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Destiny Awaits

by Orlando Fonte

"Prue. Have you seen my sneakers?" said Phoebe. "No, Anyway how am I supposed to know where your sneakers are?" Said Prue. (Ding-Dong). "I'll get it," said Phoebe. Phoebe went to get the door when whoosh a energy surge made Phoebe slam into the photo on the wall. "Prue, Piper get your butts down here," said Phoebe.

"I give me your power, I need your it", said a warlock. "Phoebe what's going on down there," said Prue. (Smash) Prue's telekinesis flew him outside. "I'll get you and your premonitions too," said the demon. "Phoebe what was that all about?" said Prue. "I don't know? As soon as I open the door he told me he wanted my power," said Phoebe. "Let's look in the Book of Shadows maybe it might tell us something." (The Charmed Ones headed up to the Book of Shadows). (Flip-flop, flip-flop as the pages of the book turned). Suddenly Phoebe shouts out, "I found it there are called Abracxcis. They feeds on peoples mind and soul. By hypnotizing them. Phoebe was leaning on the door to see if she could get a premonition and she did the premonition was of her getting weak by Abracxcis. "Well then let's find a way to destroy Abracxcis," said Prue. "Let's look it up in the Book of Shadows," said Piper. (They headed up to the BOS to find the spell). "I found it," said Phoebe. "A way to destroy a Abracxcis is to increase your power of destiny, Destiny?" said Phoebe. "It must mean your Charmed Power," said Piper. "How do I do that?" "Oh look it says it right here." "To increase your power read this now or later safe and sound for now be safe for now be greater."

"I don't feel anything," said Phoebe but something started to tingle in her body. Then slip on Prue and slid her hands onto her head "Wow!" she said as she saw what was going to happen today to her. "Phoebe, what happen." "I saw what was going to happen to Prue in her mind." "Cool." That must have been your increase in power. All of a sudden boom Abracxcis came barging in then of course Phoebe want to see who was and it was him, Abracxcis. He threw a surge of his power, which eventually gives him your mind and soul. Then Phoebe suddenly use her power and dodge his power but then Piper was coming to say how to vanquish an Abracxcis when she got hit with power. She fainted and fell on the floor. Abracxcis beat Phoebe then Prue came down and sent Abracxcis flying out the door. Prue tried to wake Piper up it was no use she didn't wake then they called Leo to help heal Piper for the second time. So Leo agreed to heal because she was his only love and then she woke up good as new and said "What happen?"

Then Phoebe said, "Abracxcis was going to get your mind and soul but Prue stopped him." "Listen Phoebe to vanquish an Abracxcis you have to make him wind up getting hit by his own power." "Prue and I will find out way to make that happen we'll maybe find it in the Book of Shadows." "Okay, now what you have to do is to lead Abracxcis here." "No Problem." As Phoebe went out to find Abracxcis she found him trying to get a teenager's mind and soul. He was almost done when Phoebe kicked with karate and saved the teenager. The teenager was Cole McHannon.

"Hi, am Phoebe I didn't catch your name." "I'm Cole McHannon nice to me you and thanks for saving me." "What was that thing?" "I don't know either." "You want to come to my house to drink some soda or something." "All right, where do you live?" "Right over there."

"Everybody this is Cole. Abracxcis was trying to weaken him and the new one around here. Cole, Piper, Piper, Cole, Prue, Cole, Prue. Those are my sisters." The door swung open, it was Abracxcis. The girls were so concerned on Abracxcis that they didn't notice Cole disappeared. "Guys where did Cole go?" Said Prue. "Nevermind that duck," said Piper "Where?" Then Cole suddenly shields Phoebe and Abracxcis misses. "Cole, don't tell your one of us." "I believe I am."

"Wow, I never knew I had that power." "Well buddy you your one of us." "Cool," said Phoebe, "now we can hangout." Cole had his shoes untied and trips and leaves his shadow on the floor. Five days later Phoebe notices the shadow. And thinks to herself who had left their black shadow. I know it must have been Cole because he tripped and fell so it must have been him I got to tell Prue and Piper. "I'm closer and closer to revealing the BOS. Go tell them am closer and closer," he said to his shadow then his shadow left.

"Prue, Piper I've got some bad news come down here." "What is that?" "I think it's Cole's shadow." "How can it be Cole's shadow?" "I'm thinking that Cole tripped and stuck it on the floor by accident. We've got to find more about Cole." As they said that Leo warped in. Prue asked Leo, "Do you know anything about people that leave their shadow on the floor." "Yeah, of course their called Darklighters just like the one that I stopped with Cupid."

"So, what you're trying to say is that a darklighter is was in our house one question who?" For the last time Abracxcis comes in this time prepared so Phoebe just levitates and kicks him into time to vanquish him. "Finally he's gone now we can keep on with this mystery." Ding Dong it was Cole. "Cole what do you want? We're busy now." "I came to talk about my power. I've never had power." "Not now Cole, see ya by." As Prue closed the door Cole saw his shadow then he thought to himself, "Crap I blew my spot but they won't find out, I'll make sure." "Leo, can't you analyze it or something to see whose it is." "Sure." Leo hands started to glow. "I got it! it's a guy named Cole McHannon." "Oh no! What?" said Phoebe. "He's a special type of darklighter he's a Darth Darklighter."

