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A Time And Place For Everything

by Navodhi

DISCLAIMER: As usual none of the characters that appear in the series belong to me. However, some parts of my story are under different circumstances than that of the actual series. This is my 2nd fan fiction. I apologize in advance if I have not heeded any advice from readers of my earlier story, but my first one was not even on the net when I wrote this. Any feedback, good or bad is most welcome.

Phoebe opened the door to the manor and walked in. She took off her jacket and hung it up. She peeked into the living room to see if her sisters were there. Just then, Piper called out from the kitchen, "Pheebs, is that you?" "Yeah," she called back and headed for the kitchen. Phoebe was expecting her sisters to be having dinner since it was already past 7. She was slightly surprised to see Leo there too. "Hi guys," she said easily, "Sorry I'm late." "Where've you been?" Prue questioned in her motherly, over - protective tone. "We got a little carried away with studying that we didn't notice the time," Phoebe said, mimicking a 5-year-olds voice to tease her older sister. Prue sighed and smiled slightly. "Want some dinner?" asked Piper. Phoebe shook her head. "No thanks. I already ate at Jesse's." She opened the refrigerator and grabbed the fruit punch. She poured herself a glass and sat down beside Prue. Looking at Leo, Phoebe said, "I take it, this isn't just a social call." Leo smiled. "No, it isn't. I was waiting for all of you to tell you." "Lemme guess," Phoebe said, scratching her head mockingly, "There's a demon in town and you want us to kick his ass." Leo nodded before saying, "That's not all. This Warlock's pretty good. He's after you, as usual. The Elders know that Xargon's been studying you. He checks out how to weaken you and creates that kind of a situation. In your case, the best way to weaken the Power of Three is to separate the Three of you." Piper opens her mouth to ask him something when Phoebe speaks. "And you can't do anything about him because you aren't allowed to interfere directly with the affairs on Earth." Piper stares wide-eyed at her younger sister. "What?" Phoebe questions, wondering if she had said something she shouldn't have. "Are you sure you can't read minds?" Piper asks her seriously. Phoebe shakes her head, "I wish." "That's a wish that will come true," Leo tells them. It is Phoebe's turn to stare wide-eyed. "You will develop a power to read the minds of others. You will be able to sense their feelings as well," he explains. "Oh no!" Prue and Piper say at the same time. "Don't worry guys. Our powers don't work on each other," Phoebe says. Leo looks at her. "You can have premonitions when you touch your sisters. Prue can levitate you. Only Piper can't freeze you," he points out. Phoebe grins widely. "In that case, watch out! No more secrets from me!" she tells her sisters with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Okay, okay!" Piper says throwing her hands up in surrender. Getting serious Prue says, "BoS time." The all go to the attic and Phoebe, the expert on the Book, finds a page on Xargon. "A traveller. He takes his victims to a time and place that tests their courage, wit, strength and determination to survive. The victim or victims must endure their greatest weakness without their powers. To get them back you have to succeed. At this time, the weakest is the strongest," she reads aloud. There is silence as everyone ponders over this revelation. Prue breaks the silence. "Okay. So he takes us somewhere where we aren't together. We have to get back together to fetch our powers and vanquish him," she says trying to interpret the cryptic message. "What about the weakest being the strongest?" asks Piper. They look at Leo who just shrugs. "You have to figure that out yourselves." "So what do we do now?" Phoebe asks. "You just have to wait." "I sure don't like the idea of being a sitting duck," Phoebe commented. Prue and Piper echoed the sentiments. "I'll check out the BoS for anything else," Phoebe suggested out loud. "Can we talk?" she asked Leo telepathically. "I think I'll get going now," Leo said. He walked over to kiss Piper goodbye. Then he orbed out. "Great guy," Prue said looking at Piper. Piper just smiled dreamily. Phoebe glanced at Piper. "I hope you still feel the same way when he tells you the truth," she muttered under her breath.

Prue and Piper left the attic and closed the door behind them.

