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Pregnant Witch

by Janelle

Part 1

Phoebe was studying for her psych test in the living room. She sat on the couch and read through her book. The date was April 3rd, 2003 and she was graduating college in two months. I can't believe I'm graduating college in two months. Think about all that's happened since I started, Phoebe thought. Piper was sitting in an armchair. Piper triwled her dark brown curly hair with her finger. Phoebe looked up from her book.

Piper picked up her can of Pepsi sitting on the table next to her. "Are you all right Piper?" "Yeah. Just scared." "Scared of what?" Phoebe asked a little surprised. "You remember I went to see Dr. Carson last week for my back pains, right?" Piper asked. Phoebe nodded. "Well, when I got there, he told me it was time for my yearly physical. He also took a sample of my blood, and I'm afraid something bad will happen, like…."

"When Dr. Williamson accidentally got a shot with our blood in it and got our powers," Phoebe finished for her. Piper nodded. Four years ago, their grandma (Grams) who raised us died and left Phoebe and her two older sisters, Piper and Prue the Victorian house they grew up in. The house had been in their family for generations. Their mother, Patty Halliwell, died when they were very young and their father, Victor Halliwell, left shortly after Phoebe was born. One night, when Phoebe had come back from New York after searching for their father, Phoebe discovered a book of witchcraft called the Book of Shadows and read an incantation that gave Phoebe and her sisters' their powers their Grams had stripped away from them to protect them. Prue, the oldest, had the power to move objects with her mind.

While dealing with a hit woman named Ms. Hellfire who was hired by a demon to kill the sisters, Prue gained the power of astral projection (being in two places at once.) Piper had the power to stop time/freeze objects. Phoebe had the power of premonitions (visions from the future and past). Every now and then, the 3 sisters had to battle evil beings that wanted to kill them because they wanted to get their powers. They then used the Book of Shadows to find a spell to vanquish them. "Well, he's not suspicious of you. I mean, there's no reason for him to be. You haven't made a miraculous recovery since that happened," Phoebe encouraged her. "You're right," Piper said.

Phoebe looked back at her textbook. Just then, the phone rang. Piper picked the cordless phone up. "Hello?" Piper asked. Phoebe kept reading, trying to avoid the conversation and concentrate on studying, but she couldn't help it. "This is she." Phoebe obviously knew the phone call was for Piper. She heard a mumbling voice from the phone. "And?" Piper asked. Phoebe then glanced over at some of the pictures of Piper's wedding two months ago on Valentine's day. Piper had married Leo Wyatt, the sisters' white lighter (guardian angel for good witches.) Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo all lived in the manor. "You're kidding," Piper said. "Seriously?"

Phoebe looked back at her textbook and tried to study. "Thank you so much Dr. Carson. Bye," Piper said. She hung up. Phoebe looked up at Piper. She looked excited. "Did he call to tell you the physical results?" Piper nodded her head. "Are you all right?" "Yeah, Aunt Phoebe," Piper said. Aunt Phoebe? Phoebe asked herself. "What?" "I'm pregnant," Piper said. What?! Phoebe's mind wanted to scream. "You're pregnant?!" Phoebe asked. Piper nodded.

"Congratulations sis. Oh my god!" Phoebe screamed. The sisters' got up and hugged each other. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" the sisters said together. Just then, Leo entered the manor through the front door. "What's the commotion about?" Piper and Phoebe stopped the excitement and looked at Leo. "I'll guess I should get back to my studies," Phoebe said. She went back and sat on the couch. Leo walked over to his wife. "Are you OK?" "Yes. Dr. Carson called and gave me the results of the physical I took last week," Piper said. "Did he find something wrong?" "No. Except…we're having a baby!" Piper exclaimed. "What?! You mean I'm gonna be a father?" Leo asked excitingly.

Piper nodded. "Honey, that's great." Leo hugged his wife. "Hey. Can you guys please keep it down? I have a test tomorrow and I need to study," Phoebe said. "Sorry Phoebe. We'll go into the kitchen," Piper said. "Honey, this is really great news," Leo said as the two of them went into the kitchen. Now to get down to my studies, Phoebe thought.

She picked up her textbook. Just then, Prue walked entered the manor. She walked into the room. "God, I must have taken about 50 photos today and ran through about 100 rolls of film," Prue said. "Prue, I'm trying to study," Phoebe said in a whining tone. "Sorry Pheebs. Where's Piper?" "In the kitchen with Leo," Phoebe said. Prue began to walk to the kitchen. "Aunt Prue," Phoebe said. Prue stopped walking and looked at Phoebe questionable. "What?" "Dr. Carson called back with Piper's psychical test results. She's pregnant." "What?" Prue asked as her eyes widened. "Yep. We're gonna be Aunts."

"Phoebe that's great. I gotta go congratulate Piper and Leo," Prue said. She went into the kitchen. Kit, the family cat, walked into the room. "Hey Kitty," Phoebe said. She stretched out her legs on the couch. Kit jumped up on Phoebe's lap. Phoebe petted her. "OK, you can stay here for a while," Phoebe said. Phoebe read through the book. "Can you believe I'm about to graduate college in less then 3 months? Do you remember when I started college?" Kit meowed. "I guess ya do. Wow. In less then three months, I'm graduating." "Yeah," Piper said as she entered with a plate of sugar cookies and a glass of milk. Leo and Prue followed her.

"I remember that the day you told me you started college. I found out I had aro…." Piper stopped herself. She didn't want to give herself sad memories of Dr. Willamson's death. They had to kill him. He took a blood sample of their powers and was accidentally injected with it. He had gone mad and they tried to stop him without killing him, but couldn't. "Well, I'll go start dinner. Everyone OK with homemade pizza?" Piper asked. "Yeah," Leo, Phoebe, and Prue said.

"I'll help you," Prue said. Prue and Piper went back into the kitchen. "I'll leave you to study," Leo said. He went upstairs. Kit jumped up and followed Leo. "Now I can study," Phoebe said. She turned the page and began reading chapter 4.

Part 2

"Honey, it's 7AM. Phoebe has to be at school at 7:45," Piper's husband's voice came through the blackness. Piper opened her eyes. Leo was looking down at her. "I'm getting up," Piper said. She slowly got out of bed. She felt a little burp in her throat. She stood up and pushed passed Leo and went to the bathroom. She went to the toilet and threw up. Man, I hate morning sickness, Piper thought as she continued to throw up. It was June 17th and Phoebe was graduating later that morning. "Would you like me to drive you and Phoebe to the college?" Leo volunteered. Piper flushed the toilet and wiped her mouth.

She walked towards Leo. "Yeah, if it's not too much trouble. "No, not at all. I'll go to work after the graduation," Leo said. Piper went back into the bedroom she shared with Leo. She picked out a red T-shirt, blue jeans, brown belt, and black tall boots to wear. She went into the kitchen and saw Phoebe there eating a fruit salad while reading the newspaper. She wore a white blouse with pink daises painted on it, blue jean overalls, and a pair of hiking boots. Four waffles popped out of the toaster. Leo took them out. "Hungry honey?" Leo asked. "Oh yeah," Piper said as she sat down next to Phoebe. Leo fixed the waffle for Piper and himself. Piper had been extremely hungry since she found out she was pregnant.

Leo fixed the waffles for himself and his wife, giving her 3 and taking 1 for himself. He set the plate down in front of his wife and the other next to her. He then went to the refrigerator and got a Pepsi for Piper and gave it to her. He got himself a mug of coffee and went to his wife, sitting down next to her.

* * *

"I bet Phoebe's nervous," Prue said. Piper just nodded. She sat in the gym in the middle of the bleachers between Prue and Leo. Just then, graduation music filled the air. Phoebe and the other graduates, including Andrea, Brooke, and Tessa, Phoebe's friends. A little while after Phoebe started college, Andrea, Brooke, and Tessa used a book of love spells to turn three animals into men. The girls and Leo got the ani-men, or at least two of them, to go to jail. Phoebe went and sat in one of the chairs in one of the rows of chairs in the middle of the gym. A tall woman with long blond hair stepped to the podium as the music died down. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today, we say to 325 of the finest students the University of San Francisco has seen."

These young people have worked very hard to get this position, and they are leaving us today. We'd like to present each of them with their degrees they've worked for." A Japanese man and an old man came to the woman.

When the student's name was called, the student came up and shook hands with the woman, Japanese man, and the old man. They then went back to their seat. "Valernie Aburey. Steve Acrean. Andrea Baker. Max Brin. Tina Cad. Walter Cryden. David Dray. Billy Friend. Isabel Fryne. Brooke Gold. Tessa Gyne. Phoebe Halliwell," the woman read throught the list. Prue took a picture of Phoebe as she got her degree.

