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Teen Witch

by Janelle

Part 1

Piper Halliwell opened the front door in the chilly afternoon of November 14th, 2000 and walked in with the mail. She closed the door and crossed over to the living room. "Resident. Resident," she said as she sat on the couch. "Free CD's." Phoebe, Piper's younger sister, walked into the room. "I'm so glad it's Friday," she said as she put her college books down on the coffee table. "I don't think I could handle one more test. We had 3 test this week." "Oh," Piper said. She held one letter and put the rest down on the coffee table aside Phoebe's books. Phoebe sat in the armchair.

"What?" Phoebe asked. "It's an invitation to Prue's 11 year high school reunion tomorrow. Has it been 11 years since Prue graduation Baker High already?" Piper asked as she put down the invitation on the coffee table. Prue was Piper and Phoebe's older sister. "I guess so. I mean, Prue celebrated her 29th birthday last month," Phoebe said. "Well, I guess that means Prue has plans for this weekend. Do you want to do something together tomorrow night?" Piper asked. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was going to go to the Blast from the past dance tomorrow night." "So I guess that I'm the only one without plans tomorrow night." "Why don't you go out to dinner with Leo?" Phoebe asked. Leo was Piper's boyfriend and white lighter (guardian angel for good witches.) "Can't. Leo told me he's working all weekend," Piper said. "Well, maybe you come with me."

"Come with you where?" asked Prue, walking into the room. Prue was Piper and Phoebe's older sister. "My college is having a Blast from the past dance tomorrow night." "Oh," Piper said as she snatched Prue's invitation. "You got an invitation for your high school reunion for tomorrow night." Piper handed the invitation to Prue. "Really?" Prue grabbed the invitation. "Yeah," Phoebe said. "It's been 11 years? Jeez, how time flies," Prue said. "I just hope we have no super-natural battles tomorrow because I really really want to go to this dance tomorrow," Phoebe said.

Two years ago, their grandma (Grams) died and left Prue and her sisters the Victorian house they grew up in. The house had been in their family for generations. One night, when Phoebe had come back from New York after searching for their father, Victor Halliwell, who left shortly after Phoebe was born, Phoebe discovered a book of witchcraft called the Book of Shadows and read an incantation that gave Phoebe and her sisters' their powers their Grams had stripped away from them to protect them.

Prue had the power to move objects with her mind. While dealing with a hit woman named Ms. Hellfire who was hired by a demon to kill the sisters, Prue gained the power of astral projection (being in two places at once.) Piper had the power to stop time/freeze objects. Phoebe had the power of premonitions (visions from the future and past). Every now and then, the 3 sisters had to battle evil beings that wanted their powers. They then used the Book of Shadows to find a spell to vanquish them.

"I don't think they'll be. I mean, the last battle we had was 3 weeks ago," Piper said. "Yeah. You're probably right," Phoebe said. Embarrassing silences stood there for a moment. "Hey. Since we're all free tonight, why don't we go out to eat for a change?" Prue asked. "Great idea," Piper said. "Uh, can I just change out of my regular clothes before we go?" Phoebe asked. "Sure. I'll go get my purse," Prue said. She headed to her bedroom as her sisters headed towards theirs.

Outside, near the entrance to the Halliwell Manor, a man dressed in a tan trenchcoat waited for them. "My turn to deal with the Charmed Ones," he said quietly as he took out a pouch from his pocket.

An hour later, Prue walked down the stairs, where Piper was wearing a purple T-dress that sparkled and fell down to her knees. Prue wore a black buttoned sweater, black jeans, and white tennis shoes with black shoelaces. Prue had her white purse on her shoulder. "Why are you dressed up? I mean, we're not going to a fancy French restaurant. We'll probably go to somewhere like Sizzlers," Prue said. "I know. I just felt like wearing this dress. Leo gave it to me as a birthday present 3 months ago and I haven't worn it since," Piper said. "Isn't it weird how we all have our birthdays near each others?" Prue said. "Come to think of it, you're right," Piper said.

She looked at her watch. "What is taking Phoebe so long?" "You know her. She still acts like a teenager. 'I've got nothing to wear'," Prue said mimicking Phoebe. "I wonder what she'll pick," Piper said. "I'm ready!" Phoebe shouted from her bedroom. "Well, are we going to dinner now or 2 hours from now? It's already 5 pass 5!" Prue shouted. "I'm coming!" they heard Phoebe. A couple seconds later, they heard a door open upstairs and Phoebe walked down the stairs. She wore a white sweater and blue long-legged overalls. She also wore white tall boots.

