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From Above

by Tem G.

It was a hot, sunny day, but Prue Halliwell was not outside enjoying it. Instead she was inside, mourning over the loss of her boyfriend, Andy who had recently passed away. What made it worse was that he hadn't died naturally, and she felt responsible for his death. If only she wasn't a witch, then Andy would still be here, because Andy had died in the hands of evil. A demon had killed him.

Just then Prue's youngest sister, Phoebe came bounding down the stairs. Phoebe was a witch also, and had the power to see the future. Prue's power was to move objects with her mind, and their other sister, Piper could freeze time. "Prue." Phoebe yelled. "Pruuuuuu." Prue looked up. "Yeah?" She said. Phoebe could tell by her sisters monotone voice that she was crying again. She walked up to Prue. She knew then she should be holding and comforting her sister, but she had something else on her mind. "Oh, Prue. I'm so sorry. But, um well I want to ask you something. I.. I want to try and contact mum. I found a spell," she continued, and her voice rose with excitement." Its in the book, and it must only be here if we can use it--" She was cut of by Prue. "No, Pheebs. You know we aren't allowed to use spells for personal gain. Besides, it could be dangerous going to that place. Heaven or whatever. "

"Oh, but Prue, I-" She stopped and closed her eyes. She was having a premonition, Prue could tell. "What is it this time?" She asked. "Well," Phoebe said. "I think its a death. In heaven. I think we have to go there."

Prue rolled her eyes. "That is the stupidest thing I've heard. You can't die in heaven. How stupid. I know what you're doing. You're trying to find a way to see mum." Suddenly her sad expression turned to anger. "How dare you! How DARE you! Using your powers to trick your sister! That is terrible! You are terrible! And mean, with no heart at all! I thought I knew you! But obviously I'm wrong." Phoebe took a step away from her Prue. She's hurt about Andy, that's why she so angry, Phoebe thought.

Then Piper, their third sister came in from the kitchen. "What's the matter?" She asked. Prue stood up. "Its her fault!" She pointed an accusing finger at Phoebe. Piper walked over and stood between them. "Come on you guys, calm down." Prue however was in no mood to cooperate. Instead she looked sulkily at the T.V. "Prue..." Piper said slowly.

"What?" Frustrated at her oldest sisters childish behavior, Piper waved her arms and froze the television. Prue looked at her with her angry face. "Now you're doing it to! Using your powers to annoy me! Well, two, make it three can play at that game." Prue stood up and looked at her sisters. They could both feel the power of her mind, and knew what was about to happen. Piper looked behind her to see what she was going to bang in to. If she could she would freeze Prue, but she couldn't freeze good witches. Just when Prue was about to push her sisters onto the wall behind them, she collapsed on the sofa, and buried her face in her hands. "I'm so, so sorry." She said. "I, I don't know what's wrong with me Please forgive me." Piper for gave her straight away and walked up to her with open arms.

"You're forgiven. I know this is hard for you. Just, don't scare us like that again. okay?" She hugged Prue. "Come on Pheebs." Phoebe looked at her oldest sister, but spoke to Piper. "You didn't hear what she said to me before, Piper." She muttered quietly. Prue spoke next. "But Phoebe, please, listen to me." She looked at her sister with pleading eyes. "I really am sorry, truly, honestly, from the bottom of my heart." Still, Phoebe couldn't accept what she'd been told by her sister. She looked at Prue with sad, tearful eyes. "I'm sorry to. " She said. "Because I don't believe you." With that she ran upstairs to her room. Prue could hear her sobbing right up until she slammed her door. "I'll go talk to her," Prue said, as she pulled away from her sister. Piper shook her head. "Let her calm down," she said knowingly. Prue agreed, and the two started preparing lunch. They didn't hear Phoebe quietly open her door, and sneak up to the attic, towards the Book of Shadows.

As soon as Phoebe reached the attic, she headed to Book of Shadows. Opening the book, she noticed that the pages didn't turn automatically like they usually did. She dismissed the thought from her mind and started searching for the spell she had noticed before.

She thought angrily about Prue. She HAD had that premonition, and the fact that she was talking about stuff like that before she'd had it was probably just coincidence. Or, it could have triggered her premonition. This thought pleased her, as it meant she had an excuse for Prue, and it also meant her powers could be growing.

She found the spell, and looked at it. It was only meant for one person to say. This was good, she could go and be back before her sisters knew she had gone. She followed the instruction, spreading her arms wide, and slowing her breathing. Then she began the spell.

"Heaven and Earth
Nature and Sky
Take me so that I may fly.
Take me to that heavenly place
So I may fulfill my deed in Grace
Heaven and Earth
Nature and Sky
Take me, Take me,
Let me Fly!!"

She felt a wind around her, and she was transported, in her mind, to the world above.

Prue checked her watch. It had been an hour since Phoebe had stormed up to her room. She'd better go check on her. Walking up to her room, she saw that her sister wasn't there. Maybe she's in the attic, she thought. She walked up to the attic and checked inside. There was Phoebe, with her back turned towards her. "Phoebe..." She said. No answer. "Pheebs. Come on, talk to me." There was still no answer. She moved toward her sister, and saw her face. Her eyes were closed, and she had no expression on her face. Prue knock on her playfully. "Hello, anyone home?" Phoebe didn't answer. Prue glanced at the Book of Shadows. It was open, so she looked more carefully inside. Tears suddenly came to her eyes, "Oh. Phoebe, why did you do that. Piper! come here, Piper. I'm in the attic." Piper came up to the attic. "What's the matter? " She asked, when she saw Prue's eyes. "Phoebe, she did the spell."

