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Wonder Witch

by Peter Joseph Saenz

Scene opens to a dark stone castle bedroom lit by candles. Near the center of the main wall is a large full-length mirror. A Warlock with yellow eyes walks in and stands a foot away from the mirror.

Warlock: I have done as you asked Master. Now we just need the power of the Halliwell Familiar to complete the spell and you will be free once more.

The mirror begins to shimmer and smoke. From the smoke a face appears.

Face: Good. You have done well my pet. I reward you with this gift.

Smoke leaps from the mirror and enshrouds the Warlock. From inside the smoke the Warlock's eyes light up and the smoke disappears. The Warlock's features begin to change to that of a Man-Cat. He looks down to see that he has razor sharp claws and a long tail. He uses the tail to smash a nearby vase from its table.

Warlock: Thank you my Master.

Face: With your new senses it should make it that much easier to find the Familiar we seek. Your other new gifts should help you fend off its new witch masters. But be warned, one of them has the gift of sight. She could spoil our plans. You must destroy her before all else. I will provide you a spell to make her live out her nightmares. That should keep her occupied while you contend with her two sisters.

The face opens it's mouth and focuses out a fast stream of smoke that goes into the Warlock's forehead. The Warlock's head goes back and closes his eyes. He then brings his head forward and his eyes once again begin to glow.

Face: Those witches will pay for entrapping me in this prison. Soon my revenge will be complete. I shall be free and the Charmed Ones will be no more!

That evening at the Halliwell Manor we see Piper and Leo kissing in the Foyer. Only difference is Piper is dressed as an angel and Leo is dressed as a devil. Leo slowly pulls away and lightly spanks Piper with the side of his plastic pitchfork.

Piper: Leo, since when did you become so frisky?

Leo: I can stop if you want me to.

Piper: I never said that you had to.

Piper grins and begins to kiss Leo again. Suddenly Prue walks in dressed as a dominatrix of sorts in black patten leather. Her hair is pulled back and becomes a long single braid that goes down her back. In her hand is a Rider's Crop. She uses it to strike the door frame she is next to, startling Piper and Leo.

Prue: You two at it again? You know, there are bedrooms upstairs.

Leo: (Shocked) Yes Madam Matrix.

Piper: Prue! What are you wearing? You're going to the costume party dressed as that?

Prue: Why not? It is a college dorm party isn't it? I thought tonight I'd stop playing the responsible one and just have fun. Besides, Phoebe already rented the best costume at the costume rental store.

Piper: And what is she dressed as? A serving wench?

Phoebe: No…

Phoebe dramatically jumps from around the corner dressed as Wonder Woman. She places her hands on her hips and makes the biggest smile she can.

Phoebe: I'm…Wonder Woman!

Piper and Leo break out into laughter.

Phoebe: Hey! What's so funny? I think it looks great!

Prue: Well I think it looks great too Phoebe. Actually, if you didn't grab that costume first, I'd probably be wearing it tonight myself.

Piper: I'm sorry sweetie. I think you look great too. I guess you just took me by surprise.

Leo: Yeah, I'm sorry Phoebe.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, let's not forget who got you guys into the party to begin with!

Prue: I know and thank you. I hate to admit it, but looking at my dating calendar recently I've actually been looking forward to this party all week. Now let's go before all the cute ones get taken!

Prue reaches for Phoebe's hand, raises it with hers, magically makes the door open and the two of them walk out the door. Leo locks his hand with Piper's and they follow Phoebe and Prue out the door. As they walk out the camera moves over to a window where you see the Warlock in his cat-like form peering into the window. Kit the Cat slinks down stairs and sees the Warlock in the window and hisses. The Warlock stares back with a growl.

Warlock: Don't you worry cat, I'll be back for you soon.

Kit the Cat hisses again and the Warlock leaves the window.

At the party Phoebe and Prue are a hit. Lots of guys can be seen talking to them. Piper notices as she dances with Leo.

Piper: Wow, look at all the guys talking to Phoebe and Prue. Guess it pays to advertise. Still, I'm really glad Phoebe's having a great time back in college. She can actually be a person again instead of having to vanquish Warlocks and demons all the time. I wish I were that popular when I was in college.

Leo: Well, if you want I can stand over by the punch bowl and…

Piper: Don't you dare. I have the cutest guy at this party here in my arms and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

They kiss and the camera moves over to Phoebe and Prue.