Phoebe noticed what Piper was wearing. "Uh, Piper, we're not…," "Save it please. Prue already said it. I just felt like wearing this dress," Piper said. "OK, were we going?" Prue asked. "How about Sizzlers like you suggested earlier?" Piper asked. "OK. I'm buying," Prue said. Piper grabbed her white coat off the coat rack. Just then, Leo orbed in behind them as Prue opened the front door. "Piper wait!" he shouted. Piper looked over her shoulder as she walked out the front door following her sisters. All of a sudden, they were in the middle of the San Francisco mall. "What just happened?" Prue asked. She looked at Piper and Phoebe. They both looked like they were younger. Phoebe looked like she was 13 and Piper looked like she was 15. "Uh, you guys?" Prue and Phoebe looked at Piper. Their eyes widened. "Do I look younger like you guys do?" Prue asked.

Phoebe quickly grabbed her sisters' arms and walked to the nearest shop. In the reflection of the window of the shop, Prue an 17 year old Prue looking back at her. She was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, and black high top boots. Her hair was as long as Piper's was a few minutes ago.

Part 2

Piper could not believe what she saw in the reflection of the store mirror. She was staring at her 15-year-old self, who wore a green long-sleeved buttoned T-shirt, black pants, and a pair of hiking boots. Her hair went down to her shoulders. She looked over at Phoebe. Phoebe wore a yellow T-shirt, brown jeans, and black tall boots. "Prue!" Piper heard a male voice shout. All three sisters turned around. Andy, an 18 year old Andy, was running towards them. "Andy?" Piper asked herself quietly. How could this be? Andy died a year and a half ago, Piper thought. Andy approached them. Piper looked over at Prue, who was staring at Andy. "Are you OK?" Andy asked. Prue said nothing but just stared. "Uh, Prue? Are you OK?" Andy repeated. "Um, Andy, I know this is a silly question but…what date is it today?" Piper asked. "It's November 14th, 1988. Why?" Andy asked. We've gone back in time?! Piper's mind wanted to shout out. "What! But that's…," Phoebe began to say.

Piper quickly put her hand over her younger sister's mouth. "Uh, we've got to go home now. Prue," Piper said. Piper saw a little tear running down Prue's check. Piper knew how much she missed Andy. "Prue," Piper said a little louder. Phoebe grabbed Prue. Prue snapped out of her daze. "We've got to go home now," Phoebe said. "What? But you guys just got here," Andy said.

"Yeah, but we've got to go…help Grams with dinner," Piper hesitated. "But it's only 3:30," Andy said. "We know, but we have to also sweep the living room before Grams gets home," Phoebe said. "OK. Bye," Andy said. He left. "How are we going to get back to the manor?" Phoebe asked once Andy was out of earshot. "Well, we will look for my old car. Remember? The old white van with the blinds in the back windows?" Prue asked. They headed out the doors of the mall. "Yeah. I remember," Phoebe said. Piper looked at the parking lot. There were a lot of cars, but in the very back, she spotted Prue's old van.

Prue sold the van after she had found an apartment in 1993. "There it is in the back," Piper said. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe began to walk towards the van. Forty minutes later, Prue pulled up in the driveway of the Halliwell Manor. "But how did we go from November 14th, 2000 to November 14th, 1988?" Phoebe asked for the one-millionth time since they left the mall. "For the one-millionth time, I don't know. Maybe a demon or warlock sent us back here," Prue said as she got out of the van. Piper and Phoebe got out of the van and followed Prue to the door. Grams' car wasn't in the driveway. Prue got out her key to the house as she walked to the door. A breeze blew through Piper's short hair. OK. Before we walked out the door, Leo yelled at us to…Piper stopped her thoughts. Prue swung the door open and walked into the foyer. Phoebe followed.

"Um, guys?" Piper asked as she walked in. "Before we came back in time, did you guys hear Leo?" Phoebe closed the door. "Yeah," Phoebe said. "I wonder why he was there," Prue said. "Didn't you say he'd be gone for the weekend?" Phoebe asked. "I thought he told me that, but my point is maybe he knew we would come back to the past. I think we should call Leo. I don't care if he's from the present or the past. We're gonna need to get white-lighter help. We can't get back to the future on our own," Piper said as she walked into the living room.

"Of course we can. We're witches," Phoebe said as Piper sat on the couch. "No we're not," Prue said. Phoebe stared at her as she joined Piper on the couch. "Not in this time anyway remember?" "Oh yeah. But…Grams is," Phoebe said. "She must have the Book of Shadows somewhere in the house," Piper said. "OK…so, how are we doing in the plan department?" Phoebe asked as Prue joined her sisters on the couch.

"Well, I'll call Grams at work and ask how long she'll be there, then we look for the Book of Shadows, OK?" Piper asked. "I'm in," Phoebe said. Prue hesitated. Piper knew as well as Phoebe that Prue wanted to be with Andy as much as they wanted to be with their mother, who died when Phoebe was 3 because of a demon.

"Prue? Are you with us?" Piper asked. "I've missed him so much," Prue said, not bothering to correct her tense. She began to cry. "Come here sweety," Phoebe said. Prue rested her head on her youngest sister's shoulders. "What if we can't find the Book of Shadows? I mean, maybe Grams takes with her to work," Phoebe asked. "Well, then we'll tell Grams who we really are," Piper said. She headed into the kitchen.