* * *

"What are you going to do now that you've graduated college?" Prue asked in a reporter tone while pretending to hold a microphone. "Well, I thought I'd apply for at the San Francisco hospital as a nurse," Phoebe said. Phoebe and Prue were at the manor. Leo was at work and Piper was out shopping. "Hey, why don't we go out to lunch? Just the two of us?" Prue asked. "Sure. I'll go upstairs and take off this robe and hat," Phoebe said. She went upstairs. Just then, the phone rang. "Got it!" Prue shouted. She picked the phone up off the coffee table. "Hello?" "Hi. May I speak to Piper Halliwell?" the deep voice on the other end asked.

"She's not here. Can I take a message?" Prue asked. "Well, maybe this message is for you. Are you related to Victor Halliwell?" "Yes. I'm one of his daughters." "Well, Mrs. Halliwell…" " Miss. Halliwell," " Miss. Halliwell, my name is Dr. Thompson. I'm afraid to inform you that your father has been in a terrible car accident and is suffering from temporarily amnesia." "If he's suffering from amnesia, how did you know to call me?"

"Well, Dr. Carson recognized your father and told me to call a Piper Halliwell's house." "Yeah. That's one of my sisters," Prue said. "Well, could you and your sisters come on down. We need some more information about your father. Come to the reception desk on the third floor," Dr. Thompson said. "We're on our way," Prue said as Phoebe came downstairs. Prue hung up the phone and put it on the couch.

"We're on our way where?" "That was the hospital. Dad's been in a bad car accident and is suffering from amnesia," Prue informed. "What?! You mean, he might not even know us?" Phoebe asked. "That's what I mean. We need to get down there fast," Prue said as she got her coat. "Wait, Prue. What about Piper and Leo? I think they have a right to know about dad," Phoebe said. "I'll call them on the cell on the way to the hospital," Prue said.

Meanwhile, Piper was in the mall when her cell phone rang. She got it out of her purse and answered it. "Hello?" "Piper, it's me," Piper heard Prue's voice say. "What's up?" " Look, the hospital just called. Dad's been in a car accident." "What?" "Yeah. He's suffering from amnesia. Phoebe and I are on our way there. Can you meet us at the elevators?" Prue said. "Yeah. I'll call Leo and be right over," Piper said. I can't believe this. I hope dad's all right, Piper thought as she hung up and called Leo's cell phone. She walked out of the mall and towards her car. On the second ring, her husband picked up.

"This is Leo," Leo said. "It's me. Look, Prue just called. Dad's been in a car accident and has amnesia. I'm on my way to the hospital now. Can you meet us there?" "I'll be there in 30 minutes," Leo said. "Love you. Bye." "You too." Piper hung up and got into her car. Twenty-five minutes later, Piper was at the hospital. She walked as fast as she could to the elevators, where Prue and Phoebe were waiting. "Where's dad?" "Come on," Prue said. They went in the elevator and road it to the 3rd floor. They when the elevator stopped and opened, they walked as fast as they could to the reception desk.

"Excuse us," Phoebe said to a nurse. She turned around. The woman had long black braided hair. "Dr. Thompson called us about our father…Victor Halliwell," Prue said. "Yes. We were wondering if you could fill out this information about him." "We really don't know him all that well. We haven't seen him in almost 5 years," Piper said. "Could we please see him first?" Phoebe asked the nurse. "Sure. He's in room 35. That's right around the corner on the right," the nurse said. Phoebe walked to room 35 with Prue and Piper trailing behind her.

She opened the door. When she entered the room, she saw that the TV was on. She walked into the room and saw her father lying on a hospital bed. He wore a hospital gown. He had cuts and bruises all over his body. When Phoebe, Piper, and Prue walked into the room, he looked at them. "Hi Victor. Do you remember us?" Phoebe said nervously. "I'm afraid not," he said as his unknown daughters walked to him. "What's the last thing you remember?" Prue asked caringly. "Well, I know I was on my was to San Francisco to see someone, or someones', and then another car hit me and the next thing I know, I was in an ambulance," their father said. "Well, you were probably on your way to see us. We're your daughters," Piper said a little teary. "My daughters?" Victor asked. "Yes. You have no other children. I'm Phoebe. And this is Prue and Piper. "Just then, Leo came into the room. "Is everyone OK?" Leo asked.

"We're all fine." Prue turned to Victor. "And this is your son-in-law Leo. Piper's husband," Prue informed Victor. "Where's your mother?" Victor asked. Phoebe, Prue, Leo, and Piper all looked at each other sadly. They then focused their attention on Victor. "Dad, our mother, your wife, died almost 25 years ago. 3 years before, you walked out on her," Prue said. "And we didn't see you until you came over to see us 5 years ago," Phoebe said. "Should we tell him about…you know?" Piper asked Prue. Prue nodded. "About what?" Victor asked. "Well, I know you don't know this, but you did know this before. Piper, Phoebe, and I aren't exactly mortal like you. You cannot tell anyone about this. We're…witches," Prue began to say.

Part 3

Piper plumped the pillow on the couch. Today, their dad was coming home after being in the hospital for 3 weeks, but he still had no memory of who he was or of his daughters. The hospital said it was OK if he came to live with his daughters until he got his memory back. Piper and Kit, the family's familiar, were the only ones home. Leo was at work. Prue had to do some photographing before picking up dad at 3PM. Phoebe had started a job working on the maternity floor of the hospital. Piper was cleaning the house a little. She looked around and saw that she did a good job. She then plopped down on the couch. Kit came into the room. "Hey Kit." She jumped onto the couch and curled up next to Piper. She petted her. She then looked down at her stomach.

In the past 1 1/2 months, she had gained 30 pounds. "I guess gaining weight is one of the prices to pay when you're having a baby, but it's worth it," Piper told Kit. She then glanced at the clock. It was 2:30. In about 50 minutes, Prue would be home with dad. "You should have seen dad's face when we told him that we're witches. He looked at us like he'd seen a ghost, until we explained to him that we were good witches, not evil. We even had to use our powers in front of him, except Phoebe couldn't. I froze dad and Leo, then Prue, Phoebe, and I moved around and time unfroze. Dad was shocked. Then Prue made the flower vase move from one table to another. Dad believed that we were good witches and his daughters. Before we left, he said he wishes he could remember what such lovely daughters he had," Piper told Kit.

Kit meowed and then pureed. "You hungry girl?" Piper asked. She meowed. "Why don't we go into the kitchen and get an afternoon snack. I'm hungry too," she said as she picked up Kit. She then walked into the kitchen and went to the counter and moved it to the side. She then opened the cupboard and took out a can of cat food. She grabbed the can opener and opened the can. She then filled Kit's food bowl and threw the can away. Kit meowed. "You'll have your food in a minute." Piper walked to where Kit's water bowl was. She gentle bent down and put the food bowl down.

"It's getting harder to do simple things," Piper told herself. She went to the refrigerator and opened the freezer. She took out a tub of chocolate ice cream. She fixed herself a bowl of ice cream and went into the living room after she put the tub of ice cream away. She sat in the armchair. She grabbed the remote control for the TV and turned it on. She channel surfed until she found a movie called "A League of their Own." She watched it and ate ice cream. At 3:30, she heard the front door open.

"Piper?" she heard Prue's voice ask. "In here," Piper said. Prue walked into the living room with a nervous Victor behind her. "This will be your home for a while dad, until you regain your memory," Prue said. She sat on the couch. Victor sat next to her. Just then, Kit walked into the room. "Who is that?" Victor asked. "That is our cat. Her name is Kit. She won't bite you dad," Prue said. Just then, Prue's cell phone rang. "I'll take it in the hall," Prue said. She answered it as she went into the hall. "You're Piper right?" Victor asked, looking at Piper. "Yeah. An easy way to remember who is who is Prue has a black hair, I have curly hair, and Phoebe has wavy hair," Piper told her father.

"Where is Phoebe by the way?" Victor asked. "She started a job 3 days ago at the hospital. She was working on the 6th floor." An embarrassing silences stood there for a moment. "Hey. I got an idea of what will help you regain your memory. The Halliwell photo album," Piper said. Piper got up and went into the parlor. She grabbed the photo album from the bookcase and went back into the living room. She sat down on the couch next to her father. She opened to the beginning of the album.

For about 30 minutes, they looked through the album while Prue was talking on her cell phone. Prue walked in on them while they were in the middle of the Christmas film Victor had left them on his last visit. Piper stopped the film. "That was Mr. Corso. He needs me to come down to the studio right away to photograph a family for the new family section in the magazine," Prue said. "Will you have to do any photographing tomorrow? On a holiday?" Piper asked.