Prue: Excuse us boys, but I think we're going to powder our noses for a second. It's really hot in here. Can one of you get us a drink for when we get back?

Prue and Phoebe get up and walk over to the Ladies Room. Once inside, all the boys fall over each other trying to reach the punch bowl. Meanwhile, inside the Ladies Room…

Phoebe: Oh my god, can you believe this party?

Prue: No! Makes me want to reconsider going back to college.

Phoebe: Don't you dare! I finally found my niche and I'm not ready to share.

Prue: Ha-ha.

Phoebe: Besides, it looks like your photography stint is really starting to pay off. You have several magazines fighting just to get your work.

Prue: True, aside from fighting Wendigos to Warlocks I think I actually found my true calling.

Phoebe: Well, I wish I were that lucky. I still haven't decided what my major is, but all the learning I've accomplished in the supernatural department you'd think I'd be Professor of Weird Stuff 101 by now.

In the hallway outside the party we see the Warlock with his cat-like features. When he gets close enough to the door he stops and his features change back to normal. He smiles and puts on a pair of sunglasses to cover his yellow eyes. He then continues to the party mixing into the crowd.

Back in the Ladies Room Prue finishes putting on her lipstick.

Prue: I'm just about done. How about you?

Phoebe: Yup. I never knew being a Super Hero could be so demanding. I bet I wouldn't have this much trouble on Paradise Island.

Prue: Phoebe, there are no guys on Paradise Island.

Phoebe: Oh yeah, second thought…I'll take the party.

Prue: Good choice. You know, you could wear that costume the next time we have to fight a demon and we can call you Wonder Witch.

Phoebe: Ha-ha. Wearing this costume for the party is enough for me thanks. Having a bunch of drunken frat boys drooling over me isn't something I think I'd want all the time. Tomorrow morning this costume goes back to the costume shop where it belongs. Can you imagine being Wonder Woman all the time? I'd be a nightmare.

Prue and Phoebe leave the Ladies Room only to be surrounded by more of the drunken frat boys they just spoke of. They look at each other and sigh. From across the room the Warlock stops his search. Suddenly he sniffs the air and looks at Phoebe. From behind his glasses his eyes begin to glow.

Warlock: From your mind I now take, your last nightmare you did make. May you live it always and never wake.

The Warlock then opens his mouth and a stream of smoke escapes and moves across the room to Phoebe. Once it goes around her head it disappears. Phoebe then feels lightheaded and puts her hand to her head as if she suddenly felt dizzy.

Prue: Phoebe, are you ok?

Phoebe: I don't know. I suddenly feel a little woozy.

Prue: Come on. We're gonna sit you down.

They make their way over to a couch and sit. Piper notices something is wrong. She takes Leo's hand and makes her way over to Phoebe. The Warlock then exits the party.

Piper: Are you ok honey?

Phoebe: Yeah, I just had to sit down for a second. I'm fine now.

Prue: It couldn't be what she drank. All we had was fruit punch.

Piper: Still, I think we should take you home.

Phoebe: And let you hog all the fun? Don't be silly. I'm fine now. See?

Phoebe stands up and slowly turns around.

Phoebe: There's nothing to worry about.

Leo takes a metal cup of punch from a nearby table.

Leo: Here, at least take this.

Phoebe: Fine, if it'll make you feel better.

Phoebe takes the cup and before she can bring it to her lips she smashes the cup in her hand and the punch falls to the floor.

Phoebe: Oh my god!

Leo, Piper and Prue look stunned.

Phoebe: I'll clean it up.

Phoebe bends down to pick up the crushed piece of metal. While she does her hand brushes the carpet. Suddenly she sees a premonition. She sees Kit the Cat running across the carpet rug in the Halliwell Manor and up the stairs. The cat-like Warlock is chasing him. The premonition is over and Phoebe stands up.

Phoebe: You know, on second thought I think we should go home after all. I think Kit hasn't been fed yet.

Piper: What are you talking about? I just fed Kit before we left.

Phoebe: No. I think we should go home.

Phoebe looks at Piper and Prue with a 'get a clue' look.

Phoebe: Kit hasn't been fed yet.

Prue: Oh! Yes, Kit hasn't been fed yet. We really should go.