"Prue, I know you miss him, but you can't save him from the future. Remember? I tried to do the same with mom, but Grams told us we can't change destiny," she said, comforting her oldest sister. When a warlock named Nicholas had come to the Halliwell Manor to kill Phoebe and her sisters last year, they went to March 24th, 1975, before Phoebe was born, to undo a pact that protected Nicholas from the Charmed One's powers. Phoebe meet her mother for the first time and tried to prevent a note by placing a note in the Book of Shadows telling her when she would die. "I know," Prue said between sobs. "We've got to find the Book of Shadows and get back to the present and vanquish this guy," Phoebe said. "I know," Prue repeated in between sobs. "Do you know how we're going to vanquish him?" Phoebe asked.

Prue pulled her head up and gave her sister a questionable look. They then both smiled and giggled. Prue knew Phoebe was joking with her, trying to get her to stop saying I know. Piper walked into the kitchen. "Grams said she'll be home in about 2 hours." "That gives us 2 hours to search for the Book of Shadows," Prue said. "Grams wouldn't hide the book in Prue's room or our room," Piper said. "All right. I'll check Grams's room. Phoebe, you check and see if it's in the attic and Piper, you check the basement," Prue said. "OK," Piper and Phoebe said in union. The girls went off their separate ways.

Part 3

Phoebe had tried for 40 minutes to open the attic door. It was locked shut. What's the use? Phoebe asked herself. She decided to search the living room, the parlor, and the kitchen. No luck. 30 minutes later, while Phoebe was search for the Book of Shadows in the kitchen, Piper came up from the basement. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be searching the attic?" "Um, yeah, but the door is locked shut…so I thought I'd search the living room, parlor, and kitchen," Phoebe said. "But you're not saying the Book of Shadows isn't in attic?" Piper asked. "No," Phoebe said. "Guys!" Prue's voice called from upstairs. "In the kitchen!" Piper called back.

"What now?" Phoebe asked. "Call Leo," Piper asked. Phoebe could tell Piper wanted to see what Leo looked like in the past. Prue entered the kitchen. "Any luck?" "Nope. You?" Piper asked. "Nope." "I think the Book of Shadows is in the attic," Phoebe said. "What do you mean? I thought you searched the attic?" Prue asked. "I couldn't even open the door," Phoebe said. "We've got to call Leo," Piper said. "How can he help? He probably won't even know us," Prue said. "Maybe Leo walked through the door and got trapped in his past body as well," Piper said.

"Piper's right," Phoebe said. "Leo! Leo Wyatt!" Piper began shouting. "Leo!" Phoebe joined in. "Leo Wyatt! We need your help!" Prue joined in. The three teenage girls were all shouting for Leo. A couple moments later, Leo orbed in by the back door. Leo looked like he was from the future (the time Prue, Piper, and Phoebe had come from). He wore a white sweatshirt and white jeans. "You guys know who I am right?" Leo asked. Piper walked up to him and gave Leo a long and passionate kiss. "Does that answer your question?" Piper asked. "Yeah." "What were you yelling at us before we came through the time port?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, I was going to your house to ask Piper if she wanted to have dinner with me Sunday night after I'm finished with my white lighter duties for the weekend when I saw a guy in a tan trenchcoat standing by your door. He took out this pouch and took out a pinch of sand that some warlocks of the Tirty clan of warlocks, who I thought were extinct, use to send witches back to a powerless moment in the past. I tried to stop you, but he used it on you," Leo said.

"But why this time?" Phoebe asked. "The powder can only send them back to about 12 years," Leo said. Just then, they heard the front door open. "Girls! I home!" they heard Grams yell out. Uh-oh, Phoebe thought. She wondered what would happen if Grams came into the kitchen and saw Leo. Piper turned to Leo. "You've gotta go now," she whispered. Leo nodded and orbed out. "Piper? Prue? Phoebe? I could use some help with the groceries," Grams said. "Coming!" Prue said. Piper followed Phoebe and Prue to the foyer. Grams held a bag of groceries in each hand.

"I got these, but there's more in the trunk," Grams said. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe headed out the door. "We should tell her who…I mean what time we're from," Piper said. "Yeah. I agree," Phoebe said. "Me too," Prue said. After helping with the groceries, they found Grams in the kitchen fixing dinner. Grams was spreading sauce on the homemade pizza she was making. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe walked into the kitchen. "What are we going to tell her?" Piper asked slightly under her breath. Grams heard her and looked up. "Tell me what?" Grams asked.