Phoebe stood there a moment thinking about her sisters. A voice interrupted her thoughts. She spun round, but saw no one. The voice spoke again. "What is it, Phoebe?" "Leo, have you told her about the rule?" she asked telepathically. "No, I …can't. I love her. I don't want to hurt her," he answered sincerely. "Leo, listen. You have to. She'll hurt even more if you tell her later. She deserves to know. Piper has a right to know. If you really love her, you'll respect that right," Phoebe told him. "Its not as easy as you say, Phoebe." "I know its hard. She'll only be more hurt and angry if you tell her later. If you tell her now, maybe you guys can work something out. There must be a reason you aren't allowed to fall in love. Maybe you should tell the Elders, …that is, if they don't already know." They don't. And Phoebe, if I tell her will you make sure she will even talk to me again." Leo, I already told you that I can't tell Piper's decisions beforehand. Even if I could, I wouldn't. I can ask her and try to reason with her, not force her," Phoebe explained, trying to coax him. "If I tell the Elders, they'll stop me from having any contact with you. Or worse, they'll clip my wings. I don't think I could live with either one." "They are going to find out eventually. If they punish you, are you going to come and tell Piper that it's because of her you lost your job? Do you want her to go through so much pain and guilt without even knowing about it? Leo, no matter what, Piper is still my sister and I care about her. I don't want to see her hurt when I could have done something to prevent it. If you don't, I'll do it myself. When you tell her, she's not going to be mad at you alone, she'll be mad at me because I never told her. She'll take everything out on me. You're not around for her to throw it at you. But I am ready to live with that." Phoebe is almost in tears. Leo can nearly feel the sincerity in her voice. "Okay, Phoebe. I'll do my best."

* * *

The next morning, it is almost 8 when Phoebe comes downstairs for breakfast. She is surprised to find both her sisters there, eating breakfast. "We have the day off," Piper says answering her unspoken question. Phoebe gets her cup of coffee and sits down. "So did you find anything in the Book?" Prue asked, looking up from the morning paper. Phoebe shook her head. "Nothing." She hadn't really looked much. She was too busy trying to convince Leo. Then she had remembered the assignment for her psychology class and had completed it. After that, she was too tired to do anything but sleep. Suddenly, Phoebe sat up bolt upright and asked, "What time is it?" "Five past 8," Piper answered casually. "Oh man! I'm going to be late for my class," Phoebe said, grabbing her books. "What time are you coming back? Remember Xargon?" Prue asked. "I'll be back by lunchtime," Phoebe called on her way out the back door.

If Phoebe has chosen to use the front door, she would have seen the tall, thin creature wearing an over - sized black cloak. He was standing across the street with his arms outstretched towards the manor and was chanting in a foreign language. Actually, he was reciting a spell to send the sisters to a place where they would be tested. Things did not go according to Xargon's plan because, by the time the spell began to take effect, Phoebe was already down the street in a cab. So, as a result, she was unaffected.

Inside Halliwell manor, all of a sudden, Prue began to feel extremely woozy. "Pi-per,..I don't feel so good." "Me too," said Piper. They both collapsed onto the floor, before vanishing into thin air.

* * *

Phoebe barged in through the front door. She was starving and looking forward to lunch. "Prue, Piper!" she called into the empty house. "Must have gone shopping," she thought, slightly uneasy. It only increased when she entered the kitchen. The table was still laid with two half - eaten plates of bacon and eggs. Things were just as she'd left them in the morning, except her sisters weren't there. She was now very worried. She touched the table. As she did, a premonition overcame her and unfolded the events minutes after her departure. She came out of it with a realization. "If I'd stayed a minute longer, I'd have joined them." Just then, Leo orbed in. Phoebe looks at him. "Xargon," they say at the same time. "How do I get to them? BoS?" she asks frantically. Leo shakes his head. "I am here to tell you that you have a new power, healing touch." "Okay. How do I trigger it? And what do I do now?" "The trigger is love. You have to go to where they are." "HOW? I don't think the Book has a spell for that. How do we get back here?" Phoebe asks a little forcefully. "Magic isn't always a book. It comes from within," Leo says orbing out; leaving Phoebe completely lost in thought. "Okay, so what am I supposed to do? Create a spell?" she asks herself dryly. Then, suddenly she jumps up and heads for the attic. She takes the Book in her hands and looks at the triquatra on the cover. She writes something on a piece of paper and stuffs it into her pocket. She replaces the Book on its stand before stepping backwards. She begins to recite her own spell, hoping against hope that it would work.

"Two links to this chain
Have been lost
Take me to where they are
So that it may be complete again"

Phoebe closes her eyes, thinking that if things didn't work out, the Charmed Ones would be no more.

When she opens her eyes, she is shocked to realize that she is in a dark, damp and musty cave. "Aughhh!" she exclaims in disgust. She looks around, squinting, for any sign of her sisters. Nothing.