Piper reaches for her keys. Suddenly Phoebe takes them from her.

Phoebe: I'll drive.

Phoebe leads the foursome to the door. She reaches for the doorknob and instead of it opening, the door comes completely off its frame. Everyone in the party looks at Phoebe stunned. Phoebe slowly turns around with a weary smile on her face.

Phoebe: Um, yeah. I meant to do that. Um, can someone call me about the damages? (To Piper, Leo and Prue) Let's go!

Quickly the four of them scurry out the door. They leave the building and start walking over to the parking lot.

Prue: So Wonder Phoebe, do you want to explain anything to us?

Piper: Yeah, what did you do to that door?

Phoebe: I don't know. I just tried to get out, and the next thing I know, BAM, the door broke.

Leo: Well, remind me to go to the gym you go to.

Phoebe: Forget about that, Kit is in trouble. I saw a Warlock in the Manor trying to kidnap him.

Piper: What would a Warlock want with Kit?

Leo: He's your Familiar remember? And not just any Familiar, but a Familiar to the Charmed Ones. Warlocks would kill to get their hands on him.

Prue: But still, he's our Familiar so he'd be useless to anyone else, right?

Leo: Wrong. He can still affect spells cast through him by his owners.

Piper: So, what are you saying? A Warlock is trying to use a spell Kit helped make? But we never used a spell through Kit before.

Leo: True, but remember Familiars are immortal. Kit belonged to more of your ancestors than you think.

They reach the car. Phoebe fumbles through the keys.

Phoebe: Great. Let's just get to the Manor and make sure he's ok.

Piper takes the keys away from Phoebe.

Piper: Oh no you don't. I don't need the doors to my car ripped off its hinges.

Piper opens the back door for Phoebe.

Piper: Get in and try not to break anything.

Phoebe gets in. Leo takes the passenger seat and Prue sits next to Phoebe.

Prue: As soon as we find out Kit is ok we'll find out what happened to you.

Phoebe: I hope so. Being a Super Hero isn't what it's cracked up to be.

The car starts and quickly zooms down the street.

Inside the Halliwell Manor the Warlock kicks the front door open and barges in. His body then reverts back to his cat-like features as before. He sniffs the air as Kit the Cat walks into the Foyer. Kit sees the Warlock and hisses. The Warlock growls at Kit and starts to charge. Kit quickly runs across the carpet and up the stairs. The Warlock turns around to continue chasing Kit up the stairs when Prue suddenly runs through the front door and swings her arm, magically causing the Warlock to slam against the wall. Phoebe, Piper and Leo arrive behind her to see the Warlock spring back to his feet. The Warlock's eyes glow as he roars at the Charmed Ones. He then whips around. In doing so his tail hits a small statue on a shelf, sending it hurling toward Prue. It hits her in the stomach and she doubles over. The Warlock exposes his claws and makes a huge leap at the Charmed Ones to make a killing blow when Piper screams and suddenly freezes the Warlock in mid-leap.

Piper: What the hell is that?

Phoebe: That's the Warlock I saw in my premonition.

They all bend down and comfort Prue.

Phoebe: Prue, are you ok?

Prue: No, I am not ok. I just got the wind knocked out of me by a reject from the Island of Dr. Moreau.

Piper: Well, at least her sense of humor seems ok.

Prue: I'll be fine. Just help me up.

They help her up and then turn to the frozen Warlock in unison.

Prue: Well Leo, does he look familiar?

Leo: No. Maybe the Book of Shadows can help you out with this one.

Piper: Well that's great, but what do we do with him now? My powers are growing, but I don't know if I can keep him frozen forever. (Looks to Leo) Can I?

Prue: How about we put him in a bag and throw him in the river?

Phoebe: I have a better idea.

Phoebe jumps up and kicks the Warlock in the midsection. This unfreezes him and sends him smashing into the first floor ceiling and causes him to land to the floor, stomach first with a thud.

Phoebe: See, cats don't always land on their feet.

The Warlock roars. He gets up and swings his right hand claws at Phoebe. She deflects it with her left hand's bracelet and grabs the Warlock's tail with her right hand. She then uses it to throw the Warlock through the glass patio door. The Warlock, obviously hurt roars at the Charmed Ones through the now missing patio door and limps off into the darkness. Kit the Cat comes down the stairs and rubs against Phoebe's leg. Phoebe smiles then turns around to face her sisters and Leo.