"Um…," Phoebe began to say. "You didn't get into any trouble at school and forget to tell me about it?" Grams asked. Phoebe used to get into a lot of trouble at school. "No, it's not that. We need to tell you something extremely important," Phoebe said. "Where do we begin?" Piper asked Prue. "Um, Grams…we know that there's a family secret and we know what it is," Prue blurted out. Prue…why did you have to start with that? Phoebe asked in thought as she gave her a questionable look.

"What do you mean?" Grams asked. "Um…we know about the Book of Shadows and we know that you're a magical witch," Piper said. Guys… that's a bad line to start with, Phoebe thought. Grams stopped spreading sauce. "I don't know what you're talking about," Grams said. I better say something, Phoebe thought. "Um…yeah. You do. You see, remember when our older selves from the future came back in time on March 24th, 1975?" Phoebe asked. Grams nodded slightly. "Well, you see, we're not ourselves…I mean, we're ourselves, but from a different time," Phoebe said. "What time?" Grams asked. "12 years in the future," Prue said.

At first, Grams didn't make any gesture, but then she started to continue to spread sauce on the pizza. She began to laugh. "I think you guys are a too late for Aprils fools jokes," Grams said. You don't believe us? Phoebe asked silently. "Grams…I…I know this is hard to believe, but a warlock or demon sent us back to the past and trapped us in our past bodies so he can destroy us and we'll be powerless to stop him," Prue said.

"We'll talk about this after dinner. Now…Prue, will you please set the table. Piper, will you please get the pineapple, ham, and pepperoni out of the refrigerator, and Phoebe, help your sister in slicing them," Grams said. Phoebe let out a long sigh. What now? Phoebe asked herself as Piper headed for the refrigerator and Prue went to the cupboard. They had to convince Grams that they were from the future before the warlock/demon came.

Part 4

Prue had forgotten how good Grams's home-cooked meals were. Well, duh, the last time you had one was 5 years ago…er…from the present, Prue thought to herself. The ham, pineapple, and pepperoni pizza was very good. Grams had taught Prue and her sisters to cook it when Prue was 14. "Mm-mmm. That was good," Phoebe said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "And it's your turn to do the dishes," Grams told Phoebe. "OK, but we really need to talk afterwards," Phoebe said. It took ten minutes to wash and dry the dishes. After that, she joined her family in the living room. Grams was sitting in the armchair. Piper and Prue were sitting on the couch. Phoebe sat by Piper. "OK…why were you joking earlier?" Grams asked.

"Why don't you believe us?" Piper asked. Grams didn't answer. "OK…ask us any question about witchcraft... like…what powers do we have," Phoebe asked. "All right, what kind of powers do you have?" Grams asked. "I can…er…had the power to stop time like mom did," Piper said. "And I can see visions of the futures and past called premonitions," Phoebe said.

"And I have the power to move objects with my mind as do you," Prue said. Grams didn't say anything, but just stared at them. "Grams, can you please unlock the attic door? We need to…," Piper began to say. "That's a very cruel joke," Grams said. "Why don't you believe us?" Prue asked. Grams again didn't answer. Went upstairs to her room. "Now what?" Prue asked her younger sisters. Phoebe surged. "Well, if tomorrow is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, we'll have to go to school. And if not, we'll try to make up a plan to make Grams believe us or find a way back to November 14th, 2000," Piper said. Phoebe got up and went into the kitchen. "What is she doing?" Piper asked. Prue shrugged.

They got up and went after their youngest sister. Phoebe was looking at the calendar by the refrigerator. "Phoebe, what are you…," Piper began to ask. "Shhhh," Phoebe hushed. Prue and Piper walked to Phoebe and looked at the calendar. "Tomorrow is Monday. We do have school," Phoebe said. Phoebe then groaned. "I guess we better go upstairs to bed," Piper said. "No," Prue said. Phoebe turned around and gave Prue a "what" look. "It's only 8PM," Prue said. Phoebe and Piper glanced at the clock. It was 8 o'clock. "Oh, right," Piper said. "So, why don't we watch some TV?" Prue asked. "OK," Piper and Phoebe said in union. They went into the living room. The 3 sisters went into the living room and got comfortable on the couch. Piper grabbed the TV control and turned on the TV.

Part 5

I cannot believe I have to go to 8th grade today. Graduation means you don't have to come back. Oh, I haven't graduated yet, Phoebe thought as she entered the kitchen. Grams was eating cereal and reading the newspaper. Prue, who wore a black T-shirt, blue overalls, and black tall boots, was reading a book. Her blue backpack was on the floor next to her chair. Piper, who wore a purple blouse, blue jeans, yellow jacket, and a pair of tennis shoes, was eating a banana while going through her organizer. She had her white backpack on. Phoebe was wearing a red sweater with black stripes all over it, black jeans, and black tall boots. She was wearing her red backpack.