Phoebe takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Let's see if I still have my powers." She touches the wall of the cave and shuts her eyes tightly, concentrating on her sisters. It doesn't work. "The Book said something about us being separated," she thought, "so maybe if I concentrated on one of them, it will work." She closed her eyes again, this time focusing on Piper. It worked. She felt the familiar tingle run through her. He view seemed to be overlooking the cavern from above. The roof of the cave seemed transparent because she could see right through it to the maze of tunnels and passages below. She saw herself, and then looked around to see where Piper was. Phoebe tried to remember how to get to her sister through the maze of tunnels. Then, she looked for Prue. When she found her oldest sister, she figured out how to get to her. When Phoebe came out of the premonition, she shook her head in amazement. "Wow! My powers are becoming pretty strong," she thought.

Phoebe began to make her way through the tunnel following the path she had figured out, hoping that she wouldn't make any wrong turns. Phoebe wandered through the tunnels for over an hour. She was beginning to get very frustrated, not to mention scared. "What if I'm stuck here forever," she thought, and then firmly shook her head. "Remember, this is just a test. I am going to win. I will find Piper and Prue," she told herself with steely determination.

Phoebe stopped her thoughts and concentrated on the path ahead. She was approaching a place where the passages split in to two. She realized that, according to her premonition, Piper was on the left side heading further away. Phoebe stopped at the end of the tunnel. Sure enough, she could hear her sister's breathing. Slowly rounding the corner, Phoebe almost bumped into Piper. Piper's back was turned towards Phoebe. She was standing on a ledge about two feet wide. If she was startled suddenly, she might back out over the edge. Phoebe decided to play it safe. Phoebe reached out from behind and wrapped her arms around her sister and pulled her close. This move took Piper by surprise and she cried out in sheer terror. "Relax, sweetie. It's okay. Its just me," Phoebe whispered softly into her sister's ear. "Pheebs?" Piper asked in a shaky, uncertain voice as she tilted her head to look at her sister's face. Piper went limp against Phoebe as Phoebe hugged her tightly from behind. Piper turned round and hugged Phoebe gratefully. "Oh, Pheebs, am I glad to see you," she told her, sounding half - choked. "So am I." They held each other silently for a long moment, and then Phoebe broke the embrace. "We have to get Prue." "But how? We don't even know where she is. I had no idea if I was alone here, until you found me," Piper asked, obviously afraid. "I do. I had a premonition. We just have to go to her," Phoebe said, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt. She grabbed Piper's hand as they made their way along the passages. When they reached the place Phoebe had seen Prue in her premonition, Phoebe telepathically called to her sister, "Prue, it's me. Can you make some noise so that we can come to you." A minute later they heard a familiar voice call out, "Phoebe?!" Phoebe hurried towards the direction of the voice with Piper close behind. She turned a corner only to meet Prue face to face. Prue's face lit up immediately. "Phoebe," she said joyfully. Her smiled widened even more when she saw Piper. The three hugged warmly. Prue and Piper felt small tingles run through them. "I think we have our powers again," Prue said. Phoebe nodded. "The Book said that once the weakness has been overcome, our powers would be returned. The Power of Three is now complete." "How come you had your powers before?" questioned Piper suspiciously. "I came here on my own. Not by the spell Xargon cast. So I guess that's why I still had my powers." "So, how do we get back after we deal with Xargon?" Prue asked. "My, my! What a touching reunion!" said a menacing voice. The sisters turned to face Xargon. Prue sent him crashing into the wall with a wave of her hand. "The Power of Three spell," suggested Phoebe. Prue nodded and the sisters linked hands.

"The Power of Three will set you free!
The Power of Three will set you free!
The Power of Three will set you free!"

As they finished, Xargon screamed in pain and disappeared. The whole Earth began to rumble and shake violently. "The whole thing's caving in!" Prue exclaimed. "Come on! We have to get out of here! This way!" yelled Phoebe as she grabbed her sisters' hands and pulled. She had a rough idea of where the entrance to the cave was. But at the time, she was looking for her sisters and hadn't bothered about getting to the open.

It wasn't long before they could see light coming in at the far end of the tunnel they were in. "Not much farther," called Phoebe who was leading the way. They reached the end just in time and rushed outside. "We're safe!" breathed Piper in relief. "You spoke too soon," Prue said in alarm, "Look!" Prue pointed upwards. They all looked at the overhanging cliff directly above them. It was threatening to collapse at any moment. "Run!" Prue yelled. Piper and Phoebe needed no further urging. They took off running for their lives.