Phoebe: Well, looks like I showed…

The look on their face makes Phoebe stop mid sentence. They are obviously stunned.

Phoebe: What? A Were-Cat in your living room doesn't faze you but a simple throw did?

After a second Piper moves over to Phoebe, puts her arms around her shoulders and moves her toward the stairs.

Piper: Maybe we should look in the Book of Shadows and find out what's going on.

Phoebe: But what about the patio door?

Leo: (Still stunned) Um, I'll take care of it.

Prue goes to the other side of Phoebe and helps move her toward the stairs.

Prue: Yes, I think we need to go upstairs and get some answers quick.

Phoebe: Ok. If you say so.

They go up the stairs and are quickly followed by Kit the Cat. Still downstairs, Leo looks at the patio door again and scratches his head.

Upstairs the Charmed Ones gather around the Book of Shadows. Piper is in the middle and starts thumbing through the book with a sister at either side of her.

Piper: What do we even start to look for?

Phoebe: Well, the Warlock was after Kit so let's look under the Familiar section.

Prue: There it is.

Phoebe: "A Familiar is a powerful tool witches use to focus and enhance their powers when needed. Although a Familiar can only be useful to the witch or coven it belongs to, it can still be used to undo spells made through it by its previous owners."

Piper: Oh great. So now every Warlock is going to be after Kit.

Prue: Not exactly. Only the ones that Kit helped vanquish, and most of them are destroyed. That must mean that one of the Warlocks or demons our ancestors used Kit to help vanquish was only imprisoned. The Warlock that attacked us must be trying to free whoever that is and needs Kit to do it.

Leo comes into the attic.

Leo: I managed to fix the patio door.

Piper: Thanks Leo, but it seems that a Warlock is after Kit to probably free a demon one of our ancestors imprisoned. Only bad thing is we don't know who it is or how to destroy it.

Leo: Is Kit ok?

Phoebe picks up Kit the Cat from the floor.

Phoebe: Yeah, he's a little shaken up be he'll be fine.

Prue: Ok, how about we get out of these costumes and see if we can find whoever it is that attacked us. I'm thinking he's the one who put that spell on Phoebe. Hopefully he can provide us with some answers to this mess.

Phoebe gives Kit to Leo and tries to take off her tiara.

Phoebe: Sounds good to me. I could use…

Phoebe suddenly finds she cannot take off her tiara. She tries to take off her bracelets but she cannot take those off either.

Prue: Phoebe, what's wrong?

Phoebe: I can't seem to take off my costume. It's like they're glued on or something.

Piper: Let me see.

Piper goes over to Phoebe and tries to take off her bracelets. They won't budge.

Piper: What did you put these on with?

Phoebe: Nothing! They slide on and off.

Piper: Well, they don't seem to be sliding off now.

Prue: Here, let me try.

Piper backs away from Phoebe. Phoebe raises her arm for Prue to use her magic. Prue squints her eyes and tries to make the bracelet come off but they still won't budge.

Prue: I don't know what to say. It just won't come off.

Phoebe: What? Are you telling me I'm stuck with this thing on me?

Phoebe swings her arm in a gesture and smashes a lamp.

Leo: I hate to tell you this Phoebe, but it looks like you ARE Wonder Woman.

Phoebe stares at Leo and looks defeated.

The Warlock limps back into the castle bedroom. He is licking a cut on his wrist.

Warlock: I performed the spell you gave me as instructed, but it backfired somehow. The Seer now has added strength and speed.

The mirror begins to shimmer and smoke. The face suddenly re-appears.

Face: No matter. The Seer will lead them here. They will bring the Familiar I seek with them and the power of the Charmed Ones will be destroyed forever. I need you to get ready for them. Here's what I need you to do…

The Warlock smiles devilishly and whips his tail.

Inside the Manor Prue and Piper have changed clothes and meet Leo in the living room.

Prue: Where's Phoebe?

Leo: I don't know. She was just here a minute ago.

Phoebe: I'm up here.

Leo, Piper and Prue look up and see Phoebe on a ceiling beam holding Kit the Cat in her arms.

Piper: Phoebe! How did you get up there?!?

