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Shifting to Charmed

by Hino

Phoebe Halliwell stood at the bottom of the staircase. "Piper!! C'mon!! We GOTTA catch Prue!!" she yelled.

Piper came stomping down the stairs. "Why?"

"I just had a premonition. It had looked like Darryl at first but then...." Phoebe's fearing voice trailed off.

"A Shapeshifter," murmured Piper.


"Leo told me about it. C'mon."

They grabbed their coats; it was winter; and jogged out to the jeep Cherokee.

Prue sighed heavily. What a day. It had been long and tiring at the office where she had a temporary job. "Close up, would ya, Prue?" asked Cora, her boss.

"Sure," Prudence called back. Her two sisters, Piper and Phoebe, rushed in.


"Hey, where's Darryl?" asked Piper. "Huh?" Prue gave them a questioning look.

"Oh, never mind. Let's go." Phoebe just stood their. Her premonitions almost never were wrong. This was bad. They drove back to the manor, where Leo waited on the steps.

"Hi, Leo!" called Phoebe. Piper and Leo kissed for a moment before Leo's worried look returned. "What is it?" asked Piper. "Let's go inside," he said simply.

Once they were inside the living room, they saw that their Ouija board was out.

"Why's that old thing out?" asked Phoebe, grinning. Memories rushed back.

Phoebe's dumb questions like, what are we going to have for lunch tomorrow? or is it going to rain? The old manor was beautiful, and looked almost exactly like their mother and Grams had raised it. It seemed as if magic was lurking in every corner and around every door.

"Well, there's a new demon. Its name is Fion, or, the demon of illusion," said Leo.

"But we already vanquished the demon of illusion," said Prue. "There are three, this one is the strongest. He alters witches' powers, making you THINK you did the right thing, when its actually wrong. Like, Phoebe, you had a faulty premonition earlier, right?"

"Yeah, I did. It was a shapeshifter attacking Prue," Phoebe replied, her blondish hair falling across her worried expressions.

"You and Prue might freeze the wrong person, or hurt someone, putting them into danger instead of taking them out of it." The Charmed Ones nodded as soon as Leo finished.

The next day, Phoebe sat in the conservatory, studying. Something emerged from the door, its skin bubbling and boiling. "AHHHHH!!!!" screamed Phoebe.

"Phoebe...." Its voice sounded charred, yet Phoebe heard a familiarness to it.

"Piper? You were a..." Phoebe was scared now, genuinely scared. "I know what Fion wants...."

"What?" asked Piper, kneeling beside her shaken sister. "Pheebs? Tell me!"

"He wants our end," she said, her fearful eyes looking in Piper's.

It made total sense, Piper reasoned. Making us look like something so we destroy each other. A horrible thought filled her mind. What if Fion made Leo look like a demon or warlock so they killed him? That would be horrible!! She pushed the thought aside as Prue entered the room.

"Phoebe is getting us tea," she told Piper.

Phoebe worked efficiently in the kitchen. She was a good tea maker. The aroma filled her nose. It smelled good. She glanced down at the tea. she hadn't put the tea in yet, it was only water, yet it looked like tea. No, Fion wouldn't trick her again. She grasped the bucket firmly and poured a little of the dust in and screamed. Spiders sped around and about the counter and soon it was black.

The illusion had passed quickly. "I HATE SPIDERS!!!" Phoebe had exclaimed after they were gone. they had put aside the idea of tea and had decided to go out for ice cream instead. "Mmmmm...." All of them had gotten chocolate chip mint ice cream. That's when Fion attacked.

"Hello, witch," he snapped at Piper.

"Correction, witches," Prue said, walking up with Phoebe in tail.

"Lets do it. The power of Three Will Set Us Free, the Power of Three Will Set Us Free," they chanted loud and long. Fion looked confused at first, then he understood. He began to spin, shooting electric balls in every which direction. Then one hit Phoebe just as he was demolished.

"PHOEBE!!!" thy cried. She had fallen to the ground, and was dying. Prue lifted her up and they got into the Cherokee. They got to the hospital soon.

Phoebe had gone into the ER and a doctor came out. "are you the family of Phoebe Halliwell?"

"Yes," they blurted at once.

"I'm sorry, we lost her."

Piper fell to the ground in a heap and wept hard. Prue stood there, stunned, tears streaming her cheeks.

"This can't happen, not to Phoebe," Prue exclaimed later as the two sisters rushed to the BoS. "A life for a life. If I can save Phoebe with my life, then be brought back this won't happen." Prue quickly murmured the incantation and before Piper could stop her, it finished, and someone orbed in.


"No," said the soft yet familiar voice.

"Phoebe???" asked Piper in surprise.

"Yes. I'm a White Lighter now. Yet I don't want to be. It was the only way I could see you!!" Phoebe began to cry.

"We'll stop this from happening, we promise," comforted Prue.

"I know how, but the only ingredient is a piece of coal from a sunken ship." Piper grinned and pulled a small tin from her pocket. "Its from the Titanic, I keep hold of it for good luck." On instinct, Piper threw it down and Piper and Prue murmured the incantation that came to their mind.

Phoebe laughed. The Ouija board was out, Phoebe was alive again and they were playing with the old spirit board. This was the way life was intended to be for the Charmed Ones.