"No. My boss is celebrating with his family, but I have tickets for us to go to the Fourth of July carnival near the beach. I have to do some photos there," Prue said. "Sounds like fun," Piper said. "You should get down to the studio now," Victor said. "Right," Prue said. She took her car keys out of her purse. "See you guys later." "Bye," Piper and Victor said in union.

* * *

Meanwhile, 2 thin women waited by the San Francisco mall bookstore. "Um, are you sure she'll be here?" the woman who had short, light brown, wavy hair asked the other woman, who looked like she from Central America. "She'll be here Clarise. Don't worry. We will succeed in our mission," the woman with long black hair said. "I sure hope so Jackie. Our species life depends on it," Clarise said. Just then, Jackie saw Piper and Victor round the corner. "There she is," Jackie told Clarise as Piper and Victor walked into the bookstore. "Time to put the plan in action." They walked into the nearest women bathroom. Clarise and Jackie checked to make sure nobody was there. When they were sure nobody was there, they waved their hands down there body. Instantly, they looked as pregnant as Piper was.

Part 4

Piper walked on down the maternity book aisle. The 50 best baby names. The 100 best baby names. The meaning of baby names. Piper read through the list. She grabbed a book called What to expect when you're expecting. She read the back and put it in her blue basket she was holding. She had already put a pregnancy calendar in there and a Baby's first year calendar. Now to find buy books for pleasure that aren't about babies, Piper though. She took out the What to expect when you're expecting book and opened it as she turned the corner. The next thing she knew, she hit into someone. The book flew to the ground along with a few magazines.

"Oh. I'm sorry," Piper apologized to the woman. "That's quite all right," the woman said. Piper slowly bent down and begin picking up the book and magazines. Piper picked up three magazines and looked up at the woman. She saw that the woman was expecting too. The woman looked up at Piper. She had a round face, light brown, short wavy hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes lit up when she saw Piper. "Oh my god. You're Piper Halliwell," the woman said as she and Piper stood up. "Yeah." "My name is Clarise Thompson. I read about your article in the 415 magazine about your club being one of the hottest ones in town. They never mentioned you were expecting." They shook hands.

"Well, they interviewed me in March, which was shortly after my wedding. Looks like we're both expecting," Piper said. "Huh?" Clarise asked. She looked down at her little plumped belly. "Oh. Of course. Who's the father?" Clarise asked. "Uh, his name is Leo Wyatt. What about you child's father?" "Uh…sadly this little one's father died last month," Clarise said. "Oh no. how?" Piper asked. "He was murdered," Clarise said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. How did it happen?" "The murderer caught my husband off guard and he was killed along with my friend's husband." "Oh. How awful."

Just then, a Spanish woman with long, straight, black hair rounded the corner. "Clarise, I've been looking everywhere for you." "I'm sorry, but look who I ran into," Clarise said. The other woman looked at Piper. Her eyes widened. "Piper? Piper Halliwell?" Piper nodded. "Oh my god. Clarise and I read all about you in 415 magazine." "This is my friend Jackie Staton by the way," Clarise said as Piper and Jackie shook hands. "Pleased to meet you. Looks like we're all expecting," Jackie said. "Oh, not soon. I'm not due for six months." "What a coincidence. So are we," Clarise said. "Wow. What a small world," Piper said. "Say, why don't you join us for some sodas at Ruby's downstairs?" Jackie asked. "Sure. I just have to go find my dad. He's here in the store somewhere."

* * *

Piper sat at a table in Ruby's. She was sitting next to her father and across from Clarise. They had ordered a big plate of fries and 4 coca-colas. "It must be so great having your family by your side no matter what. When we married our husbands', our families turned against us. They wouldn't even consider helping us with anything. All we got now is each other since our husbands died," Jackie said. "I'll help you guys with anything," Piper said. "Would you excuse me for a minute?" Victor asked. "Dad, where you going?" "To the bathroom," Victor said. He got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Oh Jackie. Would you give me some Nutrills?" Clarise asked. Jackie nodded and reached into her purse. "Nutrills?" Piper asked. "Yeah. There a new pill for pregnant women. It gives their baby or babies a little more nutrition that they don't get from all the fattening foods we give them." "She should know. She's been pregnant 2 times before," Clarise said. "Really? Where are your kids?" "Oh, they're in summer school." "What are their names?" "Celeste and Josh," Jackie said.

"And you took Nutrills throughout your pregnancies with them? And it worked?" Piper asked. "Celeste and Josh are a little healthier than a horse." "Do you want to try some?" Jackie asked. "Hmm. OK," Piper said. "You put it in your soda," Clarise said. Jackie put one in her soda and handed one to Clarise, who put one in her soda. She then handed one to Piper. Piper took the red pill out of the pack and dropped it into her drink. "How about a toast?" Jackie asked. "To what?" Piper asked as Clarise and Jackie raised their glasses. "To our children," Clarise said. Piper raised her glass. "To our children," she said. They made the toast and then drank their Coca-Colas.

* * *

Piper opened the front door later that night. Prue was probably in her room. Phoebe was probably in the parlor. Leo too. Victor closed the door quietly behind them. She walked towards the kitchen as Victor walked into the living room. As she passed the parlor, she saw Leo sitting in a wicker chair reading the newspaper. She stopped and walked into the parlor. "Hi. Um, I meet some women at the mall and we sort of hung out," Piper said. "Cool. Are you all right?" "Yeah fine. I just am a little dizzy. I don't know why," Piper said as the room begin to slowly spin. "Do you want to lie down?" Leo asked as he put down the newspaper. "No. I'm fine. I…," Piper cut herself off. Suddenly, Piper felt a burst of pain explode from her stomach. She clenched her little plumped tummy. "Are you OK honey?" Leo asked.

Piper began to groan. Leo jumped out of his chair and ran to his wife. "Are you all right? Honey?!" Piper said nothing but continued to groan. Leo helped her to the couch. Piper sat down on the couch as the pain continued to grow. "Prue! Phoebe! Victor!" Leo shouted. "What's wrong?" Phoebe asked as she and Prue came down the stairs. Victor came in from the living room worried.

"I don't know. Piper? Piper! What's wrong?" Leo asked. Piper continued to groan. "I…I…don't…know," Piper said. "I don't think this is normal," Leo said. "Why?!" Prue asked. "Leo's right. None of the women in their 3rd month experience this much pain from their stomach," Phoebe said. Just then, Piper fainted. "Piper?" Prue asked. "Honey?" Leo asked. He looked at his sisters-in-laws with a worried face. They gave him one back.

Part 5

"Are you sure you're all right?" Phoebe asked. "Yes. I'm fine. Now let's just go to the carnival," Piper said. Leo came down wearing a gray T-shirt, white shorts, and sandals. He was carrying a bag, beachball, and had a towel thrown over his right shoulder. "Is everybody all ready?" Leo asked. " Yep," Prue said as she entered the room wearing a sleeveless short white dress. She also wore black sandals. Piper wore a black T-shirt, dark blue sleeveless vest, blue jeans, and white sandals. Phoebe wore a pink tank-top, blue jean shorts, and white sandals. "Where's dad?" Piper asked Prue. "He's in the kitchen. You know, I don't remember him being this helpful at all. Maybe this is the part of him that wants to show how much he cares about us," Prue said. "I like it," Piper said. "So do I," Phoebe said. Victor entered the room wearing a backpack. He wore a blue baseball cap, red tank top, and white shorts.

He also wore red and white stripped sandals. "Dad, looks like you're all set for the fourth of July," Phoebe said. "Thank you Phoebe." "Well, I'd say we're just about ready," Leo said. "Did you remember to bring your photo equipment Prue?" Piper asked. "Uh, yeah. It's in the car," Prue said as she adjusted the flower hair clip in her hair. "OK. Let's go," Piper said. She lead the gang down to her car.

* * *

Prue walked around the carnival grounds with Piper, Phoebe, Victor, and Leo. "Hey," Leo said. He pointed at a booth that had purple bears hanging above it. "Wanna try the game?" he asked his wife. "OK. But no using any powers. We're not supposed to use our powers at all today," Piper said. "Eye eye General Halliwell," Phoebe said in a solider tone. The gang laughed. "But you know as well as I do that I can't control mine…that much." " Well, let's just hope you don't have one today," Piper said.