Phoebe: Kit climbed up to the beams again, so I jumped up to get him.

Prue: You jumped up?

Phoebe: Yeah. I thought about what Leo said. You know, about me really being Wonder Woman, so I gave it a shot. Next thing I know I'm up here.

Piper: Well, you just stay right there. I'll get you a ladder.

Phoebe: Don't bother, I'll just jump down.

Prue: You'll WHAT?

Phoebe: Jump. After all, if Lynda Carter can do it, so can I. I hope.

Leo: You can't do that! You'll kill yourself.

Phoebe: Only one way to find out.

Before anyone can say anything else Phoebe holds on to Kit the Cat and performs a forward role, jumping down to the floor as easy as jumping off a chair.

Phoebe: Ta-da! See, I told you.

Piper: Don't you EVER do that again!

Phoebe: What are you talking about? Don't you realize? I'm Wonder Woman! Not just pretend like when we were kids, but I really truly am Wonder Woman!

Piper: Yeah, and I'm the Easter Bunny and I say don't you ever do that again!

Phoebe: Will you give me a break? Besides, don't we have a Warlock or something to destroy?

Prue: Phoebe's right. We need to find out exactly where this Warlock is and how to vanquish him. We might not have enough time to do a scrying spell. Phoebe, do you think you can call a premonition and get a lock on this Warlock?

Phoebe: I've never used my power to specifically locate someone like that before. I can try.

Piper: Wait, isn't Kit supposed to amplify our powers if we really needed it?

Leo: Yes, but every time you use Kit's powers its kind of like a battery. You can only use him so many times before he'll need to recharge. If you use up all his powers now, he may not be able to help you later.

Phoebe: Well, it looks like that's just a chance we'll have to take.

Phoebe closes her eyes and concentrates on Kit. Suddenly Kit's eyes glow and Phoebe is overwhelmed with energy. Phoebe opens her mind in a premonition and concentrates on the Warlock. She sees him in a castle in front of a mirror. Phoebe sees that the Warlock is speaking to a spirit's face in the mirror. Suddenly the face turns it's head towards Phoebe and forces her to snap back to reality. Phoebe lets go of Kit the Cat and falls back into a chair.

Prue: Phoebe!

They rush to her side.

Phoebe: I'm ok, just a little stunned.

Phoebe grabs Prue's and Piper's hands and gets a look of concern.

Phoebe: Guys, whoever this guy is, he's powerful. I was able to pin point exactly where they were, but even super charged he was able to force me back here.

Leo: What did you see?

Phoebe: I saw the Warlock. He's in a castle-like building near the historic area. He was standing in front of a mirror, but in the mirror there was an evil face surrounded by smoke. It was talking to the Warlock. Then, the face looked at me like it knew I was watching it and then next thing I know I'm being knocked back into this chair.

Leo: No.

Piper: Leo, what is it?

Leo: I think the demon Phoebe saw was a Demon of Shadow.

Prue: What's a Demon of Shadow?

Leo: A Demon of Shadow is a very powerful demon that consumes light. Physical light, emotional light, love…they destroy everything good in their path. They will not stop until everything becomes darkness.

Piper: But we can destroy it like we've destroyed all the other demons we've come across, can't we?

Leo: These demons are different. Unlike the other demons, these demons are indestructible. There's no known way to physically destroy them. That's probably why your ancestors were only able to imprison it. Even with Kit's help, it's going to be very hard to try to do again.

Prue: So, how were the other Demons of Shadow defeated?

Leo: They were trapped in they're own reflections. Their reflection uses their own power against them. But somehow, the demon in your premonition was able to use its power outside of its prison. If the Demon of Shadow you saw were to become completely free, there's no way you could stop it.

Phoebe: And with a Warlock helping it to escape it looks like we're really gonna need all the help we can get.

Piper: What should we do?

Prue: Just what our ancestors did. Try to re-trap it in its reflection. Only this time we have to make sure it stays there.

Piper: Easier said than done.

Phoebe: Well, at least now we know where the demon is. Leo can stay here and watch over Kit to make sure they don't get their hands on him, and we can go to the castle and try to imprison it again.

Prue: You're forgetting one thing though Phoebe. Our ancestors weren't able to imprison the Demon of Shadow by themselves. They needed Kit there to help them increase their power.