Phoebe went to the refrigerator, opened it, and grabbed a cinnamon roll. She let the door close on its own and walked to the toaster. She put the cinnamon roll in the toaster. "Did you guys remember to do your homework this weekend?" Grams said. "Yeah," the 3 sisters lied. "About last night, I know you guys are under a lot of presser at school…," Grams began to say. "We are not under a lot of pressure. We were telling the truth yesterday," Prue interrupted as the cinnamon roll popped out of the toaster.

"Honey, I think you're taking this witch story a little too far. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work and you guys have to get to school," Grams said. She put down the newspaper. "Don't forget to drop Phoebe off at her junior high. Make sure she goes there." Grams left the room. What, am I not in the room?, Phoebe thought as she finished half of the cinnamon roll.

"I guess we better go to school," Piper said. She put her organizer in her backpack. Prue grabbed her van keys off the key rack and headed towards the front door. "What are we going to do? We have to find a way to get our butts back to the present," Phoebe said as the reached the front door. "I don't know, but we have got to come straight home after school. No hanging out at the mall, no going to a friends house, and no going anywhere else," Prue said. "OK," Phoebe said. "I stand with you there," Piper said. They walked out of the house and to Prue's white van. Twenty minutes later, they pulled up next to Hunter Junior High School. "But I don't even remember my classes," Phoebe complained. "Look in your backpack. Remember Grams never let us throw away our schedules," Piper said. With a groan, Phoebe went into school. Prue drove away. "Our final destination will be Baker High School," Prue joked. Prue and Piper giggled.

The High School bell rang and Prue began to walk to her first period class, American Literature, while holding her schedule paper. Room 43…43…, Prue thought as she got closer to the room. She reached room 43 and entered the room along with Andy, who had most of Prue's classes with her. They went and sat a table. "You OK? You were acting weird yesterday," Andy said quietly to Prue. "Mm-mmm. I'm fine," Prue said. The final bell rung and the teacher walked into the room. Her name was Mrs. Stogers. "Morning class. Now please take out your books to page 54 and silently finish reading the story. When you are done, raise your hands and I will give you the worksheet," Mrs. Stogers said as she sat down in her desk. Prue reached into her backpack and pulled out a Literature book.

She put it down on the table and opened to page 54. Page 54 was in the middle of a story called In the Deep Ocean. Maybe I should start from the front so I can answer the questions, Prue thought as she turned to page 48. She began reading. The man slowly stepped through the haze of bushes and finally reached the crescent sand of the beach where he waited for his brother to join. Prue kept reading. When she was reading page 58, Mrs. Stogers came up to Prue. She gave Prue the worksheet. Prue looked up from the book.

"You're the only one in the class that hasn't answered the questions yet. You should do it for homework." Oh great. Just what I need while trying to get back to the present, Prue thought as Mrs. Stogers walked away. The bell rung and Prue closed the book, put the book and worksheet into her backpack, swung her backpack over her shoulder, and pulled out her schedule from her pocket. Now I have to go to Geometry and meet up with Piper, Prue thought. Geometry was the only class the two sisters had together.

The High School bell rang and Piper walked to room 29 to meet Prue for her second period class, Geometry. She did not like her science class she had just come from. She reached room 29 and saw Prue walking towards the door. "I just was reminded how much I hate school," Prue said.

Piper reached for the door handle. "Tell me about it. I had to mix chemicals in Chemistry and almost blew up one of Mr. Roah's beakers," Piper said as they entered the room. The 2 sisters made their way to their desks. Prue sat in the front in front of her sister. Mr. Willsher, their geometry teacher, walked into the room as the final bell rung. All the students took their seats. "Good morning class. How was everybody's weekend?" Mr. Willsher said. "Fine," the class said in union. "Now please get out your geometry book and turn to page 64 and solve the questions. When you're finished, please put your book down. The test will begin at 9:45," Mr. Willsher said. The class let out a large groan. "Hey. Hey. Hey. None of that." Piper took out her geometry book.

How I dislike geometry. Solving angles and shapes, Piper thought. But she remembered how she got a A- in this class at the end of the semester. She lay the book on the desk and opened it to page 64. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a piece of line paper. Problem one. Find the degree of the missing angles in problems 1-35, Piper thought. She found it easy to do the work. At 9:28, she finished and put her book back in her backpack. She was the 7th one done. Piper looked over her shoulder and saw Prue was still working. She was on problem 26. Piper took out her schedule out of her pocket. OK. After this, I have 3rd period history, 4th period English, then lunch, then 5th and 6th period Home Ed, Piper thought. After school, she would meet Prue by the white van and they would go and pick Phoebe up and then go home and search for the Book of Shadows. I wonder what Phoebe's doing now.