"Oh, look at that," Prue said. She pointed at the water log ride. She took out her camera and snapped a picture of the ride. "I used to love that ride." "Me too," Phoebe said. "The only ride I ever really liked was the Ferris Wheel," Piper said. "That's because you never liked getting wet, scared, going inside a fun house, or going upside-down," Phoebe reminded her. "Uh, why don't Piper, Victor, and I go play some games and you guys go on the rides?" Leo asked. "OK." Phoebe and Prue said in union. "Why don't we meet at the hot dog stand?" Piper asked. "OK," Phoebe and Prue said in union again. Prue and Phoebe ran towards the ride. I feel like a little kid again, Prue thought as she got in line with Phoebe for the ride.

* * *

At the end of the carnival, Leo won Piper a big stuffed teddy bear. Leo and Piper went on the Ferris Wheel right behind Prue, Victor, and Phoebe. Phoebe had played a race game and won a big panda. Prue had also won a game, a ball game, without the use of her powers. She had won a big green stuffed tiger. They saw the fireworks brightly burst in the sky and Prue got the pictures she needed. They five of them had also got a cartoon drawing each. Leo was drawn as a doctor. Prue was drawn taking pictures. Piper was drawn cooking. Phoebe was drawn shopping. Victor was drawn running in a race. After the carnival, they went home and went to bed.

Part 6

"So you invited Clarise and Jackie to dinner tomorrow?" Phoebe asked. She was in the kitchen the next evening around 6 with Piper fixing dinner. "Yeah. They'll be here at 6," Piper said. "Well, we'd better lock the attic door," Phoebe said. "I agree. Even though they're friends, I don't want them going into the attic." Piper was making lasagna while Piper made Caesar salad. Leo was on his way home and Prue was with Victor at the zoo. Phoebe glanced over at Piper. She took a small pill out of her pocket. It was a small round red pill. "What is that?"

"Oh, Jackie gave it to me. She said that it is a pill that give the baby more a little more nutrition that it don't get from all the fattening foods I give it. Jackie took it throughout both her 2 pregnancies with her children Celeste and Josh." "Then why is she coming here without her kids?" Phoebe asked. "They gonna spending the night at their friends," Piper said. "Have you tried that pill before?" Phoebe asked. "Yeah, the day before yesterday," Piper said.

"You mean the night that you got really bad stomach pains and fainted?" Phoebe asked. "Yeah." Piper looked at her younger sister. Phoebe had a "I wonder" look on her face. "Phoebe, they're not evil. They're my friends," Piper said. "If you say so Piper, but remember, you didn't think Jeremy was evil and he turned out to be a warlock," Phoebe said as she put lettuce in one of the five bowls she had. "I know." Piper took a glass of milk from the refrigerator and put the pill in her mouth. She drank the glass of milk.

* * *

"That was a great dinner honey," Leo said as he finished his lasagna. "Well, I may have made the lasagna, but Phoebe made the salad," Piper said. "That was good too," Leo said to Phoebe. "Thanks." "Anyone want some desert?" Piper asked. "Yeah. How about some grapes?" Phoebe asked. "Yeah," Leo, Prue, Victor and Piper said in union. Piper began to walk to the kitchen. Prue walked in front of her and stopped her at the doorway. "Piper, you and Phoebe did dinner and Leo did breakfast. Now it's my turn to do desert," Prue said. "OK," Piper said. She went and sat down next to her husband.

Piper then had another pain that exploded from her stomach. She grabbed her stomach again. "Piper, are you OK?" Phoebe asked. "The pain is back again," Piper said. "What's wrong?" Leo asked. "I don't know. It feels like…fire. I don't know what it is…or how to describe it," Piper said. She began to grown. "Prue!" Phoebe yelled. Prue ran into the room. "Call 911," Phoebe said.

* * *

Phoebe was pacing back and fourth in the waiting room with Prue, Victor, and Leo. Just then, Dr. Carson came up to them. "Phoebe," he said. Phoebe had been working with Dr. Carson in the hospital. Prue, Leo, Victor, and Phoebe ran to the doctor. "What's wrong with Piper?" Prue asked. "There seems to be no problem with her. I guess it was just stomach pains," he said. "Dr. Carson, I know I've only been here for less then 2 months, but I know that what happened to my sister was not just stomach pains," Phoebe said. "Phoebe, stomach pains can be as bad as Piper's was. As far as I can tell you, both she and the baby are doing fine, but I'd like her to stay here overnight to monitor her."

With that, he left. Piper was sent home the next morning. She kept telling everyone that the doctor was probably right. She decided to stay home that morning. Prue, after taking some photos for the magazine, decide to go shopping with Phoebe and her dad. Piper had decided to go to park for a walk. They had gone downtown to the local shopping area. "Prue, we have the bread for tonight right?" Phoebe asked as they walked to Prue's car carrying groceries. "Yes Pheebes. We do," Prue said.

Prue opened the trunk of her car. Phoebe and Prue put the grocery bags in there. "Oh my god," Victor said. "What dad?" Phoebe asked. "It's Jackie and Clarise," Victor said. "Who?" Prue asked as she closed the trunk. "Piper's new friends she meet at the mall, and they were three months pregnant, but now…they're not," Victor said. "What?!" Phoebe asked. Victor pointed to the Wicca shop. Prue and Phoebe looked to see a 2 women enter the Wiccan shop. One had a round face, light brown, short wavy hair and the other was a Spanish woman with long, straight, black hair.

Both of them were thin. "What? That can't be them. Clarise and Jackie are three months pregnant," Prue said. "No. It's them," Victor said. "Let's go check it out. They obviously don't know what we look like, so we'll pretend like we're shopping," Prue said. They got in Prue's car and drove over there. They then calmly walked into the Wiccan shop. Phoebe walked down a book aisle and ducked down. She picked up a book called Witches and Warlocks. Jackie and Clarise were in the next aisle. Prue was in the other aisle next door. Victor was with her.

"So, I bet the plan's going perfectly. Piper must be experiencing stomach pains every time she takes one of the Nutrills, Jackie," one of the women said. "Yep Clarise. Soon, the most powerful witches will become evil and in our time, will be on our side instead of against us," the Spanish woman said.

Phoebe's eyes widen. They were warlocks from the future trying to turn Piper's children…wait. Children?

Piper will have more than one child. But why would Piper's children be the most powerful witches. No offense sis, Phoebe thought. "I know. Then our husbands will be alive," Clarise said. "And if we don't succeed, that do gooder witches children will kill them in 2035," Jackie said. "I just hate pretending to be her friend. Pretending to be a friend to the witches' mother, the witches that killed the one I love?" "Me too, but remember, we have to use our power to make it look like we're just as pregnant as she is," Clarise said. "We'll use our power before we step out of the car. I absolutely love the witch's power we stole from her, the 5th one we killed, or will kill," Jackie said.

"Here's to mind warp," Clarise said. That's all I needed to here, Phoebe thought. She walked to the end of the aisle and raise her and pretended to drop a book. She bent down and picked it up. She then went home with Prue and Victor.

Part 7

"Piper?" Prue asked as she, Phoebe, and Victor walked into the manor. "She's probably still in the park," Phoebe said. "OK. We've got to go into the attic," Prue said. She began to walk upstairs to the attic. Phoebe followed her. The night before, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe told Victor about the Book of Shadows. Victor followed them. They opened the attic door and went to the stand where the Book of Shadows was kept. Prue opened the book and began to flip through the pages. "Wait Prue," Phoebe said. Prue stopped and looked at her youngest sister curiously.

"They said something about Piper's children killing their husbands in the year 2035. If Clarise and Jackie are from the future, they won't be in that book," Phoebe said. "You're right Pheebs, but what can we do?" Phoebe just then remembered that Clarise said that every time Piper takes a Nutrill, she would feel stomach pains. Maybe the pills weren't giving the baby or babies more nutrition, but turning it evil. "I just thought of something. Did you hear when Clarise said something about every time Piper took a Nutrill, she would feel stomach pains?" "Yeah," Victor said. "And I caught Piper taking a red little round pill before dinner yesterday and she told me she took one a couple of hours before she got her first stomach pain," Phoebe said.

"So you think that the Nutrills are giving her stomach pains?" Victor asked. "Yeah, and I can make more sense. Remember when Jackie said soon, the most powerful witches will become evil and in they're time, will be on they're side instead of against them?" Phoebe asked. Prue's eyes widened. "We got to tell Piper and Leo," Prue said. Just then, Phoebe remembered something else. Piper said yesterday that she was inviting Clarise and Jackie to dinner tonight. "Oh no." "What?" Prue asked. "Clarise and Jackie are coming over tonight. They'll probably give her more Nutrill."