Piper: But Prue, we can't take Kit with us. That's just the opportunity the Demon of Shadow and the Warlock need to set it free.

Prue: I know but I can't see any other way of us succeeding. Charmed Ones or not, we're going to need Kit with us.

Kit jumps into Phoebe's lap and begins to purr. Phoebe pets Kit the Cat and begins to think. Suddenly a smile goes across her face and she gives Kit a big hug.

Phoebe: Maybe there IS a way we can leave Kit here with Leo and still be able to imprison the demon after all!

Leo: Phoebe, what are you talking about? There's no way Kit can be in two places at once.

Phoebe: I know, but I never said KIT had to be in two places at once, did I?

Leo and Piper get the same big smile on their faces as Phoebe and they all turn to stare at Prue.

Prue: Ok, why are you guys staring at me?

Outside the Castle home, Piper's car comes to a stop and the Charmed Ones step out.

Piper: You don't feel weird walking out in public in that thing? Even at night?

Phoebe: Well it's not like I have a choice do I? Besides, it's who I am. Its kind of fun being Wonder Woman.

Prue: Well, we're about to see if even Wonder Woman can defeat a demon.

Just as they walk up to the building Piper stops them from going through the door.

Piper: So what, we're supposed to just walk in the front door knowing that both the Warlock and the demon know we're coming?

Phoebe looks up.

Phoebe: No, we can take the back way in.

Piper: Back way? What are you talking about?

Before she can protest, Phoebe puts her arm around Piper's waist and jumps up to an open third story window. Piper, shocked, merely opens her mouth and widened her eyes. Meanwhile Prue was left below.

Prue: (Loudly whispering to Phoebe) What about me? (Then to herself) Well, two can play at that game.

Prue closes her eyes and flings her arms up. Suddenly Prue magically lifts herself to the same window her sisters entered. Only difference is her landing wasn't as nicely executed causing her to fall into the window.

Prue: Have to work on that landing, but not bad if I do say so myself.

Phoebe: Cute, now let's see if we can find the terrible two-some.

Prue turns to see that Piper still has her mouth open and eyes widened. Prue hits Piper on the side of her arm, which knocks her back to reality.

Piper: (To Phoebe) Don't you ever do that again! You could have killed me!

Phoebe: Don't you ever have anything else to say? Besides, you can tell your grand kids that you fought beside Wonder Woman. Now let's go!

The three sisters leave the room they entered and make their way into a long corridor.

Phoebe: This way. The room I saw the Demon of Shadow in was at the end of this hall.

Prue: Wow, didn't know Kit super charging you could make your powers so precise.

Piper: Well, if we don't vanquish this demon and Warlock we may never find out how precise she can be.

Phoebe: There it is.

The three sisters move closer to the room but before they can reach the door, the Warlock jumps down from above, blocking the door. The Charmed Ones scream. The Warlock whips around, swinging his tail at the sisters. Before it could strike them Phoebe steps forward and deflects it with one of her bracelets. She then grabs the side of the Warlock with both hands, lifts him above her head and throws him into bookshelf. Although he hits the bookshelf, this time the Warlock lands on his feet. He lifts his head and opens his mouth. A stream of smoke quickly escapes and heads for Phoebe. Piper freezes the smoke before it could reach Phoebe and Prue magically moves it toward a wall. Time starts again and the smoke disappears as it strikes the wall. Prue then makes some swords hanging on a nearby wall lift and is about to make them strike the Warlock when the door leading to the Demon of Shadow suddenly bursts outward knocking Prue to the floor and the Warlock and swords against the wall. The Warlock goes unconscious. Phoebe and Piper run to Prue to make sure she's all right then look toward the door.

Prue: I don't think this is a good thing.

Inside the bedroom the Charmed Ones see the Demon of Shadow in the mirror. Suddenly they are magically pulled inside the room by a strong wind. They try to grab anything nearby to anchor themselves. Prue and Piper grab onto the sides of the door frame while Phoebe grabs the bedpost. They all look down to see that the wind is coming from the mirror.

Piper: (Over the wind) The demon is trying to trap us in the mirror with him!

Phoebe uses her legs to swing around and knock the bed toward the mirror. Soon the whole mattress is covering the demon's reflection and the wind stops. The Charmed Ones stand up. Suddenly the mattress moves away from the mirror to reveal the Demon of Shadow still inside.