Part 6

Phoebe found her first two periods to be easy. Art class and PE. But at 10:35, she found her math class to be a pain in the butt. She hated algebra. Solving for X and Y when she didn't know where to start. "Ppssst. Phoebe?" Phoebe heard one of her female classmates' say. She turned her head towards the sound and saw a long, wavy light brown hair girl looking at her. "Do you have the answer for #26?" "I heard that Bridgett. Do your own work?" Miss. Tinn said. I don't even have the answer to #23, Phoebe thought. Phoebe did remember she got a D+ in the class she was taking. I can't wait to get out of school and get home and get my butt back to the present, Phoebe thought. Phoebe was supposed to meet Prue and Piper where they dropped her off at 2:50. In junior high school, she was a C+ average student. Not like Piper or Prue, who usually got A's and B's.

Phoebe was used to hearing from the teachers who had Piper or Prue in their class how great they were. Bridgett was Phoebe's best friend. Bridgett had moved to Florida after high school. She and Phoebe were a lot alike. They both liked the same stuff, they both got the same grades, they both had two older siblings, they were both the youngest in their family, and they both were being raised by a grandparent. Bridgett had one older brother named Tommy who was Prue's age and one older sister named Gillian who was Piper's age. Bridgett and her siblings were being raised by their grandpa.

While Phoebe was on question #29, Miss. Tinn gave her the test Phoebe supposed they did last week. Phoebe had got a F. The bell rung and Phoebe got her backpack and left class. She was going to science.

Phoebe waited at the corner where she was dropped off at. She had been waiting since 2:50, which was 15 minutes ago. Just then, she saw Prue's van coming towards her. Finally, Phoebe thought. "Sorry we're late. Traffic getting out of school was terrible," Piper said. "Phoebe!" Phoebe heard Bridgett call. Phoebe turned around and saw Bridgett running towards her. "Hey," Phoebe said as she forced a smile. "Hey. Um…I was wondering if I could catch a ride with you guys, that is, if it's not too much trouble?" "Um n…," Prue was about to say. "No trouble at all. I mean, you live right across the street from us, right?" Phoebe asked embarrassingly. "Yeah. Duh," Bridgett said. "Hop in," Piper said. Phoebe and Bridgett climbed in the back.

Twenty minutes later, the front door of the Halliwell Manor opened and Prue, Piper, and Phoebe walked through. "I'm sorry. I forgot Bridgett only lived across the street," Prue said. "I remembered because I said it in my diary," Phoebe said. "OK. The subject is dropped. Now what do we do about getting back to the present," Piper said as she and her sisters walked into the living room. Phoebe put her backpack on the floor and plopped herself down on the couch. Piper put her backpack down by the coffee table and sat down next to her sister. Prue sat in an armchair and put her backpack down by the armchair. "We have to get to the Book of Shadows. It's our only hope," Prue said. "But how? It's in the attic and the door is locked," Phoebe said.

"That just means we can't get in," Piper said. "Yeah. What ya get at?" Prue asked. "Leo can orb into the attic and open the door for us to get the Book of Shadows," Piper said. "Are you sure he can?" Prue asked. Piper nodded. "I'm positive." "Leo!" Phoebe begin to shout. "Leo!" Prue joined in. The 3 sisters began to call Leo. Leo orbed in behind the couch. Neither of the sisters saw or heard him orb in. "Hey!" Leo shouted. The sisters stopped calling and turned around. "You don't have to shout." "Are you OK?" Piper asked. "Yes, but 'they' found out there's two Leo Wyatt's and I had to answer a bunch of questions. I also faced myself," Leo said.

An awkward silence stood across the manor for a few seconds. "Oh," Phoebe said. She went to Leo. "Do you think you can orb into the attic and open the door for us to get the Book of Shadows?" Phoebe asked. "I can try," Leo said. He orbed into the attic. Phoebe didn't bother waiting for her sisters. She headed up the attic steps. I am going to help Leo look for the Book of Shadows, Phoebe thought. "Leo. I want to help look for the book," Phoebe said. The attic door swing open, revealing Leo behind the door. Phoebe heard footsteps come up behind her.

She turned around and saw Prue and Piper coming up. "Uh, shouldn't one of us be on guard downstairs in case Grams comes home?" Phoebe asked. "Good idea. I'll go," Piper said. She went downstairs into the living room. Phoebe and Prue looked at the spot where the Book of Shadows usually was in the present. It was there. Grams, you hid things from us in the obvious places, Phoebe thought as they went to get it. "Found it!" Prue shouted to Piper. "Good!" Piper said. Phoebe grabbed the Book of Shadows and followed Prue downstairs, with Leo trailing behind. He closed the door.

Part 7

"I'm glad we found the Book of Shadows," Prue said. "Yeah. Now we have to find out information about the warlock or demon that sent us back in time," Piper said. "Yeah, but what if we can't find him or her. I mean, what if the demon or warlock doesn't exist now?" Phoebe said. "Oh, the dust was invented in 1943, so I'm betting that the warlock or demon does exist now," Leo said. Piper was flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows. "When we get back to the present, we really need to put an index on this thing," Piper said. "I agree," Prue said. "Me too," Phoebe said.