"Those are very powerful you have to watch out." "How do we fight them? "You have to capture them and drain their powers." "How do we do that?" "Phoebe since you're the one in love with him you have to bring him to the house." "Why is it me all the time? I fought the Abracxcis, the Woogie Man, and the Tweens it's time for me to take a brake. Prue, since you have the power you battle him." "All right, whatever lets just get rid of him. But can we get rid of him slow." "Sure." (Prue is driving her car) "Cole am sorry for what happen this morning can we talk about in the house." "Ok." (They go back home)

"Piper, Phoebe can you come down here please." Prue used her astral projected and capture Cole. "Piper, Phoebe a little help here. Freeze him! Piper." Then Piper froze Cole. "I got you." "No, I got you." "Ahhhhhh, Hurry up, drain his powers." Piper drained a fraction of his power but then he got out of hand and took Prue hostage. "If you don't give me my power back you'll never see Prue again." "Prue!" yelled Phoebe. "We've got to do something. Leo, you can't help." "I can see where he took her." "You can?" "Yeah, he took her back to 1657 when the First Halliwell Witch was born. We've got to go back in time to 1657." "I could arrange that." Then Leo open time in 1657 to teleport them back into time. "Let go of me I know I shouldn't have trusted you." "Never trust no one." With the impact of traveling Piper and Phoebe fell on the floor and Phoebe got a premonition of Prue advancing her power of destiny and got a location. "Phoebe are you alright?" "I know where Prue is now." In the castle of Julian, Prue gets tied up but since he's weak Prue escapes and finds Phoebe and Piper. "Piper, Phoebe." "You not going to believe what is going to happen to you." "What?" "It's a surprise you'll find out yourself." "Is it good or bad." "Very Good." Cole caught up with them and they started to fight. Prue started to feel funny and she started to glow white. "Um Prue now is the surprise you're glowing white." "Really!" "Really." Cole threw his power at Prue and as a natural reaction she teleported out of there. Now we're in the future and Phoebe and Piper are stuck in the past. "Leo!" "Prue what are you doing here where are the others?" "In the past we got to go save them." "How did you get here?" "I don't know but Phoebe saying I was glowing white." "That is so cool." "What that I glowed white?" "No, that you're a whitelighter." "That is so cool but one question how am I a whitelighter?" "I have no clue but you have the power. I'm guessing that since you were in trouble the people up there gave it to you."

"Alright now there's two whitelighters. Come on, Leo lets go rescue them." Now we're in the past. "You can't keep us Prue will get help you watch." Prue and Leo teleported to the inside of the castle. "Prue, use the power of whitelighting to change your appearance." "I can do that". "Yeah." "Just concentrate and think of the person you want to be. On 3." Prue and Leo changed into guards. "My royal master intruders have invaded the castle they were a guy and a girl." "You better check it out." "Yes, I'll take care of it." Prue switched into the Queen. "Cole, you better take care of the problem we wouldn't want our visitors to escape." So, Cole left and Prue and Leo powered down to there regular self. "Phoebe, Piper are you ok." "Yeah but we're hurt." "I got a great power I'll tell you when we get home. Leo, you get Piper I'll get Phoebe." "Madam there is no intruders. Awww crap! I was tricked." We return to the Future. "Listen I am officially a whitelighter." "What you saying?" "That I'm a whitelighter. They gave me this power because I was going to die and I need to get out of there. Now there's two whitelighters." "You tricked me." "And so what?" "I am never going to tricked again because you going to die today." "No you're going to die." Cole got fling with telekinesis. "Time to show you my real power." Cole transformed into his demon, Belthazor. "I can't believe I liked that guy he's ugly." "Leo I got an idea orb me in the attic." "Alright." Prue winked her eye Leo winked back. Belthazor already knew what he thought they would but he was wrong. When they orbed to the attic Belthazor followed them. "Look Leo this is what we are going to do he's going teleport right in front of the Book of Shadows what were going to do is join our powers." "How can we do that?" "It says it in the Book of Shadows." "I'll go see," he orbed to the Book and found it. "Ok we have to say powers of heaven guide us through the light and make our hands tight and then we combine our power and vanquish him." "Alright lets go." said Belthazor as he orbed to the Book of Shadows. "Uh, you're not here." "Let's do it Leo." "Yeah." "Powers of heaven guide us through light and make our hands tight." A flash of white filled the room with heavenly good. "No! You can't do this." "Yes, we can we're doing it right now aren't we." So they vanquish Cole/Belthazor. "Everything's over Abracxcis is dead so is Belthazor. I think we're going to be a lot closer from now on don't you think so." "Yeah I think so." "Phoebe, Piper we vanquished Belthazor." "Alright guys one thing how did you?" "We combined our power and the room turned white and blinded him and heaven did the rest." "Heaven told Leo that he and Prue had done a good job and that could keep on being a whitelighter if she wanted too." "Prue they said you can keep on being a whitelighter if you want to." "Ok." "So finally we ended up having a good day after all."