Prue and Phoebe reached a clearing and stopped to catch their breath. That was when Phoebe realized that Piper was not with them. "Piper!" she cried. Looking back, Prue and Phoebe saw their sister lying flat on her face, right in the path of the collapsing cliff. "No!" cried Phoebe, as she darted back towards her sister. Phoebe knew that she couldn't get Piper out of the way in time, so she did the only possible thing she could; She threw herself over her sister, shielding Piper's body with her own from the oncoming shower of rocks and boulders. Prue watched transfixed with horror as the boulders hurtled towards her sisters in swirling clouds of dust. She tried to use her powers to move them away, but as strong as her powers were, they weren't strong enough to move half a mountain at once. She was totally helpless. All she could do was watch her sisters being buried alive. When the clouds of dust cleared Prue ran to the pile of rocks. "Phoebe! Piper!" she screamed hysterically. Using her powers she began to move the rocks one by one and pile them elsewhere. She was extremely cautious, as she didn't want to disturb the pile any more than she had to. Within ten minutes, she had managed to clear enough of the rubble to see Phoebe's bright red shirt. Then a horrifying thought struck her, "Phoebe was wearing a white shirt!" She knew what this meant. Fighting back tears, Prue continued to move the rocks. Finally, she had cleared away enough to get to her sisters. "Piper, Phoebe!" Prue called fearfully, afraid that she would receive no answer. "Prue," Piper called softly. Prue was now beside her sisters and had heard Piper calling. "Thank God," she whispered. Using her powers, Prue gently lifted Phoebe off Piper and placed her on the ground. Phoebe didn't even move. Prue bit her lip as she felt for a pulse. She sighed with relief when a thin pulse beat against her fingers. "Is she..?" Piper asked softly. Prue shook her head. "No. Are you alright?" Piper stood up slowly. "I'm fine. Phoebe shielded me. She took all of it," Piper said trembling, ready to break down at any moment. The only injury Piper had was a deep, bloody gash across her arm. Just then Phoebe opened her eyes. Prue and Piper knelt on each side of her, tears streaming down their faces. Phoebe looked like she was in extreme pain. Using what strength she could muster, Phoebe reached into her pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper. She held it out to Prue. Prue took the paper as well as her sister's hand. "Use it……to…get back," was all Phoebe could manage before succumbing to a coughing fit. Prue and Piper were aghast when they saw blood beginning to trickle out of the corners of Phoebe's mouth as she coughed. "This is it," Phoebe thought, "No Leo to heal me like last time." Suddenly realization dawned on her. She remembered that just before she had cast the spell, Leo had told her that she had the power of healing. "My powers won't work on me," she thought. She struggled to speak, but only ended up coughing more blood. Phoebe glanced at her sisters' forlorn faces. She saw Piper's bloody arm. She had an idea. She tried to raise her other arm. As she did, pain shot through her abdomen. Realizing that she had no other choice, she pulled her good arm away from Prue. Prue seemed slightly hurt, but said and did nothing. Gathering up all her will and her last ounces of strength, she reached out, gritting her teeth to bear the pain, for Piper's injured arm and grabbed it. Piper winced in pain but did not pull away. Closing her eyes, Phoebe triggered her newest power. "I love you," she thought over and over again. Luckily, it worked. Her hand began to glow. Piper and Prue watched in awe, trying to make sense of what Phoebe was doing. Piper realized that the pain in her arm was rapidly reducing. Telepathically, Phoebe recited the spell to Prue. It was all she could manage. Using her powers in such a condition was a lot of drain on Phoebe's strength and she passed out. Her last thought was that if her sisters couldn't figure things out, she was as good as dead.

Phoebe's grip on Piper's arm loosened as she passed out. Piper stared at her arm for a moment before wiping off the blood on her shirt. There was no wound. "She healed me!" Piper said in amazement. She grasped Phoebe's wrist searching for a pulse. "She's not going to last for much longer," she told Prue. Prue seemed to be deep in thought as if trying to remember something. Suddenly she jumped up and placed her hand on Phoebe's shoulder and started reciting the spell Phoebe had told her.

"What's mine is yours,
What's yours is mine,
Let our powers cross the line,
I offer up this gift to share,
Switch our powers through the air."

