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by Nicky

DISCLAIMER: Charmed is the property of Constance M. Burge. I did not invent these characters. This story takes place a few years in the future.

Piper looked in the full length mirror for the umpteenth time. She was nervous. There was no denying that. She was more nervous than she had ever been in her whole life.

"Relax, you're beautiful," Prue said, tucking a loose piece of Piper's hair back.

"Yeah. Now can we use the mirror?" Phoebe whined.

"Sorry, guys," Piper sighed. "You must think I'm a real jerk. It's just that I'm-"

"So nervous you could explode," Prue and Phoebe chorused. "We know," Phoebe continued. "You've only said it a hundred million times!" Prue rolled her eyes behind Phoebe's back. Piper tried not to laugh. "What?" Phoebe demanded.

"Nothing," Piper said. "You know, I am so glad the Powers-That-Be decided this was okay." She looked up at the ceiling. "Thank you!!" she shouted. They all laughed hysterically.

For a moment they forgot that they were the Charmed Ones. They forgot about demons and trolls and spells. And they were just three sisters, sharing a moment together.

Prue recovered first. "Okay, that's about enough hysterics for the moment. Piper, let's move it! Leo's waiting!"

Piper took a deep breath. This was it! She took a step towards the door, then stopped and looked back at her sisters.

"Hey, guys-" she began.

"You're welcome, Piper," Prue said softly.

"Now go get 'em, girl," Phoebe coached.

Piper laughed and walked out.

And then, Piper walked down the aisle.