"OK. OK. Um, why don't we tell Piper when she gets home," Prue said. "Yeah." Phoebe said. Downstairs, they heard the front door open and close. "Anybody home?" Piper's voice called out. "In the attic!" Phoebe called out. Piper walked upstairs to the attic. "There you guys are. What are you doing in here?" Phoebe looked worried at Prue and Victor. "What's wrong?" "Piper, do you have anymore of those pills?" Phoebe asked. "Sure. I have 5 more of them. Why?" "You shouldn't take anymore of them," Prue blurted out. "Prue!" Phoebe said.

"What? Why?" Piper asked surprised. "Believe it or not, we found out something bad about Clarise and Jackie," Phoebe said. "What? What could be wrong?" "Believe it or not, they're warlocks," Phoebe said. "What makes you say that?" Piper asked. "Because we saw them outside the Wicca Shop downtown when we were at the grocery store, and they didn't look 3 months pregnant. In fact, they didn't look pregnant at all," Phoebe said. "She's right. I saw them too," Victor said. "Me too," Prue said.

"And then we followed them and they said something about trying to make your children evil because in the future, I think she or he will kill Clarise and Jackie's husbands'," Phoebe said. "They said something about the year 2035. I think they're from the future," Prue said. "And they said every time you take one of those pills, which I think are potion pills, you would experience stomach pains. And I think the stomach pains are a sign that your baby or babies are turning into an evil witches instead of a good witches. So please, believe us," Phoebe said.

Piper hadn't thought that she might be having more than one child. I'm going to go get an ultrasound tomorrow, after I figure out if Jackie and Clarise are really warlocks, she thought. She began to open her mouth to say something when the pages of the Book of Shadows began to flip. "Grams?" Prue asked. The pages continued to flip as Piper walked over. The pages stopped flipping and landed on the page to vanquish the Woogyman. "The spell to vanquish the Woogyman? Why would Grams turn to that? This has nothing to do with him," Phoebe said. "Maybe because you wrote the spell. Maybe Grams is saying you can find out more about this Pheebs," Prue said.

"Hold it. Wait a minute. I'm still not sure if they're warlocks," Piper said. "Piper, they also said they hate pretending to be your friend and that they have the power to make something's happening when it's not," Phoebe said. An embarrassing silence stood there for a moment. "Anyway, how could I…." "Remember 3 years ago when Piper had to go on a business trip to Hawaii and you tried to practice how to call a premonition?" Prue asked. "Yeah," Phoebe said. "And did it work?" Prue asked.

"Yeah," Phoebe said. Prue looked at Piper and gave her the "are you thinking what I'm thinking" look. Piper gave her a "oh yeah" look. Phoebe looked confused at them. "You think I can see something about this in the future?" Phoebe asked. "Well, you do have the power of premonitions," Piper said. Yeah. I see what you're getting at. Now how to I get the premonition? Phoebe asked herself. She looked around the room. She then looked at Piper.

"I think to get a premonition, I have to touch something that will be there in the premonition, meaning your child or children," Phoebe said. "But my children aren't born yet," Piper said. "I think she means she has to touch your stomach," Prue said. "OK. If it'll help find out the truth," Piper said. Phoebe walked to her sister and gentle places her hand on Piper's plumped belly.

She then gasped and closed her eyes. She saw Jackie and Clarise in black shinny leather long sleeved shirts and black shinny leather pants and the tall boots to match. They walked into a dark alley with two guys, both in a shirt and jeans. Phoebe then saw a woman in her early thirties with short, straight, dirty blond hair that was in a ponytail, walk up to them and use Piper's power to freeze them.

She then saw a guy, about the same age as the girl, with dirty blond, spiked up hair, run up to her. Another guy, in his late twenties perhaps, with short, straight, dark brown hair ran up to them with 3 small pieces of paper. They began to chant a spell and then the time unfroze. Clarise and Jackie were pushed out of the way by the "warlock" guys. Then the girl threw a pouch at them. Powder exploded from the pouch. Then the warlock guys screamed and busted into flames.

The premonition ended. Phoebe opened her eyes and drew her hands to herself. "What did you see?" Piper asked. "I think I saw Clarise and Jackie's husbands' get vanquished. They walked into a dark alley and then your daughter, I think, walked into the alley and froze them." "Then two guys, one of them I think was your son, ran to her and they began chanting a spell. Time unfroze and the warlock guys were vanquished." "So you saw Piper's daughter and son vanquish Clarise and Jackie's husbands'?" Prue asked. Phoebe nodded. "Do you believe they're warlocks?" Piper hesitated. "Yeah. I believe you," she finally said.

"Where are the pills?" Phoebe asked. Piper swung her purse off and opened it. She took out 5 little packets of pills. She handed them to Phoebe. Phoebe then gasped and closed her eyes. She saw Jackie and Clarise in the manor. They were in the kitchen. The doors were closed and locked. Clarise had a bottle full of red pills in her hand. Piper was on the ground unconscious with a big cut across her forehead. Jackie opened Piper's mouth. Clarise poured the pills in Piper's mouth.

The premonition ended. "What'd ya see this time?" Prue asked. "We may be on to them, but we have stopped them in succeeding. I saw Piper in the kitchen unconscious. Jackie and Clarise were there too. Clarise had a bottle of pills and forced them into Piper's mouth," Phoebe said. The sisters and their father looked from one another worried.

Part 8

Leo had come home from work at about 5:30. Piper and Phoebe had told Leo about Jackie and Clarise and about the premonitions Phoebe had. They decided to pretend that they weren't on to them. They would go on with dinner as planned. Phoebe was working on a spell to vanquish these future warlocks. She finished it at 5:45. When Clarise and Jackie would go into the kitchen, Piper would talk to them and then Leo would orb himself and Phoebe into the basement, even though Phoebe was scared of the Woogyman, and orb himself into the kitchen.

He would try to detract Clarise and Jackie while Phoebe was at the top of the stairs casting the spell.

The plan seems all right so far. I just want to figure out how Clarise and Jackie can make themselves look pregnant, Piper thought. She stood by the window and looked out. A red cherry car pulled up. Through the darkness, Piper saw Clarise and Jackie. They got out of the car. Piper saw they weren't pregnant. Clarise began to walk to the door, but then Jackie stopped her. Both of them looked down at their stomachs. They waved their hands down there body.

Instantly, they looked like they were as pregnant as Piper was. So it's true, Piper thought. Piper backed away from the window as Clarise and Jackie walked up to the door of the Manor. The doorbell rung. Piper walked to the door and answered it. "Hi Piper," Clarise and Jackie said in union. "Hi guys. Come on in," Piper said. As Jackie and Clarise walked into the house, Leo walked downstairs. "Oh. Hi. I thought I heard the doorbell ring," he said as he walked to his wife. "Clarise, Jackie, this is my husband Leo," Piper said.

"Hi. Nice to meet you both," Leo said politely. He shook hands with Jackie and Clarise. Prue walked in from the kitchen. "Piper, do you know where Phoebe is?" she asked, not bothering to look at Clarise or Jackie. "Wasn't she at the park?" Piper asked. She knew that Phoebe was in the basement hiding the spell and potion to vanquish Piper's warlock friends. "Oh." Piper brought herself back to the present. "This is my sister Prue. Prue. This is Clarise and Jackie," Piper said. Prue shook hands with the warlocks.

"Nice to meet you," Prue said. "You too." The warlocks turned to Piper. "Are you the oldest?" "No. I'm the middle sister. Prue is the oldest and my other sister Phoebe is the youngest," Piper said. Just then, Phoebe came in from the kitchen. "I'm back," Phoebe said. "Great timing, you're just in time for dinner," Prue said.

* * *

Piper wiped her face with a napkin. She put her 5th chicken bone down. "I'll do the dishes," Piper said. She began to pick up the dishes. "We'll help you," Jackie said. She and Clarise began to pick up dishes. They took it to the kitchen. "Showtime," Phoebe said. Prue got up. "Dad, so you are safe from the warlocks, I think you should go in the attic," Prue said. "You really think so?" Victor asked his oldest daughter. "Yeah," Prue said as she and Victor went upstairs to the attic.

* * *

Piper began the dishes as Clarise threw away the garbage. "Are you almost finished with the Nutrill's?" Jackie asked as she put the dish in the dishwasher. "Uh, yeah, but I…I don't want any more. Every time I take them, I get stomach pains. So please, don't give me anymore," Piper said. "I didn't have any stomach pains with my pregnancies with Celeste and Josh," Jackie complained. "This is my first pregnancy and I'd rather be natural about it. No drugs, no pills, no nothing," Piper said as she turned off the water and put the last dish in the dishwasher.