"Prue, what are you doing?" Piper asked, sounding confused. Prue didn't answer. Realization dawned on Piper. "What's the trigger, Prue? It won't work unless you trigger it," Piper asked. "I don't know," Prue said, frustration and despair in her voice. Piper thought for a moment. "Healing is helping…..caring…um…..loving…. That's it! Prue, the trigger is love," Piper told her sister triumphantly. Prue put her hand on Phoebe's chest. "I love you, Pheebs. I love you. Come on, I love you," she said uncertainly. Suddenly, Prue's hand began to glow. "I love you," Prue said, more confidently than before. "It's working," said Piper, relief obvious in her voice. A minute later Phoebe opened her eyes and struggled to sit up. Looking at her sisters she smiled. "You guys figured it out, huh?" she said weakly. Prue and Piper reached forward and hugged Phoebe tightly. "Easy, you guys. You don't want me to die of suffocation," Phoebe said jokingly. "Pheebs, don't ever do that again," Piper said, her voice cracking. "Don't ever give me a reason," Phoebe told her softly. They hugged even tighter. Finally they pulled apart. "Can you walk?" Prue asked Phoebe, "You seem pretty weak." Phoebe stood up slowly and would have fallen if Prue and Piper hadn't caught her. "I guess not," she told Prue wryly. "How come you're so weak, even after Prue healed you?" Piper asked. Phoebe shrugged. "Healing is not strengthening. I can think of two reasons. A power is strongest with the right witch, so mine won't be at its best when Prue's using it. Also, when you're really weak, using your powers is a lot of drain on your strength. I used my powers to heal your arm and to tell Prue the spell. That's why I passed out," Phoebe explained. "How did you know about that spell?" Prue asked. Phoebe smiled. "I know you've got questions, but can it wait till I've had a change of clothes, some food and a nap?" she asked, wiping at the blood on the corners of her mouth. Prue nodded. She unfolded the slip of paper Phoebe had given her. The three held hands and began reciting.

"The chain is now complete,
Return it to its rightful place,
Through time and space."

As they finished, smoke swirled round them. When it cleared, they were back in their Attic. "It worked. We're home at last," Phoebe said happily. "What do you mean it worked? Did you think it wouldn't?" Prue asked curiously. "I wasn't really sure because I created it myself," Phoebe admitted honestly. "You did what?" Piper asked incredulously. "Later," Phoebe promised as she went downstairs to the bathroom.

* * *

A couple of hours later, Prue and Piper had eaten, cleaned up the kitchen and showered. They were both dying to know what happened. "Where's Pheebs? I thought she was hungry," Piper wondered aloud. Prue shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

Piper went upstairs to Phoebe's room. She knocked softly on the door. No response. She slowly opened the door and looked in. Phoebe was on the bed fast asleep. Smiling, Piper closed the door and went back downstairs. Prue turned to look at her. "I guess she was more tired than hungry," Piper says, coming to sit beside Prue on the couch. Prue turns off the TV. "You know, this is the second time in a row that Phoebe has saved us and nearly got herself killed," Piper tells her quietly. "And I always thought she was irresponsible," Prue says. "Being a witch is the first thing I've seen Phoebe serious with," Piper comments. "Me too." "I owe her big time now. Second time she nearly died because of me." "I owe her too." "Nobody owes me anything." Prue and Piper turn to see Phoebe standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Especially not you. And especially not for what happened with Ma.. Zac. That was all my fault in the first place," Phoebe continued firmly. "Pheebs, that wasn't your fault. He…," Piper began. Phoebe cut her off hastily. "Piper, I really don't want to talk about it," she told her sister. With that, Phoebe went to the kitchen in search of something to eat.

Prue and Piper exchanged glances. "She doesn't want to admit it, but she was really serious about Zac," Piper said. Prue nodded in agreement.