Piper flipped through a couple of more pages and then stopped. "Piper what?" Leo asked. "I think I found the 411 info about Emit, the last remaining member of the Tirty clan," Piper said. Everyone gathered around the Book of Shadows.

"Emit is a demon that looks like a mortal with a special kind of powder that can send witches to a powerless moment in their past, within 12 years ago, and trap them in their past bodies. Emit knows when and where he sent the witches to. On the witches third day in their past bodies, he attacks. He then turns into his demon appearance when he find the witches and then cuts their heads off with green lasers that come out of his fingers. The powder also sends any other good force that it comes in contact with the witches to 12 years in the past, but they do not get trapped in their past bodies," Prue said.

"Wait a minute. Isn't Emit time spelled backwards?" Phoebe asked. Piper grabbed the notepad and a pen that Grams had kept by on the coffee table and wrote TIME down and then wrote it backwards. Yeah. It is, Prue thought. "I can see where he got his name," Prue said. "Is there anyway to vanquish him and get us back to our own time?" Leo asked, taking the Charmed Ones off the subject of Emit's name.

Prue read through the info page on Emit. "Uh…yeah. To get rid of him, throw his own powder on him. The powder will make him dissolve into dust and return us all to our rightful time. Our younger selves will not remember our older selves being in their bodies," Prue said. "Not a very hard task. I could fr…," Piper began to say. Leo, Prue, and Phoebe all knew what she was going to say. "On second thought, it will be a very hard task." "I think we need a witch with powers to vanquish him, but Grams…," Phoebe began to say. Just then, the door opened. "Guys! I'm home!" they heard Grams say. Uh-oh. Grams must have gotten off early from her shift at the museum, Prue thought. Grams worked at a children's museum so she could pay the bills. She worked during the day. Grams walked into the living room and saw Leo.

Grams dropped her purse. Say something Prue, Prue ordered herself. "Um, hi Grams," Prue said. Phoebe picked up Grams's purse.

Grams just stared at Leo. "Hello Ms. Halliwell," Leo said. Grams didn't say anything. She stood in front of her granddaughters, bracing them as if Leo was about to fire a gun at them. "Don't hurt them," Grams ordered. "I'm not here to harm anyone," Leo said. "Grams…," Phoebe began to say. She went to Leo. "Leo's a friend." Grams put her hands down. "How old is he?" Grams asked. Leo didn't say anything. "Remember what we told you last night? About being our future selves trapped in our past bod…," Piper begin to say. "What is that doing here?" Grams interrupted her. She was staring at the Book of Shadows. "We needed to find information on the demon that sent us back in time, and since you didn't believe us, we needed to call Leo," Phoebe said.

"But how did he…," Grams began to ask. "I am your granddaughters future white lighter, guardian angel for good witches. When they couldn't find the book, the called me and I used my power of orbing and went into the attic and opened the door to let Prue, Piper, and Phoebe in so they could find the Book of Shadows," Leo said. "We did and we brought it down here and found out about the demon named Emit who sent us back through time," Prue said. "And he will come and cut off our heads tomorrow to get our powers unless you help us Grams. Please, we beg you. Help us," Piper said. Grams was silent for a moment. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo waited patiently for Grams's answer. "OK. I believe you," Grams finally said, breaking the silence. "We have to make a plan to get the powder he used to send us back in time from him so we can through it on him and vanquish him," Prue said. "Ourselves from this time will not remember us possessing their bodies," Phoebe said. "OK. I'll call you guys and I in sick tomorrow," Grams said.

Part 8

Piper woke up at 6:30 the next morning. She saw that Phoebe was already up and tying her shoes. Piper dressed and went into the bathroom and took a shower. She then went downstairs where Prue, Phoebe, Grams and Leo were having breakfast. Leo couldn't go to his house since his 1988 self was living there, he slept on the couch. Grams had fixed French toast, crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs. She was on the phone with the children's museum. "Yes, I understand that the 5th graders from Greenville Elementary School will be there, but I am really not feeling good. I mean, my head was spinning when I woke up this morning. Besides, Prue fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle, Piper tripped over a baseball bat in the park that gave her a bad headache, and Phoebe was stung by a bee," Grams said as Piper went and got her breakfast.

"No. They're OK. They just need to stay home today. OK. Bye," Grams said. Piper sat next to her. "Did you call the school?" Piper asked. "The office doesn't open until 7:30, which is in 25 minutes," Prue said. She took a bite of her French toast. "But how are you going to make our present selves from finding out we're witches too soon?" Phoebe asked Grams. "I'll cast a memory erasing spell on Andy and the people at your school and erase their memory of the last three days," Grams said. "Everybody remembers the plan right?" Prue asked. "Yeah," Piper, Phoebe, Grams, and Leo said.