"What spell?" Prue explained to her what had happened with her and Phoebe. "We must find a way to bring her back, Piper said." Prue shook her head. "We can't."

"Well, why the hell not? I mean, she there and we're here and we have to find a way to bring her back, so she's here and we're here, and none of us are there." Her sister was breaking down. She wasn't talking any sense, and a foul word had come out of her mouth. "She can't come back, unless she wants to."


"You heard me. She can't come back unless she wants to." Suddenly the two girls heard a noise. It was coming from Phoebe.

Phoebe laughed with delight. It was so much fun here. She had Andy, and Grams, and she even had her mother. She was ecstatic. "Oh, I've missed you so much, mum. " She hugged her mother tightly. "I love you mum." Her mother smiled at her.

"Phoebe, my baby. How did you get here?"

"I read a spell from The Book of Shadows, mum."


"Why? What's the matter with that?"

"Hmm? Oh, there's nothing the matter with that. The important thing is you're here with me. Where are Prue and Piper?"

"They're back home."

"Didn't they want to see their mother?"

"Well, they didn't know I was seeing you."

"They didn't?"

"No, I kind of got in a fight with Prue."

"Tell me." Phoebe told her the whole story, including her premonition. "So, you came to save a girl, did you? How? You have to be dead to get here you know."

"Well I didn't die, did I."

"No. Listen, I have to get back to somewhere. I'll see you soon. I love you Phoebe Halliwell, you are my daughter, and I will always remember you. Goodbye." She gave one more hug to Phoebe and the she disappeared into the crowd of people surrounding them, waving as she went. Phoebe waved back, until suddenly she fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Prue and Piper watched as Phoebe suddenly fell to the ground. They heard her screams of pain, but they were frozen in shock and stood still. Finally Prue spoke. Her voice was shaking, but she had to tell this to Piper. "I understand, Piper. Phoebe went the to save a girl, but she didn't realize the girl was herself." Piper looked at her funny, before she fainted. Prue took her slowly too the bathroom, and wiped her down with a cold towel.

She regained consciousness. "What happened?" She asked Prue. "Oh," she remembered suddenly. "Prue lets go check on her." They walked slowly and shakily too the attic, leaning on each other for support.

Phoebe was lying on the ground, her eyes wide open, but lifeless. Piper screamed in horror at her empty eyes. The sister who was always full of life was now lying here, with no movement, at all. They hadn't even got to say goodbye to her. In fact, they had yelled at their Pheebs, and let her walk to her death. Piper collapsed on the ground by her little sister, and began crying. She shook uncontrollably, and Prue couldn't stop her. Unable to cope with yet another loss, especially so soon, Prue dropped down by her sister and began to cry as well. She looked at Phoebe and said. "I'm so sorry I was so mean to you I was just so angry about Andy, and I let all my anger out on you. If i could bring you back, I would Pheebs. Believe me, I would." With that she couldn't say anymore, sat up, curled herself into a ball and cried.

Patty Halliwell, Prue, Piper and Phoebe's mother looked down at her daughters crying. She felt deeply sorry for them. She should have told Phoebe what she knew, she should have, but no, she wanted her daughter all to herself. She knew what Phoebe's premonition has meant, but no again.

Stupid her had been selfish and wanted Phoebe. Well, no she had Phoebe, but she had wrecked the lives of her two other daughters, forever. Unless she could do something... She racked her brains, and finally she thought of something that might work.

She went to look for Phoebe. She found her, lying on a couch. She had tears in her eyes. When she saw her mother, she looked up at her sadly. "The girl was me." She announced. "It was me, mum." Patty put her finger to her daughters mouth, telling her to sshh. "I know a way," She said. She brought Phoebe over to a lone corner. "Now close your eyes," She whispered. Phoebe closed her eyes. Her mother blew in her face. "Goodbye, Phoebe honey. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too mum," Phoebe whispered. Then she felt herself being taken back to her world.

"Uh...." Phoebe woke up. Piper and Prue rushed to her. "Phoebe?" Prue whispered, "Is that you? Oh, my God. Its Phoebe, your alive!" Piper grabbed her sister and hugged her tightly. Prue joined in. "I'm so glad to see you!" Piper said. "Me too." cried Prue. Phoebe explained what had happened in Heaven. "And Andy's fine," she added to Prue. Prue smiled at her.

"You're fine. That's more important. Oh, and I'm sorry too."

"You're forgiven, Prue."

The three sisters hugged again, before rushing downstairs, because the dinner was burning.

"Its good to be home," said Phoebe happily.

"Its good to have you, Pheebs." said Piper, still wiping tears from her eyes.

"And, Phoebe Halliwell. Don't you ever, ever do that again!" Prue laughed. Their mother looked on with happy eyes. Her sacrifice of being weak for a hundred years because of saving Phoebe, was a small price to pay.