Phoebe came back into the living room carrying a large slice of apple pie. She sat down on an easy chair across from the couch where her sisters sat. "Did you actually create those spells?" Piper asked, still not believing it. "I didn't have much of a choice. There was nothing in the Book. The healing touch is my new power. Leo told me about it just before I cast the spells. The power switching spell I saw when flipping through the Book the other night," Phoebe replied in answer to all of her sisters' possible questions. There was silence as everything sunk in. "What about the weakest being the strongest thing?" Prue asked suddenly. Phoebe shrugged. "That I couldn't figure out." "Maybe it meant that the usually weak one would be stronger and more powerful than the others," Piper put in thoughtfully. "Meaning?" Prue asked. "Meaning, well Phoebe could probably hold out longer in such situations without her powers because she can't exactly rely on them even if she had them. Also, she's the one with self-defense kicks." Prue smiled acknowledging Piper's words. Phoebe shrugged. "I don't really know, but premonitions sure came in handy, so did the healing touch. Oh, and Prue," Phoebe said coming over to her oldest sister. She put her hand on Prue's shoulder and recited the power-switching spell. "Having an active power is okay, but I feel much better with premonitions," Phoebe says. "I know the feeling," Prue agrees.

* * *

Almost a week later, things are as normal as can be at Halliwell manor. It is Sunday and the sisters are enjoying a late breakfast while discussing how to spend the day. "Which club would you suggest, Pheebs?" Prue asked. "Kaboom is good." "Fine. Club Kaboom it is then," said Piper. Phoebe shook her head. "I don't really feel like club hopping. You guys go on ahead." "Wow!" exclaimed Prue. "Ditto!" said Piper. "Is that our Phoebe? Am I hearing things?" Prue asked. "Don't rub it in, Prue. Besides, I have a psychology exam to study for tomorrow." "That's not the main reason, is it?" Piper asked knowingly. Phoebe hesitated. "Maybe. I don't want to talk about it." "Phoebe, you can't run from it for ever," Piper pointed out. "Who said I'm running?" Phoebe was becoming defensive. "Nobody needs to. They can see you doing it," Piper tells her sternly. Prue watches everything silently. She decides not to interfere. Phoebe is glaring at her older sister. Softening a bit, Piper continues, "I know how it feels." "No you don't! You never told Jeremy everything. You never told him how you felt. He was just a boyfriend. That's it!" Phoebe retorted angrily. Piper's own temper was rising. She walked up to Phoebe, grabbed her shoulders and made her sister face her. "Maybe Jeremy and I weren't too close. That has nothing to do with this. You know what, you're afraid. Afraid of falling for another guy and getting hurt. Afraid of betrayal." "No, I'm not!" Phoebe said defiantly. "Yes, you are! That's why you aren't calling Jamie. There are three unanswered messages from him. And don't say you haven't seen them. Phoebe, you have to face your feelings. You can't deny them forever. Face it, Pheebs. Warlock or not you loved him! Losing him hurt you! You loved him. You loved him. You loved him." Phoebe and Piper locked eyes. They glared at each other for a long moment. Prue could almost see the sparks flying. Phoebe broke away and stormed up the stairs to her room. Prue and Piper heard her bedroom door slam shut.

"Was all that really necessary?" Prue asked. Piper nodded. "It'll hurt. But she had to hear that from someone. Whether she wanted to or not." "I guess this isn't going to be the best day for sisterly bonding," Prue stated quietly. Piper looked at her. "Sisterly bonding is about helping each other out. That's what we just did. Only the hard way." Prue didn't seem too convinced. "If it'll make you feel any better, I'll go talk to her in a little while. Right now, she'll want to be alone." Prue smiled. "You seem to understand her pretty well," she commented. "She doesn't show it, but Phoebe probably understands both of us better than we do."

* * *

Phoebe rushed into her room and slammed the door. It was just as well that she had done that. Piper's words had hit home. Phoebe collapsed onto her bed in a fit of tears. The emotions that she had suppressed and refused to accept over the past year overwhelmed her. She never even knew that Mack had meant so much to her. Phoebe cried herself to sleep.

She awoke to the sound of someone knocking lightly on her door, before opening it. She turned to see who it was. Piper. At first, Phoebe had been angry with her sister. Now, she was almost grateful. Piper came and sat on the bed beside Phoebe. Phoebe sat up too. She looked at her sister expectantly with a blank expression on her face. "Pheebs, I'm really sorry. I…" Piper began but Phoebe shook her head. "Don't be. Actually, you were doing me a favour. I was running from how I felt for over a year. It's about time someone pointed things out and set me straight. Thanks. And I am sorry I said those things to you." Piper could manage only a hug. "I love you, Piper." "Love you too, Pheebs."