Later that day, around 3, somebody knocked on the door. Piper, who was in the living room with Phoebe and Leo, stopped watching TV and walked to the window. Phoebe and Leo joined her. A man with ear-length, black straight hair, and tan skin stood at the door. He wore a black hat and tan trenchcoat. "That's the guy I saw at your porch in the present," Leo said. Grams walked to the door. Piper went to her. "The demon is out there," Piper quietly said. "Tell Leo and Phoebe to go to their positions," Grams quietly said. Piper went back to Phoebe and Leo. She nodded.

Phoebe went into the parlor, Leo orbed away, and Piper went into the kitchen. Prue was near the attic. Piper heard the door open. "May I help you sir?" Grams said. "Yes. I'm looking for Prue and Piper Halliwell. The High School told me that they live here," Emit said. "They do live here. Did my granddaughters do something wrong?" Grams asked. Grams is a great actress, Piper thought. "No. Not at all. I'm their History tutor. You see, both of their History teachers told me that they were having trouble in History. The school sent me to help tutor them, and I'm supposed to come on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3PM," Emit lied.

"Well, won't you come in? And since you're here, my youngest granddaughter is having trouble with History too, so could you help her as well?" Grams asked. "Thank you ma'am," Emit said. Piper heard the door close. "Prue, Piper, Phoebe, could you come here please?" Grams shouted. That's my cue, Piper thought. She made her way out of the kitchen and to the foyer. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Prue coming down the stairs and Phoebe come in from the living room.

"Yes Grams?" Prue asked. "This man is…," Grams began to say. "A warlock," Emit interrupted her. All eyes turned on him. "And now say good-bye witches." Emit began to raise his hand at them. Just then, Leo orbed in behind Emit. He grabbed both of Emit's hands. "Hey! Unhand me at once!" Emit screamed as Prue approached him. "I don't think so!" Leo said. Prue took a red little pouch out of Emit's right pocket. "No! Put that down!" Emit yelled as Prue went by Grams.

She opened the pouch and threw it at Emit. "No!" Emit shouted as he struggled to get free. The dust covered him and he turned into dust. The dust was blown away. Just then, Piper's world went black.

Part 9

"Mm-mmm. That was a delicious dinner," Prue said as she walked through the front door. The girls had just come back from Sizzlers. "Well, I'm just glad that we made it back to the right time," Piper said. The sisters went into the living room. "You know what I learned from going back in time?" Prue asked as she sank down on the couch. "What?"

Phoebe asked as she sank down next to Prue. "I learned that we hardly thanked Grams for all the stuff that she did for us, especially saving us from Emit," Prue said. "Yeah," Phoebe said as Piper sat in her armchair. For a minute, silently stood there. "Hey, how do you think Grams was able to keep all those demons and warlocks who attacked when we were growing up?" Prue asked.

"Maybe they didn't attack during that time," Piper said. "Why'd you get rid of that white van. It was kinda cozy," Phoebe said, looking at Prue. "Because I found an apartment and the van was too much to take care of," Prue said. "It's a shame because I'm starting to miss having that van around," Piper said. "And if you kept it, I could have my own vehicle," Phoebe said. She laughed. Piper and Prue joined in. Prue shoved a pillow at her. When the laughter died down, Prue spoke.

"Hey, I'm still a little bit hungry." "That's because all you had was a light salad," Phoebe said. "Well, I didn't have a couple of big slices of pizza like you Pheebs," Prue said. "I couldn't help it. I haven't had any slices of pizza in like 4 months and I really wanted one." "Why don't we go into the kitchen and make some sundaes?" Piper asked. "Sure," Prue said. The three sisters went into the kitchen. Prue went and got the chocolate sauce, cherries, and whipped cream. Phoebe went and got three bowls and spoons. Piper went to the refrigerator. "Do you want to come to the dance tomorrow night with me? It's not college students only," Phoebe said as she put it the bowls and spoons on the counter. "Sure. We can look in the attic and find some costumes to wear," Piper said as she closed the freezer door, holding the rocky road ice cream.

Prue put the cherries, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream on the counter. Piper placed the tub of rocky road next to the bowls. "OK. I'll place the ice cream in the bowls. Prue puts the sauce on and Phoebe puts the whipped cream and cherry on," Piper said. Her sisters nodded. Piper put two scoops of rocky road in one bowl. Prue put the chocolate sauce on. Phoebe put whipped cream on and plopped the cherry on. Piper put a spoon in and pushed the bowl aside. She then put two more scoops of rocky road in the second bowl. Prue began spreading the sauce when Phoebe put a little bit of whipped cream on Prue's hand.

She began laughing. So did Piper. "Oh, you think that's funny?" Prue asked. Phoebe and Piper nodded. "Well, it's not as funny as this." Prue splattered a some chocolate sauce on Phoebe. "Oh," Phoebe said. She stopped laughing. Piper didn't. Phoebe looked at Prue. She nodded. "A food fight has just been declared," Prue announced. The three girls began throwing cherries, ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream at each other.