"So, I'd appreciate it if you don't give me anymore." She closed the dishwasher. Jackie nodded to Clarise. Clarise locked the doors, except she forgot the basement door. She thought it was the closet. "What are you doing?" Piper asked. Clarise came back to Jackie. "You will take the rest of the Nutrill. By force if necessary," Jackie said coldly and curtly. "What?" "You see." They waved their hands down there body. Instantly, they were thin. "We're warlocks from the future that have come back in time to save our husbands'," Jackie said. "What do I have to do with your husbands?" Piper asked.

"Your children vanquished them. If we feed the Nutrills to your children while you're pregnant with them, they'll turn evil and be on our side and not the good side," Jackie said. "I'll never take another Nutrill!" Piper said seriously. "Oh yes you will." Suddenly, Patty appeared behind Piper. "Piper," she said. Piper turned around and saw her mom in a yellow T-dress. "Mom?" Piper slowly walked to her. "I am so proud of you. I just want you to take care of my grandchildren and your father," Patty said. Just then, Jackie grabbed a plate and broke it over Piper's head. Patty disappeared and Piper fell to the ground.

Part 9

In the other room, Phoebe, Leo, and Prue heard the crash. "I bet Piper just told them that she doesn't want anymore of those pills," Leo said. "Yeah. I'll bet. It's time," Phoebe said. Leo hugged the youngest of his sister-in-laws. "I'll go distract them," Prue said. She went to the kitchen door as Leo and Phoebe orbed into the basement. Prue tried to open the door.

"Piper? Is everything OK in there?" She tried to open the door. "Piper? Piper! Clarise! Jackie!" Prue yelled. She then decided to open the door with her power. She pushed the door open. Clarise and Jackie were by Piper, who was unconscious. Clarise had the bottle of Nutrills and was about to pour them into Piper's mouth, just like in Phoebe's premonition. Anger begin to rise inside of her.

"Leave my sister alone!" Prue used her power to send Jackie and Clarise flying to the side of the wall. Clarise and Jackie got up. Just then, Andy appeared behind her. "Prue," he said. Prue turned around. "Andy? Is that really you?" "Yes. It's me. I know that you've been blaming yourself for my death. I'm here to tell you I…," Andy begin to say. He interrupted when Clarise hit Prue with a crystal bowl. Prue fell to the floor unconscious. Andy disappeared.

* * *

"God. I wish I could help. I can't just stay here. They're my daughters. After all they told me about me not being there for them, this is my chance to prove I care about them," Victor said. He opened the attic door and ran downstairs to the kitchen, where he saw his 2 oldest daughters on the floor unconscious. Just then, Leo orbed in Jackie and Clarise's mouths dropped. "I think they're surprised," Victor told Leo. "You two are witches too? How marvelous," Clarise said. "No. Neither of us are," Leo said. "Then what are you?" Neither Leo or Victor answered. Victor went to pick up a bowl. "You take the human. I'll get the other," Jackie whispered into Clarise's ear. Leo and Victor heard her. Clarise nodded.

* * *

I can't believe the paper fell. Where is it? Phoebe thought. She wanted to get out of the basement ASAP. She searched the floor for the spell and found it with the potion behind the stairs. She grabbed it. A loud crash came from upstairs. "OK. I heard 3 crashes. That must mean that Piper, Prue, and Leo were hit," Phoebe said quietly. She quietly tiptoed upstairs. Not a squeak was heard.

She reached the top of the stairs. She pierced in the kitchen. She saw Leo on the floor unconscious. "You can't stop us," Jackie said. They know where I am? Phoebe asked herself. "Maybe I am mortal, but these witches you're after are my daughters," Phoebe heard Victor say. Dad? Phoebe thought. She opened the potion pouch a little. Out of the corner of her left eye, she saw Victor get hit with a chair and fall to the floor.

"It's all up to me now," Phoebe whispered. "Now where is that b…," Clarise began to ask. Phoebe swung the door open and ran out. "You," Jackie sneered. Phoebe threw the potion at them. A cloud of red dust surrounded Jackie and Clarise, making it hard to see.

"Future warlocks in my sight.
Vanquish thyself. Vanquish thy might.
Never be see again tonight
Or any other day or night."

Jackie and Clarise started to scream. A bright light shot down from the ceiling. Then, Clarise and Jackie turned into dust. The dust fell on the ground and disappeared. "OK. Who should I wake-up first?" Phoebe asked herself. She went to Piper and removed the bottle that was dropped by her mouth. When she picked it up, the pills dissolved away, leaving only the bottle. The pill wrappers disappeared. She went to the trash and threw them away.

She kneeled down between Prue and Piper. "Guys. Naptime's over. C'mon. Wake up," Phoebe said as she shook her sisters. Piper begin morning low as she woke up. Prue was still out."Piper? You OK?" Phoebe helped Piper sit up. "Yeah. I just have a headache. Where's Clarise and Jackie?" "They turned into dust and disappeared. Why don't you go wake up your sweetheart and I'll go wake up our sister?" Phoebe asked. "OK." Phoebe went to Prue and shook her.

"Prue? Prue? Are you OK?" Prue fluttered her eyes open. She slowly began to sit up. "Up you go sweety," Phoebe said as she helped her sit up. "Are Clarise and Jackie gone?" "Yeah." "What about the rest of the pills?" Prue asked concerned. "I threw the ones that didn't get into Piper's mouth away." "You know, it was the strangest thing. Before I got knocked out, Andy appeared behind me and tried to tell me he didn't want me to blame myself for his death and then I was knocked out."

"They have the power to make us see something that's not there remember?" Phoebe helped Prue stand up. "Oh yeah." Leo and Piper walked over to them. "Are you OK?" "Yeah, just got some headache's." "Dad," Phoebe said. She had forgotten her dad was in the kitchen. Phoebe went to her dad, who was unconscious by the door. Piper, Prue, and Leo followed.

"I thought he was in the attic." "He probably came down to help us," Phoebe said as she kneeled down by her father. "Dad? Daddy? Wake up." "Victor slowly opened his eyes and saw Phoebe. "Phoebe? What are you doing here?" "Well dad, this is our home," Piper said. Victor sat up and looked at Piper, Prue, and Leo. "What am I doing here?" "What's the last thing you remember?" "The last thing I remember is smashing my car into another one," Victor said. The Charmed Ones smiled. Their dad had his memory back.

* * *

"It was like I was drunk. I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything that happened since the accident. I'm also sorry that I missed your wedding Piper. If it's all right with you guys, I would like to stay here until Christmas. Sort of an IOU for all the things I missed out on with my beautiful girls," Victor said. He sat next to Piper on the couch in the living room. Leo sat on Piper's other side. Prue and Phoebe were in the attic making a potion and spell to remove the evil from Piper's babies. Phoebe used her power to see how far the evil had gotten and saw Piper's children shoplifting at the age of 7.

"It's OK with me," Piper said. "Me too," Leo said. Phoebe came down the stairs followed by Prue. Phoebe held a two pieces of paper in her hand and Prue held a little bag. "OK. Pheebs has got the spell written and I've made the potion," Prue said. "Piper has to drink the potion while Prue, and I say the spell. A different spell has to be said by the father," Phoebe said. "OK," Leo said. Prue handed Piper the potion. Piper opened it and drank it. She squinted her face. It obviously didn't taste good.

"Remove this evil from this being.
Make it erased. Make it unseen."

Phoebe gave a slip of paper to Leo. He opened it.

"Remove this evil from my kids and wife.
Erase it so they can have a good life."

A red light came out of Piper's stomach. It turned and turned and then disappeared. "I guess that's that," Piper said. "Would it be all right if I make sure?" Phoebe asked. Piper nodded. Victor stood up and went to the armchair to sit down. Phoebe sat in the empty space. She put her arm around her sister. She then took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. She saw Piper's daughter laughing. She then saw a clown and then Piper's daughter sitting on Leo's lap and her son sitting on Piper's lap.

Phoebe opened her eyes. "Is everything gonna be all right?" "Yeah." "Some friends Jackie and Clarise turned out to be," Piper said heartlessly. "Yeah, but you know that your family will never turn their backs on you," Phoebe said. "You did once remember?" Piper asked. "What?" Leo and Victor asked in union. "Not by choice Piper," Phoebe said.

"You turned evil once?" Leo asked looking at Phoebe. "Yeah. Grams used to tell us a story about a demon called the Woogyman in the basement and I was the only one that believed it. Then shortly after I found out about who you really are Leo, there was an Earthquake and a gas man accidentally released the Woogyman, who turned him and then me evil." "Yeah. You kicked us out of the manor. Using our powers, we got back in and into the attic to try to figure out who the demon was. Then Phoebe came and threw me out while she tired to kill Prue," Piper said.