Face: (Angrily) Where is your Familiar? Surely you don't think even the Charmed Ones are powerful enough to imprison me alone.

The Charmed Ones stand in front of the mirror and lock hands. Prue is in the center.

Prue: Actually, we are.

Prue astral projects herself to the manor. There she sees Leo.

Prue: Where's Kit?

Kit comes in from the next room and sits in front of Prue. Prue smiles and bends down in front of Kit.

Prue: This is it Kit. Are you ready?

Kit meows. Prue puts her hands on either side of Kit's body and Kit's eyes glow. Back in the castle bedroom the Charmed Ones are in a rush of power. The Demon of Shadow suddenly looks worried. Although Prue's head is down and eyes are closed while she locks hands with her sisters her mouth suddenly opens.

Prue: Now.

Phoebe, Piper and Prue: Demon so dark, without direction; leave this world now within your reflection. In your prison forever be; throughout all time, for eternity.

The Demon of Shadow screams as his reflection starts to close in on it self. Once he disappears the mirror suddenly shatters and falls to the ground. Prue then leaves Kit and Leo at the Manor and returns back to her body. The three sisters look at each other and begin to hug one another. Suddenly a growl can be heard from behind. The Charmed Ones turn around to see the Warlock standing in the doorway.

Piper: Oh great, we still have fur ball to deal with.

Phoebe: Don't worry. I'll take this one.

The Warlock leaps at Phoebe but instead of forcing him back Phoebe falls to the ground with the Warlock on top of her. The Warlock is about to slash his claws across Phoebe's face when Piper freezes him.

Phoebe: So much for 'taking this one'. Guess I don't have my Super Strength anymore. But I can still do this!

Phoebe kicks the Warlock in the groin. The Warlock unfreezes, reverts back to his human form and makes a painful expression. He then falls to Phoebe's side unconscious. Leo then orbs in.

Prue: Ouch. Wouldn't want to be him right now.

Leo: Me either. Is everyone ok?

Piper: Yeah, we're fine. But what do we do with the Warlock?

Leo: I can take it from here. I'll meet you back at the Manor later.

Leo bends down and touches the unconscious Warlock. They then orb into the air.

Prue: I'm sorry you're not Wonder Woman any more Pheebs.

Piper: Yeah. The way you handled that Warlock we sure could have used your new powers.

Phoebe: That's ok. I kind of like the powers I already have. I don't need a costume to make me feel special. I have you guys for that.

They all hug.

Piper: Yeah you do. Whenever you need us.

Prue: You bet. But, um, Phoebe? Do you think I could try on that costume before you return it to the costume store tomorrow?

Phoebe and Piper look at Prue with a perplexed look on their face. They then all three start to laugh.

The next day at the Halliwell Manor Phoebe walks in the front door. In the living room Piper and Prue are relaxing and having tea. Kit the cat is asleep on the windowsill.

Phoebe: Well, that's that. The Wonder Woman costume is back at the costume store and I'm back to my old self again.

She plops her self down next to Piper and rests her head on her shoulder.

Piper: And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Prue: And this morning I took the shattered mirror pieces to the construction site downtown and dropped them into a pillar of drying cement. Any Warlock that tries to free the Demon of Shadow with those will have an awful hard time getting them.

Piper: Sounds good to me. Thankfully Kit seems to be his usual self too. He went straight back to napping all day. Poor little guy, he must be pretty tuckered out from last night's drama. I think it'll be a while before we bother him again for help against Warlocks.

Phoebe: Well, on a lighter note, since last night in the attic, I've found I can still locate things through my premonitions. It's a pretty nifty power. Still, I have to admit it was a lot of fun being a super hero for a while though.

Piper: Well, we still 'fight the forces of darkness' everyday. Only difference is we have pointy hats and broomsticks instead of tiaras and lassos.

Prue: Ha-ha. See if you can catch me with a pointy hat and broomstick.

Phoebe: Yeah, Prue prefers black stilettos and whips.

Prue gets a shocked look on her face and throws a pillow at Phoebe.

Prue: Phoebe!

Piper: Well, if the stiletto fits Prue.

Prue throws the rest of the pillows at both Phoebe and Piper. Phoebe and Piper throw pillows back at Prue and start a huge pillow fight.