo wasn't thinking when he risked his wings for you. He followed his heart. Don't make him suffer. Either take him or let him go. He loves you too much too hurt you and if making you happy means letting go, he will. If not for your sake, do it for them," Phoebe said before striding out the back door, leaving Piper and Prue in a stunned silence. Piper got up and went to her room. Right now, she needed to be alone. Prue knew it and so she just got ready for work.

Phoebe closed the door quietly behind her as she entered. It was late afternoon and she knew Piper would be home. Thinking about what she'd said in her fit of anger, Phoebe knew she'd hurt her sister. Right now, she was hoping to catch Piper alone and have a much quieter heart to heart and give her sister a much-needed apology. She'd already sent a telepathic one to Leo, but he hadn't responded yet. Being as quiet as she could, Phoebe put her books down and made her way to the kitchen. Sure enough, Piper was there. She had her face in her hands, and from the way her shoulders shook, Phoebe could tell her sister was crying. Phoebe went up to Piper and placed her hands gently on her sister's shoulders. "Piper, I'm really sorry," she said softly. Piper looked up revealing her tear-stained face to her younger sister. Sitting down on the next chair, Phoebe reached for her sister's hands and took them in her own. "Honey, I'm sorry for blowing my top. I.." Piper cut her off. "No Pheebs. It's me who should be sorry. I can't keep running." "That was still no excuse for what I did. I just don't want to see you go through what I did. Piper, the way you're going you just might lose both of them. I don't want to see you get hurt coz I know how it feels to lose that one person." Piper nodded and Phoebe's hand rose to her sister's cheek. "I'm sorry I accused you both of being selfish. It's me whose so selfish, not thinking about your feelings," Phoebe said quietly, the sincerity of her words touching Piper deeply. She couldn't help but smile slightly. "I wouldn't say selfish, but you could have a better choice of words," she said. Phoebe smiled too. "Well, heck, literature was never my favorite subject," she returned. Piper's face grew serious again and Phoebe frowned, wondering what her sister was trying to say. Taking a deep breath, Piper spoke, "Pheebs, I've decided. Actually I've known it a long time but it took you to draw it out." Phoebe said nothing, waiting for Piper to continue. "I really love Leo." Phoebe smiled, but paused. "Is that what your heart says?" she asked, wondering if it had anything to do with her eruption in the morning. Piper nodded. "That's too bad, Piper." Piper and Phoebe turned round to see Dan standing at the kitchen doorway. "Dan," Piper gasped. "Guess you just made your choice, sis," Phoebe told her telepathically, before standing up and going outside to find Kit so leaving them alone. Dan frowned and the sadness showed in his expression. "Dan, I'm sorry. You've been wonderful to me and I'll always remember that." "But Leo is more important," Dan cut in quietly, "Okay Piper, if that's what you really want. Just know that I'll be there if you need me." Piper nodded, a lump forming in her throat. Dan stepped forward to plant a kiss on her forehead, before leaving quietly. Piper stood there, her emotions in turmoil. Phoebe came back in and wordlessly wrapped her arms around her sister.

Prue stepped out of her car and onto the P3 parking lot. She knew her sisters were already there as she had come home late and found Piper's note. Heading over to the back entrance, she went in and directly to the private area that she and her sisters used mostly. She was quite surprised to find Leo and Piper sharing a deep, passionate kiss together. She raised her eyebrows questioningly at Phoebe who just sat there smiling to herself. On seeing Prue enter, Phoebe gestured towards the couple. "She made her choice," she told Prue. As Piper and Leo turned to greet Prue, Prue's jaw dropped as she stared at Phoebe. When Phoebe had told her Piper's predicted choice, Prue had hardly taken her younger sister seriously, but now she was proved wrong. "How did you.." she stuttered in amazement. "What?" Piper and Leo asked simultaneously. Realization dawned on Leo. He turned to Phoebe, his jaw dropping further than Prue's. "Wait a minute! You knew?" he asked, his voice full of disbelief. Piper stood there trying to comprehend what was going on. "You knew who Piper would choose?" Leo asked again. "What?" Piper asked, echoing Leo's reaction. Phoebe shot her oldest sister a glare. "Thanks Prue," she muttered telepathically. All eyes turned to Phoebe. "What?" she asked looking uncomfortable. "Well, how did you know?" Prue demanded. Piper and Leo looked on, also waiting for the answer. Phoebe shrugged. "I don't know. It was just a gut feeling," she said truthfully. Leo raised his eyebrows thoughtfully. "Are you sure you can't read minds?" he asked, sounding serious. Phoebe shook he head. "If you can and you're not telling us, Phoebe I swear I'll kill you," Piper threatened. "I can't, honest. I could get back at you for casting that spell if I did," Phoebe told her. Prue and Piper scowled at her, but Leo broke out into a grin. "So, is that why you chewed me out the other night?" he asked. Phoebe smiled. "Sorry about it, but I was getting really peeved." "And it's a good thing you did," Piper added smiling, "Otherwise, it would have taken ages for us to get it." Phoebe smiled. "Still, I'm sorry." "Apology accepted." At that moment, a waitress entered the private area. "Miss Halliwell, there's someone here to see you," she said, looking at Phoebe. Phoebe smiled knowingly, as she stood up to go out.