"I'm sorry Pheebs, but I had to knock you out with my powers. We ran downstairs to find out we were trapped inside the house. We found out the Woogyman is a real demon and tried to use our powers against him, but he was a shadow and nothing worked," Prue said. "And then I came in and my good side broke out and vanquished him," Phoebe said. The 5 of them smiled.

Part 10

Two months went by. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe had vanquished 2 demons. Neither of them tried to get Piper's baby to turn evil like Jackie and Clarise were. Piper had an ultrasound and found out she was having twins, a boy and a girl. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo decided to throw a Halloween Party on October 31st. They invited a lot of friends. At 5PM that night, Phoebe was in her bedroom putting the final touches on her angel outfit. She put the white headband with the glittering halo above it.

She had decided not to wear the wings, especially after having accidentally ripping them a little. She did a check in the mirror and then went downstairs, where the house was full of guests. Prue had locked the attic door so none of the guests would go inside and find the Book of Shadows. Phoebe spotted her father in the parlor wearing a vampire costume talking to some new people. She walked up to him. "Hey dad," Phoebe said as she approached him.

Victor turned around. "Hey Pheebs," he said warmly. "You enjoying the party?" "Yeah. You guys throw the best parties," Victor said. "Glad you're enjoying yourself dad," Phoebe said. She made her way into the kitchen. When she got there, she found Leo making some punch. Leo was wearing a Frankenstein. "Hey, " Phoebe said. Leo looked up. "Hey. And I thought I was the angel," Leo said. He and Phoebe laughed over his joke. "Do you know where Piper is?" "She's in the bedroom getting into her costume."

"I wonder what she'll be dressed as," Phoebe said. "Well, you guys said that it's a tradition to not let anyone see you're costume until Halloween," Leo said. "And that's right, but it doesn't apply to kids. Grams never let us see her costume until Halloween, but she had to take us out one at a time and buy our costume," Phoebe said. Silences stood there for about 5 seconds. "So. Do you want me to help with anything?" Phoebe asked. "No thank you," Leo said. He took the punch bowl outside and put it on the table.

Phoebe went to the table and grabbed a soda. "Phoebe?" she heard someone call. She turned around and saw a man with short dark brown hair dressed in a space suit was walking towards her. "Hi," Phoebe said. Do I know you? she added silently. She looked questionable at him. "It's me. Ethan. Ethan Thatch. We went on a couple dates 2 years ago." "Oh. Ethan. Long time no see. How are you?" Phoebe asked. "Fine. You?" "Oh, well, this has been a pretty tough year. My sister Piper's pregnant and my father got amnesia, but he got his memory back," Phoebe said.

"Well, I'd like to meet him," Ethan said. "OK. How'd you find out about the party anyway?" Phoebe asked as she lead Ethan through the crowd. "Andrea told me." "It's been 4 months since we graduated. How do you keep in touch with Andrea?" "We work at the same place." "Oh," Phoebe said. She finally reached her father. "Dad," Phoebe said. Victor turned around. "Um, I'd like you to meet one of my friends. Ethan. This is my dad. Dad, this is Ethan." "Nice to meet you," Victor said as he and Ethan shook hands. "You too," Ethan said.

* * *

Prue had just finished putting on her costume when a knock came upon the door. "Come in," Prue said. The door opened and their stood Piper wearing a crow's costume with a straw hat on her head and a nest with an egg on her belly. Prue turned around. Piper had gained 50 pounds and was in her 7th month. "Well, I thought you didn't like crows." "And I thought you were going to leave your work at the studio," Piper commented back. Prue looked down at her costume. She was a roll of film. "I thought I'd be creative," Prue said.

"Should we go to the party?" Piper asked. "What? We throw a party and not go to it?" Prue asked. Piper shook her head. Prue walked out of the room to Piper. "After you," Piper said. "No. After you," Prue said. "OK." Prue followed Piper downstairs. She saw the house was full of guests. She spotted Phoebe in an angel outfit dancing with a guy in a space outfit who Prue didn't know. "Looks like the party's a blast!" she told Piper over the music. Piper nodded. "I'm going to go find Leo," Piper yelled at Prue over the music. Prue nodded. Piper went downstairs.

* * *

Piper found her husband talking to his father in the dinning room. "Hey," she said as the music died down to a softer level. "Hey," her dad said as Leo put his arm around his wife. "Great costume," Leo complemented. "Thanks. It was a little hard to find one that I could fit into since I'm…" Piper let her words trail off. "You still look beautiful." "I agree," Victor said. "Thanks," Piper said. Phoebe came up behind Piper and put her hands on Piper's eyes.

"Guess who," Phoebe said. "Is it my younger sister Phoebe?" Piper asked. "Bingo," Phoebe said as she drew her hands down and stood next to Leo. Piper looked at Phoebe's outfit. "Wow. That looks good on you," Piper said. "Ditto," Phoebe said as Prue walked up to them. "Prue, do you have to bring your work everywhere you go?" Phoebe asked. "Well, I like my work," Prue said. "Let me take a look at you guys," Leo said. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe stood together smiling.

"Well, I think the Charmed Ones have one of the greatest tastes in costumes," Victor said. "I agree with Dad," Leo said. A while ago, Victor told his son-in-law that it was OK if Leo called him dad. Later that night, Prue bobbed for apples. The party ended at 2AM. Everybody had a good time.

Part 11

Piper wrapped the present she had bought for Prue and placed it under the bright Christmas tree in the parlor. It was December 17th. Her and her sisters had vanquished two warlocks since the Halloween party. Piper was due in 2 weeks. She was home with her father wrapping presents. Victor and Piper spent a lot of time together at home. As Piper walked into the kitchen, she saw her father sitting at the table reading the newspaper. "Hey. Do you want to do something later?" she asked as she reached into the refrigerator and pulled out 2 slices of the pie that Phoebe had fixed the night before.

"Sure. How would you like to go to a park later?" Victor asked, not glancing up from the paper as Piper got the ice cream out of the freezer. "Sure. That sounds like fun," Piper said. She scooped some vanilla ice cream on top of her piece of cherry pie. She put the ice cream away and sat next to her father. "Can I see the front page?" she asked. Her father gave her the front page. She read it as she ate the pie. The phone rang. Piper answered it. "Hello?" "Hey. It's me. Look, I gotta go to the ice skating ring in a little bit and I was wondering if you and dad want to meet me there so we could hang out while I take some pictures," Piper heard Prue's voice say on the other line. "Sure. That sounds great," Piper said.

"OK. Bye," Prue said. "Bye." Piper hung up. "That was Prue. She was wondering if we would want to go to the park with her," Piper said. "OK. Let's go," Victor said. Piper put the dishes in the dishwasher and then went towards the door. She and Victor grabbed their coats of the coat rack and headed out the door. As Piper walked to her car, her water broke. Piper was going into labor. Victor began to drive his daughter to the hospital. He took Piper's cell phone and called Phoebe on her cell phone. "Phoebe. It's dad. Listen, Piper's gone into labor. We're on our way there." "OK, I'll tell Dr. Carson," Phoebe said. "And I'll call Prue," Victor said. He hung up and dialed Prue's cell phone number.

Prue answered it after the first ring. "It's dad. You need to meet us at the hospital right away." "What? What happened?" Prue asked very concerned. "Piper's gone into labor," Victor said as he turned on to the freeway. "OK. I'll tell Leo," Prue said. She hung up.

* * *

Prue went into her boss, Mr. Corso's, office. He was at his desk, as usual, looking at a newspaper. Prue cleared her throat loudly. Mr. Corso looked up at her. "Um, Mr. Corso, my sister's gone into labor with her twins and I was wondering…" "If you could go to the hospital," Mr. Corso said, finishing Prue's sentence. Prue nodded. "Well, we need those pictures for the magazine." "Well, I can have them by the deadline," Prue said. "That's 3 days away." "I know. I can get them by Saturday at noon," Prue said. Mr. Corso hesitated for a moment.

"OK, just as long as you give my congratulations to your sister and her husband after the baby's born," Mr. Corso said. "OK. I will," Prue said. She went out the door and headed towards the hospital. Twenty minutes later, she arrived at the hospital. She went to the maternity floor and ran to the reception desk. Phoebe was at the reception desk wearing her pink nurse's outfit. " Phoebe," Prue said as she got to the desk. Phoebe turned around. "Where's Piper?" "She's in room 45. Did you call Leo?" "Yeah. He's on his way here. Mind if I go in?" Prue asked her sister. "No. Tell Piper to hang in there," Phoebe said. "I will."

