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by Catheryne

DISCLAIMER: The characters are property of WB and Spelling Inc.

Heaven 2007

"Where are you off to, Leo?"

Leo looked up to see his best friend Michael leaning against the library doorway. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice welcome," he retorted. "Anyway, I came by to tell you that a few of us guys are hunting a darkie tonight."

"It's Sunday night. Don't you people have anything better to do? There's more work tomorrow too if you've forgotten." Leo did a glance over of the paper in this hand.

"Yes, it's Sunday night. Which makes me wonder why you bothered to research on that at all. This is supposed to be your day off. I thought that I could just come by and make you attend our little hunt."

"Couldn't a summon have been better if you wanted to invite me instead of orbing all the way down here?"

"I wanted to make sure you came. It's a sort of celebration, you know. Medieval, true, but a celebration all the same."

"Celebration? What could possibly have occurred that would call for a celebration?"

"It's a sort of bachelor party. I'm proposing tomorrow morning to Phoebe. She'd definitely fall for it, being that tomorrow's Valentine's and all."

Leo's face froze. "Look, Michael, I know that I've not been going to a lot of stuff that you boys hold. I know this is important to you, but I can't come tonight. I just went by here to get some paperwork that needs to get done by Tuesday. You know the elders when you submit formalities delayed. I'm not going to work tomorrow," he explained stiffly.

Michael tensed. He remembered. "You're not going there again, Leo." His gaze wandered and sure enough, he spotted the bouquet of tulips on the chair, by the air conditioner. "You know, those would probably have wilted by morning," he remarked lightly.

"It doesn't matter. I'll just get another batch."

"You can't keep this up forever, Leo. I'm sure you realize that."

Leo merely smiled.

"I was hoping you could be there to help me say farewell to my single days." No answer. "You know we'll be out til dawn. You could probably catch us if you hurry." Michael wet his lips, then finally accepting that it was hopeless, turned away. "Just give my regards to Piper."

Leo gazed at his friend's retreating figure. He hated not being able to go with him. Michael has always been one to depend on. It was he who lent him a supporting arm when even his masculine pride could not hold him up. In tough times or happy days, Michael had been his companion. He'd been a shadow Leo could not do without since their training days.

He grabbed the folder of documents he'd prepared that night and strode towards the express portal to the elder's office located just outside the library entryway. He tossed it down the center and stuck a yellow post it on the upper right hand corner with the message: "Everything needed inside. Please do not contact me."

He glanced at his wristwatch as he made his way towards the flowers. He cradled them in his left arm and took a folding chair in hand. He stared ahead and orbed out.

Earth 2007

It was an hour before midnight when he arrived. He checked on the lightweight folding chair. With the chair on one hand and the flowers on the other, he slowly walked towards the usual place he went unfailingly to for the past several years. He propped open the chair and sat heavily on it. He could smell the grass and feel the light breeze ruffling his hair.

"Hello, Pipe. Missed me?" He smiled, presenting the tulips. "They're your favorite. Michael says hi."

She was silent. She'd never spoken in all the years he'd met her here. Still, he knew she was grateful. He could always tell what was on her mind, although she thought he never suspected.

"I know you're wondering what's happened to me this last year." He relaxed in his chair. "I've been promoted. Yes, I have. You remember the white-haired gent you met after the genie disaster? He gave me a new room. It's the one in the twenty-second floor, the blue gray one. Uhuh, the one you thought would be lovely with white curtains. It's mine now. I changed everything to make sure it was up to your standards." He grinned. "I got rid of that family portrait of his first. I changed it into that shot I had of you when we went deep sea diving in Australia. Are you blushing, Pipe?" He laughed softly.

"You won't believe what I'm going to tell you. Michael is finally tying the knot. Really! As in getting his leg shackled, speaking the vows, promising someone himself forever. Don't freak out, but yes, it's Phoebe. Michael met all those years ago when I was too dumbfounded and numb to do my job. You don't know Michael. He swept her off her feet. Still, Pheebs must be pretty irresistible to him too if Michael willing to be a husband because of her. I'm glad they're raping the rewards of everything we fought so hard for."

"I still remember what you did when I proposed. I'm so glad Prue caught that on tape. I watch that video almost every week. You were just leaving to pick up some shipment for P3 when I called you back. And then everybody was there, watching me propose. Your eyes were so wide I could have sworn I saw your brain! Then you squealed and hit me. Then you laughed and cried. It was only after a good ten minutes that you said yes."