* * *

"So, is it Club Kaboom, tonight?" Prue asked. The sisters were having lunch, and they still hadn't figured out what they wanted to do. Piper looked at Phoebe. "You guys go on ahead. I have to work things out on my own first. And maybe catch up on my phone calls. I'm not really sure if I want to see anyone right now," Phoebe told her sisters. Prue nodded. "You know, Jamie seems like a pretty nice guy. He's cute too," Prue said encouragingly. "I know. But you could say the same thing about Mack,…. I mean Zac, minus the warlock part. So how can you be sure." "Tell me about it. Being a Charmed One has its bad side when it comes to relationships. Hey, but you'll find the perfect guy some day," Piper said. "Like you found Leo?" Prue asked, smiling. "Hmmm," Piper said smiling too. Phoebe sighed and looked at Piper sadly. "Being a witch gives even that a bad side, honey," Phoebe told her sister softly. Piper's smile faded. "What is it now, Pheebs?" Piper asked becoming slightly annoyed. "Phoebe, let me explain," said a voice. It was Leo. He looked directly at Phoebe. "Did you tell them?" "I did." "And?" Phoebe asked apprehensively. "I've been reassigned," he stated quietly. "Oh Leo. I'm so sorry." "You shouldn't be. You were right all along. I didn't want to accept it," he told her. Phoebe looked down at her hands, then at her sisters. "Could someone please tell me what's going on?" Piper asked. Phoebe and Leo exchanged uneasy glances. The phone rang. Phoebe got up and left the room to answer it. Piper looked at Leo, waiting for him to speak. Prue felt very uncomfortable. "Piper, there's this rule about witches and whitelighters. They, um,…aren't allowed to…fall in love with each other," Leo began, hastily, "But I…we did." Piper's face was frozen in shock. "And you never said anything about it to me!" Piper shouted angrily. "I couldn't get myself to tell you…" Leo trailed off as Phoebe came back and Piper turned on her. "You knew all along, didn't you? And you never told me!" she yelled at her younger sister. Phoebe had expected Piper to do this. She nodded slowly, waiting for the forthcoming verbal assault. "No, wait! I asked Phoebe not to tell you. She's been trying to talk me into being straight with you. Piper if you're angry, be mad at me! Not Phoebe," Leo said interrupting. Piper turned to face Leo. "If you can tell her, why not me?" she asked. Leo said nothing. "Answer me!" she demanded. "Piper, listen. I came clean with the Elders. They reassigned me and I am not allowed to have any further contact with you or your sisters. I came to say Goodbye." Leo's voice is thick with emotion. He came forward and took her arm. She pulled away abruptly. "Goodbye!" she said angrily, and stormed out of the kitchen. A stunned silence followed. "I guess I deserved that," Leo said quietly, breaking the silence. Phoebe looked at him apologetically, with sympathy in her eyes. "Phoebe don't. It's not your fault. I had to do it. I am just sorry I pulled you into the middle of it all," he told her. Phoebe shook her head. "I was ready to live with that when I asked you to tell her. But she shouldn't have done that. You don't make the Rules. You just obey them. Everything happens for a reason. Piper can't blame you for anything." "Pheebs, are you planning on telling her that?" Prue asked observantly. "I have to, when she's ready to listen," Phoebe replied. Turning to Leo, she said, "I guess we'll never see you again." Leo shrugged. "I am not allowed to, and its best for both of us. Phoebe, I know you don't agree with me, but thanks. What you did was a favour. Thanks for being such a great friend. Maybe your mind - reading powers have already started developing. You know how to get people to open up to you. Your sisters, me and even strangers." Phoebe's face fell. "Why didn't I see through Zac, then?" she asked. "Phoebe, you may not believe it, but Zac loved you. You can't hold love against anyone." Phoebe sighed. "I wish Piper realized that. She's refusing to admit how she feels. That's not fair to her, or you," Phoebe said regretfully. "Wow! Pheebs, you can read Piper like a book," Prue exclaimed with admiration. "Piper is not the only book she can read. She can read you too," Leo pointed out. He sighed deeply. "I better leave now." Phoebe walked up to him and gave him a hug. Prue did the same. "Piper?" asked Prue. "I don't think she wants to see me right now," Leo said sadly. "She will soon," Phoebe promised. Leo nodded before orbing out. Prue and Phoebe stood in silence for a while. Then Phoebe turned to go upstairs. "You're really going to talk with her, aren't you?" Prue asked quietly. Phoebe nodded.