Prue began walking away. She then stopped. "Um, where is room 45?" "Down that hall on the right," Phoebe said, pointing the way. Prue nodded. She walked down the hall and saw room 45. She went in and saw Piper in a hospital gown and in the bed. She was squeezing her father's hand. Piper was also doing some Lamaze breathing and sweating.

Prue walked in and smiled slightly. Piper looked up at her at the end of her contraction. "Did you call Leo?" Piper asked. "Yeah. He's on his way," Prue said as she sat down in the empty chair next to Piper. Piper sighed and then turned to their father. "Thanks dad, for being here." "You're welcome. This is for all the times I missed," he said. Prue smiled. She had noticed that something changed in her father since he remembered who he was. Before, he didn't want to be with his daughters, but now he did.

Ten minutes later, Leo walked into the room wearing the hospital outfit that fathers wore when their wives went into labor. He spotted Piper and walked towards her. Victor got up off of the chair so Leo could sit next to his wife. "Is everything OK?" he asked. "Yeah. Both they and I are fine." Phoebe entered the room. "How are you doing sis?" she asked. Piper noticed that her younger sister was holding a clipboard. "These contractions are a sure pain in the butt," Piper said. "Well, let's just check how dilated you are," Phoebe went to her sister's monitor. She checked the chart. "Well Piper, you're dilated to 6 and your contractions are 8 minutes apart," Phoebe informed her older sister. "Well, I guess all this pain is worth little bundles of joy," Piper said. "Well, I'll be right by your side," her husband told her. "Me too," Victor said. "So will I," her older sister told her. "I'm on work, but I'll be here if you need me," Phoebe said. She left the room.

"I'll be here too," her older sister said. Piper looked at her husband. "What if ‘they' call?" "I'll go only if another white lighter can't handle it," he promised her. She smiled. "And I'm here to make up for all the birthdays, plays, and everything else I missed," her father promised. "I sure wish mom was here to see this," Piper said. "I'm sure she's watching from heaven," Prue said. "I agree. Your mother was a lovely woman Piper, and I'm sure Prue's right," Victor said.

"Maybe she's sending our children to us," Leo told his wife. Piper smiled again at him. Five hours later, Piper found herself still in labor. She was having another contraction at 4:30. She squeezed her husband's hand. The contraction ended and Phoebe came in. She walked to her sister's monitor. "How dilated is she?" Leo asked. "You're ready to deliver. I'll be right back," Phoebe said. She left the room.

A few minutes later, Phoebe came back in the room with Dr. Carson and three other nurses. They took Piper into the delivery room. Prue and Victor waited outside. Prue sat down in a chair by the side of the wall. Victor stood next to her. "Just out of curiosity dad," Prue said. She looked at her father who looked at her. "Why are you doing this? Being here for us now when you were never there for us before, after Phoebe was born?" Victor sighed.

"I guess because I realized after I had amnesia that I while I had it, I didn't know who my daughters were, and when I thought of that, I felt terrible not knowing who you were, so I decided to spend more time with you guys. I don't want to die not having spent a lot of time with you guys. It just, it never dawned on me till now," Victor said. Prue stood up and hugged her father. He hugged her back.

"I'll try as best I can to come back at least once every year. I'll send birthday cards to you guys," Victor vowed. Prue smiled. They stopped hugging. "Dad, I was wondering if you want to come with me to the ice skating ring on Friday. I need to get some pictures there," Prue said. "Sure," Victor said. Prue and Victor sat down and talked. Around 5, they heard the sound of babies crying coming from Piper's room. Prue and Victor's heads turned towards the sound. Phoebe came out of the room smiling. "We have a niece and a nephew, Prue," she said.

Part 12

Phoebe woke up around 8:30 Christmas morning with a smile. Christmas was her favorite holiday. She loved helping Piper baking Christmas cookies and getting things ready for the Christmas party that they were throwing that night. She put on a red sweater and a pair of white jeans. She also put on green socks. She then heard Angela and Ryan crying. She walked of the door and downstairs. She walked out of the door and down the stairs. "Hey Pheebs. Merry Christmas," Piper said as she walked into the living room holding Ryan in one hand and trying to hold two bottles in the other.

"Merry Christmas. Let me give you a hand with that," Phoebe said. She took the other bottle. "Thanks," Piper said. Phoebe said. She followed Piper into the living room where Leo was sitting on the couch rocking Angela in his arms. "Merry Christmas Leo," Phoebe said. "Merry Christmas Pheebs," he said back. Phoebe handed the bottle to Leo and he fed Angela as Piper sat down by her husband and fed Ryan. "Is Prue up yet, or is she doing her traditional sleep-in-until-ten sleep?" Phoebe asked Piper. "Ever since Phoebe and I could remember, Prue slept in until around 10AM every Christmas," Piper explained to Leo. She turned to Phoebe. "Yep. I think she gets it from Dad. He's still asleep too."

Phoebe let out a long sigh. She then sat on the other side of Leo. "Merry Christmas Angela. You too Ryan," Phoebe told her niece in a little voice that most people used when they talked baby talk. They both just cooed. Leo, Phoebe, and Piper laughed a little. "I still remember the time we took care of Matthew," Piper said. "Yeah. The little guy we had to protect from a ghost that was trying to kill all the males in his family. At first, we couldn't stand baby Matthew, but then we fell for him," Phoebe said.

"Why don't you put on a some soft Christmas music on the stereo?" Piper asked. "Good idea," Leo said. "I agree," Phoebe said. She did. "Have yourself a merry little Christmas," she sang as she sat down in her armchair. "Let your heart be light," Leo and Piper joined in the song. "From now on, our troubles will be far apart. Here we are as in olden days. Happy golden days once more." They sang with all the songs. At 10:09, Prue came down the stairs wearing a white furry sweater, black jeans, and white socks. Victor came down too. They decided to open presents.

Prue, Phoebe, and Victor even got presents for the children: bibs, rattles, and 2 teddy bears. At 5, they got ready for the party. Everyone that they invited to the Halloween party was invited to the party. The first guest was Phoebe's friend Andrea. She arrived at 6PM. The kids was upstairs in their crib in their parent's bedroom quietly sleeping. Phoebe had made sure to lock the attic door. Piper came out of the kitchen wearing a white, floor-length, long sleeved dress. She held a Diet Coke can in one hand. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" played throught the air of the manor. She walked throught the crowded Manor into the conservatory and saw her younger sister dancing with Ethan in a red dress very similar to Piper's. Piper remembered how Victor had given his daughters the same kind of dresses, but different colors. Piper then saw her older sister wearing a dark green dress.

Prue was talking to some friends. "Hey beautiful," a familiar voice behind Piper said. She turned around and saw her husband standing there. He was wearing a white sweater and white jeans. "Hey," she said. She put her can down and Leo pulled her into a hug. "Merry Christmas honey." "Merry Christmas dear," Piper said, hugging him back. They broke free from the hug. " This party is hopping," Leo said.

"Yeah. It is pretty cool," Piper said. "Hey Piper." She turned around to see her older sister coming towards her. "Prue," she said. "That dress looks good on you," Prue complemented. "Not as much as that dress looks on you," Piper said, returning the complement. "We all look in great in the dresses dad gave us," a new voice said, joining the crowd.

Piper looked over her shoulder to see Phoebe behind her. "How was the dance with Ethan?" "Oh, very well. I am seriously thinking about getting into a relationship with him," Phoebe said. "So I guess you're having a Merry Christmas," Prue told her youngest sister. "Yep. You?" "Yeah. Piper?" "You bet ya. Honey?" Leo was interrupted by the sound of a baby cries from the baby monitor in his hand. "I'll go to them," he said. He walked up the stairs.

"I hope Prue and I find somebody as nice and trustworthy to be our husbands," Phoebe said. "And definitely a good guy," Piper said. "And not a warlock or demon," Prue said quietly. The song switched to "Silent Night". Victor came up behind them. "Silent night," he sang softly as he placed his hands on the shoulders of his middle daughter. "Holy night," Piper joined in. "All is calm. All is bright," Prue and Phoebe joined in. "Round young virgin mother and child. Holy infant so tender and mild," the rest of the crowd joined in. "Sleep in heavenly peace," Leo sang as he walked down the stairs with Angela in one arm and Ryan in the other. "Sleep in heavenly peace." The Charmed Ones looked around at the crowd of smiling faces. "Merry Christmas Everybody," Prue, Piper, and Phoebe said together. "Merry Christmas," the crowd said together.