Leo closed his eyes and laid his head back. He was like that for a long while, not speaking, not moving. And when he finally spoke his voice was a little hoarse, shaky. "Why won't you talk to me, Piper? It's been so long. I need to hear your voice again. Say something to me." Silence. Even the soft breeze paused to listen. But there was no sound. "It's not such a big thing to ask for, baby. I can't go on like this." He swallowed the lump in his throat, fought to hold back his tears.

When Leo opened his eyes after a few minutes, it was as if the momentary breakdown did not occur. He glanced at his watch again. "Hey, it's almost Valentine's Day. I'd bet the guys are getting wild with exhilaration by this time. They all love the chase." He paused a moment to collect his thoughts.

"I've been thinking." He leaned forward and settled his elbows on his knees. "You'll always have a special place in my heart. You were my first love, my wife. But I don't know if this is wrong. You see, Pipe," he hesitated. "It doesn't hurt so much anymore." His voice took on a sudden urgency. "I know I've reiterated this every year, Piper, but I really am sorry for what happened then. What I'm feeling now has no bearing on the life we had. I was called to a meeting. They said it was an emergency. Always it's an emergency to them. I know I promised you I'd be there for you, and I will always regret that I wasn't there. I told them, you know, that it was Valentine's and I promised my wife that I would take her out. I even told them our little secret. He said congratulations. They told me that what they wanted me to do would help us, keep the little one safe from all the evil." He took a deep breath. "I wanted to be there. I would have given everything to be there."

"They told me that you forgive me. But I so want to hear it from you." Leo waited. There was still nothing. There was never anything. "It's not going to happen, is it? Not today, not next year, and definitely not the year after. I went here year after year for six years and it's never going to happen," he whispered. "Oh, honey, I love you so much." His voice broke.

From a distance he could hear the faint sounds of grandfather clocks tolling. "Hey, it's twelve." Leo folded the chair. "I'll be back in the afternoon, baby." He lifted his head and saw three men standing several yards away from him. A look of surprise crossed his features, before comprehension dawned. A soft smile touched his lips. "Well, what do you know. They waited for me. I guess I owe it to them to be with them tonight then. I would never have been able to survive these past years without them, Piper. I'd say this day takes on another meaning for me. I'll see you, sweetheart."

Leo turned to walk towards the three whitelighters dressed up, and accessorized as mortals. The elders has gone a long way into being liberals these past years.

"Where are we going?" he called out.

"Everywhere," came the answer.

Perhaps unconsciously, Paulo squeezed Leo's elbow when he reached them.

Benjie punched him in the arm, saying "Long time, no see, pare."

Michael threw his arm around Leo's shoulders. "She's all right."

"She's all right," Leo said. "I'm all right. So let me see this ring of yours. How big is the rock? Women don't like puny ones. Let me look it over now, because I know you and I don't trust your taste."

"Ha! Just you wait, old man."

"You're eighty nine, Michael. Speak for yourself."

Michael shook his head, unwilling to be pulled in to his friend's teases. "It's a good thing it's midnight because if it wasn't you'd be blinded by the sheer brilliance, for sure."

The four whitelighters strode away side by side.

"I brought a car for you. I knew you wouldn't take one yourself. You've always been too found of the ticklish little light."

As they parted to take different cars, Leo stopped stock still and turned his head. It must have been a whisper in the wind, but somehow he doubted it. Still, it was inconceivable that after six years, it would happen. What did he do tonight that he did not do the other Valentines? Of course, he realized. This was what Piper had been waiting for all along. He'd started to move on.

How did he know? Because when he opened the car door, the breeze suddenly played the most beautiful music he'd ever heard. He heard her whisper, Drive carefully, and don't stay out too late. He laughed softly. How utterly fitting that he should hear that message from her, instead of a protestation of love. It was more romantic than any expression of devotion she could send out to him. He turned his head and blew a kiss towards her. He couldn't see, but he knew she caught it. And he knew she was smiling because this Valentine's Day, her husband was going to have fun with his friends for a change.

The car zoomed away from the grassy expanse that held what he came every Valentine's to see.

It was a marble stone marker that said,

Piper Halliwell-Wyatt

Beloved Wife

Born 1973

Tragically taken on

February 14, 2001

Hands on their wheels, Michael, Paulo and Benjie simultaneously felt the breeze touch their right cheeks. Heart pounding, they turned but saw that their windows were closed.

Michael grinned and whispered, "You're welcome, little sister-to-be."