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Together Again

by Catheryne

DISCLAIMER: The characters are property of WB and Spelling Inc.

The old woman lay in bed, silently feeling every passing minute. Her children have all said goodbye. Her grandchildren, all beautiful, have kissed her farewell. Her sisters have passed on a few years back. Now she's waiting, alone in her bedroom.

The light appeared, just like they used to in those long buried memories in her ancient mind. She could barely move, but seeing this her lips curved into a smile.

He was bathed in light, her angel.

"Fifty years since you left. And I've waited all this time."

"You're still so beautiful, Piper."

"And so old. While you, you're exactly the same way you were when I first met you. Something to be said about being immortal huh?"

He smiled. "I know what you've been thinking for the past 50 years. I left you because it was the only way. Our children would never really understand. But I've loved you all along."

"I know that. I knew you'd come today."

"Together again," he whispered, leaning close and kissing her forehead. "Are you ready?"

"I've been ready for a long time, Leo."

The angel leaned and placed his lips on hers. When he straightened, she was no longer breathing. He orbed out.

There she was, standing a few feet apart from him in the bright plane. Beautiful and young again, looking as she did when they fell in love. He held out his hand, and she ran towards him, flinging herself on him.

"Come on."

"Where to?"

"They're waiting for you. It's time we gave you a tour."

The two figures bathed in light walked towards the gates, on the other side of which Prue and Phoebe were waiting. Yes, she thought, together again.