* * *

Piper entered her room in a fury. She sat down on the comfy chair in her room and stared out the window, trying to calm down and collect her thoughts. She heard a soft knock on her door. She ignored it. Then she heard the door open with a small creak. She stood up and turned around to see who it was. Phoebe closed the door after she entered. Seeing her younger sister sparked of Piper's anger. "What do you want? Get out!" Piper growled her voice low and angry. Phoebe looked her in the eye. "To talk," Phoebe said softly, not a hint of anger in her voice. "About what? How you destroyed my life, like you did with Prue's!" Piper said, her voice getting louder and angrier. Phoebe bristled with anger. "Even you think I slept with Roger, don't you? Did you ever think of asking ME what really happened?" Phoebe stopped herself. "That's not the issue here, Piper. This is about you and Leo. I know you're angry and hurt, but that's not an excuse to deny your feelings. That's what you told me this morning." "Then what's the excuse to deny me the truth? You knew that it was forbidden, but you did nothing," Piper yelled angrily. "Piper, I have no excuse. But it was your relationship. It had nothing to do with me. I couldn't butt in. It was all between you and Leo," Phoebe said, her own voice rising. "Then why didn't Leo tell me, huh? How come he told you? Did he enjoy seeing me suffer? Is that why he led me on? And you helped him!" Piper yelled accusingly. "Piper, he loved you! Telling you and the Elders meant that things would have to end between you. That's why he never told you. I admit it. I forced him to tell you, okay. I made him tell you. So it's my fault! Everything is. I asked you to give him a second chance." Phoebe told her. "Like I care. He doesn't mean anything to me! He never did!" Piper shouted. "That's where you're wrong. Piper, he loves you and you love him too. Refusing to accept that isn't going to make things any easier. Did you see his face when he told you that it was goodbye? He was really upset. And you! You brushed him off like he was nothing. That's not fair to you or to him." "What do you know and what would you care?" Piper asked her sister. Phoebe softened a bit. "I know how much Leo loves you and cares about you. I also know how you feel about him. You're my sister and I care. That's why I asked him to tell you everything. Leo is also my friend. I care about him too." "Yeah, right! If you really care, you would have told me in the beginning." That was it! Phoebe had had enough. She grabbed Piper by the shoulders and backed her against the wall. "You know what, Piper. You're looking for someone to take it all out. Someone to blame. You can't blame anyone. Everything happens for a reason. You have to accept that. I did. That's why I went away. To pull myself together. It's not easy, especially when it hurts and it doesn't seem fair," she told her sister softly, but firmly. Piper didn't respond. She just stared at Phoebe angrily. Seeing that things weren't working, Phoebe tried a different approach. "You want someone to blame? Here I am. Everything is my fault. I pushed you on him in the first place. I asked you to give him a second chance. And I never told you everything. Okay? I am standing right here. You can hit me, slap me, kick me or do whatever you want, but be true to yourself. Piper, you love Leo. You can't hold love against anyone, not even yourself. It doesn't matter whatever rules you are faced with. Love is something you have to live with. It can be for your family, friends and a guy. I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. Denying your feelings doesn't make it go away. You have to let go. It's not easy, but love helps you heal. Piper, you can do whatever you want to me, but don't do this to yourself. Be fair to you own heart. If you think that it's all my fault, take it out on me," Phoebe shouted into her sister's face. She was almost in tears. Phoebe looked deep into her older sister's soft, brown eyes. "Let it go, Piper. Let it go."

Piper couldn't hold it anymore. She crumbled into Phoebe's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Phoebe held her tightly for a long time as she cried out all the hurt and anger that had built up within her. After a while, Phoebe gently led her sister over to the bed and sat down. Piper buried her face into her hands. Phoebe placed her hand on Piper's shoulder and squeezed it. "Piper, I'm sorry I never told you before. I didn't want to interfere. I was afraid of …Never mind." Piper looked up. "Afraid of what?" she asked. Phoebe shook her head, "Nothing. It doesn't matter. What matters now is you." "I am only grateful and glad to have you as a sister." "Only half as glad as I am to have you," Phoebe said softly as she threw her arms around Piper in a hug. "Can I join in or is this a private moment?" Prue asked from the doorway. Piper and Phoebe broke the hug. "Sure thing, Prue," Phoebe says as Prue comes over. "Group hug time," says Phoebe as she grabs both her sisters in a bone-crunching hug. "No matter what, we've always got each other, right?" Piper asks. "Right," says Prue and Phoebe in unison.